Workfare Abandoned! Mandatory Work Activity and Community Work Placements Both To Be Scrapped

workfare-partyIn a major victory for campaigners, two of the main workfare programmes are to be abandoned the DWP has quietly announced today.  Private sector contracts to run Community Work Placements and Mandatory Work Activity will not be renewed says the department in their response to George Osborne’s spending review.

Community Work Placements involve six month’s forced full time work for the long term unemployed, whilst Mandatory Work Activity is a four week short sharp shock of workfare used to punish claimants who were judged not to have the right attitude by Jobcentre busy-bodies.

Hundreds of charities have pulled out of both schemes or boycotted them completely after furious campaigning from Boycott Workfare, Keep Volunteering Voluntary and claimants across the UK.  Recent performance figures showed that only half of those referred to forced community work actually started a placement.  Eighteen months after Community Work Placements began the DWP is still avoiding telling us whether anyone has actually found a real job through the scheme.  The department is claiming the programmes will not be renewed to save money.

This is not the complete end of workfare, with some claimants still facing forced work on the Work Programme, at least for now.  The ever growing number of  unpaid work experience schemes such as Traineeships – which are officially voluntary but often coerced in practice – are also not likely to be abandoned yet.  And of course we may yet see mandatory unpaid work return under another name, whilst this news doesn’t help those currently serving workfare sentences or those who may be referred before the schemes are wound down.

Ominously the DWP are also announcing a new Work and Health Programme aimed at the long term unemployed along with sick and disabled people.  The fight is far from over, but the scrapping of the two key workfare programmes shows the power of collective action to frustrate and even destroy the Government’s mass workfare ambitions.

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389 responses to “Workfare Abandoned! Mandatory Work Activity and Community Work Placements Both To Be Scrapped

  1. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Maximus Sacked, Atos Sacked, G4S Sacked, Serco sacked. Now George will have to put up with getting sued of breech of contract by Atos, Maximus, G4S, Serco.

    • Breach of contract, My Arse! George should just tell these parasitical cunts to fuck off!!

    • ‘Stepping’ I take your point, which I guess is that placing too much confidence in private companies and treating them as if they’re ‘in-house’ can have expensive legal ramifications due to George’s ignorance of contractual obligations, but this time the Chancellor’s chosen to not renew contracts rather than cancel them… So it appears he’s learnt from his past mistakes. That noted some contracts do factor in the benefit for both parties to the contract gaining some benefit if the contractor performs to a stated standard. In short there may be some room legal advisors to make money out of George’s change of mind (or should that be IDS, who’s department all this refers to).

    • i wonder if these companies will be asking for their back handers oops donations refunded

    • No mention of Seetec then? their office in my town is only now in business two days a week.

    • They haven’t been sacked, just lost this particular contract. These companies operate all over Europe, getting paid by various Governments. I saw a G4S van coming off a ferry from Athens into Poros, Kefalonia in 2012. Serco are in the pay of various Governments to find accommodation for ‘refugees’ in various places across Europe. Maximus have taken over from Atos, as the HIPS contractors.
      The EU is like one huge corporation, and only certain companies are allowed to see it’s workings. Why does one suspect that MP’s use ‘family’ as employee’s? They don’t want information being ‘leaked’.The same reason is applied to Councillors, they are paid far in excess of MP’s, because they know what’s going on and it’s need to be kept quiet!

    • This is obviously great news for anyone having ever had the misfortune to frequent the likes of A4e. On an related matter what can a new dole signee expect as I’ve been working for a year or more but unfortunately shifts have dried up and I’m going to sign on again although hopefully only for a short time. Has the endless box ticking and inevitable cobblers eased off a bit?

  2. Pingback: Workfare Abandoned: Even the Cats and Mice of Ipswich Jump for Joy! | Ipswich Unemployed Action.

  3. is there any information regarding people already on these schemes ?

    • Not good news I’m afraid, contracts are not being renewed but that means they’ll continue for some time yet, think CWP was up for renewal in April 2017. Referrals likely to slow down though

      • Apologies, made a mistake here, going on the original contracts referrals to both CWP and MWA should stop at the end of March 2016,

        • Is there any more info on these ridiculous Community work programmes? My advisor is trying to get me referred on one as we speak. I thought they were being abandoned in March? Many thanks

  4. well its a start I suppose, now what about these sanctions, we are not rid of them yet.

    • When informed of a sanction SAR them for the proof demand a copy of proof of postage and proof of receipt along with a watermarked copy of the letter if they say it was a letter/missed appointment. if they claim they handed a letter ask for the evidence of the letter clearly been handed to you. In both cases the claimant wins because they cannot clearly show the proofs. If a claimant can cast a doubt on anything they should as it is up to the JC+ or DWP to clearly show that they have complied with their own rules if it is in doubt then the claimant should be given the benefit of any doubt.
      If handed a letter the claimant may have to give a description of what they were wearing on the date they claim to have been handed the letter and they certainly won’t have a copy of the postages instead they will try and get away with saying we posted it on DATE A and you should have received it on,or about DATE B! Not what was asked for and they should be told so by using the time honoured reply of PROOF OF POSTAGE IS NOT CONSIDERED AS PROOF OF RECEIPT, and the phrase you have used (INSERT PHRASE) indicates that you can neither provide proof of postage or proof of receipt
      Mail goes missing all the time especially when we send it the that corrupt lot

    • Maria what have you done to get rid of anything other than me who can see right through you.

  5. overburdenddonkey

    the hunting and gathering of sufficient vitality giving vitals of life in the form of INCOME (in our case money), work can produce keeps one healthy….
    working, and often harder, esp when sick and disabled, for less than the required income is seriously detrimental to health and wellbeing….
    note; that when being sick and disabled and working, one also has to manage this, which is obviously an even greater BURDEN on one…
    ‘sickness and disability, the new pathway to wellbeing and radiant health….???’

  6. Reblogged this on differal: difference without deference and commented:
    Announcement on the sidelines of Osborne’s Autumn warble.

  7. Any more info on the Work & Health Programme? It sounds as if it’s just another rehash of ideas that have gone before. Long term unemployment will only be solved by long term employment, which, as we know, has been somewhat in short supply in the past few years.

    None of these schemes are about helping people into work, but all about punishment for being poor and unemployed, though under UC it will definitely become a punishment for being poor, in a low wage economy.

    • overburdenddonkey

      yes in this inspirational film…

    • Work and health programme workers are one and the same contractors that have just been given their marching orders to new posts.

      • Yeah, you can’t just go around renaming and replacing various schemes. You have to cut off all escape routes for an ex-Working Links ‘consultant’ or ex MWA/CWP ‘placement liaison officer’ to run to.

    • Long Term employment (i.e. with full employee status with rights and protections in law flies in the face of what business wants,which is a ‘flexible’ (read ‘permanently temporary) workforce scratching about desperately to keep the wolf from the door and feeling insecure enough to bend over for the boss.
      The result is the employers use agencies to hire and fire at will with the gov.’s blessing,then the dole wallahs treat everybody claiming like shit with the gov.’s blessing.
      Parties are all the same in up to their necks with biz , its a fucking Joke people keep voting for the slaver bastards.

    • Sib, they’ll be sliding in coercion to take up “treatment” probably, they have been gagging to do this for the last two years. There will be huge intrusion into medical data, they won’t bother going via GPs either.

      The medical profession will sit silently watching as they always do, maybe making fey protest with a letter to The Times ten months into the schemes running.

      • Your right Lucy. but you don’t win a cookie!!

        2 pages.

        Click to access access-to-medical-reports.pdf

        • Thanks enigma, looks comprehensive, but there are holes, which will be exploited to the detriment of the patient, once the Neu Work Programme & UC are running.

          The Mental Health card will never be played so hard as under this grim future.

          Look at how requests for unredacted copies of medical records are currently manipulated via the misnamed “statement of logic” which they use to justify hide their appalling mistakes.

          Doctors have every power not to join in with this future of ripping our medical privacy apart, but likely won’t do the honourable thing due to concerns over their salaries & contracts.

      • Lycy

        In your case they don’t need medical data to know your affliction, they just have to read your aggressive attacking posts and aliases, at least I defend not attack like you.

      • Doctor in the House

        Genetic predispositions, lack of resources etc aside, you are to the most degree responsible for your own health Lucy. How is sat on your backside, smoking drinking and stuffing your face full of crap looking after your own health? Some people treat their cars better than their own bodies? You wouldn’t piss in your petrol tank, would you? And even if someone is ‘poor’ why the fuck are they spending what little they have on fags and booze? If you lead a certain ‘life-style’ you are going to inevitably fall into ill health. And then certain people have the brass neck to expect others to pick up the tab for their own actions/inactions!

  8. The problem is still the conditionality of JSa and ESA being so draconian, that many fewer claimants ever claim for long enough to ever be eligible for the work programme. With the new 35 hours a week of jobseeking for Universal Credit, so many people will be sanctioned, they wont bother signing on again so effectively being hidden unemployed who are dependent on family and friends for financial support, much like I am. I volunteer at the local foodbank and know we are busier than ever with people coming who have been sanctioned and written off bothering claiming JSA at all. So they will scrap workfare, but no-one will be able to get benefits due to the ultra draconian conditions of claiming Universal Credit. Job solved for Osborne – he wont have to pay work programme providers as people are “off flowing” off benefits due to sanctions, and they Arent getting jobs either. Speaking from my own experience.

  9. I think it will end up with people just routinely getting sanctioned off JSA and ESA, and then getting means tested for re-payable hardship payments, that you can only get if you are totally destitute and they have to be paid back. In other words, you will only get assistance if you have NO money and no Assets like your own home. And you will have to repay all the hardship payments. The Tories are washing their hands of the unemployed via the sanctions method. They wont need the work programme any more now that they have ramped up the conditionality so much that so many more people get sanctioned for failing to comply with the 35 hours a week jobseeking rule. I mean – who sits at a PC for 35 housra week on Universal Jobmatch? Seriously, hardly anyone, so they will all end up sanctioned and probably on Hardship payments, if they qualify.

    • Steve

      I suspect you are right… until the whole system falls apart – something tells me the 35 hour thing is going to be pulled apart [humpty dumpty style at that]

      • For instance

        glocoma runs in my family – staring at a computer screen for 35 hours a week will cause problems. How about those with other sight problems? Others with other problems?

        DWP does realize by demanding something, they are also liable for something.

  10. What’s this then? ‘a new Work and Health Programme replacing the Work Programme and Work Choice which will provide specialist support for the long-term unemployed and claimants with health conditions and disabilities’ (From the press release, in the link you posted)

  11. Bollocks to Workfare

    Spare a thought for the staff at Atos, Maximus, G4S, Serco, Learn Direct, Working Links and Ingeus who run these contracts as well as the ’employers’, ‘charity’ shops, ‘recycling’ plants up and down the country who will be starved of ‘volunteers’.

  12. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Sanction is the way to go, either on Tax Credits, Low pay top ups, Universal Credit, JSA, & of course ESA. The cost of the Tax Credit U Turn will cost £3.8 billion to reverse. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    All these new plans will cost £12 billion in admin costs.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      As well as the £178 billion on war tots. So in 2 days £1 Trillion has been spent. More cuts to fund the project. Yet no one can stop admin fuck ups.

  14. Why are we using WordPress when it’s adverts include trips to Israel. Seems strange for anti capitalists to use capitalism to make money.

    • Try using adblock plus and adblock plus pop up on firefox and all adverts will disappear from all websites you visit, even with wordpress websites.. your internet browsing speeds will increase and become more responsive if you use browser tools to get rid of that bandwidth waste – adverts, pop-ups, etc.

      It’ll be a long while yet before Microsoft Edge gets ad blocking tools the same as what I use on Firefox.

  15. Pingback: Workfare Abandoned! Mandatory Work Activity and...

  16. As others have said, the UC is taking care of what was workfare, with people scrambling for ‘voluntary’ placements in charity shops in order to take up to 17 hours off the stupid 35 hour conditionality, leaving them with 18 hours of jobsearch to account for. Charity shops all over the place are populated by people who don’t really want to be there

    • 18 hours a week of jobsearch is not easy to fulfil either when you cant afford the internet or aint savvy with applying for work online. Its done deliberately to set you up to fail and be sanctioned. Sanctions are the way they are reducing the claimant count. The Work Programme was a dismal failure that was costing millions a year – Sanctions have the desired effect at hiding unemployment, as those sanctioned (including me) don’t show up on the claimant count, and nor are they in work, but the Tories don’t give a shit about that – they are saving £71 a week on everyone they long term sanction, and they save on that person not being on the work programme either, as they are sanctioned and not bothering to sign on anymore. Working Tax credits will be denied to claimants by this conditionality as well, with many people getting sanctioned even though they are in work – just not being able to prove they are doing enough to secure more or better paid work. Its all a total stitch up and part of the Tories plan to remove the welfare state and replace it with an insurance based system.

      • 18 hours a week jobsearch? That’s less than some of us poor JSA plebs. I have to be 35 hours a week trawling the same endless repeating bollocks on universal jobmatch…

        • They are just trying to send you round the twist Fen, little have they realised that sending people round the twists costs them money on the NHS.

          • The jobcentre minus have sent me up the wall so many times with their work programme nonsense and a two-week mickey mouse course (back in September). ~ Oh yeah, In all their lunatic wisdom I was shoved onto a two-week mickey mouse course under a JCP direction letter back in sep/oct. Turned out to be a waste of time as I mentioned to the people running the course that I had done it all before.

