2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 1

The Department of Work and Pensions, under Iain Duncan Smith, has spent the year lurching from one disaster to the next, as the Secretary of State’s long cherished welfare reforms began to unravel in every direction.

Things first started looking wobbly back in February when the workfare row first burst into the headlines.    When word leaked out that companies like Tesco, McDonalds, Pizza Hit and Sainsburys were staffing their businesses with unemployed people forced to work a storm of protest erupted both on and offline.

Thousands of people threatened to boycott companies exploiting unpaid workers on twitter whilst protests in and outside their businesses were hastily organised.

Chris Grayling, who was then the famously bungling Employment Minister, responded with a string of lies, accusing critics of workfare of being job snobs and attempting to misrepresent the nature of the Work Experience scheme, which is just one of several workfare schemes.

Not to be outdone Iain Duncan Smith joined the fray and began lying through his teeth that there was no mandatory workfare on either the Work Experience scheme or the Work Programme – the largest back to work initiative and the one that so much of welfare reform depends on being a success.  When that didn’t work IDS threw a tantrum.

When DWP documents were unearthed which proved the ministers were lying, the documents were re-written overnight, a genuinely Orwellian move which gave an early indication of how low this Government was prepared to sink.  This wasn’t the only document to be ‘disappeared’ to cover up for the Government’s lies.

Despite the DWP’s shambolic attempt to hide the truth about their welfare to work provisions, businesses using the scheme quickly began distancing themselves from unpaid labour in the face of public anger.  When a string of household names abandoned workfare – no doubt calculating that the bad PR was costing more than the gains from free labour – the Government were forced into a humiliating retreat.

Sanctions were dropped from all workfare schemes involving profit making businesses meaning that so called Work Experience became, in theory, entirely voluntary. Whilst this climb down represented an important victory, it only scratched the surface of plans for force down everybody’s wages by requiring unemployed people to work for free.  Workfare with a ‘community benefit’ continued on many other schemes which usually meant working for free in a charity shop.  Details also emerged that those who refused to work for free for High Street names on the Work Experience scheme where simply threatened with other forms of workfare.  The fight to end workfare in all its forms was only just getting started.

Attention in March turned to the brutal Work Capability Assessment (WCA), the computer based test carried out by IT firm Atos which is designed to strip benefits from sick and disabled claimants.  The horrific and stressful process has led to may disabled people living in fear of being called in to one of the endless assessments at which a short interview attempts to prove claimants are ‘fit for work’ .

After some dogged lobbying by activists from the Black Triangle Campaign amongst others, Scottish GPs slammed the brutal regime and called for an immediate end to the WCA.

Sick or disabled claimants who are found capable of some work at some point in the future at their WCA are sent on the Work Programme where failure to attend training sessions, meetings or interviews leads to benefits being stopped.  Figures revealed last March showed that 10,000 sanctions had been inflicted on disabled people in the previous year.  This led to the role of disability, homelessness and anti-poverty charity’s role in the Work Programme coming under increasing fire – another theme which would remain throughout the year.

The Work Progamme itself hit the headlines at the same time when welfare-to-work parasites A4e managed to leak over hundreds of megabytes of commercial secrets onto the internet by publishing them on their own website.

The documents revealed A4e’s atrocious performance figures on the £6 billion Work Programme along with nuggets explaining how they could be paid £13,ooo of tax payers cash for simply asking someone to fill in a form.

April began with the omni-shambles budget and pastygate knocking DWP bungling off the front pages as George Osborne back-tracked on almost every measure he’d previously announced.

It was also the month that the extent of this Government’s plans to demolish the welfare state began to become apparent.  David Cameron floated the idea of ending Housing Benefit for those under 25, an astonishing suggestion coming against a backdrop of already rising homelessness.

