‘A Failure Regime’, Apprenticeships Slammed By Government Committee

broken-ladderThe government’s flagship Apprenticeship programme has been slammed after a report from the cross-party Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission made wide-ranging criticisms of the scheme.

Just over a week ago Business Secretary Sajid Javid gave a speech praising Apprenticeships and following up David Cameron’s pledge to increase the number of placements available to three million.  According to Javid, Apprenticeships are no longer seen as a second-best option, or a safety net for kids who didn’t make it to A-levels or university, but instead are an “incredible opportunity” to prepare young people for being “the leaders  of tomorrow”.

The reality, as revealed this week’s report, is that many young people are taking a lower level of qualification then would be expected had they stayed in mainstream education..  Over two thirds of Apprenticeship starts for those between 16 and 19 were at GCSE level – the same standard of qualification they may already have gained at school.  As the report notes “It is reasonable to expect that young people should progress in education; that each qualification they take is another rung up the ladder.”  Few on Apprenticeships are being given this opportunity.

The report also finds that the growth of Apprenticeships amongst young people is collapsing, whilst the number who complete the programe has fallen to just over two thirds.  For the highest level Apprenticeships, equivalent to degree level study, the figures are dismal – only 4% of Apprenticeships are at this level and the vast majority are taken up by those over 25.  Just 5,300 under 25s began an higher level Apprenticeship in 2014/15 compared to almost 300,000 taking lower level qualifications.

The vast majority of Apprenticeships are found in sectors identified by the report as low paying and with little chance of progression, such as hair-dressing, childcare, hospitatlity or construction.  Apprenticeships are also reinforcing gender division in the workforce – a shocking 98.4% of construction Apprenticeships and 86.2% of Information Technology placements were taken up by males.  In contrast women made up 85.3% of Health Public Services and Care Apprenticeships.

The report concludes that the Apprenticeship system has a range of problems which “hold back opportunity” and suggests that the scheme could be “perceived as a failure regime by those seeking social mobility.”  Politicians of all parties now consider a young person becoming a hair dresser or builder to be a failure.  Fuck social mobility – we just want the money.

Sajid Javid claims that Apprenticeships are giving “ALL of Britain’s young people the opportunity they need to rise to the top”.  The truth seems to be that the scheme is really ensuring young people get conditioned to a lifetime of low pay and lack of career progression.  Most Apprenticeship pay rates are set at minimum wage except for those under 19 or in their first year who receive a meagre £3.30 an hour.  For all this government’s talk of aspiration, the rise of Apprenticeships seems really intended to teach the young the working class to learn their place.

You can read the report at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apprenticeships-young-people-and-social-mobility

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168 responses to “‘A Failure Regime’, Apprenticeships Slammed By Government Committee

  1. What’s wrong with the ‘career ladder’? The bottom rungs are broke! 😀

  2. Pingback: ‘A Failure Regime’, Apprenticeships...

  3. The only apprenticeships our kids need to become “leaders of tomorrow” is to learn how to become “Spartacus”, or failing that, “Mad Max”.


    It’s this sort of thing that the so-called Opposition, Labour, should be attacking the Tories over, especially in the wake of IDS’s resignation, but they say fuck all. Apprenticeships, Community Work, Workfare, Sanctions, Universal Credit, etc. All complete fuck ups that have cost a fortune and ruined peoples lives.

  5. Another classic example of Tory spin flying in the face of reality. It’s all part of a careful long-term, re-structuring of society.The destruction of the welfare state,and the NHS.
    The creation of a tightly controlled, low-pay, zero-hours workforce. All in the name of profit for their supporters in business and finance. Cheered on by the right-wing media.
    The Tories expect to be in power for many years to come.
    And with the level of opposition that Labour are providing, that may very well be the case. Unless, like Jesus, Corbyn is able to produce a miracle.

  6. paultheswineherd

    The teachers rightfully hate this Tory Government, but especially the ‘rabbit caught in the headlights’ Nicky Morgan! This is a really good protest song!

    • TiredAndEmotional

      Sadly most teachers are part of the problem, as is they who implement government education policies that fail their students for the most part. Take the whole ethos of the way teachers dress, male teachers expected to wear collar and tie, and female teachers to dress in a smart, modest manner, and almost ubiquitously school students forced to wear school uniform to be mis-educated to form a docile workforce, who, even if they manage to reach university level education are then saddled with huge debts that keeps them docile, (though this hasn’t deterred junior doctors who are probably the most indebted, which highlights the desperation of their situation).

      It doesn’t have to be this way, education should be a liberating, not enslaving process that starts at birth and ends at death. Are most teachers aware of educational thinkers such as A.S. Neill, Ivan Illich, Paulo Friere? Undoubtedly some are, but how to implement those ideas in a system that has been so politically controlled since the Baker 1988 Education Reform Act?

      Young people aren’t stupid, and like those kids who truant because they see school as irrelevant, young people are boycotting a system they see as failing them, training as a placebo strictly designed to mask the true levels of youth unemployment, just as was the case with earlier and cruder attempts at masking such, namely YOPS, and YTS which started in the late 70s as neo-conservative economic ideas started to gain traction.

      I don’t wish to be seen as too anti-teacher, when my personal position is somewhat ambivalent, they have a hard job to do on any account, but to my mind the greatest ‘sin’ they commit is to toe too closely a safe, conformist line that panders too readily to the whims of primarily politicians, and secondly to those of parents. Education, in my opinion, should primarily be the business of those being educated, and educators, with the concerns of parents and then politicians, (if they have a role at all) expressed in general terms that then could indirectly influence the educational process.

