Same Old Fucking Tories: Government Pledges Millions To Support Traditional Family Values

Cameron goes Back to Basics

Cameron goes Back to Basics

It is genuinely astonishing that a man who fucked a pig’s head and left his young child alone in a pub thinks he can lecture the rest of us about being a good parent.  But that is what David Cameron plans to do as his increasingly desperate government launches a back to basics style campaign based on traditional Tory family values.

The government has announced that an additional £35 million is to be spent on guilt-tripping unhappy couples into staying together for the sake of the kids.  Alongside this there wil be increased access to parenting classes.  This will stop people being poor according to David Cameron who is expected to say in a speech today that “families are the best anti-poverty measure ever invented.”  Which they are if you stand to inherit a multi-million pound fortune like him and all his chums.

The funding will be spent on relationship counselling run by organisations such as Marriage Care, a Catholic charity who say they “embrace and uphold the Christian vision of marriage as an example of a vocation of life and love. In Christian marriage this vocation is shaped by the whole-life commitment of a man and woman, whose love is open to embrace family life.”    God fucking help us.

dad-infoThe government already funds a Sorting out Separation website which claims to provide support for couples who are thinking of splitting up including a section where you can find help in your local area.  Almost at the top of the list of support services, seemingingly wherever you are in the UK, is a website called This is sort of online softcore lad’s mag where angry men call women bitches in the forums and whinge about a feminist conspiracy.  Despite the website’s embarrassing attempts to be edgy and butch it is actually run in partnership with the Department of Education and also receives funding from the DWP.

If this isn’t the kind of help a women seperating from the father of her kids is looking for then the next orgaisation on the list of local support groups is Families Need Fathers.  You can see where this is going.

The Sorting out Separation website also contains information on managing conflict, featuring a yotube video of another angry man who has been taught to control his temper by mediation.  The small section on domestic violence merely advises women who are being abused to call 999, talk to their doctor, or ring the helpline run by Women’s Aid and Refuge – who provide far more adequate advice on their own website.  Men experiencing domestic abuse are not excluded, however of the two helplines the government advises them to call, one has shut down and the other closes in March due to lack of funds.

Real tax payer’s money has been spent on this shambles, although admittedly not much of it.  The additional £35 million pledged by David Cameron this weekend is only slightly more than the total of George Osborne’s estimated inheritance.  It would still have gone a long way towards housing the 100,000 children currently homeless and living in temporary accommodation however.  But then that’s real poverty, and this government has no interest at all in fixing that.

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284 responses to “Same Old Fucking Tories: Government Pledges Millions To Support Traditional Family Values

  1. Comments not allowed

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  2. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The additional £35M is going to money laundered tax free. So no money for the poor. Not every council estate is a sink estate to be knocked down.

  3. Class War is NOW!!

    Class War’s Dr Lisa McKenzie has been on RT’s Going Underground with Afshin Rattansi* discussing the Housing Bill which sets out to destroy social housing once and for all: “The only way to win this fight is on the streets”.

    * Going Underground is on RT on Freeview 135 at 21:30-22:00, might be a repeat of the programme.

  4. Class War is NOW!!

    Interestingly, Lisa said there was a meeting held in the Common to discuss the Bill only 4 MPs turned up (all of them Labour). Astonishingly, Corbyn turned up. Although he said he doesn’t agree with the proposals contained in the Bill he intends to do fuck all about it!

  5. Santa Hates You

    Typical Tory twaddle – let’s hide behind traditional family values whilst bulldozing the poor out of their homes. These Bullingdon Club elitist bastards – Cameron and co – like to feel superior to the working-class ‘plebs’ and so will make another example of who holds the real class power in this country.

    Clearly Cameron is totally indifferent to ordinary citizens of this country so this new example of family values is bullshit. Remember this – when Cameron was younger he used to spend his father’s money, but now it`s your money he’s wasting – all 35 million of it.

