Working Full Time And Think You’re Safe From The Jobcentre? Not If The DWP Get Their Way.

When I click my fingers you will wake up, and all your benefits will have been stopped.

Are you striving hard enough? The nudge unit is watching you.

A study released by the DWP today shows that tens of thousands of Tax Credits claimants  – some of them with full time jobs – have received letters and texts encouraging them to contact government busy-bodies for advice on how to increase their earnings by finding a new job or gaining promotion.

This startling fact is contained in an evaluation of the ‘In-work progression advice trial’ quietly carried out in 2014.  This pilot scheme, run by the DWP in conjunction with the shadowy Nudge Unit, involved 75,000 Tax Credit claimants receiving a letter encouraging them to contact the National Careers Service for advice on how to progress in work.  Around half of participants also recieved a text message.

Claimants were chosen largely at random from those earning a monthly income of £330–£960, so those working full-time at the then minimum wage were included in the study.  When Universal Credit is fully introduced (stop laughing) part-time workers will be forced to endlessly look for ‘more or better paid work’ during the hours they are not working.  They could even be sent on unpaid workfare schemes and if they refuse then vital in-work benefits, including money required to pay for housing costs, could be stopped.   What this pilot suggests is that policies are being considered to ensure even those with full time jobs are subject to Jobcentre conditionality if they are paid low wages.

Of course what the evaluation of the scheme showed is that it was a fucking disaster.  Of the 75,000 people offered this so-called help from the National Careers Service only 1.1% agreed to take part.  Of those only 19 were prepared to take part in the evaluation of the scheme despite being offered a twenty quid shopping voucher by the DWP.  15 people who hadn’t taken up the offer also agreed to be interviewed.  Such a small sample out of tens of thousands of people renders the results of this research worthless as even the Nudge Unit quacks know.  But this is about manufacturing evidence, not any real attempt to find out if this is something people actually want or need.

Of the few people researchers spoke to they found exactly what you would expect.  Many older claimants, such as those in their 50s, were quite happy with their work and saw no reason to change anything.  Often people had caring responsibilities that limited what work they could do – usually looking after children or elderly relatives.  Interestingly both those who took up the advice and those who didn’t were found to have similar motivations and attitudes to work.  Many lone parents said they would look to progress in work as soon as their children were older.  Others had clear career goals already and were merely curious about any advice offered.  It turns out that people are quite capable of making their own decisions about work and their lives, usually on perfectly rational grounds, without any help at all from the government.  Also, and amusingly, the evaluation found that the magically written ‘self-efficacy’ letter, presumably produced by the nudge unit, had no impact at all on whether people got in touch.

Whilst this pilot encouraged participants to call the National Careers Service – a fairly benign helpline which does not have the power to sanction benefits – the report provides some chilling pointers to the DWP’s plans.  In a section discussing how advice might be provided in the future it mentions that Jobcentre Work Coaches might be used as ‘delivery agents’.  Whilst the report’s authors note that Jobcentre staff were not included in the pilot study, they say they include this suggestion for ‘policy reasons’.  More ominously elsewhere in the document it says that “current evidence explores attitudes, communications and support needs outside of the conditions of Universal Credit. It will therefore be important to understand how these factors are affected when the idea of compulsion is introduced.

What in-work conditionality for benefits shows, no matter how it finally takes shape, is that it is no longer enough to be hard working, you are expected to constantly compete.  The days when a life working as a council care worker or cleaning up the park might have got you some kind of civic award or picture in the local paper when you retire are long over.  There is no dignity in work now – not real work.

Instead the Tories imagine a UK PLC – some kind of giant version of The Apprentice, full of selfish grasping wankers, ruthlessly fucking each other over until the second we retire – if we get to retire at all. They want to make us like them – obsessed with money and status above all else.  And so the people who do the hardest work in society, vital work on which everybody’s lives depend, are now to be re-cast as scroungers, who aren’t trying hard enough and so need to be punished with forced work, compulsory ‘personal development’ training and benefit sanctions.  It is the worst of all worlds – cut-throat capitalism mandated by a nanny state that seeks to control every second of our time unless we become rich enough to shake them off.  Economically enforced ideology designed to manufacture Tories and destroy any notion of community or solidarity.

Welcome to dystopia, now get back to fucking work.

You can read the evaluation at:

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133 responses to “Working Full Time And Think You’re Safe From The Jobcentre? Not If The DWP Get Their Way.

  1. The idea the DWP hoardes all the great secrets about finding work, but will give them to claimants in exchange for destitution is lunacy..

  2. I wonder when people will kick off in enough numbers to change things?


      SOON, hopefully!,

      • The tories are getting tired of being in power, they are running out of ideas about how to rob the poor, this is usually when a party that wants to provide public workers on the cheap for roads, house building etcetera take over.
        Life just seems to be one long chain gang for working class people.
        The tory lot will be off to spend their ill gotten tax gains in some far off paradise, until we end any new found boom with a bust and they can then take hold of the baton once again, and people think this site is one long merry go round.

        • Yeah, when a certain party takes over there will be plenty of ‘jobs’ alright – and all the products of the cheap labourers’ blood, sweat and tears will be sold off further down the line to line private pockets. Its all one big fucking scam!