There was more bad news for the wobbling Work Programme as homelessness charity SHP pulled out of the scheme warning that homeless people risk being forced to ‘beg and steal to survive’ due to the brutal sanctions regime.   Research also emerged that the Government’s Work Experience scheme, which had led to the earlier workfare row, is of no value in helping young people find work.

May began with yet more demonstrations against workfare, with chaos brought to Oxford Street and businesses picketed and occupied around the UK on May Day.  Reform to disability benefits also hit the spotlight as a report was released warning that the change from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to the new benefit Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is likely to drive thousands of disabled people out of work.  PIP is due to be assessed using the same crude computer based tests as the aforementioned WCA.  Atos even have the contract to run the tests which are being openly designed to strip benefits from 20% of disabled people.

Atos have identified the difficulty in hiring enough medical staff as one of the major risk factors facing the implementation of PIP.  This was brought into sharp focus towards the end of May when doctors in the BMA endorsed the decision earlier made by Scottish GPs and voted overwhelmingly to end the Work Capability Assessment.

Iain Duncan Smith had another tantrum, this time aiming his fury at the disabled Remploy workers his department was sacking.  Astonishingly the Secretary of State accused the workers of sitting round drinking coffee all day and claimed they didn’t produce very much at all.

By far the best bit of May however was the demise of A4e founder and boss Emma Harrison.  After a string of fraud allegations Emma did what any innocent person would do and scarpered, trousering as much of tax payers cash as she possibly could in the process.  Her decision to step down from A4e, one of the largest welfare-to-work providers, even led to street parties in some parts of the UK.

Her resignation came as it seemed possible that Iain Duncan Smith’s Work Programme may actually be increasing unemployment.

Finally in May a legal ruling threw the bedroom tax into chaos after a court ruled it is illegal to stop housing benefits for disabled people who need a 24 hour care.  This wasn’t be the first time that DWP policies ran into trouble last year because no-one had bothered to check whether they were legal or not.

June began with the news that unemployed people had been forced to not only work for free, but also sleep rough under a bridge during the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations – and that Tomorrow’s People, the charity in charge of the fiasco, are little more than a Tory and business front.

Homelessness continued to rise which led to Lord Fraud, the Minister for Welfare Reform, lying through his teeth by claiming a study carried out before housing benefit cuts were implemented proved that the cuts could not be responsible.

Chris Grayling decided to start a fight with the Information Commissioners Office for reasons best known to himself, whilst DWP insiders suggested that Universal Credit was already running into problems.  This followed a story earlier in the year warning that thousands of children are set to lose free school meals when the new benefit begins, something that had not even seemed to occur to Iain Duncan Smith.  Then horrifying details began to surface of how Universal Credit may force families to split up, will create a generation of latch key kids, and represents the most savage attack yet seen on those working part time or who are self-employed.

July began with the happy news that Holland & Barrett, who had planned to recruit thousands of unpaid staff on the Work Experience scheme had pulled out of workfare altogether.  This move followed relentless campaigning by Solidarity Federation which had led to pickets outside Holland & Barrett stores across the UK.

Then came a new low from Chris Grayling when he attempted to smear all disabled people as criminals, whilst Work Programme contractors G4S smeared Work Programme participants as being unemployable.

With the country soon set to be bored to tears by Olympic fervour, the rest of the month was pretty quiet.   It wouldn’t stay that way.

2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 2

Follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid

Part 2 to come soon.

89 responses to “2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 1

  1. Pingback: 2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 1 | Welfare, Disability, Politics and People's Right's | Scoop.it

  2. Incompetence, petulence and lies. How is this man still in a job?!?

    • Answer: He is stupid and useless. He knows no better.

      If you get sacked at a job for under-performance, such as missing targets, its because you are deemed capable but failed or refused, perhaps due to negligence, to do the task as expected and paid to do.

      IBS is only in the job as a figure who can handle the stress, he has no other skills or experience to do that job. That is politics for you. Getting people to sit on chairs.

