Shocking Announcement: Disability Benefits To Be Slashed For 640,000 People

ceiling hoist

A ‘low, one off cost’ according to the DWP

The government is set to slash benefits intended to meet the additional cost of living with a disability warning that up to 640,000 people could be affected by 2021.

The shocking announcement follows a recent consultation into Personal Independence Payments (PIP) – the benefit currently being rolled out to replace Disability Living Allowance.  This benefit is awarded based on a points system which assesses addional costs incurred due to disability such as care or mobility needs.  In a press release issued this morning the DWP have said that in future the numbers of points awarded to people who need some form of aid or appliance to help them dress or manage toilet needs will be halved.

According the department this is because much of the equipment needed by disabled people to manage these activites is available for one one off purchase at a low price or can sometimes be accessed for free from local councils or the NHS.  The key word here being sometimes.  If a disabled person needs a ceiling hoist to help them dress, or a specially adapted toilet, and their local authority will not pay for it, then unless they can find the money they will not be able to do these things unassisted.  And this money may have to come out of meagre out-of-work sickness benefits, soon to be slashed to just over £70 a week for some disabled people.

The changes were widely opposed in the recent consultation with just 11 individuals agreeing change were required to the current system out of a total of 281 responses.  Many disabled people’s organisations warned of the high costs of disability equipment, which also needs to be replaced, repaired and insured.  A list of equipment which could be affecting by the changes is included in the consulation and include ceiling hoist – currently availalable for just £1,410 on ebay, incontinence products – £11.04 for 40 pads from Age UK and grab rails which can cost over £100 according to the Disabled Living Foundation.  This is what the DWP means when they say items which can be “purchased for a low one-off cost”.  In a shabby attempt to disguise a straight up benefit cut, the department says some of these things will be covered by other areas of the PIP assessment.  This ignores the stark fact that these changes will mean some people will no longer be entitled to PIP at all.

The changes will initially only apply to new claimants, those who have a change in circumstances, such as moving house, and those being tranferred from Disability Living Allowance onto PIP – which will soon be everybody.

Charities and disabled people’s organisations have said that this cut will mean many disabled people will lose their independence and that costs may be pushed onto local councils and the already over-burdened NHS.  But even this will create a postcode lottery for vital support which many disabled people need to live an independent life.

With a new Health & Work Programme on the way, which could see forced medical treatment as a condition of claiming benefits, vicious cuts to out of work disability benefits and now a slashing of support available to pay for disability aids and equipment, this is a government waging war on disabled people like never before.  And that is a war on everybody.  The UK used to be a place where there was a consensus that if you became sick and disabled then the cost of living an independent life would be socialised – a social insurance system that benefitted us all. It may not have always worked out that way, disability benefits have never been generous, but that’s what most people wanted, and probably still do.  Soon however only the rich will be able to meet the cost of living with a disability.  For the rest of us an accident or illness will mean being abandoned to poverty as a lesson to the working class of what happens if your productivity and ability to generate profits for wealthy might be slightly impaired in any way.

You can read the government’s response to the consulation they ignored at:

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177 responses to “Shocking Announcement: Disability Benefits To Be Slashed For 640,000 People

  1. Pingback: Shocking Announcement: Disability Benefits To Be Slashed For 640,000 People | the void | Vox Political

  2. After this from IDS recently I am afraid nothing surprises me:-
    Iain Duncan Smith claims people THANK him for stopping their benefits


      “billy liar”

      From: Zoe Kendal

      10 March 2016

      Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

      The Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith claimed people
      liked being sanctioned – and that it helped them “focus”, and also
      claimed people thanked him for taking their benefits away.


      Could you please give me the exact number of claimants who have
      thanked him for a sanction. Could you please give details of how
      many thankyous were sent by card or letter, and how many were
      verbal thankyou’s.

      Yours faithfully,

      Zoe Kendal

      Link to this

      • I would like to thank IDS for threatening to sanction me when I was working under. 16 hours a week and signing on.
        Stupidly I asked the person signing me on to change the time of a back to work review to a time when I would not actually be AT WORK.
        Obviously this was a refusal to attend at all wasn’t it??
        Funny enough when I asked to speak to the floor manager, she saw the problem and re arranged the appointment!!
        But I’m sure I should have learned from it but I’m too stupid to see how…

      • I would also like to thank Iain Duncan Smith for putting me to a sanction on more than one occasion. NOT. Fucking bald-headed government cunt with shit for brains showing his true colours at last.

    • He also claimed that benefit sanctions “concentrate the mind” or words to that effect. In that way he trivializes the deaths of thousands of vulnerable and poor people who have been murdered by his regime.

      A very evil man this is. Of course that’s not new; the Tory party is full of them.


      the sort of evil propoganda Goebbels would be proud of.

  3. John Spencer-Davis

    Without in any way detracting from your arguments, anyone with a disability or a relative or carer reading your work should be aware that if they are on a low income without savings and need a one-off equipment purchase, they can sometimes apply for charitable grants, for example, AFTAID for the elderly.

    Here is some guidance including a link to the Turn2Us grants search facility.

    It’s right that people should not have to apply for charity for something which they should be entitled to in order to live an independent life in a decent society. But unfortunately we aren’t there yet, and being aware of these grants may help people in the here and now.

    If you are purchasing equipment purely for assistance with disability or illness, you should also not have to pay VAT on it.

    Kind regards,

    John Spencer-Davis
    Dementia Adviser

  4. If at all possible I would urge anyone in the uk living outside Scotland to move there as they will be in control of the sickness benefits.


    A box of paperclips to an MP is worthy of being refunded under the entitlement of expenses, whereas a cripple, who has no right to a life, is entitled to absolutely nothing…………………….

  6. Pingback: Name & Shame the MP's that voted cuts to disability - Maria

  7. I cannot believe this evil is allowed! It echoes of Nazism.



    Sir Peter, the MP for Gosport, submitted an invoice for a “Stockholm” duck house to the Commons fees office.