      As far as the main concern of this post, any system of training or education that does not stretch, or progress an individual is of dubious value. Sadly in the past 35 years vocational training has had a very patchy ‘success’ rate (I use the term carefully, as it’s hardly been a success at all) in that when the NVQ system first came about it had to be urgently re-jigged as it became apparent that it didn’t match up to wider European accreditation, and generally attainment standards were set at appallingly low levels.

      The system of accreditation is now so much better structured, but as pointed out in the article, the number of people gaining the higher levels at NVQ are really quite small, and the majority are once again being failed by the system. This is partly down to the crazy elitist academic system that exists in the UK that saw polytechnics and colleges of higher education rush to become pukka ‘universities’ each conferring the dubious honour of their very own degrees – it says something for snob value, if nothing else, but is symptomatic of the fundamental problem within the UK education system, and that is academic elitism, that somehow having an academic degree is of greater value than a practically and more vocationally based degree from a polytechnic.

      No such problems exist in France, where everyone who can benefit from it can access higher education, whether that be academic or of the more practical, polytechnic variety – and when this is challenged or threatened, students and their supporters take to the streets as any true French citizen would.

      I don’t see that there is much change possible until we as a people start to look at the bigger picture and decide what kind of society we want, and then think about ways to achieve that society, all the time making politicians aware that no is a wrong answer, unless that populism should stray into areas that are deeply undemocratic, such as, for example, supporting policies that are racist, or sexist or that are otherwise incompatible with a humane society.

      Sadly the political party that should be acting in this role is shamefully silent on the very issues it should be pursuing with vigour, and if Labour lose the next general election it won’t be down to Jeremy Corbyn’s alleged unelectability but down to insufficient faith amongst the electorate to bother to vote, as we believe that what has gone before, will go again, and that is, no matter who is in government, it is we, the people who will get shafted.

      • Teacher! Leave them kids alone!

        Compulsory ‘education’ caters only to the needs of the Victorian mill owner.

        • Teacher! Leave them kids alone!

          More like compulsory ‘schooling’ since being forced to attend what is in effect a day prison for kids has got jack-shit to do with eduction and all to do with creating a compliant, docile workforce. Teachers are traitors. Teacher are the enemy. Incidentally, there are only TWO places you can be required to be by LAW. One is prison. The other is is school!


    These so-called Apprenticeships are just cheap labour and also help fiddle the youth unemployment figures. Why employ a man on £300 per week to clean the streets when you can forcibly employ a school leaver on £90 per week to do the same job? That will also temporarily remove that school leaver from the dole figures for 12 months. That is exactly what’s happened to Street Cleaners in Bradford, that I do know.

    • Used to be back in the day an apprenticeship was a trade like an electrician or a plumber or a joiner or an engineer. You know? Real trades that would set the person up. But now what do we have? Apprentice office assistant, apprentice photocopier, apprentice coffee maker, apprentice wait for it….. warehouse assistant! LOLOLOLOL!

  8. Apprenticeships could and should be a really valuable and important resource. But they’re not being utilised *intelligently* by the government. They’re just being used as a way to help big businesses avoid paying the legal minimum wage.

    Carpenters, electricians, skilled trades have good reason to need apprenticeships. There’s only so much you can learn in the classroom and the skillset required for those sort of careers is so varied and complex that actually *doing it*, under guidance, is vital.

    But when I browse job sites looking for back-up options in case I decide to leave my current job, what do I see? Apprenticeship cleaner. Apprenticeship “retail associate”. Apprenticeship barista. Apprenticeship street cleaner. Apprenticeship call-centre staff. Important jobs, some of them. But not ones that require more than a few weeks training *at most*. Certainly not ones that can justify a year-long apprenticeship at apprentice wages. It’s well known that most of the kids offered these “opportunities” are given a couple hours or days training and then just left to get on with it.

    Hell, we have a national shortage of horologists in this country – a complex, skilled trade that takes years to learn. And yet, can you get an apprenticeship in the industry? It’s an industry that is largely perpetuated by small-businesses and individual, independent artisans and it’s so, so hard for any of them to get the insurance and other support they would need to be able to take on an apprentice. My partner was *so close* to getting an apprenticeship for it, but the horologist that wanted to train him had to back out when he saw what the additional insurance cost would be.

    • Decent apprenticships are subjected to middleclass postcode lotteries.

    • TiredAndEmotional

      It’s also predominantly focussed on the young, which in and of itself is no bad thing, but what of older workers who would be willing to retrain but find that there are no opportunities to do this beyond a private sector that provides training to those who have deep pockets, or who have a sufficient credit rating to take out a huge loan to cover the cost. Why is it that the £375 billion of quantative easing went directly into the pockets of the already super rich and not into investment in re-skilling people for those trades that suffer from a shortage of trained workers?

      Until the mid 80s or so there were the government run Skillcentres that provided retraining schemes for workers willing to retrain. Most courses were of around six month’s duration, and provided workers with intensive training in a new skill, often a skill that was deemed to be in short supply, or even, re-skilling workers in a recession for the invevitable economic upturn.

      Sadly we live in a society where it’s ‘never mind the quality, feel the width’.

  9. paultheswineherd

    Low paid workers, low skilled workers and that’s just the E.U. migrants here – let alone the incumbent U.K. ones!

  10. paultheswineherd

    The Tories hate the LibDems – The LibDems hate the Tories – we hate both of them (and the Red Tories too!). Thank goodness for the few ‘Red’ Labours, the SNP & the Greens!

    • A whitewash of the lib dems. The last paragraph made me laugh …..’saved the tories from themselves’. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves like new labour did.