  6. More peas please....

    When John Major has his “Back to Basics” campaign he was shagging Edwina Currie behind Norma’s back!

  7. Santa Hates You

    Well done to Squeeze for going on national TV (The Marr Show) and in front of Cameron, singing about the demise of social housing welfare. Brave lads – but I’m sure Cameron and the BBC will make you pay for this.

    • And it was the last time Squeeze appeared on Top of the Pops. Cameron will be busy doing a “Jimmy Saville” and air-brushing squeeze from all of those 80’s Top of the Pops on BBC 4.
      Anyway, Squeeze have made their $$s already so they probably don’t give a fuck if Cameron has a word in Marmaduke Hussey’s ear and has them booted off Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadioooooooooooooooo One’s ‘playlist’.

      The Beeb probably thought that Squeeze were safe and wouldn’t rock Camerons’s Casbah 🙂 Andrew Marr should invite his brother Johnny Marr on for a live performance in front of Cameron. Unlikely that even the BBC would be that daft 😀

      • paultheswineherd

        Morrissey – I quite agree – and good for them, but I am sure that their appearances on the BBC are now at a total end!
        Meanwhile, if people really think that the BBC genuinely represent non-biased views, then please have a look at the link below (Jan 2015).
        We all pay our TV licence fees, and as a ‘Public Service’ broadcaster and funded largely by the TV licence fee, they SHOULD be more balanced than they actually are. A totally independent inquiry is still desperately needed into their ‘reporting bias’ (which is surely not even in question when on the 6PM BBC News this evening, G4S was taken to pieces by Michael Gove (regarding alleged physical abuse of youngsters in their ‘care’), in which he threatened possible criminal prosecution(s) of those involved).
        (This link originally kindly put on here by Sarah7 & Black Triangle on 9th Jan, 2016)

  8. Tories = Vacuum. On so many levels!

  9. How is Impoverishing Families Family Values ?

  10. Help Families Not Trendy Political Correctness or Worshipping
    Jezebel Margaret Thatcher but Bridge the Gulf between Rich and Poor

  11. Males are Victims of Domestic Violence as Well Sadly

  12. Divorces do Damage Families and Childrens Upbringing

    Stability is Better than Strife and Degrading Poverty

  13. ‘Murderer!’ – Iain Duncan Smith confronted by furious protest as he visits Job Centre

    • paultheswineherd

      salt that slug – Thanks for putting this on. I’ve never before seen that miserable coward IDS look so frightened – good on them – let’s hope that the much needed and increasingly vitriolic demonstrations continue. I hope that tonight he does not sleep easily in his bed. He should be prosecuted for the murder of innocent citizens of Britain, (due to his cruel policies and his ‘orders’ to his DWP) as well as for gross misconduct in Public Office.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      • paultheswineherd

        Stepping – I don’t think that we will be seeing any of this footage on either the BBC or Sky! If they did, their ‘journalists’ would wrongly describe the protesters as ‘scum’ or something very similar! And they would ‘fully support IDS in his ‘Welfare Reform’ endeavours – the utter bastards.

        • paultheswineherd

          It really has come to something when ‘Russia Today’ is prepared to let us have some great footage of this – but the main channels in the UK such as the BBC & Sky will not report any of it at all!

  14. paultheswineherd

    The biggest ‘prize’ would not be that – it would be seeing the back of this rotten to the core, corrupt, unelected, wannabee totalitarian Tory shambles of a Government!

  15. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  16. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  17. paultheswineherd

    Another ‘nanny state’ idea from a P.M. who hasn’t got a clue about how people really live in Britain! Another large cork going into the side of a taking water and slowly sinking Tory ship! He really does’nt know what crap to come out with next.


    You couldn’t make it up if you tried……………..












            Wirral West MP Esther McVey target of ‘nasty’ job centre graffiti attack

            A senior Wirral Tory says whoever was responsible for “nasty” graffiti attacking Wirral West MP Esther McVey has “stooped to a new low”.

