They Are Coming For Our Kids! Jobcentre Harassment To Start From 12 Years Old.

ids-dead-teddySchool-children as young as 12 are to face Jobcentre harassment coercing them to join unpaid work schemes when they leave education the DWP have announced today.

Jobcentres busy-bodies are to be sent out into schools in a chilling move that  Iain Duncan Smith has pledged  will have a ‘dramatic’ impact on the nation’s children and encourage social mobility.  Yet this, of course, is a bare-faced lie.  There is no mention of going to college, university, or even starting a real job in today’s gushing DWP press release announcing the scheme.  Instead children will be encouraged into unpaid Work Experience, unpaid traineeships, or poverty paid so-called Apprenticeships which are little more than an excuse for companies like McDonalds to dodge paying their workers the minimum wage.  This scheme is merely the latest shabby attempt to indoctrinate young people into accepting the life of low paid, insecure, shitty jobs – or unpaid workfare – that the Tory Party have planned for the working class.

The good news is that only one school has agreed to take part so far, the Holy Trinity Catholic School in Birmingham who can be found on twitter @HolyTrinityCol. The scheme will be overseen by creepy Jobcentre district manager @NigelKimpton who seems to spend half of his time squandering tax payer’s money by posting happy-clappy ‘inspirational’ garbage on twitter.  Like the tweet below where he thinks he’s fucking Einstein.  Do you trust this man with your children’s future?

This ideological campaign comes in advance of plans to force all young people into unpaid work for private companies if they are unable to find a job.  From 2017 policies aimed at compelling those under 21 to ‘earn or learn’ will mean vicious benefit sanctions for those who refuse to work for free. And when the Tories talk about learning what they mean is stacking shelves in Poundland for no wages.  Despite their name, Traineeships contain no training beyond basic Maths and English.  They are a workfare programme, designed to prepare young people for being an Apprentice where they will be paid as little as £3.30 per hour.  And once they’ve done that they will probably be slung back on the dole, where they will face yet more workfare.

With the welfare state being weaponised against the very people it was designed to help there can be no tolerance of Jobcentre propaganda in schools – especially when benefit sanctions may be putting parent’s lives at risk.  It is beyond vile, and teachers and school kids alike should tell them in no uncertain terms to fuck off.  As for the rest of us, with mass workfare back on the cards for the young, then it’s time to tell the grasping corporate sector that if you exploit our kids, we will shut you down.

To join the fight against unpaid work visit Boycott Workfare’s website or follow them on twitter @BoycottWorkfare.

Above pic amended slightly and (I think) from here.

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169 responses to “They Are Coming For Our Kids! Jobcentre Harassment To Start From 12 Years Old.

  1. Brilliant post and picture .You could sell it as a T-shirt.
    That wretched man is the bald poster-boy for all of this.
    Soon there won’t be anybody left to drag into this new world of low pay and workfare. After all they have seen to the unemployed, the disabled, the homeless, and would-be immigrants.
    When are the people going to see through the whole mass of propaganda, and understand that it is the ordinary British Citizen that is going to be the loser if this carries on .
    I suppose there is no point in asking if Labour are doing anything ?

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
    Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Reich Minister of Propaganda

  2. I wonder whether the Jobcentre crews will be invited into the posher schools like Eton and Harrow and wherever else wealthy people send their kids to be educated.

    ” Yes we know you’re going to be a stockbroker and then run the BBC when you grow up. Crispin, but you’ll have to work in McDogburgers for no wages before you do. ”

    Posh kids being lectured by civil servants about the virtues of workfare ? About as likely to happen as Demento Smith being nominated for a United Nations prize in Human Rights.

    • 🙂 Alan Sugar has the Eton boys working on market stalls in his apprentice programme, but they probably also get paid top cash of tv producers also.

  3. Hitler Youth Movement

    The Hitler Youth was a logical extension of Hitler’s belief that the future ofNazi Germany was its children. The Hitler Youth was seen as being as important to a child as school was. In the early years of the Nazi government, Hitler had made it clear as to what he expected German children to be like:

    “The weak must be chiselled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel.”

    Nazi education schemes part fitted in with this but Hitler wanted to occupy the minds of the young in Nazi Germany even more.

    Movements for youngsters were part of German culture and the Hitler Youth had been created in the 1920’s. By 1933 its membership stood at 100,000. After Hitler came to power, all other youth movements were abolished and as a result the Hitler Youth grew quickly. In 1936, the figure stood at 4 million members. In 1936, it became all but compulsory to join the Hitler Youth. Youths could avoid doing any active service if they paid their subscription but this became all but impossible after 1939.

    The Hitler Youth catered for 10 to 18 year olds. There were separate organisations for boys and girls. The task of the boys section was to prepare the boys for military service. For girls, the organisation prepared them formotherhood.


    ……………To become a radicalised suicide bomber or a martyr, first of all you need to re – educate your kids at an early age.
    When young they are more susceptable to indoctrination and tend to believe everything as gospel. Their tiny minds are like plasticine, ready to be shaped into anything that suits the tutors agenda. A bit like the care homes where eminent politicians select the cute to abuse free from passing eyes……………

    DUNKO THE CLOWN, therefore wants to roll his conveyor belt of death into poisoning young minds. He is not bothered about morals or ethics, just the shortage of drones to fulfil the needs of the corporate giants that feed him well.

    Take it a step further, do kids from underprivileged backgrounds need education at all?

    It has recently come to light that the north/south divide is growing and the people where i come from have worse examination prospects due to less being spent on northern teaching.

    The Northern Poorhouse experiment is coming to fruition with the advent of socially deprived council estates being bulldozed in the near future.

    “Bring on the Hunger Games”, when at the top you have only one direction to fall………….

