Savage Cuts To Benefits Go Ignored In Flagship Foodbanks Report – They Really Think We Are Fucking Idiots

foodbank-sanction-graphsHuge cuts to benefits are virtually ignored in the report into foodbanks published today by an unholy trinity of opportunistic Labour hasbeens, out of touch Bishops and austerity cheering Tories.

The growth in foodbanks dates back to before the current Government weren’t elected as Labour’s decimation of the social security started to take its toll.  The rise in benefit sanctions also began in the dying years of Labour’s administration as did the introduction of the despised Atos run Work Capability Assessment, designed to strip sickness and disability benefits from one million people.  Alongside this Labour’s normalisation of workfare led to unprecedented numbers of people forced to work without pay.

And then, as if things weren’t bad enough, along came Iain Duncan Smith.  With him came the bedroom tax, council tax benefit cuts, the benefit cap, housing benefit cuts, freezes of almost all in and out of work benefits, more Atos tests for disability benefits, the scrapping of Crisis Loans and countless other measures all precision targeted at cutting the incomes of the poorest.

Yet to read today’s report into foodbanks, you would think that none of  this had ever happened. Instead it insists that the growth in people going hungry has been caused by market forces and modern economic conditions – beyond the control of us mere mortals and simply something that is here to stay no matter what we do.

It is true that alongside the slow dismantling of the welfare state, the minimum wage stagnated whilst the cost of living for the very poorest soared. The erosion of social housing meant the greedy private rental sector became out of control as competition for low cost housing became ever more intense.  As supermarket dominance grew, small local shops closed and with them out of the way food prices began to rise.  A privatised energy market did exactly what you would expect from profit hungry vultures and fleeced their most voiceless customers, often elderly or disabled people who have no choice but to try and keep the heating on.  Payday lenders and pawn shops started to appear on every high street.  In some areas wherever you look you will see companies owned by the rich dressed up in pauper’s clothing as they attempt to wring every last penny of profit they can from the poor.

All of these things are a direct result of government policies supported by all the major parties to allow the parasites of capital – landlords, supermarkets, energy companies and legal loan sharks – to run rampant in the name of the free market.

But you won’t read that in today’s report either.  Instead it proposes tinkering with the rules on prepay gas and electricity metres, vague and unspecific policies to slightly edge up the minimum wage and yet more patronising fucking garbage about cooking lessons and budgeting skills.  Meanwhile calls for benefit payments to be made quicker are redundant when the government is planning a waiting period of up to six weeks for Universal Credit.  This is not even mentioned in the report.  They are not just willfully ignoring the cuts to social security that have already happened, but also the ones that are still set to come.

The huge rise in the number of people who face benefits being stopped or sanctioned has mirrored almost exactly the growth of foodbanks.  An ever more complex and draconian system now forces unemployed, sick and disabled claimants into pointless and irksome ‘work related activity’ for days, weeks and even months on end.  Any breach of the rules means benefits are stopped.  The report endorses this increased “responsibility to look for work”, calling it a “welcome move”.

Instead it merely makes the same calls for improvements in communications with claimants and access to hardship payments that we have heard before.  These bastards really think it is okay to leave someone in desperate poverty for missing a meeting with the Jobcentre as long as you write them a nice letter explaining why.  This comes with a proposal for a condescending ‘yellow card’ warning system, which was first suggested by the Tory think tank the Policy Exchange.  You can see their thinking on this one.  Poor people like football after all, so it will be easy for our little minds to understand.

Even this comes with conditions attached.  Whilst they recommend claimants be given a warning with the chance to explain “their offence” before a sanction is applied, it suggests that this could come with an “additional requirement” to be met.  This might as well be to go outside and hop on one leg for half an hour whilst quacking like a duck for all the good most Jobcentre requirements do to help people find work.  Punishing people for their poverty is behind this idea, not helping them find jobs.

Those behind the report are adamant that nothing can be done to halt the rise in the use of foodbanks.  But abolishing benefit sanctions completely would slash the number of people going hungry in the UK overnight.  As would scrapping the bedroom tax, council tax reform and halting George Osborne’s benefit freeze.  In time honoured tradition however, politicians are clubbing together to say a functioning welfare state is over, time to move on and bring food parcels into the social security system.