    The floating structure, which is almost 5ft high and is designed to provide protection for the birds, is based on an 18th-century building in Sweden. The receipt, from a firm specialising in bird pavilions, said: “Price includes three anchor blocks, duck house and island.”
    His expenses files reveal that he was paid more than £30,000 of taxpayers’ money for “gardening” over three years, including nearly £500 for 28 tons of manure.


    An Independent Review of the Personal Independence Payment Assessment


    (i) to use an aid or appliance to be able to take nutrition; or
    (ii) supervision to be able to take nutrition; or
    (iii) assistance to be able to cut up food.

    2 POINTS


    • Assuming the ducks weren’t being breed for meat, the duck house is a tough one to call. Because it IS providing protection from predators, the elements for the ducks. And of course the ducks would have been well pleased.

      But then again if you want the luxury of being able to enjoy ducks on your private pond you should be paying for it out of your own pocket. After all we would all like to have a pond in the back garden with ducks swimming around.

      You can pick one up here for a cool £2,500.



    In a letter to the social security advisory committee (SSAC), Lord Freud insisted that it was not possible to carry out a CIA for disabled people, and claimed that this was a view “shared by the authoritative Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)”.



      Paul is also:

      an associate of Praesta Partners LLP, an executive coaching and mentoring firm

      His former roles include:

      Executive Chairman, HM Revenue & Customs
      Second Permanent Secretary, Department for Work and Pensions
      economic affairs private secretary to the Prime Minister
      corporate planner in the private sector



        The Minister for Welfare Reform, Lord Freud, announced today (26 March 2015) that Paul Gray has been reappointed as Chair of SSAC.

        Paul’s next term will begin on 1 August 2015. His contract will be extended for 3 years when his current term expires on 31 July 2015.

        Lord Freud said:

        I am delighted that Paul has been reappointed as Chair of the Social Security Advisory Committee. He will continue to bring a wealth of skills and experience to the committee.

  10. The disabled are ready to slit the throats of the vipers that vote for such lunacy, there will be no suicides amongst the disabled from now on.

  11. ‘I can claim DLA for my son, but I will make harder for anyone else to do so because I’m an over privileged cockwomble. I also have my chums to think of. So there, proles,’

  12. Lord Fraud continues to block release of welfare related deaths.

    DWP secrecy over benefit-related suicides

    By John Pring on March 10, 2016 Benefits and Poverty

    Civil servants have refused to release information that would show how many secret reviews the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has carried out into benefit-related suicides in the last 15 months.

    The refusal emerged in a response to a freedom of information (FoI) request that revealed there have been a further nine “peer reviews” into benefit-related deaths completed by DWP since November 2014.

    Disability News Service (DNS) had asked DWP to update the figures it released 15 months ago, which showed there had been 49 reviews into benefit-related deaths since February 2012, of which 40 had involved suicides or attempted suicides.

    But DWP civil servants refused to say how many of the latest nine cases involved suicides.

    The refusal to release the information came as the welfare reform minister, Lord Freud, refused to monitor the number of claimants who take their own lives as a result of the £30-a-week cut for new claimants placed in the work-related activity group of employment and support allowance from April 2017.

    As peers finally admitted defeat in their attempts to throw out the proposed cut from the welfare reform and work bill, the crossbench peer Baroness Meacher told Lord Freud: “I am certain that there will be people who cannot face the debts and the loss of their homes and who will take their lives.

    “If the monitoring shows what I believe this cut will do, will he assure the House that he will seriously consider reviewing this action?”

    But Lord Freud (pictured during the debate) made it clear that there would be no such monitoring.

    • Tory murderers

      “Day by day, the Conservative party has shown itself to be a complete enemy of the open society and this is a case in point.

      “It is making it impossible for us to hold a democratically-elected government to account.

      “The only possible reason we can see for keeping the findings secret – and not anonymising them – is we believe if the truth was known there would be an absolute uproar.”

      In its FoI response, DWP claims that to release the information about the number of suicides would breach section 123 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 (SSAA), because “the manner of death is clearly information relating to a particular person which has been obtained by civil servants in the course of their duties and this, combined with the numbers involved, means DWP is unable to disclose the information requested”.

      • One wonders what they think they are hiding – do they really want us to assume their culpablity? In the absence of the released information I think we’re all entitled to assume that ALL of the suicides were as a result of sanctions and the way that the disabled, the unemployed or otherwise marginalised are generally treated in the UK. But, and it’s a big one, where is the opposition in all this? Has Labour or the SNP gone on record as supporting the demand for the release of this information? Moreover, how is it, in a supposedly democratic society that someone who does not have an electoral mandate of any kind from anyone be in s position to be able to wilfully withold anything?

  13. Pingback: Shocking Announcement: Disability Benefits To Be Slashed For 640,000 People | Benefit tales

  14. Welcome to Brutal Britain 2016.


    It’s beyond belief what these cunts are doing and getting away with. Fucking evil Tory cunts want fucking stringing up. The good news is I finally finished my stint of Workfare today – THANK FUCK. Fuck all Tory cunts. Fuck IDS, JCP, DWP AND ALL THE FUCKING MONEY-GRABBING CUNTS THAT PROFIT FROM THEIR EVIL. A plague on all their houses.

  16. Hands Off The Poor No Austerity

  17. Thatcherite Individualism Gateway to Evil

  18. Indeed Nazi Zombie Tories

    Oscar Dandelion | March 11, 2016 at 3:18 pm | Reply

    I cannot believe this evil is allowed! It echoes of Nazism.

  19. Labour the Official Opposition Needs to be Standing Up For the Poor
    and Vulnerable Not Acting the Ostrich

  20. jeffrey davies

    aktion t4 rolling along without much of a ado jeff3


      In advanced countries, measles can be severe when it infects people living in impoverished communities with poor nutrition, sanitation, and inadequate health care.


      While cases of malnutrition doubled in the four years to 2014, there has been a rise in diseases that were rife in the Victorian era such as scurvy, scarlet fever,gout, cholera and whooping cough Corbis

      Cases of malnutrition and other “Victorian” diseases are soaring in England, in what campaigners said was a result of cuts to social services and rising food poverty.