    • In Bavaria, during the Nazi years, crucifixes and holy pictures, etc,were removed from the schools, by order of Adolf Wagmer…..the children were having none of it. They protested….and the crucifixes were restored to the classrooms.
      Of course, in Bavaria at that time, the Catholic schools were actually Catholic. Which is more than can be said for this thing pretending to be down in deepest Birmingham. We wonder if they so much as know what a crucifix or any other Catholic thing is.
      It has been a noted trend here with “ids” that he likes to make use of his “Catholic” background for this kind of thing, but in reality, this evil guy isn’t Catholic in the slightest. Just as Hitler had abandoned the Faith, so too has this guy. Hitler was a wee bit more open about that, having thousands of Polish priests slaughtered within months of the September 1939 invasion of Poland.
      But here in UK, Smith likes to make plenty use of it, and all for propaganda
      He believes in nothing at all, except his own great magnificence that is.
      I doubt the schools in Scotland would allow it. All but the smallish number of of private ones are run directly by the Local Authorities. In England it is a much more complicated situation, which DWP and tory propagandists are out to exploit.
      It is to be hoped that the schools protest loudly. Along with the parents, the Unions, and even the Churches. The schools must give their permission for this. DWP can’t just say they are going into classes.

      Apart from that…..DWP and Ian Smith appear to have forgotten one little thing here….anyone going into a school for anything, like teaching or even to work as a cleaner, must have an appropriate background safety check. And merely having the standard civil service checks would be insufficient I am sure.

      • paultheswineherd

        Gordon – Very true – this has to be resisted at all costs and ideally – stopped altogether. As you say, the schools would have to agree to it first in any case and yes, also the background checks would also have to be carried out. No doubt IDS has not thought any of this through (as usual with Government!). First it was the foodbanks with ‘Jobcentre Plus’ advisers going in, now it is the ‘schools’ – what next – will we have to have these leeches into our homes to ‘advise’ us ‘adults’ on or ‘job prospects’. If so, they can go and fuck themselves.

  5. No to Slavery No to the Austerity Slavery Youth of Nazi Britain

  6. It Shocks Me how Delusional some People are out There.

    Came across a Nutcase who seems to Think that there are Reptilians Disguised as People out There.

    Tells Me to Come Out of My Rational Mind.

    No Thanks I Prefer Common Sense Not Delusionality .

    Instead of Rubbish about ” Different Dimensions ” How about something Real like the Actual State of the Country We Live In.

    If having an ” Open Mind ” means an Empty Head to be Brainwashed with Rubbish about Different Dimensions and Reptilians I Rather have a Mind of My Own a Head that is Not Empty and Not be Mind Controlled by Pantomime .

    Bridging the Gulf between Rich and Poor is More Important than
    Pantomime about Reptilians that do Not Actually Exist and Different
    Dimensions Pahlava

  7. Is this not EXTREMISM? Government GONE MAD?

  8. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    POINT 1 –
    will be launched today (14 January 2015) by Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith and Employment Minister Priti Patel.



  9. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  10. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Published on 6 Jan 2016

    DWP is trialling a Video Relay Service (VRS) for British Sign Language (BSL) users. The trial is for BSL user calling about Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Access to Work.

    DWP PRESS RELEASE 15th Jan 2016

    DWP services more accessible thanks to new British Sign Language pilot

    How do we know what they are signing because there is no sound. How about sub titles !!!

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      So DLA is still there.

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Minister for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson said:

        “I am absolutely committed to ensuring equal accessibility for disabled people – whether that be access to employment, leisure facilities, or public services.

        “Historically, disabled people may have faced barriers, but it is one of my top priorities to break every one of these down.

        “The introduction of the Video Relay Service is an important step in making government services accessible to Deaf people or those with hearing loss, and will ensure they can communicate with our staff quickly and easily. It will make a huge difference to their experience of using our services and I’m delighted we’re leading the way across government.”


  11. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    What`s that £20,000 a DWP Press Release & that`s just the admin for the press release.

  12. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    So how come all the others have sub titles !!!!

  13. Notice that Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has 116,241 Signatures .

    No Austerity Defend the Welfare State Hands Off the Poor

  14. What Have I said about Nazi Britain

    Indoctrination of the Nations Youth to be Slaves and Knaves

    (snip – its bad enough endless cut and pastes without people repeating them in the next comment. Think comments need to start being tightened up a bit folks, not fair to have 3 or 4 people dominating every thread – jv)

    • Another Fine Recession

      Noop is not a real person.

      • Yeah, we know, it’s an open secret that noop is an experimental Chatterbot It was pretty naff when it first started but you have to admit it is getting better and better by the day. Lots more random slogans and shit have been programmed in and it is looking more and more like a real human being. Some posters are even arguing with it for crying out loud! It’s eventual aim is pass the Turing Test and be indistinguishable from a real human being; that day is not far off!

  15. Comments closed

    [Comments closed]

    • comments may be closed but in the service sector these automated recordings are adding more and more expense to telephone bills, before you even get to speak to a real person, no wonder people are shouting down the phone at them.

  16. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


    To get back into the Classic old format go to the “Comments” page then all posts from there. The Old Format back.

  17. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Published on 15 Jan 2016 – 35 minutes ago

    DWP Collaborative Services – Come and join us

    The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) are currently recruiting for people in technology.


      16 of my friends who are going on holiday abroad have had T-shirts printed with various slogans about how the Government murder disabled people in the UK.

      Should go viral on facebook when the photos are downloaded.

      • Natalie READ (staff nurse)

        What a good idea to shame the British government abroad.
        I will do one each for my husband and i.

      • paultheswineherd

        Geoff – Brilliant – the more people that do this, the better! Let the rest of the world know what this ‘Government’ is really doing to it’s sick, disabled and poor citizens. Iain Duncan Smith T-Shirts should also be done for good measure! (Johnny Void – the above IDS picture and caption with the teddy bear is superb!!)

  18. David Rahman Noodles

    Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it… 😀

  19. What you have missed out of this article ( as it’s sure to be on the agenda in the near future) is that from 2020 parents will be expected to PAY for their children to work for free. A kind of indenture fee to pay for any training their children receive. Pretty much a 14th to 18th century apprenticeship scheme that ties in perfectly with 16th century welfare plans. Joking ? most certainly not, it is a Tory wet dream to take us back 300 years or more.