That is the real reason for this report.  It wasn’t written because Frank Field and his vile Tory counterparts really give a shit about people going hungry.  Instead it is an attempt to sign off Iain Duncan Smith’s vicious reforms as part of the political landscape and move the argument on to how we can best hand out tins of Tesco value baked beans to the starving and destitute.  They will argue about that forever now.  We cannot let the bastards get away with this.  The growth of hunger in the UK did not happen by accident, it has been socially engineered.  And the people who did that are the same vermin politicians who write reports telling us how terrible and inevitable it is.

You can read the report at:

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91 responses to “Savage Cuts To Benefits Go Ignored In Flagship Foodbanks Report – They Really Think We Are Fucking Idiots

  1. Superb analysis as always. Good to have someone like you around speaking the truth.

  2. The evil bastards are killing us all one by one and future generations will study this mass genocide and wonder how they got away with it.

    Another day searching for non exsistant jobs online and at this time of the year it’s even harder to find something to appease the sanction hungry wolves at the job centre. They have even made it harder to apply for employment by adding things like must have five years experience and all this for a measly cleaning job. They want us to fail in our search. They want us all to die.

    • You are absolutely right and it is in the United Nations’ Agenda 21. It is all on Google and I have seen it as well at a govt. quango so it is real. They want to reduce the human population to make way for more animals and vegetation.

      • no it’s not. don’t be silly.

        • Agenda 21 is very real and now it seems even more real.

          • overburdenddonkey

            i’ve read the whole document many times there is nothing like that in it…how a21 has become twisted and distorted to fit into neoliberalism is an entirely different matter…
            it’s 1st principle is; human beings have a right to an healthy and productive lifestyle in harmony with nature…

          • You can read it here:

            It’s a voluntary international agreement that dates back to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit that agreed to work towards sustainable development, anti-poverty and environmental goals. Because of that some in the tea party in the US and the crankier fringes of the BNP and assorted groups in the UK have decided it was a secret communist conspiracy. If only it was fucking was, but as OBD says much of what was good about it has since been hijacked by neoliberalism.

            • I’ve never read the document.. I can see what is happening to us now when I look around. People dying cause of savage cuts and removal of safety nets.. That is the real agenda 21.. Agenda 21 may just be fantasy but it’s very real in another guise and that’s what I was implying. Population reduction is in full swing in my eyes. Maybe i am tired or old or cynical but that’s what I think.

              • What's The Fucking Point?

                Perhaps you are confusing agenda 21 with the NWO? Kissinger famously said that we need to eliminate the “useless eaters” on the planet, meaning that if you’re not being productive and making money for them they will kill you.

              • overburdenddonkey

                it’s difficult to explain coz LA’s have adopted what i describe as a NLLA21
                neo liberal local agenda 21…by removing the key principles of a21 which should have led to a local agenda 21 being approved by the LOCAL POPULATION and adopted, but hasn’t in reality, only in spin…google; la21 and local structural plans, you’ll get 1000’s of pdf’s with similarly worded la21 elements in them, from different global LA’s, which have come out of the respective global conference’s on the subject…but it’s not a21 itself but the way it is been nudged to mean what ever neoliberalism says it does…it has become localism and devolution federalism to city states fiefdoms….see how it is being used in the work of this campaigner
       she is fighting the wrong thing, a21 is brilliant, a real eye opener, read the original doc…she is inadvertently fighting a brilliant concept which is not being given light of day because of the BS that now buries a21…
                imv there is no doubt that there is a neoliberal project, but lets fight neoliberalism itself not blame a21…

  3. Well said.
    Now,let’s hang the bastards.


    Foodbanks need to be regulated says Tory as some people are using them as a freebie

    • They already are regulated. People have to be registered with them, and have to be referred by Job Centre or social services and THEN they are only allowed to go to them 3 times PER YEAR. So what do they do if they are sanctioned for months and months?

    • Great to see you back, Bob! Hope everything is well and good with you 🙂

  5. Another Fine Mess

    Benefit sanctions hit over 900,000 claiming jobseeker’s allowance
    No 10 rules out sanctions reform as MPs find benefit penalties the biggest factor in use of food banks

  6. If any of these rich people have the answer to any problems they created then it must be a bloody stupid question, and yet the house of lords are bitching about how they must have the best champagne and they say the unemployed are benefit scroungers!!
    Eat the rich that way we don’t have to listen to them ……bitching!

  7. overburdenddonkey

    food glorious food there’s nothing quite like it…yep they want to normalize poverty, not eradicate it….those poor danes no grasp of modern economics, $21/hr for a chip fryer what next!…the lords threaten to rebel coz the right vintage of champagne is not on ice…meanwhile plenty more ice on the way for the masses….oliver in the UK is no longer a role play but a real life experience for many many more human beings…so are they saying the trickle down affect is now officially turned off and that the economic benefits of our current economic miracle won’t reach us after all?

