What Do We Want? More Fucking Money. Vote Class War To Double The Dole!

ClassW-War-double-doleOver the last couple of decades a warped consensus has emerged, shared by politicians, think tanks and even anti-poverty charities, that the very worst thing you can do for someone who is poor is give them what they need – which is more money.

The belief is that giving people money will dis-incentivise them, make them lazy, trap them in dependency to languish on benefits or discourage them from taking up all of the wonderful opportunities capitalism provides to work in a shit job on the minimum wage.  And it is this last reason that lies behind the ideology.  Bosses are worried that if people were paid decent unemployment benefits then then they would want more money for working.  Wages and working conditions have become so atrocious that they are right to be worried. If benefits were increased then wages would have to rise.

Increasing benefits would be easy.  The main unemployment benefits costs just over £4 billion a year.  The DWP spends nearly twice that on admin and salaries, with much of that money going to private companies paid to harass unemployed people by forcing them onto workfare schemes.  One report found that if the rich were actually to pay all the tax they dodge then it would raise £122 billion a year – enough to double both in and out of work benefits without a single tax rise.  Soak the rich who do bother to pay tax as well and doubling both state pensions and the dole would be a piece of piss.

It is astonishing and shameful that as figures show one million people were forced to depend on foodbanks in the last year that not one of the main political parties is calling for more money for the poor.  Only Class War, whose Westminster candidate Adam Clifford gave a fine interview on the Daily Politics show today, have promised to increase all benefits and pensions by doubling them.

If we have to live under this shit state of affairs, where the rich reduce our lives to near servitude with shit jobs, paltry benefits and soaring rents, then we should fight for every last penny we can take.  Until we are strong enough to take it all.  We want more fucking money – in wages, pensions and benefits.

Follow @ClassWar2015 on twitter and spread the word about Mayday’s Reclaim The Beats event outside the poor doors at 1 Commercial Street.

Class War are fielding seven candidates, including Lisa Mckenzie who is standing in Chingford against Iain Duncan Smith.  Visit their website for more details.

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48 responses to “What Do We Want? More Fucking Money. Vote Class War To Double The Dole!

  1. overburdenddonkey

    absolutely j v…they want to keep their cradle to grave power over us, they say jump, we say how high….just like being in the services imo….the eu state our benefits are manifestly inadequate…the uk is way behind in all social benefits…. and laden with harsh sanction and conditionality…christ what a healthier and happier culture we would occupy, this is the why we demand…then the vast savings in all the human wreckage picking up orgs… http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/socialcharter/Conclusions/State/UKXX2_en.pdf so classwar aren’t even radical in demanding all of our rights to reliable supplies of vitality giving vitals of life, are met….history has proved time and time again people don’t want to be dependent on anyone else’s mind for ‘freedoms’….most if not all of us precarious classes want a better life for all, as we know what it is like to live hand to mouth and really struggle @ times…the welfare state, the land fit for heros, was set up to alleviate suffering and retain enhance human dignity…. common weal allofusfirst.org

  2. ‘Civil Disobedience’ … Follow your conscience and break the law on moral grounds, rather than be a cog in an unjust system;’ Henry David Thoreau.

  3. State dependency that is the objective shared by the liblabcon, their new slogan is the Living Wage a policy which will open up a further income chasm between the working class. A Living Wage will be as much an assault on the poor as the minimum wage and in-work benefits have been the place to start is out of work benefits lift them considerably over and above subsistence level, that would destroy minimum wage employment and the poverty trap of in-work benefits.


    Unfair advantage of this little party, followed around London by high visibility jacketed POLICE printed on vests, giving them the WHAT’S GOING ON THERE publicity surge.


    Chingford and Wood Green
    Liza McKenzie
    Fellow (Professor) London School of Economics.
    The same LSE that says again and again there is no social unrest and the public are very quiet about austerity cuts.

    Why did CLASS WAR run against IDS in same voting areas as TUSC?
    So splitting the left vote.

    Can’t CLASS WAR shift sideways nearby voting area and support TUSC?

    With so much of London to spread out in.

    TUSC will get the grey vote.

    All very well CLASS WAR doubling the dole. Great. Complies with the EU Social Contract.

    As does CLASS WAR doubling the state pension.

    No use to women denied the state pension since 2013 for next 6 years.