  3. Pingback: Working Full Time And Think You’re Safe From The Jobcentre? Not If The DWP Get Their Way. | Lindas Blog

  4. Universal Credit has always been just a trojan horse for permanent workfare.
    All it really means is people having to do the miscellaneous scraps of part-time work, and zero-hours contracts that they could not be forced to do under Jobseeker’s Allowance.
    With an extra serving of disguised workfare, now rebranded as ‘Work Preparation’.
    It also will enable the government to disguise the true extent of unemployment, as any work, or ‘work-preparation’ , training-course or sanction, will remove that claimant from the unemployment figures.

  5. Eating cake as instructed

    Couldn’t agree more Jeff; a visit to the local Job centre was horrific. Horrible Neanderthals prancing around tin badges attitude and teeth grinding when I and manager objected to being punched in the back so they could get to door to hold us prisoner when fire alarm went off.

    Clearly if a bomb had gone off all 30 present would’ve been dead from flying glass and upper floors collapsing down onto us on ground floor. Evacuation of the overcrowded building took in excess of 20 minutes excluding us held illegally.Irony was I called in for a health care 1 form ended up severely traumatised AND those running the gorillas tried refusing CCTV footage for my MP to raise difficult questions. Sordid times about to get far worse.humanity gone to the dogs.

  6. Surely this is much less to do with helping people and much more to do with making receipt of any ‘in work’ benefit so awful that many people simply struggle by on their own and claim numbers reduce. Wouldn’t that be just what the self serving little shit would love when he’s claiming that he made work pay.
    No-one investigates the disappearance of other claimants so why would anyone look at he working poor

    • You have bang on there. That is exactly what the Nazi Regime at Westminster are aiming at. They don’t want anyone on any benefit at all.
      Not Working Tax Creds, not Housing Benefit, not nothing. And if your job pays less than what you need for rent, bills, transit, etc, that’s your fault for not having a better job!!
      All the while, we have idiots who never actually worked themselves, or only had a few months of something they got thru daddy’s contacts, before going to Westminster, where they claim their hotel breakfasts at 39 Pounds, on the expenses, etc.
      And apart from anything else, so much for saving money! How much would it have cost to send out these 75,000 letters, and the sods having to go thr the replies, all 20 something of them out of those thousands? As Johnny Void points out, it is not so much the letters themselves as the underlying agenda behind them, Basically, it has been used as a kind of dummy run for the future plans by the Regime. The fact is was a waste of time and money being irrelevant. They will use that very fact, as reason for greater compulsion in future. As if folks working full time will be putting up with any of this…..but they will have to bear in mind…..those Tax Credits, and Housing Benefits, might stop one day if they don’t!

      • Gordon well put – but the big elephant in the room is simply this. Ecomonics of what you get in against what goes out.

        The gap is growing bigger and bigger [interest rates go up over 3% for any reason – it’s game over within 6 months], hell even those in the middle are starting to feel the pinch.

        Not that I or anyone else here is encouraging it but I suspect that “Hunting Tories” will become a new blood sport without the need for horses or hounds…

        • It’s also a tacit encouragement to go and make up any balance in the black economy, just like they do at the top end with their creative accountancy, tax avoidance and blatent self-serving cronyism . Go ahead! Sell some drugs, prostitute yourself a little, anything as long as you don’t get caught and most importantly don’t appear on out stats. If you’e too old or infirm or simply too morally upstanding for such hair raising activity, well tough, we’ll hound you until you comply . . . or break.

        • Gazza perhaps if you had helped the horses and hounds that were out of work getting their benefits grabbed, you might not have found the idle rich turning on the ‘fuck you jacks I’m alright’ crowd, who have not had a bad run in relation to others.

          Quantative easing on their mortgages, tax credits, tax refunds etc., right to buy social housing on the cheap thus taking yet more social housing away from those that need it and putting it into private ownership.

          I understand that incomes for some are so low that the only way they can get on the property ladder is to buy an ex council house and then take all the shit that is shot at them from employers to keep up the mortgage payments, that’s what Thatcher did to the miners that had a mortgage, turned them into scabs.

          I wouldn’t worry, once another party gets in they will find you plenty of work with civic projects, none of which helps the long term unemployed as most of the contracts go to the cronies of those in power, just like when new labour got in, the rest were thrown on new deal.

          The self employed proclaim to do the most work to earn a living but they should count themselves lucky that they have the connections to stay in employment when so many other jobs are going to the wall.

          • PS the government doesn’t seem to have problems dishing out money to charities or savers now that they have reduced the welfare bill.

            For every donation made to charities the government will double it.
            for every £200 saved the government will match it.

            Awash with money to pay for all of these tv advertising campaigns.

      • Actually Gordon, they need, not want, almost half the country on UC, every low paid, every disabled, every unemployed person to make UC work, otherwise it would not be worth their while. They haven’t spent billions of pounds in IT, admin costs and employing the best consultant’s for this to fail, they need to make it work for the privatization of welfare. Its one obscene big money making scam that will make trillions out of the disadvantaged in this country, and eventually the world. And when this country becomes the banking centre of the world, (that’s why they are closing down industry), all that will be left regarding jobs will be care homes and badly run prisons..
        All that we can hope for is a few folk in high places that are not corrupt, to wake up and smell the coffee to what’s going on, there are a few but they need a dam good shake and to be pointed in the right direction.

    • Edward E. Smith Ph. D

      They want to return to the 1834 poor law amendment act deterrent principle. Next will come the use of some kind of public shaming.