    ……….There is no way on this earth that i will share a cell with that murdering scumbag, his translator said……………



      One of my friends went to see the doctor recently, suffering from a catalogue of ailments including shingles……………

      He was given a doctors note………….

      WIthin a short period of time he was sent a brown envelope to attend a work capability assessment and has been assessed as fit for work, which he clearly isn’t.

      How long before they find him dangling on the end of a rope?

      Another of the vile systems failures to save money to hand to their friends.

      The trouble is, this guy i refer to, has deep mental problems having found his drug related son dead, laying in the house, his wrists connected to the mains cables.

      What will the DWP and its host parasite say when they discover his lifeless body creaking at the foot of a stair well?

      • @Geoff
        I know a case of a stroke survivor subsequently almost dying from acute failure sent for by ATOS for a WCA, the guy was housebound after discharge from hospital. How could he find his way by bus to a neighbouring town?



    Last updated: March 25, 2016 at 3:23 pm
    On strike

    Comparisons with the Miners’ Strike of 1984 come naturally when talking about the British Medical Association. But whilst we remember a straight-up confrontation, it was only careful Government planning and an undercurrent of irresistible technological change that made Thatcher’s belligerence viable.

    The Government’s dispute with the doctors’ union continues to escalate, with junior doctors preparing to hold the first full walkout in the history of the NHS.

    Writing in the Daily Telegraph, James Kirkup gives the recalcitrant medics a warning from history. He warns that the BMA is repeating the mistakes of the National Union of Mineworkers, over-estimating the nation’s dependency on their members.

    That Britain’s economy could survive without British coal was unthinkable, right up until it wasn’t. Kirkup argues that technological progress and competing models of provision mean that our monolithic state healthcare provider may soon find itself similarly outflanked.



    Government debt has increased by £555 billion since George Osborne took office in 2010, the latest official figures show.

    The Office for National Statistics said this week the Government had borrowed £70.7 billion pounds in the first 11 months of the current financial year.

    Barring a major last-minute turnaround before the year ends next month, the Chancellor is likely to borrow more than his forecast for this year of £72.2 billion.
    Read more
    Richest half of Britain will benefit the most from new tax cut

    With inflation at zero and growth rates far from booming the Government is yet see real public debt falling as a percentage of the economy – the most important measure for assessing the public finances.



    The National Insurance Fund – paid into via NI contributions – for pensions and other welfare support was over £100 billion in credit last year, yet the austerity-crazed Tories persist with the idea of cutting pensions. PAUL DONOVAN has the story

    THE government has announced a review of state pensions premised on the belief that present levels cannot be afforded.

    The move amounts to another piece being put into place — amid the landscape of austerity — to justify removing welfare support altogether from those who cannot afford to pay.

    The idea of cutting pensions while extending the retirement age points to a time where pensions and retirement in reality won’t exist at all for many people.


  15. Indeed the so called ” Opposition ” are more like Supporters by Spineless
    and Shameful Silence

    No to Universal Credit No to Slavery House the Homeless

    DEMOCRACY IS A SHAM | March 25, 2016 at 1:42 pm | Reply

    It’s this sort of thing that the so-called Opposition, Labour, should be attacking the Tories over, especially in the wake of IDS’s resignation, but they say fuck all. Apprenticeships, Community Work, Workfare, Sanctions, Universal Credit, etc. All complete fuck ups that have cost a fortune and ruined peoples lives.

  16. No to Slavery Fuck the Free to be a Slave Market and the Small State

    Increase the Basic State Pension and Lower the Retirement Age

  17. Should Labour be still a Bunch of Austerity Stooges in the Parliamentary
    Slave Labour Party in 2020 AD in their Ivory Tower Cloud Cuckooland then
    Common Sense says do Not Vote for Them.

    Better 350 to 400 MPs Elected as Independents who Stand Up For the
    Poor and Vulnerable than a Tory Thousand Year Reich the Liberal
    Demonpratts being like the 15th Century AD Earl of Warwick Kingmakers
    and Slave Labour being a Tool for Slavery Trendy Political Correctness
    and Warmongering

  18. The Gulf between Rich and Poor Needs to be Bridged

    This Requires No Austerity and No Nutcase Budgets

    4 More Years of George Osborne looks like too much of a Recipe
    For Disaster Not least with the alleged ” Opposition ” of the Slave Labour
    Party and His Resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer is in Order.

    Ideally there should be a General Election before 2020 AD .

    I will be Voting to Leave the EU to Release Money Wasted on a Corrupt
    Bureaucratic Ivory Tower to be Spent on Public Services in the United
    Kingdom including the Welfare State and also to Say NO to TTIP
    and in Light of the Misery Inflicted on Greece by EU Austerity

    The EU is Protecting No ” Human Rights ” For Decent People in this Country when one looks at what Happened to David Clapson and the
    Plight of the Homeless in this Country

    Handing David Cameron is Not going to Help the Poor and Vulnerable
    as probably the EU will want an Increase in Tribute

    Slaves that Pay to be Slaves ( UK in the EU ) and are Scared of Freedom are going to be Slaves

    Yes to Peaceful Revolution of Common Sense

  19. The 28th of March Mark’s the Anniversary of the House of Commons
    Passing a Vote of No Confidence in James Callaghan’s Government in
    1979 AD

    Sadly that Evil Slag Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister and Oppressed this Country for about 11 and a Half Years

    Should there be a Vote of No Confidence in David Cameron’s Government ?