            Since then, I had received five mickey mouse “certificates” from the college running the course on behalf of the JCP. Those worthless pieces of bog paper were not even worth the paper they were even printed on and not even proper accredited certificates that would have been valued by any employer.

            So in the proper manner I simply tore them up and chucked them in the bin. Worthless dressed-up mickey mouses certificates that no employer would take seriously so no skin off my nose nor would I lose any sleep over me destroying them.

            • yeah I’ve had those before, when I were on new deal all those years ago they tried to fob me off with half an NVQ, what use is half an NVQ?

        • No you don’t. The rules on JSA are quite clear, and contained in the 1995 Jobseeker’s Act, which stipulates that you have to take two or more steps in each week towards getting work in order to remain as Actively Seeking Work.

          It’s true on the other hand that many Claimant’s Committments, (which for the purposes of JSA are regarded as being the same as a Jobseeker’s Agreement) are only advisory, and any sanction as a result of not taking every step outlined in a CC would be unlawful if you had completed the quite specific test contained in the 1995 Act, i.e. that you’d taken two or more steps per week, towards gaining employment.

          I know that there are JCP+ advisors who will try it on, but that is just what they are doing, whether knowingly, or more likely, through ignorance of the rules. I’m often quite amazed how ill informed JCP+ staff are about the rules affecting the service they administer.

          You don’t have to use UJ if you don’t want to, and you certainly don’t have to give JCP+ advisors access to your UJ account, and you don’t have to present your jobsearch in any stipulated way, you could deliver it in blank verse should you so choose.

      • Steve Jones the welfare state is an insurance system, that is why your subscriptions were called NATIONAL INSURANCE contributions or your stamp for short.

        A lot of people who went self employed or freelance no longer paid into the national system instead provided for their own sickness, retirement etc., thus undermining the national system which would be shared around everyone.

        Those out of work automatically got their subscriptions of NI paid for them
        But it was only meant to be universal to those in need, like you would claim from an insurance policy in need, not in greed, those with vast incomes.

        • overburdenddonkey

          wrong again fly, s/e get stamp paid. (now £2.80/wk) if earning below certain amt, and have to pay stamp if not…

          • Alright the self employed paid a reduced stamp like women or the sick who worked part time, but in the case of women they could claim full stamp if bringing up children.
            Those on reduced stamp had reduced benefits.

            • overburdenddonkey

              wrong again fly ‘Those on reduced stamp had reduced benefits’. nope
              30yrs stamps basic state pension….£115/wk topped up to £148/wk means tested….

              • Basic rate full stamp, otherwise everyone would have paid the lower stamp rate knowing they could get the full state pension or that is what it used to be, but like so much about the welfare state it has been modified to accommodate the rich and the fiddlers.

            • overburdenddonkey


              • I said who didn’t know – do you know what you are talking about? Those who were full time self employed expected to get a reduced pension and no welfare benefits in the 70’s I know this for a fact, if it has been modified to suit them which I doubt, (that is why they are in favour of UBI because then they will get the full whack,) it has been yet another fiddling of the benefits and against those who paid full stamp out of meagre wages.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  fly, mastermind subject; ‘trying to browbeat others into submission, your starter for 10…..’s/e persons no longer pays stamp and gets a state pension, true or false’…..
                  ( background…A lot of people who went self employed or freelance no longer paid into the national system instead provided for their own sickness, retirement etc., thus undermining the national system which would be shared around everyone.)

                • So the dictator is trying to tell me when to stop posting now, especially as he has no answer.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  you’re right i can’t make you be honest….

                • overburdenddonkey

                  point out that you said this…’I said who didn’t know’ and you said ‘A lot of people who went self employed or freelance no longer paid into the national system instead provided for their own sickness, retirement etc., thus undermining the national system which would be shared around everyone.’ and as i said this would be pointless…
                  and posted the reasons… but instead of correcting your notion you went on to talk about a few self employed construction workers on 715 cert aka as the lump which is for taxation purposes, as if this is the norm, and prattled on about the 70’s..and why they would be in favour of ubi for that reason ignoring the facts that it makes no difference to the non SERPS stamp payment….the lump was to distinguish paye and s/e, for employers of contractors, no 715 cert no work, or on paye…

                • overburdenddonkey

                  ps and 2016 when the single tier pension comes in SERPS/2nd state pension won’t be taken into account….

              • So how does this indicate they didn’t know (the self employed that is)?
                The self employed had accountants back then, not self assessment as they have now and the self employed knew they were getting a good deal by paying a reduced stamp and reduced taxes by not being on the PAYE.
                Some worked on what was call ‘the lump’ who paid no national insurance at all.
                All were told at the time that there would be limited pension and no unemployment or sickness benefit.
                Perhaps you would like to tell us all mastermind when all of this changed from that to this, not that I’m particularly interested I have never been self employed and paid my dues fully when in full time work, to keep the pensioners of the day.

  17. Britain Needs an End to Nazi Style Slave Labour Exploitation and
    Human Dignity in it’s place even if some Tabloid Brainwashed Boneheads
    are ” Offended ” by That

    End Sanctions End Slavery

    sibrydionmawr | November 25, 2015 at 4:52 pm | Reply

    Any more info on the Work & Health Programme? It sounds as if it’s just another rehash of ideas that have gone before. Long term unemployment will only be solved by long term employment, which, as we know, has been somewhat in short supply in the past few years.

    None of these schemes are about helping people into work, but all about punishment for being poor and unemployed, though under UC it will definitely become a punishment for being poor, in a low wage economy.

  18. Britain Need’s to Wash it’s Hands of Neo Liberalism and Austerity

    Steve Jones | November 25, 2015 at 5:05 pm | Reply

    I think it will end up with people just routinely getting sanctioned off JSA and ESA, and then getting means tested for re-payable hardship payments, that you can only get if you are totally destitute and they have to be paid back. In other words, you will only get assistance if you have NO money and no Assets like your own home. And you will have to repay all the hardship payments. The Tories are washing their hands of the unemployed via the sanctions method. They wont need the work programme any more now that they have ramped up the conditionality so much that so many more people get sanctioned for failing to comply with the 35 hours a week jobseeking rule. I mean – who sits at a PC for 35 housra week on Universal Jobmatch? Seriously, hardly anyone, so they will all end up sanctioned and probably on Hardship payments, if they qualify.

  19. All Slavery and Oppression is an Outrage

    Increase Welfare Benefits and No to Dangerous UK Involvement in
    Warmongering in Syria

    No to Slavery Yes to Social Justice

  20. I think voluntary work or community programme is better than sitting at a computer for 35 hours a week in a room looking at the same scarce jobs every day. It will be like a torture treatment. The gov hoping people will be so bored that they don’t turn up,then bingo sanctioned.

    Goodness knows what he’s got planned on the health work programme. Iain DS can’t believe that everyone is faking illness and with employers getting strong, fit cheaper labour from abroad they are hardly going to pick people who struggle with illnesses.
    I wonder if this health prog will be used as another tool to sanction people. Or kill them off.

    • So you have a choice of the devil, or the devil Neither is worth the paper they are given.. At least sitting in a room with others you foster a sense of them vs us.. the community work programma and MWA last LONGER than any criminal community order.. effectively its criminalising being unemployment. The health work programme, will probably break me again..

  21. I wish i could be hopeful that this ‘new scheme’ will be so different with a real chance of a job.. But it’s the Tories they don’t understand or care about the unemployed they just want to put us on some crap so called Voluntary scheme to where we go round and around earning the charity shops more money to stave us into ‘voluntary working’. With a bit of brains from this government many could have proper jobs but not the way of charity shops/ free labour etc.
    I will not give or shop in any store etc that used the unemployed as slave labour.It costs money to go to work in extra food, clean clothes etc and yet not a penny more in help were given by this Government or the so called charity’s.

    • I do voluntary work Mon to Thurs 6 hours a day at the local Foodbank – I do it through my own choice – I don’t claim benefits as I was sanctioned a while back, and with the mental health problems I have, I cant take the stress of the DWP and draconian JSA conditionality. I get help from family, and help out the foodbank as its a good cause as it helps others who are sanctioned or face crisis due to the DWP and its fucking spite and ineptitude. The whole system is now totally dysfunctional.

    • They dont WANT you to have a ‘proper’ job, they want you on min wage permanently for one of their agency owning chums.

  22. It ain't over, no

    Divide and rule again. Where charities and so on were justifiably vilified, picketed and protested against with workfare, there may be some blowback in a sense of claimants who don’t want their 17 hours sanctuary taken away, protesting against protest.

  23. Pingback: #Workfare Abandoned! Mandatory Work Activity and Community Work Placements Both To Be Scrapped | the void | sdbast

  24. this new work and health programme bizarre how can you mix the two I can never understand why sick pay or its successors ib and esa is allowed tob be administered by dwp when it should be the health department I can understand when it was combined twenty five years ago as the dhss its like asking undertakers to run a hospital they have no interest in keepin people alive just as a so called govermnt department just wants to work sick people to death and compounding there problem and no concern for health mind you that’s what Jeremy hunt wants to do with junior doctors now he got strike next week

    • junior doctors should not be left in charge in hospitals anyway, those at the top are getting paid most and should be doing the most hours.

  25. OT: Tax Credits cuts by another Name

    People are catching on to the supposed “No” Tax Credit Changes:

    So what will GidIdiot do now? Not even what 5 hours later and people are pointing to the fact nothing for the future has changed… no honeymoon period for you.

  26. Whilst DWP are keeping tight-lipped around the detail of the successor programme to the Work Programme until after November’s Comprehensive Spending Review, a few hints around design parameters are starting to emerge.

  27. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    WCA over the phone.

  28. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The new system will not have a paper trial or a receipt.

  29. Reblogged this on campertess and commented:
    It should never have been started. Well done to those who kept the campaign going

  30. Does this mean that WORKING LINKS will eventually go out of business? Let’s hope so then their smirking staff on the end of the phone line can get a taste of what it’s like when the tables are turned.

    • Raining, if only. I think the existing parasitic providers will now be focussing (scrabbling in the dirt for contracts) for the new Work & Health programme.

      Same shit, different day and in this case different victims – the sick and disabled, who, despite some saying otherwise have been persecuted to death via the conditionality of ESA WRAG.

      • Yeah Lucy i had a feeling that it was just wishful thinking on my part! Still it would be a beautiful thing if it happened. Poetic justice it would be and very sweet! 😀

      • If people have been persecuted to DEATH then they are not likely to say otherwise due to the fact they are dead!

  31. Can anyone briefly explain this new work and health programme – and where did you all hear about it? And on the following link Polly Toynbee says a million people will become ineligible for ESA, but I have no idea how. Can anyone enlighten me? As ever, the media coverage of nasty changes to ESA go virtually unreported (like in the last budget when the work group had their money cut by a third…. hardly covered in the news, which is outrageous.)

    • There’s been a lot of rumour that IDS wants to abolish the Work Related Activity Group of ESA, there’s already the proposed cut in ESA WRAG rates to take it down to the level of JSA.

      For the haters of the sick & disabled out there, being disabled and sick DOES cost a lot of money. Which increasingly, the sick & disabled don’t have.

    • lucy and donkey having a field day at the thought of those on wrag or esa getting benefits reduced or sanctioned, yet they were the ones that were working at remploy before both labour and tory decided to close them.

      • overburdenddonkey

        your family supports you, you come here to gloat…

        • Since when were you a member of my family to know that they support me, if they do it is news to me.
          If anyone supports me it is because they cannot get away with lying about me anymore, like you lot on this site. Nobody is buying the rubbish you sell other than those that are rubbish like you.

          • overburdenddonkey

            well thats what you told me ages ago…you don’t claim esa nor jsa…yet for some reason you found it ok to claim that we enjoy this… ‘lucy and donkey having a field day at the thought of those on wrag or esa getting benefits reduced or sanctioned, yet they were the ones that were working at remploy before both labour and tory decided to close them.’ so th only conclusion that i can draw is that you come here to gloat and indeed do…
            why the spite flyhawks….? you claimed that i would benefit from a ubi but when i pointed out it was either that or state pension, you carried on with with your goads…

            • OBD

              How big a fool are you? I was not on Esa or Jsa because my benefits had been sanctioned because I refused to do new deal or work for charities on principal (even though I have worked for charities that were up front and accountable in the past), which had no ceo’s and were not classed as businesses as they are now.

              I am not gloating at anybody, you are trying to push a system that would benefit you greatly but you would be the last to admit it, so don’t go on about me, my family or anything to do with me because someone is feeding you the wrong information.

              • overburdenddonkey

                how will something that will likely never happen in my life time benefit me…it won’t so stop talking rubbish…and put your irrational resentments away…. ‘I was not on Esa or Jsa because my benefits had been sanctioned because I refused to do new deal or work for charities on principal (even though I have worked for charities that were up front and accountable in the past), which had no ceo’s and were not classed as businesses as they are now. yes and that’s what you told me @ the time…we can all have strong principles if we can fall back on something else, but for me and many there is nothing else and what there is now is being whittled away to nothing….you have no idea what the systems like now, no direct recent experience of it… you’re grinding old irons…and i’m not saying they’re not in someway relevant but just stop your non-sense…i talk about what is relevant today as well and mainly…

                • overburdenddonkey

                  ps not only that it’s either a UBI or state pension not BOTH…as i keep repeating…

                • Do you think I live on another planet you sanctimonious shit, “I don’t know what it is like at benefits offices now”, you really believe you are the fount of all knowledge don’t you.? I never told you anything of the sort about what I did when I was sanctioned so where are you getting the notion from I was a kept woman?