    • That is ALREADY the case, I know 2 people who should claim benefits but because its ‘only’ 20 quid a week they are put off by the heartache and rules of it all.
      Instead they simply go without; that 20 quid would help them a lot but they cannot face the trials,effort,humiliation and the jumping through ever bigger hoops to keep getting it.
      Just remember this when you are deciding what to put on your tax claim forms when the time comes. Every single penny you put in is destined for the rich,you will shrivel and starve in your old age and the money will be spent on champers and expensive offshore properties.
      No trust at all in any U.K. government not to sell your carcass for glue before you have finished with it.

      • Claiming tax credits though involves the same level of State intrusion and loss of privacy as claiming a benefit such as JSA. You fall under the same rules and regulations. We have to ‘confess’ and own up to not claiming tax credits we were entitled to because of this. There must be vast sums of tax credits going unclaimed. It would be like going into the jobcentre to claim a few pounds a week!

  7. I do wonder if all this will apply to those who claim nothing from the State.

  8. What the fuck are they going to do about me then????? I work for them(yeah I’m a twat I know, but its all I can get), yet they pay me so little that I fall into the tax credit bracket. Are they going to find me a job else where???!?


    • I was thinking the same thing John, when I worked in a Jobcentre back in the dying days of the last Tory government the pay was lousy, by far the worst paid job I’ve ever had, if it hadn’t been for the then family tax credit and housing benefit top ups most of us couldn’t have afforded to stay there, I don’t know about your office but I know in our local one there are also a lot of people who work part time, presumably after they have finished their morning shift they will be expected to report to the guy at the next desk for advice on getting a better job.

    • John, yeah they will find you a job elsewhere stacking shelves in Tesco where the unemployed can come and have a good laugh at your expense instead of the other way round, if you have been one of them dishing out orders and sanctions.

      • Never done anything of the sort, I am back office… Guess that’s something to be fortunate about! I am completely anti government but unfortunately I have a family to feed… Else I would have packed this job in a long time ago. You might even ask why i applied for this job in the first place? I didn’t, I applied for a job that so happened to have a contract with DWP many years ago, but had nothing to do with DWP other than that. Several years after that, all of DWP’s work was decided to be taken in house, and those working on that work at the time were to be transfered too, so no choice. It was that or lose my job. Trust me when I say it makes me sick working for a department that is so against the people, but wtf am I supposed to do? I cannot get a job anywhere else. And if you think the way some people are treated is bad? You should see how the people that work for them are treated, I wonder how on earth they got an award for investors in people.

        • so leave, I wouldn’t even take a job with them. You don’t get anything decent unless you fight for it, rolling over and dying inside is not an option.

          Join those that are unemployed and are fighting them then they may have some impact on Nazi dictats. If you can’t beat them you don’t join them ever is my motto.

  9. This is connected with a contract for one of the usual suspects [cannot remember which one – doesn’t matter they’re all useless and make things up] I mentioned last year – this is where they at the behest of DWP will be calling/contacting people over the weekend to pop into their local Job Centre for a ‘nice’ friendly chat, you know… Just to help them like.

    examples if failing to get extra work:
    -no extra hours, sanction
    -starving, going to lose current job if obey DWP? sanction
    -unable to attend due to clash of hours? sanction
    -sacked due to hours clash between the extra job(s)? sanction
    -dead? sanction

  10. All Slavery is Oppression

  11. The British Love of Slavery, How about Britons Never Shall Be Slaves

  12. Not Fit fr work

    And it will go on and on according to the Daily Express. The poor and the dispossessed are going to enjoy working until their Eighty year birthday. No state pension you see. So my 22 year old son is fucked, And God Help you if you die before the age of 80!

  13. Just don’t claim a penny. Struggle and pay your dues and do it quietly and without complaining. That’s what this draconian government want and expect. Just do your best until you vote a better government back in. HOPEFULLY… The new boss won’t be the same as the old boss.

    • Easy to say if you are one of a couple and the other is in full-time work, two incomes are better than those of lone parents or single people where nothing is halved in what goes out only in what comes in.

  14. No to Nazism Yes to Britons Never Shall Be Slaves

    GORDON KEANE | January 27, 2016 at 5:03 pm | Reply

    You have bang on there. That is exactly what the Nazi Regime at Westminster are aiming at. They don’t want anyone on any benefit at all.
    Not Working Tax Creds, not Housing Benefit, not nothing. And if your job pays less than what you need for rent, bills, transit, etc, that’s your fault for not having a better job!!
    All the while, we have idiots who never actually worked themselves, or only had a few months of something they got thru daddy’s contacts, before going to Westminster, where they claim their hotel breakfasts at 39 Pounds, on the expenses, etc.
    And apart from anything else, so much for saving money! How much would it have cost to send out these 75,000 letters, and the sods having to go thr the replies, all 20 something of them out of those thousands? As Johnny Void points out, it is not so much the letters themselves as the underlying agenda behind them, Basically, it has been used as a kind of dummy run for the future plans by the Regime. The fact is was a waste of time and money being irrelevant. They will use that very fact, as reason for greater compulsion in future. As if folks working full time will be putting up with any of this…..but they will have to bear in mind…..those Tax Credits, and Housing Benefits, might stop one day if they don’t!

  15. [Comments are now closed]

    [Comments are now closed]

  16. Jonny my distrust of th Behavioural Insights Team knows no bounds.

  17. Everyone down tools. Simples.


    And if you retire still owing them money for outstanding Hardship loans will they start docking it from your Pension? I wouldnt put it past the cunts. On a lighter note, Oxfam refused to take me on an unpaid mandatory Work Placement today as part of the Skills Conditionality Scheme. Three cheers for Oxfam! 😀

    • That is exactly what they will do, I had a £50 crisis loan taken out of my benefits 18 years after I got it. They did impose a little interest.
      I had to laugh, what they took back was worth about half what I borrowed.