      You might notice over the years how some politicians are moved from pillar to post, one department to the next, typically in high positions (i.e. Secretary of State) without any progression. Its not about being able to do the job… no one who has ever worked in Government has done a decent years work to justify the salary; its about simply being a spokesperson for (and on behalf of) the Government (or opposition) in a certain area.

      • something survived...

        Quite often in corrupt organisations the incompetent, fraudulent, and tainted get promoted as a reward for being lowlife scum.
        Scum, and turds, float to the top.

        Jimmy Saville and friends: Case in point.

  3. IDS as a loopy Stalin…..apt.

  4. Devastating stuff, but despite everything you say, you still risk IDS making workfare stick unless you address the basic problem with the welfare state as it was. Please, everybody who hangs on every word in The void, read the string of posts on workfare on my blog

    • Fuck you, Lord Clive. There is no alternative to Marxist socialism for the proletariat. ¡Viva la Revoluçion!

    • CI is a good idea, but this isn’t what it’s all about. The Tories have no interest in creating a fair system, nor in democracy. The present ‘reforms’ are totally about social control, about the demonisation of the poor, the weak and the disabled, rather in the manner in which the Jews were demonised by the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. It’s about the creation of scapegoats. CI is a discussion for another time and place – when this evil government has ben defeated and the likely alternative informed in no uncertain manner that we will not accept more of the same from them. First and foremost it is imperative that we keep the welfare system be both know and understand, as CI involves a concept that many will struggle to find credible – yes, I believe it is credible, and viable and above all affordable, but it lacks that one quality that at present both Labour and Tories rely on: CI would not allow scope for the scapegoating and demonisation of the poor, which is what it’s all about.

      • As you say yourself,
        CI would not allow scope for the scapegoating and demonisation of the poor
        That is why it is important to get it into the public debate NOW. You are absolutely right about this govt’s Nazi reminiscent agenda, but the fact remains that means testing is a tax – massive to anyone losing benefits, irrelevant to nearly everybody else. The CI is not difficult to understand, but there are those who hope nobody will notice it.

  5. The new year is less than a day old & the Daily Fail is already churnhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255203/200-families-claiming-housing-benefit-10-children-taxpayers-face-150million-benefit-broods.htmling out propaganda –

  6. Brilliant summary of the first half of this very depressing and scandalously unjust year. Looking forward to part 2.
    IDS’s lies de-bunked by Cathy Newman:


  7. Pingback: 2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 1 | Disability Issues | Scoop.it

  8. While the daily mail is salivating at the thought of benefit cuts to large families in 2013, their suffering is deemed to go largely unnoticed with the emergence of a royal baby in the summer, which was no doubt made to order.

  9. When compiling part 2 Johnny don’t forget to add the lying bastards final foray into cloud cuckoo land of 2012 when on New Years Eve the lying cunt ended the year as he started it by inventing a complete and utter load of bullshit about Britain being a tax credit haven, as exposed by Channel 4 havenhttp://blogs.channel4.com/factcheck/factcheck-ids-tax-credit-claims-discredited/12160#comment-31594

  10. If George Osborne wants to save the tax payer money perhaps he should start with repaying the £100,000 per year he has been claiming for mortgage interest since 2001 on top of his £53,000 salary, why should he have such an expensive home at the tax payers expense with only two children to house, yet deny families who have ten children £10,526 per annum in housing costs. HOW DARE HE? ( Independent newspaper friday 7th December 2012.)

    • Why is the taxpayer paying the interest on his mortgage? 100,000 is he for real? He tries to bully people into joining his sanctioning machine resulting in misery and poverty. What a thieving bastard.

    • something survived...

      Yeah. If you have 10 kids and get tax credits and child benefit for them, you are not actually getting a free spare £10,000 to play with, or a car or a luxury holiday, The £10,000 HB is to pay rent, so that goes out immediately anyway.
      IDS claimed £9000 expenses for ????? and £636 for legal insurance. £636 is like small change to IDS, he could spend that much on a meal,
      (Question: Is the Treasury willing to accept £636 of the taxpayers’ money, for Ian Duncan Smith to purchase a small meal? On condition that this is poisoned. For the good of the country.)