    • The ” driving young people into homelessness” is a concern as young people in that position can become desparate that they fall prey to disgusting predators who abuse them and pimp them out to rich clients ..ive been reading about many examples of this happening , what with this awful ” austerity measures ” you would think this was deliberate to provide ” entertainment ” for the wealthy , oh wait. ..

  8. Iain Duncan Smith will be on the Sunday Politics show on BBC1 on 14th December to tell more lies and make an arse of himself. You can send your comments/questions to the show using the following link.

  9. If it got bad enough for me to want to top myself I would make sure I took at least one of those bastards with me.

  10. overburdenddonkey

    and ffs don’t mention edwina curry…. welcome to imperial rome…

  11. Brilliant as ever, JV. This report may have helped (slightly) by becoming a national news item, but it has opened up another front for us to fight – the institutionalisation of food charity.

    What the numpties failed to recognised from just the two most recent high profile deaths from starvation was that neither of the poor souls were using food banks. This underlines the absolute nonsense of accepting that food banks, along with the poor, will always be with us, and fails to register the fact that the hungry are already outside the system, cast off, destitute, ashamed, unable to think because of the effects of starvation, it’s a nightmare. Access to food is a human right, which is why the failure to uprate benefits and the sanctioning regime have to be reversed immediately. The poor need money to access food, not the Eton-educated-led CofE becoming poverty pimps.

  12. Sanctions are used as a last resort and the DWP has put in place a comprehensive monitoring regime to ensure that sanctions are always and only applied where appropriate to do so.

    The decision to impose a sanction is taken by an independent decision maker – and everyone has the right to appeal. Crucially, people are always made aware of their right to appeal before any sanction is imposed.

    People who are in genuine need can apply for hardship payments.

  13. F*** off with all the Food Bank slurry compassion.

    Will look stupid in the history books that they benefit sanctioned Scotland into a UDI.

  14. IDS said this afternoon that, “We want to do everything we can to make sure that people do not stumble into a process of sanctions.” That’s ok, then.

    • I Deal in Sanctions misspoke when itching to say, “We want to do everything we can to make sure that people [do] stumble into a process of sanctions”. After a last-minute request to make this slightly less obvious, though, he added in a “not”.

  15. Reblogged this on sdbast.

  16. can any one please point me to Ids lying in hoc today he was in thete from 2.30 the murdering bastard!

  17. Yea, vote tory – everything will be fine then.
    I used to be a avid follower of Johnny – but you get on my tits now. I out of here.
    Don’t bother with the ‘close the door behind you’ comments, I already slammed it and have gone.

  18. What's The Fucking Point?

    I’ll most likely be sanctioned tomorrow and on Hardship by Christmas. Bugger.

    • why what u done ??

    • What's The Fucking Point?

      Phew! I’m out of danger, for now.They can’t seem to make their minds up as to whether I’m still on post-work programme support or not, even though it’s at least a year since I completed WP. In last few weeks I’ve been shifted back & forth, upstairs & downstairs, from normal fortnightly signing to weekly and back again twice, been told printed jobsearch not acceptable, now told it is. WTF? Does anyone in Jobcentre Plus know what the hell they are doing?

      • “Due to the length of time spent on WP many claimants will
        be unfamiliar with the support available and conditionality /
        sanction regime attached to their claim; it is, therefore,
        imperative that comprehensive explanations are provided.”

        (… subtext: Oh no – of course we don’t want people to start off by being losing their JSA straight away! That would look too obvious, and as if we want to exploit all possible ‘reasons’ (opportunities) to stop people being given the money they need to live on; even ‘just’ those tiny amounts they are due).

  19. u.k being the sixth richest country on
    planet earth , where is the need for
    austerity and colossal cuts?
    where’s the wealth?in the grubby hands
    of the 1% and they want to not only
    not let it go but boost it..for themselves.
    austerity seems like a smokescreen to
    destroy the poor,social security,nhs etc..
    folk in this rich country deserve
    a living wage,a living giro (x2),
    eradicate the cancer of workfare and
    benefit sanctions and long waits etc.
    seems the politicians are in the
    pocket of the enact laws to
    keep that colossal wealth in the
    hands of the elite.
    “the golden rule is those those with
    the gold make the rules “.
    ps : good to see you back bob chewie
    and another good peice jv.
    a living giro and a living wage
    without sanctions and long waits..
    not more foodbanks as a substitute
    for social security.