  19. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


    Your Claimant Commitment

    You’ll have to accept a ‘Claimant Commitment’ if you want to get Universal Credit.

    This is an agreement that you’ll complete certain tasks in order to claim Universal Credit.

    What you agree to do will depend on things such as your health, your responsibilities at home and how much help you need to get work or increase your income.


    In-Work Support

    Starting a new job can be daunting. That’s why MAXIMUS offers in-work support for every jobseeker we place. Our In-Work Support Team helps you secure what you need to succeed in your new job — from finding reliable transportation to balancing your work and home commitments.

    As you begin your new employment, you are likely to experience a variety of emotions as you encounter new responsibilities and situations. That’s why our support to you doesn’t stop simply because you’ve found work. The MAXIMUS In-Work Support Team stands ready to help you succeed — from the first day of work up to two years beyond. By calling our helpline, you can talk with a friendly, knowledgeable professional who will answer your questions and provide you with the on-going support and resources you require to succeed. Our in-work support services include:
    •Tips and advice to deal with common challenges you may encounter — such as preparing for your first day of work and handling workplace challenges
    •Assistance with work-related tasks such as: ◦Arranging for child care
    ◦Securing reliable transportation
    ◦Obtaining the necessary workwear, uniforms and tools
    ◦Producing required documentation, such as references, identification and relevant licences

    •Advice to help you through difficult times when you are uncertain about your fit with your new job
    •Help with basic skills, such as budgeting, applying for relevant in-work benefits and finding an appropriate work-life balance
    •Opportunities and funding to help you advance in your career through on-going training and education, such as short courses

    All of our in-work support services are designed to help you overcome challenges and be successful at work. We are here to help you.

  20. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Maximus in partnership with Merlin Standard

    MAXIMUS and our partners are committed to following the Merlin Standard for supply chain management. We both endeavour to follow best practice for creating, managing and supporting healthy and high-performing supply chains that integrate the public, private, and community and voluntary sectors.

    The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) designed the Merlin Standard to help evolve successful, high performing cross-sector supply chains and champion positive behaviours and relationships in the delivery of provision. The Merlin Standard contains four fundamental and integrated principles: Supply Chain Design, Commitment, Conduct and Review.

    We believe the sharing of best practice and organisational learning leads to continual improvement, allowing us to understand and leverage ideal supply chain management behaviour to support evolving supply chains and customer needs.

    MAXIMUS and our partners apply the four key elements of the Merlin Standard — Supply Chain Design, Commitment, Conduct and Review — to measure and review our success in meeting our commitments.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The Merlin Standard is designed so everything fits into the tick boxes correctly. No trouble makers !!!

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        The Merlin Standard is a standard of behaviour which DWP prime providers are expected to adhere to in their relationship with their subcontractors. It is designed to encourage excellence in supply chain management by prime providers. This ensures the fair treatment of sub-contractors and development of healthy high performing supply chains.

        The development of the Merlin Standard responded directly to concerns raised by DWP providers, especially those not operating as prime contractors, around potential unfair treatment within supply chains.

        Link to gov info & PDF Links

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          2 PDF`s

          The Merlin Standard: A guide for Prime providers

          The Merlin Standard: Expression of Interest Template

  21. “Working Full Time And Think You’re Safe From The Jobcentre? Not If The DWP Get Their Way!

    I have just got myself a fulltime job, at 60hrs per week so the DWP, Maximus or anyone else best leave me alone, to get on with it.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Your Maximus support team will maximise your potential to work 80 hours a week. With our fortnightly meetings into improving your work load. We at Maximus have the vetting system of Merlin Standard so Your Universal Credit Claimant Commitment kicks in aka sanctions.

      You’ll have to accept a ‘Claimant Commitment’ if you want to get Universal Credit.

      This is an agreement that you’ll complete certain tasks in order to claim Universal Credit.

  22. “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

    — Ronald Reagan

  23. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    6 benefits rolled up into 1 ‘Claimant Commitment’ benefit Universal Credit. These Support In Work Helpers are getting paid on average £50,000 a year. It only takes 100 support helpers in work to lay out £5 Million in wages. The DWP will need a lot more than 100 support helpers to cover the whole country & the millions of people that will be on Universal Credit. Perhaps if one became their own support worker they could work at their normal job & at the same time work as a support helper helping myself to better myself in work !!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day – I wonder if all of those disabled people who have died as a result of social security changes will be thus remembered? – the nazis are still with us.

  25. already felt the hit from this… not eligible for the working tax credits part of universal credit despite being eligible for £53~ a week in this tax year before i lost my last job…

    they are fiddling everything to take away the most from people

  26. UNIVERSAL CREDIT….not the sugar coated version.
    Universal credit is a system to take away your freedoms and a sense of “self”.
    It is designed to steal money, your home, your sanity.
    It will be responsible for the break up of your family, through great hardship. It will be the main reason that you will be put on anti-anxiety-depression medication.

    If UC was meant to be for the good, it would have been in place years ago, Labour would have snapped it up.(but they knew, and really didn’t have the stomach to see it through).

    Its not called UNIVERSAL credit for nothing. This insidious demonic creation will be “in the end” GLOBAL, run by banks, and huge insurance companies, all to keep you controlled and living in fear.

  27. Looking to future helps ‘nudge’ job seekers into work

    • Universal Jobmatch: Why does DWP need your permission (consent) to access your account?

