Hounslow Council Run Foodbank Shuns ‘Undeserving Poor’

hogarth-gin-laneA recently formed foodbank –  jointly run by Hounslow Council –  have rules stating they will not help people with ‘chaotic’ lifestyles or those who have had benefits sanctioned.

UPDATE:  The foodbank have issued a response to this post which sadly fails to even address the policy not to give food to those who have had benefits sanctioned.  It can be read at: http://hounslowfoodbox.org.uk/news/response-to-blog-critics/

Hounslow Community Foodbox was established as a partnership between local tenants and residents groups and Hounslow Council, and is chaired by Labour Party Councillor Steve Curran.

The foodbank claims to have been formed to help those condemned to poverty due to the vicious welfare reforms, but it seems those who have had benefits stopped completely will not be eligible for support.

Hundreds of thousands of benefit sanctions are currently being handed out every month with Jobcentre staff believed to be working to unofficial targets to stop as many claims as possible.  Claimants can be sanctioned for something as simple as missing a meeting, being unable to attend workfare or in many cases not fully understanding the endlessly complex and draconian Jobseeking Activity conditions.

Unfortunately these claimants, who in some cases may be left without any income at all, will be left to go hungry by Hounslow Community Foodbox.  The  organisation also warns that they will not provide help to ” persons who are in constant difficulties due to chaotic lifestyles” stating that:

“FoodBox vouchers are for those who find themselves in a financial crisis which leaves them  with insufficient means to buy food.
A crisis by its nature involves a change in circumstances, not a continuing lifestyle.”

This nasty policy reveals the danger of a welfare system based on charity and the accompanying Victorian values of a deserving and undeserving poor which leave the most marginalised abandoned.

It is impossible to know whether this policy began with the Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations who seemed to initiate the project, or whether it came from the Labour Council who jumped on the bandwagon.   It is also unknown how many foodbanks have similar judgemental policies.

It is a fucking disgrace that anyone should have to queue up at a foodbank for a few scraps of processed shite in one of the richest cities in the world.  That those people should then be subject to moral judgement about their lifestyles or the reasons for their poverty is contemptible.

Foodbanks are currently collecting at supermarkets around the UK as the opportunist big stores are encouraging shoppers to buy food from them to give to the hungry.  Those foodbanks who say they will not help people who have had benefits sanctioned should be shunned themselves by decent people everywhere.

Follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid

233 responses to “Hounslow Council Run Foodbank Shuns ‘Undeserving Poor’

  1. Welcome to 1984. This is sad and sickening in equal measure. I despise the judgemental and quasi moralistic miasma that our once great country appears to embrace with alacrity.

    • im even more amazed at the vast amount of sheeple whom have fallen for tory rhetoric of the poorest, most vulnerable sections of society, being labelled as immoral, lazy and shameless..how can we all fall for it again? the Nazi’s never went away!

    • I believe that the vast majority of people feel the same way as you do Stevo. I and all my family and friends certainly do. It highlights just how utterly unrepresentative and undemocratic our parliament and our 19th century electoral system is.

      • This demarkation of people is very odd . Some ppl have cars some dont does it follow that car owners are superior. Some ppl have two homes some are lucky to have one. Is two home owner a better person. I dont understand this. ‘ part time job isnt good enough ‘crap. Its no ones business to dictate what job or how someone works.

  2. So who exactly ARE they helping then? People who have been sanctioned by the DWP, who have children and no money to feed those kids… are they not deserving enough?

  3. Utterly shameful

  4. They won’t help people who’ve had their benefits sanctioned? Uh – but the food banks are for people like that!!

    • They’re helping people who work minimum wage jobs and can’t afford to feed their kids. People getting benefits who still can’t afford to eat.

      This policy is shameful, but let’s not pretend that people getting benefits don’t need foodbanks.

  5. Back to Mrs Birling and her charity, which drove poor Eva Smith to kill herself by drinking bleach. We need An Inspector to Call time on our rulers. Sadly, the involvement of a Labour councillor, and the ending of universalism by Ed Balls in yesteday’s speech, mean that a change of government would make little difference. It is time to revolt – there’s nothing left to lose. Don’t ask – take.

  6. This is fucking vile.

    I wondered how long it would take for this to happen.
    Answer: not very long at all.

    People scraping to get by themselves are donating food to foodbanks because they know what its like to eek out the last of everything before you get the money to buy more. Spending money at supermarkets which make profit out of those purchases, enhanced by the free labour that they receive through workfare. Only for the people that they are trying to help having to beg to get a voucher to access the foodbank, then justify their poverty to get one.

    Vile. Vile. Vile. Vile Vile.

    We are on a trajectory and it leads to dangerous places. Take note of the Golden Dawn feeding people in Greece, where hungry Greeks queue up with their ID cards to be fed by fascists.

    The other place is leads is to the workhouse. I’ve suggested this before and it sounds like hyperbole, but workfare, the housing “reforms” and food poverty is creating a perfect storm where one of the evil cunts that are currently running the country suggests it and the Daily Heil gleefully promotes it as a worthy and benevolent initiative to save the feckless scroungers from their own stupidity.

  7. Actually, people who have kids still get the money for kids. It’s only their JSA that is stopped. In fact, I am of the opinion that a lot of money could be saved if government did not give so much for kids. I know a lot of people will probably be outraged at me saying this but and this is true. I know of people who have had their JSA stopped and are living quite well still with what they receive for their children.
    Its the ones without children who end up with Sweet FA!

    • The benefit scroungers who have land, of course, hundreds of thousands of acres left to them as they’re descendants of William the Conquerer or his mates who came here and stole it and still get billions between them in EU grants and subsidies for doing precisely nothing except still owning that land, well, they do rather better, don’t they? Perhaps you should be directing any complaints towards them instead of those unfortunate enough to only have a handful of children.

  8. Foodbanks frequently run out of food, as need so often outstrips charity. So they need to come up with a justification for turning some away hungry, while retaining that warm charitable glow. So it’s back to the deserving and the undeserving poor – and anyone poor or claiming benefits is by definition going to be regarded as undeserving. So their children can be justifiably left to starve.

  9. Surely this is in breach of the Councils Equal Ops Policies?


  11. That’s kicked me right in the bollocks…from a conservative council it would be unforgivable but not unexpected but to see a supposedly socialist labour run council sitting in moral judgement over people is abhorrent…people do not wake up one morning and choose chaotic lifestyles, it creeps up on you and destroys you slowly without you even knowing…

    • I wouldn’t describe Labour as socialist – They believe in slightly higher public spending, and sadly markedly less personal liberty than the Tories. Hardly red revolution.

  12. “It is a fucking disgrace that anyone should have to queue up at a foodbank for a few scraps of processed shite in one of the richest cities in the world. That those people should then be subject to moral judgement about their lifestyles or the reasons for their poverty is contemptible.”

    Sick of this country now. I feel like Bill Hicks: I want aliens to abduct me.

    • Eric Greenwood

      Dont we all, where are the aliens come on invade you cant do as much harm as our own people are doing..

  13. Having all your survival funds stopped would leave anybody with a chaotic lifestyle. Especially anyone with long term health problems… Which is the situation of most of the people having their monies cancelled. Try being on the streets and without food or rest for just a couple of days and see how you like it. The people making these decisions don’t deserve a job… Let alone anything connected with vulnerable people. Somebody sack them . Urgently. A taste of their own medicine might wake them up.

  14. Look at the commercial sponsors of Hounslow Foodbox; [Scroll down to the bottom of the page.]


    Asda, Marks and Spencer and Waitrose.

    Asda made a big PR play yesterday about its intention to give away unsold food to food-banks.

  15. OT

    “‘Culture of control’

    However Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said: “Today’s inspection report is the damning postscript to a long story of violence and harm in this privately-run children’s prison.

    “Far from being a place of security, this was a hotbed of violence and abuse where bones were broken, levels of self-harm soared and children were routinely subjected to invasive strip-searches.

    “And yet, when asked by the inspection team if they felt unsafe, the children said no.

    “So embedded was this culture of control by physical force that dangerous practices had become normal to them.”


  16. Most of the poor aren’t there through choice, it’s sickness, disability or the man made unemployment problems created by the government to make you think they are doing something, instead of berating people for not working try creating the jobs, homes etc. that are needed, stop making pariahs out of the poor when in reality the scroungers, scum & parasites are the ones in power who abuse their position to forward their own personal gains, MP’s with fingers in pies, fiddling the system, stealing from us, lying and cheating then thinking “sorry” is enough, the majority of government are corrupt, liars and selfish in my opinion, with their tax dodging, expense fiddling, off shore accounts, dodgy deals where the “chums” get the contracts for the biggest public services, sold out to the highest briber, sorry bidder. “We are the most holy and honest people…..but if you slip me a few grand I’ll bend the rules for you my dear friend” “what the poor need feeding, oh bugger send them some scraps and tell the workers the poor are all scrounging off them, tell the workers the reason their wages don’t cover the obscene price hikes and daily living is because of the poor, just don’t tell them for our wages we could keep 6 families alive” grrrrr the whole lot need to be investigated and sacked/imprisoned if there is any abuse of power….how many of us have ever worked somewhere where someone has stolen from the company and been sacked immediately, how many of us would have a job to go back to if we were caught selling out the heart of the original employer? NONE of us mere peasants…but then again we didn’t write the rules to protect us, we didn’t write the rules to ensure we could all steal, lie and cheat and still claim public funds! If you are unemployed and someone gives you £100 you are supposed to declare it or risk being done for fraud, these politicians can steal millions and kill thousands and they get a pay rise….The No Party is the only solution to this systematic corruption. The government deliberately engineer social problems, deliberately holding back people so it justifies their barbaric, archaic attitude towards their fellow human beings…people just like them only born to a different “class”….& they call us scum.

    • In our sociopathic culture, success is exalted above all things and is put on the highest of pedestals and as much as success is glorified and winners are idolised, failure is detested and despised and losers are viewed with total contempt. Even if the success isn’t personally earned – a person was born into the “right” family (just look how people fawn over royalty and grovel before them) or it was gained by trampling over others, people still revere and are in awe of “winners”. If a person is a unsuccessful because of factors beyond their control such as illness or disability, they are still blamed for their lack of success and despised. To be poor for whatever reason is to be a loser and to be a loser is to be worthless. To the victor the spoils and to the loser – pain, suffering, ridicule, persecution, torment, humiliation and a slow crushing of the spirit. “We are the champions no time for losers.”

  17. Pingback: Food Banks the Scandal Grows. | Ipswich Unemployed Action.

  18. Turning away desperate people will only create a problem somewhere else in society and likelymuch, much larger. People will be driven to satisfy their hunger however that may be. Stupidity as well as immoral.

    • I think so many people have been so successfully and thoroughly brainwashed and have become so mean-spirited, they would rather pay more of their tax money to keep people in prison doing prison workfare rather than allow the unemployed to “get money for doing nothing while I have to go out to work for a living.”

  19. I would have thought being sanctioned, having no money & unable to buy food would be “chaotic” enough for anyone & that this is from a labour council makes it even more reprehensible.
    As for the Asda donating unsold food to foodbanks, how big of them, wonder what the incentive was, there’re certainly not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, that’s for sure.
    Meanwhile on telly, there’s the queen’s coronation anniversary, how many millions was spent on that, have to wonder if the queen is even aware of what being done by “her majesty’s govenment” to the poorest in society as it certainly doesn’t appear that she .does.

  20. With all the demos and, yes, rioting that we see in countries like Greece & Turkey, why is it that WE continually lie down and let this government and its minions kick us in the teeth all the time?
    Have we all really lost our courage to take diect action?