    Or all us men and women due to get NIL STATE PENSION FOR LIFE
    from the flat rate state pension next year,

    See why at end of my petition, in my WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT section, at:


    • Class War are more appropriate than TUSC.

      • Dear Mr Reckless

        CLASS WAR – around 13 candidates – great.

        TUSC – 113 candidates for MP in England and over 600 as councillors – even better

        PLAID CYMRU – should be all 40 seats in Wales as not just about devolution, but about adding more anti austerity MPs to London

        SNP – on course to win all 59 seats in Scotland

        The Left Unity Party – only 9 but a fair few shared with TUSC.

        What am I doing?

        Stitching doing a group of parties equal in number, near enough, to the number of either predicted Tory or Labour MPs in London’s UK parliament.

        A group potentially, if the working class mostly non-voter gets out and votes on Thursday 7 May, that grants together:

        CLASS WAR gives me double pension.


        See how you work hand in glove?


        A group of parties, by UK parliament rules, can negotiate as equals between each other, keeping their individual identities in what is called a support and confidence strongest type of coalition (the norm throughout Europe), and not just with Labour.


        The SNP has said they will negotiate in a support and confidence strong type of coalition (so not absorbed by any other party) only with the progressive parts of Labour.

        Miliband and Balls are Tories.

        Inside Labour is the Labour Left who should long ago have left and become TUSC.


        TUSC is the sacked by LABOUR party for voting against austerity cuts.

        But don’t worry.

        The national press and TV news is ignoring ALL the true anti austerity parties.

        Because the 70 per cent working class non-voter would vote out Tories, Lib Dems, UKIP, The Greens, and Labour equally where they have a true socialist alternative.

        By running in the same voting area, it makes sure one of the big parties wins by splitting the vote.

        That is the sadness in my heart.


        Back in the 1920s – Lenin, Trotsky and Engels had this idea of creating a mass socialist party in England.

        READ THIS:


    • if we vote out the tory twats to get rid of twatface smith, who will replace him?
      so who are you lot voting for? lots of noise here about how bad the state is run, how about some ideas on how we can change things.

    • Re TUSC and Class War, do they have manifestos as such? I’ve so far been unable to find mention of a manifesto on the TUSC General Election website.

      How are the policies of those parties arrived at? Through conferences and policy motions and debates?

      Here my intention is not to slag off but to get further information while I am writing in a personal capacity and Kilburn Unemployed is non-party-political and there are KUWG members sympathetic to both TUSC and Class War.

  5. It is Important All Decent People are United For Social Justice
    and Decent Living Standards against Tyranny Slavery and

    Increase Welfare Benefits Defend the Right to Protest against
    Oppression Boycott Anti Poor ” Newspapers ” and put in the Bin
    Tory and Liberal Democrat Leaflets that come through the Door

    Yes to Social Justice No to Suffering and Slavery



    From: Jim Hardaker

    28 April 2015

    Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

    It is my understanding that the Parliamentary Estates, and MPs’
    second homes, are exempt from the requirement to have a TV Licence.

    Please could you provide me in each case with a summary as to how
    and why it was decided that these exemptions should be applied?

    Yours faithfully,

    Jim Hardaker

    Link to this



      I asked for how many licence cancelations there was in Scotland
      from September 2014 to the present date. I was supplied with
      cancelations from away last year. Not only did I wait well past the
      20 days for my reply, which wasn’t what I asked for, I had no
      apology for the delay.
      Again I ask under the freedom of information act how many
      cancelations were there In Scotland from September 2014 to the
      present date?

      A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is
      available on the Internet at this address:

      Yours faithfully,

      peter jones




        The BBC does not employ staff on zero-hours contracts. We offer staff minimum hours contracts which
        differ as they specify a minimum number of days or hours work individuals are contracted for.

        Our policy says:
        BBC Guaranteed Minimum Work contracts (also known as ‘flexi contracts’)
        This contract is suitable when the requirement for the individual is for a defined number of days or hours
        over a limited period which are to be worked as the business requires (e.g. fixed hours per week/month
        cannot be predicted or guaranteed). The contract is simply a form of the BBC Fixed Term contract.
        Managers are required to indicate the realistic minimum number of hours/days which can be predicted over
        the contracted period e.g. 30 days per year. Managers should review the minimum number of contracted
        hours/days regularly to ensure that the employee is contracted to the appropriate minimum.
        The employee may be asked to work additional hours or days above those stated in their contract,
        however there is no obligation on the BBC to offer the additional hours or days or an obligation on the
        employee to work those offered. Any additional hours or days worked do not count towards contractual
        benefits, e.g. holiday or sickness accrual.

