Welfare Reform Has Failed – And These Latest Statistics Prove It

ids-slug1Welfare reforms have barely made a dent in the number of long term benefit claimants figures quietly released last week revealed.  There are just 91,000 fewer people who have been on an out of work benefit for at least three of the last four years compared to 2010 despite grandiose claims that a million new jobs have been created during the period.

The figures are one of the Government’s ‘social justice outcome indicators’ and include everybody on sickness benefits, the dole and unemployed lone parents.  2.381 million of these groups had been on one, or a combination of, these benefits for three out of four years in 2014 compared to 2.472 million in the period following the recession in 2010.

Perhaps most significantly the slight fall in the figures coincides with a huge rise in benefit sanctions suggesting that people are just being stripped of  benefits, not finding jobs.  The statistics do also not include people hounded into low (or no) earning self-employment by their Work Programme provider and now claiming Working Tax Credits – a practice which has been well documented.  The most recent year’s figures do not even include people who had benefts stopped temporarily following a sickness benefit assessment but have since appealed and are now claiming again.  The truth is that when these factors are taken into account then welfare reforms may have had no impact at all on the number of long term claimants.

Billions of pounds has been squandered by Iain Duncan Smith to bully these 91,000 people out of the benefits system.  Longer term claimants are exactly the group that all of his reforms were aimed at and the dire results show beyond doubt that he has failed.  Economic growth may have returned, but the very poorest are poorer than ever and there are just as many of them.  The cost of these reforms to the tax payer has been astronomical – far more than if these 91,000 people had just kept claiming.  The impact on the lives of those affected by endless assessments, sanctions and benefit cuts has been devastating.

One million people were forced to depend on a foodbank in the last year.  The number of suicides linked to withdrawal of benefits grows ever higher.  Every measure of homelessness has risen steeply.  And it has all been for fuck all.  Billions of pounds spent on brutalising people for no reason and with no results should be the only remembered legacy of Iain Duncan Smith’s nasty little experiment at the Department of Work and Pensions.

Join Disabled People Against Cuts on April 25th when they will visit Iain Duncan Smith Chingford constituency.

You can view the latest statistics at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/duration-on-working-age-benefits-april-2010-to-march-2014

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44 responses to “Welfare Reform Has Failed – And These Latest Statistics Prove It




      From: Anita Bellows

      7 February 2015

      Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
      Esther McVey confirmed during the Work and Pensions Committee
      session on the 4th of February 2015, that DWP conducted 49 peer
      reviews after deaths of claimants, but Chris Hayes said that ‘we
      have found no particular case where, as a direct result of
      sanctions alone, that has led to someone being in that situation’.
      I would like to know how many claimants out of the 49 peer reviewed
      cases had received a sanction. This includes previous sanctions and
      sanctions at the time of their death.
      And if it is within the cost limits, the number of sanctions for
      each claimant will also be useful

      Yours faithfully,

      Anita Bellows

      Link to this

  1. overburdenddonkey

    £bns spent on masking truth…making no efforts to create decent jobs, on their bloated incomes pretending to be important and blaming their laziness and greed on the least able to defend themselves, ukok…yuk!

    • £bns spent on masking truth…

      Not spent but £bns misappropriated and embezzled the elephant in the welfare reform room that politicians and the MSM decline to expose.

      • overburdenddonkey

        yep, cleaning up human wreckage and sucking dry human beings is big business, for the court followers…the imperialists whey…

  2. I suspect when Smith retires from politics and takes up positions with the companies he’s handed over billions of pounds of hardworking taxpayers’ money to it’ll become obvious what he’s really been engaged in is theft from the public purse.

  3. IDS is a fucking wanker karma will catch up with that fat bald headed lying thunder cunt!

  4. If they keep telling everyone that people are unemployed through so-called “lifestyle choice” and are content to “sleep in behind closed blinds”, it is no surprise that some employers will believe that unemployed people are not really interested in the jobs they are applying for. Utterly self-defeating.

    • It’s brainwashing and propaganda. That’s how it’s been done and it’s how everyone from the Nazi’s to Charles Manson did it. Constant repetition of a theme over and over again eventually results in the people being exposed to it believing it to be the truth even when the idea being promoted is ridiculous and doesn’t bear scrutiny.

      That’s why the constant hounding and demonizing the UE and anyone on benefits is being undertaken. It’s to condition the minds of the electorate that people on benefits are lesser human beings and so it’s ok to treat them like crap, sanction them and make them homeless, steal their benefits etc.

      When you study any cults or movements then you see the same patterns being used over and over again to warp people’s mindsets into being able to accept horrible unpalatable practices.

      Propaganda and the media is a very powerful tool. It’s no surprise that the vast majority of media outlets are run by right wing tory nitwits.