    • Mike – is it to do with the way things have been dismantled bit by little bit and then more suddenly & at the same time as the media telling it (unlike) it is? So that we can end up being a mix of stunned mullet, incredulous (& in too many cases, still disbelieving/ in denial). People have fighting on all fronts – by informing themselves/others, through court cases, at demonstrations, and in direct action, and even now on hunger strike – but nobody expects the Spanish inquisition. The jig is up (now) but that doesn’t mean it’s not already too late in some ways or that a tipping point hasn’t yet been reached in others. I know – how can it not have been but step outside on a sunny day – things still look ‘sort of’ normal – if you are outside a town/city centre and people sort of feel comfortable with the status quo . (There are still large numbers of people going to work every day/not fighting Atos etc.).

      Someone has commented previously on here I think about the many-pronged nature of the attacks that have been brought to bear (Atos/Sanctions/Austerity etc. etc.) & that this can dilute any chance of a cohesive/effective response – deliberately or otherwise this has been done.
      (I don’t think we have lost our courage – but this is a disparate group(s) of people, many of whom were already for want of a better word ‘downtrodden’ or at least fairly exhausted by everyday life even before the recent more extreme results of the attacks that we are seeing now .. so we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves, all things considered). In today’s demonstrations in Turkey a (one) man was fatally shot. Apparently it’s not clear who shot him.

      • @shirleynott anyone find all this ironic when someone is going on hunger strike to protest about ATOS/DWP??

        • @bob, absolutely. (If he has PTSD no doubt there’ll be attempts to use a mental ill health diagnosis as a ‘get out’ to explain away his actions as ‘obviously irrational’ & they’ll try to score point by saying that he did ‘win’ his entitlement back so that should be that … ).

  21. I rang them up. The person I spoke to was helpful, but not terribly clear. Broadly they say they dont let people go without. They seemed to be saying that this rather empathic rule is made more as a piece of legalese in order to stop people from using the service who don’t need it otherwise, and not unreasonably I suppose, they’d be out of food instantly.

    I have some sympathy with that, doubtless there are people that would abuse this service detracting from those who do need it. That’s a sad reflection on the capitalist society we have.

    What they do say is that you can be referred from a variety of different sources so that, if you were ineligible for a voucher from the DWP you might be able to get one from the NHS.

    Ultimately I dont’ think this is very helpful and just seems confusing. I don’t think they will leave people if they can help them because they’ve been sanctioned. But I really don’t understand what this specific rule is meant to mean. You have to be referred anyway so they must be assuming that the DWP are not issuing foodbank vouchers to people whose sole problem is a sanction.

    So perhaps they aren’t to blame and the DWP is.

    • @ghost whistler – thank you for going to “the horses’ mouth” by direct contact. I can see they would be a little fuzzy, and deny actually letting people go hungry. Was it a publicity stunt to make their true blues (including labour) locally actually support the endeavour? Or perhaps they didn’t like being outed?

      I can imagine that having to trail from pillar to post (DWP, NHA, CAB, council, etc) to get a voucher could actually be too much for someone already under the worst kind of strain.

      As for “legalese” to stop the unworthy trying to access the service, surely that is already covered by the voucher scheme, so how else would they know if someone had a voucher given because of sanction, benefit cock-up, or any other situation? Sounds a teeny-weeny bit mealy mouthed.

  22. Kittycat. That page is “not available”,
    That’s what I get when clicking on your link.

  23. The incentive for Asda-Walmart is PR and a tax-break on their profits. Asda = Low Pay for most of its employees, many of whom are likely to claim WFTC and HB. Some may be DLA claimants. So in other words the wages bill of companies which keep pay levels low feeds into the cycle of deprivation. This is a report from the USA about the economic effect of Walmart,, its culture of low pay and its draining of the US government’s federal taxes, ie money belonging to the American people: http://democrats.edworkforce.house.gov/sites/democrats.edworkforce.house.gov/files/documents/WalMartReport-May2013.pdf

  24. Also from the USA, one of many reports about how the state of Louisiana has cut Food Stamps for those with convictions, which kind of links with JV’s report about Hounslow FoodBox.


  25. The Chicago Muckraker article majors on really unpleasant criminals who are affected by the cuts. I have come across other analyses that suggest a far wider range of individuals may be affected than those guilty of heinous offences.

  26. As an homage to Johnny’s choice of illustration for this article, I would like to attach this link which gives a good starting point to any exploration of the Worthy vs Unworthy Poor debates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Poor_Laws

  27. Its just so damn wrong.
    Hounslow PCT was known as “one of the poorest PCTs in London….but still managed to pay then CEO over £220k pa….services were cut (to fund it?) Is Polyclinic still open? http://www.londonhp.nhs.uk/the-heart-of-hounslow-is-officially-opened-as-a-polyclinic/ This high immigration area and with Heathrow close by for work houses many large families! TB was rife and often left untreated as the Chair of Hounslow Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee found his Committee’s understanding of MH issues were “akin to wrestling fish” . West London Mental Health Trust is within Hounslow Council area and they manage Broadmoor Hospital and Feltham Young Offenders Institution. Isn’t Broadmoor Hospital where #Savile was given a job?

  28. When ASDA first came into being,their policy was to supply a veriety of foodstuffs at a reasonable price,and was much cheaper than other grocery stores,which was all good. Then they sold out to WallMart and the phillosiphy changed completely,and they became the cunts they are today.

  29. why does this not surprise me? it is mearly the tip of the problem. we need to be more pro active.

  30. Stone them, Stone them! Those running food banks can’t hide from the level of need they must be seeing (or know they are about to see) & that it has begun to move further away from bearing any relation to their stated original intention to respond by trying to meet/address ’emergency’ need. Some have already said that for at least part of the time they have to take ‘difficult’ decisions about how to apportion packages to those they judge most in need (deserving?) whenever stocks run low. They want to remain ‘optimistic/hopeful’ and believe that nothing is impossible though, and that ‘?’ will provide.

    Putting people into boxes and categorising them is a way to avoid being honest about the scale of the problem and not have to confront those who have allowed it, or acknowledge inadequacy. Moralising and being ‘holier than thou’ seems to be a first resort when resources are scarce and/or so much of our sense of what is ‘reasonable’/’normal’ is being called into question. Even if the stated aim is ‘help’/provision of emergency rations, there has been a ‘for people who…’ condition attached. (As at the JCP – so many people will be ‘used’ to it). Straight back to the good old (Victorian) days where ultimately there can be no help without judgement. Table legs might need covering up next (unless very plain and straight) to prevent risk of a loss of focus from those trying to passing the ‘socially acceptable’ test/leave with a 3 day basic supply of food.

    ‘Chaotic’ is a description many people trying to live day-to-day/week-to-week/hand-to-mouth might recognise in relation to their life in the current political climate – they might well feel this way on arrival at a food bank. Ongoing difficulties’ is equally a likely reason for being there than ‘one off crisis’. And the supposedly accepted definition being used here, might also include someone who (eg.) has an abusive partner, ex-partner or day-to-day problems resulting from specific personal circumstances. In these types of case, will those being categorised as ‘chaotic’ be expected to bring either a social worker or welfare rights worker with them (after planning their visit/’booking’ the worker)? Or simply asked to produce written evidence of the ongoing ‘chaos’. Then required to answer questions about whether the causes could have been avoided that week – before they/their children are handed a few scraps? Where are we going with this?

    JCP’s already take the view that if such (exceptional) circumstances become known to them, they will (try to) ‘take them into consideration’. This assumes a lot on the part of the person – their willingness to talk about such private issues with a job adviser in an open plan office etc. etc. Now the same (unconscionable/hopeless) approach is going to apply (or more likely, not) to people trying to access a ‘separate’ last resort.

  31. totally disgraceful because even in the Joseph Rowntree documents on poverty it stated that ”people often lead chaotic lifestyles” so they should pay heed to that..idiots…i very well may complain actually..anyone wanna join me?

  32. well written,keep up the good work,real reporting of what these scum C*nts are doing

  33. @kittycat ahh the tent thing again..where i noted that you were exempt from landlaord service charges is you ”occupied a tent’


    • overburdenddonkey

      well fawkes
      you said it in a nutshell+greed their greed not ours…causes poverty and unemployment..so demand real jobs, and proper healthcare and welfare benefits..that restores human dignity..the voice of the people has been systematically removed since 1979> our voices now need to be heard…..or next they will be saying food banks are a lifestyle choice….and the starving are greedy for demanding food…and other vitals…

  35. Remember The Paris Commune

    Ok, if that’s the way they want it, they now leave us only one other option: EAT THE RICH.

  36. Unbloodybelievable. Yet another blue rinse brigade of judges and executioners who have bought this self-elected government of hooray Henry’s lies and bigotry against benefit claimants.
    But for a Labour council to be allied to such inhuman hatred is contemptible.
    Protest to @Ed_Miliband on Twitter. #HounslowCommunityFoodbank.

  37. @ALL well they seem to have money behind them to offer jobs..

    FoodBox is hiring! We are looking for a coordinator to help make FoodBox a great success.

    £26,000 pro rata (22 hours per week), flexible, hours may increase in the future.

    We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated individual who will be central to the successful implementation of the Hounslow Community FoodBox. The successful candidate will project manage the start-up and have overall responsibility for the day-to-day management of the newly established FoodBox. It will be essential to be innovative and find new ways to sustain and identify funding for the FoodBox to maintain and expand service delivery across the borough. A commitment to delivering excellent customer service is a necessity.

    The role will involve managing staff, volunteers, developing good partnership working, reporting to the Management Committee, organising and administrating the FoodBox, and delivering a caring and compassionate service to people in need.

    You must have strong interpersonal, communication, organisational and administrative skills. You will need to be self-motivated and able to work on your own initiative with minimal supervision.

    Experience of working in a similar project is essential along with experience of working with volunteers, working with partners and stakeholders, and identifying and successfully bidding for funding

    For Job Description and Application Form click on links below or email Oonah.Lacey@involvis.co.uk or telephone 0208 577 5596. Deadline for completed applications is noon on Wednesday 5 June 2013. Interviews will be held on Friday 7 June 2013.

    This role will be subject to an enhanced DBS check prior to appointment.


    Latest News

    The Hounslow Community Foodbox volunteers will be at a local superstore today Read More…

    A new food bank, Hounslow Community FoodBox, which will provide emergency supplies Read More…

    FoodBox is hiring! We are looking for a coordinator to help make Read More…

    A new food bank scheme called Hounslow Community FoodBox, has been officially Read More…
    Recent activity on Twitter


  38. Let’s bombard this Council and the local MP Mary McLeod with our views on this. http://www.hounslow.gov.uk and http://www.marymacleod.com

    • @HELEN LINTON BROWN well for what its worth i did offer suggestions on their website..see what they say now..i thought stopping people from getting help after being sanctioned was pretty bad…so i told them that..

  39. “FoodBox reserves the right to refuse to honour vouchers and will always inform agencies when they have done so, giving the reason for this”

    and the point of this..what?

  40. COME ON !COME ON!COME ON’!!!!!!!!! NOW is the time to stop this bloody crap once and for all. IF food banks are deciding who is deserving then we are fucked …….stand back sit down and say sweet fuck all and here we go back to …oh I wasn’t a nazi but what could i do….well come on then ….lets all stand up and once and for all march on London and bring the whole place to a stop.i was watching thenTudors on tv last night and it was where the so called peasants marched against the king…well they fell for his bullshit and look what happened.WE are all still peasants…except we are NOT and if we stand for ANY more of this shit then errrr yes we are and will remain so…….are you a PEASANT?????

  41. well the tenants associatioin got an email from me now too..

  42. @enough i’m a pleasant peasant…and ive contacted them a few times now..