      Posted on 04/06/2015 by

      The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) says the reason why the DWP needs user permission to access their Universal Jobmatch (UJ) account is because it could be used to have an adverse* and unfair effect on their benefit claims, through benefit sanctions and or loss of entitlement.

      “While the DWP is already the data controller for the information, it would be considered ‘unfair’ for the UJM information to be used to consider the customer’s JSA (or similar benefit) claim without the prior permission of the customer being obtained by the DWP” [emphasis added]
      ICO 15 May 2015

      *Principle 1 of the Data Protection Act requires the DWP, it’s contractors and sub-contractors to process personal data fairly and lawfully and “not use the data in ways that have unjustified adverse effects on the individuals concerned“.


      Jobsearch evidence: a definitive guide
      Universal Jobmatch: Your key rights

  28. he said the same 3 years ago

    “So instead of jobseekers having to show they’ve looked for at least three jobs in the last two weeks, advisers will now say, ‘OK, let’s talk about what you are going to do in the next two weeks’. They will ask what their client needs to work on. ‘So, you said you needed to work on your CV. So when will you do that. OK, Wednesday morning after breakfast.’ The client is then encouraged to write it down in a little booklet they get. And all the things you need to do before you get your job have been compressed on to one side of paper and designed in such a way that when you go through it with the adviser, you’ve done a third of it straight away. That in itself gives you a strong, immediate sense of progress.”

    The results speak for themselves. On the top floor of the job centre where it was trialled for three months, about a fifth more jobseekers were off their books in 13 weeks compared with the floor below where processes remained unchanged.

    Interest Painting, behavioural psychology, knife throwing with teenage sons.

  29. paultheswineherd


    • bedroom tax is supposed to be ending but the government is appealing, probably because they couldn’t give it back to people in one hand and take it back out with the other via ESA. which was a bigger reduction than what most are paying in bedroom tax.

      No funding for us to take the government to court but plenty for them to fight against us in the courts.

  30. paultheswineherd

    Together with the Bedroom Tax illegality ruling by the Appeal Court earlier on today – this day has not been a good one for the psychopathic Nazi bastard IDS!


    “the Welsh government has now asked the [nudge] unit to start working here”

    WTF ?

  32. Great. I hope the fucking Cunt CHOKES on his 30 odd quid breakfast,and if he doesnt I hope some bugger throttles the cunt in his sleep when doesnt expect it.
    The CUNT.

  33. i.d.s.; The maggot who steals £30/week off every sick person in the country,but spends that much on fucking BREAKFAST.

  34. another death

    Cardiff MP Jo Stevens calls for review of G4S-run prisons

  35. paultheswineherd

    Breaking News: Freud in the House of Lords has just announced a 1 year delay in ‘supported housing’ cuts legislation. This also refers to refuges, vulnerable people, alms houses, etc, etc.


    The Welsh Assembly has just voted to block David Cameron’s trade union bill in Wales, with Assembly members saying it would undermine public services, the economy and the “constructive social partnership” between workers and employers in Wales. But instead of heeding the Welsh Assembly’s decision, David Cameron is ignoring it. Now a constitutional crisis looks set to erupt as the two governments do battle in the Supreme Court.

    The showdown between the Welsh and UK governments over the trade union bill has been a long time brewing. While Cameron is determined to push through what some call “the biggest crackdown on trade union rights for 30 years,” Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones has promised his government will do everything in its power to stop the bill, which would severely limit the right to strike.

    On Tuesday, the showdown came to a head when Welsh Labour, Plaid Cymru and Welsh Lib Dem Assembly members united to vote down the UK government’s plans by 43 to 13.

    • …………..Dave will have to assemble his best supreme court judges, the hidden kiddyfiddlers who he has leverage upon.

  37. paultheswineherd

    Meanwhile – is pigfuck’s Government ‘inept’? – yes it definitely is – and a whole lot more besides including: cruel, pompous, arrogant, insanely rich, incompetent, rude, drunken, corrupt, two-faced, secretive,Nazi, etc, etc.

    • The google sweetheart deal must be further investigated Paul.
      …………….somebody has received a few grand in their Cayman Islands account.

  38. paultheswineherd

    Geoff – Strange you should mention that as I have just found an interesting link to that in the Guardian!

  39. “not happy at being found guilty of corporate manslaughter”

    • “osbornes deficit reduction programme up the creek to the tune of £9bn”

      ………….strange, Google owed £4bn but after 25 meetings with the Tories and promises of top jobs after politics, the mind boggles.

      Welcome to the House of Commons, where it is acceptable to prevent a woman from finishing her question by shouting her down.

      The Prime Minister’s answer to my important question about yet another missed target from George Osborne was entirely predictable. The deficit reduction target is set to be missed by somewhere in the region of £9billion this year, and rather than admit this, Mr Cameron continues to perpetuate the fallacy that somehow an independent Scotland would be some sort of banana republic, dependent entirely on oil.

      A very arrogant claim that the collapse in oil price hasn’t affected people in Scotland because they voted no. Perhaps the Prime Minister should visit Aberdeen, and talk to redundant oil workers. It’s estimated that over 65,000 people have lost their jobs due to the devaluation in oil. What benefit have the ‘broad shoulders of the United Kingdom’ been to those now forced to sign on and contend with the ever-friendly Department of Work and Pensions?

