Custard Creams Are Cheaper Than Cous Cous, But You Can’t Expect A Fucking Baroness To Know That


The lowest priced flavoured Cous Cous, at £4.55/kg, costs five times more than a kilo of custard creams.

Anyone who claims that healthy food is a cheaper option has clearly never enjoyed the dubious nutitional delights of a pack of Everyday Value Custard Creams (35p, 1,972 calories).

They’ve also probably never been to a supermarket.  Or at least never been to a supermarket with less than a tenner to last until the end of the week and two kids to feed.  This hasn’t stopped a string of pompous twats from appearing in the media this week and telling us how much better they would be at being poor than the plebs using foodbanks.

The nearest supermartet, who shall remain nameless because they are bastards, sells a kilo of value oats for 75p.  This means you can, just about, make a large bowl of porridge for 4p, as Baroness Jenkins claimed at the launch of this week’s food bank report – although that’s porridge with water and ignores the cost of cooking it.  But it is bollocks that a bowl of sugary cereal will cost 25p as she also suggested.  A well known national discount retailer are currently knocking out 450g boxes of Sugar Puffs for a quid, which works out at just under 7p a serving.  A cheaper option to this would be supermarket value Rice Snaps, which are 10% sugar but come in at under 5p a bowl.  Value cornflakes are even cheaper at around tuppence per bowl.

The cheapest source of meat protein I could find in the supermarket this morning was a tin of value meatballs in tomato sauce for 40p, which works out about £1.06 a kilo.  Despite the sauce this still probably beats the price of the lowest cost unprocessed meat alternative, which is raw pigs liver for £1.50 per kilo.  According to their website this store does packs of cooking bacon for about 80p, or £1.60/kg, although there was no sign of them today with the cheapest bacon at £3.79/kg.  Frozen value chicken portions also come in quite cheap at £1.75/kg, as do chicken legs at a similar price, but much of that weight will be bone.   In terms of bang for your buck, or more correctly calories, then value chicken nuggets, at 72p a bag, or £2.25/kg are probably a more economical buy.  As are chicken burgers (£2.13/kg) and value sausages at £1.44/kg.  Avoiding meat altogether will not save you any money.  Vege-sausages of all types are a lot more expensive than the value range meat alternative whilst a kilo of lentils will set you back £1.80.

The humble carrot or a white cabbage can both be bought for 60p/kg.  Onions cost about the same, but the price of veg rises steeply after that jumping to £1.47/kg for loose broccoli, the next cheapest source of fresh green veg.

Carrots are also one of the cheapest forms of tinned veg costing 19p a can, although you only get a measly 300g.  In contrast 420g of value baked beans are 24p, competing with a 300g tin of value mushy peas (16p) as the cheapest form of vegetable the local supermarket sells.  Cheaper still is a 420g tin of value spaghetti at 20p.  Stick that on a few slices of economy range white sliced bread and you’ve got dinner for two kids for about 30p, or the price of an apple.

This is far cheaper than the recipes that the Daily Telegraph helpfully published this week teaching us all how to make meals for 50p a portion.  One of those meals was a vegetarian chilli – which would actually cost over £2 for a single person because you can’t buy an eighth of a tin of chick peas.  This chilli, whilst undoubtebly nutritious, only contains about 250 calories.  Half a deep pan cheese value pizza provides almost twice that amount and costs the same price.  According to the NHS an 11/12 year old child needs around 2000 calories a day.  It would probably be healthier and cheaper to feed them a pizza and a vitamin pill for dinner than the Daily Telegraph’s suggestion.

As for afters, well you can usually pick up a banana for just short of 20p, if you really want to be the kind of person who gives their kid a banana for pudding.  A far lower cost option would be a value chocolate mousse for 4 and a half pence.

These are not isolated examples, everywhere you look it is the same.  A litre of pure apple juice is 65p, two litres of own brand coke is 55p.  14 tiny lunchbox size packs of raisins costs £1.89, whilst a multipack of 12 bags of crisps is 66p.  The cheapest mild chedder is priced at £5.40/kg whilst processed cheese slices come out at £3.53/kg.

One of the reasons for the constant sneering at those using food banks for not being able to cook is that there is little understanding of how poor some people actually are.  People with nothing will buy a pack of biscuits because it’s the only thing they can afford.  Someone with a quid left on a prepay meter cannot afford to risk turning on the hob to make porridge because that might mean the lights go out that night.

Unless you’ve been that poor you just won’t see how much cheaper it is to buy shit food.  You won’t notice that pound shops do big boxes of sugary cereals for a quid, or that value chicken nuggets are a cheaper source of protein than lentils. And that’s okay,  It doesn’t make you a bad person, just lucky.  But it does mean you should shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.

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247 responses to “Custard Creams Are Cheaper Than Cous Cous, But You Can’t Expect A Fucking Baroness To Know That


      Senior Conservative cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith has said limiting child benefit to the first two children in a family is well worth considering and could save a significant amount of money.

      The work and pensions secretary hinted the move was being examined by his party despite previously being vetoed by Downing Street over fears it could alienate parents.

      Asked about the idea on the BBC’s Sunday Politics programme, Duncan Smith said it could also “help behavioural change” in what appeared to be a suggestion that it could discourage people struggling with their finances from having more children.

      ………………………..seems his role of god is intent on restricting children to the poorest………
      ………………….whatever next, chemical sterilisation of the useless eaters?


      • @GEOFF the man is not thinking clearly where will the next gen serfs come from? the bottom wipers the waiters at tables the bow and scrapers and forlock tuggers ?
        Silly sod will have to do it all himself and likewise his toff chums

  1. What always seems to be left out of the discussion by the “great and the good” is the cost buying preparing and cooking fresh food, compared to sticking a cheap and nasty “ready meal” in a microwave for a few minutes.
    I checked yesterday at local supermarkets where I live.
    There were “family sized” ready meals of various kinds for between £2.50 and £3. To cook the same “meal” out of fresh ingredients would cost at least twice that much, not allowing for water use needed and the much more energy needed to do the cooking. (Assuming an oven and a hob is available.)
    I think all us here know about or are experiencing being left with between nothing and £20 a week to buy food.

  2. Having just gone round Aldi & Asda, Aldi don’t sell Cous Cous or foods they think won’t sell in quantity they sell the staples fresh fruit and veg, fresh and frozen meats, as well as their offers. While Asda sell the full range.

    Besides porridge made with water is total shit you need milk to give it a creamy taste

    • A girl called Jack Monroe

      Aldi also sell milled linseed with goji berries, sesame and sunflower seeds and raspberries which is a healthy topping for your porridge but it is £1.99!! a packet and it would only last a week. So that ‘4p bowl of porridge’ is starting to become prohibitively expensive. Those value custard creams look more tempting but the nutritional content of them is a big fat zero; all they are going to do is stimulate your appetite and make you hungrier and hungrier; fatter and fatter.

  3. I’d love to know how people are making a large bowl of porridge for 4p. It must be more water than porridge oats. I buy the kilo bag of value oats for 75p. I have a small bowl every day and at push can make the bag last a week. Seven small bowls works out at just under 11p a bowl not including the power to cook it (obviously works out more if you use milk instead of water).

  4. Unemployed and on a budget,Lidl has cooking bacon 1 Kilo for £1.62 granted you have to examine the packs,some are more like Gammon others are Streaky bacon,also every week they have a special,last week it was Half a Piri Piri chicken £1.34 with a shelf (Refridge) of 34 days.

    • The problem with cheap bacon and chicken (especially frozen) is that it contains a large amount of salt, and water. I’m not saying don’t buy it, but just pointing out that it is actually lower in protein per sold weight, and once it’s in the pan, the water evaporates, leaving smaller portions.

      Many people don’t realise how many calories children require – as much as an adult during the growing years – and custard creams offer the cheapest calories. Fat is an important part of diets too, and children shouldn’t be put on adult “healthy diets”. There is a phenomenon of “muesli mum malnutrition” that affects middle class children, so we don’t need lessons in nutrition from them. We certainly don’t need patronising guff from the titled. Who on earth thinks that her contribution to the report would have been any different? Why was she on the panel, and not Jack Munro?

      The main problem is that the poor just need enough money to buy a decent varied diet, and that isn’t possible on £10, £20, or £30 pw.

      • You can live of/stave of the hunger cravings on next-to-nothing/crap (value custard creams) for a short period of time (day or two) but your body slowly but surely gets run down, physically and mentally. £10, £20, £30 a week just isn’t enough to sustain a human body over the long-term without becoming ill/diseased/dying prematurely.

        • Agreed, totally. Like eating porridge, a la the Baroness’s suggestion, would lead to scurvy and many other diseases of malnutrition. I was just following through some of the other comments, and not suggesting these as staples.

    • This presupposes that everyone lives near a cheapo supermarket.
      The nearest one to me is a £4 bus ride away.

  5. overburdenddonkey

    being diabetic i can’t/shouldn’t eat that kind of food and it’s this type of food that is causing the diabetic2 epidemic…which is short in natural efa’s…this causes damage to cell insulin receptors and therefore high and damaging BG levels esp when the body is overactive slogging away to stand still even reverse as wages/benefits are slashed and costs are soaring….calling something prediabetes is non-sense as it is not just the BG levels that are the problem, it is lack of energy and build up of visceral fats that lead to obesity as the body craves energy and tries to make up for shortfalls in energy as the person eats more for energy…diabetes2 is chronic hunger..i already have neuropathy living long term undiag D2 and crap paupers diet, and i’m a fair cook…notwithstanding that we don’t have magic cupboards…transport, clothing, storage, and cooking costs are hellish….so do these entitled elites really need such high incomes then? no they don’t, they should cut down, pool and share with us…i’ll put up with cheap champagne if they will!
    no one rich no one poor, common weal…

    • McHaggis O' thi Haggis Clan

      Whit yi sayin’? That purridge is thi cause o’ diabetes?

      • overburdenddonkey

        no! diet poor in efa’s is, esp one has to burn a lot of energy through one’s furnace/system, which is a lot of food now, but one must have a diet full of variety and wholesome food like whit wis common in the old days, paupers food used to be salmon, game, rabbit, sprouting bean’s and the like’s of….although i can’t eat porridge coz it’s fast sugar starch release nor is it filling therefore…although porridge wi’ molasses sugar and cream it is lush…

  6. I think it must be possible to see how much cheaper it is to buy cheap without having been poor yourself, if you actually put some effort and intelligence into learning about how poor people live and the prices of things. Baroness Jenkins either hasn’t done that or is being deliberately dishonest.

  7. Where did you find the lowest price of Cous Cous, at £4.55/kg? Tesco online has 500g of dry Cous Cous for 70p. To eat it you’d want to add boiling water, which would add fuel costs but would probably triple weight of the Cous Cous.