  20. HonestGeorgeOsbourne

    My dear Plebs, you always look at things from a bleak & pessimistic Bias. For too long, under Labour, you were left to your own devices & received no help in how to be subservient to your rich Masters & their Banksta Mafia Mates. Blair & co tossed free money your way with no strings attached but it did not improve your lives or make you happier & healthier people. We at Tory HQ believe it would be a travesty if the younger generation have no preparation for the future. The Stock Market illusion is dissipating even as I type. If you think the present Austerity has been a nightmare, then all I can say is “You ain’t seen nuthin yet!!!”

    • Natalie READ (staff nurse)

      Prepare to meet thy doom

    • paultheswineherd

      Fuck off – go and get yourself a ‘real’ job George Osborne!! 🙂

    • Blair and Co. tossed free money your way??? I don’t think so, they were as bad as you Georgie Boy in some areas.

    • George, the market has made multiple attempts at rallies over the last few days which have repeatedly failed, give it time 🙂 Once, the fruit has been shaken from the tree and the margin calls have been made, the stricken have been forced to sell at the bottom and the big boys have lined their pockets the market will once again rally and the big boys (and girls) will once again line their pockets. T’ way is has always been 🙂 Or to put is another way: “Stock Market sale now on”

  21. Another Fine Recession

    It’s going to be a shock to the young after telling them they should all aspire to be british astronauts, cruel or what. What’s the work roach going to say when all the kids say they want to be an astronaut.
    The lucky ones will get a £3 an hour admin apprenticeship, to save up for their £470,000 affordable starter home.

  22. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Will G4S be then to make sure there is no trouble from 12 year old. So why are there 4 G4S guards for every 15 youths. G4S you need to be looking so the computers don`t get nicked.

  23. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Oh Really DWP backing down saying – it was only a Focus Meeting Idea !!!!

  24. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The Tories & Tory Voters thing that politics is the answer for belittlement saying politricks & fuck Human Rights.

  25. Reblogged this on A System of Random Tangents… and commented:
    A disgraceful any sneaky attempt to force our youth into wage slavery.

  26. Well on that Date my child WILL NOT be attending school!!!!!!

  27. Santa Hates You

    DWP/JCP in schools – does anyone feel that there is a bigger governmental agenda in play here. It’s one that always negatively targets those from underprivileged backgrounds – who historically underperform in education; those from the underclass who always struggle in the jobs market, those who have disabilities, and those who have little or no access to real life chances such as care leavers.

    Social mobility is dead in this shithole country and sending in DWP/JCP
    bastards to sell to our kids the message that they are little more than low wage work slaves is not the way forward. Instead, we should be upskilling the new workforce and concentrating on teaching the STEM subjects as all employers see these as an important first step to gainful employment.

    All that is wrong in this country is down to the Tory and New Labour governmental failure over the last 35 years. Each government has been more interested in lining their own pockets, kicking the shit out of the underprivileged, whilst selling us all the lie that things are getting better when clearly they’re not.

    Ever get the feeling you’re all been cheated?

    • paultheswineherd

      Santa Hates You – Very true – and they are also lining the pockets of the huge multinational (often ‘criminal’) companies and by doing so, also selling the ‘taxpayer’ down the river at the same time!
      God help the poor and the underpriveledged if these Nazi bastards are allowed to carry on their rotten Hitler style ideology. They have GOT to be stopped in some way or the other.

      • Tuesday 19.1.16 9pm on BBC 2 they are highlighting entrepreneur ticket touts, market traders etc and their tax dodging antics, no mention of multinational tax dodging.

        • paultheswineherd

          fly hawkes – yes, I can quite believe that. Many of the multinationals are getting away with huge amounts via their tax dodging activities.
          Yet, if some small self-employed person owes HMRC £25 then they are after them very quickly!

    • Santa hates you

      How do you upskill a cleaner or other lowly, mundane jobs that are very necessary to society. A decent wage should not depend on academic qualifications it should depend on the fact that you are doing a job that benefits society.

      In a monetaristic world you need equality of incomes, irrespective of what job you do or what skills and qualifications you have. Give free education and training plus a wage for those that want to and are capable of working in specialized professions.

      There have been people that have become millionaires in the business world that could barely read and write and there are people that put their skills and education to good use in countries that can barely afford to feed themselves or their workers, while we employ their educated in this country as our doctors and nurses to keep NHS costs down (supposedly?), but to them is like finding the holy grail in terms of income.
      None of the manipulations of incomes policies are desirable, they just play one section of society off against another.

  28. On a night like this spare a thought for some of IDS & Camoron’s victims; forced to spend a night in sub zero temperature’s, huddled in a damp shop doorway, or in a cardboard box because of those wankers brutal sanctions conning people out of the means to exist and have any quality of life.

    The message is clear: If you don’t/won’t work, then you won’t eat or be housed in accommodation suitable for a human being. It’s the Nazi morals all over again.


      ……..apart from a hatred of all human beings

      From: S. Martin

      15 January 2016

      Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

      Can you please tell me what professional qualifications are
      required by anyone employed by the DWP trading as Jobcentre Plus in
      the position of Decision Maker?

      Would they be expected to have a qualification in contracts, maybe
      a legal qualification, or no professional qualifications at all,
      just experience.

      Yours faithfully,

      S.M. Shogun

      Link to this


      12 January 2016

      Dear Trudy Baddams,

      Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 25 September 2015.
      You asked:

      “how many people have been found fit for work under the work capability assessment
      who had submitted an appeal against that decision and subsequently died prior to the
      appeal being heard..”

      We can confirm that the Department may hold some information falling within the description
      specified in your request. However, we estimate that the cost of complying with your request
      would exceed the appropriate limit of £600.