  43. Here is a quote from Labour councilor and GMB associate Steve Curran on Hounslow Foodbox’ home webpage:

    “We are thrilled with the response from local people, all their generous donations will help make a real difference to local people who are in need. This is such an important and valuable resource for this community and I’m delighted at how quickly we, along with the HFTRA residents and our fantastic partners,ASDA, have managed to get it all up and running.”
    Councillor Steve Curran
    Lead Member for Education, Housing and Corporate HR
    London Borough of Hounslow ”


    If our left -wing and Trade Union people think this set-up is OK, that is:

    1.the link with Asda
    2. and making moral judgements about who is and isn’t worthy of help

    then what?

  44. So if you’re ‘sanctioned’ for no reason, other than an employee of the DWP hitting a target, then you starve in Hounslow!!

  45. Tried posting before anyone on workfare and need advice on what companies are required by law regarding health and safety e mail me for free advice on betsy234@hotmail.co.uk

  46. For the first term of 2 years the Chair of the Committee will be Cllr Steve Curran.

    The Committee, at its discretion may meet as and when it sees fit. It may co-opt any willing members onto the main or any sub committee. Any vacancies that arise on the Committee may be filled by nomination of the Committee, only subject to the need for annual election

    So there you go…and they can afford to pay people to work for them whilst asking for ‘snacks’ from the public…thats not really sustainable food mate..

  47. Pingback: Deeds Not Words: support the Atos/DWP hunger striker | We are not your slaves!

  48. @all anyone know what a ”sharepoint gallery’ is??

    the reason i ask is that a steve curran shows up asking about .DWP files…


  49. oh look who shows up in this article everyone….

    “Cllr Steve Curran, Hounslow’s cabinet member for housing, added: “Housing benefits changes are pushing more people out of central London and into boroughs like Hounslow, which is making it harder for people to find homes they can afford in their local community.”

    clearly hes not happy with ‘outsiders’ coming into his area…oops!! must be that localism thing…


  50. Well i sent an email to Mary Mcleod and got this gem back. Please note that Parliamentary rules prevent an MP dealing with enquiries from people who do not live in their constituency.
    Kind regards
    Mary Macleod MP

  51. HOUNSLOW COUNCIL proposes ”tenancy training’

    “The Council proposed that that new applicants should have to make
    a commitment to attend tenancy training when they apply to join the
    housing register. The majority (75%) agreed with this proposal
    however concerns were raised regarding the benefits of providing the
    training to all new applicants.”


  52. What makes me volcanically pissed off is the fact that they don’t believe people deserve to eat decent food! Look at all the shite in the ‘things we need’ box! Junk, all of it! Not a single healthy item there!

    If I was setting up a food bank, I’d at least see to it that people were given healthy food! Eggs, butter (preferably grass-fed), red meat, cream, lard (though it’s nigh-on-impossible finding decent lard these days – most of it’s from pigs fed a VERY poor diet, mainly grains and soymeal. It’s the way the entire British meat industry’s going and it REALLY bites my balls (or it would, if I had any… Bites my noobs…?) plenty of fresh veg (though no root veg – too starchy – and no spuds, either) limited fruit (limited to berries only). Fruit isn’t healthy, it’s simply candy grown on plants, and its juice is nowt more than pop. Tins of sardines (preferably in olive oil), mackerel, offal (very good for you, offal, but you need to limit the amount you eat, so you don’t OD on vitamin A).

    That’s PROPER food; it’s healthy, nutritious, and it’s EXACTLY the sort of thing our palaeolithic ancestors used to eat, which is why it’s what WE ALL should be eating, too… The reason this country has a weight problem is that current dietary guidelines fly in the face of evolution (we evolved to eat a high-fat/moderate-protein/low-carb diet; we DID NOT evolve to shove starchy, grainy, sugary shite down our necks! Grains, starches, pulses and legumes, are Neolithic foods, we can’t digest them properly (think about it – if humans were supposed to eat grains, then why does anyone suffer with coeliac disease…? Every single allergenic ‘foodstuff’ is Neolithic in origin: – peanuts, soy, grains, sesame, etc., none of it was grown and consumed before 10,000 years ago). You’ll note I didn’t mention eggs, nor shellfish, that’s because I believe that someone who claims they’re allergic to them aren’t allergic to them per se, but to what the hens, or the shellfish, have been fed. Eggs are palaeo, therefore it should be quite impossible for anyone to be allergic to an egg laid by a hen which has been allowed to consume her natural diet (hens are omnivorous – and, sometimes, cannibalistic; it’s not unusual for a hen to be seen eating her own – or another hen’s – eggs). The problem arises when hens are fed an unnatural diet, usually containing grains and soymeal – it’s no more natural a diet for them, than it is for us.

    You have to obey your genes to fit into your jeans, and our ancestors didn’t eat a low-fat/high-carb diet, based on grains, starches and fruit!

    The shite at food banks is a prime example of WHY this nation is obese, and the gov’t will NEVER embrace the truth, because the truth would be financially fatal! 99.9% of drugs are produced to control the symptoms of diseases which are caused by diet – and some to control diseases which don’t exist at all, they were invented by Big Pharma to sell a drug it’d invented and didn’t know what to do with. Hypercholesterolemia is a perfect example – it’s not a disease, you can’t DIE of high cholesterol; in fact, having high cholesterol is a Good Thing, a very beneficial thing, because the substance which pushes your overall cholesterol figure up is high-density lipoprotein (HDL, the so called ‘good cholesterol’ (there’s no such thing as good and bad cholesterol, the substances which comprise cholesterol are known as lipoproteins and triglycerides. HDL good, LDL/triglycerides bad, VLDL, kinda neutral)

    Eating saturated fat RAISES your HDL and LOWERS LDL and triglycerides and, therefore LOWERS your risk of CHD and stroke. Our palaeolithic ancestors ate nothing but saturated fat, if it was so dangerous, we’d not be here, because it would have killed them, too! All this BS about eating oats/whole grains in general for a healthy heart – it’s BOLLOX! Yes, they lower your overall score, but that’s meaningless; if you were to look at your test result broken down into its constituents, you’d see that your HDL had been lowered, and your LDL and triglycerides raised, and it’s HDL which – as a general rule – raises your overall figure.

    The reason WHY you’re only told your overall score is simple: – you’d see the truth (provided you knew how to interpret the figures, and it’s not that difficult) and then they’d not be able to sell ya STATINS! Can’t have Jo(e) Public knowing the truth, can we…?! Just think of the disastrous effect on Big Pharma’s stock prices, profits, the gov’t backhanders and the salaries and bonuses of all those MPs who moonlight on the boards of drugs companies!

    Cholesterol is the most important substance in the human body – there’s not a single process which doesn’t require it in one form or another. It’s essential for brain health (along with saturated fat and B12) and one of the major side effects of statins (along with obesity, and its related evils) is DEMENTIA! Statins kill the brain by starving it of cholesterol! It’s absolutely, 100% POSSIBLE to DIE of low cholesterol but, unless you’re suffering liver problems (and statins cause liver problems, too, by interfering with the liver’s natural regulation of cholesterol) it’s IMPOSSIBLE to die from high cholesterol!

    So, now you can all go away, buy the best steak you can afford, fry it in lard, and serve it with a nice creamy sauce, safe in the knowledge it’s GOOD FOR YOU!!! Just don’t eat it with dark leafy veg; it contains oxalate, an anti-nutrient, which will prevent your body assimilating iron.

    I’d fire up the barbie this weekend if I were you – could be the last fine one we’ll see for a while…

    This has been a public service announcement on behalf of the Palaeo People’s Party, the REAL NHS.

    If you want more info on palaeo, please feel free to get in touch…

    • overburdenddonkey

      sarah…skara brea….coconut oil is also good…and efa’s very lacking in modern diets!

    • Fruit isnt healthy?

      You’re an idiot.

      • something survived...

        What if you’re veggie? And I could really do with free fruit (not just berries!), vegetables and potatoes. Allergies DO exist. I’m multiple-allergic and have food intolerance to more than a set amount of even organic free-range egg, for example.

  53. love1salluneed

    Reblogged this on Mumblings & Mutterings and commented:
    Another cruel twist from an already cruel and twisted set of policies from our so called government –

  54. love1salluneed

    I am sick to my stomach with all the cruelty and viciousness being meted out to just about every poor sod who does not have a job, is ill, disabled, has been ethnically cleansed from another housing area and does not have a job, is ill, sick or disabled and having to rely on a damn foodbank, and now this? Oh please mr Bumble give me some more gruel – fuck off Oliver you and your lot breed too much already – you are a drain on all the hardworking elites-scumbag-pond-scum-sucking-evil-bastards-who-pay-my-wages and I am just doing my job and trying to earn an honest (if immoral) wage!

    Fucking bastards. Evil arse-wipes

  55. This is funny and reminds me of when someone threw some white sliced bread out for the birds last winter. I noticed it was still there a month later looking exactly the same. The birds clearly have more sense than to eat that rubbish.

  56. Miss an appointment by five minutes ? Then you’ll starve.

    Whenever those lying careerists and corporate shills in Parliament are confronted by headlines like the one above they always say these cases are merely one-off incidents that exaggerated. But the facts are out there now and as we know, it’s so easy (and all too easy) to be sanctioned these days, and Hounslow residents who have been sanctioned will no longer get any help under the foodbank scheme.

    Not such isolated incidents after all. A fundamental human right of having food in one’s belly is denied by cruel and insensitive policy and it’s happening in one of the richest cities in the world.

    When the kind people of that borough (the real people that is, not the Asdas) donated items of food to Curran’s Community Food-block scheme I wonder if they were informed that councilors would be the one’s to pick and chose who gets to eat and who doesn’t.

    If Hounslow Labour councillors are not aware of the kind of petty, inconsequential “offences” that can often lead to claimants being sanctioned then those councillors should do some research on this forum and similar forums immediately. After that they should carry out a full review of their policy and start helping people in need that they represent and stop expecting to receive to a pat on the head from the Tory Government.

  57. kelvinhanratty

    How do they expect to qualify this – asking people to suffer the indignity of having to prove their low wage? saddening.

  58. Pingback: Hounslow Council Run Foodbank Shuns ‘Undeserving Poor’

  59. There’s nothing new about judgemental attitudes like this being used against the poorest to their detriment. Victorian values sums it up nicely: “Cringe or Starve” was the epithet for the 19th century COS (Charity Organisation Society) which went in for discriminating against those it categorised as the undeserving poor in a big way and was consequently hated by those unfortunates reduced to the status of supplicants by such a hard-hearted discretionary system.

    Well, it looks like history is repeating itself if the example of Hounslow’s foodbank is to be believed. One thing’s for sure, those who still believe the Labour Party – the “people’s party” (ho-ho!) – cares a jot about those at the bottom of capitalism’s pile, have just run out of excuses for continued support for these self-serving class traitors.

  60. Reblogged this on johncresswellplant and commented:
    Beyond belief

  61. Eat the rich……

  62. There will be more crime and more unrest in general because of this, which will hurt the government in the long term.

  63. overburdenddonkey

    the fact is in a rich and civilized society, there should be no need for food banks, nor the need to check peoples, social credit worthiness before being fed…

    • @donkey can i get a loan from a foodbank? maybe they will lend me some crisps providing i pay it back

      • overburdenddonkey

        chewie..as long as you pay it back in slog and sweat of brow…anyway we are back to thatcher and st paul…canna’ eat until you work…

  64. This is disguisting its stupid that they do this to british citizens but immigrants get everything somewhere to live money food etc I believe parliament should be done away with

  65. We should be asking Hounslow Community FoodBox, just how they will determine who is an alcoholic or a drug addict. Does this “small group of local people” who “are not run by the council,” have access to medical or council databases? They said,

    “People come to us after being referred by other agencies such as social services, the police, housing associations, doctors, or schools. These agencies give the person a voucher, which we exchange for a box which contains enough food to help make sure people don’t go hungry.
    People with longer-term issues, such as alcohol or drug dependencies, may not qualify for a food box as they need levels of support we are not set up to provide.”