    • Yes sorry that was the cheapest flavoured cous cous, will amend to clarify when I get home.

      • john mate what is this network error i keep getting on your blog
        When i post ?? its bizarre

        • Jemima Bond (007)

          Probably means your posts are being diverted to some shady department in the bowels of GCHQ for scrutiny. It’s like if you have a pre-paid moby fone and you are like foning and stuff but the credit never gets used up – that means you fone is being intercepted by the cops/government agency and the network billing system is being by-passed.

          • @Jemima bond no its PAYG and even when having to shout into the poxy thing no one can hardly hear me and the payphone when i phone a certain number that line is dead and it was not before

          • All joking aside it wouldn’t surprise me if they actually employ people to look at blogs like JV’s on the net and trawl it for anti government statements and views and then label that person as a subversive and to be put on their list for special attention.

            Of course, it’s Britain! They wouldn’t do that, would they?

        • ME TOO BOB

    • Pasta is the same thing as couscous, and Morrisons value costs 28p/pound. It takes fifteen minutes to make. So, she may have been off with the details, but it’s not a moot point.

  8. Value Mushy Peas


  9. Ready meals are well expensive & taste like chemicals. There are loads of things to make with things that are cheap, you just have to know how to cook. Most foods have chemicals that make you feel more hungry after eating them. That is so you buy food at that supermarket

  10. MPs don`t know a lot – They don`t know or care about what Maximus is ripping off the tax payer the £60 million contract because the JobCentre Plus is now doing the medicals behind bullet proof glass the DWP can`t wait for Maximus to get in staff. Computer crash & the whole of the country is fucked. Clip off your wing.


    No party gives a shit. only ££££££ & promotion.

  12. The UK is a Rogue state that ignores any Human Rights Laws. 2014

    The onus Is On The Burden Of Proof.

  13. The cost of a pint of milk – MPs says don`t know – Disabiled people dying because of DWP sanctions – MP don’t know about that – MP are shown to be stupid & controlled & are not public servants.



  15. “The nearest supermartet, who shall remain nameless because they are bastards”

    thats one of my favourite parts of this blog …lol!

    i see that person you dont get on with John on his blog he says that baroness jenkins hubby copped a huge packet in expenses several grand in fact then shunted it off to their relatives
    Nice eh ?
    one rule for the plebs and another for the toffs

    Feck em they should be doing porridge instead of lecturing us about that shit

    • Wtf is going on here with this your comment is waiting moderation and me going offline each time i post ??

      • thats three or 4 times its gone offline as i post now
        Wtf is going on ??

        • Something to do with Air Traffic Control. Perhaps they are all using ATOS IT Services UNUM designed – Sound like the DWP !!

        • …………….A paedophile from GCHQ is fucking with our transmissions

          • ………… of the neighbours, a blind guy, thanked me for the pistachios i left out.
            Hadn’t got the heart to tell him he had his hand on my dustpan and was eating wood lice.
            Wood lice are high in fibre and work out cheaper than oatmeal, but you must be quick as they wriggle off the spoon.

            These snotty fuckers like the Baroness have never eaten a real meal like egg and chips, she probably uses a pair of cake tongues to give a blow job!

            • I remember the good old ays when you could mend a roadside flat by simply dipping in your shopping and pulling out a huge Wagon Wheel.

              Nowadays a wagon Wheel is like a wheel bearing and a Mars Bar the size of 3 Oxo cubes. Even the holes in Polo mints have been enlarged…………

              Bought some out of date pies last week, they were from the Falklands rations, i think. The crusts were nearly shaking hands and the meat must have been inserted with feeler guages.

              It’s everything you pick up nowadays, even when you open a packet of cornflakes you have to abseil to get to the contents……………

  16. Reblogged this on

  17. I was interviewed on Radio Suffolk yesterday (for Ipswich Unemployed Action) on exactly this issue.

    Not as complete as Johnny but not too far off…..

    After listing the places you shop at, item for item, which are the cheapest (believe me like loads of us I know every trick, from cheapest malt vinegar, eggs, sugar from well-known pound shop, to her ladyship’s recommended nosh, lentils – lowest cost in Indian places) I said that in The Road to Wigan Pier Orwell mentioned that working class and poor people like something that’s “tasty”.

    Sweet and tasty – available a good price at a well-known frozen food store.

    And why fucking not try some?

  18. What a total shit i went to post comment and it went offline

    I was saying that baroness hubby jenkin collected a wad in expenses
    Several grand in fact

  19. The secret serpents.

    Mr Chewie. It has come to our attention that you are a dangerous rabble rousing trouble maker so we have diverted all your posts to be state vetted and moderated.
    George Smith.

  20. ATOS IT Solutions in Air traffic Management – BA Vs ATOS !!

  21. The World Has Ended – Twitter Has Gone Done !!

  22. The major problem with buying
    ‘at the bottom end’ is inflation,profiteering and greed.
    When a price rise occurs with a value item it is not 1 or 2 pence but but 10,20 or more %.I have just come from asda and the box of trusty washing powder that was 75p is now a pound. There is no cheaper alternative other than going stinky so the attitude is hard luck.This is the same across the board.
    It does not happen at the other levels because there ARE other choices.
    Sometimes it backfires;Asda put the bargain biscuits up to 50 pence and nobody bought them so the price went down again,but it does show some Tosspot is walking around constantly,not comparing prices to other stores to beat them but seeing where prices can be increased and gotten away with.
    The george line of clothes is now a standing fucking joke, with jeans that used to cost £3 lasting 7 washes now costing £6 and lasting 4.The £12 trainers etc that used to cost 8 are not fit for a dog to chew on.People buy this shit because they have not a working debit card.Amazon can kick the snot out of them for quality/price and bring the stuff to your door.Anyway,you get the point.They refurbed my local asda recently.There is no shortage of money for reworks in these supposed austerity times.Its all the work fare kids on night shifts I guess.Theres Loads of them.
    And the cxxts who run the chinese restuarant and clear out every pice of meat on the reduced shelves should be strung from a lamp post.
    Every super market in town!

    • Bargain, Well Put. As for the Refurbs – didn’t you know Companies can claim back a lot of the outlay on costs?

      That’s why Weatherspoons can spunk £3Mil on a PUB, yes a PUB n ireland.

      Says it all.

  23. It’s easy. It’s not just that they don’t know, it’s that they don’t want to know and they don’t want others to know. Any lie will do, rather than the truth: they don’t have enough money.

    I can afford the good stuff now but I’ll never forget the days that I couldn’t. If poor people can’t cook, how come I always could, and surely I wasn’t the only one. But many can’t for the same reason they can’t fucking ski: they don’t get the opportunity. And what’s more, twats like Jamie Oliver have made trendy the kind of stuff I used to treat myself to when I was skint. Cheap cuts of meat like breast of lamb (50p for a full piece, now £4 for a tiny piece) or belly pork, made trendy by TV chefs.

    But even cooking those cuts of meat takes hours in the oven. No fun when you’re on a low budget or card meter.

  24. Baroness Jenkin’s precalculated 4p porridge propaganda was part of the plan – 2 for the price of 1 a cheap shot at the poor and the Scots.

    The cheapest hot meal I could find today was other peoples shit.

    A sanction is the stoppage of all JSA, a claimant would not even have 4p a day.

  25. How right those American militiamen were in going off grid, please sir can I have a Glock 19 and a wee bit hill and glen.

  26. Another Fine Mess

    Michael Portillo on This Week still in denial about foodbanks.
    Starts at 33:00.

  27. overburdenddonkey

    a f m
    cream of the crop, where would we be without these fools? it’s good to know that politicians are worthy of our respect,eh!

  28. The problem is, apart from the obvious, is that the left are not taking those shithouses that call themselves “Labour” to task. I suggest mail bombing the bastards. They should have a major cull, especially that twat Miliband, and remind them to stop apologising for their links to the unions. The bastard Tories are unashamedly the party of the rich and wannabe rich.

    Strikes have got to be a whole lot less polite, too. The point is to let people know what happens when one stops working. Polite strikes don’t work.

    Face it, the slimebag Daily Mail and cocksucking BBC aren’t polite and fair. Why should ordinary people be?

    Ordinary people should look at their own history: everything they ever had had to be fought for. There never was an enlightenment amongst the rich and never will be. How bad does it have to get?

  29. What about this five-a-day stuff that the government has been promoting as the way to stay healthy? You know where you’re supposed to have five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to maintain your health? Unless you happen to be poor is it? When you’re supposed to manage with a bowl of carbohydrates and plain water instead of tea or coffee just like dear little Oliver Twist? What the hell has this country become? What has happened to us?

    • It is up to 7 (SEVEN) a day now!

    • Another word for watery porridge is gruel! Just like ‘staples’ such as pasta, lentils and rice; the raw ingredients are cheap but it is the trimmings (sauces, vegetables, sugar, linseed, fruit, berries) that put the cost up (and add nutritional value)

      • and porridge tastes a whole lot better if you add demerara sugar, cream and make it with milk instead of water (or coconut or almond milk if you are on the salary of a Baroness), and sprinkling of linseed will do you good too.. but it all adds up to a lot more than 4p… then there is the electricity/gas cost of running the hob.

      • All you need for pasta is cheap canned tomatoes or passata (4/£1 at Morrisons and even cheaper at the bargain stores. Pasta is 28p for a pound at Morrisons). You saute onions in cheap cooking oil, add the canned tomatoes, and you’ve got sauce. Even better if you have some dried herbs around the house. It’s 20p/serving. It takes 15 minutes to make, and all you need is two hobs – one if you make the sauce after the pasta. That’s why I always eat when I run out of food money at the end of the month… but oh, it must not be accessible to poor people, because it’s something people who are better off might think is edible.

  30. Perhaps it’s time to do some basic calculations, based on real prices of what it would realistically cost to have a healthy diet. At the very least it could provide the basis of an argument to get the abysmally low rate that JSA is paid at raised. Not saying it would happen, but arguing that it doesn’t allow for a healthy diet (which we know it doesn’t) in realistic terms would give some powerful moral clout.

    Sure, if foodstuffs can be bought in bulk, such as onions, carrots and potatoes by the sack full, they will be hugely cheaper, but there are obvious practical difficulties there (but worth considering if available and there are a few of you to pool resources) and that would only cover basic vegetables. Protein is a different matter, though vegetable protein is generally cheaper than animal protein though perhaps less exciting/tasty. Pigs or Ox liver is pretty cheap and versatile, if you like it. Many don’t, which is why it’s cheap! Most of the cheaper canned stuff, such as meatballs, hot dog sausage or frozen chicken nuggets contains that ‘mechanically recovered’ stuff, which is cartilage, as well as other un-appetising ingredients all ground up into a slurry and then processed into whatever. Cheap frozen sausage seem to have very little actual ‘meat’ in them, and could almost qualify as veggie! Frozen chicken portions have been through a process called tumbling so that they absorb water, which of course increases the weight, and the profit the company makes. Fresh chicken doesn’t go through that process, but remains relatively expensive. Though value fresh chicken breast portions can be good as a treat, and will make several good meals for a reasonable cost. However, this does require the facilities, and fuel to prepare such meals, but if you are in that fortunate position, using a gas cooker is quite economical. I don’t know about electric cookers.