    • I watch hard-working taxpayers go to work in the cold and rain while I sleep-in. Yes, it’s a “lifestyle choice”………………………..
      ………………………..I’m drawing my State pension.

  5. Jeffery Davies

    Least we forget all those culled by rtu ids making a mockery of him being christian hes more the devil in disguise thousands and thousands have lost their leves through this demon jeff3



    ……………………………….if the German airline, Lufthansa, are deliberating at the thought of being charged with “CORPORATE MANSLAUGHTER”, for the actions of one crazed man for the deaths of a few hundred, then IAIN DUNCAN SMITH should be swinging on the end of a rope……………….

  7. I just hope some kind of lesson has been learned these five long miserable years under Condem (ned to pauperism)

    • Vote SNP, get all 59 Scottish seats.

      SNP is paying the council tax support and Bedroom Tax so saving Scottish poor peoples’ lives.

      What SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon on the Leaders’ Debate

      …”Rolling out Personal Independence Payments (PIPs) to replace Disability Living Allowance will see over 100,000 working age disabled people in Scotland lose some or all of their benefit by 2018 – representing a cut of £300 million a year, with a loss of at least £1,120 a year per person who loses out. Some 47,000 disabled people in Scotland are expected to lose up to £2,964 a year as a consequence of changes in eligibility to the mobility component.

      At UK level, the cut in disability benefit represents nearly £3 billion a year by 2017/18, with over a million people losing out.

      The SNP propose a modest increase in public spending in real terms in order to stop proposed cuts – and support halting the roll out of Personal Independence Payments to stop the “savage cuts” to disability benefits.” …”Labour’s track record in Scotland is voting with the Tories and Lib Dems against halting the roll-out of PIPs.” …



    Fuck off back to eton

    Its abought punishing those who are poor ‘ rember dispatches on channel 4 a few weeks back,, the dwp eaven stated its abought punishment , tho we all know the dwp atos maximus ian duncun ss smith ester mcvile marira killer remploy spiller and the lid dems are lieing evil scum,,, the things this lot have done .. i am one of the above an the 4 years have been hell , people have died from that bastard smith and his wellfair reforms,

  9. Pingback: Welfare Reform Has Failed - And These Latest St...

  10. Another Fine Mess

    Iain Duncan Smith’s welfare revolution never happened
    No radical reform, only retrenchment and continuity with the policies of the last government

  11. …The statistics do also not include people hounded into low (or no) earning self-employment by their Work Programme provider and now claiming Working Tax Credits …

    Universal Credit will absorb working tax credits, housing benefit and talk of including council tax support, when UC sanctions will become permanent due to Hardship Payments stop being a benefit and turns into a recoverable loan by direct deductions from future benefit or wages by court action.

    Part time workers and low income self employed will be sanctioned for failing to reach full time hours.


  12. Reblogged this on Beastrabban’s Weblog and commented:
    Johnny Void here shows the utter failure of IDS’ welfare reforms. Despite the millions of pounds poured into them, the numbers claiming benefit are trivial. There are still over 2.3 million people out of work, according to the government’s figures. And as Mr Void goes on to argue, the fall is only in people claiming benefit. If sanctions, and those hounded into low or unpaid self-employment are taken into account, then there may actually be no change in the real numbers of people out of work at all.

    IDS is a failure. His reforms have resulted in nothing but suffering and death. And DPAC are planning to bring the reality of this home to him when they visit his constituency on the 25th of this month.

  13. It’s worked 500,000 people sanctioned and getting nothing, others being denied the help they desperately need, exactly what IDS wanted.

  14. Labour is Not Perfect but they were Far Less Cruel to the Poor and Vulnerable than
    the Tories and Liberal Democrat Collaborators have Been .

    It is Better For the Poor and Vulnerable that Labour Win’s the General Election than
    the Nutcase Public Spending Cuts Tories

    This is Not about Utopia this is About Social Justice and Living Standards

    Scrap the Bedroom Tax Social Justice Not Slavery

  15. Just to inform everyone,
    After a bit of research maximus, are using atos staff , so in principle its atos still carrying out assessments, but for maximus…
    What a total misleading thing to do….

  16. It truly has failed, i dont see any increase in the minimum wage or benefits that help young families such as working tax credits or child tax credits.

    There needs to be bigger taxes on the big corperations while cutting taxes for the working class.

    The majority of the wealth is now in the hands of the few and its getting worse each and every year… Modern day slavery to the system.

  17. Pingback: Deconstructing The So Called Jobs Miracle And Why It Has Nothing To Do With Iain Duncan Smith | the void

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  19. Pingback: Take action: No voice for workfare profiteers - Take action: No voice for workfare profiteers - Boycott Workfare

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