    4 Years is a long time to wait for the next General Election

  20. Looks like many in France want to Leave the EU

    Virtually Half of France Voted against the Masstricht Treaty despite the
    Pressure of the Political and Media Establishment

    Should the EU be Dissolved Europe will still Exist but Free of a Corrupt
    Bureaucratic Ivory Tower whose own Court of Auditors have for close
    to 2 Decades Refused to Sign Off the EU Accounts

  21. Labour was a Proper Opposition under Michael Foot

    Jeff Smith | March 25, 2016 at 2:22 pm | Reply

    Another classic example of Tory spin flying in the face of reality. It’s all part of a careful long-term, re-structuring of society.The destruction of the welfare state,and the NHS.
    The creation of a tightly controlled, low-pay, zero-hours workforce. All in the name of profit for their supporters in business and finance. Cheered on by the right-wing media.
    The Tories expect to be in power for many years to come.
    And with the level of opposition that Labour are providing, that may very well be the case. Unless, like Jesus, Corbyn is able to produce a miracle.

  22. Repeal Section 144 of LASPO ACT 2012 AD

    Squatting in an Empty ” Residential ” Property should Not be an
    ” Offence ”

    Homelessness is More an Offence against Humanity

    • Fucking Tossers!

      Someone comment on the Heil that they would like to see these coppers and bailiffs smashed with a sledgehammer!

    • fucking heads smashed! The ‘fire hazard’ excuse is just a load of old horseshit anyway. Like the old guy they housing association got sectioned. Round here you see elderly folks being led off all the time by copper accompanied by sinister looking characters. You never see them again either. Something stinks. It is like living in Nazi Germany!

    • paultheswineherd

      This is a total disgrace – welcome to Tory Nazi Britain!

    • I’d like it if those bailiffs threw out the mother of a Mafia boss and get found later with their legs and arms broken.

  23. Bailiffs Are Fucking SCUM!!


  24. Fucking Tossers!

  25. Homeless children dying from neglect and abuse after families moved out of their local areas

    Exclusive: Investigation reveals effect of Government welfare cuts on children who fall through the net


  26. Nostalgia's Not What It Used To Be

    I remember back in the late 70s a band called The Adverts sang “We’ve got a Right to work” and “it’s no time to be 21”. Here we are in 2016, the young Punks are now old men, and nothing’s fucking changed. Gonna look up old clips on YouTube….

  27. paultheswineherd

    Now the Tories (Nicky Morgan) have come up with yet another of their ‘good’ ideas. Turning all schools into ‘academies’ – the teachers are fuming and rightly so (NASUWT) when being given their ‘orders’ by her at a NASUWT conference in Birmingham this morning.
    I certainly do not blame them at all for balloting for strike action over this, especially as she wants them to ‘become more businesslike’

  28. A couple of hundred people can hold all us millions to acount and get away with it. That’s the saddest thing. In the highlander days we would have went down there and cut of their fucking heads.

  29. Wat Tyler had the right idea.

  30. On June 15, Tyler and his Kentish forces met with King Richard at Smithfield, outside London. There, Tyler spoke personally with the king and put forward his demands. At first, the meeting seems to have gone well, with Tyler treating the king in a friendly, if overly-familiar, manner, and Richard agreeing the rebels “should have all that he could fairly grant”.[10] However, tensions quickly arose. According to a contemporary chronicler, Tyler acted contemptuously, calling for a flagon of water to rinse his mouth ‘because of the great heat that he was in’ and when he received the water ‘he rinsed his mouth in a very rude and disgusting fashion before the King’s face’. Sir John Newton (a servant of the king) insulted Tyler by calling him ‘the greatest thief and robber in all Kent’. Tyler attacked Newton, but was restrained and arrested by the Mayor of London, William Walworth. Tyler then attempted to stab the mayor, who was saved by his armor. Walworth slashed his attacker across the neck and head with his sword, and another of the king’s servants, possibly John Cavendish, stabbed Tyler again, severely wounding him. Tyler managed to ride thirty yards before he fell from his horse. In the disorder that followed, he was taken to a hospital for the poor, but was tracked down by the mayor, brought back to Smithfield, and publicly decapitated. Tyler’s head was placed atop a pole and carried through the city, then displayed on London Bridge.[11][12][13] In the wake of their leader’s death, his followers were driven from London and the movement was shattered. Subsequently, Richard II revoked all the concessions he had made to the rebels, and many were hunted down and executed. This effectively ended the Revolt.[14]

    We need a happier ending than that.

    • with no Kings or leaders and no currency, we should be thinking of organised production and distribution equally, for the benefit of all throughout the world.

    • The bastard has blood on his hands and no amount of tears will fix that.

      • The blood of 50,000+ souls, and probably a lot more than that if we had the true count of his victims. Tears my arse! He hasn’t got a tear in him.

        If he thinks the public are going to feel any sympathy for him he’s got another thing coming.

    • The whole article is about him, his feelings and no one else, his failure as a control freak, a complete narcissistic breakdown. He only sees himself as the victim.
      He cares not a jot about other human beings, he does not even see them as human.
      He is just a wounded narcissist.
      “Work sets you free”, so Mr. Smith, go and do work, and stop bleeding all over the media…practice what you preached for 6 years.

    • Why does IDS think a person has to be aspirational to have self worth?
      He is just having a go at single parents, who given the fact that they do the job of 2 parents and are forced out to work by IDS are more worthy than the position he took to decimate the welfare system that these parents relied on.

    • paultheswineherd

      Fuck off IDS. May your despicable crimes haunt you for the rest of your rich and also very miserable life – the victims of your crimes will not forgive you – ever.
      Now – what really needs to happen is for justice, of some sort to catch up with this uncaring and totally uncompassionate cunt.
      I really hope that IDS will – one day be found, shot in the head in some isolated and deserted field – forgotten – just like all of his unfortunate and undeserving victims. I hope that he goes to hell and rots – forever.