    Sadly reliance on supermarkets puts us at a disadvantage, as fresh fruit and veg and things like fresh meat tend to be expensive.

    My best tip to fill up is value wholemeal bread. White bread is about as good for you as eating cotton wool, but wholemeal is more nutricious, more filling and harder to digest and has the added advantage of having more dietary fibre than white bread. It also helps in avoiding the onset of things like Type 2 diabeties. Eaten as bread, the value wholemeal can be like eating sawdust unless it’s really fresh, but it does make nice toast! It’s just a shame that it only seems to be available in medium sliced form.

    • Professor of Nutrition

      ALL bread white or ‘wholemeal’ eventually turns into sugars. And apart from the premium/finest stuff tastes like shite. Cheap bread is also made via a process called Chorley Wood rather than ‘batch-baked’ as it should be. Home-made fresh out the oven bread is a zillion times tastier. If you can’t knead dough you could always pick up a bread-making machine at a car boot sale or some place – I would be careful of piling on the pounds though.

      Cheap meat/processed crap/’mechanically retrieved’ meat is just the scrapings of the abattoir floor – slaughter-houses are loathe to throw anything away (about the only thing they used to put in the skip was intestine, not sure if they still do – maybe the make it into the meatballs or whatever these days). By buying the waste products all you are doing is helping to keep the costs of the proper cuts of meat which the toffs can afford to buy down. Incidentally, the Royal family grow all their own food on their estates run by ‘tenant farmers’ and look how long they live too – Prince Charles has got a point when he a ranting on about ‘home-grown organic’ this and that – he is not eating shit food and neither should you!

      • Professor of Nutrition

        Another thing about supermarket bread is that is it frozen and kept in storage for 3 months – that is why if there is a strike at a bakers there is still plenty of ‘fresh’ bread on the shelves.

    • overburdenddonkey

      overeating, obesity; belly fat men, upper body fat in women, thinning legs changed body shape, body weakness, and lack of will to exercise are symptoms of d2, NOT it’s cause…it’s is caused by…a lack of essential nutrients in diet…
      cause of pain in foot maybe caused by dropping a rock on it, the symptom is pain, and not dropping the rock on foot…symptom by symptom, causes and symptoms cannot be identical…the diabetes2 subterfuge says/claims that they are!
      me, i’m a fully skilled time served (apprenticeship 1968/72) HGV mechanic, an extremely active, all weather, and strenuous job, i sweated most day’s….as i have neuropathy, i have likely had undiag d2 for 25yrs….in fact looking back i know roughly when the symptoms, OVEREATING FOR ENERGY, (coz i was very tired) putting on weight, pissing, excessive thirst, extreme exhaustion acutely noticed in 1985 when people no longer told me to slow down, i could no longer work as hard as i did…i changed every part of my lifestyle/diet and nothing made the slightest difference, my work was everything to me, but i lost the energy to do it…(and are not the causes of symptoms ie weight gain is a symptom NOT but a cause, over eating does NOT cause d2, nor does laziness, constantly poor diet does) ….d2 is chronic CELL hunger…it’s like a petrol engine running on full choke plenty of fuel outside combustion chambers which cannot be properly combusted in combustion chambers hence thick black smoke of incomplete combustion, and the engines lack of power or energy…now if the engine lacks compression weakening the mixture may cut down on black smoke but the engine will still be down on power coz the engine is knackered…d2 is a knackered engine…rule of thumb..a good lifestyle stress balance not too much, not too little, plenty of good wholesome food, plenty of efa’s and keeping body @ 20c, get others to do the donkey work, get a new one if they break…solution be a member of the neoliberal establishment, remember ‘we’re all in it together’….pooling and sharing, UKOK…except we’re NOT are we…
      …outside = blood, in = cells ie energy cannot get into cells causes high BG…blood hyper…cells hypo damaged cell insulin receptors stop the cells from getting enough energy…control is rest and restricted fast sugar release diet, eating SLOW foods.. rest replenishes cells…. donkey, hehaw…

      • Correct, being over-weight is a symptom of diabetes type 2 – not the cause; but it is a vicious cycle of constant weight gain. Similarly, being under-weight is a symptom of diabetes type 1 – not the cause.

        • overburdenddonkey

          i was just going to add a ps so i’ll do it here… people put on wt cos food cannot go where it ought to go ie into muscles, so the excess that would and does causes high BG’s and ketoacidosis is dumped or transformed by the bodies natural BG control measures ie it turns excessive BG’s into nasty visceral fats or is pissed out, hence a symptom being excessive thirst…the best control is very slow sugar release diet, fats are even beneficial in lowering BG’s, nuts although fattening have the same affect so eat little, often and REST…. there is no cure…tired, one must rest, the trick is to keep glycogen release from liver as least as is possible, so one is feeding from the gut mostly…
          d2 is epidemic and UNDER-DIAGNOSED…if diag then @ 1st test as often as the now skinflint test strip allowance allows…one must get to know the affects different foods have on one’s own metabolism, look after feet…not looking after BG’s has serious consequences… make managing one’s BG’s a life and limb saving passion….then once it becomes a habit/automatic, one can almost forget it…it’s your diabetes OWN IT, and don’t let anyone else own it, not atos, not gp, not dsn…ask ‘do you suffer it?’ if they say no, which they will, coz if they did they would feel as crap as you, tell them to get tea fuck, unless their advice rings true…in the same way one wouldn’t take food advice from WM profitizer’s, et al, ask what’s their angle always if advice seems crap….
          ….starvation does not cure it nor does exercise….but the opposite advice is given, that exercise boost’s insulin supply and reduces insulin resistance, this is crap..and would work only in snapshot modeling it does not a/c for constant activity nor changes in activity nor homeostasis bio feedback, where the reality is extra food becomes visceral fats or piss…the problem is not insulin resistance but ineffective insulin…if IR were the cause giving one insulin would make one feel better, IT DOES NOT…ie i produce plenty of insulin, it still works but as cell insulin receptors are damaged it is no long effective as it used to be… oh and rich mixture leads to clogging carbon build up in engine in the same way high BG’s do to us humans, both will stop working before there time unless the cause is cured….and exactly why lean burn engines last so much longer than old non ecu managed petrol engines….used to do 40000/60000 miles between overhauls, now this is very rare…yes, the body is a very sophisticated bio/mechanical device…there is so much more i could say on this subject, i’ve tried to keep it as brief and to the point as possible…

        • overburdenddonkey

          you wouldn’t think so if you had read this poorly researched and written article and read the hate filled comments, that were caused by it…

  31. Reblogged this on Beastrabban’s Weblog and commented:
    Johnny Void here goes into the home economics and real cost in supermarkets of the cheap foods that would feed the desperately poor. In so doing he attacks the patronising misinformation of papers like the Torygraph, which has published pieces by the rich under the misapprehension that they somehow have a better idea of how to feed a poor family living on the very edge of starvation than do the poor themselves. This adds the meat, pun intended, to Tom Pride’s comments about the stupidity and avarice of Baroness Jenkins and her comments that the poor would be better off eating porridge than using a foodbank.

    • I wouldn’t be too hard on the Torograph article – undoubtedly healthy, nutritious, cheap recipes in there although maybe not enough to sustain one through a day’s hard work – some tasty ‘starters’ nonetheless.

  32. Jim Murphy new labour leader in Scotland, what does that say about the left and the trade unions in Scotland.

    • Jim Murphy is a TRAITOR!!

      MI5 man JIm Murphy is a treacherous slimeball of a a cunt!

    • overburdenddonkey

      now there’s a surprise jim murphy is new leader of scottish labour branch office, local reaction just coming in

    • Would really appreciate some feedback guys. Have followed your website for a while now and thought it really is the RIGHT TIME to become involved with informing you guys EXACTLY what’s going on in JCP. I am and have been been a TI (targeted individual) by the JC for some time and things have got worse and worse to the point they are now completely MALICIOUS CRIMINAL accusations against me.

      As a result, over time I have contacted refuted for help several times who have been FANTASTIC with advice but since I spoke to them things have just escalated.

      I am not very good with techno and don’t know how I can create a link to all the info so will have to just paste it in.

      • overburdenddonkey

        go the address box top of this page ie j v wordpress dot com click it now changes colour right click scroll to copy, click copy… go to ‘leave a reply’ box, click, then right click scroll to paste click link appears…add description or not, post comment….happy linking…

      • Another Fine Mess

        You probably know, but UM seems a good place for you to read/post.

        “create a link”
        Carefully click on the url/address in the address bar of your browser until it turns blue, while it’s blue, Control-C to copy, OR right-click over the blue area and select copy, …in theory.

      • overburdenddonkey

        keep replies to them very short and to the point…in writing with proof of post or recorded delivery..stay off of/away from phone contact with them, record everything..keep all of your paper work in good order so it is easy to find…
        they’re causing you to be anxious…

      • Targetted Individual

        That’s the problem with “standing up for your rights” in the jobcentre. I have been threatened with targeting, wish I hd it on tape, and have also been the victim of targeting. So, the jobcentre do target individuals. Anyway best of luck!

      • Overburden donkey and another fine mess – thanks so much for your reply, I really appreciate it.

        I have been frantically trying to write a report up since I wrote this on Saturday 13 12 14. (Don’t have a pc or anything techno so have to come to the library to do this).

        Matters are EXTREMELY serious, trust me (don’t have time to go in to the tiny details here) as this matter requires a benefit lawyer. I have since received an HORRENDOUS DWP 50 page ‘appeal against our decision’ pack for my appending imminent appeal (? date). It contains the most horrific catalogue of lies imaginable – things I know nothing about.

        I have NEVER SEEN such a blatant attempt to destroy someone’s credibility and defamation of character!

        You have to read it to believe it and I only received it on Friday 12 14 14. I couldn’t bring myself to read it at first as I couldn’t believe my eyes! It is completely criminal. DWP and JCP have manufactured an horrendous smear campaign against me. NONE of it is true. I have done everything expected of me. It is purely down to the fact that they are the biggest state criminals going and for the very reason I have exercised my rights eg: refused to sign in on attendance at the WP/sign any provider documents etc when it is not necessary and perfectly within my rights.

