Join The Week Of Action Against Workfare And Tell @bmstores What You Think


If you exploit us we will shut you down.

From Boycott Workfare

Take action against persistent workfare exploiters B&M Stores as part of the Week of Action vs Workfare and Sanctions!

B&M Stores has won an award from the workfare industry for their support for forced unpaid labour. The harsh reality of their involvement is exploitation of claimants – people working for nothing under the constant threat of sanctions – and workfare being used to reduce overtime and replace paid staff.

“B&M stores started using workfare Jan 2013. Receiving free labour and stopping overtime for employees with contracts. The people forced to do this free labour are not happy and neither are the other workers.”

Boycott Workfare has had several reports of reduced hours for paid staff as well as the practice of employing paid staff on a trial basis, sacking them after 12 weeks, and replacing them with workfare placements.

“Just to let you know B&M Stores have taken on new staff under a workfare scheme. This was 1 month after staff hours were cut by 50%. This meant my hours were cut from 20 to 10.”

B&M Stores made over £100 million profit last year but still they use forced unpaid labour.

B&M Stores have over 400 stores from Perth in Scotland to Portsmouth in the South of England. They have expanded by using workfare grabs from any local JobCentrePlus. It has been reported that in one B&M Store “older or long term staff were sacked and a new wave of 20 workfare placements taken on.”

What you can do:

Thanks to your efforts, more and more businesses and charities are withdrawing from workfare.  Keep up the pressure and let B&M Stores know:  ’if they exploit us, we will close them down!’

Use twitter, facebook and direct action to expose B&M Stores and call for a boycott of their stores.  Workfare exploits claimants and means poorer pay and conditions for all workers.

Tweet them @bmstores

Email customer services

Phone: 0151 728 5400 (remember to speak politely)


Visit their Corporate Website

You could also let workfare apologists ERSA know what you think about awards that celebrate companies that profit from exploiting claimants.

Join me on facebook or follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid

21 responses to “Join The Week Of Action Against Workfare And Tell @bmstores What You Think

  1. Reblogged this on sdbast.

  2. Well Boycott that Store until Capitalist Slavery Policies are Changed

  3. Was in B&M Stores last year when 2 young kids walked in and said in a loud voice to an assistant we’re here for the work scam. The assistant got the manager who told them to leave as they were not wanted, bet they got sanctioned,

    • Another Fine Mess

      bet they got sanctioned
      Not necessarily, as the slavefare gangmasters and the slavefare employers are making money from the scam, they do all they can to stay under the radar/not rock the gravy boat.

  4. Sorry to be ignorant, but is B& M Stores part of MATILAND?
    It appears so, as one of the email address on their website suggests so.
    Not that I would buy from a shite store as MATILAND. Corrupt, unethical and downright exploitive. Besides, judging by the items, the clothes are poor quality, throwaway garments that do not last.

  5. I left a message about not shopping there because they were exploiting people through workfare on their Facebook page. Nobody else had commented on the topic when I left the post.

  6. Not on Facebook Donna but have left a message all the same on their ‘Maitland email address.

  7. you can see the workfare staff at B&M and it’s pitiful to see them

  8. They look like a cheap and scummy company and that’s why I never go in and after reading this, I never will!

  9. Have took great pleasure in tweeting them and ERSA my disgust at forced labour. Keep up the good work!


    Only these parties offer to ban workfare.

    Running over 135 MP candidates throughout the UK, with 113 MPs candidates in England alone.

    That is not a small number to go up against the austerity obsessed Tories and Labour, as only due to get –

    – Conservatives: 283 (39 short of majority)
    – Labour: 278 (44 short of majority)
    – LD: 15
    – SNP: 48

    Remembering that SNP and Plaid Cymru are also anti austerity, so could bring a maximum of nearly 100 MPs into UK parliament.

    TUSC could have massively reduce Tories, Lib Dems and Labour, so making them even bigger.

    It is all up to you, folks. Because it is the working class who do not vote the most. Vote this time, vote different where you can.

    Links and info on the true parties against austerity on me little personal website, all gathered together for you:

  11. What a bloody cheek, to use free labour, then cut the paid workers hours, how would they like it if i went in and took items for free and then said you don’t wages infact the taxpayer are paying for your staff and i am only taking what is owed to the workers whom you don’t pay!
    scummy store ..will see what i can do while passing through.



    ………….but what about the people outside?



    Former Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy is to chair northern discount retailer B&M Bargains, which has been sold to US private equity firm Clayton Dubilier & Rice.

    The three Arora brothers, who bought B&M in 2005 from UBS Capital which acquired it in 1999, stand to make millions from the sale which is thought to have valued the business at about £965m. They will stay on to manage the company.

    Liverpool-based B&M Stores, which was founded in Blackpool in 1976, has 315 stores in the north of England, Scotland, northern Ireland and Wales and employs more than 10,000 staff, who serve more than two million customers every week.

    CD&R said it had taken a significant stake in the mixed goods discounter without disclosing the terms.

    Forget the glowing Leahy eulogies that the right wing press has force feeding us about Leahy which can only be described as a cheap “fatty “diet abundant in sycophantic goo with a side order of gush. I’d say Sir Terry has done more damage to the fabric of British life than any other businessman in modern times, he’s helped destroy towns and the countryside and growers, dairy farmers and general farmers don’t like him very much either. He is well in with David Cameron too. In fact Cameron made good use of Leahy in his 2010 general election campaign. Cameron’s new planning laws should pass the mustard with people like Leahy with their endless scandals – on land grabbing, price-fixing, the breaching of planning law, the shameless misleading of millions of customers into grabbing illusory bargains – and Tesco is at the illusionary bargains again, reducing things across their stores by a penny or two but vastly raising the prices of other items to pay for it, it is just a huge scam and Cameron allows this to happen. The core of “Leahyism”, and its supposed “brilliance”, was the relentless forcing down of prices, but their producers and farmers do not get a share of those eye watering profits, they get paid a pittance for their produce.


      Mr Duncan Smith added Tesco’s former chief executive Sir Terry Leahy “started life scrubbing floors at a Tesco store in his school holidays.”

      But he got paid to do it!, you thick, balding, murdering cunt…………

  14. The 29th of April 2015 AD Mark’s the 105th Anniversary of the Peoples Budget in 1910 AD.

    This was the First Budget in British History with the Intent Purpose of Redistributing Wealth from Rich to Poor .

    The United Kingdom could do with Another Budget to Redistribute Wealth from Rich to Poor instead of any more Destructive Tory Nutcase Budgets

  15. Ingeus Are SCUM!!

    Workfare slave-driver Ingeus use these B & M cunts big time!

  16. Reblogged this on Beastrabban’s Weblog and commented:
    Johnny Void here reveals how workfare is being used to replace paid labour at B&M Stores, and appeals to people to join Boycott Workfare’s campaign against them. Forget all the rhetoric about training people to find jobs, this is the real purpose behind workfare: to supply cheap, slave labour to big business. As Mr Void reveals, this is nothing less than gross exploitation – the firm made £100 million last year, more than enough for them to employ real, paid staff, and give them a good salary and conditions. What’re the odds that as soon as any party looks like they’re going to end workfare, the Tories and their donors will start making a fuss about it all being ‘anti-business’, like they did and are doing with Miliband’s policy of ending non-dom tax status.

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