                  If I suspect you are a member of my family I can tell everyone on this site now not even my family know everything about me nor are they my keepers because they know I would never agree to it, they gave me a couple of quid a week which wouldn’t keep a hamster in socks and was less than the £40 others are getting when sanctioned. If I have had anything off my family I have paid them back in kind or they were repaying a kindness I had done to them in the past.

                  I know a few of my family think they know about politics and are trying to brainwash the rest of them with their daft ideas like UBI and no doubt some would agree as it would benefit the richer ones greatly, but deep down they are as corrupt as the local and national government I am fighting and may even be working for them without having a bloody clue what they are actually doing or what they have got themselves into.

                  I am not the sneaky underhand one of the family make no mistake.
                  I don’t go and sit in groups gossiping about people behind their back and I don’t backstab, anything I have to say is face to face, but I have all of those done to me by people who make out they are my friend, family or neighbour and those that listen have only heard one side of any story because I have not given mine.

                • So which overburdened family member are you pretending to be?

                • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                  The Social Workers.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  you can be a kept man for all i care, but in your own words you were sanctioned some yrs ago…and had something else to fall back on which, and which was NOT the stringent/strict conditionality of jsa/esa, means that you can have strong principles where as many can’t and you’re preaching that all should have your strong principles when in fact they cannot….and you’ve come here to gloat and cause whatever mayhem you choose…

                • For your information I was sanctioned more than once and got not a penny from anywhere official, like I said a small token gesture from my family which others COULD get from their families also if they are the share and share alike people they talk about.

                  You say you are not even retired yet(unless you are lying as usual) so how would you not live to see UBI implemented, the way you talk about it to those suffering now you make people think they are going to get it next week and all their problems will be solved – you and your mates talk some shit the gruesome twosome – The Detroit spinner is Mumbo and you are Jumbo is your father’s name Limbo (or does he just need some new limbs)?

                  I know EVERYTHING about the benefits system and how it is manipulated by morons sat behind a desk, they may as well be the ‘bad robots’ sat there, that way the claimant can at least take a kick at the heap of junk spouting rubbish to them.

                  Not all claimants are treated the same way either with regards to who gets what, you have to know some of the idiots who work there to know that.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  as soon as the going got tough you backed down on new deal even which was yrs ago as you’ve clearly stated above….you’re a coward who expects everyone else to fight for you…banging on about what the french would do have done, that we should rise up and protest….yet when push comes to shove, you fall back on something else…and capitulate…and post bluster in an attempt to mask up, hide, and justify yourself….you admit that you haven’t claimed benefits for yrs and fell back on something else … you’ve often referenced my old age, as have i….no not everyone has family to fall back on most don’t as they’re struggling themselves…
                  it’s easy to be brave, and have strong principles if one has the certain knowledge of family support…but the principles of subsidiarity demand inclusivity… new deal ffs, should/could have appealed, reclaimed gone on ib…. ie FOUGHT BACK… not capitulate…

                • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                  What a lay about moaner – moaning all the time Moaning that you are correct all the time. What a sad lonely waste of life. Give up because you give up easy in not wanting any money off the state. Loser & gives up easy. Only thing you don`t give up is your bullshit.

                • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                  That is for the loser Flystalks.

                • For your information mumbo and jumbo, the going was tougher for me by refusing to do new deal – you are the cowards that have not put up a fight against anything except those on here that have and have proved it.

                  Whether I am on benefits is none of your business, but I sure as hell am not being kept by my family, most of whom are or were for the hanging and flogging of benefit claimants, so they were hardly going to be sympathetic to my plight, but of course with your connections you probably know all about my family or think you do.

                  I have had to fight my own battles in life and still can so if either of you would like some face time I would be only to glad to finish you off in the fight of your life, you snivelling cowards cannot do anything without lying.

                • So you don’t work, you don’t claim benefits or at least get enough on benefits, you don’t accept help from your family. So where do you get the money from to live? nothing you say makes sense.

                • That reply was to mumbo jumbo.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  carry on fly
                  you tried to discredit me now it’s you who’s thoroughly discredited and if people don’t see and/or remember that then we’re truly fucked….

                • Maria by what a nosey gossiping cow you are, as if I would tell you anything, with every word you utter you show your character completely.#
                  All you need to know on here is that I have fought the authorities against for the downtrodden for most of my life, I did not have savings, income or anything else when I refused to do new deal, was arrested and locked up for my protest against the job centre, and have fought for every penny I have now.
                  So would you like to tell me where your income comes from, what you have done for the cause, because none of you do anything except moan and groan while you do you workfare, at least if you don’t do workfare you can get a hardship allowance now, I couldn’t all of the times that I was sanctioned, like I said I caused them too much trouble to get any help from the authorities and still would, so to me you lot ganging up on me is small fry compared to the fights I have had in my life.

              • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                Need a Social Worker because we sure ain`t being Social Workers.

              • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                Your talk of the DWP is bullshit you have never been to one DWP office or job centre. Yes you thought about it. How to answer You don`t want answer because you don`t need answers.

        • Why are we fighting against ourselves on here!? We should unite to beat them. I am a working single mum and I claim tax credits. Yet I’ve been through the system and know how hard it is. I work with people who are on 5 hours contracts and are under the jobcentre. Respect to you all, working, unemployed, sick…

  32. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    For the Department for Work and Pensions this means:
    •continued roll-out of Universal Credit, extending job search conditionality to a further 1.3 million claimants by 2020-21
    •a real terms increase in funding to help those with disabilities and health conditions return to, and remain in, work
    •a new Work and Health Programme replacing the Work Programme and Work Choice which will provide specialist support for the long-term unemployed and claimants with health conditions and disabilities
    •investment to enable DWP to become a smaller, more efficient department spending 22% less on administration in real terms, 34% less in real terms on technology and occupying 20% less estate

    • Thanks. I suppose there’s no detail yet about who will be affected by point three on the list you provided.

    • Spending ‘less’ on a gov. Dept in this case will result in spending ‘more’,
      because A4e, Redd, etc etc all hire buildings and staff at full rates and pass the cost on plus profit to the gubermint.

  33. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Nov 25th 2015

    Secretary of State for the Department for Work and Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith

    Iain Duncan Smith, said:

    “Our welfare reforms are fundamentally about delivering greater opportunity through life change: supporting everyone who is able to work to do so, while at the same time maintaining the valuable safety net for those that need it. This government has made remarkable progress but there’s more to do.

    “This Spending Review will see the start of genuine integration between the health and work sectors, with a renewed focus on supporting people with health conditions and disabilities return to and remain in work. We will increase spending in this area, expanding Access to Work and Fit for Work, and investing in the Health and Work Innovation Fund and the new Work and Health Programme.

    “Universal Credit remains the key plank of our welfare reforms – ensuring work always pays. Roll-out continues, and the new benefit will be in every Jobcentre Plus by spring next year.

    “Alongside this, as part of our drive to create a modern, dynamic, Jobcentre service the department will be introducing new ways of accessing and engaging with the employment support we offer. This will be better for those using our services, and will also improve the way these services are delivered – making them much more efficient.”

  34. I know someone that went on work placement that is now working for the company but this is a rare thing. I know of only the one company that has or is still taking people on full time.

    • Hope it’s not that fucked-up paint recycling place I had to go to for “work experience” last summer through those scammers Seetec. Fucking wankers the lot of them..

    I see at the end of Section 5.1 of the above link, there’ll be a White Paper next year on ESA and how it relates to a ‘Joint Work and Health Unit’. So, not only does IDS victimise claimants and implement unjust changes badly, he also makes us wait for the detail, just to increase the tension and anxiety even more, for already anxious and ill people. And the media go along with it, as though this sort of policy is totally acceptable.

  36. Hi I am on long term sick I claim pip benefits I have just received a letter to attend a post work support interview at wythenshawe job centre is this the same thing as the as the mandatory work activity? And is there anyway I can stop this from happening please?

  37. no I I don’t think so mwa doesn’t apply to climents on esa but if you don’t like anything ask your doctor for a medical certificate excuse ing you from work

    • overburdenddonkey

      i think you’re right about mwa…but they do put pressure on one to ‘volunteer’…
      it will be a gp’s letter…

  38. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Until someone teaches me to do up my shoelaces I ain`t going nowhere in my holey socks.

  39. im going to try an find out exacly what input the health department are having with this Joint Work and Health Unit’. and work and health programme the dwp propose surely its the health department busness and remit and if they don’t why not why is the prime minister allowing it who will help me to keep asking questions to me its a bit like natzi Germany 1935 messing the sick and disabled about basically mental torture surely proper docters must see it not these fake doctors from atos an maximass

  40. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The work and health programme details are a secret because they have not sorted out the new contracts with Atos, Maximus, Serco, G4S yet. To cut cost all benefits will be dealt over the phone with medicals over the phone the job of the HCP`s. No paper work no paper trial, no receipt yet you want me to agree to something that I have no proof of signing, except the only proof will be in the hands of the HCP`s or work coaches. Proof of not fit for purpose & not worth the paper it`s written on – because it is not written on any paper called a form, even the HCP`s have mis-laid the form of proof. Going in circles in a failed admin system of failure.

  41. another thing dwp or ids I believe I read that they wrote to every gp surgery in the country warning gps about handing out medical certificates willy nilly in a effort to reduce the countries worlklessness bloody cheek the health department is the gps master or primary care trust where does the dwp fit in surely they have to honor a sick note and should not meddle or influence a professional opion is it lawfull anyone know ?

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Once you have signed an ESA bogus form you have given away your rights, The GP is overridden by the Terms & Conditions on the ESA50 of giving the HCP`s full control over your health & medication.

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Right at the bottom.

        This factsheet provides only a general overview of the topic and should not be relied upon as definitive guidance. If you are an MPS member, and you are facing an ethical or legal dilemma, call and ask to speak to a medicolegal adviser, who will give you specific advice.MPS is not an insurance company. All the benefits of membership of MPS are discretionary as set out in the
        Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Medical Protection Society Limited. A company limited by
        guarantee. Registered in England No. 36142 at 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PS.

    • ‘worlklessness ‘_
      If ever their was a word to describe the
      Entire Fucking Life
      of George ‘Cut Like A Toddler’ Smith, this is it.
      There isnt a good fuck in him.
      Failed at everything except ‘Toadying’_
      The inept small man syndrome wanker would need an instruction manual to change a spark plug.

      • If in trouble, change your name, lie about your qualifications and history and move into politics.
        Bullshitting little Bully needs a fucking good Kicking if you ask me.

      • Another Fine Mess

        wanker would need an instruction manual to change a spark plug.

        If you don’t know what you’re doing changing a spark plug can be quite tricky.

        • Tell me about it! Some of them are like welded in and stuff. Very easy to break off or something and end up stuck in your engine or worse. A ‘simple’ spark plug change can easily turn into a nightmare!

  42. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Nudge nudge wink wink unit.

  43. One important thing nobody has pointed out is ‘Where’s the fucking money’?
    If these schemes are saving so much money,where is it?
    It wont save anu money,period. The costs will outweigh the savings, nobody will benefit except the greedy bosses as fucking usual.

  44. ERSA welcomes JRF call for reform of Jobcentre Plus and extension of the Work Programme,

    19 November 2015

  45. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    ERSA also welcomes today’s announcements of day 1 referral to specialist support under Universal Credit, the extension of Access to Work and the increased funding for mental health services. The latter, in particular, is very much in line with ERSA’s own recommendations, as lack of access to talking therapies has proved a significant barrier for supporting jobseekers with mental health conditions.’

    “jobseekers with mental health conditions.’” But don`t put it on your cv.

  46. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The National Institute of Economic and Social Research has put out its analysis of the Autumn Statement. On tax credits, it points out: “Future Universal Credit claimants still face cuts. Overall, the welfare payment cuts have been delayed, but not fully undone.” In addition, it says that two tax credit cuts, “the family element and the two-child cap”, are still going ahead.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The think tank says the chancellor “did the right thing” by not going ahead with proposed plans.

      It adds:

      However Universal Credit is the big loser because the cuts to it have not been reversed. Millions of low-income working families are still set to be significantly worse off by the end of the parliament if the Universal Credit roll-out goes ahead as planned. Pain tomorrow is better than pain today – but it is still pain.”

      Torsten Bell
      Director of the Resolution Foundation

  47. Reblogged this on Wessex Solidarity and commented:
    We keep going until we destroy the DWP completely.

  48. Work Programme and Work Choice to Merge, and Apprenticeship Levy Set.

    Work & Health Programme – DWP briefings on the new programme are expected to begin in December.

    There is no indication in the Spending Review as to whether or not any alternate contracted provision will be offered for claimants unemployed for less than 2 years. Where it has been agreed as part of a devolution deals, local areas will be involved in the co-design of employment support for harder-to-help claimants.

    This includes an extension of Access to Work to a further 25,000 disabled people, an expansion of Fit for Work, and £115m for the Joint Work & Health Unit, including £40m for a health and work innovation fund to pilot new ways to join up health and employment systems. A White Paper will be published in 2016 setting out further reforms to improve support for people with health conditions.