    So they know better than the social services, the police, housing associations, doctors, or schools? and will have the final decision. The words of George Bernard Shaw’s “justify your existence” speech are ringing in my ears!

    • overburdenddonkey

      workhouse…perhaps they’ll claim, that we would not be a rich and civilized society unless, the rulers did not crack the whip, and beat commonsense into the poor, for their own good?

    • “FOODBANKS ONLY ENCOURAGE THE POOR TO EAT” i bet that comes next..

        I am sure our Government and the Mainstream Presstitutes are cooking up a lot more social memes, than I could come up with.

        • from the speccie “You do not need a food bank if you drive there.
          Food banks users should stop smoking and drinking.
          If you have children and using food banks you are wasting the money for your kids on yourself.
          There is no reason for food banks except for lazy singletons.”

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      I believe them – they want a society where the Big – government with a hammer, big business and big, powerful people, big chairities and other oldigolopies and oligarchs rule and reign, shutting out small people and small businesses. I am not against the Big, but am against oligopolies and systems which are rigged against the rest of society.
      They are either immature as in “my …is bigger than yours, so I am better or my Dad is more important so I am better than you etc – normal in kids but not normal psychologically or morally for adults let alone those who govern or pull the strings of those in government. Or they are arrogant and despise everything that is not a grand scheme or involving money, fame or worldly success or renown. Blair’s “cool” britannia or rather gruel britannia. (And as a Christian I am going to note that my bible says that evil is boasting about what you have or do).
      They do NOT want (their policies, not their words) people to have freedom to put food on their own table or to help others. They want control and power and to make money or get koudos out of helping others. They want freedom for themselves but not for others.
      their policies produce injustice and many are fascist.
      there have also been newpaper reports of grass-roots soup kitchens being shut down (ones which dont build the neo liberals’ empires).
      if they wanted to help people and allow them to flousish they would remove all laws which get in the way of people helping themselves and others – including crbs and gift ta laws and those pernicious laws which make it an ofence to be homeless and drive people out of sight and out of min, and which forbid people from giving food to the needy without orning a charity. For example if cruel laws or actions create a recession or depression for some insociety or make people homeless or destitute, they should stop being unjust and not cndemn the victims or complin if their are poor people in parks or on the streets or people helping them. They should not be allowed to force people out of areas – this also means that those poor people lose some rights and those in the area don’t know about the poverty happening to people in their area, and they don’t follow up and falsely assume the people are ok in the area they move to. Ou;t of sight and out of mind.
      they like food banks because they know or should know people will assume that everyone who needs food will get food 24×7 when they need it – not true or that the food will be suitable .some people don’t have fridges, cooking acilities or can’t afford the gas/electricity; some in the us can’t get to the food bank and back (time, energy, money); some would lose their jobs if the took the time to get there etc.
      There are people who love charities – the functions, the reputation as someone kind etc. but they hate the ones they make out they care for.
      It is about them and their narcissism. If they cared for the needy and afflicted they would speak up more even if it offended some in their social circles or even led to career or financial loss. Also, charities would be more concerned about helping the poor than working around the lifestyles and agendas of the helpers. There are decent charities and some personnel in the US but a alot of it is a big con and eonomically inefficient.
      Being fair to those in society is cheaper and brings mmore freedom than trying to undo injustice including charities.
      Those who condemn the poor might consider how much they would have in the bank if they paid a fair and living wage to those who pick their fruit and vegetables, pack and ship their food, stock the chelves, serve them as cashiers, do the gardening in their parks, clea the streets, clear their trash, wash the dishes and prepare and serve food in their restaurants, serve them in hotels and at functions, do the admin at their banks and credit cards, clean their offices and homes, look after their children, bring up their children, do the health and safety checks for the buildings they work and live in and the planes they fly in etc. they are arrogant and uungrateful. They admire it when someone makes a lot of money as a nanny yet despise a mother who does the smae for her own children for no pay. they admire an artist whose paintings fetch a lot of moeny but despise ggraffit artist or someone who paints for free. They admire a society bigwig in a charity but despise or discount someone who for free visits a neighbour or helps a stranger. They seem to only value he big, the obious, that which makes money or fame. They are not normal, but when they rule or set or influence policy, they are dangerous becuase they cannot stop spoiling the lives and wellbeing of those who are not rich or into the worship of Big Things.

        • harassedsohavetobeanon

          Sadly he is wrong. The trusell trust is restrictive because because only those getting food vouchers from officials get a voucher, and only for a maximum of 3 times 3 days food for a year. It is subsidy to the large supermarket chains from whom the foods are primarily colected and subsidises government policy.
          I have seen in the us where people in some churches gave to the collection box for the poor and it went into funds which were only allocated by the church (applies to charities too) who were, for exmple, pushing tansf (for needy families, so if a single or family didnt meet the demographics, tough luck).
          it is wrong and unwise for churches and charities to be marching to the tune of government, let alone when the government is unjust. It is enabling the injustice. better to help the poor whether or not officials have vouchers for them and to oppose injustice and speak up for good policies.
          The tanf scheme in the us “enabled” low wages in retail and other jobs.
          It also forcced some single mothers out to do multiple jobs and given the cost of chidcare some were not able to do right by their children, some of whom went astray.
          Christians should give as they are able and God – not the government – should be lord of who and when they give. You dont need to be a real Christian – just a normal person – to know that the government should not lord it over you – causing injustice or getting in the way of helping the needy.
          trussell trusts have become in my opinion a trojan horse to normalise poverty and food banks and how dare the government use churches and other places and the time and talent and mone of people to partially cover up the fruit of their unjust policies. Let the government buy the food and distribute it at government buidings or better still give the working por, sick and unemployed a liveale “dole”.
          how dare the government steal from charities and churches to mitigate the effects of their unjust policies or to fool some of the public into thinking all is well.
          I respect mr cranmer in some areas but on this he is wrong. He has probably heard the pr from some of the american churches and from the conservaatives and new labourites – when the bigwigs were sold american style charity and government, they forgot to do due diligence and ask those who suffer or see the downsides of the societ here (dont ask me about healthcare). During biblical times except in time of famine people could find work and build shelter and grow their own food and do informal medecine. modern life in the west increases poverty and the greed of some is exaceerbating it. Also in biblical times there were not laws stopping people helping others.

  66. comment on conservativehome

    “Talking about poverty and hungry school kids yesterday I saw on TV a mother complaining that it costs £3 to £4 to make up a lunch box for her son. She cant afford that so he goes without lunch unless some teacher spots him some money.
    We also hear of many children from benefit families who arrive at school without having eaten breakfast. Quite frankly a couple of slices of toast and some jam or a plate of cereal with some milk should not be beyond the pocket of any family receiving child benefit. Perhaps the benefit goes on beer or fags.
    We were poor but I never went to school hungry. ”

    wheres the ‘in our day children had rickets-not like these days with their jogging and all..make them have life threatening diseases – it never did us any harm”..

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      if her experience of poverty was always having jam or milk, her family was not poor.
      the ruole for the poor in this part of the us is first pay the rent to avoid homelessness then its a toss up between running out of food (people skip meals, especially if they have children) , medical emergencies, bus fare or petrol to get to work so they don’t lose their jobs etc.
      In the past the bread was more nutiricious than some of the junk sold now, but it is cruel to say live on sandwishes.
      Some people live in situations where they do not have the cas flow to plan including food – and they may not have the time + money + energy (logistics) to get to cheap foodstores, they may have damp mouldy living conditions or bad fridges or not be able to afford the electricity or gas to cook. They may be to stressed to get to shops freuently becuase of multiple part time jobs or lack of access to local shops with good healthy food.
      Rickets has been noticed in the UK and will increase as poverty goes up.
      Milk may have been cheap in the commentors’ days but is not necessarily affordable now – reent and mortguagges are very high, and transport to shops and childcare.
      people were not working as frequently “back then” at nights so sometimes parents dont have the time or energy to cook a breakfast.
      And if the commentator approves of milk (yes it has proteins and colories and helps the brain to function), why doesnt she lobby cameron and Clegg to bring back school milk for all?
      Finally, re the fags and alcohol. The extreme stress of poverty can test some to the point that they abuse alcohol. However, it is legal to have a pint at the pub and a traditional part of british social life (unlike goldplated cocktails or desserts which some traders enjoy in New York and London, just for the fun of it). beer has vitiman B (good in stressful times). Nicotine was made or some purposes – and can help some people concentrate or endure through hard times.
      Re rickets :
      – no time/energy for a more thorough research though I also know good food and sunlight in combination help the body to produce and metabalise vitamin D needed to avoid rickets better than vitamin d supplements.
      If someone has insufficient predictable income streams or assets to carry them through, it is difficult for them to plan the basics in life even if they have a benchmark budget because THERE ARE NOT THE FUNDS TO PAY FOR THE BASICS. And when people say the government cannot afford social security streams i do not believe them becuase they are wasting an awful lot of money on wrecking the lives of the poor and vulnerable and in ways which often end up profiting themselves and their friends, smash and grab style.

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      and Bob, maybe the mother had to choose between sanitary towels/tampons so she was respectable when out at working (rather than bleeding at work or on public transport) or milk or jam for the children. Sorry to be so crude but such are the choices that the low income or poor have to make. I hope the food banks stock such items as well as shavers/cream for men – lest the DWP santion people for not being presentable. Does the UK government want to force that level of indignity on people again?
      Also, in the US the level of poverty brings out the best in some, the worst in others and indifferencein many (some of it caused by not knowing the facts and also the stigmatisation of poverty partly through nimbyism and propganda and fear that if they can’t prevent themselves from becoming poor through effort or good morals, life would be too scary). Do they want a long line of menstruating women who cannot afford sanitary towels marching to Wimbledon next year to show how cool Britannia has become?

  67. Just started a petition on change.org. Against DWP/ATOS anyone wants to sign feel free.

  68. If I found myself so low as to require a foodbank and then they turned me away I would try to find people in a similar situation. And make a plan to go en masse into a supermarket and just grab some food and walk out.
    What could they do? Very little if the right group of people organised themselves well.

    It will get to this for some soon. The smarter ones will get away, I hope the judges will go easy on those that go before them for stealing food to prevent dying. Maybe those same judges upon hearing these tales might see a pattern and the better ones might even let them go. Maybe?

    We seemingly live in a very sick society.

  69. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/next-well-be-saying-the-poor-dont-need-to-eat-8638276.html

    Next we’ll be saying the poor don’t need to eat
    Benefit cuts made Kenny depend on food banks. It’s just take take take with some people, isn’t it?

    • Well the fat cunt doesn’t look like he goes without, & what is it with the tories & their obession that the poor spend their benefits on “fags & booze”. Has no-one explained to them that Shameless is NOT a documentary?

      • @kittycat Its funny you mentioned that tv show as in daily express etc that piece of fiction is cited to be a ‘typical example’ of benefit claimants . Morons cant work out what is real yet perhaps all the news is truth and noddy really exists

  70. How long do you have to getting ” food stamps” before they say its a lifestyle and stop people going to them at all???

  71. rainbowwarriorlizzie

    Reblogged this on HUMAN RIGHTS & POLITICAL JOURNAL and commented:
    In Solidarity!!