    I’m currently on a Skills Conditionality scheme optimistically entitled “Transitioning Ahead”, and we’ve all been told to arrange our own unpaid work placements, FFS . I’m expected to go around fiding Employers & beg them to give me unpaid work. I have to that over this wekend, ie tomorrow, and provide a list of all the Employers I’ve contacted, under the guise of doing unsupervised trsearch. Kill me now.

    • paultheswineherd

      IDS Wants Your Soul – What you describe is just terrible and I wonder if this so-called ‘Transitioning Ahead’ is being sorted out by some scum private company ‘provider’ that specialises in getting as much Government money as possible, with as many ‘trainees/customers’ on their books as possible. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this was the case!
      All this is shameful and the ‘general public’ (through the broadcast media especially) should be told what is going on in their (the ‘electorates’) name!
      But as usual with all of the bias by them, I can’t really see that happening – not at the moment anyway!

      • yes the Provider is called Pinnacle People, they got a £400,000 DWP contract. If I fail to find my own placement theyll find one for me, probably a charity shop 20 miles away. If I fail to look for a placement the DWP will be informed & I’ll be Sanctioned. The whole thing sucks.

  30. How out of touch is this guy?

    • paultheswineherd

      Raining – thanks for putting this on. That is unbelievable – he has absolutely NO idea at all about what is going on in Britain today!

      • Too right mate! He lives in a parallel universe where everyone stays in multi million pound houses and the like. Then has the cheek to go on QT spouting that absolute rubbish. Trouble with people like him is they’ve had the good life too long and need brought down a peg, or three to make them realize how the other half live.

      • Kelvin MacKenzie is fucking tory nazi scum

  31. paultheswineherd

    The bastard – someone ought to throw a bucket of ice-cold and shitty water over him!

    • He only knows what is going on in LOnon the so called global capital of the world, if that is the case how come the country is in so much debt?

  32. Jobcentreplus have trying impose themselves in peoples affairs telling them to carry out activities asking personal details as to their habits without any any grounds or authority,this is the reason for pointless appointments to get people to talk, watch out for trick questions such as doing boot sales in conversations they love to show off to colleagues how smart they are with a big mouth,tricking abusing bullying intimidating and conning vulnerable people and above the law. Put the devil on horseback he’ll ride to hell.

    Record everything.

    No surprise they want to expand on this from an early age, the state wants control of your life and it to become the (ab)norm.

  33. Reblogged at Alice through the Looking Glass

  34. Pingback: Vanaf volgend jaar moeten in Engeland ook kinderen aan de dwangarbeid |

  35. Shocking

    Sadly too Often the House of Commons has been a Rubberstamp of
    Parliamentary Sheep

    No Austerity

    paultheswineherd | January 15, 2016 at 9:52 pm | Reply

    Another ‘Nazi’ Tory attack on the poor – where is the ‘democracy’ in this?


    “Look out kids, they keep it all hid. Twenty years of schooling & they put you on a day shift”

  37. Totally Disgusting

    paultheswineherd | January 15, 2016 at 9:17 pm | Reply

    The bastard – someone ought to throw a bucket of ice-cold and shitty water over him!

    • “one million people gone off the radar after being sanctioned, a tory trick to influence voting rights”

      IN 2014 IT WAS 500,000

      Created: Friday, 07 November 2014 12:23

      MP Debbie Abrahams has revealed that Oxford academics will report next month on what has happened to half a million jobseekers allowance (JSA) claimants who were sanctioned and subsequently disappeared from official employment statistics.

      The Oxford University study led by Professor David Stuckler and Dr. Rachel Loopstra, is in the process of analysing what has happened to the 4.5 million people who have been sanctioned under the Coalition government’s sanctioning regime.

      Their research will be published in full later this month for full peer review. According to Abrahams:

      “Since the government’s regulations came into effect in October 2012 about half of all sanction decisions have led to people on JSA having their social security payments cut for a least 4 weeks, affecting over 2 million people.

      “Of those sanctioned, one in four leave JSA, and their preliminary statistical analysis is revealing that most of those who leave do so for reasons other than employment.”

      The research suggests more than 500,000 Job Seekers Allowance claimants have ‘disappeared’ since the sanctions regime was toughened in October 2012.

      NOW IT IS 1,000,000

      More than a million benefits claimants may be facing destitution after disappearing from the welfare system, Labour ex-minister Frank Field claims.

      Sanctions are being applied “at a scale unknown since the Second World War” and the fate of at least a third of those hit “is anybody’s guess”, he said.

      He says a government survey is needed to track the whereabouts of those dropping off the roll.

      But the Department of Work and Pensions says the claims have “no basis”.

      About 1.5 million people leave the welfare system each year, but it is unclear how many are left without work or benefit payments, according to Mr Field, who chairs the influential Commons Work and Pensions select committee.


      • “Sanctions are therefore being applied at a scale unknown since the Second World War, and the operation of sanctions on this scale makes for a most significant change in the social security system as it has existed in the post-war period.

        “A number of people – we know not how large a number – are being totally disconnected from both work and welfare, and risk being exposed to destitution.


        But a Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “There is no basis to these claims.

        “People leave the benefits system for many reasons, including when they go to work – which is good news.



    THE extent of how out of touch the Tories are with those in poverty was seen in their latest party political broadcast.

    At roughly one minute into their broadcast, where Angela from Glasgow talks about voting Tory, you can see an out of focus figure of someone crouching down next to a bin in the street to apparently beg.

    Are the Tories so blind to the fact that people are begging on the streets that they simply ignored this and carried on filming?

  39. No to Child Slave Labour

    No to Dickensian Squalor and Suffering

    Child Slave Labour is Child Abuse Simple

    No to Nazi Slavery Glorification Propaganda in Educational Institutions

  40. Any So Called Charity Shops that have the Audacity to try to Charge for
    a Bag 5 Pence Needs to be Boycotted

    It is Worse than Fucking Pathetic when One goes into a Charity Shop to
    give Items to Charity and they want Personal Details .