    New JSA claimants will be required to attend jobcentres on a weekly basis for the first three months of their claim.

  49. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The DWP are Witch Doctors with the magical medicine of work in a non job. 35 hours on jobsearch heals the job search in healing all medical conditions. Mumbo jumbo is what the DWP are.

  50. It’s worth noting that the union that represents Jobcentre workers, PCS, has been campaigning against sanctions and privatisation for many years. 40% of PCS members are on in-work benefits.

    • But it’s important to note that they haven’t exactly been campaigning very hard, or refusing to sanction people, as they could do. They know that sanctioning people removes what people need to live on, and indeed, the DWP guidelines state that health deterioration is likely as a result of sanctions, so therefore DWP staff could legitimately refuse to sanction. But they don’t.

      PCS has not come out publicly in support of the unemployed who are suffering because of sanctions, but rather colluded with the government.

      Many people feel little sympathy towards JCP+ staff, as they regard them as little better than camp guards.

  51. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The DWP Suicide Nudge Unit will be running riot.

  52. Will people who have done two years of the work programme now have to endure it all over again under a different title. Life just seems to be one blow after another.


    But it takes a certain kind of person to knowingly deprive some very disabled people of benefits because they did not tick the right boxes. Although the salaries are attractive, are they big enough to buy a conscience?

    The last words are left to people by Trinity who cared of Alan McArdle:

    “One of the people we work with, from our day centre in Slough, died recently. He wasn’t living on the streets – he had found housing. He had multiple health problems and had recently been in hospital. The private company who had been tasked with deciding who was fit for work – no longer the job of the civil servants employed by the jobcentre – had put him on the work programme. This meant he had to keep a number of appointments, apply for jobs and was expected to work. He missed an appointment. He had just left hospital and one of our people had written letters and made calls on his behalf to ensure that the people from the work programme knew why the appointment was missed. He was too poorly to leave the house.

    He received a letter telling him his benefits had been stopped – he was being sanctioned for not attending his appointment. His ill-health was irrelevant. He died after opening this letter. He collapsed and was gone. They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die, I would hazard a guess that it was his future that flashed before his: losing his home, returning to the streets, perhaps dying there

  54. The only hope now is to go all out for the return of a Labour government and the Jobs Guarantee Scheme.

    • A Labour government? Don’t make me laugh, a Labour government would be just as bad as this present government. And the Jobs Guarantee Scheme was nothing other than Workfare on steroids, in that yes, it was a job, and you got paid, but it was still free labour for employers.

      What is needed is a fundamental change in the way our society is run, one that is based on supplying the needs of people, whatever those needs are. UBI would be one way of supplying those needs, but there are other ways.

  55. “A new Work and Health Programme aimed at the long term unemployed along with sick and disabled people” – this is what scares me and a truckload of other people on ESA and those in the Support Group. It was bad enough compelling fit and healthy people into work, but now it’s gonna be the sick and disabled people – as if we’d not had enough bullying and coercion and hoops to jump through

    • A good dose of the Work Programme/MWA/CWP would do you the world of good – seriously! Think of it as a character building exercise – it it doesn’t kill you it will make you stronger. Lots of us have survived the Work Programme and the sheer brutality of MWA/CWP and are still around to tell the tale. Nice one George – round the malingering fuckers up. 🙂 You fucker on here are just so transparent 😀

  56. Just come back from the club George, pissed as a parrot I am.
    Abbott reserve, 6.5%, £1.89 pence, no tax paid (its that sort of establishment). Thanks Pal, your a fucking Star. Settled my tab from last week, dole wallahs welcome.
    There’;s nowt like a guaranteed income to create a credit line, and it seems I have a guaranteed income.
    How much do you want for your Misses?

  57. There’s no need to be like THAT George, Westminster is tax free..
    You get 4k a week?
    and its not like you have knocked the walls out or anything, I heard you was hung like a mouse.

  58. Pingback: Workfare Abandoned! Mandatory Work Activity and Community Work Placements Both To Be Scrapped | the void | Britain Isn't Eating

  59. Pingback: Belangrijke overwinning voor Boycott Workfare! |

  60. A RULE FOR ONE…………………………

    The City watchdog today fined Barclays £72 million for failing to minimise risks that the bank may be used to carry out financial crime.

    The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said the failings relate to a £1.88 billion transaction that Barclays arranged and executed in 2011 and 2012 for a number of “ultra-high-net-worth” clients. The clients involved were so-called “politically exposed persons” and should have been subject to enhanced levels of due diligence and monitoring by Barclays.

    “Barclays went to unacceptable lengths to accommodate the clients. Specifically, Barclays did not obtain information that it was required to obtain from the clients to comply with financial crime requirements. Barclays did not do so because it did not wish to inconvenience the clients.


      ……….steal a mars bar because you are starved, the double standards of bent Britain………….

      Barclays Fined $150M for Trading Misconduct

      The Associated Press

      New York regulators say the British bank Barclays will pay a $150 million penalty and fire an executive for misconduct related to its automated electronic foreign exchange trading.

      The Department of Financial Services said the misconduct concerned Barclays’ “Last Look” system, and the bank is terminating its global head of electronic fixed income, currencies, and commodities automated flow trading.

      Regulators said Barclays used the system in certain instances to automatically reject client orders that would be unprofitable for the bank because of subsequent price swings during milliseconds-long hold periods.


    Christopher Sidney Matthew Graham (born 21 September 1950) is the UK Information Commissioner. He took over the role from Richard Thomas on 29 June 2009. Prior to his current appointment, Graham was Director General of the United Kingdom’s Advertising Standards Authority.[1][2]

    ………………..he just sits on his arse and says nothing as the thousands of welfare inflicted deaths are airbrushed from sight…………..

    DWP should release data on the health impact of its work capability assessment

    Our peer-reviewed study revealed a clear and striking link between the Department for Work and Pensions’ work capability assessments and increases in suicides and other mental health problems. This raises concerns that the WCA process is severely damaging mental health. Unfortunately the DWP has not, as yet, taken these concerns seriously (Report, 16 November). Suicides and other mental health problems continue to increase in the UK. It is crucial that we understand why this has occurred and take action to reverse this situation. In order to facilitate this the DWP should make any relevant data they hold available to researchers, to allow further analysis of the health impact of the WCA.
    Ben Barr Senior clinical lecturer in applied public health research, University of Liverpool
    David Taylor-Robinson Senior clinical lecturer in public health, University of Liverpool
    David Stuckler Professor of political economy and sociology, Oxford University
    Rachel Loopstra Postdoctoral researcher, Oxford University
    Aaron Reeves Senior research fellow, Oxford University
    Margaret Whitehead WH Duncan professor of public health, University of Liverpool



    • …………….and all the powdered wig brigade, the likes of JUDGE DAVID WILLIAMS and JUDGE MARK ROWLAND, little puppets of the DWP that make reservations on whether poor and disabled have a right to a life………




        This government has an obsession with reducing the number of people claiming out-of-work disability and sickness benefits, trying to claim that spending on them is out of control. This could not be further from the truth. The IFS has said that spending on such benefits, at 0.8 per cent as a share of GDP, “is half the level of disability benefit spending when it was at its peak in 1995–96.”

        In his Budget earlier in the year, George Osborne announced that future WRAG claimants would receive the equivalent of Jobseekers Allowance – that is around £30 per week less than current claimants get. Putting these two measures together, the cut and the conditionality equivalent to JSA, we have the effective abolition of the Work Related Activity Group. There will in future be no point in anybody even undergoing the stress and humiliation of a Work Capability Assessment unless they are confident they will be placed in the Support Group. The government will have engineered the removal of any additional financial support from large numbers of sick and disabled people, partly by harrassing them into just giving up applying for it. For a large proportion of sick and disabled people, unless they can find a job they are able to do, they will in effect be abandoned to a life of struggling to survive on inadequate benefits, interspersed with sanctions.

        The way the government has treated sick and disabled people since 2010 has been appalling, with a cruelty that is completely unnecessary, unjustified and frankly baffling. The Chancellor’s announcement today seems to be just another kick to people who are already down, a complete denial of the reality of life for people like the late David Clapson, a diabetic who died when he received a benefit sanction. Expect to see many more sick and disabled people at your local foodbank.


      Well he is already in the hood, only time will tell if knight follows day.

  62. Olive Cooke: Poppy seller who killed herself after deluge of cold calls had her details sold by professional database companies

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Charity Pimps

      “””Charities struggling to raise money through their own supporters have increasingly turned to outside agencies including list brokers. These specialise in compiling lists of people’s contact details which they sell either to charities or to companies.

      For charities, they provide not only provide “leads” but a way to bring in extra cash by selling on the details of their own loyal donors. “””

    • Sian, even in death, Olive was shafted by the system, the official cause of death minimised the effect that the constant deluge of requests for cash had on her. Even her family, at the time of the inquest were siding with “she had MH issues” which of course, resulted in the pressure from the begging charities being virtually ignored. Only now are the family seeing sense and trying to pursue some truth for her memory.

  63. OT: Young Single/Disabled maybe about to be Evicted en-mass?

    H-T to Tobanem on ipswich

    (revenge for UN referral perhaps?)

    Osborne changes: Bedroom Tax single people, mass evictions for disability CSR2 & closure of all women’s refuges

  64. Nazi Scum Off Our Streets Tory Scum Out of Office

    Britain Need’s Political Revolution to Get the Tories Out of Office
    and that cannot be done by People being Soap Opera Watching Zombies

    End Austerity Bridge the Gulf between Rich and Poor

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | November 26, 2015 at 11:07 am | Reply


    This government has an obsession with reducing the number of people claiming out-of-work disability and sickness benefits, trying to claim that spending on them is out of control. This could not be further from the truth. The IFS has said that spending on such benefits, at 0.8 per cent as a share of GDP, “is half the level of disability benefit spending when it was at its peak in 1995–96.”

    In his Budget earlier in the year, George Osborne announced that future WRAG claimants would receive the equivalent of Jobseekers Allowance – that is around £30 per week less than current claimants get. Putting these two measures together, the cut and the conditionality equivalent to JSA, we have the effective abolition of the Work Related Activity Group. There will in future be no point in anybody even undergoing the stress and humiliation of a Work Capability Assessment unless they are confident they will be placed in the Support Group. The government will have engineered the removal of any additional financial support from large numbers of sick and disabled people, partly by harrassing them into just giving up applying for it. For a large proportion of sick and disabled people, unless they can find a job they are able to do, they will in effect be abandoned to a life of struggling to survive on inadequate benefits, interspersed with sanctions.

    The way the government has treated sick and disabled people since 2010 has been appalling, with a cruelty that is completely unnecessary, unjustified and frankly baffling. The Chancellor’s announcement today seems to be just another kick to people who are already down, a complete denial of the reality of life for people like the late David Clapson, a diabetic who died when he received a benefit sanction. Expect to see many more sick and disabled people at your local foodbank.

  65. Good riddance to the scamming wankers pretending to be workfare. All the dumb schemes I have been through since leaving school many years ago did fuck all for me except line their already bulging pockets with even more cash than they need.

    • As back as far as YT in the 80s Fen, every single one of these schemes has shafted the young and old alike. The young are particularly hammered, having their confidence and potential smashed by the money grabbing parasites.

      Every government funded training/employment scheme is 100% con.

      • Hasn’t always been so. Back in the 70s and early 80s there was the Training Opportunities Scheme run by the Manpower Services Commission that actually provided training in real skills that were needed. Courses were around six months in duration, and attracted a decent training allowance, and also a lodging allowance if you needed to attend a Skillcentre away from your home area.

        I went on one of those courses in 1982 at the Trafford Park, Manchester Skillcentre, got very good training and was placed in a job at the end of it. Even lunch was provided, free, as well as tea and coffee at break times.

        The training was to a very high standard, and must have been very expensive to supply, but that kind of investment is exactly what is required if there is to be any kind of hope of improving and diversifying the economy. Most of the training was actually retraining of people who had been working in industries that were in decline, so their contribution was even more valuable.

        We are constantly harassed about not being able to get work, but many of us would be able to retrain, to refresh our skills and then be eligible to apply for those jobs where there is a skill shortage. At present we don’t even get the option of even considering retraining as the funding for genuine training just isn’t there.

        For example, given the number of jobs involving being able to drive, it would be a great help if people could get the opportunity to go on a funded course to get a driving licence, which would help a lot of people.

  66. Oppose Austerity by Ending Austerity.

    Defend the Welfare State including Full Housing Benefit and House the Homeless.

    The Country Needs to be Free from the Tory Tyrant Regime and That Requires a Better Government in Office .

