The Scab Society

It appears odious Education Secretary Michael Gove is supporting parents being asked to take over classes in an attempt to break this Thursday’s strike by teacher’s unions. According to The Independant, a spokesman for Gove has said it would be “great” if parents could help out with teaching. The true motivation for the Big Society becomes ever clearer.

Let’s not mince words. Any parent who offers to help out in this way is a dirty fucking scab and should be treated with the contempt they deserve. They should be ostracised by their communities and have shit chucked at them in the street. Slogans should be painted on their houses and driveways to make sure people know of the scum in their midst. As author Jack London once wrote: “No man has a right to scab as long as there is a pool of water deep enough to drown his body in, or a rope long enough to hang his carcass with.”

Perhaps it will be the children they supervise who will give them a first lesson in how a scab should be treated. Kids everywhere should be unrelenting in their abuse, delinquency and contempt for these vermin who would happily help to destroy the education system, and not even take pay for doing so. Give them hell kids. And if the fuckers complain tell everyone they tried to touch you up.

And on that note let’s finish on a song:

It’s in the evening after dark,
When the blackleg miner creeps to work,
With his moleskin pants and dirty shirt,
There goes the blackleg miner!

Well he takes his tools and doon he goes
To hew the coal that lies below,
There’s not a woman in this town-row
Will look at the blackleg miner.

Oh, Seghill is a terrible place.
They rub wet clay in the blackleg’s face,
And around the heaps they run a foot race,
To catch the blackleg miner!

So, dinna gan near the Delaval mine.
Across the way they stretch a line,
To catch the throat and break the spine
Of the dirty blackleg miner.

They grab his duds and his pick as well,
And they hoy them down the pit of hell.
Doon ye go, and fare ye well,
You dirty blackleg miner!

Blackleg Miner – Traditional English Folk Song

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