      ………..but tax breaks for the rich are paramount to UK health

      • Natalie READ (staff nurse)

        @GEOFF. Its on BBCnews.
        Doctors are concerned they are witnessing the start of a measles outbreak in London and the South East.

        Public Health England has detected 20 cases in the region since February, compared with 91 in all of England in the whole of last year.

        Most cases were in young adults and needed hospital treatment.

        Doctors are advising people to ensure they are vaccinated to prevent a repeat of the 2013 Swansea outbreak in which 1,219 people were infected.

      • Natalie READ (staff nurse)


        Parents have been urged to look out for symptoms of scarlet fever as cases hit an almost 50-year high.

        About 600 cases a week were being diagnosed across England after a steep rise in infections recently, with 6,157 cases from September 2015 to March 2016, Public Health England (PHE) said.

        In 2010-11, there were 1,457 infections diagnosed over the same period, jumping to 5,010 in 2014-15. In England and Wales in 1969, there were 16,093 cases followed by a long dip. Cases began to rise dramatically in 2014, and in 2015 there were 17,586 cases.
        Group A streptococcus bacteria
        Group A streptococcus bacteria. Photograph: Alamy

        PHE expects a further rise in cases over the next few weeks as the peak season for the fever occurs, usually between late March and mid-April. Yorkshire and the Humber has been badly hit, as well as London and the east and West Midlands.

        The infection needs prompt treatment with antibiotics owing to the potential for complications and more severe illness caused by its group A streptococcus bacteria.

      • At the moment in the school u work in, in South east England, we have cases of both scarlet fever and human foot and mouth disease!

      • @Geoff
        Scurvy is a deficiency disease caused by lack of Vit C, likewise, rickets which is caused by lack of Vitamin D. Both can result due to malnutrition. While we can make our own Vit D due to the action of solar UV on our skin, kids stuck indoors in front of a screen as well the increasingly cloudy UK climate are behind the current rise in the incidence of rickets. In my day kids in danger of developing rickets were given treatments under sunlamps as hospital outpatients.

  21. Reblogged this on Poppy's Place and commented:
    This Government are completely disgusting…

  22. Being in the EU is such a wonderful place for the disabled, money slashed, dignity trampled on, rights disregarded. Lets vote to stay!!!

  23. Reblogged this on Christopher John Ball and commented:
    All this signed off by David Cameron a man who had a disabled father and son, a man who stated, in HoC, that he ‘needed no lessons on how to look after disabled people’ – The legacy of David Cameron will be written upon the graves of all the disabled people this odious mans policies have killed!

  24. “The changes will initially only apply to new claimants” As with the ESA changes, this is unfair.
    A new claimant will have just as much needs as an ‘old’ claimant, which is creating unfairness.

  25. Not Sanctioned, But Sectioned!

    Elderly artist sectioned under Mental Health Act after disputing eviction – activists

    “Labour run Lambeth are determined to evict anyone who stands in the way of selling public assets to private hands”

  26. paultheswineherd

    This evening on the BBC 6PM News (in reference to the terrible Tsunami disaster in Japan of 5 years today) the BBC reporter uttered these words.
    “The first duty of a Government is to protect it’s people”.
    Well, I am bloody sure that this does not now apply to our “Government” at all. Of what I see of it, their ‘first’ duty is to appear as ‘big’ as possible, make as much money as possible, gain for themselves as many expenses as possible, protect the rich, protect the tax evaders, protect the multinationals and enable them not to pay their fair share of tax owed.
    Fuck the ‘people’ – they do not count – they can starve on the streets (or in their own homes) and then slowly die.
    As Geoff said on here recently “The Tories – protecting themselves and no-one else since 1834!”
    I am personally ashamed to live in Britain today. It is totally disgraceful.

  27. Wirral In It Together

    Reblogged this on Wirral In It Together.

  28. paultheswineherd

    Here is the Mirror version of this article. IDS is looking upwards (in the photo) eagerly waiting for the ton of bricks to land on his cruel head.




    “More generally, we believe that cumulative impact analysis should be treated with some caution, as it will be based upon a comparison with the previous government’s policies, which were unaffordable”.








        If there are any disabled people out there worried that the end of your life will bring about a silence that will never be heard, Black triangle website are asking for you to record your pains, your observations and the torture you have faced.

        Documentatation from the DWP, CAPITA, ATOS OR MAXIMUS (or any other government elected agencies, including Appeal Judges, Doctors or Magistrates), bearing the names of those who made any adverse decisions are welcome.

        Along with your personal details and a photograph, they wish to make a database of the abuse that we are/will be facing.

        The Tory government have a habit of losing documents. Black Triangle are preparing a history of disability abuse that can be accessed by our future generations to show what the Conservative government, with the backing of the Queen, unleashed on the most vulnerable in our society.
        Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights shared Cross Border Alliance’s post.
        19 hrs ·

        Do you want to record your experiences under the Welfare Reforms 2010 and beyond? If so please get in touch with us and we will place them in our disability archives to record the events of the last 6years. Please provide us with a small photograph with your story so readers can put a face to a name and don’t forget to these will be public. We have to record our experiences so our voices can be heard, not continuously silenced.…/…/disability-archive-2010/

    • @geoff

      David Freud will be one of the first to be tried for his crimes. He is one of the key players, an architect of evil that places finance above human suffering and loss of life.
      To openly state that it was impossible to do a cumulative impact assessment on welfare cuts to the disabled on the premise that the previous governments policies were unaffordable smacks of Eugenics.

      Every despicable act of cruelty on the poor and disabled have been rubber stamped or introduced by this total lowlife.

  30. paultheswineherd

    Duck houses on expenses, Conservative ‘Election’ undisclosed expenses, a payment of £400,000 that MP for Torbay, Geoffrey Cox was not told about!
    With them announcing this ‘austerity’ measure for PIP today what a disgrace. And not only that – Lord Freud should now be put onto the ‘Most Wanted’ list too.

    • not this despicable piece of shit, Paul?

      • paultheswineherd

        Sarah – Yes, well done – that’s the ‘multinational-businessman’ MP tossbag!
        He is definitely not short of a few ill-deserved ££££££££££££££££!!