  31. EU judges in Luxembourg could limit key powers in UK surveillance laws just weeks before Britain votes on its EU membership.

    An emergency hearing on the bulk interception of communications data has been scheduled for 12 April at the European court of justice (ECJ), whose rulings are binding on UK courts. Its final decision could have a decisive impact on the powers of GCHQ, the Cheltenham-based monitoring agency, and could come shortly before Britons decide whether to remain in or leave the EU on 23 June.


  32. paultheswineherd

    Cameron has done some preaching today – an Easter address to the Nation! (just like the queen’s Christmas message)

  33. Clarification on whether jobcentre staff are permitted / authorised / encouraged to ignore published DWP guidelines and apply their own interpretation to unemployed “clients”

    A – there is no immediate scope for Jobcentre staff to ignore DWP policy


  34. paultheswineherd


    Whilst it is terrible news that the poor 7 year old girl that was unfortunately killed when a ‘bouncy castle’ was picked up and traversed about 200 yds in SE England during ‘unexpectedly gusty’ winds – I have today noted that from the News media it appears that 2 people have been ‘arrested on suspicion of manslaughter’. When IDS has been carrying out his determined and intended ‘manslaughter’ of the poor, the sick and disabled of Britain – he seems to be exempt from any of this – WHY?

  35. paultheswineherd

    Please do not forget the case of David Clapson – one of our military heroes.
    With £13,710 pledged so far (and with only 4 days left now) – we owe it, both to him and to his sister, Jill Thompson to reach the final £20,000 total to bring justice to him (and to try to stop any further DWP ‘murders’ by their actions) – accountable in law, now to the ‘new’ Secretary of State for Work and Pensions – Stephen Crabb.
    This poor man died – unnecessarily, at the hands of the murderer George Iain Duncan Smith, the previous Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.
    Please do not let George Iain Duncan Smith get away with this.

  36. paultheswineherd

    Even though you think think you do, you DO NOT represent all of us other 76% of tax-paying voters.

  37. Tories propose end of retirement, scrapping pensions and volunteers to replace NHS doctors.

    If you want to know what’s in store for us in the next wave of Tory ‘reforms’, ……

    Tories propose end of retirement, scrapping pensions and volunteers to replace NHS doctors

    • So when the toffs need urgent medical treatment will they be happy to be treated by a untrained voluntary doctor – I think not – this stinks of workfare to me!!!

  38. paultheswineherd

    Marie – The toffs will get only the ‘private best’ – you and me and the other less well off would have to put up with the ‘volunteers’.
    The Tories live in a make believe Walter Mitty type world.
    And now, Cameron is going to give Pakistan ‘help’ after the latest outrage and innocent deaths. I wonder just how many millions of £ are now going to be given away to them – not his money to give – it’s tax-payers money!

    • paultheswineherd

      sian – good for them – make his life an absolute and sustained misery by all means possible. Continued and sustained multi-group action is the best way to get rid of this cruel and heartless bastard – never give up – with continuous effort it can be done!

  39. Diabolical david cameron is no christian, he’s a satan worshipper, an assassin for the khazarian mafia and their evil plans for a new world order. He is a vile bastard, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’d had his disabled son bumped off seeing as he despises disabled people so much, that’s how much of an evil freak he is.

  40. Holyrood 2016: Parties focus on closing skills gap – with apprenticeships.


  41. paultheswineherd

    £100,000 – More tax-payers money used to try to defend the abomination which is the Bedroom Tax. Why is the ‘Tax Payers Alliance’ not jumping up and down with rage about this? The Government is completely off its head!

    • paultheswineherd

      As well as the cruelty and unfairness to all those involved in still having to pay the Bedroom Tax itself. Disgusting.

  42. paultheswineherd

    A petition to exile Cameron! Good for her – keep the cunt out!

    • paultheswineherd

      And then finish it all off with an ‘An Gof’ type Cornish rebellion or a ‘Wat Tyler’ type rebellion and have a coup d’tat to overthrow them and put the ‘real’ people in charge! I am sure that they would do a really good job in comparison to this lousy lot! Many other countries would have done it well before now.


    Duncan Smith and Grayling ‘must face criminal probe’ over WCA deaths
    By John Pring on March 24, 2016 Crime

    Disabled activists are calling for Iain Duncan Smith to face a criminal investigation over his refusal to address a coroner’s concerns about the safety of the “fitness for work” test, which led to “countless deaths” over the last six years.

    They want to hold Duncan Smith – and his former employment minister Chris Grayling – to account for their failure to improve the safety of the work capability assessment (WCA), even though they were warned that it risked causing further deaths.

    Tomorrow (25 March), one leading disabled activist will meet with two officers from Police Scotland so he can hand over a dossier of evidence calling for Duncan Smith (pictured) and Grayling to face charges of misconduct in public office.

    John McArdle, co-founder of Scottish-based Black Triangle, said he believed that Duncan Smith and Grayling had shown “reckless disregard for the lives of disabled people”.

    He said: “For so long, the government has acted with sheer contempt for the rule of law.

    “It is time they woke up and realised that the law doesn’t only apply to us, but to them equally.”


    • Hang he baldy cunt and hang him high. His crimes will never be forgotten ever. he may live to 100 but the bastard will always be looking over his shoulder.