  11. Prime work program contractors were putting under pressure the sub contractotrs because they wanted to get paid early but the subs getting all that free labour sent them were not going to. Bother taming anyone on full time .
    Also in the govt document it was stated that the govt would adopt. A hands off approach to providers they were given free reign to do what they liked with no scrutiny at all

    • The fact is the high street retailers in the work program had no intention of taking on full time staff at all thus undermining the whole program . Providers like a4e realised. This and were putting those retailers under pressure not for the altruistic reasons of helping ppl into work but so they as a company woukd get paid by govt .

  12. This is a great post. The sad thing is, although there’s lots of people on our side, there’s still so many people who have bought the lie. I’m still hearing “Why should my taxes pay for lazy people” and all that crap!
    What a crazy freakin’ year… 😦

    • They will keep on buying the lies as long as the means test remains. WE know that benefit fraud is 7% not 70%, but the govt & Daily Mail can go on claiming that it is POSSIBLE. Please look again at the Citizens’ Income as a way to shift these attitudes.

  13. The well. Known retailers only decided they would take on staff after the workfare protests became more public thus proving they had no intention in the first place and most of them pulled out of the program anyway . The payment by results favoured the private sector over tge voluntary. Sector by. The awarding of contracts by 80% to private sector

  14. One major thing for many people including myself is the erosion of the NHS very important is that most hospitals are in financial trouble. New Labour started the rot with ppi’s and the tories have simply acted as you would expect. Major warning NHS under serious threat!

  15. Let me see if I have this right . There are criminal gangs abroad that plot to come to the. UK. For the purposes of getting. Low paid jobs in order to rip off the tax payers money oh and find. a place toi live .

  16. Failed in the military; studied Fascism in spurious Italian ‘university’; sold arms; married into money in order to fund his psychopathic political ambitions; failed and loathed Tory Party leader; and this is who Cameron puts in charge of destroying the benefts system, and allows him to cause the deaths of disabled and poor people.
    Welcome to The ConDemNation 2013.

    • something survived...

      Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci were hung up upside down after being killed. Our lamp posts nowadays are too high, but we could try tying the tories to a radiator/a rabid dog/a hungry crocodile/a shark/an IED. Votes on a postcard please, to : Tooting Popular Front, c/o Wolfie Smith…
      (Feed the sharks, tuppence a bag…)

      If IDS studied Fascism: is he not aware it is history and not a practical? Or is he too much of a fan of it? The parades! The ugly uniforms!
      The field trips to see your friends Adolf, Josef and Heinrich! Hilarious songs about marching with undead Nazis! Study groups with the esteemed Dr. Mengele on ways to get rid of and experiment on the poor and the disabled! Exchanges to Berchtesgaden, and tickets thrown in for a free go on Eva? (If Eva busy, you can practice on Unity Mitford).

      It’s funny because most sources say Mussolini and Hitler didn’t actually get on so well. Even though they believed practically identical things. The same for both and Franco. The Falangists believed in Fascism too, so it should have been one great big cosy love-in. Britain’s fascists (and America’s KKK) backed all 3. Even Western governments gave support to the fascists and Nazis, simply because they hated and feared communism. Some leaders agreed with the core beliefs of fascism.

      It’s a bit like the American gathering for far right groups (watch/read TV Nation, by Michael Moore), where the Klan meet up with skinheads, nazis, neonazis, fascists, certain biker gangs (the racist ones), survivalists, white supremacists, white power, Christian-Zionists and many more. According to Moore’s book, though, it is not so much a melting pot as a simmering and seething cauldron. Because THEY CAN’T STAND EACHOTHER. Though they believe the same stuff. The Jews and Blacks and Muslims and homosexuals want to destroy the Aryan race, have a secret conspiracy for world domination… Some groups are specific in their hate targets, for example ‘all Arabs’ or ‘all Asians’, others say all foreigners. They include American residents and citizens who are not WASPs.