      • paultheswineherd

        Geoff – all indeed so. I was stunned (after watching a recording of this Wednesday’s PMQ’s) in which Cameron (ably assisted by Bercow, the Speaker) managed to shout down Caroline Flint when she was asking a very important to him. It was a shameful performance all the way through by Cameron and the rudeness of his barracking MPs was totally disgusting. Is it any wonder that this bunch of tossers are held in so much contempt by so many in the U.K.
        However, he should also remember that (as I understand it) she is the head of the Public Accounts Committee which is going to be looking at the outrageous amounts of money being given to the likes of ATOS, MAXUMUS & CAPITA. Their gravy train may be heading for derailment!
        Cameron may just have picked a stick to beat his on back with!
        And yes, you are totally right in your comments with regard to Scotland and Cameron’s shameful reactions to this also.
        The longer that he and his disgusting government survives – the more and more public opposition is going to be heading his (and their) way.

  40. paultheswineherd

    Whatever planet is this Tory fucker on?
    He thinks that Saudi Arabia has a fantastic ‘human rights record’!

    • Even for a New Nazi…..this is beyond the pale. But as we know the Hogboy’s lot are not interested in Human Rights of any kind. However It does show everyone else how far they have gone. Cameron’s response to Corbyn about the Yemen war was appalling. All his responses were actually. You can tell he dares not upset his paymasters witih money, be they in Arabia or anywhere else.
      His lot are following their orders from Arabia and China to get a few fast bucks, yet girn about Brussels controls. Huh!

  41. Pingback: Working Full Time And Think You’re Safe From The Jobcentre? Not If The DWP Get Their Way. | the void | Britain Isn't Eating

  42. Razor Step Sound Plating System

    5,000,000 bogus ESA forms sent in one day. Where are the barcodes DWP? DWP corruption!

  43. 5 Things Shills Don’t Want You To Know

  44. If this happens then maybe the ‘I’m alright, Jack/I’ve got a job/It doesn’t affect me’ brigade will finally understand how the unemployed are treated by the Tory vermin. If there was any sort of justice in this world, Iain Duncan Smith would be dead…

  45. Watch Matthew Wright today fighting Terry Christian over the bedroom tax, Terry should be running that show not that wanker.

    The council are going to refund some people their bedroom tax if THEY think they are worthy of it, wtf. The problem with that is that money goes out of people’s benefits leaving a shortage before the council pay it back in.

    Why should anyone have to leave their home to go and live in a chicken coop because the government has sold off the council houses and still are, yet not replacing them with like for like, building houses to buy on reclaimed land from council housing – it’s a bloody disgrace. All so that they can push the housing market up everywhere to match that down south.

    People need extra bedrooms for grandchildren, frends or perhaps a lodger to help make ends meet.
    The shortage is creating division amongst those that need your house because of all governments wrongdoing and those that have the right to stay in their’s without being penalized.

    Nobody is asking those with mortgages to move or pay up for any extra bedrooms and those with bloody mansions are the ones that should be coughing up for their selfishness and greed, never mind someone in a council house.

    • give reimbursement from the discretionary fund – not get.

    • Ginger and The Chicken Family

      A single person/couple housed by a council/housing association will at most be housed in a one-bedroom flat. A lot of councils/housing associations also have ‘studio’ flats, tiny one-room flats (no bedroom); they will house single people in these and quite possibly a couple. The way the council/housing association see it is they house you according to your needs not wants. Not to mention they way East European live but that is not a road we want to go down.

      There is a lot of (hard)-working people out there living in really cramped, over-crowded accommodation. These people actually drag themselves out of bed every day to do shitty jobs and they actually PAY their rent… 😉
      That might be a new concept to a lot of the posters on here 🙂

      And then they see their neighbours or whoever who are on ‘benefits’. They also know that they are a live in a 3/4 bedroom home as they go home from their shitty minimum wage jobs to live in a chicken coop.

      And you know what, fly, they get ANGRY, really !ӣ$%^& ANGRY.

      These hard working people have to move all the time too; if you live in a private rental you will be moving every six months. They have to uproot their family and their children have to change school and say goodbye to their friends. Yet ‘victims’ of the bedroom tax use the argument that they can’t move because their house has ‘memories’, they have brought up their kids in it – what about families struggling to bring up THEIR families in the present time in cramped accommodation? You can’t but help have at least some sympathy with those who say that to to ‘hole up’ in a property well in excess of your housing needs is pure and utter selfish.

      But of course it wouldn’t make any difference if the housing market hadn’t been engineered for private gain. Why is there a constant shortage of housing? What about those census forms they send out? Is that so they can make sure there will be a shortage of housing in the future?

      There should be adequate housing so that if they chose someone can remain in their property until they die. The blame really lies fairly and squarely at the feet of the local and central government, the greedy property developers, and the low-life ‘buy-to-let’ scumlords.

      • Most council type houses/housing associations, and the like, were built with two bedrooms at least, the idea being that folks tend to have children, etc. Very, very few council houses were built with just one bedroom, (it not being cost effective) excepting older tenement type buildings from another age,
        Having a 2nd bedroom was never considered a problem by local authorities. They would, and did charge extra if a single person ended up with a 3 bedroomed pad. But sometimes, that may have been all they had available to them, and person taking that larger place would have had to agree they would pay towards it. Again, for many, most in fact, they had no choice about a 2nd bedroom. That is what the council gave them, as that was all that was on offer!
        It has only become a problem because the New Nazis of David Cameron and Nicholas Clegg, artificially created it, and the Liberals wonder why they have been almost wiped out???
        Also, as far as ppl going out to work goes, most ppl would like to go out to work, as most ppl find it utterly impossible to live on benefits, as well as the ever increasing war they face from DWP. No one wants that, but when the London Government has shut down industry pretty much everywhere, and entire areas are devoid of real work…’s not easy to go to a work that no longer exists!