        • paultheswineherd

          Sarah – It’s a shame that these photos/info couldnt be put onto the front page of a ‘national’ newspaper – the sheeple out there may just realise then what they have got in ‘power’!

    • paultheswineherd

      This is not the first time that a ‘Government Department’ has tried to cover up their negligence. I can think of a few hard fought cases to try to get justice for people. Both of these involving the Ministry of Defence – firstly, the Atomic Bomb test veterans (I think on, or near Christmas Island) – several of them brought cases against the MOD/Gov’t for long lasting radiation sickness/cancer. The second, involving Devonport Dockyard where workers were exposed to asbestos material and developed fatal illness/cancer in later life. After long legal battles, they won their cases!

      • paultheswineherd

        Now on Sky News – Saturday’s Daily Telegraph front page –
        “Welfare to be cut by £1 Bn to pave way for tax breaks”

        • paultheswineherd

          Not too much detail in the papers review – but seems to be to do with the PIP cuts coming in in Jan 2017 for 4 years up to 2020.
          It’s so that they can ‘help’ the higher earners to give them 50p instead of 45p (if that makes sense!).
          It was mentioned that No.11 has released this information early (as it’s likely to be mentioned in the budget next Wednesday) and as they thought it would be ‘unpopular’ they would drip-feed it out early!

      • If that happened today there would be no legal aid so they would have to fight the cases as “litigants in person” by themselves.


        From: Dave Whyte

        3 February 2016

        Dear DES SEC-PolSecShips and Subs (MULTIUSER),

        Thank you for the reply you gave regarding my request for copies of
        letters sent by HMS Narvik regarding their inability to process the
        radiation film badges supplied by the Royal New Zealand Navy.

        You quote a letter dated 24 February 2011 (5 Years ago) then have
        the audacity to call this request ‘VEXATIOUS’.

        Your letter states ‘If you are not satisfied with this response or
        you wish to complain about any aspect of the handling of your
        request, then you should contact me in the first instance’.

        I am not satisfied with your response. The request I made, was in
        relation to the processing of film badges.
        Once again you have failed to give your name so I am unable to
        address you personally

        Yours sincerely,

        Dave Whyte

        Link to this

      • @Paul
        Don’t forget the tests on Forces personnel at Porton Down, where said staff were told they were being infected with strains of the common cold.

        • paultheswineherd

          @wildswimmerpete – Yes, that is another one that I forgot to mention.
          Some of those poor people were badly affected also, and as far as I can remember – the Government denied all responsibility to them.
          Unfortunately though, all too typical I’m afraid!


  32. and LORD SNOOTY

  33. The whole lot of these Tory scum should be put on criminal charges…Lord Freud and his bum chum Iain Duncan Scum should spend the rest of their miserable lives behind bars.

  34. Attacking the weakest and most vulnerable people in our society. It’s like something from a horror film. If you read about it in the history books, you would be shocked – but this is happening right now.

  35. Pingback: Shocking Announcement: Disability Benefits To Be Slashed For 640,000 People | David Icke

  36. paultheswineherd

    Sarah7 – Its a shame that the photos/info that are shown above couldnt be put on the front of one of the ‘national’ newspapers – the sheeple then may just realise exactly what sort of people they have in ‘power’!

    • you should probably know that posts containing the words sheeple or sheople go direct to moderation, this is to keep down conspiracy spam and because it’s quite annoying

      • paultheswineherd

        johnny – thanks for that – no I did not know that until you said, but I will now take this on board with regard to any further posts.

  37. it’s only a matter of time before someone takes these cunts out one by one. I will have no sympathy for them.

  38. Santa Hates You

    Of course, Tory MP’s will claim absolutely everything under their entitlement of expenses, however at the same time they will vote against disabled people who qualify for essential resources.

    The Tories are absolutely disgusting and clearly anti-disabled to the point of being criminal. I would hang every Tory MP from the nearest tree who voted for this policy of discrimination against the most vulnerable in our society. Rot in hell you Tory scumbags!!!


    From: Mary Anne

    28 August 2015

    Dear Her Majesty’s Courts and the Tribunals Service,

    Could please provide me with the numbers of permission to appeal to
    Court of Appeal or
    the Court of Session applications currently awaiting consideration
    before the
    Upper Tribunal (IAC) at the moment?

    Could you kindly state the current waiting for these applications?
    How long has
    the longest application been outstanding before the Upper Tribunal?

    Yours faithfully,
    Yours faithfully,

    Mary Anne

    Link to this

  40. Seven months and still no answer?

    Why are the Dwp afraid to comment about young children with heart defects having their Disability Living Allowance taken from them?

    From: J Hicks

    24 August 2015

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

    Children with Heart Defects being refused DLA

    How many children with heart defects who have previously been
    receiving DLA have been refused this support in 2015 ?

    Are children with heart defects being targeted by the government to
    reduce costs for support ?

    Yours faithfully,

    J Hicks

    Link to this

  41. The 13th of March Mark’s the Anniversary of Nazi Forces Liquidating the Krakow Ghetto in 1943 AD.

    Sadly Most of the Inhabitants of the Krakow Ghetto went to Belzec Nazi Death Camp and Plaszow Slavery Camp.

    Brutality and Boneheadedness of Nazism.

    No to Nazism then and No to Nazism Now

  42. If the EU with it’s Nazi Origins was so Concerned with Real Human Rights
    then why it has Done Nothing whilst the Con Dem Regime made
    Squatting in a Non Occupied ” Residential ” Property an ” Offence ”
    Inflicted the Bedroom Tax and Council Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable
    whilst Millionaires have had Tax Breaks ?