        Payment for work carried out under a Flexi Contract may either be spread in equal monthly installments
        over the period of the contract or be made on an ad hoc basis when the work is carried out.


    • I am sick to death of hearing the benefits these MP’s are entitled to – yes, in my opinion, it is Benefits. They seem to publicize that they give this benefit to people aged 75 years and over – and they call it a benefit – however, fail to say that they too receive the same benefit for their second homes – which I must add – are rented out – well some of them are! Also, whilst raising the pension age for the general public, manage to vote that they are not included in this new law – their retirement age stays the same? Therefore, if they lose their seats – are they still entitled to a free TV license for their second home and are they forced to live with the same retirement age as us – the general public – or are they allowed to retire at the earlier age?

      • Dear Donna Smith

        Not just rising the retirement age for us, but not for MPs’ works pensions.

        But heard one lady who got a forecast for retiring next year of £38 per week after 45 years work. This lady must have been contracted out of SERPs, that will also effect works and private pensions.

        So folks like me get NIL STATE PENSION after over 30 years NI history, with ALL my National Insurance opted out from SERPs, as SERPs began on 6 April 1978 and the opt out began the same day.

        The flat rate state pension pays nil state pension for 10 years or less NI record. Each year opted out from SERPs reduced your NI by one year NI history.

        See my petition for all the people losing and getting NIL state pension at end of my petition, in my WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT section, at:

        • Hi Chris, I already signed the 38 degrees pension petition. Can we not have a vote of no confidence in this government if they do get back in? As I have said many times, people used to say to me that they would not vote for SNP as it would be a wasted vote. I have been voting for SNP since the early 1990’s. Can you claim SERPS compensation?

  7. Sometimes o just feel so worn out by this country..it seems to be the land of greed and bullshit ,with a primative backwards class system we are ruled over by a class of inbred backwards physicaly,mentaly,sexualy inadaquates ….primatives… From the queen down.. stripped of there wealth and priverige the upperclasses wouldn’t survive a week they can’t even feed themselves…why do we tolerate this …we ate in the worst shape we have ever been in as a country….as a society ..were letting a bunch of weak…….public schoolboys…..and there stoges destroy peoples lives ..people starving..wtf……hang the bullingdon boys from the lamposts…plaese god don’t let the Tories back in…..we must continue to fight back…..lives realy do depend on it..destroy the class system ,create a fair society …hunt down and exterminate property leeches…homes for all jobs for all a fair united kingdom…….dxxx

  8. We can make a start by rounding up and hanging the entire royal family and English aristocracy……all of them …everyone.

    • Agreed. Then turn buck house into council housing!! Make liZ n Philip live on pension in tower block..!!


        ………..send that poor lads amputated toes in a jiffy bag to the Queen and write, you gave Royal Assent to this carnage, you evil bitch…….

        The inbred fucker would probably give them to her footman ….

        • Dear Mr Reynolds

          The royal family has not ruled politically the UK government for generations. They are just a figurehead and have no say what is legislated into law by government.

          Neither does the House of Lords govern any law about funding and money.

          The entire fault lies on the shoulders of Tories, Lib Dems, UKIP and Labour, and the 1 Green who voted alongside the Tories for austerity cuts in the council The Greens rule, Brighton.

          • ……….seems you were wrong Chris, without royal assent, a bill cannot become law……….

            The Welfare Reform Bill is scheduled to receive Royal Assent and becomes law (an Act of Parliament) today (Thursday 8 March)

            The Welfare Reform Bill came to the end of its last stage, consideration of amendments or ‘ping pong’, in the House of Lords on Wednesday 29 February.

            What is Royal Assent?

            The bill has completed all its parliamentary stages in both Houses, so it now must receive Royal Assent before it can become an act of Parliament (law). Royal Assent is the Queen’s formal agreement to make the bill into an act.

  9. The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future by Joseph. E Stiglitz.

    The Price of Inequality is an eloquent analysis of inequality in the United States and what it means for our political system, economy and society. The book does a good job of laying out the facts.

    One sentence basically says it all: “The top 1 percent of Americans gained 93 percent of the additional income created in the country in 2010, as compared with 2009.” Now think of that in terms of a party with 100 people and big pizza with 100 slices. Basically it means that one rich guy gobbles up 93 slices of pizza. The other 99 get to divvy up the other seven.