            The graffiti saying “McVey murderer” appeared on Saturday on the Job Centre in Hoylake – the former town hall – in the heart of Ms McVey’s constituency.

            It was painted over by the council within “a couple of hours” of being reported and later jet washed, but councillors said they were shocked.

            A demonstration by opponents of Ms McVey was recently held outside the same Job Centre – but only attended by a handful of people.

            Wirral councillor Chris Blakeley, who works for Esther McVey, described the attack on the employment minister as “absolutely appalling”.

            • paultheswineherd

              This is hopefully the start of it all – its just a shame that the ‘graffitiist’ didn’t catch the bitch herself with a nice dollop of well aimed paint!

            • Yeah…..It was well noticed he used the Daily Mail to hide his evil face !

    • paultheswineherd

      Geoff – Yes indeed and well said. This really needs to be done now – and right across whole length and breadth of Britain. This Country needs to be told the real truth and start to wake up to what is happening.

      • @geoff

        Which is more appalling, spraying grafitti or killing thousands?

        Wirral councillor Chris Blakeley, who works for Esther McVey, described the attack on the employment minister as “absolutely appalling”.

        • self adhesive stickers printed on home computers stuck on the domain of the infidels and phone boxes, charity shops and abusers.

          • The bigger the grafitti the better.
            Use red paint because it is more representative of the blood that butcher Duncan Smith has spilt,
            the pigment also stains a lot better.

            I D S MURDERER

  19. Reblogged this on Wessex Solidarity and commented:
    Whilst cutting funding for domestic violence services, more butchery of our class expected


    From: Zephrane Cochrane

    8 January 2016

    Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

    Why is there a clear media blackout, on the news and political
    programmes, of the tens of thousands of deaths, (but let’s call it
    for what it is – Genocide), due to the Conservative Party’s callous
    Welfare Reforms ?

    Confirm or deny?

    Confirm or deny, that a super injunction is in place to deny this
    Crime Against Humanity from being disclosed to the UK population?

    Yours faithfully,

    Zephrane Cochrane

  21. Phone and broad band providers are nothing but one big rip off, they keep changing contracts, upping prices, slowing speeds to try and sell you higher speeds then on top have increment rises and charges for paper billing, not to mention direct debit payments they bank from the people who pay them weekly – another nice little earner in interest for these companies.

    I intend to change mine every 6 months from now on and get the best deals every time because loyalty to one company doesn’t pay.

  22. Looks like gets funded by both the DWP & Department for Education:

    Thanks for bringing this up, Johnny Void. Especially since vital services for victims of domestic violence gets cut, along with lack of housing for victims to flee to. Just thinking about it makes my stomach churn.

    Then there is that pink elephant in the room… Well rounded parents raise their kids adequately* regardless if they are married, living together, living apart or are divorced. Heck, arrangements are being made by people NOT in relationship with each other who decide to raise kids together.

    So, it’s great if families are offered qualified counselling** to express themselves, listen & resolve conflicts. But what’s that to do with marriage?

    * provided they don’t get impoverished, homeless or harassed by the DWP.
    ** provided counselling isn’t enforced.

  23. Pingback: Same Old Fucking Tories: Government Pledges Mil...

  24. BBC AT IT AGAIN………………..

    Todays breaking story is the junior doctors strike, but the BBC has purposely hidden the fact that an IPSOS poll showed that two thirds of the UK population are behind the doctors…………….

    The BBC hid this bit in the lesser read health section of their news when it should have been part of the entire thread.

    Proof again that the BBC are a Conservative puppet to deceive……….

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The BBC are so right wing.

    • Nice to see that the king of spin, RUPERT MURDOCH, has announced his fothcoming wedding in the Times, his own Tory rag.

      Just a couple of inches away is the obituary column that usually contains the deaths of innocent welfare claimants who succombed to his media support of the “Butchers of Whitehall”.