    • “reckless disregard for the lives of disabled people”. Reckless is difficult to prove though since you would have to prove to a court that Duncan Smith and Grayling’s state of mind were “reckless” during their time in Office at the head of the DWP. This is the very reason that we no longer have a charge of “reckless driving” since it was difficult to prove in court that a driver was “reckless” at the time of the alleged offence. Now we have “careless driving” – “below the standard of driving expected of a competent driver” and “dangerous driving” – FAR below the standard of driving of a competent driver”. In light of this, maybe Black Triangle and Mr McCardle may considering revising what they intend to prosecute Duncan Smith and Grayling on the give the best chance of securing a conviction.

      • It would be easier to make something like “careless disregard” stick.

      • Although obviously it wouldn’t attract what many would consider an appropriate sentence for Duncan Smith and Grayling’s crimes; most likely they would walk free with a ‘slap on the wrist’, but at least it would ‘mark their cards’ and have them branded as ‘convicted criminals’, and add to the long Roll Call of Tory convicted criminals.

      • Johnny Cochrane

        Misconduct in public office has a good chance of sticking particularly in regards to sweeping the concerns of the Coroner under Duncan Smith’s plush Whitehall carpet. If the glove fits 🙂

    • Corbyn has been shit to be honestt. No mentions that i can see of him wanting to end workfare and sanctions for a start. Maybe he has been hamstrung but i don’t trust anyone who could stay a member of the red tories since 1997.

    • Post it to any labour/tory/lib dem etc., voter who thinks he or any other self serving politician will make any difference.

  44. Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights
    6 hrs ·

    Tragic and Cruel – The reality of Tory rule in Britain today:
    Anita Bellows on Twitter
    “I have just added 2 and 2 https://t.co/Xbj3oJAz0M https://t.co/slqLpTnqas This is social engineering”
    twitter.com/AnitaBellows12…|By Anita Bellows

    • paultheswineherd

      Geoff – Thanks for putting these on. These additions show Tory Nazi cruelty at it’s very worst – this lot have to be got rid of.
      Both Nicky Morgan and Stephen Crabb need to be run out of Office and sacked and as for the DWP – they are, it seems still very much a law unto themselves (though for how much longer I wonder!)

  45. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The ESA £30 a week cut is still going to happen & is happening. Also the PIP £30 a week cut. So the public & mass media have been fooled.

  46. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    You know when an MP has something to hide they pull funny faces non stop.

  47. Corbyn could of done a Lot More to Oppose Nutcase Austerity such
    as Get Austerity Stooges out of the Shadow Cabinet

    Cephalus | March 28, 2016 at 10:44 pm | Reply

    Corbyn has been shit to be honestt. No mentions that i can see of him wanting to end workfare and sanctions for a start. Maybe he has been hamstrung but i don’t trust anyone who could stay a member of the red tories since 1997.

  48. The Welfare State Needs to be Defended and More Spending put into

    No to Universal Credit No Nutcase Budgets

  49. Momentum Needs to show some Momentum in Pressing For Decent

    4 More Years of Nutcase Budgets is Too Long

  50. Glad Not to be a Mind Controlled Zombie

    I Oppose Slavery

  51. Before any Waxing Lyrical about Alleged EU ” Human Rights ” They
    are Nowhere to be Seen in the Appalling Homlessness Situation and
    the Gulf between Rich and Poor in General

    The EU is the Establishment Union

    I will Vote to Leave so Not to give David Cameron a Victory

  52. The Country Needs a Better Prime Minister than David Cameron

    paultheswineherd | March 27, 2016 at 7:32 pm | Reply

    Cameron has done some preaching today – an Easter address to the Nation! (just like the queen’s Christmas message)

  53. The Money Wasted on so called ” Overseas Aid ” Needs to be Scrapped
    as with a Silly Diktat Protecting this Waste of British Money

    Helping the Poor and Vulnerable Starts in the United Kingdom

  54. The 2nd of April Mark’s the Anniversary of the Start of the Vienna Offensive in 1945 AD .

    This Lasted until the 13th of April 1945 AD and Resulted in the Soviet Capture of Vienna .
    The Soviet 3rd Ukrainian Front was Involved in This.
    Although Sadly the Ukraine is under the Nazi Regime of Present it is Worth Remembering the 3rd Ukrainian Front and it’s Defeat of the Nazi Forces in Vienna .

    No to Nazism Then No to Nazism Now

  55. Hands Off The Poor

    No Eugenics

  56. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  57. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Auto-mated chat box bot !!!!!

  58. They now want to erect “The Temple of Baal/Bel” in Trafalgar Square.
    Temple of sacrifice, and I am not talking about fluffy bunnies or chickens.
    Scary stuff.

    • Is Baal also known as Moloch …………..

      • One of many names. This one goes back to “Nimrod” the first “god” to bring in the first “New world order.”
        We have government that praises “Christian values”, then puts a Satanic child sacrifice alter in London.
        Makes you wonder what Christianity is really all about.

  59. Council Tax Hikes and Tax Breaks For Millionaires are Theft from the Poor
    and Vulnerable

    Proper Funding for Local Government

    Hands Off the Poor

    The Country Needs Political Revolution to Get Austerity Out of Office

  60. What Momentum is there in Momentum to Stop the Infliction of Council
    Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable and also to Stop Tax Breaks for

    All these so called ” Anti Austerity ” Organisations are Nowhere to be
    Seen or Heard when the Poor and Vulnerable are Suffering

    Instead of Wasting a Fortune on So Called ” Overseas Aid ” Spend
    the Money in the United Kingdom

  61. Ignorance is Not Strength Ignorance is Slavery

    Besides the EU cares Nothing about the Poor and Vulnerable as it is
    a Neo Liberal Organisation

    At Least my Articles have More Momentum than so called ” Momentum ”
    of the Alleged ” Opposition ” Labour and at Least I Oppose Tyranny and

    Violet | March 29, 2016 at 3:36 pm | Reply

    7 crap slogans in a row – how boring Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  62. Shows that Slavery Needs to be Opposed

    No to Nutcase Austerity No to the Tory Third Reich

    enigma | March 27, 2016 at 11:39 pm | Reply

    Tories propose end of retirement, scrapping pensions and volunteers to replace NHS doctors.