        DWP have dredged up the most fabricated case. The compulsive lies are unbelievable: they have said I didn’t turn up on the WP and walked out, I didn’t engage (whatever that’s supposed to mean?), I haven’t applied for jobs, done my job search, I am not looking for work, endless etc… etc… It is slanderous to say the least! etc etc etc etc etc …

        I just haven’t had time to finish the report to my MP yet. I need as much advice as possible and any advice anyone can keep offering me is extremely appreciated. What is going on here is highly criminal. The entire local JCP, WP (past month forced on to the CWP) as well as all the DWP staff that have become involved along the way have just joined in in what is now a blatant witch-hunt.

        Everytime I go in the JCP all the staff are so rude and permanently interrogate me finding any excuse to discredit me and call the manager which happens virtually every time I go in there now. The atmosphere is horrendous and my job search is torn apart and scrutinised and 99% of the time is sent to the manager. (I write it on paper and have flatly refused to give them UJM access which they despise and have battered, threatened, intimidated me to give it to them all the time). This conduct towards me goes on and on and on. It never ends. They have made it abundantly clear they are doing everything within their power to kick me off benefits in the most heinous way imaginable and to make my life as much hell as possible every time. They are TRULY VILE. They have already sanctioned me for 9 months – 5 sanctions in a row and I will have no money till the new year, if that. I have had £400 to live on all year and they have hurled personal/impertinent questions at me which are none of their business. The manipulative and creepy floor manager: state criminal like the rest of them! has tried to force so many things on me demanding an email, phone number, how do I survive with no money? How dare he aske me this. I told him it’s none of his business. This crook has now put in the appeal ‘client conversations’ sheets (which they lied about and refused to give me) claimant – a potential fraud ! ! ! . . . It couldn’t be further from the truth! I’m living on NOTHING, surviving on pittance from dramatically dwindling savings as I have to pay 20% max council tax before any food or I will end up with another trial! It is OUTRAGEOUS and so OFFENSIVE!

        I have to go to JCP in a minute – daily signer – haven’t started the dreaded work placement yet – new year to look forward too!!!!

        I need to get the report finished fast asap to my MP as I am going to have to reschedule my appeal date now. As soon as it’s finished I will follow your brille advice and attach it. Claimants need to know what the hell is really going on . . .

        Please keep the advice coming in. I have already completely kept them at bay where the phone is concerned, trust me. The last time I dealt with these state criminals over the phone they blatantly lied and again stuff was put down I knew nothing about on the Mandatory reconsideration notice.

        ‘Causing me to be anxious’ – thanx so much for your support. This has completely overtaken my life. I have so much paperwork and crap going on here it’s a mind-field and now to find 50 pgs of mindless defamation of character claptrap for £70/wk, it’s absolutely embarrassing – shameful on this SS government!

        Have to go JCP and be interrogated to death now ! . . .

    • overburdenddonkey

  33. I’m sorry but I find it really hard to agree with this article. You can find cheap priced ‘healthy foods’ if you look. I’m guessing the supermarket in reference here was tescos because of the prices mentioned on certain products. Be a smart shopper go to morrisons I can get a weeks shop with fresh fruit, veg and meat for £20 and that’s on a a week when it’s really expensive, plus they have the match and more card which means if you could’ve got your shopping cheaper anywhere else, including tescos you get points that add up to £5 vouchers off your shopping. Or you could go to a market for your food, or you could cook pasta, tuna rice, things that aren’t ridiculously expensive. Use your freezer! I make a stewed chicken and a chilli once a month and portion it and freeze it just in case I have a bad week with money! Brocolli at Morrisons is less than 50p I make that with a tomato pasta sauce £0.80-1 and pasta (buy the 3kg bag from asda or tesco when they’re on offer for £2-3) and I have lunch and dinner for 3 days. It’s not easy but it’s nowhere near as hard as your article makes out and the productivity levels in a person increase when your eating full meals. Plus what’s wrong with giving a banana or a piece of fruit for dessert! Go to the market and you are sorted or morrisons I fill my fruit bowl for £4 every week you can also buy bags of frozen fruit or tinned fruit it all counts. I don’t know, I understand your point but It sounds to me you haven’t really ventured to find if there’s ways you can make your meals cheaper.

    • Another Fine Mess

      “Use your freezer!”

      My freezer is quite large, so I have to keep it in my 2nd garage, right next to the Rolls.

      If it’s so easy surviving and working/jobsearching 40 hours a week on £57, then why do MPs need £2,300 per week, are they just stupid and greedy?

      • The running costs of freezers are humongous though… and what happens if you have a power cut?

        • Another Fine Mess

          I know, I have something similar to this:

          My (quite old)fridge freezer used to use 80p of elecy a day, it doesn’t now – it’s not plugged in!

          • someone on this thread posted about an idiot going on about benefit claimants spending money on flat screen TVs, well i just come back from shops and no kidding i saw 3 bloody great
            Flat screen televisions just dumped up against the wall ,complete with power cables and plugs, all named brands too
            Talk about throway soceity

            • It is like round here, Bob… every year round here people get a new TV for Chrimbo and just leaving the old one out… even the supermarket is at it… I am now the proud owner of a 60″ ‘flat-screen’ Sammy which I picked up literally for nowt. TVs are not what they used to – a once in a lifetime purchase, they have as much gravitas and respect as a disposable nappy, all this nonsense about benefit claimants having “big shiny tellies” is just well, nonsense.

              • @telly makes you hanker for BW 405 lines dont it?
                Ancocks arf hour aint the same with all these ruddy foreign pixels coming over here taking our telly

                What about spheroid TV then ?its just prescrimination
                Against goldfish bowl tv watching

                Shouldnt be allowed

                In my day.

                • John Logie Baird

                  Ah, the old, now-defunct 405-line_television_system … memories, memories… 🙂

                  “At the time of its introduction the 405-line system was referred to as “high definition”” RFMLAO


                • John Logie Baird

                  Incidentally the new 625 (576i) isn’t really much improvement on the older 405 (377i) system. People are trying to ‘blow up’ an image to 60″ on a system which was designed for TVs back in the 60s and wondering why it looks crap 😀 – what was biggest TV size you could buy back in the 60s. I remember my benefit claiming neighbours who were on National Assistance had a 20 inch bendy screen colour TV 😀

                • @JL Baird i remember tiny telly screens with a bloody great magnifying lens in front of it on wooden legs , we were poor but happy then not like ppl of today always complaining , back then we knew our place we didnt go round making a fuss all the time when we starved to death we just got on with it and expired quietly
                  Young people of today dont know they are born, unless of course they have a birth certificate

        • Another Fine Mess

          I wish the pics would stop appearing here, I prefer just a link were I decide to have a look – or not.

          • overburdenddonkey

            a f m
            point taken…

          • overburdenddonkey

            ps same goes for youtube links too?

            • Another Fine Mess

              I did’nt mean any of yours.
              The reason I mentioned it was because I’ve replied to IceBlock on the cost of lecy, with a link which has come out as a big picture, you can’t see it because it’s Your comment is awaiting moderation.

              I don’t mind youtube links so much, as long as they don’t autoplay.

              • overburdenddonkey

                a f m
                oh right… personally i’d mostly prefer what can be linked just to be linked and the https:// to youtube etc stripped off, before it’s posted… yes and autoplay annoy’s me too… i hate having to scroll though long posts and threads, that could be linked cos my body aches every time i move…

              • @AFM – if you don’t like images just block your browser from downloading them – it will save on bandwidth and might even speed up the page load. You can block javascript to you want to speed up the page load especially on here when they are lots of comments.

    • Morrisons do an extensive, (very) expensive line in ‘fresh’ fruit – along similar lines to to most of the other ‘major’ supermarkets in town centres. Particularly tasteless and over-priced are their raspberries, but their bananas are also either over (or more usually under) ripe. Apples – expensive per bag. Frozen fruit is better for soft fruit – but relies on being able to go straight home and have bought restr of shopping. With a ten pound note to last the rest of the week, you would be unlikely, logically, to choose to buy a bag of frozen berries, though.

      Going to the large ‘M’ to food shop is like entering one of the seventh circles of hell – in every possible way. You may feel okay on entering but can often be demoralised on leaving -even ending up not being able to use all you have spent valuable pennies and pounds on – because you thought ‘better to get it all in one place – it’s easier to try to get more in that way and look for all the ‘bargains’.

      Tinned food (fruit and veg) is, of course, cheaper and also heavier to carry home if using public transport. There is (still) a covered market here and they do sell less-expensive and worth-buying fruit and veg – but it is at the opposite end of town from the lovely Mmmmorrisons and would involve trekking there to complete (twice weekly?) food shopping in the most economical way possible – the amount of food people on very low incomes buy is ‘little and often’ rather than less often and as economically as humanly possible – they don’t have that luxury. Someone minus any small children might be able to do this (& carry a week’s worth of potatoes/root veg and some fruit) say – back home. This would be in between their required trips to sign on/weekly or now even daily interrogations with the jobcentre(-) though, if not in paid work – and in-and-among any ‘appointments’ required of them if they’ve been put on to the work programme.

      All of the above is do-able – in theory – but more so if you have an adequate or even a vaguely adequate amount of money to spend and so not constantly preoccupied with trying to reduce it to the bare minimum so as to be able to have some heating/buy a pair of shoes or school coat(s)/scarves/gloves etc. Of course, this happens naturally – it is already a bare minumum so no real need to ‘try to reduce to a bare minimum’. Just forget about the other essentials.

      • Ps. Lizanne – There are very many people who have really, really thought about it, and have it down to a fine art. Fresh fruit (and then veg/salad) are the first things to ‘drop off’ the menu – then frozen, then tinned. Except perhaps for potatoes and tins of beans – but these can only be bought once two thirds of the available money has been spent on something that is filling (could be bread/potatoes/pasta/?meat) and perhaps milk/cereal.

        • Too right shirleynott, if you are working on a monthly budget the first few days you treat yourself to some fresh fruit, extravagance like a punnet of blueberries, and enough veggies to make some salad for a week…. then the next 3 weeks are spent living of off 4p porridge, value pasta (with very little sauce), mushy peas, value beans and 15p cans of potatoes.

          • Of course. Or, have meals that vaguely resemble meals for the first 10/11 days and …. try to make do with anything at the back of the cupboard etc. – up to and including weighing the pros and cons of / contemplating the foodbank ‘option’, for the remaining 3/4 days if paid JSA fortnightly. Dependent on what else may be going on – this is on a ‘good’ fortnight.

            They have not tried to do any calculations and are not talking about the levels benefits have been allowed to fall to, because it’s so glaringly obvious that they are Not Enough. There is some talk about pay having stagnated, but not that people who are in receipt of benefits are being allowed to stagnate, while using up unnecessary adrenaline hoping they don’t have even this amount stopped.