    A Pro Social Justice in the United Kingdom Government instead of a Clique of Toff Ivory Tower Nation Wreckers

    There Needs to be Mass Demonstrations Every Week and Local Demonstrations across the Country Every Day

    Labour Needs to be a Real Alternative to Austerity and No to Rightist
    Austerity Stooges in the Parliamentary Labour Party

  67. Notice that Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has 114,895 Signatures .

    Clearly the Resignation of this Politician is in Order for the Misery and
    Suffering of the Past 5 and a Half Years of Chaoservatives Propped Up
    by Liberal Dictatorcrats until March 2015 AD and with Labour ” Official
    Opposition ” Going along like Sheep and being like Spineless Dummies
    until Jeremy Corbyn became Leader

    The Nutcase Autumn Statement like other Nutcase Budgets Needs to
    be Opposed and also Stopped

    Universal Credit Need’s to be Stopped and if that means Tories Out
    of Office the Better For Social Justice in Great Britain

    The Chaoservatives Should Never of got to Office in May 2010 AD
    and should of been Out of Office Years Ago

    It is in the National Interest For the Chaoservatives to be Out of Office
    and Austerity to be Ended

    Answer Political Revolution involving Millions Not just the Few

    The Battle of Britain in 1940 AD may of been Won by the Few but
    this Present Battle of Britain Need’s to Involve Millions More

    • … and the revamped gov petition website claims that when a petition gets 10,000 people signed up then they will gain a debate from the backbenchers…

      Cue the deafening silence from the lazy fat arses sitting on the back benches, only because IDS keeps bunging them a few quid to shut them up and refuse to debate and question his monumental balls-up of the whole sordid situation.

  68. Any Present and Future Labour MPS Elected Need to be Committed
    to Social Justice and to Defending the Welfare State and Not being
    Craven Austerity Stooges like Rightists in the Parliamentary Labour
    Party have been Undermining Jeremy Corbyn Leader of the Opposition
    to in Effect Help Keep the Tory Party in Power with Nutcase Austerity
    Warmongering and State Totalitarianism



      Imagine you are unable to work through whatever medical, physical, learning or sensory disability you have and you live in a social housing 2 bed house in low rent Liverpool. Your rent will be around £86 per week and you will be getting the 14% bedroom tax taken off you and so receiving £73.96 per week in housing benefit.

      HOWEVER this change above means your maximum eligible rent for HB purposes will only be £57.77 per week which is the Shared Accommodation Rate or SAR for Liverpool.

      You will receive £49.68 in housing benefit only and a reduction of £24.28 per week in your maximum HB as the maximum eligible rent before bedroom tax deductions is the SAR of £57.77 and no longer the £86.00 per week actual rent.

      You will need to find £36.32 per week or £1,893.83 per year to top up your rent or £157.82 per calendar month!

      Even if you move to the mythical 1 bed property with a rent of say £78.00 per week and avoid the pernicious bedroom tax, if you are single and under 35 you will only get £57.77 per week as the maximum Housing Benefit and still have to find £20.23 per week or £1054.85 per year or £87.90 per calendar month to pay your rent.

      Note too the Shared Accommodation Rate does NOT hold a blank exemption for receipt of DLA or PIP or ESA and in the support group so if you are disabled under 35 and have no child dependants then your housing benefit will be cut.


        Families win carers’ benefit cap case at High Court

        6 minutes ago
        From the section UK

        The government discriminated against disabled people when it failed to exempt some unpaid carers from its cap on benefits, the High Court has ruled.

        It comes after two adult carers challenged the way the benefits cap applied to people who care for their disabled adult children or relatives.

        Carers can claim about £60 a week for caring for relatives – but claims can be included in the £500 benefit cap.

        This indirectly discriminated against disabled people, the judge said.

        A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said the government “values the important role of carers” and was “considering the judgment and will respond in due course”.


  69. Hahahaha, more humiliation for these tory bastards, Osborne, Hunt now IDS, good, they fully deserve it! Let us keep the pressure on them and make them change their minds on other things they’re doing and getting away with and make them tell us the truth about everything, let’s keep at them!


      44,000 people died last year, but the wrinkly old bastard that lives in the biggest council house in Britain will be doubling up on ermine, champagne and venison as the loyal subjects she signed into penal servitude and misery fight for their very existence…………..

      • Geoff – Yet more money to add to her billions of £’s – the uncaring old bitch really is well and truly quids in!

  70. Reblogged this on musings from outside the asylum and commented:
    Recent performance figures showed that only half of those referred to forced community work actually started a placement. Eighteen months after Community Work Placements began the DWP is still avoiding telling us whether anyone has actually found a real job through the scheme. The department is claiming the programmes will not be renewed to save money.

  71. Defend Full Housing Benefit and House the Homeless

    Defend the Welfare State and Yes to Proper Funding for Local Government
    so the Poor and Vulnerable do Not have Council Tax Inflicted upon Them

    mrmarcpc | November 26, 2015 at 3:06 pm | Reply

    Hahahaha, more humiliation for these tory bastards, Osborne, Hunt now IDS, good, they fully deserve it! Let us keep the pressure on them and make them change their minds on other things they’re doing and getting away with and make them tell us the truth about everything, let’s keep at them!

    • BLACK FRIDAY, the pushing, shoving, jostling and fighting to get the last packet of cream crackers off the food bank shelf……………

      Instead of furnishing our wanton greed we should be sparing a few coppers for the rough sleepers and the disadvantaged and elderly.

      They too are human beings, flesh and blood.

      As you watch the Queen;s speech on tv over christmas, spare a thought for all the hard work, her and the inbreds have done to deserve the rich pickings,

      The strain of shaking hands and unveiling engraved plaques to oneself must be truly stressfull.

      Jaunts to Malta and all that rich food, what a carry on…………

      If the normal human being could only imagine all the weight attached to being a monarch?

      Kneeling down to turn up the radiator a few degrees and treading on the corgi’s paw, frantically scrabbling to get that pesky bit of antler from between your teeth…………

      “Spare a thought for the lady on the most expensive stamps in Europe, because when you are licking her rear, she is kicking your arses”

      • Will Cameron’s state tax payer funded £138 million jet, EXTRAVAGANCE ONE, with it’s £10 million of state tax payer funded alterations, be used to repatriate the dead from his personal war in Syria?

        • and will WOOTTON BASSETT have to switch off it’s christmas lights to welcome back the hearses from RAF BRIZE NORTON to expedite the transition of our limbless, war torn service personnel to MAXIMUS to be informed they are actually, fit for work?

      • paultheswineherd

        Geoff – well said – ‘Black Friday’ is yet another disgraceful splurge of selfish materialism which has been imported from the U.S.A. Even Asda’s have seen sense this year and banned it – I bet that the ‘workfare’ people that have ‘volunteered’ (!) to ‘work (!) there are very relieved, let alone the regular staff. What shocking TV footage we saw from last year with regard to all of this.
        And as for the queen and her taxpayer funded family and hangers on – yes, I could not agree more with you. She expects her loyal ‘subjects’ to kiss her feet and to lie down in front of her in complete loyalty.
        A few years ago, she was reported to have been in ‘fuel poverty’ – what an absolute shambles – with all of her properties, if she was, she could have sold a few or sold some of her ‘crown jewels’ – but, now way – the taxpayer as usual, would have had to bale her out.
        Meanwhile, many of her ‘subjects’ are slowly starving but she and her family does not give a flying fuck. All they care about is where Kate Middletons’ next £8000 dress is going to come from (ready for their Christmas celebrations at Sandringham or Balmoral) and how many presents prince George is going to get! What a fucking disgrace – this once ‘great’ Country has gone to the dogs – the rich get ever richer, the poor get ever poorer, the judiciary and the establishment/Government are all corrupt and twisted expense/money/consultantcy makers, again while many of the people in this country are on the verge of starvation – even some ‘working’ people who are paid such a pitiful wage that they cannot afford all of their necessary bills and adequate food to feed themselves. Well, I am sure that it is all eventually all going to come around and bite them all – not immediately – but I am sure soon – especially the hateful IDS, Camoron & Osborne.

        • They’ll be off to their annual Norfolk estate holiday within a couple of weeks of so and stay there ‘on holiday’ until around the end of January. They don’t need a fucking holiday at all, let alone for nearly two months as none of the lazy ‘royals’ don’t do any fucking work apart from cutting ribbons at a new shopping centre or foodbank.

          Why the fuck do they need to rub it in for the rest of us by opening their presents on Christmas Eve every year for flying fuck sake? They must be bunging santa a few thousand quid to drop in at Sandringham first from the North Pole before he goes around the world after a right royal present giving, booze up with them.

          What load of old cobblers will we have to put up with at 3:00pm christmas afternoon this year from the old bag I wonder? Will she mention to us that her weekly pension has been increased next year thanks to that smug cunt Osborne through his austerity measures. Money that was saved through helping bring the country out of debt instead will now go into her diamond encrusted handbag each week when she visits the local post office with her pension book.

          I hope they all either die of food poisoning or choke to death on their enornmous turkey. That should save the country a few billions in cash and reduce the national debt by a third.

        • Elton John – Ho! Ho! Ho! (Who’d be a turkey at Christmas)

          The B-side to 1973’s Step Into Christmas. The song can be found on albums such as Lady Samantha, Rare Masters, and christmas wishes (a compliation album) note near the end of the song its sung; ‘could it be, watford are the team for me!’

        • We we had a look at the TV they were all fighting over. It was pretty low spec – could only lay avi files on its Media Player. Most tellies will play any codec that your throw at them.

        • Don’t think it even has a Freeview HD tuner, kind if silly since it was a pretty big screen. Just “HD Ready”. Don’t think it even had an HDMI input to hook it up to a satellite reciever box to receive some High Definition channels. Big screen but the manufacturer had cut back on the bells and whistles to keep the price low.

          • At least one HDMI socket comes as standard on pretty much all freeview TV’s now. Unless that is, your TV comes from some pokey backstreet manufacturer in China…

  72. Down with Black Friday and the Evil Materialistic Scummishness it Represents

    Better that Money is Given to the Homeless and the Poor

    Down with Nazi Britain

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | November 26, 2015 at 4:29 pm | Reply

    BLACK FRIDAY, the pushing, shoving, jostling and fighting to get the last packet of cream crackers off the food bank shelf……………

    Instead of furnishing our wanton greed we should be sparing a few coppers for the rough sleepers and the disadvantaged and elderly.

    They too are human beings, flesh and blood.

    As you watch the Queen;s speech on tv over christmas, spare a thought for all the hard work, her and the inbreds have done to deserve the rich pickings,

    The strain of shaking hands and unveiling engraved plaques to oneself must be truly stressfull.

    Jaunts to Malta and all that rich food, what a carry on…………

    If the normal human being could only imagine all the weight attached to being a monarch?

    Kneeling down to turn up the radiator a few degrees and treading on the corgi’s paw, frantically scrabbling to get that pesky bit of antler from between your teeth…………

    “Spare a thought for the lady on the most expensive stamps in Europe, because when you are licking her rear, she is kicking your arses”

  73. Whatever Programmes For Slavery and Degradation that are Thought Up
    They Need to be Opposed Stopped and Reversed

    No Slavery Yes to Human Dignity and Real Human Rights

    More Protests are Needed to Stop and Reverse any such Nazi Style
    Pro Slavery Programmes

  74. Instead of People being Entranced by Commercialmus Pantomime
    Orgy of Materialism ( Materialism ) it is Better that there are Large
    Protests For a Caring Society in Defence of the Welfare State and
    against Degrading Poverty

  75. This may sound strange but the Tories seem to seen sense over the workfare disaster at last. Having seen many poor people looking for work, many in fact walking and searching for real jobs on the streets here in the UK, a land like many other developed countries where millions of people wander lost in the delusion of materialistic society. Almost everyone here looks sick and stressed out. Their lives are dumbed down to nothing due to all the shit those in governments and the evil bastards in corporations do in controlling them. It’s just so wrong though, that so many people should suffer in conditions like this and all because of certain greedy and evil individuals, who steal our resources to gain extreme material abundance for themselves which they don’t really need anyway.

    If only the richest people in our society would have some empathy and compassion in those who are suffering they could stop this whenever they wanted, but they just don’t care. It’s like they live in a kind of numbed down apathy for anyone else but themselves. Clearly they don’t really care about the world around them. Modern societies have no compassion.

    • paultheswineherd

      Santa Hates You – Very true and well said.

    • overburdenddonkey

      trouble is we don’t have any open contact, with these merciless bastards in our day to day lives, they keep themselves insulated with their wealth…
      compassion is in us all, we don’t or are stopped from expressing it….
      controlled in every aspect of our lives…
      bated with what is the next clampdown or savage cut going to be or fall…

      • paultheswineherd

        overburdenddonkey – this is part of the problem – once they get into Parliament, their egos and their salaries just soar and soar forever upwards. They then look down on everyone, apart from their rich friends and the multinationals/large privare companies (especially it seems the ‘healthcare’ ones – I wonder why!!??) As you say, for the general public to actually get to approach them, let alone to try to talk to them is almost an impossibility.
        Their arrogance and wealth totally protects them, as do their special branch ‘minders’ etc. One day though, just a little chink in the continual chain mail and plate armour may just leave them open to an eye-opening awakening.

        • overburdenddonkey

          no it’s a known career ladder it’s already typed into them…!

          • overburdenddonkey

            ps paul sorry my reply was to brief yes your general analysis is right, except their sense of entitlement is bred into them….i doubt they will fully awaken, although @ times they might, but are sent to sleep again by their grievous sense of loss….trying to shame them doesn’t work any empathy will be false/faked….

  76. overburdenddonkey – yes, many thanks for that and I agree with you – the trouble is that many of them do really think that they are born to ‘rule’ – (just like the queen and her family also) – born to the golden spoon and then a golden public school education and finally into the golden Parliament and finally as a ‘Lord’ in the golden House of Loungers & Scoungers!
    By the way, I’ve just noticed a report on Sky News about Donald Trump (the US version of Dunko The Clown) who has disgracefully and very publicly mocked a disabled journalist. How low can this billionaiirre bastard actually go – and to think – he’s running for U.S. President!
    Incidentally also BBC Question Time (in a few mins time) comes from Manchester – I suspect that there could be some sparks flying tonight – will it be a mostly Tory audience I wonder, or will it truly represent the ‘electorate’.