    Britain should be at the Heart of Europe
    Sir Oswald Mosley Head of the 1930’s British Union of Fascists
    A Campaigner for a Yes Vote during the Con Market Manipulated
    Referendum of 1975 AD like that Evil Tyrant Margaret Thatcher

    I will be Voting to Leave EU so there can be Money For Public Services
    and to Say No to the Arrogance of David Cameron

  43. The EU does Not give Two Hoots about the Plight of the Poor and Vulnerable

    It is a Nazi Inspired and Neo Liberal Bureaucratic Ivory Tower

    The EU if it had Cared for the Plight of the Poor and Vulnerable would
    of Stopped the Nazi Britain Regime from Harming the Poor and Vulnerable to give Tax Breaks to Millionaires whilst Slave Labour Acted the
    Austerity Collaborator by Non Resistance

    The sage | March 11, 2016 at 6:22 pm | Reply

    Being in the EU is such a wonderful place for the disabled, money slashed, dignity trampled on, rights disregarded. Lets vote to stay!!!

  44. No to Universal Credit No to Nutcase Budgets and No to Slavery

  45. The United Kingdom Need’s a Much Better Prime Minister than David
    Cameron and Labour as the Official Opposition Needs to Give a Proper
    Voice to the Poor and Vulnerable of this Country saying No Austerity
    Money For Public Services Not MPs Expenses

  46. IDS is currently positioning himself to take over the top job, in my opinion. Won’t that be fun!



    Basics food BANK – North Lanarkshire posted this to facebook:
    9 March at 12:00 ·

    We have received a referral for a single parent with 3 kids. This lady was sanctioned for non-attendance at an appointment.

    This is the referral we got from the agency supporting her.

    ******* is a vulnerable Lone Parent I have referred her previously due to mix up with child tax credits.She has 3 children youngest Son just discharged from hospital pass out at home Has had surgery to remove brain tumour and stent fitted. ******* failed to attend Job Centre when Son was in hospital, I am working with Job Centre to get benefit sanction resolved, in meantime access to foodbank would allieviate some stress for this Family.

    • ” a foodbank would alleviate some stress”

      Well, there you have it folks,…Government trying to “normalize” extreme stress regarding your child, with a tin of baked beans.
      Which has more value, your sanity, a child or a food bank???

      The answer is, none of the above, its the money taken regarding a sanction.

      Psychopaths running the asylum.




    p.s. the handicapped one is pushing the pram…………

    • Santa Hates You

      Geoff – Put Santa in a locked room with Cameron for just 5 minutes.

      After 5 minutes only Santa would leave the room with a big smile on his face as he would have made sure all the disabled people in this country received billions of pounds in compensation!!!



    Tory MPs talk for so long they derail law to stop creeping privatisation of the NHS

    These four waffling backbenchers meant Caroline Lucas’s law was left with a meagre 17 minutes in Parliament

    Waffling Tory MPs have talked for so long they derailed a law designed to stop creeping privatisation of the NHS.

    MPs voiced their fury today as just four backbenchers spoke for three and a half hours ahead of the NHS Bill by Caroline Lucas.

    Their mammoth speeches meant the ex-Green Party leader had a meagre 17 minutes to put her case in the Commons – which meant her law was shelved without a vote.

    The furious MP said “Tory games” had made a “mockery” of Parliament and told MPs their behaviour “risks bringing this house into disrepute”.

    Read more: Shameless Tory MP refuses to apologise for using huge speeches to block laws on carers and first aid

    Any vote would have almost certainly defeated the law, which aimed to overturn decades of NHS reforms involving the Tories and Labour.

    But she told MPs she deserved to be heard, adding: “There are so many people who absolutely want us to get onto the next business, the NHS. It’s important.

    Fury: Caroline Lucas accused her colleagues of making a mockery of Parliament

    “I think for them to be talking for so long just isn’t courteous either to the rest of the House or to the people outside this building who want to see what’s going on.”

    The Tory MPs gave their enormous speeches not on Ms Lucas’s Bill but the one before it – a law less than two pages long that would deport foreign prisoners.

  51. Those who Voted for Them are Disgusting and Delusional

    Santa Hates You | March 12, 2016 at 10:23 am | Reply

    Of course, Tory MP’s will claim absolutely everything under their entitlement of expenses, however at the same time they will vote against disabled people who qualify for essential resources.

    The Tories are absolutely disgusting and clearly anti-disabled to the point of being criminal. I would hang every Tory MP from the nearest tree who voted for this policy of discrimination against the most vulnerable in our society. Rot in hell you Tory scumbags!!!

  52. Slave Labour Stooges of Austerity

    RT | March 11, 2016 at 7:50 pm | Reply

    Not Sanctioned, But Sectioned!

    Elderly artist sectioned under Mental Health Act after disputing eviction – activists

    “Labour run Lambeth are determined to evict anyone who stands in the way of selling public assets to private hands”

  53. A National Demonstration For The Defence of The Welfare State is a
    Good Idea

    Better than Zombies being Brainwashed by Bigots Tabloids

    Labour as the Official Opposition should given it’s Backing to this

  54. It is Now 6 Months since Jeremy Corbyn became Leader of the Opposition .

    During that Time the Country has Drifted Closer to Totalitarianism the
    Gulf between Rich and Poor is Diabolical and so is How 66 Labour MPs
    could Vote for UK Air Strikes against Syria

    Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Opposition Needs to Stand Up For the
    Poor and Vulnerable even if that Means having to Stand Up to Austerity
    Stooges in the Parliamentary Labour Party

    Hands Off the Poor Defend the Welfare State No Slavery

  55. Pingback: Shocking Announcement: Disability Benefits To Be Slashed For 640,000 People | the void | Britain Isn't Eating

  56. Quote Tory MP Sarah Wollaston who has supported every cut so far but even she said re getting benefits on condition of treatment was ‘unethical and completely ridiculous’ in the Torygraph two years ago (this is in relation that issue rather than cuts to PIP)



      Existing welfare rules mean it is not possible to require claimants to have treatment, such as therapy or counselling, as a condition of receiving sickness benefits.

      Senior ministers now believe the rules should be reviewed in order to reduce the “huge” numbers of people who are declared unfit for work due to mental health problems.

      ……….the thin end of the wedge towards dictatorship

  57. paultheswineherd

    Please read the comments underneath – one story is really heartrending!
    About time IDS was reported – and preferably much worse!