      • Yeah, how the fuck are you supposed to carry 48 cans of 15p spuds if you don’t have a car?

        • Another Fine Mess

          24 in each bag?
          Many supermarkets will sell you one of their trollies, for just a £1.

          • Supermarket Sweep

            A trolley cost the supermarkets something like £50 though – certainly not a £1! Do the wheels still lock up when you try to leave the supermarket grounds? 😀

            • Supermarket Sweep

              … or is it the ones with broken wheels that they sell for a £1? 😀

              • Eh? It cost £1.00 to rent a Lidl trolley use, temporarily, to shop in their supermarkets. Pound in to unhitch trolley; do shopping; return trolley to rack and get your £1.00 back.

            • Another Fine Mess

              The ones with locking wheels must be quite a bit more than £50.
              Plenty of trolleys seem to escape around here, perhaps they just lift them over the invisible force field.

            • ?!? It can be hard to get on the bus with them though. You have to pay extra & fight any wheelchair users/people with pushchairs …

    • overburdenddonkey

      do you travel by tardis? have a cold fusion plant handy?

      • Fortnums do a super hamper with lots of bolly and grouse sandwiches and patie fois gras of course one should only use them when its cooks day off..its hard to get staff these days

        The plebs always complaining it seems when the answer is perfectly simple which is become part of the aristocracy
        And go to all the right schools

        Honestly so much fuss , anyway i hear the poverty look has come back into fashion giving london that old worlde authenticity which the tourists just adore

        Toodle oo

        Lady Snithia Total-Clueless
        House and Garden

  34. Really well written, researched and to the point.

    All this week there have been item after item on news/current affairs programmes debating the ‘complex’ reasons that people are going hungry here in the most unequal (European?) country – 2014.

    It’s not very complex.

    Politicians and commenters are also at pains to highlight how it is excellent that groups are coming together, to pool their resources – even supermarkets now allegedly want to help – to try to alleviate some of this. This neatly avoids addressing the causes – as described above – a lack of enough money to last the week and/or sustain an adult or child/children.

    Disingenuous does not even begin to describe it. Hypocritical is too kind.

    • This comments section has turned into a malnutrition competition exactly what Baroness Jenkins intended.

      Anyone for trailer trash slurry only 2p a bucket.

      • Food is the most emotive possible politicial issue – maybe alongside housing. The peasants have always been and hopefully will continue to be – revolting. But they need energy to be able to think and to defend their right to a decent life. None of what is so well-described above is accidental – it has been allowed to happen. The ‘us and them’ seems to be reaching a crescendo.

        • overburdenddonkey

          i used (not long ago, bit better off now, and they have changed the timings of reducing food, so now coz of transport problem’s can’t get their @ the right times) to live out of the reduced to clear bins and get there just in time, constantly fretting if there would be anything there that i could’s horrible being in completion with others for the bargains, take too much deprive others of food or if there would be enough there, so one could eat for a few days…screaming inside but i need that particular food coz i’m diabetic, please leave it for me, but not knowing the needs of others…a preoccupying soul destroying business…clem atlee’s idea of enough money to ensure dignity is true…one’s whole life become a precarious balancing act, of strict budgeting, forget one thing and one is fucked…£20 becomes a fortune…scrimping to save 2p often, i stopped buying milk coz powdered milk works out much cheaper ie a few pence…counting daily electric units, could only use 2 units/day, note; must try to use less….

          • overburdenddonkey

            ps one has to constantly try to cut down a race to the bottom, whilst the establishment preacher’s live’s it large..

          • obd,
            … and there are people – someone I know did this around 10 years ago – who only shop at the reduced time(s) ‘for sensible reasons’; not because they absolutely must (they’re just ‘frugal’ & ‘not daft’).

            It’s very, very different when you have no option other than to reduce your daily living to the ‘cheapest possible option’ in many area of living. This is how ‘we’ – precariats, for want of another term – are being side-tracked.

            To never be able to relax is truly what they have taken away from people but that’s just part of it – it’s a singular experience being in an affluent society and having next to nothing – or less than nothing (can you have less than nothing?) whilst there is opulence everywhere on view. It’s nothing to do with envy, it’s to do with disparity. After the war and prior to the welfare state, there was a reason why (some) people ‘had nowt’ – there wasn’t central heating in the main etc. But now there is – only very many people can’t afford to put it on – or choose not to so they can buy some food. The state wasn’t there to help.

            To listen to Rees-Smug today on hunger (wishing I hadn’t) is bordering on the surreal. He “doesn’t look down on” people who volunteer at or who have depended on foodbanks! Thank you, thank you – we are not worthy.

            • Sorry, trying to say “the state wasn’t there to help in past times; then it was; now it’s withdrawing again – being allowed to be dismantled”. It’s just not being done openly – although it’s fairly apparent to anyone who wants to see.

              • overburdenddonkey

                just like in shawshanks roof tarring when death was risked just to have a ‘normal day’ treat.. and it’s true, half a day a week just to feel normal….
                ever felt like they are taking the piss and having a laugh @ our expense..i do…

                • I think they must go home and laugh their heads off each evening – or/and are laughing inside all of the time (in a kind of “.. do it to Julia”-type way).

            • “To never be able to relax is truly what they have taken away from people” – Anyone who has been involved in advertising 😀 knows that advertising preys on offering people “piece of mind”, in fact it is one of the top “selling points”, if no the top – they have taken away our “piece of mind”

              • If the solidarity goes, has gone, is going, to be replaced by suspicion of those who are – in fact – struggling similarly – with maybe some superficial variations – against the inequality con-trick – then the resulting loss of understanding that you/they are (or should be) allies, is an ‘own goal’.

      • Do you get a cup o tea with that and a burnt slice of toast? the carbon is meant to be good for you after all they had dog biscuits made out of coal
        And only the RSPCA complained
        about it.

  35. Should a Labour Government come to power in 2015 will it pledge to strike down all JSA sanctions immediately.

  36. Some poor guy on Any Questions on Radio 4 at the moment saying that all he can afford to eat is one meal of value sausages and boiled spuds – and a bowl of porridge every day to “fill me up” – the same meal everyday. Now, there is some knobhead on saying that he can’t afford to eat properly because he spends all his money on “LCD flat-screen TVs” 😀 “How many houses of poor people have you been in lately” “Errrrrrr, three or four, they conceal their TVs you know”. What a fucking knobhead!

    • Some other knobhead on ranting about people on JSA having “big shiny tellies”? 😀

    • And yet another knobhead saying that because benefit claimants are “so overweight the sight of food-banks is a disgrace” 😀

    • Yes and those collections of flat screen tvs they keep in the loft
      Its a perishing disgrace these poor people stay where they are not taking anyones job
      Who do they think they are, they should send them back to where they come from or better still force them to clean toilets using their tongue and do it for free as punishment for not being in a golf club and not being a freemason
      Bring back ‘ anging in public just to remind the oiks to know
      their place

      Major Bollox
      Foaming at the mouth

  37. dirt under their feet

    The big supermarkets know how to support – that is profit from – poverty.

    First, increase their profits by using enforced free labour, then use that to reduce the hours, wages and rights of their formally employed staff; and when more people have less buying power, by putting in collection points to encourage people charitably to buy more foodstuffs in their store to contribute to the local foodbank. To show how much the supermarket cares about poverty (while chucking out piles of food and making it unusable).

    Many of the comments we see about people not needing foodbanks,.and living off them being an opportunistic chosen lifestyle (yet another one), intentionally encourage the ignorance that you can comfortably live off a resource for which there’s very limited access, through referral, only three times a year, and where you have little choice about what you get. They talk as if people can just wander in as they like and ask for what they want, and they encourage people to believe it.

    It should be obvious that far more easily do people living in poverty become overweight, unless completely starving, because it’s a matter of what feels most filling from what is cheaply obtainable. It’s also the reason why you see so many overweight hospital workers (I emphasise here those doing the actual work), because they need the calories to keep going through long shifts (and then have managers, many of whom are excessive to need; those engaged with making the workers’ hours longer and their breaks less long, preaching about diets).

    When most of the unemployed are now trudging exhaustively backwards and forwards in pointless punishing exercises, still the image of the idling coach potato is projected; which is all about those who keep revving up the propaganda about it not being good to give to the poor, as they don’t really need it, being as they’re really just scoundrels living off of the effort of others… To deflect focus from the class really doing that.

  38. Landless Peasant

    I’m trying to cut out food altogether, just exist on a diet of roll-ups and tea/coffee.


        ……..Then Jonathan Dimbleby says: “at which point I want to go onto another question”

        • overburdenddonkey

          yes, it’s just chewing gum for the brain…

        • The previous poster was talking about Any ANSWERS on Radio 4 which is a phone in which follows the repeat of Any Questions, and was presented by some women – didn’t catch her name. The radio version is slightly better than the TV one – at least it is ‘live’, they even have ‘hecklers’ being thrown out 😀 The TV version is pure scripted, edit crap. Agree, TV in general is chewing gum for the eyes.

          • Usually Dimbleby does this programme on his ISDN from his Suffolk farmhouse, but the line is always breaking down 😀 Think they might have given up on it 😀

        • GEOFF, it is DAVID Dimblebly who present Question Time on BBC TV and his brother JONATHAN who present Any Questions on Radio 4; their father was the late Richard Dimbleby.

      • The amount of taxation that is not being paid by the very rich is an absolute scandal – that is why we have so much immigration from rich tax dodgers.

    • Ive heard that air can be nutricious sadly its a resource thats not properly exploited and commodified ..such a waste

  39. Any claimants that are lucky enough to have “big shiny tellies” will soon find themselves stripped of those assets along with the roofs over their heads.

    Maybe they can barter their big shiny telly for a bashed tin of beans at the big society FoodBank Plus.



    North Korea’s disappeared: regime ‘performs experiments on disabled people before leaving them to die’
    North Korean defector says disabled disappear and mentally ill left to die under Kim Jong-un’s regime, amid claims dwarfs are castrated and chemical weapons tested on children

    North Korea is systematically “cleansing” its population by making those with mental or physical disabilities disappear, a defector has claimed.

    Ji Seong-ho, 32, who escaped from North Korea after losing his left leg above the knee and his left hand at the wrist, said the disabled are considered a stain on North Korea’s image and a “humiliation” to the ruling regime.

    Mr Ji, who is researching a book on the plight of North Korea’s disabled, said babies with disabilities are taken away by hospital staff, never to be seen again. He added that children with developmental difficulties are neglected until they die.

    “The regime proclaims: ‘There are no people with disabilities under the Kims’ rule’ and ‘everyone is equal and living well’,” he said. “And while that propaganda is going on disabled children are being taken away, suffering indescribable things and dying.”