      There won’t be a single inch of texan flesh where prancing Mick’s rubbery lips haven’t been……….

      Good luck to the old fool who can’t recognise a gold digger at twenty paces.

      ……………..just shut your eyes when making love Jerry, the dollar signs will erase any blushes.

  25. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Striking Doctors

    It is the norm to work 80 hours a week. One mistake could lead to death like saying the wrong medication. Every one will be expected to work at least 80 ours a week. Since IDS does 10 minutes work a week on a good week. Also Cameron turning David Bowie`s death into a party political broadcast for Davey dodgy Cameron. All Cameron does is moan at the doctors striking, not sort out a solution because he is a very lazy fat pig fuck.

  26. I Agree

    Morality Security Harmony

    jay | January 11, 2016 at 5:14 pm | Reply

    No family without a home, no child going hungry. Those are the family values we need.

  27. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Undermining is the Tories tactics. Used the other way & it`s called slander.

  28. No to Eugenics No T4 No Nazi Euthanasia in Britain

  29. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    I am undermining the tories & the Tories are slandering disabled people.

  30. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Since UC is not going to be finished until at least 2021 they will not be closing down the benefits like DLA until 2021. But knowing that it should have been finished by 2015. At the going rate UC should be in place by 2030. USELESS IDS AGAIN.

  31. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    If anyone is going to commit suicide take IDS down with you.

  32. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The doctors also striking because of ATOS & MAXIMUS in the NHS because ATOS & MAXIMUS set the NHS rules through the Tories that are shareholdings within atossers & maximus.

  33. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The threat to our society is the truth gets out.


    • The homes of ATOS, CAPITA and MAXIMUS killers should be raised to the ground…….

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        If the Tories can`t control Atos Capita Maximus we will have to control them – Bad PR – The Truth of what happens behind closed doors.

  34. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    It seems that Maximus WCA medicals take 10 minutes now with no medical just a few questions AKA cutting corners to be ready for WCA` medicals over the phone.


    • Thats right, Razor.

      MAXIMUS staff are doing medicals via the phone.

      They can tell your entire medical history by using a set of tick box questions that leave you suffering in silence………………

      It is quite strange that ATOS were awarded the WCA contract about the same time it took over the firm that produced LIMA software (A DISABILITY DENIAL PROGRAMME).

      The computer says no – electronic incapacity reports

      LiMA is the computer software used by the DWP’s Medical Service to produce electronic medical reports for the personal capability assessment. David Simmons examines the system and some recent commissioners’ decisions which have considered its impact.
      The computer says no: electronic incapacity reports Background In 2002, SchlumbergerSema, the company contracted to provide the DWP’s Medical Service (MS), began trials of a new computer system called Lima (Logic Integrated Medical Assessment), designed to facilitate the provision of medical examinations and reports for the purposes of the personal capability assessment (PCA). Lima was rolled out on a national basis during 2003 and 2004. In 2004, SchlumbergerSema was taken over by Atos Origin, an international IT company which was recently awarded a new seven-year contract to continue to provide the MS. The contract includes a commitment to reduce the PCA processing times and improve the capabilities of Lima

  35. The Imposition of Council Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable since the
    1st of April 2013 AD whilst the Rich have Tax Breaks and Funding to
    Local Government was Subject of Public Spending Cuts was and is an
    Outrage that Needs to be Ended

    Proper Funding for Local Government No Council Tax Inflicted upon
    the Poor and Vulnerable and Hands Off the Poor

    The Brainwashed and Out of Touch Needs to being Nazi Zombies and
    Realise that it is Not the Poor and Vulnerable who are the Scroungers
    but the Victims and it is the Selfish and Greedy Rich who are More the
    Scroungers as Well as the Hoarders of Wealth

    • Mansion tax instead of bedroom tax also, especially when you can’t even get a repair done – time to visit a solicitor about housing association.