    • From: John Slater

      11 March 2016

      Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

      As the Department will be aware the Secretary of State for Work and
      Pensions (“SoS”) stated in his official capacity as SoS that 75% of
      people who have had their benefits sanctioned said it helped them
      “focus and get on.”

      Please provide or direct me to the data and/or reports (official or
      otherwise) upon which the Secretary of State based his statement.

      If the Department holds no such information I respectfully remind
      it that it does have an obligation to confirm or deny.

      Yours faithfully,
      John Slater



      Debbie Abrahams MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Disabled People, commenting on the government’s announcement to reform the Personal Independence Payment system by cutting an additional £1.2 billion of support from the system, said:

      “Just a week after forcing through cuts to support that will take over £1,500 a year from disabled people, the Tories have today snuck out a proposal to take away a further £1.2 billion, by removing support from people who are not able to manage toilet needs or dress unaided. This will mean that over 600,000 disabled people are set to lose almost £2,000 a year.

      “In coming to this decision, the Tories are yet again ignoring the views of disabled people, carers and experts in the field, trying to press ahead with changes, just two years since the introduction of the system. While their own proposals admit that the vast majority of respondents did not think the case for change had been made.

      “Labour rejected entirely the principles underlying the consultation, all of the proposed ‘options’ impact harmfully on disabled people and removing support for people who need help to use the toilet or dress is an attack on dignity.

      “Tory cuts have already taken over £24 billion in support from disabled people, these further cuts would represent another huge blow making life even more difficult for many people who already facing huge barriers.”

  58. paultheswineherd

    Gidiot may just have a fight on his hands over this!
    “George Osborne accused of hitting most vulnerable with tax plans”

  59. ……….It shouldn’t be too long before a specially chosen Conservative think tank comes up with the idea of mandatory showers for the disabled.

    Richard Montoni’s goons at Maximus could escort the troubled patients in whilst the PCS Union workers and Dwp specially selected trick cyclists fight to push cans of zyklon B into the ventilator ducts.

    The Freedom of Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, could retain his present position of hiding mortality deaths by ensuring the body piles reach the giant gas fired furnaces, the crematoria, in double quick time.

    It kinda makes you have doubts abouts the HS2 rail links and it’s intended purpose……………..

  60. paultheswineherd

    What I would really like to know is – is there any other Country who is a member of the EU whose Government can behave like this? Not only in cruelly hitting the poor, the sick, the disabled and the unemployed, but also in their general behaviour in the main Chamber as such.
    We already know that Bellesconi of Italy was up to all sorts of corruption and to a lesser extent, also Sarcozy of France was mixed up in vs things.
    However, our Government seems to increasingly run according to it’s ‘own’ laws – not listening to hardly anyone, the very least of al,l the electorate.
    The most worrying thing of all though is that ‘democracy’ seems to be going down the pan and this Country is very much in danger of becoming a right-wing dictatorship. Worrying times indeed.

  61. Another Fine Recession

    Don’t worry about having to ask for more hour while on UC, your work coach is going to do it for you.

    Q119 Priti Awful: The real catalyst for change right now is that the work coach can pick up the phone, effectively, to an employer, and say, “This claimant has only been working X hours right now. He or she now feels they are ready to work more hours or develop or be supported into a new role”. That kind of interaction changes the relationship in a way that did not exist previously.

    I can just imagine a supermarket with 30 part-time workers having to deal with random calls from work coaches asking for more hours for
    the staff who are off.

    Q133 Neil Coyle: there have been the pilots and the trials. I would be very interested to see that point about increasing earnings because in the Southwark trial I believe it was the case that 100% of the people on the trial ended up in housing cost arrears—100%. If there was an increase in earnings and still people ended up in arrears, what went wrong? What went so badly wrong?

  62. Obviously, the UNs investigation regarding the disabled have Osborne and IDS running scared about the proposed cuts.

  63. paultheswineherd

    DWP heartlessly and shamelessly takes this poor dying woman’s Motability car away. An absolutely disgraceful state of affairs.
    The Tories have got to be stopped and/or overthrown

    • Had Labour been truly Labour, and we didn’t have the inept useless red tory Miliband, (whom Labour knew would never win on full year before the General Election ), Camron would not have lastedthe 5 years. And had we not the treachery of Nicholas Clegg, Cameron wouldn’t have got as much as 2 years if even that. Labour have much to answer for here, as much as the Lib Dems.. And when we see the lone Labour MP in Scotland not even vote against the disability cuts but abstain (why?) and Labour councils in London like Lambeth evict a guy at 80 something because they want to sell off the houses they live in and he demands justcie, and others collude with DWP to put staff in doctors’ surgeries, then it shows us Labour has learned absolutely nothing about the either the Scottish Referendum, and they paid dearly over that, or the loss of the General Election in England and Wales.
      It is a new political organisation that is needed. How that comes about, and who would be the folks who go about it, I don’t know, but unless something happens pretty soon, we may not need a political party. There will be just pure chaos instead!!


        100% behind everything you say Gordon…………

        The Labour Party are somehow just a facade, a pretentious imaginary opposition created from the very dregs they purport to challenge

        Why is an up and comoming Labour party leader hopeful, accepting bungs from a hedge fund entrepeneur?

        Why is Frank Field affiliated to the Reform think tank that stokes Conservative hate moves?

        Why does Andy Burnham do speeches for the Reform Group?

        Why has a prominent Labour party member been giving talks and accepting throwbacks from a health insurance provider?

        ………..and why oh why was there only 16 opposition ministers supporting Caroline Lucas to reverse the privatisation of the NHS?

        ………………..And the Scottish Labour MP abstains rather than voting against the cuts to the disabled?

        We are viewing the best kept secret of the last millenium, a charade introduced to punish those at the bottom by pretending to field an alternative choice……………………

        …………….by stockpiling the stolen wealth on those least worthy of attracting it.


          ………….The more and more i read about the Labour Party makes me realise that the aspirations of the originators are being played out by banksters hell bent on shafting those that policy was made to protect.

          Corbyn is a worthy cause, sold down the river by those knife wielding back stabbers of the right.