    If you want to know what’s in store for us in the next wave of Tory ‘reforms’, ……

    Tories propose end of retirement, scrapping pensions and volunteers to replace NHS doctors

  63. Indeed ” Education ” is more like Thought Control and Control Freakery

    Teacher! Leave them kids alone! | March 29, 2016 at 1:43 pm | Reply

    Compulsory ‘education’ caters only to the needs of the Victorian mill owner.

  64. stephen crabb and son ioan

    • No oil paintings are they 😱

    • I don’t see what this idiot’s son has to do with anything! It is objectionable some politicians insist on using family in photo shots like this, especially when they are a bit on the youngish side to know any better and not in much a position to tell Daddy to go shove it, but allow MP Daddy and / or Mommy MP to use them as they please.

    • Devon Fudge Packer

      It is to give the (false) impression that he is a wholesome ‘family man’ when we all know that he is taking it up the arse from coke-head Osborne and pig-fucking Cameron.

  65. Supplementary written evidence from the Department for Work and Pensions

    In-work progression in Universal Credit inquiry

    4 pages.

    Click to access 30946.pdf

    Supplementary written evidence from Working Families

    4 pages.


    • …………..the success of any welfare reform is measured by the response from those who undergo the changes.
      With so many residing in ornamental urns, coffins or scattered in God’s little acres, the outset of policy change is nothing short of absolutely diabolical………………..

      Invent a system that only a fool can use and only a fool will use it.

      Coroners reports disagree completely with the tinkering of fools. Chaos will ensue as the mortality statistics will tell a completely different story to those that the government employ to rig information to their benefit.

      • The evidence of those living in tents is on the tv at the moment. If the government regard this as successful, it’s time to wrap in………

        • You can fake as many medical reports as you wish. You can sanction as many as you wish, but the ghosts of those you hurt will come back to haunt you and end up costing more than double that of what you sought to save by stealing from the most vulnerable…………….FACT.

        • Naga Munchetty's Knickers

          Yeah, the guvmint can keep the lid on the homelessness crisis anymore. It is getting so bad it is boiling over and spilling on to the BBC’s main news bulletins.

        • Naga Munchetty's Knickers

          Yeah, the guvmint can’t keep the lid on the homelessness crisis anymore. It is getting so bad it is boiling over and spilling on to the BBC’s main news bulletins.

  66. The EU is an Evil Organisation Indeed

    Margaret Thatcher campaigned for the UK to stay in the ” Common Market ”
    in 1975 AD and that Witch is the Embodiment of Evil

    Violet | March 29, 2016 at 7:02 pm | Reply

    No Noop the EU is a Satanic organisation !!!

  67. There Needs to be Mass Protests against the Infliction of Council Tax
    upon the Poor and Vulnerable and Council Tax Hikes upon the Poor and
    Vulnerable and For Proper Funding for Local Government

    This is in Defence of the Poor and Vulnerable to Say No Austerity
    and For Public Services

  68. Words of Truth Indeed

    The ” Welfare Reform ” is Diabolical Evil

    Ian Duncan Smith may be Gone but Nutcase Austerity Needs to be
    Reversed by a Political Revolution of the Oppressed Underdog

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | March 29, 2016 at 11:06 pm | Reply

    …………..the success of any welfare reform is measured by the response from those who undergo the changes.
    With so many residing in ornamental urns, coffins or scattered in God’s little acres, the outset of policy change is nothing short of absolutely diabolical………………..

    Invent a system that only a fool can use and only a fool will use it.

    Coroners reports disagree completely with the tinkering of fools. Chaos will ensue as the mortality statistics will tell a completely different story to those that the government employ to rig information to their benefit.

  69. Apparently the Homeless are Entitled to Register to Vote and to Vote

    I would Hope the Homeless Vote the Tory Nazi Slave Labour and
    Liberal Demonnpratt Scum Out of Office Local and National and are Not as
    Brainwashed as too much of the Population with a Place of Residence are
    Collaborating with Oppression Scum that they Are

  70. Whilst Councils under the Con Dem Regime and Tory Nazi Regime
    Inflicted Council Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable whilst carrying out
    Nutcase Cuts to Local Services including Slave Labour Controlled Councils
    as Well I Wonder did they Cut Councillors Attendance Allowances and
    the Salaries of the Chief Executive and other Ivory Tower Bureaucrats
    or did they just Steal From the Poor and Vulnerable ?

    The 1st of April 2016 AD Mark’s the 3rd Anniversary of the Infliction of
    Council Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable when Ian Duncan Smith
    was Secretary of State For Work and Pensions and with George Osborne
    as Chancellor of the Exchequer .

    Hands Off The Poor No to Tory Nazis and Liberal Democrat Stooges

    ……………the evil that men do

  72. Patrick Tracey
    Patrick Tracey

    He may hide behind the parliamentary privilege his office gave him but we know he’s Tory scum and his actions and policies directly contribute to the death of thousands of our most vulnerable.



    Universal Credit Handed Over To Iain Duncan Smith’s Successor With 65 “Live Risks”

    The flagship welfare reform has “serious question marks over it”, Labour said, following the disclosure of documents that reveal the government has identified scores of potential problems.