  36. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


      After entering the claimant’s choice of PCA descriptors from the information given on the IB50 questionnaire, the doctor records the claimant’s diagnosis; diagnosis history; medication (including side effects); treatment; social and occupational history; and activities carried out on a typical day. The examination findings are then entered (Lima identifies the examinations that must be completed from the IB50 information and opens a specifically designed screen relating to each examination, including a ‘mental state’ examination). The doctor then has to record ‘observed behaviour’ relating to relevant sub-groups of physical functionality (e.g. ‘sitting, rising, bending’). A wide variety of standard terms and phrases relating to each section of the form are available for selection, as well as the facility to enter free text.
      At the end of the assessment, Lima automatically suggests which descriptors may apply, based on the information previously entered, and shows the evidence which supports each choice. If the doctor disagrees with the choices, s/he must override the system and justify doing so.





  37. Notice that Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Petitions Now has 116,228 Signatures

    No Austerity Defend the Welfare State No More Outrages like David Clapson

    No Universal Credit Yes to Increasing the State Pension

  38. What about Tory MPS who have Children Committing Adultery ?

    That is Not Real Family Values

    Adultery may be Consensual but it does do Harm to Families such
    as Children Split Up amidst the Acrimony and Bitterness of Divorces


      Two other features of Lima are of questionable validity. Firstly, most of the standard phrases relating to the ‘typical day’ are couched in terms of what the claimant can (as opposed to cannot) do. As the Technical Manual states, ‘Lima works best when it has positive information about the claimant’s abilities’. This is at odds with the law, which is about incapacity and inability to carry out prescribed functions.

  39. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    MAXIMUS website


    As part of our on-going commitment to help organisations promote the healthy lifestyles of their employees, MAXIMUS has developed a wellbeing website called HealthMatters that is designed to be motivational and fun with great tips on how to enjoy a healthy life.

    Easily accessible and offering practical advice, HealthMatters provides unlimited access to a wide range of health and wellbeing related issues including:


    Welcome to Health Matters

    As one of the UK’s most respected independent specialist Employee Health & Wellbeing Consultants…

    All your Healthcare Requirements handled by one intermediary.

    Health Matters has been assisting individuals and Companies with their healthcare and benefits for over a decade.

    With over 450 Corporate clients we have leverage with the Insurers and negotiate favourable premium rates and favourable decisions on behalf of our customers.

    Whether you have cover in place or are considering your options, we can help.

    most respected independent specialist in bullshit

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Maximus spreading out their website so when the shit hits the fan they can say it was not maximus. Also work with the DWP.

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Health Matters UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
        Web development by Noisegate Media

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          What Employee Benefits to look out for in 2016 Following the budget announcements over the past 5 years, employers now have to stretch their budgets even further each year to fit in line with new legislations. The biggest two impacts over the last few years has been the pension reform and the increase of the Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) from 6% to 9.5% on healthcare products. In 2015, we found that nearly 70% of our client bank as well as prospective clients were looking at ways to reduce the costs of their benefits portfolio, but still maintaining a competitive package for existing and new employees. We have worked with a number of these entities to ensure they have the right benefits structure in place for the budget they have. Many of which have introduced a suite of voluntary benefits for employees to buy into with their salaries as part of an ongoing salary sacrifice arrangement. These have either low administration fees or zero cost and liability to the employer. What will we see in 2016? Over the next year, it has been predicted that more employers will be turning to salary sacrifice arrangements. Here at Health Matters UK we have sourced and partnered with a variety of benefits providers who will provide our clients with cost effective, well maintained and promoted benefits that will give them the cutting edge which will increase retention and attract new talent. 

  40. Remember that the Liberal Democrats Despicable Shower that they Are
    Voted to Keep the Bedroom Tax otherwise it could of been Scrapped

    Only a Pratt Selfish Rich Person could Vote Liberal Democrat

  41. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Junior doctors’ strike: NHS chief squirms as aide tries to stop journalist asking where Jeremy Hunt 12th Jan 2016

  42. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  43. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  44. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  45. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Roger works for Health Matters UK Limited

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      AKA Maximus & roger can`t say a bad word against Maximus.