  20. overburdenddonkey heartbreaking eventually after a few potentially communication blocking patronizing rebuffs from the radio prog presenter the caller got his message home..

  21. They took to the streets over the poll tax and won, these bastards destroy our sick and disabled, family and friends plus unemployed and the less well off and not forgetting the pensioners and what do we do, we talk a lot we argue a lot, we call these bastards names but they still carry on with the lies and they carry on destroying us all.

    So are we stupid letting them get away with it, time will tell because those who vote for the TORY bastards next May are stupid.

  22. Agenda 21 – sustainability and unsustainability.

    Hunger in the UK
    4 million people at risk of going hungry
    272 food banks across big cities and towns
    500,000 children live in families that can’t afford to feed them
    3.5 million adults cannot afford to eat properly
    Source: All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger in the UK, Poverty and Social Exclusion project

    So this is not an orchestrated agenda or even an all party compact?

    • The idea that a 20 odd year old agreement on trying to improve living standards and the environment has any influence on current Tory policy is like blaming the eurovision song contest for the bedroom tax. The Agenda 21 stuff is probably the daftest conspiracy theory yet, and it seems no accident that of all the international agreements of the last few decades that have devastated living standards across the globe the far right have picked on one that was actually intended to make the lives of the poor better and decided it’s an evil conspiracy. Who is putting this shit out, fascists and the tea party, ask yourself why that is?

      • Agnetha, Benny, Björn & Anni-Frid

        “The idea that a 20 odd year old agreement on trying to improve living standards and the environment has any influence on current Tory policy is like blaming the eurovision song contest for the bedroom tax.” Eh!? ABBA made more money than Volvo.

        Mycket kärlek och varma hälsningar från Sverige 😀

        Agnetha, Benny, Björn & Anni-Frid

      • Get your facts right, you douche-bag…. Agenda 21 is a conspiracy of the New World Order!

        Police State 100 – Total Global Enslavement… Own it NOW on high-quality DVD!

  23. My wife and I have been on the council list for 5yrs,yet not once have we been offered a home we have seen vast areas of Bristol inhabited by migrants yet still nothing even though the migrants account for the most crime here.My point is Government have done this to halt our voice and weaken argument.I could say im not racist but I would be lying they have the solicitors and help groups we have nothing.We need to say no to Government but with so many people stood behind us who benefit we wont last long.

    • Not some swivel eyed loon on the right who is chopping at the bit to evict my family from the housing association property, it is a housing officer I know for a fact to be on the left of the political equation.

      At what point does “I’m just doing my job” become a definable political action, 3 steps from the gas chamber or when they slam the door shut?

  24. Can I say JV at the welfare coalface it is not the BNP, Tea party or crankier assorted groups on the fringes that are sanctioning and threatening eviction it is the assorted groups that are associated with the left – those that talk of equality and social justice at their Union meetings then boast about how many claimants they have sanctioned on their fag breaks, not the swivel eyed loons on the right.

    • I think you will find that there are fewer and fewer people working on the welfare coalface who even know what a left-wing idea is, and though they may be members of the PCS they are unlikely to take any part in agitating to defend their own jobs and working conditions, let alone take a principled stand against the demands of their employer over the way they are expected to treat claimants. By all means criticise the hell out of people like Mark Serwotka, but it should be the rank and file members of a union that decide it’s course of action, not the leadership. I’d hazard a guess that most of those who enjoy sanctioning claimants and the associated bragging rights are that part of the precariat that are fodder for the swivel eyed loons of the right, potential UKIP voters, if not supporters of the BNP.

      It doesn’t have to be this way, but change can only come if we can think of another, better way and then come together in large numbers and demand that change. Certainly commenting on JV’s blog is good for letting off steam thus giving ourselves some badly needed relief, but real change can only come if we formulate our own demands and then work together to attain them.

      I see a lot of despair, and indeed things do look quite grim in some lights, but all of us must hold on to hope, as that is the very thing that ‘they’, IDS Lord Fraud and all the totally incompetent idiots that support neo-liberal ideology want to destroy.

      It’s obvious to me that many, if not most of the people commenting here could easily demolish most of the stupid arguments that appear in the various reports and policy papers published by those working in the poverty industry. More pertinently, mass demonstrations can deliver the goods, as has been recently shown by those protesting against Poor Doors in London, and that even threatened demonstrations, as with the case with the Liverpool IWW, can bring results.