    Just like the UK where the scroungers at the top want more.

  10. I urge everyone to vote for labour yes they are a bunch of middleclass liberal bullshitters and phonies ,class war are not ready yet….also green.. we must get the Tories out..if we think its bad now its going to be complete carnidge and the killings will realy begin as we all know the windsors and the English uppetclasses were Nazi sympathisers who believe in the survival of the so called fittest ….its funny looking st the average toff male..lol… Narrow shouldered ,weak backed,chinless,small button cocked ,low sperm count,weak immune system ,dim witted, the list goes on…hardly the fittest,bit they in this country hold the money and power and until we are in a position to litteraly drive them down onto the beaches and drown them in the sea then we ate going to have to do wot we can to get the Tories out and unfortunately labour is the only way we gonna get the Tories out….and if labour dare continue the Tories policys then every middleclass liberal is a target ….its the best of a bad bunch but its are best hope of getting the Tories out ..we know the consequences of the Tories remaining in power….and god help us


      Labour offers me nil state pension and continues my loss of sick and disability benefits, which are either taxed already or will be taxed in the next parliament.

      The Tories can stay in power, under the rules of UK parliament, in a minority / hung parliament that is coming.

      326 MP minimum threshold to form a UK government in London’s Westminster.

      Neither Tories nor Labour will get anything like that number of MPs.

      But if all the real socialist parties had spread out, not competing with each other and got equal campaign funds from the trade unions to Labour, then between the true soclialists within Labour called the Labour Left, SNP, Plaid Cymru, and the over 100 from the various parties like little Class War, 6th biggest party in the whole of the UK, called TUSC, and other such parties, then there would have been:


      Vote Labour where sitting Labour MP and no socialist alternative.

      Vote Plaid Cymru in all of Wales and Vote SNP in all of Scotland.

      But without TUSC with a few seats in Wales and in Scotland, you get the same dictatorship as is coming in England.

      You need two parties either side of a parliament in a democracy.


      That is what is predicted by the end of this year.

      We may get a second general election this year.

      May we not make the same mistake, and compete against each other in the same voting area, splitting the vote.



  11. Sorry damo, I would not vote Labour if you paid me – it was the Labour Party that started all of this. If I lived in England I would be voting for the smaller party’s in an attempt to oust Labour and the Tories – that is how SNP started out and look at them now. I am amazed there has not been a revolt in England through the bedroom tax. Scotland has free prescriptions, frozen Council Tax, no bedroom tax and the list goes on – all courtesy of the SNP. Until everyone stops thinking that to vote for a smaller party is a waste of their vote this two party system will continue to run.

  12. “I urge everyone to vote for labour …”

    In England better to vote for your enemy’s enemy than vote for the double-dealing of the Labour Party – vote UKIP to damage the LibLabCon where there is not a Class War candidate.

    • CLASS WAR says vote UKIP

      Pardon me while I do a Banksy and throw up.

      Come on let’s vote ultra Tory to vote out the Tories.

      All that does is add to the Tory dictatorship of an unelected caretaker government as UKIP will side with the Tories.

      After all they have not won an MP yet. They got in with 2 second hand sitting Tory MPs in the last 2 voting areas they ‘won’.


      But this having TUSC and Class War in the same voting area.
      I weep.

  13. Donna I’m as sick and tired of the labour party as everyone ,but until the people here in England get to a point were they have just…had it…with the Tories and labour I’m afraid its gonna be the same two party race I wish we had a smp party here but we don’t the smallers partys are just not strong enogh …yet….god willing next time its brutal but unfortunately labour is the best of a bad bunch .I wish we had a chouise and until the people dump labour and Tories ….this is it hopefully I’m voteing for the least harmfull….there both harmfull….but if the Tories get back in …they will cruseify us the poor and vulnerable in this country will be in grave danger as if they weren’t already.

    • An English UKIP presents at Westminster would do more damage to the Conservative Party in 1 day than the Labour Party has done in 5 years of opposition.

    • I tend to agree with you. For the first time in my life I’m seriously considering voting Labour, to get rid of a LibDem. Plaid Cymru don’t stand a chance, and even if they did I still couldn’t vote for such an anti-humanist idiot as Plaid have as their candidate here.

      I guess our only hope then is to barrage Labour MPs about our concerns, literally picket their constituency offices, visit them with our issues to such an extent that we can’t be ignored.