  72. Rosemarie Harris

    Surley people give food to these food banks for the benefit of people who have no food for one reason or other what right does these stupid people have to say who is more deserving!!!. Who made them judge and jury ?
    To the caring people of this area protest now and help each other out, if you know someone who needs food, please give them some. For christ sake this is the 20th Century not the 18thCentury.!!! I am truely shocked we are all human beings all deserve to have food. If you need food steal it, better than starving! our choices are getting less!

    • @Rosemarie Harris, well said. You raise a good point there, is there any way we can take the control of the foodbanks, who decide life and death, out of their hands. If we stopped donating to foodbanks and their controllers, this could force the massive nature of hunger, poverty and homelesness out into the open. It may just be the tipping point we need. If we gave food to others personally, rather than foodbanks, we could deprive these people of their insane narcisstic power trips.

  73. Wonder if this was held over from April 1st? Off topic, but can things get any dafter? – http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2013/jun/03/mps-sale-council-houses-ebay

  74. harassedsohavetobeanon

    This is unjust and dangerous. Charities and business are meant to be separate from government otherwise you have fascism.
    If someone is unjustly santioned then it is a form of defamation which harms their ability to get work and now it seems in some places get food.
    I live in the US and have been horrified by the level of poverty here and the corruption and discrimination and ignorance amongst charity including in the churches. It is “cool” to help the poor but not to mention anything bad going on in the name of helping. Often the leaders do not want to know where they are harming the recipients of their help.
    Poverty – struggling to get the basics of food, clothing, shelter, medical care (and these days you have to include transport and communications because of the lifestyle in our society which requires these things) is like a constant obstacle course or nightmare and there is little respite. It is chaotic because people cannot plan becuase they do not have the money and because they are easy prey for those who are unjust. When I was earning good money I frequently helped people with food, rent, medical care etc. – and was often subsidising those who had been unjust to these people including some of those with money or some businesses. I fear for the UK.
    I am glad as a Christian that some of the church are speaking up. I think the Trussell trust is being used to enable poverty and any Christian in its leadership should remember that Jesus has told them whom to help and that only helping those with vouchers from officials is not i line with what Jesus says.
    I get harassed – I have run into corruption a lot over the years – and this weekend after being vocal about abuses by the DWP – something odd happened so that temporarily the following youtube song disappeared from a playlist. So hear goes – this song is about feeding the hungry etc. and some of the bad attitudes of people to the needy:\http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix8ddosjg-k&list=RD02TzWyZxlwGKI
    Keith Green – sheep and goats

    p.s. I am putting the UK on prayer lines and have voiced my disgust to some UK bigwigs

  75. Michael Banks

    Fao Johnny Void.
    I have been on holiday so this comment actually relates to your earlier piece “Grant Schapps – Lying Bastard..” In April this year, I received a knock at my door one Friday evening from two local coppers who “asekd” me down the cop shop in relation to an offensive email I was alleged to have sent. As someone who always likes to help the boys in blue, I said no problem. I was handcuffed, placed in a meat wagon, driven to the police station and eventually stuck in a room where my alleged offensive communication was discussed with the same two plods. Turns out Schapps’ constituency secretary had complained to local police because I had sent her an email attachment containing the Johnny Void blog entitled “Grant Schapps Lying Bastard.” My only addition to the piece was my own comment contrasting his dirty Spiverry with that of an honest apprentice bricklayer in London who was the first person to be convicted under England & Wales criminlisation of squatting legislation which Schapps had a hand in as former Housing Minister. The poor guy couldn’t afford London rents on his meagre apprentice pay so squatted in order to pursue his chosen career as a brickie. Anyway, one of the coppers told me charges almost certainly would be dropped (still waiting to hear) then went on to say that he hadn’t heard of Grant Schapps but, if what he had read in the email was true, then he thought he was an unpleasant chap. Although he didn’t exactly say ‘unpleasant’….or ‘chap.’ Might still be in ball and chains soo though.

  76. Michael Banks

    Fao Johnny Void.
    I have been on holiday so this comment actually relates to your earlier piece “Grant Schapps – Lying Bastard..” In April this year, I received a knock at my door one Friday evening from two local coppers who “asekd” me down the cop shop in relation to an offensive email I was alleged to have sent. As someone who always likes to help the boys in blue, I said no problem. I was handcuffed, placed in a meat wagon, driven to the police station and eventually stuck in a room where my alleged offensive communication was discussed with the same two plods. Turns out Schapps’ constituency secretary had complained to local police because I had sent her an email attachment containing the Johnny Void blog entitled “Grant Schapps Lying Bastard.” My only addition to the piece was my own comment contrasting his dirty Spiverry with that of an honest apprentice bricklayer in London who was the first person to be convicted under England & Wales criminlisation of squatting legislation which Schapps had a hand in as former Housing Minister. The poor guy couldn’t afford London rents on his meagre apprentice pay so squatted in order to pursue his chosen career as a brickie. Anyway, one of the coppers told me charges almost certainly would be dropped (still waiting to hear) then went on to say that he hadn’t heard of Grant Schapps but, if what he had read in the email was true, then he thought he was an unpleasant chap. Although he didn’t exactly say ‘unpleasant’….or ‘chap.’ Might still be in ball and chains soo though

  77. ~Stop fighting over useless food banks – start fighting the judiciary to get sanctioning of benefits made illegal.
    You are just dancing to their agenda’s by arguing over something that is replacing YOUR benefits – wise up!

  78. Leave out the swear words and quite a good article.

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      When people are being made destitute – going hungry, at risk of or actually being made homeless etc. “swearing” is not such a big thing – Isaiah, John the baptist and Jesus all occasionally “swore” or do you think that “Brood of vipers was a term of endearment. When Johnny is talking about disgusting avoidable injustices and the terrible, terrible consequences for real people I am not going to notice the swearwords.
      This is not austerity, it is big bonanza time for some at the expense of the vulnerable. The policies are clever – note the attacks on access to legal help – but cleverness used to do wrong to people – to decimate a section of the public’s well being and short, medium and long term chances – is cruel, unjust and evil. And for those who only care about money, it is economic madness because low income people have little if any disposable income and it goes mainly into the local economy. Also, as is obvious with the bedroom tax, it costs a lot more to pay for temporary accomodation. People need a community and its support and this will make it harder for people to help one another and to be in a situation where they find work. But the most important thing is the terrible and unjust and discriminatory mistreatment of real people.

  79. I’m fed up of middle class morons coming on her spouting about swearing or manners, there are worse thing in life like ROBBING THE POOR WHILE DIRECTING PUBLIC MONEY TO THE RICHEST for one FOLLOWING ORDERS THAT ARE INHUMANE TO YOUR FELLOW HUMAN MAN is another.

  80. harassedsohavetobeanon

    The food bank said on its website the following:
    “Notes: Those persons who are in constant difficulties due to chaotic lifestyles will not qualify for a voucher”
    They obviously don’t realise that if people are under extreme stress for a protracted time, they may turn to drink,or relapse to dull the pain/fear etc and there will be people who want to make some money out of them them that way.
    People under extreme stress such as poverty will get sicker – physically and mentally REGARDLESS of their prior predisposition or not because our human bodies do not fair well under the extreme stressors of poverty.
    They will frequently get into debt, especially where there are lenderss charging exhorbitant interest and unjust, scary collection methods.
    I have observed over the years that those who are not poor often condemn and hypocrically judge those who are poor – they expext them to make fewer mistakes than they do. What would happen if those who are obnoxious to the poor were to evaluate their habits – use of time, money, energy – how often do they make sub-optimal decisions? How often do they have a safety net that protects them from the fallout of sub-optimal decisions?
    Life is an obstacle race – we are all born with gifts (not all can be monetised, especially the most important ones), given opportunities but also we all face set backs and have weaknesses. Those who look down on the poor or unsuccessful havent noticed how much they have benefitted from things which are outside of their control – and some have even enrich themselves at the expense of others and then have the temerity to boast as if they are ethical strivers while looking down on others.
    I find the food bank statement (“chaotic”) demeaning and unfair (and no,
    I am fortunatte I am not an alcoholic or addicted to illegal drugs – there but by the grace of God go I).
    One of the biggest problems in the US re poverty – because they are human, not because they are American – is that many in government, charities etc. shove their help and policies onto the poor without doing due diligence to find out the facts – and some don’t care. They foolishly think the poor are poor becuase they are defective morally – lacking wisdom or morality etc. Too many (not all) just want the poor to disappear, some are in denial and would help but don’t know how much poverty there is but others suffer from NIMBYism and some think they have “made it” because they are good and the others who are not successful are “losers” and immoral. These kinds of attitudes are rife. I am noticing that in the UK and am fearful because there are some checks and balances in the US which do not exist in the UK and I am fearful about the rapid increase in poverty in the UK.
    Should we sanction expenses from MPs who have one too many in the subsidised House Commons Bar? Or give random drug tests to MPs and Lords? (I don’t recommend that because of those in high places who thive on leveraging those who do wrong, entrapment and framing etc).

    • So true harassed and your rant and intelligent comment is welcome. The comment you make that “they expect you to make fewer mistakes” is poignant. It does seem the slightest thing earns one a hefty sanction out of all proportion ranging anything from 2 weeks to 3 years, maybe just for being as little as 5 minutes late to attend a jobcentre interview for a genuine reason yet how many ‘ordinary’ people are so harshly dealt with for such minor misdemeanours. Certainly they are not to such extremes and politicians I am sure are not. Unemployed people need to be given more tolerance not less by virtue of their predicament.

      • @JD clueless out of touch desparate tactics to bully ppl and appease the scared middle class into distracting them from the corporate theives robbing us all.

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      Edited – sorry my cursor keeps flying all over the place and I am stressed out:
      The food bank said on its website the following:
      “Notes: Those persons who are in constant difficulties due to chaotic lifestyles will not qualify for a voucher”
      They obviously don’t realise that if people are under extreme stress for a protracted time, they may turn to drink,or relapse to dull the pain/fear etc and there will be people who want to make some money out of them them that way.
      People under extreme stress such as poverty will get sicker – physically and mentally REGARDLESS of their prior predisposition or not because our human bodies do not fair well under the extreme stressors of poverty.
      They will frequently get into debt, especially where there are lenders charging exhorbitant interest and using unjust, scary collection methods.
      I have observed over the years that those who are not poor often condemn and hypocrically judge OTHERS who are poor standards which are far more stringent tan they apply to themselves. They expect others ie the poor or affliccted to make fewer mistakes than they THEMSELVES do. What would happen if those who are obnoxious to the poor were to evaluate their OWN habits – use of time, money, energy, ethics – how often do they THEMSELVES make sub-optimal decisions? How often do they THEMSELVES have a safety net that protects them from the fallout of THEIR OWN sub-optimal decisions?
      Life is an obstacle race – we are all born with gifts (not all can be monetised, especially the most important ones), given opportunities but also we all face set backs and have weaknesses. Those who look down on the poor or unsuccessful havent noticed how much they themselves have benefitted from things which are outside of their control – and some even enrich themselves at the expense of others especially the poor or otherwise vulnerable and then have the temerity to boast as if they are ethical strivers while looking down on others, so-called self-made strivers and achievers.
      I find the food bank statement (“chaotic”) demeaning and unfair (and no,
      I am fortunatte I am not an alcoholic or addicted to illegal drugs – there but by the grace of God go I).
      One of the biggest problems in the US re poverty – because they are human in a society with a lot of poverty, not because they are American – is that many in government, charities etc. shove their help and policies onto the poor without doing due diligence to find out the facts – and some don’t care. e more concerned often with egos or repuations – feeling like they are helping the poor rather than whether they are actually helping or harming the poor. They are focused on building their resume or looking kind or good or trying to placate their guilty consciences etc. They foolishly think the poor are poor becuase they are defective morally – lacking wisdom or morality etc. Too many (not all) just want the poor to disappear, some are in denial , some others would help but don’t know how much poverty there is or what it is like to be poor, others suffer from NIMBYism and some think they have “made it” because they are good and the others who are not successful are “losers” and immoral. These kinds of attitudes are rife. I am noticing that in the UK and am fearful because there are some checks and balances in the US which do not exist in the UK and I am fearful about the rapid increase in poverty in the UK.
      Should we sanction expenses from MPs who have one too many in the subsidised House Commons Bar? Or give random drug tests to MPs and Lords? (I don’t recommend that because of aomw in high places who thrive on leveraging those who do wrong, entrapment and framing of innocent people etc).
      I hope this replacement post is better – I have had cyberharassment for years including wierd (others have verified) stuff designed to cut me off from people or make me look like an idiot – including flying cursors.