    • overburdenddonkey

      they’ll be some sort of litmus in qt i expect…too staged managed imv…
      i will ‘catch up’, if reports are of outrage….

  77. Another Fine Mess

    Looks like the Independent reads the void.

    DWP scraps mandatory ‘work for your benefits’ scheme without fanfare

  78. Seetec, and the vicious sods who work for them won’t go down without a fight. There is too much money to be made from slavery!

  79. Fifty pence says there’s a new workfare scheme “MWP” (Mandatory Work Placement) on the way.

    “Also, from the press release continued roll-out of Universal Credit, extending job search conditionality to a further 1.3 million claimants by 2020-21”

    2020-21?!? I suppose the DWP still consider this to be ‘on time and on budget’..

  80. Pingback: Unprecedented Savagery | Gabriel Vents

  81. No to Nazism No to Nazi Eugenics and Nazi Euthanasia and No to
    Neo Liberalism

    Yes to Political and Social Revolutiion to Sweep Away Oppressive
    Poverty and Slavery Loving

    Razor Step Sound Plating System | November 26, 2015 at 12:45 am | Reply

    Disability Hate Crime Terrorist Nazi Tory Troll Criminal

  82. Demonstrations against Universal Credit and the Victimisation of the
    Poor and Vulnerable Need to be Taking Part

    Marches Static Protests as Well as Political Lobbying

    The Underdog Need’s a Voice in the House of Commons Namely For
    the House of Commons to be the Voice of the Underdog instead of
    a Horde of Ivory Tower Politicians

  83. The Official Opposition Need’s to be Holding the Regime to Account
    and Pressing the Case For a Change of Government

    The Country Outside the New Palace of Westminster Need’s to
    Put the Defence of the Welfare State and Public Services before
    Rubbish like Black Friday and the Materialist Orgy which passes for
    Christmas these Days and Protest En Masses

    Political Zombieism is what Let the ConDems Get Away with so much
    of what those Scum Inflicted together with the Official Opposition under
    the Previous Leader of the Opposition being like Dummies and part of a
    Tawdry Consensus of No Choice

    Better Jeremy Corbyn than some Rightist Austerity Stooge of the
    Parliamentary Labour Party

  84. I Agree far too many Politicians in the House of Commons are an Utter
    Shower and make me Feel Sick

    flyhawks | November 27, 2015 at 10:03 am | Reply

    No oppression

    For what good the lot of them are I think the country could do without them.

  85. It is Important that Great Britain is United to End Austerity

    Apparently the Alleged ” Scottish National Party ” has Inflicted Austerity
    whilst in Office in Holyrood .

    Apparently £617 Million Pounds were Given in Buisiness Tax Relief
    whilst £500 Million were Cut from Public Services in that Part of
    Great Britain Scotland

    Britons Never Shall be Slaves with a Government For Public Services
    and Human Dignity and a Society which is Caring Not Cowboy Capitalist Everyman for Himself Mentality

  86. These Slavery and Torment Programme Needs to be Opposed like
    Nazism was and Needs to be

    enigma | November 25, 2015 at 10:21 pm | Reply

    Work Programme and Work Choice to Merge, and Apprenticeship Levy Set.

    Work & Health Programme – DWP briefings on the new programme are expected to begin in December.

    There is no indication in the Spending Review as to whether or not any alternate contracted provision will be offered for claimants unemployed for less than 2 years. Where it has been agreed as part of a devolution deals, local areas will be involved in the co-design of employment support for harder-to-help claimants.

    This includes an extension of Access to Work to a further 25,000 disabled people, an expansion of Fit for Work, and £115m for the Joint Work & Health Unit, including £40m for a health and work innovation fund to pilot new ways to join up health and employment systems. A White Paper will be published in 2016 setting out further reforms to improve support for people with health conditions.

    New JSA claimants will be required to attend jobcentres on a weekly basis for the first three months of their claim.

    • overburdenddonkey

      ‘These Slavery and Torment Programme Needs to be Opposed like
      Nazism was and Needs to be…’
      i agree with you noop, that the serious affects of CSA/CA which can be cured, should be cured….see profound powerful vid presented by prof joe sim and solutions section with dr bob johnson, punishment; a failed social experiment (full and updated version)…

  87. I would also Add Stopped and Reversed

    Ian Duncan Smith should Resign as Secretary of State For Work and

  88. No to People being Charged to using the Freedom of Information Act

    Yes to Government being Accountable and Not a Tinpot Toff Tyrant

  89. (Just to confirm! – taken from and with thanks to ‘Class War’, via the
    “George Osborne has just given the Queen a 7% pay rise.
    A tiny detail buried on Page 120 of the Autumn Statement confirmed Her Majesty will get £42.9m next year”


      A Conservative minister has been strongly criticised after saying it was “a paradox” that people use food banks when the UK has an obesity problem.

      Lord Prior of Brampton, a Conservative health minister, was challenged in Parliament by a Labour peer after denying there was a connection between benefit cuts and people turning to charities to feed their families.

      Labour called his remarks “out of touch nonsense”, to which the former investment banker said that it was strange that food bank use had increased among those who could not afford to eat, while other people were eating too much.

      “It is also a paradox, isn’t it, that we have this issue with food banks at a time when obesity is one of the biggest threats to the future.

      “It is a strange situation around the world that we have both a problem with obesity and an issue with nutrition as well.

      Labour peer Lord Cashman responded by telling him that people were starving in Britain.

      From 1977–80, he worked for the investment banks Lehman Brothers and Lazard Freres in New York, training as an investment banker, and qualified as a barrister in 1976, becoming a member of Gray’s Inn. He was seconded to the British Steel Corporation to work with Sir Ian MacGregor. He was appointed Managing director of British Steel Service Centres Ltd and later appointed Commercial Director British Steel

      On 28 January 2013 he was appointed as Chairman of the Care Quality Commission.[3] He was said by the Health Service Journal to be the 23rd most powerful person in the English NHS in December 2013.[4] In April 2014 he had a hip replacement operation paid for by private insurance but was treated in a public ward at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust.[5]

      On 14 November 2006, he was arrested,[1] among others, by Norfolk Constabulary investigating allegations of financial irregularities at Cawston Park Hospital previously known as Cawston College, a private psychiatric hospital in Cawston, Norfolk. He was cleared of involvement in the alleged fraud on 15 February 2007 and subsequently reappointed as chairman of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust


      • One of me mates was sanctioned for like 3 months so with the tiny amount of money that she had squirrelled away she ate nothing but biscuits from the poundshop for like the the whole 3 months. You ever read the ingredient list on the packets: glucose-fructose syrup, wheat, sugar, all sorts of crap. And I can tell you that both her weight and her diabetes spiralled out of control. Cheap biscuits may fill a hole in your stomach to get rid of the hunger pangs but they sure aren’t food.

  90. It is Sickening given the Devastation and Destruction of War in Syria that any Labour MP’s could be Supporting UK Airstrikes against Syria when Labour MPs should be Standing Up For the Poor and Vulnerable such

    as Defending the Welfare State and Opposing Universal Credit and Lack of Proper Funding to Local Government.

    Peace in the World and Social Justice at Home Not Warmongering Abroad and Oppression of the Poor at Home.

    No to the Wasting of British Life or Syrian Life Fullstop.

    After All it is Supposed to be the Official Opposition Not another Branch of the Tory Party like the Liberal Democrats showed themselves to be From May 2010 AD to March 2015 AD

    • overburdenddonkey

      like i say noop it’s caused by unresolved CSA/CA, all wars are….
      you were quiet happy with retaliation the other day what’s changed…?



      Thousands of people are expected to gather outside Downing Street and in cities across the UK on Saturday to protest against government plans to launch a bombing campaign in Syria.

      Nearly 6,000 people have so far indicated on Facebook that they will attend the London protest organised by the Stop the War coalition.

      The event page says: “The UK has been bombing countries for a decade and a half, at the cost of millions of lives. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results meets Albert Einstein’s definition of madness.

      “We are calling on all our groups to organise protests in their towns and cities on the same day. We need to resist this brutalising and dehumanising spiral of violence.”


        ……..first his squirting rose failed, then his long shoes and highly checked suit went missing, but smiling through the greasepaint, Dunko the Clown was visibly upset………………………

        Returning to the DWP gas chambers, he muttered, “i will appeal”…….

        The welfare secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, unlawfully discriminated against disabled people by failing to exempt their carers from the benefit cap, a high court judge has ruled.

        Mr Justice Collins said the government’s decision to apply the cap to full-time carers for adult relatives had created serious financial hardship for them, forced many to give up caring for loved ones, and loaded extra costs on to the NHS and care services.

        The benefit cap, which limits working-age unemployed people to £500 a week in benefits, was introduced by the government on the basis that it sent a strong message to so-called workless families that they had to try harder to get a job.

        The court ruled that the two carers who brought the case – and who were caring for upwards of 35 hours a week – were effectively in work even though they were in receipt of benefits, and therefore should be exempt from the cap.

        Collins said: “To describe a household where care was being provided for at least 35 hours a week as ‘workless’ was somewhat offensive. To care for a seriously disabled person is difficult and burdensome and could properly be regarded as work.” The court ruled that the government had breached article 14 of the European convention on human rights

  92. Thinking about the Horrors which the UK/USA Invasion of Iraq brought
    to the People of Iraq and a Study of the Horrors of War in General

    I have Long Opposed UK Airstrikes against Syria

    overburdenddonkey | November 27, 2015 at 2:10 pm | Reply

    like i say noop it’s caused by unresolved CSA/CA, all wars are….
    you were quiet happy with retaliation the other day what’s changed…?

  93. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Question Time: 26 November 2015

  94. Studying Autumn Statement it Appears along with other Outrages
    that From April 2016 AD unless it is Properly Challenged and Stopped
    that Poor People travelling outside Great Britain for Longer than
    4 Weeks will have Housing Benefit Stopped .

    This is an Outrageous Violation of the Basic Human Right to Travel

    Will MPS who Claim More than £500 a Year on Expenses have their
    Salaries Stopped ?

    The Country should be Outraged at this Mocking of Human Dignity
    and the Basic Human Right to Travel

  95. People Need to Get Out and Protest .

    The Country has got Worse because of Not Enough People Addressing
    the Importance of Politics too much Burying the Head in the Sand
    being Materialistic or TV Soap Opera Zombies

    5 and a Half Years of Political Sleepwalk Trance is too Long Already

    Talking of breaching human rights . . .
    You only have to read my experience and the reason I am forewarning you as it could happen to anyone. The best advice I can possibly give you, take it from me is:
    This is my experience to date:
    I have been EVERYWHERE to try and obtain help and can’t obtain any anywhere, let alone the luxury of remotely obtaining any legal support as it doesn’t exist in my area due to the ever escalating horrific government cut-backs! The vast majority of solicitors now even charge you for the 20/30 minute advice session and then charge private rates for all welfare issues now.
    Also, beware, if you are lucky enough to find a Welfare Centre that proclaim to help you, if there is any indication your case is remotely complicated they will fob you off with the same old excuse “we can’t take on any more case loads at present as we have reached our capacity.”
    This has happened every single time and I have been given false hope by them every single time – so much for solidarity and sharing our plight to help others in the same situation.

    I have also contacted all the activist websites and not even received a reply. The only site that gave me any decent help whatsoever was refuted. They were fantastic – couldn’t fault them but unfortunately even they suggested I seek legal advice as they were limited with the help they could offer as my case became increasingly legal orientated. Unfortunately, they shut down in August.
    My local CAB hasn’t got a clue, won’t touch legal stuff (not even help with form filling) with a barge pole and only hands out leaflets with the addresses of private solicitors so there’s definitely a backhander going on there between the two – doesn’t take much to work that one out!
    Mine is a really bad legal case and below is only a fraction of the DWP SCAM I have been subjected to over the years, corruption doesn’t do it justice, trust me (too complex to go into here)!
    Please could you expand on ANY health and safety regulations you have been asked/mandated to undertake.
    Do you have to sign in on the WP? Under what conditions/requirements/guises have you refused on the grounds it is your legal right to choose? Have you been threatened, intimidated, bullied, harassed and treated worse than a serial killer for refusing to sign in?
    As a result, I have been subjected to severe punishment via coercion and manipulation resulting in abject poverty, virtual homelessness, starvation and destitution if I continued to refuse due to being sanctioned for months and months in succession.

    I have gone through absolute hell with Ingeus on the WP. They sanctioned me for 6 months+ for refusing to sign in (H&S sheets) on arrival.
    I have vigorously fought this unlawful decision from the onset due to violation of my legal rights but have just been refused by the Upper Tribunal to appeal. My grounds of appeal against that decision are:
    A load of premeditated punishment on behalf of Ingeus to ensure they obtained their outcome payments. They DIDN’T obviously as they illegally sanctioned me instead! It’s absolutely appalling as DWP/JCP/WP have deliberately repeatedly harassed me for years as they consider me an easy target.
    Any comments/feedback will be greatly appreciated please in order to support my only two routes available now to appeal:
    1. Set aside.
    2. JR (Judicial Review – useless, complete waste of space!
    Most solicitors won’t touch them with a barge pole – have more chance of hopping to Mars than winning one of them)!
    I have also just received a letter from DWP telling me they have now found a new date they never told me about prior to the First-tier Tribunal! DWP are as corrupt as hell and they only just inform me 13 months later AFTER my appeal was set aside! It states ‘keep this letter if your appeal decision has not yet been decided!!!!!! It was decided a week ago! You couldn’t make it up!
    Routes of challenged deadlines pending!
    Please share your similar experiences ASAP.