    • Roger I’m a. WORKING SINGLE MUM (yes we do exist) with health problems of my own. My daughter also has,medical needs. I loathe and despise the government and society and people like you every bit as much as my comrades on this blog. May I suggest you try the daily mail comments section I’m sure you’ll find it more to your liking

  46. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    It`s about time the Tory Voters started moaning.

  47. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    So striking doctors are as bad as ISIS Mr Hunt !!!

  48. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  49. Liverpool Council in the 1980s had Backbone in Standing Up to the
    Margaret Thatcher Regime over Nutcase Public Spending Cuts

    Jeremy Corbyn Needs to have some Backbone and Call upon Labour
    Councils and Labour Councillors to Not be Austerity Stooges and
    Insist that there is Proper Funding for Local Services without the
    Poor and Vulnerable having Council Tax Inflicted upon Them

  50. ………….a spokesperson for the DWP said;

    “Rather than keep a log of our successful projects, we aim to compile a list of possible survivors”

    ………asked to qualify what was meant, the spokesperson said,

    “MAXIMUS has enabled us to complete phase one of Project Euthanasia well ahead of schedule”
    “We would thank the main media outlets, especially the BBC, in eradicating those not fit for a life”

    “Special thanks to Christopher Graham, the Freedom of information Commissioner, for spearheading Operation Cover Up, his forthcoming knighthood has been long coming”


      ……….The furnaces have never stopped, bodies are stacked seven high and we are running continental shifts to cope. Jeremy Hunt’s one man sideshow, the junior doctors strike, will put more strain on the system as death carts are pushed around hopital wings.
      Cancer patients who have been identified as fit for work by the DWP decision makers, are welcome to volunteer (Mandatory), to help clear the backlog.

    • I hope the queens sword slips.

  51. Any Pro Austerity Stooge Candidate in Local Government Elections
    Needs to be Voted Against

    Stuff the Party Line if it is Against the Proper Funding of Local Government
    the Protection of the Poor and Vulnerable and the Provision of Public

    Spirit of Liverpool Council in Defying Margaret Thatcher Regime this
    Time with More Success

  52. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Jeremy Hunt is heading for the sack. A very public bully against the striking doctors. Dirty underhanded tricks just unite people mr Hunt.



    • paultheswineherd

      Stepping – unfortunately the Tories don’t like to sack people – the murderous IDS is a classic example of their shameful ideology.

  53. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Jeremy Hunt why don`t you get IDS to sort out your mess. The magic IDS works works wonderfully in the DWP & we should start killing off the junior doctors & fuck the patients !!! It`s all falling apart & IDS is the only one to save the tory party Cameron. IDS for Tory leader


  54. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Maximus & Atos are keeping a close eye on Jeremy Hunt with the idea of not bidding for new contracts with the NHS.

    Disabled people are no threat to the country apart from being scrounging vermin according to IDS. The junior doctors have killed 300 people today so forget about Turkey. The country is threatened by bumbling fools how get pissed of doing any work.

  55. Santa Hates You

    DWP + Maximus = Mass Murder

    What part of a messed up welfare system that needs fixing ASAP does Iain (I’m a totally fucking incompetent Nazi cunt) Duncan Smith not understand?

    Anne Begg, chair of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, has repeatedly grilled Atos management over the ESA/PIP process. She concluded, for example, that:

    “If the test is designed badly, it doesn’t matter whether it is done in house or by a private company.”

    Her committee colleagues concluded last summer that:

    “The flaws in the existing ESA system are so grave that simply ‘rebranding’ the WCA by taking on a new provider (Maximus) will not solve the problems: a fundamental redesign of the ESA end-to-end process is required.”