      • Comment posted on conservative home with regard to universal credit
        ” I hope that it works but it would be better to go to the old Hong Kong scheme – work or starve. Then maybe the useless and unwanted immigrants would go back to their own countries.”

        • harassedsohavetobeanon

          Like those immigrants who may have supported the economy including some who were unpaid or underpaid.
          Some people who make such mean comments speak as if they themselves would never starve. They think their assets and income come from their superior nature and/or giftings. Should we bow down and worship them, as if they are God?
          They can’ say how well they would do in a meritocracy because that would involve randomly switching babies to other families and countries at birth and banning all networking – an impossibility and immoral.
          If they were moral they would have compassion to the needy and afflicted and help them.
          If they were wise they would realise that one day someone else is poor and the next day or year they themselves could be. In this ruthless world they are building, they are digging their own graves and setting up their own downfall because it is getting more volatile and ruthless at the top of the economic ladder. If they are successful monetarily there will always be someone else who is cleverer, more ruthless and more brutal than they themselves are who will scheme to take their wealth or position, and should that happen, they will find that those with similar attitudes to themselves will jump ship and disappear as friends – only the compassionate will stick by them,
          You can’t work if there aren’t enough suitable jobs, or if you can’t access them ie money for transport to get to an interview etc. You can’t work if there is discriminatin or you have been blacklisted (real defamation). You can’t work if you are not well enough to sustain a job.
          Just like you can’t move if there is nowhere suitable or affordable to, if the move would harm you, or you can’t afford the move. Nor should people have to just because some in government appear to want the real estate to enrich their friends or themselves (wasn’t their a social contract about council/social housing and lifetime ownership and communities etc?)
          Some people who come up with unjust policies are hard of heart and arrogant.

          • Comments i keep reading are ‘benefits too generous’ these workshy should be taught how to budget and they Only spend It on booze and fags

            • harassedsohavetobeanon

              Not enough people in the press or in influence in policy and government are saying the obvious. The bulk of the social security spending goes to pensions, little to jsa. Re benefits, the miajority of large sounding amounts is caused by overly high rents – there is no rent control etc. Then the difficulty of people living on the seventy odd pounds per week etc etc
              And the fact that many working people can’t survive on their incomes.
              There are not enough jobs. There is not enough suitable housing. There is also a lot of welfare going to companies etc who don’t need it ie large companies.
              it is an information and disinformation war.
              If they think the benefits are too generous and they are receiving some, they can always return some or give to charity.
              The current government keeps wrecking things to force cheap selloff sto privatise as much as possible. The wrecking is negligence and costs money to do. They don’t seem to care. I think they are also setting up local government to fail financially so that local services are sold off including indirectly via pfi long term (sometimes odious) contracts. It is disgusting and in my opinion treasonous to wage war on sectors of the population on whose behalf and with whose permission they are meant to govern. The problem is they are changing society so quickly and with so many policies (death by a thousand cuts) that people cannot keep up with their plans.
              Clever they are – but so was Hitler. They have (just like new labour) made their mark in history – but so did Hitler. I am deeply grieved and sad for the British people – I have seen the effects of poverty here and am British and know what is coming with privaate healthcare. Corruption will go way up asmany people do anything and ignore anything to keep the ir jobs and also as they bring in more and more spy state systems, laws and policies and practices. Having suffered from high-level ‘dark arts” practices against me for years and experienced the fallout (they even framed people for some of the slander) I fear for the suffering and future suffering of the British (and American) people and also the wrecking of society.
              There is such a thing as society – we are all indiviuals and members of groups of people including our country and the country where we live. We are interdependent as humans, all of us. My Bible says members of the church are all essenital – like every part of a human body. The same truth applies to a country. Those who trash the poor in their country (or anywhere else) are like someone who takes a baseball bat and smashes their own legs or arm with it. They cause immense suffering and pain, and they themselves will suffer for it. They are arrogant when they regard anyone as dispenable.

      • Chaotic is (one of) the ‘industry accepted’/social work-style terms in use and didn’t IDS pick it up somewhere along the line? It’s might be okay for use as a shorthand term favoured by social workers/drug and alcohol support workers or similar at a case conferences/if talking to colleagues. But the people suddenly working with this ‘definition’ are food-givers-out (& volunteers) maybe along with a small number of paid staff. They can expect to make some life-altering judgements on a regular basis about mental health/potential addiction/other personal (and complex) issues, which will determine whether or not a particular individual get to eat …
        (No wonder the ‘line’ is that they’ll withdraw support if the situation/person in front of them seems too complex or ‘chaotic’). It’s not always even going to be their main role & it might be a sideline to their everyday life – volunteering is/can be a great and simple thing to do.

        Someone at T.Trust and/or government in the Dept for the Eradication of the Eradicatio of Poverty must have come up with the voucher system to try to prevent this type of difficulty (and already it’s not working) so a ‘professional’ would take the difficult decisions in deciding when to allocate a voucher (although ‘professionals’ here to include JCP staff ..) But none of this can hope to do what it’s supposed to say on the tin as the causes of and source of the problems of hunger aren’t in food banks, by and large (unless an official visit is due – when they turn up in ones and twos, nodding sagely and muttering their approval).

        • @shirley nott…’people often have chaotic life styles appears in govt docs amnd also in rowntree report..btw as i stated before my impression was that the food box was a promo for ASDA

  81. “- Public announcement GEAB N°60 (December 16, 2011) -”

    “With £1.8 trillion of public money invested in banks to prevent their collapse in 2008, the British taxpayers are in fact those who have paid the most for the rescue of financial institutions. And the British government may well continue to exclude this amount from its public debt calculations by claiming it’s an “investment”, de facto, fewer and fewer people consider that the banks in the City will recover from the crisis, especially since its worsening in the second half of 2011: the shares purchased by the Government in fact are already worthless. The “UK hedge fund” is on the brink of collapse (25) … and thanks to David Cameron and the City, it’s isolated with no one to come to its aid, neither in Europe nor the United States.

    With the Chinese bubble (26) about to join the European recession and the US depression, the 2012 storm will determine whether David Cameron and his finance minister George Osborne are worthy descendants of the great British sailors.”


  82. harassedsohavetobeanon

    Sorry to rant tonight but having had the “dark arts” done to me for many years I note the following re sanctions and defamation:
    ‘sanctions’ defame the one sanction unjustly (and just the length of the sanction is not a proportional punishment for anything they could have done – if they have committed a crime, extra-judicial punishment via the DWP is nothing but vigilantiasm, and there is an old auditing principle that the one who benefits from the check, does not authorise it nor write it in a large organisation – all functions are separate to reduce corruption – likewise the one who sanctions should not befeit from it with vouchers – mr hoban should know that and not endorse corruption inducing policies):
    1. An unjust sancition leads to those who know about assuming the person has done something very wrong – with crc checks, with universal credit (and why did a newspaper article say that mr hoban discussed business intelligence with biba recently), with people other than the dwp seeing these “black marks” people’s life chances will be blighted
    2. if someone is in a legal case as plaitiff, witness or defendent, unjust sanctions blacken their reputation and their “preceived credibility” and increase injustices in the system
    3. if someone is sanctioned unjustly, there is a higher probability their credit status will be reduced and again this reduces their chances of getting a job or their reputation in the community including ability to get affordable housing
    4. if insurance companies, police, others see this, then their ability to get affordable insurances, be treated fairly in society goes down
    5. given the terrible lack of privacy, this is also a way ‘dark arts’ players target dissidents, those they or their clients have done wrong to or in front of, those who speak up against poverty or injustices.Also, if elections including local ones or if you live in a home or job such people want, the ‘dark arts’ types will use such unjust mechanisms to destroy people’s lives. I write this as one who has had such things done to me for years and so I notice some of the purposeful (and sometimes unintended) consequences of these unjust policies and laws.

  83. “Metropolitan Police ‘stockpiling’ plastic bullets”


  84. I can’t help but notice this stuff regards foodbanks has been put out the day the “Queen of England” as I always refer to her (American style) has been to the abbey to celebrate 60 years as Queen…..and in the past 30 out of the 60…she has allowed the nazification of UK. Does she not realize? Does she care?. Can’t she do anything?
    If she can’t do anything, what’s the point of being there then?
    As for ppls doing something about it…well I think a new political party might be a good start. “Labour” have proven themselves worse than useless, and anyway, it was the Blair /Brown administration that started off the latest war on the poor.
    It is shocking that is has come to this in UK today. More shocking that so called labourites are full steam ahead behind it. MPs Frank Field of Liverpool area and Tom Harris of Glasgow being but 2. Fields thinks young ppl of Liverpool should work for £100 a week Harris doesn’t give a damn about anyone on benefits it seems.

    • It’s what the powers-that-be call a good day to bury bad news..I too doubt if the queen even knows, or cares what’s being done by “her goverment” shielded as she is by her bubble of hangers-on & flunkies

  85. Shame on you for not helping people who need it Hounslow

  86. Comes to something when you are arrested for criticising a politician .what madness is this? I posted on here stuff said from him and his dept which showed It was nonsense also that twat is on conservative home site claiming his party has all the right policies well that proves he is lying

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      As poverty goes up, some people will start blaming people because they feel uncomfortable they cannot help everyone out. That is why I believe that we must fight the normalisaation of poverty in the UK.
      Btw in the US there are bigots on the left and in the middle in regards to their attitude to the poor and low income. Poor people are vulnerable and I have seen terrible things done to the vulnerable by some who work in organisations which help the poor (the power differential and lack of resources and networks including access to justice makes them vulnerable, hence bad stuff happening to people in care, in hospitals, in prison cells etc)
      and even amongst some who speak up for the poor (those types abuse when noone is looking – similar to priests who abuse kids while collecting and giving out money to parisheners).
      Some how the real state of things – and what will happen if policies continue as they are and continue to kick in ie universal credit, bedroom tax, sanctions, disability denia etc – needs to come to the attention of more of the public and politicians and there needds to be a political will for more people to advocate and to approve of the morally right attitudes and policies.
      It is a lot more expensive to reduce poverty than to create it. Both are wrong.
      Will we be paying “consultants” from the ‘developing world’ large sums to advise on reducing porlicy or undoing economic injustices in a few years?
      The tories have their i’s dotted and t’s crossed to smash the welfre state, reduce dissent, and wreck the NHS. but my Bible says that God is the defender of the afflicted and if they (or new labour or any one else) insist on trying to further increase povery or grab for themselves unjustly, they will be fighting God himself and he is a lot smarter and a lot more powerful than they are. The affliction happening and coming to the poor and the soon-to-be-poor or picked on in the UK is horrendous and avoidable. Shame on those doing this.

  87. harassedsohavetobeanon

    typeo sorry
    It is a lot more expensive to reduce poverty than to create it. Both are wrong.
    should have read:
    It is a lot more expensive to reduce poverty than the amount they are spending (unwisely) on creating it for idealogical reasons.