  42. Who owns discarded food? Kentish Town’s independent traders react to arrest of trio who raided Iceland food skip

    Ham & High – 6th Feb 2014

    A supermarket in Kentish Town has found itself at the centre of a raging debate over food waste and food poverty after three men were ordered to appear in court for taking unwanted food out of a bin.

    Paul May, 35, William James, 23, and Jason Chan, 31, were arrested in October last year after scaling a wall and taking £33 worth of tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms and Mr Kipling cakes from a dustbin outside Iceland in Kentish Town Road.

    Read More:

    • The amount of food the supermarkets throw away could end food poverty. Lots of people are going though the bins with food just pass the sell by date & nothing wrong with it. By law they throw it out once the sell by date comes. Tons & tons of food wasted.

      • Going to be nowt wrong with Mr Kipling cakes a day, probably even six months…. past the sell by date… what a shocking waste 🙂

  43. Also a lot of council estates are invested with GHOST ANTS [very very small]

    • Ghost Ants love Electrical Magnetic Fields like fuse boxes


        In 1997 our big (over 1,000 flats) council (sink estate) housing; US housing projects; we came across the Ghost Ant.At that time the estate was over run by Pharoah ants which when i phoned up the natural histoty museum in london to talk to the insect expert, he had never heard of the ghost ants or by their latin name and wanted my to send some in.I then asked him about the Pharoah Ant and he said they were first in the UK in the 1950`s but couldnt be sure to pin it down, but they came from egypt more than likley from when the british army left north arfica in the 50`s and was transported with them back to the uk.At that time in the late 50`s they started putting up tower block mostly for housing poor peoples peoples projects which is a perfect subsitute for pyrimids and you though the humans built the pyrimids smart them little ants. that was just my penny in the pot.
        Our estate had both types of ant at the same time, and over the next few years 1997-1999 them was a big battle of who is the master ant the Pharaohs or the Ghost Ants the ghost picked up a lot of tactics off the pharoahs and also got rid of the pharaoh ant and we were left with the ghost ant running riot, the little critters.You have heard of the killer bees, the killer ant and was it introduced to the uk just to sort out the pharaoh and now were stuck with the ghost and dont know how to get rid of them.
        The council would be coming to set chemical baits like mr chemical.ali and its not always the best way to just blast them and the tenants with chemicals.with baits and spraying.
        That get hardened to whatever new chemiacl they invent and use so its a losing battle and a hard sell for a pest control company.

        The natural way is better.Borax the old style washing powder is good as well as a natural cleaner.
        If your house proud bleach and cleaners aint gonna help you will be using 4 bottles of bleach a day and it do nt work and that gets to be a lot of money in a week not to mention getting in your sugar and tea leafs they like and also the fridge.
        Their nests can be ane nomadic and can up the whole nest quick in a hurry if under threat. they have more than one queen in the nest so they are looking for more turf, so the belly of the best middle of the octopus with many arms of of ants octopus looking for more turf and spending.
        it was first found by man as a new type of ant in the first part of the 1990`s came from the everglades in Florida and when they built the roads to link up the mainland with the keyes it came oon to the main land. it came from islands, also Cube Puerto Rico and has spread as far north as canada and the UK.
        more to come.

  44. With the election of “patriotic” Jim Murphy is there now a socialist civil war in Scotland or will the authoritarian Scottish Trades Union and Labour movements crawl under a stone and quietly die?

    • Landless Peasant

      Murphy was the twat who refused to support the Campaign for Free Education when he was in charge of the Student Union.

      • Yeah, Jim “Loans Not Grants” Murphy

        • and while Murphy was NUS President he was exposed as an agent of the British State and fully paid-up member of the Security Services (MI5) – Murphy would boil his granny alive if it suited his political expediency. An utter cunt through and through.

        • overburdenddonkey

          ‘Running down Shettleston Road naked with a red rose up my bum
          I’ve come over all Labour party this week, scabby, lazy, and only interested in my own comfort. I’ve got an excuse – my psoriasis has flared up again – but the Labour party’s condition is terminal. I decided we need to make labourparty a word – it describes self-absorbed selfish people who only do what suits themselves but who hypocritically make out that what suits them just so happens to be in the interests of everyone else and we ought to be grateful to them. But then I remembered there’s already a word for that – and that word is jimmurphy.’

          Running down Shettleston Road naked with a red rose up my bum

      • overburdenddonkey

        l p
        9yrs a student and NO degree…

      • overburdenddonkey

        l p
        a woman asks a question et al…

  45. it gets even harder to eat half decently on a budget, when homeless.
    my marital breakup has left me with little income, and no roof – staying with family, shopping really is a question of reading the number of calories to get the energy to stay positive. frijj yoghurts are normally on offer somewhere, and there are normally cakes in the reduced sections.
    I’d like to strip away all the financial and social privileges of these architects of pain, and film how they manage for Channel4.
    When I get a home, I will grow food, create surpluses and give them away.

  46. I think the real undercurrent here is that the poor should be living a dour, austere existence of perpetual head hanging penury until they ‘contribute to society’ (deploy their labour in the service of the profits of another).
    The poor should be meekly preparing their gruel, forlornly accepting of the ignominy residing in daring to have something that tastes nice and offers the small biological comforts offered by an excess of salt, sugar and fat when there’s scant other pleasures to be had. The poor are held to the highest moral standards of austerity by a bunch of toffs who argue about their taxpayer funded champagne budget.

    WHY THE FUCK are most people in poverty going to realistically start engaging in cooking gruel or plain lentils?
    While their TV parades special offers at Iceland in between shows that shows the sort of people who judge them wasteful agonising about how to spend their £300,000 budget for a bigger house.

    It’s saying poor people don’t eat shite because they’ve fuck all else and it’s what’s advertised at them anyway, it’s saying the poor are barbarous fuckwits who keep coal in their baths. Let’s face it, they probably deserve to be poor right? Thank God for that. It was their fault all along, not George Osbourne’s

    When I was unemployed for a long spelll, despite knowing how to cook and eat healthily, I found myself eating a lot of shit. And smoking a lot of baccyu I couldn’t afford. Because the stress of looming financial armageddon made a nicotine or sugar rush tiny islands of comfort amidst the gloom. No it wasn’t constructive or really helpful, but people are not perfect. But they should apparently be more perfect if they’re poor.

    I’m sure we’d all benefit from eating a carefully planned diet brimming with brown rice and mung beans irrespective of cost. So next time you scoff those bourbons, ask yourself why they’re apparently too big a luxury for some. You don’t need to be eating them either. Or those french fries or burgers. If you’re better off you have less excuse than those in poverty to enjoy the simple unhealthy joys of comforting, heavily calorific food because you can probably afford to do something way beyond them and more satisfying, like go on holiday or something.

    Fucking hell. What have we become when privileged toffs have the sheer fucking nerve to dare to lecture the poor on what cheapo food they manage to scrape together? It’s like the average British worker lecturing people in some third world famine stricken country on how they should best stretch their resources.

  47. Oh yeah – Can anyone explain how this mass education of the poor in gourmet gruel recipes is supposed to fit around 35 hours a week of job searching?
    And shit, plenty of working people get home and shovel down a takeaway because they can’t be arsed cooking. Seem to me for many people these days being unemployed is not only more sressful than working, it eats up as much time as a full time job too. Doing a full time ‘job search’ it appears makes working in a call centre appear thoroughly interesting and fulfilling.

    To any unemployed people reading this – Eat what the fuck you like comrades – you’ve earned it.

  48. I really recommend those of you that are interested in why sugary and unhealthy food is cheaper take a look at the documentary called “Fed Up” really worth a watch.

  49. Too right, healthy food should be affordable for all. Those in power are ignorant, patronising and don’t give a fuck because the idea of feeding a family on low income has never been a reality for any of them. I would like them to try feeding a family healthily for a month on a low income and then change the pompous, ridiculous and down right dangerous views they impose on society. No frills pizza and vitamin pills, that’s scary ! Don’t line the pockets of bastards such as Tesco and the other large super markets who feed off us, monopolise the food industry, killing off local traders and fail to provide affordable healthy food for all their “valued” customers. They have no conscience or compassion, just driven by capitalist greed. With some of the money saved by cutting benefits for the sick and vulnerable in our society could the government not provide nutrition education, allotments, communal growing space and cultivating education ? I am happy to pay tax when it is used to help those in poverty, vulnerable or sick and not to fund wars and all the other shitty stuff the government squanders our hard earned wages on. Fuck your no frills, no value poison …. I say whenever possible folks GROW YER OWN ! From my own modest attempt I can say the food tastes better, it’s rewarding in many ways and great fun for kids too. Rant over… for now 🙂 grrrrr

  50. I love Jammy Dogers and at the same time they remind me of the culpable fuckers who run this country

  51. Probably takes more energy pushing the supermarket trolley than the 89p slurry gives back in sustenance, not to mention the intense psychological pressure in fooling the body that it will be rewarded for the effort. The supermarket sweepstake is which will collapse first body or mind.

  52. Reblogged this on loopeyange and commented:
    A really good blog highlighting the cost of healthy food v processed crap that many are finding the only alternative to reach the daily calorie intake.

  53. God Rest You Merry Gentlemen,
    let nothing ye dismay,
    For Atos your good saviour
    will take your pains away,
    And lead you down to Tesco
    To work till Christmas Day
    And you will receive no pay!!!!
    Taken from Atos-stories-street-theatre – this should be televised.

  54. Just picked up 4 pints of milk @ £1.00, packet of value ginger nuts @ £0.25, packet of 80 tea bags @ £1.00, 1kg bag of sugar at £0.79, bag of Brussel sprouts reduced from £1.00 – £0.10, and a packet of strawberry jam scones reduced from £1.25 – £0.10, and a pack of 8 little yoghurt reduced from £2.00 – to £0.20, comes to £3.44 and that is going to have to last both of us for a week.

  55. The Tories intend to cut another £12,000,000,000 from the welfare butget from 2015 onwards if they win the next general election. Wha-hey!

  56. Bollox, the true upper classes are some of the stingiest in the world. How do you think they hang on to their money? Certainly not by profligate spending. I went to a private school after winning a scholarship there, I’m working class, and some of those bitches would buy their kids a coat so big it would last for three years before they had to buy another one and feed their kids on white bread and crisps at home. Those kids used to envy our life especially as they never saw their parents as most of them boarded from the age of 5. I visited one or two of them in the holidays and it was all freezing mansions, rubbish food and not much of it and neglected children.

    • Tom Brown's Schooldays

      Too right, you don’t get rich by spending money. It is not making money that is the problem with a lot of people – it is holding on to it! There is always someone out to ‘relieve’ you of your hard-earned. And a lot of (poor) people seem to think that you get rich by spending money. It is people with money who are tight-fisted; if you have every done any charity collecting you will know this – the toff areas won’t give you what would drop off their fingernails but poor people will happily land you the last few quid of their benefit money. I too have lived in those freezing mansions with the thread-bare carpets, and with arguments breaking out over the purchase of a pair of knickers! A lot of women (and men) think that they would be living the high-life if they could only snare a rich man/women but if they ever did they would be in for a shock.