      Fascist or nazi (totalitarian) ideologies wipe out the individual, and enforce obedience to hierarchies. Independent thought is a thought-crime. Different forms of love are a sex-crime. Political opposition is an act of treason. Sleeping with the wrong colour person is a race-crime.
      It spells out what are the acceptable roles in society. Children must go to school and learn to be good little fascists. When they are old enough they go to youth organisations with uniforms for indoctrination and military type training. Old people are just there to die. Women are cooking pots for men’s seed to bear children to become new minifascists.
      (Women can’t think, by the way!) Men are meant to become soldiers or secret police, or at least farm/industrial workers producing food and goods for the country. Fascist politicians are there to lead. That leaves the weak, sick and disabled. They are just to be killed as they are a drain on society. Plus anybody else who they missed off earlier who doesn’t fit into these groups.

      Nazism specified Jews and Romany people as the main targets, but in practice also killed Arabs, Muslims, black people and Asians. They wanted to make the Slavs second-class citizens in their new Lebensraum in Europe, this was part of the plan for the Thousand Year Reich. Once they had killed all the Jews they would need labourers.
      They said much more about race mixing being a crime. This was a crime in South Africa under apartheid.

      If IDS takes fascism as a leson, that is not very surprising.

  17. Pingback: 2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 1 | Mental Health, Politics and LGBT issues | Scoop.it

  18. The farmhouse that George Osborne bought in 2000, for £455.000 before being elected to parliament in 2001, was bought by the taxpayer for £100,000 per year and was recently reportedly sold for up to 1 million pounds – a profit of £545,000. His wife has written biographies and a novel of her privileged lifestyle as the daughter of ex Cabinet minister Baron Howell, I’m sure we’re all DYING to read it. Why are you not exposing these hypocrites for their extortion of the British tax payer jv.

    • Just read it, some of the comments are truly vile. I posted a comment on it suggesting that those who think that benefits are too generous should give up their jobs, so those need them can have them & to try existing on £71 a week. Don’t think for one minute they’ll be many taking up that option!

      • Yes, if it’s so good being on the dole why don’t the people who say that just swap places? Then the unemployed will have jobs to do, and those who reckon life on the dole is so good will find out how good it really is.

        • And if the Panglossian job optimists the cry “ahh, but we are experts in our jobs and unemployed oiks wouldn’t know how to do our work”, well, there’s an old-fashioned remedy for that; it’s called training!

          That’s one of the biggest sins of omission by the British business world, that’s causing so many of our problems – for decades now the bosses have been weaselling out of their responsibilities for training their workforce. It’s CHEAPER for them to import workers trained at the expense of other countries (leaving those countries worse off) and leave local labour in unskilled low-paid grunt work, or to rot on the dole as a warning to others.

        • Another comment I posted in the Daily Fail – “And don’t forget that they get subsidised gas, electricity and water”. Squire Trelawny, where in the name of sanity did you get that idea?Typical ignorant, ill-informed DM reader. NO-ONE claiming benefits gets subsidised anything! In fact you’ll find most individuals on benefits have pre-payment meters which charge a HIGHER rate plus a daily standing charge. So those with these meters are subsidising those with quarterly billing

          The stupid twat that posted the comment I replied to, was under the illusion that benefit claimants get all services, bus & rail fares at heavily subsidised rates or even for free.While there are blinkered idiots like that guy about it’s going to be a long uphill struggle against this ignorance..

          • right wing lies
            even the daily hate does not seem to post official figures from the dwp about benefit fraud.
            most people think it is around 50% to 70% when last figures showed it was around 7%.