          Follow the money trail back to those that hidden agendas that put the aspirations of rank and file members on the back burner whilst greedily filling their already bloated bank accounts………

          • GEOFF REYNOLDS


            MP Nadine Dorries paid her daughters up to £80k from the public purse to work in her office… and gave one a £15k pay rise

            Figures show 155 MPs employed relatives last year costing £327,000
            Nadine Dorries’s daughters Philippa and Jennifer were employed
            Philippa’s salary was boosted to the £40,000-£44,999 pay band

            Nadine Dorries was among 28 MPs who gave relatives pay rises at the taxpayers’ expense, as it was revealed she employed both her daughters in her parliamentary office at a total cost of up to £80,000.

            The Tory MP is one of 155 MPs – including five ministers – who employed family members last year at a total cost of up to £327,000 – all of it funded from the public purse.

            Ms Dorries, the MP for Mid Bedfordshire, boosted the salary of her daughter Philippa, 28, into the £40,000-£44,999 pay band from the £30,400 she was earning as a constituency caseworker.

            Read more:
            Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

          • Labour and Tory – they’re pretending to be in opposition – it’s just a facade to make it look like we have a democracy – it also makes it easier for the powers that b to control the population.



        Four Labour MPs Michael Dugher, Phil Wilson and Ian Lavery and hiked a relative up three salary bands.

        Party vice-chairman Michael Dugher put his wife Joanna’s wages up from £19,999 to as much as £34,999, Labour whip Phil Wilson increased his wife Margaret’s salary from £24,999 to £39,999 and Wansbeck MP Ian Lavery put his wife Hilary on £24,999 from £9,999.

        Read more:
        Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


        Labour’s biggest donors have stopped giving to the party since Jeremy Corbyn took over and instead piled £140,000 into the private offices of his top leadership rivals, The Telegraph can reveal.

        Some 24 of the 30 most generous individual donors during Ed Miliband’s tenure have not given a penny to the Labour Party since September, analysis of Electoral Commission records show.

        Instead many have sent five-figure personal donations to Chuka Umunna, Tristram Hunt, Liz Kendall and Dan Jarvis – who all either fought Mr Corbyn for the leadership or considered a run.

        • @Toddy

          not the true blue Labour infidels

          Instead many have sent five-figure personal donations to Chuka Umunna, Tristram Hunt, Liz Kendall and Dan Jarvis – who all either fought Mr Corbyn for the leadership or considered a run.

  64. Two hundred thousand disabled people will each lose almost £3,000 a year as a result of sweeping cuts to disability benefits, according to Labour analysis.

    A further 400,000 will see their weekly payment fall from the enhanced £82 to the standard £55 – costing them over £1,400 a year.

    The reform will mean that from next year people will only be awarded one point, instead of two, if they need aid to help them use the toilet or get dressed – resulting in lower or no payments.

    Field told the Guardian that he had grave concerns about the PIP system, after constituents told him they were being awarded zero points, then having the decision overturned on appeal.

    Phil Reynolds, policy and campaigns adviser at Parkinson’s UK, said: “This is a devastating step backwards for people with Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s impacts on every aspect of a person’s life and the government’s announcement that it will cut points in this way is absolutely senseless.”

  65. paultheswineherd

    These money grabbing and self-righteous M.P.s and Ministers – who can be seen televised every week on PMQ’s and BBC Parliament. They have absolutely no idea at all about how most of the people in this Country live (or survive) – working or not, sick or not, disabled or not, unemployed or not, or on some unpaid Workfare scheme. All the bastards care about is how big and arrogant they can appear to the public and how much tax-payers money for their ill-deserved salaries and expenses that they can esponge. Often to be seen sniggering and laughing and talking or whispering amongst themselves – what a real load of horse-shit they really are. The right-wing Media tabloids side with them – they, in their eyes can do no wrong. IDS is a hero – Cameron is a hero – Osborne is a hero. The House of Commons is a rich shit-hole laden with bone-idol M.P.’s that sit on their often fat arses, talking bullshit whilst everywhere else in Britain people are often working long hours and working their bollocks off to pay the tax – that go to feed these greedy self-serving cunts and their ‘friends’ companies and businesses.
    And then they take this tax and give it to themselves & the middle classes and above, and to the rich, they give it in corrupt ‘overseas aid’, never to have it repaid in one pennysworth.
    But the very worst thing is in the way they treat the poor, the sick, the disabled and the unemployed. They look at them as if they are shit, not worth anything at all and if something is not drastically done by the general public before too long – it will become a right-wing dictatorship, with all of what that entails.


      The Department has therefore decided, following full consideration of the equality impacts, to
      halve the number of points awarded for aids and appliances for some daily living activities. The
      majority of claimants with low, minimal or no extra costs score their points from preparing food
      (activity one), washing and bathing (activity four), dressing and undressing (activity five) and
      managing toilet needs (activity six).


  66. paultheswineherd

    Another shameful decision on PIP by the DWP murderers – I’d have thought that he should definitely appeal this decision.

  67. paultheswineherd

    A very early morning bit on Sky about this – otherwise, nothing reported as far as I am aware!

  68. This Country is a State of Evil and it is Not just how it is Governed
    and Dreadful Politicians

    Swarms of People in this Country are just Scum Like Excrement from
    a Sewer

    When I See the Evil around Me I cannot say that it is Otherwise

  69. Cuckooland that is a Appropriate Motto for this Sick Joke of a Country
    under the UnConservatives

    Degeneracy instead of Decency

    Arseholes at Westminster and Arseholes of the Townie Abyss

  70. Point is with the Nihilistic Amoral Mentality and Behaviour of Blockheads
    of the Townie Trance their ” Could Not Care Less ” Morontality is it any
    Wonder why the Poor and Vulnerable have Suffered since May 2010 AD
    with Arseholes in Office and Arseholes out in the Abyss of Evil of the
    Townie Trance

    There is either Good or Evil

  71. Exactly Slave Labour Stooges of Austerity more Concerned with
    Political Correctness and the Nanny State than Caring For the
    Poor and Vulnerable

    Toddy 2327 | March 13, 2016 at 7:30 pm | Reply


    Labour’s biggest donors have stopped giving to the party since Jeremy Corbyn took over and instead piled £140,000 into the private offices of his top leadership rivals, The Telegraph can reveal.