    A teenager with Asperger’s Syndrome was found dead in his bedroom was denied access to a specialist support service because he ‘didn’t fit the criteria’.

    Cameron Brookes, 16, of Tameside, died on 18 August 2012 after a row with his mum and step-dad.

    He confined himself to his bedroom and his parents ignored him on the advice of social services. But when his step-dad returned to check on him, he found Cameron dead.

    The teenager had been diagnosed with the autistic condition. The inquest heard how he had self-harmed during bouts of depression and was crippled by a feeling that he didn’t have a place in society.

    Mum Wendy Brookes and step-dad Mark Brookes had turned to Tameside council’s specialist disability service, known as ISCAN, for support to help them and their son cope.

    But the inquest into Cameron’s death at Stockport Coroners Court heard how they were denied the full range of support because the service only dealt with extreme cases of specialist disabilities.

    Sheena Wooding, service manager at ISCAN, explained that Cameron was ‘comparatively very competent’ compared to sufferers of more extreme conditions.

    Mrs Wooding explained that, in the two years since Cameron’s death, Tameside Council had since set up a new service which would have helped the Brookes family in their months of need.

    When asked my Coroner Joanna Kearsley if the new service would have made a difference to the Brookes family, Mrs Wooding admitted that Cameron would have qualified for the new service.

    She said: “At the time the parents were asking for a break away from Cameron. That break, for them, might have reduced some of the tensions in the house. Now we’ve developed an early help service and we’ve got a more direct pathway on that service.”

    Mrs Wooding added that her staff had not been told about Cameron’s history of self-harming.

    The inquest did however confirm that Cameron was receiving treatment from family intervention workers and NHS specialists.

    Aisling Bouketta, an intervention worker at Tameside council, admitted that an important meeting with Cameron, his parents, teachers, and social workers ‘did not happen’ but should have done.

    Jonathan Harrison, a Team Leader at Pennine, said Cameron had ‘much improved’ after completing his GCSEs and was ‘outwardly positive’ about his future.

    The teenager had spent the day with his girlfriend Zoe Thompson before his death that evening.

    Giving evidence, Miss Thompson said she received a text from Cameron saying simply ‘I’m sorry’ shortly before he was found dead.

  58. “ukips real thoughts on disability”

    Accused of “pointing at immigrants and the disabled and holding his nose” on Question Time last night, Farage retorted that he “never has” criticised people with disabilities.

    Yeah, Nige. Apart from in that manifesto policy document which was mysteriously deleted from the UKIP website last year.

    The party claimed that 75% of incapacity benefit claimants “are fit and healthy”, dubbing them “a parasitic underclass of scroungers” and handing them a £1,300 cut in state aid:

    “The welfare state has also created a brazen culture of benefit “scrounging”, whereby individuals who are perfectly capable of working refuse to do so, and go on benefits instead. They frequently justify this by feigning illness.

    “This gives rise to a parasitic underclass of “scroungers”, which represents both an unreasonable tax burden on the working population

  59. DWP urged to publish inquiries on benefit claimant suicides

    Department has carried out 60 internal reviews following deaths, and campaigners say those cases likely to be tip of the iceberg

    The Guardian, Sunday 14 December 2014 18.53 GMT

    The Department for Work and Pensions has been urged by mental health and disability charities to publish its secret investigations into suicides that may have some link to benefit changes, following revelations that it has carried out internal reviews into 60 such cases.

    A Freedom of Information request by the Disability News Service has revealed that the DWP has carried out “60 peer reviews following the death of a customer” since February 2012. A peer review is triggered when suicide or alleged suicide is “associated with a DWP activity”, according to its internal guidance.

    Read More:

  60. That`s if you can get to a poxy shop.

  61. “not sick, just criminal”


    Pregnant and sanctioned just in time for christmas… Sanctioned and frozen to death….The latest news from Ashton Under Lyne Jobcentre.

    Today was our usual demonstration day. The wind was howling and the rain and hail was pouring down. We were cold but we turn up every week. We will not let the victims of the Job centre down. Whilst handing leaflets out a lady that had said hello to us on previous occasions came running out of the Job Centre. She was upset, crying, she screamed “Why does this place treat you like this?” She is pregnant and has been put on the terrible universal credit scheme. A scheme which really knows how to make anyone suffer. She had fulfilled all her job search requirements. But when she turned up at the Job Centre to sign on they said that she hadn’t turned up for an interview that she never received a letter for. They couldn’t or most likely wouldn’t show her a copy of this letter… that’s if it even existed in the first place. They refused to give her a hardship form which they are legally obliged to do. She had spent all of her phone credit on phoning for jobs which she didn’t have a chance of getting because she is pregnant. The police happened to turn up for our demonstration… they turn up every week…. they are on our side… they went into the Job Centre to get her a hardship form… and they refused them as well. Ashton Under Lyne Job Centre really do think that they are not answerable to anyone. We hope to see her next week.

    After talking to this lady I was stopped by a homeless chap who wanted to congratulate us on our hard work. He said that he hated this Job Centre. His friend who lived on the streets with him had been sanctioned after being taken off the sickness benefits that he was on and was put on Job seekers Allowance. He had severe mental health and addiction problems. He was sanctioned, and without warm clothes and very little food he fell asleep on the streets and never woke up. He died of hypothermia. People had passed him and thought that he was asleep. He didn’t stand a chance. And what do the Job Centre staff say? “We are only following orders.” Most don’t feel any guilt or remorse. And we know that this government doesn’t either.

    We are holding a memorial service outside Ashton Under Lyne Job Centre next Thursday. We will be laying a wreath and we are desperately in need of funds to do so. We ill be doing this in memory of every person that has died as a result of this governments war against the poor. We wont forget them. Please come, bring a flower, bring some words to say but more importantly bring yourself.

  62. Another Fine Mess

    IBS was on the Sunday Politics, if any1’s interested.
    Repeated @ midnight on FV Channel 131

  63. God Rest You Merry Job-seekers
    Let Nothing You Dismay
    Remember, IDS, Our Saviour
    Was Born On Christmas Day
    To Save Us All From Fecklessness
    When We Are Gone Astray
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain
    Sanctions And Pain
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain.

    In Scotland, In Edinburgh
    This blessed Man Was Born
    In His Mouth A Silver spoon
    Upon This Blessed Morn
    Expenses From Birth He Claimed
    On The Poor He Poured His Scorn
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain
    Sanctions And Pain
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain.

    From Satan His True Father
    A Blessed Angel Came
    Her Name McVile And Esther
    Brought Tidings Of The Same
    How That In Edinburgh Was Born
    The Spawn Of Satan By Name
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain
    Sanctions And Pain
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain.

    Fear Not Then Said McVile
    Let Nothing You Affright
    This Day I Am Your Saviour
    A Virgin Pure And Bright
    To Free You From Your Last Two Bob
    And Leave You Deep In Shite
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain
    Sanctions And Pain
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain.

    The Rich At Those Tidings
    Rejoiced Much In Wallet
    And Left The Banks A-Feeding
    On Those Who Had Nought
    And Went To Wonga Straight-away
    For The Last Few Pennies They Sought
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain
    Sanctions And Pain
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain.

    And When They Came To Chingford
    Where Our Dear Saviour Lay
    They Found Him In A Laundry Basket
    For Which The Poor Did Pay
    His 39 Pound Breakfast Before Him
    Unto His Expenses He Did Pray
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain
    Sanctions And Pain
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain.

    Now To Our Saviour Sing Your Praises
    All You Within This Place
    And With True Love And Brotherhood
    Each Other Now Embrace
    The Easterhouse Epiphany
    Our Saviour Has Had To Face
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain
    Sanctions And Pain
    O Tidings Of Sanctions And Pain.

  64. Regarding the cost of actually cooking stuff I’d bet the Baroness has never even heard of a prepayment meter, but if the balance is zero it doesn’t say “oh go on then” if you want to put the oven on because that would only cost a few pence (as I hear repeated so often). If you are lucky enough to have money to put on it you’re still buggered if it goes out and the shops are shut (some companies won’t cut you off overnight but not all), and the daily/weekly standing charge is still being added while it’s empty and will be subtracted the next time you put credit on it. Since people who aren’t poor don’t tend to have prepayment meters these issues are usually overlooked by the poverty shamers, but it adds another layer of complexity to a situation which is quite complicated enough already thank you very much.

  65. Not exactly relevant to this article, but I had an awesome ‘Catch 22’ situtation at the Job Center just recently…

    I was in the postion a few months ago that I knew my job would be ending, and had ample opportunity to find a new one…and I did so, though It would not be starting for 6 weeks (I started on the 16th of December 2014)…

    I decided that I may as well sign on as a ‘Jobseeker’ in August because a bit of extra income would be well recieved, and who knew? maybe I would find an even BETTER job through them?

    So ok ,i was gaming it a bit (with a job lined up I didnt tell them about), but I had been reading all about Workfare etc and what a horror story being a ‘JobSeeker’ was these days…and was interested in the regime of ‘Dole’ that I hadnt been on since the 90s (when it was terribly easy to take the summer off ‘Funemployed’)….

    Anyway, after 10 weeks on the dole, they told me I would be off to join one of these schemes, whereby they teach me (with an MA in History and nuemrous professional qualifications) how to write a CV and use a computer etc (no need to go into detail here)….well…as it happened I HAD found an interesting job (of course not through DWP website or anything the job center did) and of course the second interview was on the same day as my ‘getting to know you’ session with these work scheme people…

    Im sure you can guess their reaction when I asked to reschedule due to having a job interview… is absolutely NOT a valid reason to miss this cruicually important hour with some bod to ask me all the questions I had answered nuemrous times already with the DWP/Job Center…and I was told to reschedule the Job Interview or face SANCTION….

    Really unbeliveable…well for sport (and god am I lucky that I was able to do this really for fun….I cannot imagine how it must be like for those souls that literally have a meager livelihood riding on the whims of these people) I decided to face the sanction…

    So I never ended up registering with this Work Scheme…so they wont get their 400 quid for signing me up…or at least they had BETTER not….I am absolutely going to make sure that I am not on the books of that scum company ( I forget their name now…one of the ‘popular’ ones that everyone despises…office is in Cosham Portsmouth…which is incidentally MILEs from where I live and woudd have actually been a major headache for anyone without a car to get to)…

    If anyone has any idea how I can check if they ended up claiming for me on their books, Id love to hear it, as Id LOVE to catch them doing a fraud with my information : D

    From the way they spoke on the phone (slightly threatening like a loan shark after a late payment) I rally thik that tehy might try claimgin em as a ‘customer’..