      It might seem impossible for us to change things, but if we play the numbers game we can win, but we must tell them what we want, i.e. what we’ll be satisfied with, and let them know that if they offer compromise solutions that we might accept those as interims, but that eventuallyt we want all our demands met.

  14. ELECTION 2015: Tories refuse to say which human rights they will dump

    DNS – 24th April 2015

    The Conservative party are refusing to say which vital protections they would scrap if they win the election and abolish the Human Rights Act (HRA).

    The party’s manifesto says a Conservative government would replace the act – introduced by a Labour government in 1998 – with a British bill of rights, which it claims would “restore common sense to the application of human rights in the UK”.

    But although the manifesto promises that such a bill of rights would “protect basic rights”, such as the right to a fair trial, and the right to life, which are “an essential part of a modern democratic society”, it does not say which other existing rights might be at risk.

    And this week the party (led by prime minister David Cameron, pictured) has made it clear to Disability News Service that it will provide no information about what rights might be scrapped until after the election.

    A party spokesman said: “You are going to have to find that out when we publish our draft UK bill of rights.”

    But he confirmed that the bill of rights would not provide “an exact replica” of the rights included in the HRA.

    Among the articles included in the Human Rights Act, many of which have been used to secure vital improvements to the lives of disabled people, are the rights to: freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment; freedom from slavery and forced labour; respect for private and family life; the right to marry and start a family; the right to education; and the right to participate in free elections.

    Read More:


    • The Human Rights Act

      The Human Rights Act 1998 (also known as the Act or the HRA) came into force in the United Kingdom in October 2000. It is composed of a series of sections that have the effect of codifying the protections in the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law.

      All public bodies (such as courts, police, local governments, hospitals, publicly funded schools, and others) and other bodies carrying out public functions have to comply with the Convention rights.

      This means, among other things, that individuals can take human rights cases in domestic courts; they no longer have to go to Strasbourg to argue their case in the European Court of Human Rights.

      The Act sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that individuals in the UK have access to. They include:
      Right to life
      Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
      Right to liberty and security
      Freedom from slavery and forced labour
      Right to a fair trial
      No punishment without law
      Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence
      Freedom of thought, belief and religion
      Freedom of expression
      Freedom of assembly and association
      Right to marry and start a family
      Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms
      Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property
      Right to education
      Right to participate in free elections

  15. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    Article 1 – Purpose
    Article 2 – Definitions
    Article 3 – General principles
    Article 4 – General obligations
    Article 5 – Equality and non-discrimination
    Article 6 – Women with disabilities
    Article 7 – Children with disabilities
    Article 8 – Awareness-raising
    Article 9 – Accessibility
    Article 10 – Right to life
    Article 11 – Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies
    Article 12 – Equal recognition before the law
    Article 13 – Access to justice
    Article 14 – Liberty and security of person
    Article 15 – Freedom of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
    Article 16 – Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse
    Article 17 – Protecting the integrity of the person
    Article 18 – Liberty of movement and nationality
    Article 19 – Living independently and being included in the community
    Article 20 – Personal mobility
    Article 21 – Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information
    Article 22 – Respect for privacy
    Article 23 – Respect for home and the family
    Article 24 – Education
    Article 25 – Health
    Article 26 – Habilitation and rehabilitation
    Article 27 – Work and employment
    Article 28 – Adequate standard of living and social protection
    Article 29 – Participation in political and public life
    Article 30 – Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport
    Article 31 – Statistics and data collection
    Article 32 – International cooperation
    Article 33 – National implementation and monitoring
    Article 34 – Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    Article 35 – Reports by States Parties
    Article 36 – Consideration of reports
    Article 37 – Cooperation between States Parties and the Committee
    Article 38 – Relationship of the Committee with other bodies
    Article 39 – Report of the Committee
    Article 40 – Conference of States Parties
    Article 41 – Depositary
    Article 42 – Signature
    Article 43 – Consent to be bound
    Article 44 – Regional integration organizations
    Article 45 – Entry into force
    Article 46 – Reservations
    Article 47 – Amendments
    Article 48 – Denunciation
    Article 49 – Accessible format
    Article 50 – Authentic texts


  16. All parties [even not in power] need to abide & stop breaching the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

  17. Music Therapy

    Junior Delgado – Hanging Tree

  18. Vote for CLASS WAR!!



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