    • Check the free houses generous benefit philpot 800,000 ppl who suddenly got better crap on this post


      • harassedsohavetobeanon

        The public needs more of the facts. I wish there were some class action suits against those who misuse statistics to cover up poverty levels etc. for those who know better ie major press and government
        I hope that more of those who have influence will tell the public the truth including those in some of the newpapers who are spreading lies and propoganda.
        If the conservatives or local councils succeed in moving more people out of boroughs or if we dont help and stay in contact with the vulnerable and keep a tally of deaths including stress related deaths and life outcomes, they will be able to cover up the crimes resulting from their unjust policies.
        They know this – hence the newpaper articles/propganda, then the the policies, then the abuse of statistics and the games they play – the baiting/smearing of the afflicted and those who speak up for them, including trolls, agents provocateurs and extraneous issues and divide and rule etc. while they ram more policies through (for example change the educational system, wasting money, so more schools and local authorities fail and people are spent out fighting the changes, with the result that more local authorities and parents are broke and schools/lands get sold to profit making enterprises – that is corrupt and negligent governance – it may be clever but so were the Great train Robbers)
        I dont know – aprat from lawsuits – and other things, what they will listen to. They are wrecking britain at lightening speed. They fail to mention that generations of british people have paid into the system and for the assets they wish to rob. they omit to mention that some authorities/governments have sold off lands and buildings donated for perpeuity for charitable use by the local government – in breach of contract. but then, those who are unjust and manipulatively lie don’t know hwat it is to be faithful or honour contractual obligations. they are only concerned about getting caught. They don’t care about whether something is right or wrong.

        • Question: if DWP have benefit fraud department then why are there need for benefit sanctions ? It doesnt make sense …

          • harassedsohavetobeanon

            it doesnt unless they are reducing the benefits bill thru the back door (I hope the auditors are checking to ensure that any money witheld from recipients is fully accounted for).
            also, they are bullying people and normalising hostile work envionments where corruption and injustice is rife and workers rights are not repected.
            also, if you assume a spy state is being set up, dissidents will end up poor and on benefits and they can be smeared, others get used to being treated like trash and are too scared to dissent for fear of hunger and homelessness and an indirect form of blacklisting etc
            lawlessness is normalised so access to justice goes down because the unjust gets normalised and juries are made up of the public.
            people get in debt so leders profits increase.
            people get into debt so social housing landlords are more likely to go into debt or their profits go down – result is more hostile takeovers or puchases of more social housing and more profits for others ie land grabs 9since private rentals are generally higher than social housing rentals) – more importantly people get evicted, real people.
            and every time there is an event, the govt can sell the info and make money out of it and wear people down and smear those who oppose it.
            local authories have more fires to put out – increased need – and are more likely to fail and sell land and buildings to those who want to make money and borrow money via pfi contracts (more profits for Big friends) etc.
            Democracy goes down as the local or national vote counts for less.
            Another reason ould be that ids andd or hoban are sadists and think they are doing good to the unemployed, sick, elderly, working poor. Bad management attitdues are abusive. They are abusing power when they mndate injustice or abuse. When they are abuseive they are acting outside of their authority.

          • also “bob” if under the rules gifts get counted as income under universal credit, then they really dont want people to be helped in their time of need ie a healthy loving society. When they treat their friends to lavish free outings on yaghts or in restuarants or villas or even expensive cocktails, will it only be taxable if the recipient is on benefits? Should those who are both wealthy and misely and cruel (not the decent kind) start totting up their bills in restaurants and pubs and on birthdays at christmas and at race meetings or even lavish funerals for famous people and if they receive more than they give then should they declare it as income? what is the monetised value of a canape at mrs thatchers funeral or an invite to a grand meeting, event or party where someone may offer you a job or contact should you be unemployed or being treated unjustly? how come some people are so unfair to others and want to impose such injustice on the poor, when they wouldnt apply the same (unjust unreasonable) measures to themselves?over in the us sometimes if someone receives 3 cans of beans from a food bank the value is counted as income, even if they are allergic to beans or could have bought them more cheaply (charitable accounting valuation of what they give out is another creative accounting sstory which can harm the recipients). some people dont know the laws but others (givers and recievers) are then put in situation of breaking a law to keep other laws and/or a clean conscience.
            It is better, more dignified and more just and economically efficient to pay better wages and not to be unjust to the needy and afflicted than to have a big charity state. Also, charities do not always treat the clients or their data with resect, increasing the identity theft risk for the clients of the charities. the universal credit databases will also do this – and just like the nhs spine database – it will reduce national security by increasing the risk of theft of identity of people on it by bad apples in and outside the country.
            identity theft is not just about money, it is also about doing crimes in people’s names including those the state opposes because they are dissidents.Bob, I am a brit and a christian in the us – please dont assume i approve of or am like those who lied to go to war “in the name of jesus”.
            The Jesus who is , the real jesus, is the jesus of the bible – fully of fairness, mercy, compassion, truth, love etc.

  88. What exactly does ‘chaotic’ mean? Sorry if it’s somewhere on this long page and i’ve missed it.

    If it’s being decided that I’m undeserving poor, or that I have a chaotic lifestyle, it doesn’t necessarily much help to know who is making that assessment – judgments about my mental illness have been made by Atos’ tame physiotherapist and I couldn’t do a solitary thing about that… But it would be nice to know the criteria for ‘chaotic’ or ‘undeserving’,

    Then again, I never understood the criteria, such as lifting a box, whrich apparently assessed my (irelevant? non-existent?) mental illness.

    • Sam, “chaotic” was referring to a foodbank who dont want to help people with “chaotic” lifestyles. If someone has labelled you chaotic, they are
      not very kind or fair.
      people going through crises may appear chaotic – they may have more on their plate than they can handle BECAUSE THEY ARE HUMAN.
      Did you know that Mr Cameron forgot his passport recently and the british tapayer paid for police and others to collect it so he could catc is plane. he didnt get labelled as chaotic – why not?
      People can be really unfair, hypocrtical and cruel to those who are suffering, especially when they are writing the notes and are in a position of authority.
      I think they were referring to people who had struggles with alcohol and drugs. But still, i think it is unfair to label their lives chaotic. not all food banks have that as a criteria for who gets food and who does not.

      • This would be the same Mr. Cameron who left one of his kids in the pub,& didn’t even notice,is it? Isn’t such an action classed as a sign of a “chaotic” lifestyle? Plus his well-documented use of Class A’s… Ah, but he’s rich so that’s OK…

  89. Teesside Solidarity Movement

    Reblogged this on Teesside Solidarity Movement.

  90. Just what you would expect really!

  91. Harassed/ nosuchemail I can see why you have been targetted and harassed, you speak so much truth about what are in fact “gangsters” running our country aided and abetted by the press.

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      it started with corruption/harassment where I was working and also because of high level shenanigans where i was collateral damage/a red herring collateral to hide the real shenanigans. I was very demure and naive then. I didn’t sue because 2 of the abusers at work had heart problems and also becuase I was not well enough to endure a court trial. i lost the private insurance I had paid into – I wasn’t well enough to fight for that (comingsoon to the UK – people paying into more insurances, and only some people getting fair payouts, whether disability or health private insurance).
      God has had me on a long learning curve with years of “dark arts” subtle and not so subtle stuff done to me and descent into and out of the problems of low income and being vulnerable. When you are considred a nobody by many, it is sad what people will do to you or in front of you – they wouldn do it in front of the prime minister unless they thought he was corrupt and noone was looking who would report it
      In may case, the more that happens, the more I notice especially since I have had money (never rich) and studied some law, accounting courses and worked in computing. I have treated well and worked in good environments so I know what is acceptable and possible as well in contrast to how some treat the vulnerable. God has allowed me to suffer legal and medical malpractice more than once to and I read up on the laws and ethics so I notice more.
      Years ago, God impressed on my heart to speak up for others. When I am getting an attack of ‘flying cursors” (cyber harassment in some cases) or am stressed out I am not able to. But the bottom line is that people usually listen to those who have percieved credibility so it is essential that people who are well regarded get the facts and speak up. They are also better protected from harassment because some of the nasty types don’t touch them becuase they fear the consequences.
      i wish I was once again in the position to help others – but God showed me that that would mean they would be suffering more and I less, which would be very convenient for the selfish part of me.
      On the topic of the psych tests which have been in the news. testing people without informed consent is unethical. Also ‘dark arts” types like to psychologically profile people they think have influence including dissidents so that they can trip them up and get to them more easily when they harass them or in a court or other public situation. I don’t trust the government on that score – and who knows who else sees any data held when people fill out the test – so if i were forced to do it, i might refuse or pray and then give random answers to the questions so they don’t know my strengths and weaknesses.
      Thankyou and others for speaking up. it encourages those too ddiscouraged or shy to do so.
      Hoping and praying for good news every day in what will probably be along slog for justice in the UK.

    • harassedsohavetobeanon

      also i have been for many years systematically psychologically tortured from a distance – phone, mail, cyber and thru smears – including people changing data to subtly frame me or others for the harassment so I read up on torture. The universal credit database is too much like an all encomapassing identity card type database (cyber spy state for all who receive beneifts – but notas much for those who don’t) and the info and misinfo including any direct and indirect smears in it as well s mistakes ie bad info can be used and abused to harass people and determine people’s reputations and life chances as well as putting them at risk of identity theft or poverty.
      I have seen and experienced the terrible real-life conseequences of such harassment as well as the eas aat which people can be framed in subtle and unsubtle ways and the life consequences – poverty, isolation and how people break down because they are human. Most people won’t understand until too many are suffering. We live not only in unjust times but very ddangerous times. People need to stay in community – that may be a sinister reason that the government is increasing evictions and causing dispersals of community via the bedrom tax. In community perople can better survive economically and psychologically when they dissent or protest. Ditto during hard economic times or when they are mistreated at work or through other injustices in society. Stay together all – the “dark arts” types try to set people against each other including via agents provacaeurs and torturers/abusers love to isolate their victims.
      Again, sorry i ranted a lot today – another milestone passed today re the legal system in the UK and I am grieved and sad at what is being done so unjustly and cruelly to real people in the UK. You are all in my prayers.

    • Agreed; thinking exactly the first part of that sentence too.

  92. I don’t think they will leave people if they can help them because they’ve been sanctioned. But I really don’t understand what this specific rule is meant to mean.
    I have seen and experienced the terrible real-life conseequences of such harassment as well as the eas aat which people can be framed in subtle and unsubtle ways and the life consequences – poverty, isolation and how people break down because they are human.

    • harrassedsohavetobeanon

      So sorry you have been harassed and suffered for it. I will be praying for you to Jesus. Hoping and praying you will experience some good things today.

      • overburdenddonkey

        harrassed…excellent posts… been there with the synarchy dark arts…still there…there are no jobs coz the system set up by the rich, sucks all wealth from the economy and into their portfolios….infliction of suffering, crushes humankind and is never anything but evil….
        see peoplesassembly.org..and the work of lucy reynolds…health and social care act…. extrapolate it…
        rage is vital for the release of suffering from our souls, and the unblocking of our voice …the restricted access to our vitals is an evil crime….thatcher quoted st paul on it ….one can only eat, if you work…implicit approval of govt policies…food bankers, is merely an extension of our corrupt benefits system…poverty enablers who check social credit worthiness, who judge others, who meat out crap food scraps, the victims food miles, and anxieties, about getting food, not toted up nor taken into a/c, so desperate are they for food…(21st century britain….souls mortgaged to pay for the “slump”, whilst the rich’s wealth exponentially swells), so that the “givers”, feel better about themselves…hell mend ’em, their energy should be pointing to, lobby govt to restore welfare benefits….so food banks become obsolete..are they really that blind..god help us, if they are!
        behaviourism is evil…i am angry coz this govt is wrong, and more importantly the practical realities of their wrong doings, one can never owe oneself vitals. i am angered by the act, …one can never be angered by, what is right, this is the contradiction of a confused human being,or the view of one who holds and controls our vitals, coz you’re not going to get fed, if you are angry with us!….one can only be angered by, injustice…anger is only caused by suffering…when the suffering is gone so is the anger…the universal truth of nature, and natural human being, is within us all…money is their new god…the transfer and storage of the sweat of our brows in their portfolios, angers me….there are no jobs because of the relentless greed…i’m all right jack…these food bankers should be fighting the govt..not agreeing with them! i just want my proper entitlement, go to shops in my own time, get food, go home…not pay homage in the new cathedral for the poor…

  93. Harassed I am really touched by the rendition of your life experiences and am in complete solidarity with you on your findings with regards to the ‘dark arts’ being at work at the top of society.
    I hope you continue to contribute to the johnnie void blogg because I am sure your insight will enlighten and help those that are suffering.