      • I was going to write a comment instead of having a go at bashing the unemployed why cannot the DM do something positive and try and get people back into work/
        I then read further comments and realised it would be a waste of words to the blind hatred spewing sheep.

  19. More in the supine, compliant msm, as InDaShit goes on benefit bashing.
    2013….same old same old.

    • It is all so one sided as well, no mention of the wasted of money (around £5 billion) on the work program that has been proven not to work. No mention of how the UJ system is flawed beyond measure and is also costing millions.

  20. Grant Shapps, internet conman of many names, takes to the airwaves to go benefit bashing and slagging the poor.
    2013…..hell on earth.

  21. “Mr Duncan Smith said that working families had been tightening their belts after years of pay restraint while watching benefits rise – and that, he said, was not fair” …

    & he is all about fairness.

  22. Oh yes…InDaShit is ALL about fairne⚡⚡….

  23. according to the retired lord gus o’donnell, the cabinet secretary, ‘recession may have been less severe’, and how life is not just about money but well being, (daily telegraph 20.11.2012) Try telling that to someone who out of £71 per week jsa, has to find £25 for extra bedroom tax and £5 or more to contribute towards council tax, due to benefit reductions to local council, then ask them what they think of their well being.

  24. A very inspiring post, JV and commenters. Sure, the fight against workfare and ATOS is just beginning, and there are lots of (stupid?malicious? — pick your adjective) people out there swallowing the government’s shit.

    But action produces reaction, and maybe this will be the year when the ConDems go too far, making it all too clear that the terminus the Thatcher/Blair/Cameron train is headed for is the Workhouse and the Labour Camp, and with the spirit shown so far by the resistance we smash and derail it altogether, and permanently.

  25. kittycat58, i read your comments in DM, I applaud you, well said, did you read this comment in DM
    “”Nothing will change because the trash get a vote just like we do. Of course they are likely just as irresponsible on polling day and probably can’t be bothered to walk to vote but nevertheless as long as they have the same status as those of us who work they will continue to live the good life at our expense.””
    i made a complaint to the DM, regarding the above comment.

    • I bet just before the election they will stop the unemployed from voting. They would not want 2.5 million + disgruntled voters.

    • DM readers are a strange bunch in the comments section, sometimes they seem to hate what the government is doing to the welfare system and other times you get rapid hatred against anyone deemed to be a scrounger.
      I came to the conclusion a while back you will never change the mindset of those people, even if the government came out and said it downright lied about what it is doing and saying about welfare.

    • Pat, thanks for that, it’s just that I hate injustice.What truly enrages me is that CallMeDave & whatever nonentity is in charge of foreign “aid” can find billions to hand over to countries that have nuclear weapons & space programmes whilst those down on their luck in the UK are sent to food banks or forced to work in Tesco for nothing! As for the “trash” comment i missed that one, I certainly would have complained as well. I resent the thought that just because I’m not in work somehow that makes me trash, I’m probably better educated than the average Daily Hell reader, judging by some of the ignorant, uninformed comments on their website. Sorry if I’ve rambled on a bit, just going to wish you a happy new year

  26. the comment posted in DM, which i made a complaint about, has now been removed. i was outraged that the unemployed are regarded as trash.

  27. Just to say keep your chins up, been offered 2 jobs today. Not via the insanely rubbish UJ nor by my work programme. Did a tour of the agencys in the major at end of november and it is starting to slowly pay off.
    I think there is light at the end of the tunnel and try not to despair and fight the good fight.

  28. David Cameron is increasing foreign aid by 2.65 billion and we are being fed from food banks, but I’m sure he looks magnanimous to the international community.