        • To pay for an extra bedroom on top of a two bedroom would be fine if that extra bedroom was big enough to be called a bedroom rather than a broom cupboard.

          I have every sympathy with those that are being moved every six months by money grabbing landlords that are also charging excessive amounts as a bond should there be any damage on top of their extortionate rents, then they are the lobbyists that are saying social housing should act on the same basis as private housing, why should they when what they the private sector are doing is wrong.

          Time for those who are suffering at the hands of the private sector to stand up and fight them then, like people had to fight for a welfare state when there was no proper work or wages and also for enough social housing to meet everyone’s needs.

          I would not claim that anyone in the social sector is selfish for not moving until someone starts knocking on the door of the private sector purveyors and not even then, because those that are working and after social housing only want to buy it and put it into private hands, because they cannot buy their private rents they are not for sale and most cannot afford to get onto the property ladder any other way because of the inflated cost of housing and rents they have to pay.

          When people move in the social sector they are then subjected to a new contract and usually an increased rent too.

          • Bricks & Mortar

            Too right, fly! Give a hard-working family a nice new-build, family home in a good area, something that they can easily sell, and they are going to buy it all right. It is same that happened under Thatcher. All the decent social housing was sold and only the dregs were left. This was the working class getting in bed with Thatcher for a quick buck. People were also buying their granny and grandpa’s council home and selling it. You could also sell one council house, be re-housed, and sell that one, on and on…. The fortunate working-class, council tenants made a LOT of money on the sale of council housing. Most of the money will have been blown on package holidays to Florida, 20″ colour TVs and music centres but a lot of the crafty ones may have seized the opportunity to get on the property ladder and are now ‘property developers’ and scumlords with huge ‘portfolios’. And that was Thatcher’s end game anyway, the destruction of council housing but she did bring in life-time tenancies and their may have been some sort of cheap ‘council mortgage’ like converting your rent into a mortgage so that you eventually owned the property. Tenants can pay rent for 40 odd years and own not one brick which is kind of ridiculous.

            • The property developers are using some council tenants to increase their portfolio, by offering to buy their houses with the promise of letting them live in it for life, then telling them they have to move as they are evicting them if they need to make a profit, thus making them homeless and in need of a council house once again.

              A nice little profit roundabout for all concerned if willing to be moved constantly.

        • The Bunny Rabbits

          And there was only a token amount of difference between the rents of a one, two, bedroom property anyway, literally a few pennies, a tiny fraction of the cost of the rent. There would be no point in taking a smaller property in any case, so a lot of people wont have been too bothered about taking a bigger property, it was a ‘no-brainer’, little did they know that further down the line they would be stung by the ‘bedroom tax’.

          • The Bunny Rabbits

            *And there was only a token amount of difference between the rents of a one, two, three, four, five bedroom property anyway

        • The Ghosts of Thornbridge Hall

          Besides the extra expense of maintenance and furnishing most people don’t want really huge property anyway especially if you live on your own an watch a lot of creepy movies. Houses can be creepy and scary and creepy, even a modern property, you never know what is creeping around in the basement, lurking in the attic. 👿 👿

  46. Reblogged this on Don't look now and commented:
    “[DWP study] is about manufacturing evidence, not any real attempt to find out if this is something people actually want or need”
    “Instead the Tories imagine a UK PLC – some kind of giant version of The Apprentice, full of selfish grasping wankers, ruthlessly fucking each other over until the second we retire – if we get to retire at all. “

  47. Nazism is Evil and Terrible

    Nazism Needs to be Opposed Today

    No More T4

    jeremy | January 27, 2016 at 7:03 pm | Reply

    Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day – I wonder if all of those disabled people who have died as a result of social security changes will be thus remembered? – the nazis are still with us.

  48. No to Assisted Suicide Eugenics and Euthanasia

    No to T4 Thatcherism and Nazi Britain

    Help the Poor and Vulnerable Not Harm the Poor and Vulnerable

  49. They are Evil Scum The Oblivious Brigade

    BOMB SEETEC | January 28, 2016 at 7:55 am | Reply

    If this happens then maybe the ‘I’m alright, Jack/I’ve got a job/It doesn’t affect me’ brigade will finally understand how the unemployed are treated by the Tory vermin. If there was any sort of justice in this world, Iain Duncan Smith would be dead…

  50. Universal Credit Needs to be Opposed Stopped and Reversed regardless
    of the do Nothing about Anything so called ” Anti Austerity ” Organisations
    who seem Out of Touch as Well

    No to Universal Credit Increase Welfare Benefits

    The sage | January 27, 2016 at 7:24 pm | Reply

    UNIVERSAL CREDIT….not the sugar coated version.
    Universal credit is a system to take away your freedoms and a sense of “self”.
    It is designed to steal money, your home, your sanity.
    It will be responsible for the break up of your family, through great hardship. It will be the main reason that you will be put on anti-anxiety-depression medication.

    If UC was meant to be for the good, it would have been in place years ago, Labour would have snapped it up.(but they knew, and really didn’t have the stomach to see it through).

    Its not called UNIVERSAL credit for nothing. This insidious demonic creation will be “in the end” GLOBAL, run by banks, and huge insurance companies, all to keep you controlled and living in fear.