    They can Fuck Off and Stuff their so called Charity Shop

  41. Indeed they are too much

    Margaret Thatcher is the Personification of Evil in the United Kingdom
    a Nasty Selfish Slag that Acted like a British Jezebel or Rather Anti-British
    considering how Thatcher Inflicted so much Misery and Suffering on
    People in Great Britain

    Hands Off the Poor House the Homeless

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | January 16, 2016 at 11:29 am | Reply


    THE extent of how out of touch the Tories are with those in poverty was seen in their latest party political broadcast.

    At roughly one minute into their broadcast, where Angela from Glasgow talks about voting Tory, you can see an out of focus figure of someone crouching down next to a bin in the street to apparently beg.

    Are the Tories so blind to the fact that people are begging on the streets that they simply ignored this and carried on filming?

  42. Notice that Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has 116,244 Signatures

    No to Universal Credit No to Forced Child Slave Labour No to Brainwashing
    of Children in Educational Institutions to Accept Slavery

  43. Indeed the Nazis Persecuted Christianity and Christians

    Martin Bormann ” National Socialism and Christianity are Incompatible ”

    It also Says in the Holy Bible Proverbs Chapter 14 Verse 31
    ” Anyone who Oppresses the Poor is Insulting God who Made Them.
    To Help the Poor is to Honour God ” .

    GORDON KEANE | January 15, 2016 at 8:09 pm | Reply

    In Bavaria, during the Nazi years, crucifixes and holy pictures, etc,were removed from the schools, by order of Adolf Wagmer…..the children were having none of it. They protested….and the crucifixes were restored to the classrooms.
    Of course, in Bavaria at that time, the Catholic schools were actually Catholic. Which is more than can be said for this thing pretending to be down in deepest Birmingham. We wonder if they so much as know what a crucifix or any other Catholic thing is.
    It has been a noted trend here with “ids” that he likes to make use of his “Catholic” background for this kind of thing, but in reality, this evil guy isn’t Catholic in the slightest. Just as Hitler had abandoned the Faith, so too has this guy. Hitler was a wee bit more open about that, having thousands of Polish priests slaughtered within months of the September 1939 invasion of Poland.
    But here in UK, Smith likes to make plenty use of it, and all for propaganda
    He believes in nothing at all, except his own great magnificence that is.
    I doubt the schools in Scotland would allow it. All but the smallish number of of private ones are run directly by the Local Authorities. In England it is a much more complicated situation, which DWP and tory propagandists are out to exploit.
    It is to be hoped that the schools protest loudly. Along with the parents, the Unions, and even the Churches. The schools must give their permission for this. DWP can’t just say they are going into classes.

    Apart from that…..DWP and Ian Smith appear to have forgotten one little thing here….anyone going into a school for anything, like teaching or even to work as a cleaner, must have an appropriate background safety check. And merely having the standard civil service checks would be insufficient I am sure.

  44. Patronised Jobseeker

    A few years back on New Deal we were all subjected to a talk by a visiting Policeman about illegal drugs. Why, I don’t know. I wnt there because I had a substance misuse problem or becauseI I had broken the law, but because I didnt have a job.

    • paultheswineherd

      Thats interesting. Many years ago now, a friend of mine was also part of the ‘New Deal’ and was put into a course (by the Jobcentre) which was run by NACRO (National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders). He had never been involved in any crime and he point blank refused to go on it. (He did not want to have to later put that down on his CV in case a prospective employer might have thought that he had been a ‘criminal or been in jail’). They found him another (acceptable) course instead!

  45. southessexheckler

    Reblogged this on The Heckler.

  46. OT: UN Inquiry Into The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities In The UK – Briefing

    H-T to Refuted

    The Submitted PDF here:

    Click to access CBP-7367.pdf

    Makes for interesting Reading – damming if your a ConCon I would suggest.


      4. Concluding Remarks
      As can be seen from section 3, a significant number of policy changes implemented by the Coalition Government are considered to have had an impact on people with disabilities. Some of these impacts were expected and documented in Government issued equality impact assessments. Others have been recorded in research carried out by, and on behalf of, bodies such as disability charities and the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. The UN Committee will consider whether these impacts are compatible with the rights of disabled people under the Convention.
      The main focus of the inquiry is likely to be on changes to welfare and social security benefits such as the Benefit Cap, changes to Employment and Support Allowance and the under-occupancy deduction from Housing Benefit for people living in social housing. However, the confidential nature of the proceedings means the exact scope of the investigation is unknown and may include other areas where Government policy has impacted on the rights of people with disabilities listed under the Convention.
      The potential impact of the UN report, when published, is also unknown: the Committee can detail findings where it is believed the UK has failed to comply with the Convention, but there is no legal obligation for the UK Government to act upon them.
      A previous report by the UN special rapporteur on housing which called for the under-occupancy deduction, to be suspended, was dismissed by the Coalition Government at the time as a, ‘misleading Marxist diatribe.’149 In relation to the current inquiry, the Prime Minister has attracted criticism from some for saying UN investigations are not always, ‘all they are originally cracked up to be,’ in apparent dismissal of the Committee’s inquiry.150
      It is anticipated that the final UN report, along with the UK Government’s response, will be published in 2017.
      149 The Guardian, ‘Ministers savage UN report calling for abolition of UK’s bedroom tax’, 3 February 2014.


        If the uk government needed a judicial toerag to cover up DWP murders of the disabled and poor they would automatically choose DEREK JACOBS……………..

        Judge DEREK JACOBS is just a lowly piece of shit that acts as a sanitizer for covering up the British Governments trail of dead bodies.

        Think Death, think DEREK JACOBS……………….

        Jacobs made his name by shielding the government from bacterial deaths that followed a massive fuck up at PORTON DOWN, chemical research facility.

        Many died but JACOBS was specially selected to lead the cover up……….