    • well cameron has to do something after he is no longer PM, look at blair, this foreign aid is a bribe to the international community to get him and his cronies a job

  29. Perhaps they are being groomed to be the next cheap labour destination for the capitalists.

  30. Pingback: 2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 1 | The Sealand Gazette | Scoop.it

  31. Is it satire, or a scary vision of the future? You decide…

    Poor people still clinging to life, warns Iain Duncan Smith

  32. Pingback: #IDS, Lies and Blunders. #hardesthit #disability #wca #workfare #ukmh | Dawn Willis sharing the News & Views of the Mentally Wealthy

  33. Pingback: 2012: A Year of Lies and Blunders at the DWP Part 2 | the void

  34. The whole of tv at the moment is dominated with right wing propoganda. The itv tonight programme was highlighting an expanding birthrate and scaremongering as usual about an inability for services to cope, God knows how china manages. The BBC is either showing documentaries on Hitler or the suffering of the jews in films like defiance. Who the hell is sanctioning all of this rightwing rubbish. Even the silly soaps are depicting working grannies in Emmerdale. The ads are full of charity appeals and the news is another propoganda forum to denigrate the unemployed. It’s about time this one sided televising of rubbish was halted, perhaps we should all give up tv in protest!

  35. @Johnny Void….i know that you and Tom dont always see eye to eye on certain matters..but I hope that readers of your blog will pst and or comment on Toms blog today as he seems to be at the mercy of censorship via 3 mobile and perhaps ist chinese major shareholder too..

    Satire like Porn? How 3UK are bringing Chinese-style political censorship of web to UK

    i think any form of censorship is a very bad sign for all of of us…

    • it is and it’s shit that the mobile networks are doing this – they all do it, virgin block loads of sites, I’m sure this site is blocked by some – they scan content and automatically block sites with swearing in, but its got nothing to do with political censorship and is about stopping children seeing porn sites in as blunt and cheap an automated way as possible

      so yes, it’s shit, but once again it’s not really the story that Tom is attempting to claim it is

      • You are allheart Rent you eh . Oh well I have left you some. Stuff from your old mate mark hoban nd his benefit cap and universal credit game so have fun with. Thatot

      • Once again Johnny you’re wrong. ThreeUK have said it’s not an automatic ‘false positive’ by its filters. They have flagged my site because it contains what they call ‘mature content’. Your constant attacks on me and my posts are starting to look suspiciously like jealousy Johnny.

        • I’ve responded to two links left on my blog by pointing out that they both misrepresent the facts somewhat. I do that quite a bit when people leave links to flaky sites. This hardly represents constant attacks and I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to be jealous of.

          • @johnny @tom can you two quit arguing please . I put this here and other places because I think we are all a bit worried about any form of censorship no matter how its done And three did use the word censor in their reply to tom. If one looks at the link i posted on. Toms blog it did cite a. Few blogs deemed political

  36. @Johnny Void and all..i see the TVF has been adopted by Dave Scameron and Eric Pickles…yep another workfare scam..it seems..but tinged with this ‘pay to work’ malarkey…what the fuck is going on here??


    • something survived...

      Is that Eric Pickles as in Eric ‘Scoffed All The Pies’ Pickles?

      • @something survived did you click the link ? Am wondering what the pay to. Work thing is about

        • something seems a bit off about this true volunteer pay to work :

          TVF is a unique, international NGO empowering people through education. Across 31 countries, TVF directly impacted over 170,000 people in 2011. The Pay To Work principle, where over 100 True Volunteers do not get paid or claim expenses, ensures 100% of funds raised goes direct to beneficiaries.

          • @dzwasp yes I know I came across them a while back . Seems. You pay them to work for for nothing . I note its been included into daves big. Soceity thing and participants go cap in hand looking for sponsorship from corporations . Yep something not right here .

      • yep eric ‘I like cakes & pies and ate them all’ pickles

  37. By the way I am sorry if I have caused this misunderstanding between you both really I am . I try to post using. Links from govt sources as I feel that’s where they can be challenged rather than use opnion pieces in papers

  38. Simply a smiling visitor here to share the love (:
    , btw great style .

  39. Pingback: #IDS, Lies and Blunders. #hardesthit #disability #wca #workfare #ukmh – Quinonostante

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