    • overburdenddonkey

      loads of info here inc refuted…
      re late evidence go to FtT with it, if not UtT perhaps….

    • You should really start to look after yourself because nobody else is going to as you have obviously learned the hard way. Fuck all the martyrdom shite! Best just to do what is in your own best interests!

    • ‘Signing’ in when arriving at a premises is pretty standard procedure, and is actually a safety precaution and probably a requirement by both the insurance company and the local fire service in regards of there being a list of who is in the building in case there is a fire. You don’t actually have to sign it with your signature, just print your name in block capitals, and then ensure that you enter your time of leaving when you leave.

      Sorry to hear about your other problems, and yes, it does seem that it’s the kind of thing that you’d need proper legal help with, which is pretty damned near impossible to come by now, as you’ve found. I doubt that any voluntary agency would have the expertise, and though you seem to have your doubts, most of these voluntary help agencies and groups as genuinely overburdened, and many of the smaller groups literally are just a handful of people trying to deal with an avalanche. You aren’t alone, by a long way, though I can understand that it certainly feels that way.

  97. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    DLA has not closed down, was meant to be 2017 two late, but is now meant to close down in 2020. Same with all existing benefits. So should be somewhere around 2023 when all the old benefits close down for good. For new claims it does not apply.

    • Where are you getting all of this crap from razor – making it up as you go along, keeping yourself and sib et al in a job either in the job centre or as so called advocates for the job centre.

  98. Nazis Out Hands of The Poor

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | November 27, 2015 at 2:25 pm | Reply


    ……..first his squirting rose failed, then his long shoes and highly checked suit went missing, but smiling through the greasepaint, Dunko the Clown was visibly upset………………………

    Returning to the DWP gas chambers, he muttered, “i will appeal”…….

    The welfare secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, unlawfully discriminated against disabled people by failing to exempt their carers from the benefit cap, a high court judge has ruled.

    Mr Justice Collins said the government’s decision to apply the cap to full-time carers for adult relatives had created serious financial hardship for them, forced many to give up caring for loved ones, and loaded extra costs on to the NHS and care services.

    The benefit cap, which limits working-age unemployed people to £500 a week in benefits, was introduced by the government on the basis that it sent a strong message to so-called workless families that they had to try harder to get a job.

    The court ruled that the two carers who brought the case – and who were caring for upwards of 35 hours a week – were effectively in work even though they were in receipt of benefits, and therefore should be exempt from the cap.

    Collins said: “To describe a household where care was being provided for at least 35 hours a week as ‘workless’ was somewhat offensive. To care for a seriously disabled person is difficult and burdensome and could properly be regarded as work.” The court ruled that the government had breached article 14 of the European convention on human rights

  99. Indeed

    No to UK Warmongering in Syria and Hands Off the Poor and Vulnerable

    Pauline Jewett | November 27, 2015 at 2:30 pm | Reply

    This government tells us they want rid of the human rights legislation because it allows Islamic jihadists to stay in the country when in fact the reason is that they want to withhold more money from disabled and vulnerable people. Don’t let them fool you. They’re devious, narcissistic, self serving b&%€$¥ds.


    Thanks for your advice.

    I have just been REFUSED permission to appeal to Upper Tribunal and know about all the stuff on edinburghagainstpoverty. I have contacted them several times and never received an answer. Besides, I live in UK, Scottish laws are different anyway. I have also contacted Jimmy Stirling on Common Space as he’s currently getting shit from them as well – still awaiting a reply!

    I just never get to the bottom of this.

  101. No 1

    Were you referring to my blog? Please expand.


  102. The Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq Cost this Country More Enough in
    both Life and Money

    Shame on Rightists in the Parliamentary Labour Party including in the
    Shadow Cabinet who are Undermining Jeremy Corbyn and Helping the
    Tories in the Process when they should be Helping the Poor and Vulnerable
    by Pushing for Support for UK Airstrikes in Syria .

    It is Easy to Support such Military Ventures when Politicians are Not
    Directly Fighting it themselves

    No Wasting British Money on UK Airstrikes in Syria which will only
    Further Destabilize Syria

    • overburdenddonkey

      so you agree with retaliation and @ the same time agree that ABUSE causes emotional destabilization and retaliation….

  103. Jeremy Corbyn should Remain as Party Leader and Leader of the
    Opposition and it is the Arrogant and Ignorant Rightists in the
    Parliamentary Labour Right that Need to Resign for the Good of
    Social Justice and Public Services in this Country including in the
    Shadow Cabinet

    I will Not Support any Rightist who undermines Jeremy Corbyn to
    become Party Leader and Shame on Rightists For being more
    Concerned with Backing UK Airstrikes in Syria than Ensuring
    Adequate Funding for Public Services in the UK

  104. I Completely Oppose UK Airstrikes in Syria it is Rightists in the PLP
    who are Supportive of them it seems

    overburdenddonkey | November 27, 2015 at 5:51 pm | Reply

    so you agree with retaliation and @ the same time agree that ABUSE causes emotional destabilization and retaliation….

  105. Black Friday is an Orgy of Materialistic Frenzy and a Disgrace to

    Better Social Justice than Black Friday

    • All about filling their lives up with possessions they don’t really need to try to escape the unavoidable fact of how dead their souls are.

      Eventually your possessions end up owning you.

      ‘Stay Free’ people.

  106. paultheswineherd

    Its about time that: IDS was brought to Court to answer for corporate manslaughter – the DWP was brought to Court to answer for corporate manslaughter – Atos, Maximus and any of the other private company parasites that carry out the WCA were brought to Court to answer for corporate manslaughter. The fight for justice will continue to go on relentlessly until they all get their day in Court.
    We shall wait and we shall see what happens next – it WILL happen.

  107. Tell me about it! Some of them are like welded in and stuff. Very easy to break off or something and end up stuck in your engine or worse. A ‘simple’ spark plug change can easily turn into a nightmare.

  108. Indeed Meatheaded Materialism for Soulless Scum

    Raining | November 27, 2015 at 9:17 pm | Reply

    All about filling their lives up with possessions they don’t really need to try to escape the unavoidable fact of how dead their souls are.

    Eventually your possessions end up owning you.

    ‘Stay Free’ people.

  109. Yes to Social Justice Defend and Support the Welfare State

    No to Tinpot Tyrant Politicians and Tabloid Brainwashed Boneheads as

    • overburdenddonkey

      actions speak louder than words paul…
      i expect noop will be out there again this w/e protesting, defending and supporting the almost non-existent welfare state….
      where’s the protest @ this w/e noop…?

  110. Camoron is being the ‘big know it all’ as usual – talking this morning about ‘tackling corruption’ in other countries Governments & the Commonwealth – well, that is a pot calling a kettle black if ever I heard one!


      Grant Shapps has quit as international development minister amid allegations of bullying in the Conservative Party, the BBC understands.

      Claims have engulfed the Tories following the apparent suicide in September of activist Elliot Johnson.

      Mr Johnson’s father had called on Mr Shapps, a former party chairman, to resign over claims he ignored repeated warnings about the actions of party youth organiser Mark Clarke.

      Mr Clarke has denied any wrongdoing.

      The party has been subject to allegations of bullying, sexual assault and intimidation since Mr Johnson, 21, was found dead.

      Prime Minister David Cameron said it was a “tragic loss of a talented young life”.

      • The reason for SHAPPS stepping down is deeper than we are led to believe.
        The arrest of 4 KPMG TAX DODGERS and Shapps reluctance to expose huge accounts in the Caymans and Bermuda may have something to do with it.

        Save for later

        The UK government appears to have relaxed its pressure on the Cayman Islands to create a register of company ownership, despite David Cameron’s plea last year for overseas territories to do so in the interests of tax transparency.

        The prime minister promised to introduce a public register of beneficial ownership in the UK and wrote to the overseas territories last year urging them to consider doing the same, arguing that public access to a central list is “vital to meeting the urgent challenges of illicit finance and tax evasion”.

        However, the Cayman Islands is one of several offshore territories – including the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda – that are refusing to implement the idea after consultation.

        Despite further pressure from the Foreign Office and Treasury earlier this year, the position of the Cayman Islands now seems to have been accepted by Grant Shapps, a Foreign Office minister.

        On a visit last week, Shapps said he believed the aims of helping tax authorities could achieved within the Cayman Islands’ existing systems and argued “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”.


    The Dutch finance ministry says it will fight a ruling ordering it to recover as much as €30m (£21.2m) in tax from Starbucks.

    European competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager ordered the country to recover €20m-€30m in back taxes from the coffee chain, accusing it of benefiting from an illegal tax deal.

    Starbucks has already said it would appeal against the EU’s decision.

    The finance ministry said it supports the fight against tax avoidance.

    However, it “greatly values its practice of offering certainty in advance,” by providing so-called tax rulings to multinational corporations, it said in a statement.

    The Netherlands is under pressure to reform its tax system, which has attracted international firms with tax rates of less than 10% in some instances.


    • Starbucks pissing into the wind as usual

    • “Rather than investigate the thousands of tax dodgers, the Swiss decide to imprison the whistleblower”

      The whistleblower who exposed wrongdoing at HSBC’s Swiss private bank has been sentenced to five years in prison by a Swiss court.

      Hervé Falciani, a former IT worker, was convicted in his absence for the biggest leak in banking history. He is currently living in France, where he sought refuge from Swiss justice, and did not attend the trial.

      The leak of secret bank account details formed the basis of revelations – by the Guardian, the BBC, Le Monde and other media outlets – which showed that HSBC’s Swiss banking arm turned a blind eye to illegal activities of arms dealers and helped wealthy people evade taxes.
      The Guardian view on the HSBC files: a damning dossier
      Editorial: The use of Swiss accounts to dodge tax was systematic. The flaky response from the bank and the politicians is anything but
      Read more

      While working on the database of HSBC’s Swiss private bank, Falciani downloaded the details of about 130,000 holders of secret Swiss accounts. The information was handed to French investigators in December 2008 and then circulated to other European governments.

      It was used to prosecute tax evaders including Arlette Ricci, the heir to France’s Nina Ricci perfume empire, and to pursue Emilio Botín, the late chairman of Spain’s Santander bank.


      • …….JOIN THE DOTS

        “The silence of the mainstream media is driving me insane actually. It really is.” Wilson relays the numerous times he has been contacted and worked with news stations, sometimes for months at a time, before the story is pulled at the last minute.

        “I get spiked all the time. I get so close and then things are pulled at the last minute… the crux of the problem with me is that if this gets out it will be such a massive scandal. It’s about a billion pound fraud and it involves Dixons, Currys, PC World, B&Q, John Lewis – all these high street stores, and potentially HSBC could lose it’s licence in America.”

        At the BBC, the appointment of Rona Fairhead to the broadcaster’s Trust came as a surprise to even Conservative members in 2014. Fairhead is a Director of HSBC, receiving over £500,000 in annual pay, as well as shares in the bank worth almost the same.

        The ‘world’s local bank’ is familiar in government too. In 2010, David Cameron appointed HSBC Executive Chairman Stephen Green to the House of Lords. When news of the Swiss tax evasion leaks came to the fore in 2015, questions arose of Cameron’s knowledge of the scandal. Evidence had been handed to HMRC by French authorities as early as May 2010 – months before Green’s appointment.

        • overburdenddonkey

          @ least 2.5 m scots know they’re bent, i’m pretty sure same proportions….

        • “Dixons, Currys, PC World, B&Q, John Lewis” What like? Extended warranties? or is whoever just talking a crock of shite?

        • paultheswineherd

          Sarah7 – I really wonder why Rona Fairhead (a director of HSBC!) been appointed to the BBC Trust!! – It certainly makes one wonder!

  112. Grant Shapps quits amid Tory bullying claims

  113. The overdue and much-deserved demise of Grant Shapps

    The overdue and much-deserved demise of Grant Shapps

  114. paultheswineherd

    Isn’t that a surprise! – Who’s going to be next (perhaps to be investigated – with a Coroner’s Report as wel)l? – IDS perhaps!
    Go for it ‘Guardian’!!
    (Mind you, by tomorrow morning will Sky & the BBC be ‘ordered’ to stop reporting upon the Grant Shapps situation!!)

  115. paultheswineherd

    With the possibility of a Coroner’s inquest in the offing – who shall we say may just be called to give evidence? (don’t forget that a Coroner’s Court is a ‘true’ Court – in all senses of the word!)
    1) “Grant Shapps”, or by whatever name he is known by in ‘law’
    2) Michael Clarke (the ‘young Conservative’ allegedly to have carried out the ‘bullying’ etc)
    3) xxx Feldman (the other ‘co-chairman’ of the Conservative party
    4) Baroness Warsi
    5) Mr Johnson (the father of Elliott Johnson)
    6) Any other (unknown) person(s) at the moment who may know something about it all

  116. paultheswineherd

    This is interesting – let’s hope that the media keeps this story running, – then, perhaps, others might follow!