        I refer to the Porton Down cover-up that involved the killing of 39 Porton Down veterans who died as a result of being injected with a bacteria derived from salmonella – abortus equi – in an altered state. (source FOI) Upper Tribunal Judge Edward Jacobs (unlike Judge Brian Kennedy QC) who ordered details of the deaths to be made public) did purposely support the MoD by allowing them to keep secret ALL facts related to the killings. Judge Edward Jacobs also ignored a 3.72 million pounds fraudulent payment (stolen from public funds) awarded to Martyn Day Senior Partner with the London law firm Leigh Day & Co. It was Martyn Day who supposedly represented 39 family members of deceased veterans. In effect Jacobs by his very silence and by allowing crimes of this nature to be kept under wraps did himself become party to the crime.

        ………….Thats right, 39 deaths that the UK government were desperate to cover up, along with the £3.72 million pounds stolen from public funds.

        JUDGE DEREK JACOBS is the sweeper, blocking all attempts from the disabled from reaching the appeal courts. He does not recognise breaches of HUMAN RIGHTS by the UK government, nor EQUALITY LEGISLATION or DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION.

        ……………..To put it in a nutshell, our Judiciary is corrupt from top to bottom, a fetid establishment cover up of the evil perpetrated on our most vulnerable.



        • @geoff

          Judge Derek Jacobs has a record for covering up the wrongdoings of the British Government.
          The killing and cover up of 39 veterans at Porton Down are just the tip of the iceberg with this little Hitler in a powdered wig.
          He has a history of siding with the establishment especially when bad news make leak to the press.
          Readers should type in this weasels name and make their own minds up.

          • Judge Derek Jacobs, the Dwp lackey;

            If followed, Jacobs decision is a disaster for claimants, especially those with mental health conditions who have problems with something other than straightforward navigation.

            It means that they must show that they experience such “overwhelming psychological distress” that they cannot go out at all in order to get an award of the mobility component.

            Because if they can go out, but need someone with them, for example to cope with fear of strangers or the possibility of an epileptic seizure, then they can only score four points for 1d. This is not enough to get an award of the mobility component unless they also have physical problems covered by the ‘’Moving around’ activity.

            Jacobs decision, if followed, also means that claimants with a mental health condition who have problems with something other than straightforward navigation can never be awarded the enhanced rate of the mobility component. Because even if they can’t go out at all they can only score 10 points, not enough for the enhanced rate..

            JACOBS IS A CUNT

            • Judge Jacobs defends Universal Credit Risk Register

              The 2012 programme plan was finally disclosed after a lengthy legal case in which the DWP repeatedly attempted to prevent the release of the document under FOI. Three other project documents from the early stages of Universal Credit are also being considered in the ongoing court case, including the risk register and an external project assessment review.

              In a tribunal judgement on 20 July 2015, judge Edward Jacobs revealed some information about the content of the disputed documents for the first time.

              “The Risk Register lists problems that might happen and action taken to prevent them. It is a long document, running to 100 pages, with analysis of each of the potential problems. The Issues Register lists problems that have happened together with action being taken to resolve them. It is a short document with only seven entries,” said Jacobs in his published findings.

        • I have had many Jacob cream crackers presiding over me in health and employment tribunals.

        • paultheswineherd

          Geoff – The ‘Judiciary’ (especially the ‘Upper’ or most influential Judges) in this Country just seem to be nothing other than a total joke and a farce.
          They must be ‘answerable’ to someone – is it the Attorney General or who I wonder? And, if so, is that person a Tory?
          And if so, are his ‘strings’ being pulled by ‘No. 10’ ?

          • If Derek Jacobs was employed to cover up the deaths of 39 human beings at Porton Down he must be the ideal candidate for suppressing information on the Conservative governments experiments on Social Engineering.
            The one difference is that the Porton Down casualties, all 39, were volunteers to bacterial research, the counless thousands who have died at the hands of our government did not volunteer. They have been human guinea pigs impoverished to take part.

            Jacobs, like all his cronies, will find his own head in a noose as the horrors of the 2nd holcaust come to light.

            • paultheswineherd

              Clare – Yes, I can just remember the case of the people in Porton Down. As you say, they were just guinea pigs to test out something that the Government of the time really knew nothing about.
              And, of the guinea pigs of the Tories Eugenics policies – what I really worry about is the fact that all of this may be ‘released’ after about 50 years when so many of these poor unfortunates may well be long dead.
              After all, the (Thatcher’s) ‘Falklands War’ was in 1982 – but even after all of these years – the ‘facts’ about the Argentinian destroyer ‘Belgrano’ have still not been released as far as I know. If you were to wait for 100 years – you may get your answer.

              • paultheswineherd

                N.B: Full release of ‘classified’ documents are at 30, 50 and 100 years!

                • Clare Earnshaw


                  From: Peter Collins

                  16 January 2016

                  Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

                  The Tribunals service is acting in Ultra Vires {beyond their
                  powers} and making judgements about what work appellants can do in
                  their statement of Reasons for refusing their ESA appeals. However,
                  the legislation clearly states that such judgements can only come
                  from the SSWP. Is the Minister aware of this problem and is he
                  planning to take action to rectify it?

                  Yours faithfully,

                  Peter Collins

                  Link to this

                • paultheswineherd

                  (According to Ministry of Defence rules)

                • paultheswineherd

                  I am ex-Royal Naval (Comms) – so I should know!!

                • paultheswineherd

                  And here is the evidence to what I have said (re messages – Precedence)
                  In Naval Communications: Z = Flash
                  0= Immediate
                  P= Priority
                  R= Routine

                  Security Classifications: U: Unclas
                  R: Restricted
                  C: Confidential
                  S: Secret
                  T: Top Secret

                • paultheswineherd

                  Also: Date/Time/Group: DTG (Z = G.M.T.)
                  141900ZSEP15: = 14th Sep 2015 at 1900Z (G.M.T.)

                • paultheswineherd

                  And also: the routing indicators as well! RBDXXX
                  or if (U.S.) RUXXXX !

                • paultheswineherd

                  All of what I have said is correct!