    (what is all this ‘customer’ thing about too….at the job center i was a customer too…very strange…..the whole thing was very unsettling and Im just damn pleased to be back at work…like REALLY pleased….but also pleased there are websites and communities like this that help expose and battle what is rapidly becoming completely unjust….and actually frightening , especially for those folks that are forced to RELY on it….and end up being at the complete mercy of some very incompetent people…..who seemed to me like they were only just barely a step or 2 away from the dole queue themselves…..but due to them dealing with desperate people all day seem to develop an extremely imperious attitude…..horrible from start to finish, is how I would class my brief dalliance with the ‘system’))

    • Benefits cap getting ‘more to work’

      Apparently govt Benefit cap has been getting all unemployed into work

      And theres me thinking it was killing people ..

      Oh well.

      • overburdenddonkey

        yet more supposition from the bbc/dwp, it’s shown an apparent increase from the normal churn of 11% finding work to 19% finding work, (which may or may not be anything to do with the benefit cap)…that’s ok then, the 81% that can’t find work can go rot then! cost a fortune in cash loss of self esteem and human misery…

    • Another Fine Mess

      That’s just about the way it is FareJim.
      The JC and the ‘providers’ are spending 10s of £billions making most people UNemployable. It doesn’t matter how much experience or qualifications you have, you now need to be trained in CV writing, customer service, shelf-stacking, and then you can line up behind the other 2,500 hopefuls outside your local Aldi or Lidl.

      From the way they spoke on the phone (slightly threatening like a loan shark after a late payment)
      Yep, constant threats are quite common. While on the Waste Programme I was rung at 9am on a Tuesday, by my WP ‘advisor’, asking if I’d rang an employer yesterday, Monday. I replied ‘Not yet’, and www3 broke out… all the while I was trying to explain that yesterday was a bank holiday Monday.
      They never got any more cooperation out of me after that.

      Beware of phone calls out of the blue, which might be from a city 100s of miles away, asking ‘If you’re working’. Just saying ‘No, still looking’ is usually enough to get rid of them!

  66. wakeupbeforeitstoolate

    Reblogged this on Wake Up Before It's Too Late and commented:
    When you factor in electricity or gas to heat and cook a meal, it starts to become uncontrollably expensive per portion – something MP’s choose to ignore while the energy companies make a big fat profit.

    I’m disgusted to live under this government, spouting blatant lies and bullshit to the electorate regarding how irresponsibly they’re spending taxpayer’s money (I mean, £50 MILLION to the English football team…wait, what?!?) – meanwhile a majority of out of touch, unelected piggies voting against reducing the champers allowance for the House of Lords because they’re feart they’ll have to quaff sub-standard bubbly…to use just one example.

    What planet are we actually living on, and is it going to have to be too late before people choose to see what’s going on?!?

  67. savy JSA claiment

    So what are we going to do about it, Next year we will have the general election. so what pompous pleb are we going to choose to run the country?

    Notice that in the run up to the elections the tory twats are scurrying around like cockroaches with there heads cut off trying to curry favour with the lower classes.

    We will only end up condemning our selves on matter who is in power.
    and a vote for ukip is wasted, you may as well burn your ballot paper

  68. GOV.UK


    Universal Credit national expansion.

    From: Department for Work and Pensions.

    First published: 9 December 2014 …

    List of the local authorities and jobcentres that will begin to deliver Universal Credit between February and April 2015.

    In the jobcentres listed here, Universal Credit will roll out to new claims from single people who would otherwise have been eligible for Jobseeker’s Allowance, including those with existing Housing Benefit and Working Tax Credit claims.

    Universal Credit will then roll out to more jobcentres in stages, until national expansion is complete in spring 2016.

    Universal Credit national expansion.

    Following the successful roll out of Universal Credit in the north-west of England, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) can provide details of the first tranche of national expansion to local authorities and jobcentres.

    Universal Credit will roll out to new claims from single people, who would otherwise have been eligible for Jobseeker’s Allowance, including those with existing Housing Benefit and Working Tax Credit claims.

    The list below is a provisional planning assumption for the tranche one roll out sites that will begin to deliver Universal Credit between February and April 2015. We are committed to working closely with local authorities before confirming or announcing further details about the roll out schedule.

    Once tranche one is complete Universal Credit will be available in 1 in 3 jobcentres across Great Britain with more jobcentres to roll out in subsequent tranches until national expansion is complete in spring 2016

    Jobcentres from February to April 2015 provisionally affected are listed below:

    Ashford JCP

    Barnsley JCP

    Goldthorpe JCP

    Wombwell JCP

    Basildon JCP

    Retford JCP

    Worksop JCP

    Bedford JCP

    Broad Street JCP

    Birmingham City JCP

    Erdington JCP

    Handsworth JCP

    Kings Heath JCP

    Washwood Heath JCP

    Perry Barr JCP

    Sutton Coldfield JCP

    Selly Oak JCP

    Birmingham South West JCP

    Sparkhill JCP

    Yardley JCP

    Boston JCP

    Dereham JCP

    Thetford JCP

    Brentwood JCP

    Brighouse JCP

    Halifax JCP

    Todmorden JCP

    Chesterfield JCP

    Staveley JCP

    Edinburgh City JCP

    High Riggs JCP

    Leith JCP

    Wester Hailes JCP

    City Tower JCP

    York Monkgate JCP

    York Stonebow JCP

    Colchester JCP

    Corby JCP

    Skipton JCP

    Daventry JCP

    Dudley JCP

    Halesowen JCP

    Stourbridge JCP

    Annan JCP

    Dumfries JCP

    Stranraer JCP

    Musselburgh JCP

    Burton JCP

    Ilkeston JCP

    Long Eaton JCP

    Flint JCP

    Mold JCP

    Bury St. Edmunds JCP

    Milldenhall JCP

    Newmarket JCP

    Northallerton JCP

    Market Harborough JCP

    Hartlepool JCP

    Hastings JCP

    Hereford JCP

    Leominster JCP

    Ross-On-Wye JCP

    Dingwall JCP

    Fort William JCP

    Invergordon JCP

    Portree JCP

    Wick JCP

    Hinckley JCP

    Litchfield JCP

    Barnet JCP

    Edgware JCP

    Hendon JCP

    Finchley JCP

    Harlesden JCP

    Kilburn JCP

    Wembley JCP

    Willesden JCP

    Fulham JCP

    Shepherds Bush JCP

    Hounslow JCP

    Poplar JCP

    Wandsworth JCP

    Maidstone JCP

    Melton Mowbray JCP

    Frome JCP

    Wells JCP

    Dalkeith JCP

    Penicuik JCP

    Neath JCP

    Port Talbot JCP

    Newcastle City JCP

    Newcastle East JCP

    Newcastle West JCP

    Kidsgrove JCP

    Newcastle-under-Lyme JCP

    Irvine JCP

    Kilbirnie JCP

    Saltcoats JCP

    Airdrie JCP

    Bellshill JCP

    Cumbernauld JCP

    Motherwell JCP

    Clevedon JCP

    Weston Super Mare JCP

    Oxford JCP

    Redditch JCP

    Bexhill JCP

    Rugby JCP

    Ryedale JCP

    Eyemouth JCP

    Galashlels JCP

    Hawick JCP

    Bridgwater JCP

    Bridgnorth JCP

    Market Drayton JCP

    Oswestry JCP

    Shrewsbury JCP

    Whitchurch JCP

    Southampton JCP

    Southend JCP

    Grantham JCP

    Stamford JCP

    Didcot JCP

    Yeovil JCP

    Stratford-upon-Avon JCP

    Felixstowe JCP

    Leiston JCP

    Woodbridge JCP

    Sheerness JCP

    Sittingbourne JCP

    Swindon JCP

    Tamworth JCP

    Taunton JCP

    Clacton JCP

    Harwich JCP

    Grays JCP

    Cwmbran JCP

    Pontypool JCP

    Abingdon JCP

    Beccles JCP

    Lowestoft JCP

    Alexandria JCP

    Clydebank JCP

    Dumbarton JCP

    Witney JCP

    Minehead JCP

    Chippenham JCP

    Devizes JCP

    Salisbury JCP

    Trowbridge JCP

    Wrexham JCP

    That’s the provisional list so far published by the DWP on 9th December 2014.

    Click to access search

  69. I totally disagree with this article, and believe me I’ve been on the breadline myself. Also, being a bit if a geek I’ve researched and crunches the numbers massively.

    Correct cooking skills (freely available on the Internet, free in any library), planning and bulk purchasing of rice, lentils and spices from “ethnic” shops instead of supermarkets, along with supermarket “own brand” frozen veg (or daily walk to supermarket and get the discounted stuff) and you can get large healthy meals.

    It takes planning and initial investment (eg a fiver for a kg of tumeric vs 2.50 for 40g, a wok and a good sized casserole dish, both available in charity shops). Its now totally doable to live much better on little money than it was, say, 15 years ago before the supermarket wars and the introduction of Lidl and Aldi.

    There’s nothing wrong with porridge with water, its the recommended version in most countries over milk, but there’s also nothing wrong with avoiding cereals altogether and having leftover rice with half a boiled egg or similar, most cultures unmolested by a hundred years of Kellogg’s advertising eat breakfast this way.

    The money you spend on cooking in an oven is tiny compared to the cost of running microwaves when you break it down by portion, eg a good sized casserole dish will make 6 good portions, more if you’re cooking your potatoes, rice or pasta separately. All that can be frozen so you cook several batches of different dinners in one day to minimise oven use and keep in fridge or freezer.

    Rice and pasta dishes can be eaten cold the following day for lunch without needing to be reheated, the pasta us actually healthier for you cold, but that’s for another day.

  70. Reblogged this on jhwasc's Blog and commented:
    This is an English blog, but the principle still applies here in Ireland or anywhere else in the world. You go, Johnny Void!

  71. Pingback: The Poor Can’t Cook – What a Give Away! | DaveD's Blog

  72. Reblogged this on richaadodenhamu and commented:
    Such an insightful read on what life is really like for those on low income in the UK. I had a little bit of experience of having to think about food in this way during my student days, but luckily for me I always knew that if I was truly in dire financial straits, I could turn to my parents. I cannot imagine how dread-inducing a trip to the supermarket must be for those who have no such support, and who have to buy enough food to feed not just themselves but their family also. More than anything, hunger and food insecurity need to be top priorities at the election next May.

  73. Pingback: » Worth Reading 148: End of the stable relationships ¦ What You Can Get Away With

  74. Decent Quality Food at Reasonable Prices Yes

    Poor Quality Food at Rip Off Prices No

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