      There is indeed a lot we could all sit down and weep about, but that won’t achieve anything, but perhaps what we need to do is learn to develop a bit of a gallows sense of humour about our predicament – laughing about it isn’t exactly going to improve our material situation any, but it would help us endure, give us hope, and above all enable us to keep up the resistance.

      One idea I’ve just had, and it may be a totally off the wall idea, but why couldn’t we set up our own ‘welfare system’ using crowd funding so that those sanctioned could access some money? Administered locally by people in Claimant’s Unions who know the situation of their members. it would pretty much ensure that the money went where it should. It wouldn’t have to rely on donations only from the likewise unemployed, but could also accept cash from those in work who agree that the sanctions regime is obscene, (could persuade many Guardian readers to put their money where their mouths are!). Dunno, but that was just an idea off the top of my head.

      We need to remember that we are the dangerous class!

      • A pretty inspired idea, Sib. I think also that The Guardian might well print your letter outlining the concept to its readers. Good luck with Kickstarter, Startjoin, or whoever crowd-funding site you go for…

  25. Pingback: Savage Cuts To Benefits Go Ignored In Flagship Foodbanks Report – They Really Think We Are Fucking Idiots | stewilko's Blog

  26. The abuse got so bad that i was forced to call the police on the spot at the jobcentre,The adviser is an abomination to anyone civilised.they don’t care about procedures’,the law,what damage or worse they inflict to people disabled or not.
    They don’t see one moment past a sanction,just to dispose of people from the benefits system. there and then.

    Anyone who has a disability and finds themselves in this situation do the same.the operator didn’t want them to attend claiming G4s had the situation “under control”.they have no more legal powers then anyone,but given what happened on the Angola flight i don’t want them around me also bullying and intimidating .boot boys. once they did arrive and a disabled person with learning difficulties was involved their attitude changed.braking down under stress. this is the most abusive,short sighted encounter i have had to endure from jobcentre plus.

    • Too right ken, these G$s goons have no more power then a door-to-door shoe polish salesperson or tv licensing doorstep tv licence salesperson goon. If a G$s goon or jobcentre operative ever so much lay a finger on you it is an ASSAULT! Call the cops!

  27. Reblogged this on Beastrabban’s Weblog.

  28. Your faces are the WRONG COLOUR you poor white shmucks. All that’s going on is here is white genocide. As long as you are going to go along with the looney leftist “Asylum Seekers Welcome Here” horseshit, the situation will become increasingly worse.

    All the immigrants are laughing in your faces while they displace you, and you are thrown onto the streets. How can the below situation be acceptable, while they are literally staving the English poor to death? You cant have it both ways, you wanted mass 3rd world immigration, open borders etc now face the consequences.

    ❝A Romani Gypsy who came to Britain in the first days of relaxed visa rules this year has thanked English taxpayers for unwittingly paying for his new house back in Romania, for which he is siphoning off £60,000 worth of benefits being paid to him and his family.

    Apparently dumbfounded by the remarkably generous state welfare handouts in the United Kingdom, Ion Lazar, 36 said: “It’s coming in benefits. It’s like free money, thank you England”. Because Lazar has three children and works part-time as a scrap metal ‘collector’ he pays no tax but is eligible for some £1,700 a month in benefit, all of which he sends back to his home country.

    The money is being used to extensively refurbish his house in Romania, which when completed will feature three bedrooms and a large plasma television. The Express newspaper has reported the comments of Lazar, who will feature in a Channel Five documentary being screened tonight. He said: “I know the benefit I can make very easily in England.

    “I am very happy because in England I make this money. What can you say – thank you England, she has helped me. I have everything now. I think in two or three years I am going to make £60,000, maybe more.

    “All the money that is coming from the benefit and my work is going to Romania because I have a family”.

    Another family featured in the programme used money sent home to Poland to establish a restaurant in Warsaw.

    • I thought they were ‘tightening up’ on this sort of abuse of the welfare state i.e. child benefits will not longer payable for children not living in the UK. Apparently Poles etc were have large sums of £GBPs being sent over to Poland etc for non-existent children. And all whilst the indigenous population are being starved to death, thrown into dentition, rendered homeless… absolutely shocking.