    Some 24 of the 30 most generous individual donors during Ed Miliband’s tenure have not given a penny to the Labour Party since September, analysis of Electoral Commission records show.

    Instead many have sent five-figure personal donations to Chuka Umunna, Tristram Hunt, Liz Kendall and Dan Jarvis – who all either fought Mr Corbyn for the leadership or considered a run.

  72. A Lot of British People Fought for this Country in WW1 and WW2 .

    At the End of WW2 there was some Hope For a Better Present and Future
    but as for the Present under the Austerity Nazi Tory Regime there is just

    Given All the Arseholes in the Palace of Westminster and All the Thugs
    Louts Muggers and other Evil Blockheads of the Townie Urban Abyss
    I do Not Think it was Worth their Immense Sacrifice

    Look at Vandalised War Memorials .Arseholes of Todays Evil Generation
    do Not Appreciate their Sacrifice

    Wasted Life Then and Wasted Life Now

  73. I do Not Endorse George Osborne as Chancellor of the Exechequer or
    Prime Minister

    paultheswineherd | March 12, 2016 at 9:40 pm | Reply

    Gidiot may just have a fight on his hands over this!
    “George Osborne accused of hitting most vulnerable with tax plans”

  74. David Cameron offers the low paid £1,200 for FREE if they can show they save £50 a month – but Labour claim it was their idea

    PM Today unveiled plans to hand up to 3.5 million of Britain’s lowest paid workers up to £1,200 extra in their savings accounts.

    In return for showing they have saved £50 every month for up to four years, the extra cash will be available to anyone in work and on universal credit or working tax credit.

    The plan is intended to encourage a savings pot of £3,600 after four years, including the Government bonus.

    But Labour today claimed they announced an identical policy to the new ‘Help to Save’ scheme in 2010, only to be told by George Osborne it was unaffordable.

    Shadow work and pensions secretary Owen Smith said the policy raid was like ‘stealing someone’s car and offering them a lift to the bus stop’.

  75. Instead of an Eternal Monopoly of Power by Pro Austerity UnConservative
    Slave Labour and Liberal Dictatorship Parties what would be Better is
    Councillors and MPs to be Elected as Independents so they can Serve
    Local Communities and the Country without having to Sheepishly and
    Slavishly Toe the Party Line

    Someone Born in this Country who is Poor and Vulnerable in this Country
    is Treated like a Second Class Citizen Politically by the Austerity Slavery
    Trio and it is Way Beyond Time this Disgusting State of Affairs Changes

  76. Need Decent People Not Party Line Zombies

    Slave Labour makes my Blood Boil

    The Previous Leader of the Opposition Failed this Country Appallingly

    GORDON KEANE | March 13, 2016 at 5:00 pm | Reply

    Had Labour been truly Labour, and we didn’t have the inept useless red tory Miliband, (whom Labour knew would never win on full year before the General Election ), Camron would not have lastedthe 5 years. And had we not the treachery of Nicholas Clegg, Cameron wouldn’t have got as much as 2 years if even that. Labour have much to answer for here, as much as the Lib Dems.. And when we see the lone Labour MP in Scotland not even vote against the disability cuts but abstain (why?) and Labour councils in London like Lambeth evict a guy at 80 something because they want to sell off the houses they live in and he demands justcie, and others collude with DWP to put staff in doctors’ surgeries, then it shows us Labour has learned absolutely nothing about the either the Scottish Referendum, and they paid dearly over that, or the loss of the General Election in England and Wales.
    It is a new political organisation that is needed. How that comes about, and who would be the folks who go about it, I don’t know, but unless something happens pretty soon, we may not need a political party. There will be just pure chaos instead!!

  77. It is Disgusting that For 4 Months Slave Labour Pratted About with a
    Leadership Election Contest and Now are Still the Opposition that is No
    Real Opposition

    Not just a Controlled Opposition But Controlled Not to be an Opposition

    Decent People like the Underdogs of this Oppressive Tory Nazi State
    Need a Real Voice

  78. Scotland does Not Vote Tories I Wish England had some Common Sense

  79. Slavery on one Hand Nihilistic and Ignorant Townie Trance Yob Scum
    on the Other

    The Decent People Need to be Free of both Slavery and Degeneracy
    because both are Destructive

    Money For Public Services Decent Housing and Residential Areas Not
    to be Litter Strewn Scum Ruined Dumps

    A Country For Decent People Only

  80. The £500 Pounds Election Deposit to Stand For Parliament Needs to be
    Reduced and Better Still Abolished

    No to Parliament being Dominated by the Out of Touch Selfish Rich

    Yes to a Political Revolution of Common Sense

    Candidates that Offer Hope Not Part of the System Part of the Problem

  81. Dictatorship of Nazi Tory Britain Propped Up for Years by the Liberal
    Democrats and Colluded in by No Resistance by the Slave Labour Party

    The Country is a Dictatorship masquerading as a ” Democracy ”

    paultheswineherd | March 12, 2016 at 10:40 pm | Reply

    What I would really like to know is – is there any other Country who is a member of the EU whose Government can behave like this? Not only in cruelly hitting the poor, the sick, the disabled and the unemployed, but also in their general behaviour in the main Chamber as such.
    We already know that Bellesconi of Italy was up to all sorts of corruption and to a lesser extent, also Sarcozy of France was mixed up in vs things.
    However, our Government seems to increasingly run according to it’s ‘own’ laws – not listening to hardly anyone, the very least of al,l the electorate.
    The most worrying thing of all though is that ‘democracy’ seems to be going down the pan and this Country is very much in danger of becoming a right-wing dictatorship. Worrying times indeed

  82. paultheswineherd

    Even if this story was not ‘true’ as such, as they say, there is usually no smoke without fire somewhere, and if nothing else it reveals probably what a lot of this Tory administration thinks of it’s own elderly citizens.

  83. Pingback: The Devil Really Is In The Detail: Homelessness Services and Women’s Refuges Face Wipe Out | the void

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