  117. paultheswineherd

    The bloody liars – Cameron (& Iain George Duncan Smith) only care about themselves only.

  118. paultheswineherd

    “Grant Shapps” – (according to Sky News) One of David Cameron’s ‘right hand’ men – Shapps was in David Cameron’s ‘inner circle’ – the current Government, reportedly “wants to shut this down as soon as possible” – (I fucking bet that they do!!) but “IT ALL DEPENDS NOW UPON WHAT TOMORROW’S SUNDAY PAPERS ARE REPORTING”

    • ………….and never forget Paul, IAIN DUNCAN SMITH has killed more innocent people on British soil than any terror organisation like ISIS, or am i being rather flippant…………

      The DWP are a terror organisation in their own right who take it upon themselves to deny human beings the provision to live………..

      ISIS kills for a religious reason but the DWP murder religiously.

      Not much to choose between the two really.

      One utilises suicide bombers, yet the other drives the victim to suicide…

      ISIS saves on postage, bent judges and cowboy appeal systems, falsified medical reports and bonuses paid for administering sanctions to fulfil targets, the DWP work to targets.

      One is vilified in the press as truly evil while the other mere jihadist’s………

      ………………….Quite strange how we recognise crazed killers thousands of miles away yet fail to notice those within?

      Mind you, with both the judiciary and police firmly in your pockets, anything is now quite acceptable.


      • ……….and weak as piss EU Investigators that are probably spoon fed to look the other way as the carnage of DUNKO THE CLOWN’S mini holocaust is played out in full view as the recipients drop like dominoes as ATOS, CAPITA AND MAXIMUS fill their blood stained coffers from public suffering…………..

        At least the Nazis wore uniforms and confronted their human prey.

        • BURY YOUR DEAD
          BURY THEM DEEP
          FOR DUNKO THE CREEP………..


            Ex-Tory Employment Minister Esther McVey has been handed a top job by her old Conservative pals – along with salary of £32,000 for just 60 days work a year.

            Ms McVey, who was booted out of her Wirral West seat by voters in May, has been appointed Chairman of the British Transport Police Authority and took up her post last week.

            Her payment of £32,000 for just 60 days work is the equivalent of £210,000 a year for a full-time post.

            According to the British Transport Police Authority website, all appointments to the board are signed off by the Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin, leading one Labour MP to make accusations of “jobs for the girls”.

            The website also says members of the body are “required to have knowledge of a range of views from the rail industry and rail passengers.”

            ………….a DWP spokesman said, “Esther’s understanding of the rail network will be very useful, she will be able to tie victims to the tracks or push them onto electrified lines”

    • have a look at this:

      In 2003 Blaney founded the Young Britons’ Foundation, a conservative training, education and research thinktank established to “help train tomorrow centre-right leaders and activists today”. YBF is proudly cross-party. Its executive director, Matthew Richardson, is also the party secretary of Ukip. Blaney has called YBF “a madrasa” that radicalises rightwing conservatives and embraces American-style “attack-dog” politics. YBF claims to have trained thousands of activists, taking them on trips to America where they met neo-conservative groups and visited a shooting range in Virginia to fire submachine guns and assault rifles.

      • paultheswineherd

        jeremy – this is a very good and interesting article and many thanks to you for putting it on here. It just goes to show that there is probably a great deal more to this story than meets the eye – stormy waters may run deep it seems. And it is also a huge coincidence that Esther McVey has been quickly parachuted in to become a Chairman of the British Transport Police Authority (the British Transport Police are reportedly (in the article) compiling a dossier of evidence about Elliott’s death.

        • paultheswineherd

          And I forgot to mention, by the looks of it there may well have been some criminality along the way which may need to be investigated!
          Let’s hope that the Guardian continues to follow up on this story.

          • paultheswineherd

            Guess what? – BBC 6PM News – not a single mention of any of all this.
            Well I never and what a surprise – I wonder if the BBC have been told ‘not to cover this story’!!

    The ‘related content’ underneath the article is also worth looking at!

  120. More volunteering or forced workfare.

    BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra today announced plans for #1MillionHours – a year-long volunteering campaign that will see both stations motivating their young listeners to pledge 1 million hours of time to good causes over the next 12 months.

    Kicking off on 1 December with the first drive in the lead-up to Christmas, and running throughout 2016, the stations will shine a spotlight on all things volunteering in a bid to highlight the benefits of volunteering for young people.

    #1MillonHours is one of Radio 1 and 1Xtra’s most ambitious social action programmes to date, working with featured charities Age UK, Barnardo’s, Cancer Research UK and Oxfam to highlight volunteering opportunities.
    “why it’s good for your mental health and wellbeing”.

  121. paultheswineherd

    Here is the ‘one stop shop’ for all of the latest news about probably Britain’s most hated man (at least in Public Office!) – murderer Iain Duncan Smith

  122. paultheswineherd

    overburdenddonkey – yes, but I wonder for how much longer!!

  123. I had stumbled on the government plans for the new Work and Health Programme in October, when I wrote this. It has since been announced in the Spending Review, although the details of the “trials” are still not in the public domain. I’ve updated the article, anyway –

  124. I’ve been told that I have to go onto the Mandatory Work Activity Programme, I haven’t been told why but I believe they can put you forward for this if they think you aren’t doing enough to look for work but I don’t know what more I can do. I’m applying for different jobs including cleaning, retail, administration, hell, I’ve even applied for a job as a car park attendant and one at the local Tesco to sort out trolleys in their car park, seems that isn’t enough though. I’m prepared to go for part time as well as full time jobs. I don’t have any objections to working for minimum wage either. I check on Universal Jobmatch at least once a day and other web sites such as Tesco on a daily basis as well, I’ve registered with agencies and actual companies to receive job alerts.

    The really galling part of this is that I would have been starting a voluntary job shortly, I’m simply waiting to receive my police clearance, which should be any day now, and the DWP know this. It has taken a while because they couldn’t accept my out of date passport, I hadn’t been out of the country since 2001 so I hadn’t bothered renewing my passport and I’d lost my birth certificate so I’ve paid out for a replacement for that. I’ve now had to email the volunteer co-ordinator for the Cheshire Homes and tell him that I won’t be able to start after all due to being placed on the government scheme. This has made me look like an arsehole.

    I don’t know if it makes any difference but I’m 49 and my last job was working in a shop and that lasted 13 years.

    • They are just wasting your time and offering you a pittance for it, the dole makes you more unemployable the longer you are on it. I don’t really feel anything positive for you if you are stuck on there. When I was stuck on it, they were the most hopeless times of my life. in eight years I found less than six months of work. My advise is don’t listen to them, don’t take their advise, always keep a copy of your old C.V. and use that, never let them have the only copy or you’ll never see it again and you will regret it. Only do the minimum they ask, don’t do it if you are not going to get sanctioned for it. Use your own mind, your own creative talents and the rest of the time when you don’t have to do that pointless rubbish they ask you to do, use your time to do a real job search which means, not using universal job match, because it is actually pointless, remember that you are important, that you count, that you still have your self-esteem, your still confident and always be on your guard, never let them take these away from you. Remember this Advise and you might just survive it and get a job. Don’t let them ruin you like they did me.

      • I’m going to try and get out of it simply because I’ve already arranged, but not started due to needing police clearance, a voluntary job. I’ve been told that’s my best option for appealing the MWA, they aren’t supposed to put you on one if you’ve already arranged voluntary work.

        Surely if a potential employer is handed 2 CV’s with one that says started a voluntary job and then one that says started mandatory work activity, then they will look far more favourably on the voluntary work one than they mandatory one since it shows the person doing the voluntary job has got up and found it themselves and not been forced to do it. I certainly know I’d rather employ someone who has shown willingness to do something themselves rather than someone who has been forced into doing something.

        I’ve also been told by the volunteer co-ordinator where I’d be working that he would be willing to give me a reference once I’ve started working there.

        I have 2 CV’s one for retail and one for admin and computer opportunities and they are both on my computer.

        I’m 2 weeks into the potential 4 week police clearance so I’m virtually at the end of the wait and then the DWP pulls this on me.

        • You should do what is right and what you feel is right, I hope the dole isn’t going to do something cruel to you. Always be wary of them and one step ahead. I’d give you more advise but the dole isn’t what it once was, it was bad enough in the old days, but now its got such ridiculous rules and such bad advice.

  125. I’ve been told to use the voluntary work as a reason to not go on the MWA but I’ve noticed in the DWP guidelines they say that it MAY not be appropriate for people who have voluntary work in place, the caps were mine. I imagine they will use that to say I must go on it since the voluntary work hasn’t actually started yet. I believe the MWA lasts 4 weeks at 30 hours a week, I hope the DWP take travelling time and time spent waiting for buses into account with this for my job search. I live in Flitwick (Bedfordshire) and sign on in Bedford about a 45 minute bus ride away (that’s each way of course) so, that’s at least 90 minutes out of each day spent on buses assuming no hold-ups, plus however long I have to wait for the bus to arrive, I’ve waited 30 minutes for a bus to get into Bedford and 20 minutes or so is considered normal. I’ve also had to wait almost an hour for a bus out of Bedford as I’d just missed the previous one. There is also the probability that the placement will involve getting a bus into bedford then another one to the placement and the same in reverse for coming home, so, 4 buses a day, this is going to involve a lot of waiting round for buses as you can be sure they won’t connect well. I also won’t know where I’m going as I only really know the town centre of Bedford to any degree of familiarity.

    This isn’t the first time I’ve been unemployed and I agree it was bad before but I’ve never been forced to go on anything before. I’ve been to college a few times and had work placements with 2 of them, but that was from choice, I wasn’t forced.

    I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the DWP, this is before my meeting with Seetec, the ones who deal with the MWA. I think I’ll mention that I’d already arranged voluntary work with Leonard Cheshire (Disability) and question why I was being put on the MWA. I’d get a reference from Leonard Cheshire and surely it would look a damn sight better on my CV that I’d gone for voluntary work rather than being forced onto the MWA.

    I have to admit that given how things are with the DWP I can see me being forced onto the MWA as I can’t afford to be without money, and that’s what they rely on.

  126. Pingback: Boxing day round-up: news of repression, housing struggles, workplace disputes and more | Cautiously pessimistic

  127. Pingback: A year in the shadow of bullets and ballots: looking back at 2015 | Cautiously pessimistic

  128. Hmm I wonder whot now they vome up with to inflict more pain

  129. Oh, they will definitely think of something. Inflicting pain on the unemployed is the one thing you can GUARANTEE from the tories. They will probably expect us to work 6×13 hour days and still expect us to do job search each day for at least 3 hours and if we don’t they will use their beloved sanction system, starting with 26 weeks without money rather than 13. How does that sound?

    • Sounds like a revolution is needed? A ‘peaceful one’, as they do want Martial Law. It’s not just the Tories, when are people going to wake up? LibLabCons are “All in it together”, they are pushing a Corporate agenda, via EU, to control [read enslave] all populations. This is evident in their attacks on SME’s and any business not under a Corporate umbrella [competition] like Tata and Dyson!
      The TTIP-TPP-CETA deals, are their next move towards One World Government, it’s never been so ‘in-your-face’! Now we have ‘Martial Law’ being demanded by Cameron [wants 10,000 troops on the street] this will be blamed on ISIS, but it’s really getting THEIR defence in place from US the people, when we find out what they have done, in our name!
      Look what US Congress has just done, given the President [any] the authority to ‘attack’ any nation at any time, on the pretext of ‘fighting ISIS’?
      THEY CREATED ISIS??? This is an excuse to wage war on any nation that doesn’t agree with US policy!!!! Like Syria, Libya,Russia, China, ….Texas?

  130. Seetec Is Satan

    What happens to those who are already on CWP placements after March 2016? I was put on CWP in January 2016 and it is supposed to end in June. Does everyone on CWP pack it in, or will those JCP and Seetec bastards make people see it out?

    • My guess would be that you’ll have to see it out or they will simply put you onto a different scheme and if you quit it you’ll end up with a sanction, please don’t give the bastards an excuse to do that to you.

  131. Seetec Is Satan

    OK, Cheers, Kevin.

  132. Seetec Is Satan

    I am now on a CWP until July.But I am already hearing tales of people only two weeks after completing a six month CWP being put on yet another ‘course’. Apparently it’s the usual crap about interview techniques and CVs, and rumour has it that it lasts two years. Any more info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance….

    • I was going to be put on a 2 year course (about a month after the end of my MWA) which could have been anything they felt like making me do from college courses to unpaid work and of course interview techniques, CV’s and job search while they watch. I had to go into the JCP on the Monday afternoon to be given more info about it and on the Tuesday morning I received a text offering me the job and a start date. So I was able to sign on (this was my signing on day) and also sign off at the same time. My job is only part time but it is still better than the crap the DWP seem intent on putting the unemployed through. Sadly this garbage won’t change while the tories are in power as they do seem to believe in punishing the unemployed, particularly those who have been unemployed for a year or more. They truly believe that everyone who is unemployed is so through choice, as far as they are concerned all the unemployed are good for nothing bone idle scroungers. I do wish you luck, best not to refuse it as you’ll end up being sanctioned and then shoved onto the course anyway.

  133. Pingback: Know your rights at the jobcentre: you have the right to be accompanied to any interviews | Cautiously pessimistic

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