    • harrassedsohavetobeanon

      thank you – though I personally get startled by the word rendition. if you fly, always ensure you go to the gate on the public tv screens, not necessarily the one they tell you to go to or write/what is printed on your boarding pass. Life is getting very complicated these days!
      Also, never automatically believe what is in databases or notes about a person or even what they have allegedly said about someone else. Some people frame others so that wanna be heroes will go after others while they sit back nd watch. And becareful what you write on blogs or say to oficials or even businesses. Some people insist on writing everything down, some have hearing problems, and some twist sstuff. In the US some people including some medics are trained to write notes to protect themselves not just against frivolous litigation but also where they mess up against legislation that the govenrment encourages ie they are trained to cover up. That means less of a payot by the health insurance companies. Also, some unethical risk managers tell their clients to label people as a threat if they question an offical or someone else, including the falsely labelled one has just been unjustly or illegally mistreated or has caught them red handed in corruption. It is becoming common. It is sick and has real life consequences for thefalsely accused and slandered. For those who don’t care about people, it has economic consequences – harried people are harried and less productive in work, family life and society and there are long term negative health (phsysical and psychological) fo the downtrodden as individuals and for the community. It is unnecessary and avoidable. They make less money for the bigwigs and the country in the short, medium and long term – and increase the risk of lawsuits and scandals so I just cannot understand why such bad and unethical practices are encouraged (sarcasm). Seriously, it is not fun and there is less common courtesy and forgiveness and more ruthlessness, selfishness and cruely when people are mistreated and impoverished and life becomes more uncertain – all because some people overvalue money and are greedy and selfish, and no amount of money or power or success will satisfy their cravings and fear of the unknowns in life. They ruin others’ lives while wrecking their own.
      if we don’t stop the rot before it get worse, it will take a long time to change it -as has happened in the past in the UK and elsewhere. The type of people who think that a ruthless, heartless free for all (though the systme is rigged against the majority) is modern forget that they are driving us back to the injustices of previous centuries. There is nothing new under the sun, except for the digital state and modern life which is removing privacy and the chance for people to start over again when injustice or natural disasters wreck their lives. modeern life is also making harder for people to provide the basics in life for themselves, their families and their communities including strangers. And laws are making it ilegal to do so.

  94. Maybe the new Eton game will be driving to foodbanks in flashy cars and gorging themselves on the finest luxury foods in front of the hungry children, occasionally tossing some of it out of the window for them to pick up of the pavement to eat.

  95. *off the pavement.

  96. Remember The Paris Commune

    The only chaos in my life stems from the chaotic Benefits system that I am forced to rely on, and the chaos that comes with being deliberately kept in poverty. And now Universal Chaos is to be applied unilaterally, the poverty will worsen, and Chaos will triumph as any chance of maintaining Order in one’s life is brutally suppressed by those powers of Chaos that prevail.

  97. Eric Greenwood (4727)

    @greenwoods4727 @boycottworkfare 1. not our scheme, it’s local volunteers. 2. if someone has a voucher (from dr, school, etc) they get a box

    So its not their scheme, but they are partners to it, The charity says NO sanctioned people, but the council has taken it up with them. Surely the point of a foodbank is to feed those who are starving. Not making judgements, yes they are helping but the moment they are putting conditionalities in, it makes it a case of undeserving poor and deserving poor. You could come up with a case that a man sanctioned for whatever reason, goes and his kids are left to starve because of it.How can any so called charity put conditions on feeding starving people. I think they misjudged the strength of feeling I dont swear i argue withint 140 chars..very hard to do but am good at it. I was the one who got jonty oc into trouble about the toilet paper tweet he made..

    • Eric they dont need to sanction ppl as they have benefit fraud team . I mailed foodbox and told them food. Is needed most when sanctioned

      • Eric Greenwood (4727)

        Yes they are adding conditionality, They said they will NOT help anyone who has been sanctioned. as if a sanction is always their fault

  98. The term ‘Chaotic lives’ is typical of much new – speak. Does it refer to those Middle Class families chaotically driving their children from one activity to another, their homes strewn with musical instruments, books, the latest gadgets and an absence of housework? No it doesn’t, does it.

    It really refers to people suffering from a mosaic problems, which have come to the attention of someone in authority. Many, many, more people lead ‘chaotic lives’ .behind closed doors. As long as they get it together for the outside world, as long as no one in authority hears of it, they can can manage perfectly well in the public space.

    The term ‘Chaotic lives’ is an example of the hyberbolical use of a metaphor. If these people who invent ‘new speak’ had an education they would know just how ridiculous the phrase is in the context of lives led with difficulty.

    Chaos is a word from Attic Greek employed by a writer called Hesiod in his text ‘The Theogany.’ It refers to a state of unformed primordial darkness that existed before the world was formed.

    I have to say that I do not know of a single human being that lives in state of un-created, contiguous primordial darkness. I appreciate that there is ample room for a few jokes here, but this is a serious subject.

    This kind of language is an excuse for ignoring those most at risk in our society, those who may have fallen through the net many years ago. It is also an implied judgement and condemnation of those people.

    Hounslow Foodbox might have saved itself further embarrassment if had had a policy from which it could demonstrate that it was referring clients with additional difficulties to the appropriate support.

    The term ‘Chaotic lives’ is typical of much new – speak. Does it refer to those Middle Class families which chaotically drive their children from one activity to another, that have homes strewn with musical instruments, books and the latest gadgets and an absence of housework? No it doesn’t, does it.

    It really refers to people suffering from a mosaic problems, which have come to attention of someone in authority. Many, many, more people lead ‘chaotic lives’ .behind closed doors. As long as they get it together for the outside world, as long as no one in authority hears of it, people can manage perfectly well in the public space.

    The term ‘Chaotic lives’ is an example of the hyberbolic use of a metaphor. If these people who invent ‘new speak’ had an education they would know just how ridiculous the phrase is in the context of lives led with difficulty.

    Chaos is a word from Attic Greek employed by a writer called Hesiod in his text ‘The Theogany.’ It refers to a state of unformed primordial darkness that existed before the world was formed.

    I have to say that I do not know of a single human being that lives in state of un-created, contiguous primordial darkness. I appreciate that there is ample room for a few jokes here, but this is a serious subject.

    This kind of language is an excuse for ignoring those most at risk in our society, those who may have fallen through the net many years ago. It is also an implied judgement and condemnation of those people.

    Hounslow Foodbox might have saved itself further embarrassment if had had a policy from which it could demonstrate that it was referring clients with additional difficulties to the appropriate support.

  99. sorry for the doubling of my above comment.

  100. chewie

    Daily politics today pm question time, Cameron rightly showed up Ed Miliband for wanting universal benefits with regards to restoring child benefit for the rich – no mention of restoring benefits for the poor by either side.
    Andrew Neil presented a survey on percieved levels of corruption in countries and out of 50 UK came 17th, that’s because they are trading on the socialist years when we fought for and won justice and a welfare state, we appear to be no longer the country of truth, justice and non-corruption.
    What has been taken off the rich in terms of child benefit has been given back to them through indirect taxation and other perks.
    Universiality of benefits was meant to be universally available to those in need not those in greed, so David Cameron is right to take welfare benefits off the richest but it will not benefit the poorest when he has that’s for sure.

  101. Sarah Maneechak

    To Johnny and everyone reading the article, I thought you’d might like to know (if you don’t already) that the Hounslow Community Foodbox website/blog account has been suspended! Perhaps they couldn’t take the onslaught but also realised that their policy was disgusting and against human rights.

    Thankfully not all foodbanks share their views, Islington Foodbank run by the Trussell Trust for one.

    • Eric Greenwood (4727)

      I think the council got tired of it as well..I messaged the council on twitter quite a bit, never being nasty and they replied, I think i got it through to them that its unfair.. thanks everyone who got this unfair group gone

    • Excellent news, Sarah. Now, let’s close down this shambolic nest of cheats, those who claim to act on behalf of the people but who throw billions of public money to their privateer friends, who blame the unemployed, the sick, disabled, vulnerable and downright poor for the grossly inflated deficit.
      Cameron glasses over the “trickle down” effect of tax cuts cos he knew full well he was lying. Duncan Smith lies practically every time he burbles. But what else did we expect from thick, lazy shysters who charge £200.00 breakfasts, silk cushions, horse paddocks, >2nd homes mortgages/improvements/furnishings to the public purse, then close down Remploy, hospitals, schools……but that’s not their fault. It’s the fault of selfish, greedy, ignorant muppets who voted them in. And. It’s ours for not closing them down.

  102. EmziZimiziyue

    Saying you’re undeserving because you’ve been sanctioned is like saying you’re a criminal just because you’ve been arrested. This unfair decision of a public body (in part at least) should be amenable to judicial review (but ask a qualified lawyer first). Hurry, while Legal Aid lasts!

  103. You should be fighting for your sanctioned benefit to be reinstated and backdated not fighting over food from food banks which should not exist alongside a welfare state, all sanctioned benefits should be reinstated and backdated instead your being diverted into the realms of mindless morons who think they have a right to degrade and insult people instead of concentrating on the job in hand safeguarding your benefits.

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  107. Pingback: Deserving Of Charity Food? – Don’t Bank On It! Elizabethan Poor Law Again? | doorway's community voice

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  111. I have just posted links to this on edmillard twitter and labourparty twitter page, i hope others see this and respond in kind to the now Blue Labour… Looks like left unity might be the only ones for the people.

  112. “Hounslow Council Run Foodbank Shuns Undeserving Poor | the void” was indeed a
    superb article and thus I personally was very pleased to discover the article.
    Thank you-Lora

  113. The Hounslow Foodbank was set up by Labour Councillor Steve Curran as a PR stunt to promote himself, it cost tens of thousands of pounds, he employed Oonah Lacey / Involvis as an “independent advisor” to do it, paid her over £150,000 without going through the Hounslow Council’s procurement process, (see Hounslow Council Financials on line) between them they set up and took down HFTRA the tenant residents association, who did a lousy job anyway, no chance of Hounslow Council Scrutiny department reviewing any of this because Curran installed his allie Councillor Sue Sampson as Leader of Scrutiny and Complaints who dutyfully and starry eyed quashes all complaints before they get anywhere and turns a blind eye to anything Curran does thats wrong because Curran satisfies her lack of self confidence and he is generally a bully. Councillor Sue Sampson has sold out the old people (shes supposed to be a “carer” in her own life. They both make £10,000 usual Council salary plus further £14,000 as “Leaders” of their departments, between them they dont have enough education to get a job at McDonalds. All facts, check them out for yourself.

    • @John Mellor do you think we are partisan to political parties ah we are ” the left ” so there for subscribe to Labour.. Is that what you think ? You don’t know us very well

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