    Universal Credit, the government’s controversial welfare reform programme, was handed over to Iain Duncan Smith’s successor as work and pensions secretary with 65 “live risks” attached to it, BuzzFeed News can reveal.

    The high number of potential issues is revealed in a “risk register” that details problems that might happen in the course of implementing the scheme and actions being taken to prevent them. The register was disclosed by the Department of Work and Pensions in response to a freedom of information request by John Slater, a former IT project manager.

    Stephen Crabb, who took over the DWP and the project following Duncan Smith’s bombshell resignation earlier this month, is now facing calls for a rethink from Labour, which says the figures prove the project has “serious question marks over it”.



      Man’s body may have been undiscovered for 7 weeks after suicide, inquest hears

      Teesside Coroner’s Court heard that Kevin Clennett left a number of suicide notes prior to his death

      The deceased lived in Tavistock Road in the Linthorpe area of Middlesbrough

      A Middlesbrough man claimed he “couldn’t be fixed” before taking his own life, an inquest heard.

      Police found suicide notes near Kevin Clennett’s body, discovered weeks after he was last seen by neighbours.
      inRead invented by Teads

      Cleveland Police officers found the 55-year-old’s body hanged at his home in Tavistock Road, Linthorpe , on February 15 this year.

      The inquest heard that police did not initially attend despite Mr Clennett’s burglar alarm flashing for more than a fortnight.

      When officers arrived, neighbours spoke of their concern for a man they said lived a “very solitary” existence.

      Police eventually accessed the property, to be met with a sign stating: “Stop – I am dead”.

      Cleveland Police Detective Constable Mandy Matthews told the Teesside Coroner’s Court inquest that officers then found Mr Clennett’s body.

      It was speculated that it may have been there for up to seven weeks.

      Evidence was then heard which said Mr Clennett had financial problems and needed a stent in his heart.

      He was on multiple prescription drugs, and was due a medical review just weeks before he was discovered.



  74. There should be No Parliamentary Privilege

    Members of Parliament should either Serve their Decent Constituents
    or Not be in Parliament



    ‘Sometimes we forget the human beings behind our decisions’
    IDS’ replacement pledges no more cuts to welfare before 2020 (so how are we going to fill the £4.4billion black hole then?)

    Behind every statistic there is indeed a human being. There is also an income for that human being information about which arrives as a statistic on the desks of ministers at the DWP, the DCLG or the MOJ.

    Ministers have never assessed the cumulative impact on the health of human beings when all three government departments independently and simultaneously reduce the incomes of the poorest people in the UK.

    All the time the housing market, like an active volcano, erupts into the incomes of the poorest renters causing debt, hunger and eviction. Meanwhile national and international speculators in UK land grow ever richer. Based on the 2011 Census data, 58.2% of households in London Borough of Haringey are living in rented accommodation (social and private rented).. This is higher than London (47.8%) and England (33.1%).

    The pain inflicted is from their enforcement of arrears of rent, council tax and fines against diminishing benefit incomes. Hunger and debt, mental and physical illness are the dire consequences of the disconnected national policies.


  76. Ian Duncan Smith may be Gone as Secretary of State For Work and Pensions but David Cameron is still Prime Minister George Osborne is
    still Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Poor and Vulnerable have still
    being Suffering like for Instance the Infliction of Council Tax and Council
    Tax Hikes

    Austerity Needs to be Gone

    2020 AD is too long to Wait for another General Election bearing in
    Mind the last General Election of 2015 AD many Suspect was Rigged

  77. Scrap Nuclear Weapons there would be more Money for Spending on
    the Welfare State than Immoral Warmongering

    Help Not Harm

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | March 30, 2016 at 1:05 pm | Reply


    ‘Sometimes we forget the human beings behind our decisions’
    IDS’ replacement pledges no more cuts to welfare before 2020 (so how are we going to fill the £4.4billion black hole then?)

    Behind every statistic there is indeed a human being. There is also an income for that human being information about which arrives as a statistic on the desks of ministers at the DWP, the DCLG or the MOJ.

    Ministers have never assessed the cumulative impact on the health of human beings when all three government departments independently and simultaneously reduce the incomes of the poorest people in the UK.

    All the time the housing market, like an active volcano, erupts into the incomes of the poorest renters causing debt, hunger and eviction. Meanwhile national and international speculators in UK land grow ever richer. Based on the 2011 Census data, 58.2% of households in London Borough of Haringey are living in rented accommodation (social and private rented).. This is higher than London (47.8%) and England (33.1%).

    The pain inflicted is from their enforcement of arrears of rent, council tax and fines against diminishing benefit incomes. Hunger and debt, mental and physical illness are the dire consequences of the disconnected national policies.


  78. Children Deserve to Grow Up in a Country without the Mayhem and
    Chaos brought about by the Nazi Un Conservatives .

    The UnConservatives are Really Destructives

    How Long before these Arseholes are Out of Office ?

    sian | March 26, 2016 at 3:31 pm | Reply
    Homeless children dying from neglect and abuse after families moved out of their local areas

    Exclusive: Investigation reveals effect of Government welfare cuts on children who fall through the net


  79. O.K., An ‘apprentice’ hair dresser is one thing; Its a trade that pays jolly well_no massive intellect required, its a broad subject and every guy has a favourite barber. But an ‘apprentice’ child carer or or hospitality worker? Thats just taking the piss. Kids have been looked after and glasses filled without need for qualifications for a 1000 yrs.
    Its little different to the options given to prisoners. I know a guy came out a qualified sous chef. I.Q. about 125;
    ‘Its all there was’. (read; Rehabilitated beneath his worth for brownie marks).
    Apprentice child carer my arse.

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