  47. paultheswineherd

    There is also the question of IDS. ‘Why’ is IDS still, at this time in his job?
    He has wasted millions and millions of pounds of ‘taxpayers’ money – so, to get rid of him would draw attention to that fact.
    So he is allowed to go on killing people – as long as the ‘Media’ do not publish it – and so, they can stay in power and their ‘long term economic plan’ is still working – BULLSHIT.
    IDS has just made a ‘pigs ear’ of it all and the Tories can continue the status quo. One day they will have to answer for it all and the sooner the better.



    From: Colin Webb

    17 January 2016

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

    A National Audit Office (NAO) report found the Department for Work
    and Pensions (DWP) aims to carry out seven million health and
    disability assessments between April 2015 and March 2018 at an
    estimated cost of £1.6 billion.

    The NAO’s report also found that none of the providers carrying out
    the tests satisfied the government’s threshold for quality

    Please provide completes copies of your organisation’s
    investigations and conclusions into matters surrounding the report
    from the NAO.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Yours faithfully,

    Colin Webb

  49. Here we go again ROUND and ROUND in circles, going over the same old crap OVER and OVER again, YOU’RE ALL F$CKING CRACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • paultheswineherd

      Edna – Life is a circle – you can go to bed at night and not wake up in the morning – such is life – so if you are fed up going around in the same old cycle – so – just accept what goes around comes around, if you have got the intellect to understand this! Farewell.

      • Why don’t you accept what goes around comes around instead of whining on this blog everyday PAULTHESWINETERD???????

        • paultheswineherd

          You say that you are ‘evil edna’ – Like attracts like, so being evil you are only going to attract evil – both on here and in your outside life – poor you!

        • And what do you suggest as an alternative Evil E ???
          That we just allow the evil satanist New Nazis of Cameron and Smith and Gideon, etc, to simply kill ppl, and we are to say, and do nothing about any of it?
          And we are to sit back and let folks in rented accommodation be thrown out onto the streets?
          When that begins to happen, my dear, you can bet your sweet little boots, all hell will be let loose! in the bigger English cities.
          It’s a pity we have to wait ’till it gets that far. But, of course, we saw how the Do Nothing Labour party of Miliband simply allowed the New Nazi group of Cameron and Clegg to do whatever the hell they pleased. That’s were Do Nothing gets you!
          Supporting the Blue tories didn’t do much for the for the Red tories!
          At least some of us are doing what little we can to expose all of it.
          What is your idea then???

  50. Yes Edna, i think the needle as well and truly stuck…stuck…stuck

  51. Ed Miliband and the Monolith

    Am I tough? Hell, I’m tough! 😀

  52. 92 000 dead between 2011-2014 because of sanctions, and it goes mostly unreported. There isn’t a class war happening, there’s a class holocaust!

  53. Listen, we, as a nation, we need to get rid of the shackles of entitlement. So what if Job Centers are going to get involved in citizens lives from the age of twelve. Is that a bad thing? We need to begin again, from the year zero, like Pol Pot did in Cambodia during the halcyon days of the Khmer Rouge. If our society is to grow, we need more tough times, more snooping, more austerity; and more all around Governmental butt fucking.
    People, this is just the way that it is… For the mother fucking phoenix to rise magnificently from the ashes of a crumbling British society We need for things to get tougher. People are forged in the fire, through adversity; through trials and tribulations… For this nation to once more function with all of the glory that it once did, we need to feel the pain. As citizens we need to dig deep, to go toe to toe, to be strong, for the sake of the nation; for the sake of the Fatherland… This means more benefit reforms, more zero hour contracts, more bedroom tax; may I even suggest a flat rate of housing benefit tax, whereby the bedroom tax is abolished and everyone, regardless of how many bedrooms they have, as long as they are receiving housing benefit, pays 20% of the rent from their benefits. This would be much fairer all around and would incentivise the welfare recipient to try to better themselves and get off benefits.
    People, I Roger have spoken, and I know that you guys appreciate it, and that you will find plenty of food for thought in my suggestions.
    Have a nice day, People…

    • HonestOzzieOsborne

      We need to scrap the whole welfare state, and that means exactly what is says on the tin – unemployment benefits, disability benefits, child benefits, pensions ,…. the whole bang-shoot has to go and let each and every individual find their own value in the market place. This is the only way that we will put the Great back into Britain.

    • A disabled voice.

      I am a disabled person who has suffered from depression and anxiety for over 20 years. Most mornings I am too depressed to even bother to get up. I have to struggle by on £300 a week, and from this I have to pay the bedroom tax just because I live in a 3 bedroom property! I think it is disgusting. I agree with you, Roger, that there should be a flat rate housing benefit tax but it should not apply to disabled persons. I would make the unemployed pay their whole rent from their housing benefit. If it wasn’t for the unemployed us disabled people wouldn’t be getting all the hassle we get. The unemployed are just lazy. There are millions of jobs out there, you only have to look at the job centre’s matching site to see this. They may not be dream jobs like pop stars, actresses and models that all the unemployed seem to want but they are still jobs. You can pay your rent and buy enough to stay alive which is all that anyone really needs. Nobody needs a fancy flat screen TV, go to the library and get a book or something. As long as you are getting by is the most important thing. Also, the unemployed should be made to work for their benefits. I wouldn’t even give them benefits but I would make them work and put them in prison or something if they refused. The money saved could be given to disabled persons like me who are struggling to get by on a pittance. And, Roger, you speak a lot of sense, more than can be said for the rest of the work-shy posters on here!

      • A disabled voice.

        buy enough food to stay alive is what I meant to say…

      • ‘A disabled voice’ my arse. Roger, is this another one of your accounts?

      • 300 notes a week, you have been watching too much ‘Sound of music’, doh- re- mi………….etc, some are lucky if they get half that.