    • overburdenddonkey

      also what you are saying is that the dwp are deliberately giving cash to immigrants and starving uk citizens?
      we claim what we are entitled to claim…except £12+bn/yr goes UNCLAIMED…what UK citizens can claim is being slashed…EU citizens claim what they are entitled to claim, i could take my UK pension in romania, live very well and be called a white settler by them! ‘they come over here and drive up our house prices, food prices, land prices, etc etc , steal our wimmin, blah, blah, blah.’ just like the yanks did in ww2, ‘over paid, over sexed, and over here.’ notice a pattern of resentment, that will go on for eternity…
      immigrants bring a net economic gain to our economy, and always have done…the problem of jobs scarcity and very poor wealth distribution is the fault of those in power….they find scapegoats to cover up their own failings, lack of truth, and greed lust..
      also benefit tourism is a MYTH the numbers are extremely small and not much greater than a statistical error…..benefit fraud levels are 0.7%….
      plasma tv’s are cheap times are so hard that they can they can be picked up for a few £’s secondhand…
      national debt which very likely exceeds gdp by a massive margin is officially approx £1.5trl, gdp being approx 2.520trl USD in 2013….get things in perspective ffs!

      • So I have to forfeit the shirt of my back and my home, to be cast into dystopia while you set about building a utopian world.

      • You can pick up a telly for nothing round here especially at this time of year. Peeps get a new one for Chrimbo, like every Chrimo lol and just leave the old one sitting out. Just got myself a 60 inch flat-screen Sammy 🙂

        • Where do you live where they put 60″ flat screen tellys out? I want to come round and get one! (Round here there are plenty of CRT tellys put out, but so far I’ve only seen one 40″ LCD telly put out, and that had a badly cracked screen)

    • And I guess that you’re an idiot who votes for UKIP or the BNP. You can find all sorts of fairy tales in newspapers, even ones like the Guardian. However, in papers like the Daily Wail and the Daily Excess you get pure fiction – you’d be better off reading The Dandy.

  29. If Only I Could Cook

    Does anyone know how to make Porridge?

  30. Increase Welfare Reduce Misery and Suffering

    Socialism Not Slavery

  31. Conversation between a lacky and a Baroness Lacky:-“They are demanding bread” Baroness:- “Let them eat cake then, get the chef to bake some for the poor ignorant illiterate souls”
    Cut to Parliament Square there is a trough on a rostrum filled with Vintage Champagne with a disguised guillotine overhead.
    Notice:- LORDS VINTAGE CHAMPERS Stoop this way kneel and sup your fill. FREE to all Gentrified Classes ONLY. Beware of laser beam trip switch?? (in small print)
    Mad rush and crush of MPs ,Lords and Ladies.
    What happens next indulge yourselves. Sometimes fantasy is good for us.
    We can dream


    Only the selected few will be able to get into food bank. Class is important !!!
    Food van go around many cities & you don`t need a class war pass anyone can get free food.




  35. overburdenddonkey

    • overburdenddonkey

      seriously it’s vote snp get WM tories, that has evolved into scot lab and scot cons joining forces in tactical campaign and voting, to block the snp, ssp scotgreens from getting WM seats…it’s the china syndrome and dads army rolled into one…

  36. All the main parties and UKIP offer the poorest on 20 per cent lowest income absolutely nothing but ever greater poverty, leading to starvation and losing a roof over your head.

    The state pension will end for huge numbers of women born from 1953 and men born from 1951, so leaving them reliant on the ever greater losses of benefit to before there was any, as in the 1930s.

    The Scottish National Party saves the lives of the Scottish, especially with the coming Devo Max next March, that saves Scottish lives whatever austerity comes up from London.

    The only party anywhere near power that offers an end to the massive growth of starvation poverty in England and Wales are The Greens, but no matter how many times see them on TV, they do not shout from the rooftops their new and unique policies, that alone could win them a majority government by themselves, without coalition:

    – automatic and universal Citizen Income, non-withdrawable
    to the level of the basic tax allowance
    replacing all the cruel benefits regime

    – Full State Pension to all citizens, irregardless of Naitonal Insurance contribution / credit history, mostly lost due to benefit rule changes and early retirement in lieu of redundancy under the massive austerity job cuts, that has mostly happened to low waged women in the public sector on works pensions around two to four grand, on average, per year.

    • overburdenddonkey

      pension 60

  37. Pingback: As Hunger Soars Iain Duncan Smith Is Still Hiding The Existence Of Emergency Benefit Delay Loans | the void

  38. Pingback: Iain Duncan Smith Claims Food Bank Use Is ‘Tiny’ Despite 900,000 Users In The Last Year

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