Tag Archives: FBU

Blundering Boris Leaves London To Burn: Fire Stations Slashed

fireman-samBullingdon buffoon Boris Johnson has let the clown mask slip with the news that 13 of London Fire Stations are to be closed.

Whilst the announcement was due to be held back until fire brigade staff had been informed of the closures, Boris blurted out details of the closures on BBC London Live this morning.

Boris has also suggested that fire fighters may be forced to use Mini fire vehicles which fire fighters have complained ‘make them look like the bloody Italian job’.

The fire fighter’s union, the FBU (@londonfbu) have described the cost cutting plans as ‘reckless and wrong’.  The fire stations facing closure are: Belsize, Bow, Clapham, Clerkenwell, Downham, Kingsland, Knightsbridge, New Cross, Silvertown, Southwark, Westminster and Woolwich.

This decimation of public services comes after furious edition of BBC’s Question Time in which the audience repeatedly denounced the threatened closure of Lewisham Hospital’s A&E department.

These are the cuts that don’t make the headlines and are happening around the UK.  Closed hospitals, fire stations and slashed public services were the hallmark of the last Tory government.  Only the faces have changed, the agenda – to privatise and destroy public services for good – remains exactly the same.

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