      • I agree with you absolutely, A Disabled Voice. You are obviously a person of both high intellect, and great compassion. Yes, I do believe that the genuinely disabled should receive benefits, but these malingering professional scrounger types, people of the ilk of Raining, Stepping, Bob Chewie, OBD and Maria should have their welfare stopped immediately and should be forced to atone for all of their many years of breathtaking scrounging from the State by being forced to work in a voluntary capacity inside a charity shop,for food bank parcels of tinned food and, and the chance to receive 80% of the cost of a Rising Damp style bedsit, in housing benefit.
        The truth be told , and tell it I will, these scrounging and vulturistic bastards have spent far, far too long milking the cow without ever having fed it. This can not go on. Nay, This MUST NOT GO ON. It has to stop, and it HAS to stop NOW!
        Goodnight and Godbless you, A Disabled Voice. And may I just say how thoroughly refreshing it is to hear from someone of your undeniable calibre.

  54. Reminds me of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) in Germany. The Catholic Church, particularly Jesuits (”… give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man…” ), and other cults use a similar means to instil a mindset in the young and vulnerable. Get ’em young, indoctrinate them with your ideology, and you’ve got ’em for life.

    But is this legal? Suppose as a parent I were to say no to this and refuse to allow my children to participate? Surely this shite couldn’t ever be officially included in a school’s curriculum could it? Surely this errant crap couldn’t ever be made compulsory?

    • Jim

      There is plenty of wrong doing been made in the name of faith, hope and charity, that is why we have a welfare state so that people are not reliant on the other 3.

      I suggest if people want to teach their children about the bible that is up to them not the schools and if a child decides it is not for them then that is up to the child – none of it is for outsiders to say what should and should not be passed on to your own children.

      The Bible and other sacred texts from other religions (not cults) are as relevant to those that practice their faith as other historical teachings, and they do not have to be dictated to by atheist out there in what they should or should not believe.

  55. When I can Tell that a Politician is an Arsehole

    When they continually have Gormless Grins on their Silly Faces

  56. No to TTIP

    Abolish VAT

    Hands Off the National Health Service

    Hands Off the Poor





    • Natalie READ (staff nurse)

      This is not an option, this is murder of our most vulnerable.

      Attendance Allowance

      1. Overview

      You could get £55.10 or £82.30 a week to help with personal care because you’re physically or mentally disabled and you’re aged 65 or over.

      This is called Attendance Allowance. It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability.

      The other benefits you get can increase if you get Attendance Allowance.


        ………..Story from the shit trowel media, DAILY MAIL

        Duncan Smith bid to get 2million on sick benefits back to work: Work and Pensions secretary to call for shake-up of ‘fundamentally flawed’ system

        Duncan Smith keen to slash the numbers off work with anxiety and depression
        The 2.3million claimants on ESA will be tested for what they are able to do – not what they cannot
        They will then be found work for around ten hours a week, or whatever is possible, to get them back into the workplace

        A crackdown on the sick pay culture which costs Britain billions of pounds a year is being ordered by Iain Duncan Smith.

        The Work and Pensions Secretary is particularly keen to slash the numbers off work with anxiety and depression.

        In what is expected to be the biggest welfare reform of this Parliament, he will call for the shake-up of the ‘fundamentally flawed’ Employment and Support Allowance. Currently the 2.3million claimants on ESA are either assessed as being fit to work or signed off altogether.
        A crackdown on the sick pay culture which costs Britain billions of pounds a year is being ordered by Iain Duncan Smith

        A crackdown on the sick pay culture which costs Britain billions of pounds a year is being ordered by Iain Duncan Smith

        But under a policy document to be unveiled within weeks, they will instead be tested for what they are able to do – not what they cannot.

        They will then be found work for around ten hours a week, or whatever is possible, to get them back into the workplace – reducing the £14.2billion sickness benefits bill in the process. Those who repeatedly refuse could have their support cut.

        The move is expected to put ministers on a collision course with disability campaigners, who claim the sick are already put under too much pressure to return to work.


        • It’s the daily male Geoff what do you expect?

          • …………..and the EXPRESS has printed a story that GP’S are so sick of NHS underfunding that they are going to refuse to sign sick notes……..

            These shit peddlers are desperate to try and divide public support for the junior doctors using any underhand tactics.

            Meanwhile, the texan gold digger will be rifling grandpa’s pockets.

            • Old school drs are dying out now it’s useless incompetents who misdiagnose and have no clue what they are doing. My dr was on fucking google looking up my symptons ffs. We are all fucked.

              • Doctor and the Medics

                That is what they do in hozzies too – they go round the back of the cubical and look your symptoms up on google. That is all being a doctor is though, you just look things up add them to your knowledge base, then next time you remember and don’t need to look it up, and eventually you won’t need to look anything up. Anyone can be a doctor really, it is just that they only let the middle classes in, it also helps if your parents are doctors too.

                The thickest students at uni are lawyers, the second thickest are doctors… being a doctor isn’t rocket science 😀

                • “being a doctor isn’t rocket science”, no but it doesn’t half help those junior doctors on countdown, every (random?) row of letters spells out some medical term or other, no wonder the geeks always win. 🙂

                • Yep, when my dr retired I have been left with useless drs who have wasted weeks of my time. I tell them what I think what is wrong with me but they say “oh no”.. I’m back a few weeks later and then they say what i previously told them. Useless fuckers work about 5 hours a day and are paid thousands a year to fob you off.

                • Rubber Hammer

                  Yeah, me aunt spent six months being fobbed off by doctors until she died of kidney failure. These greedy, grasping over-paid (junior) doctors mouthing on about “patient safety” when all they are after is more cash for a new Beemer should be told to get lost. Doctors are about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. Once you become ill you will soon find out what all the propaganda you have been fed about our wonderful health service and it caring doctors and angelic nurses is really all about.

  58. ids has the look of a man who would be comfortable in the surroundings such as picture suggests.

  59. Iain Duncan Smith… The man is a killer. It’s as simple as that.
    He should be on trial for all the death he has caused and continues to cause…

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