  51. Notice that Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has 116, 333 Signatures

    No to Universal Credit Defend the Welfare State and House the Homeless
    Not Hound the Homeless

  52. I’m surprised the petition for the resignation of IDS has only 116,333 signatures, perhaps it should have been for the prosecution and imprisonment of this evil old wanker who ultimately fails in all he turns his hand to. OK I don’t know about war crimes how about war crimes committed in peacetime. Something in the order of Nuremberg sadly we can’t execute him if he were to found guilty. It’s a hard call to say whether he has caused more deaths than some of the Nazi members back in the 1940s.

  53. Apparently Chelmsford Council Wanted to Fine Homeless People
    Sleeping Rough

    What a Disgusting Cheek and Outrage

    Looks like Resignations are in Order

    Councils are Public Services Not meant to be Ivory Tower Dictatorships

  54. Councils Need to Press For Proper Funding of Local Government from
    National Government

    Help the Homeless Not Hound the Harmless

  55. Santa Hates You

    JV – No surprises here given this Tory government’s horrible track record on treating workers and those who rely on inwork related benefits in this country. I have no doubt that this particular research finding taps into their most violent darwinian capitalist fantasies of turning worker against worker. It reminds me of how societies can be shaped on the ‘dog eat dog’ principle – that is say have a pack of starving dogs and throw them a piece of meat and watch them rip each other to shreds until one dog is left with the prize.

    Of course, this principle is based entirely upon anti-society where there is no room for a collective spirit, nor one that looks out for the young, old or, sick and so on. Human beings should not be treated like a pack of starving dogs who are willing to fuck eachother over in order to survive. Clearly some people already adopt this psycho approach – think bankers, ‘greed is good’ stock market traders, big multinational corporations and organised crime. We all know what this kind of strategy results in – rewards for the few and misery for the many.

    However, what do you expect from a government that discriminates against victims of domestic violence and carers of severely disabled young people by imposing the bedroom tax. Even the fucking judges are now ruling against this kind of inhuman discrimination. The Tories are completely shameless…

    • When even the Judges are ruling against IDS and the DWP we all have to put our hands up and admit: “the DWP made a mistake”.

      The whole savage sanctions regime has never been fully tested in a court of Law because nobody has the resources to do so what with being sanctioned and all. It is odd on that if sanctions were taken to Court they would be ruled illegal and inhuman. That would make a good day in Court: “High judges declare DWP sanctions illegal and inhuman”… “DWP say they will appeal and Iain Duncan Smith says he intends to bring forward emergency retrospective legislation”.

  56. It doesn’t matter who you are, working, not working, we’re all a target for the tories, we were all going to get the big stick treatment, full time workers were the last ones left to attack, if they thought they were going to be safe, then they were really naive!

  57. If the govern didn’t award so many public service contracts to their crooked mates and properly uppped the Nat Min then people wouldn’t have to claim tax credit. Toryism is an utter disgrace. Take away Cameron’s money and see whose side he is on then!

  58. Pingback: Working Full Time And Think You’re Safe From The Jobcentre? Not If The DWP Get Their Way. | sideshowtog

  59. David Cameron has hardly embraced Austerity for himself being a

    Maffi | January 28, 2016 at 6:15 pm | Reply

    If the govern didn’t award so many public service contracts to their crooked mates and properly uppped the Nat Min then people wouldn’t have to claim tax credit. Toryism is an utter disgrace. Take away Cameron’s money and see whose side he is on then!

  60. Those who Voted Tory are Accessories to Oppression like those who
    would Help a Murderer to Move a Body are an Accessory to Murder

    Some make Facile Excuses but they are Not Properly Justifiable Reasons
    as an Accessory to an Outrage is still an Accessory to an Outrage just as
    a Nazi Collaborator in Occupied France was still a Traitor to their Country
    Colloborating with an Occupation Power

    Yes to British Liberty No to a Nazi Totalitarian State

  61. Cannot Say I am a Great Fan of every policy of the National Assembly of
    Wales .

    On this Occasion they have Not been complete Arse Lickers of the Tory
    Regime like the Liberal Democrats were in Westminster from May 2010 AD
    to March 2015 AD

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | January 27, 2016 at 10:15 pm | Reply


    The Welsh Assembly has just voted to block David Cameron’s trade union bill in Wales, with Assembly members saying it would undermine public services, the economy and the “constructive social partnership” between workers and employers in Wales. But instead of heeding the Welsh Assembly’s decision, David Cameron is ignoring it. Now a constitutional crisis looks set to erupt as the two governments do battle in the Supreme Court.

    The showdown between the Welsh and UK governments over the trade union bill has been a long time brewing. While Cameron is determined to push through what some call “the biggest crackdown on trade union rights for 30 years,” Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones has promised his government will do everything in its power to stop the bill, which would severely limit the right to strike.

    On Tuesday, the showdown came to a head when Welsh Labour, Plaid Cymru and Welsh Lib Dem Assembly members united to vote down the UK government’s plans by 43 to 13.

  62. I’ve just started my own business with a seven thousand pound loan from the start up land company. they said it was one of the best business plans they had seen.Apparently, research, marketing, blogging and sourcing suppliers, creating a fab website are not part of business. So much for that, I won’t be in business much longer it’s taken three months and a horrid experience with a’ compliance unit’ for me to be paid. It has destroyed my business and my mental health. Thanks for destroying a budding entrepreneur and see you when I apply for esa or jsa but no. I would rather die than do that again oh hold on is this what they want? Have I seen through their plans.

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