    In the news today an extremely ill woman, who was assessed for ESA by Maximus, was sent a letter saying she was fit for work. She died the same day. Also, two thirds of people with cancer now risk losing their homes due to huge cuts in their ESA benefits.

    Did you know that Maximus is being paid 65% more than ATOS by the government to produce exactly the same results – state sponsored mass murder.

    Tory logic – it’s no longer welfare, it’s warfare on the most vulnerable people in our society. Let’s kill them all and let God decide who’s genuine.

    This says it all really about this evil government…

    • paultheswineherd

      Santa Hates You – part of the problem seems to be that the ‘Works & Pensions Committee’ it seems can only ‘advise’. As far as I know, they have no ‘teeth’ as such. (A bit like the United Nations also!)
      It’s like letting a psychopathic murderer loose to kill someone, whilst the victim has absolutely no way to defend himself/herself – it is totally stupid, (but in this particular situation, this is exactly what is happening).

  56. Santa Hates You

    paultheswineherd – very true…

    • Natalie READ (staff nurse)

      6h ago
      13 14

      It is my firm belief that there will be an exponential increase in suicides if the proposed ESA (WRAG) cuts become law. These cuts (starting from April 2017) must be stopped. Disabled people are terrified of being placed in the WRAG and will likely adopt a ‘support group or bust’ attitude, virtually guaranteeing that the DWP’s efforts to incentivize them into work will ultimately fail.

      Labour is taking advice from lawyers on whether benefit cuts under Universal Credit are illegal. I have written MP Owen Smith, Shadow Minister of State for Work and Pensions, urging him to also consider taking legal recourse to block the ESA (WRAG) cuts, scheduled to come into effect April 2017. I CC’d in that same communication Jorge Araya, the United Nation’s Secretary of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

      Cuts to ESA WRAG would ‘increase the burden on people who are already coping with serious illness or disability’, says Jeremy Lefroy MP, in this persuasive Spectator piece:

      That a Conservative MP is truly concerned is heartening indeed, but his fine words likely won’t be enough to convince the DWP and George Osborne to reverse the cuts. In my opinion, the only way forward is to file a human rights lawsuit against the DWP in conjunction with a UN CRPD “grave and systematic” violations finding.

      Full disclosure: Since January 2012, I have been reporting voluntarily to the UN’s human rights office, in Geneva, on the welfare crisis for Britain’s sick and disabled. [Fellow Canadian Leilani Farha (@leilanifarha) is the UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing; see You can tweet her on UK housing issues or e-mail her at the UN’s human rights office:; she does follow my Twitter account.]

      (Montreal, Canada)

  57. paultheswineherd

    Jeremy Cunt has really picked a stick to beat his own back with this time!

    • paultheswineherd

      As we have seen from recent TV News footage, he is a past expert at making hospital beds – he should become a ‘junior hospital doctor’ and try some REAL work for a change.

      • Natalie READ (staff nurse)

        6h ago
        13 14

        It is my firm belief that there will be an exponential increase in suicides if the proposed ESA (WRAG) cuts become law. These cuts (starting from April 2017) must be stopped. Disabled people are terrified of being placed in the WRAG and will likely adopt a ‘support group or bust’ attitude, virtually guaranteeing that the DWP’s efforts to incentivize them into work will ultimately fail.

        Labour is taking advice from lawyers on whether benefit cuts under Universal Credit are illegal. I have written MP Owen Smith, Shadow Minister of State for Work and Pensions, urging him to also consider taking legal recourse to block the ESA (WRAG) cuts, scheduled to come into effect April 2017. I CC’d in that same communication Jorge Araya, the United Nation’s Secretary of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

        Cuts to ESA WRAG would ‘increase the burden on people who are already coping with serious illness or disability’, says Jeremy Lefroy MP, in this persuasive Spectator piece:

        That a Conservative MP is truly concerned is heartening indeed, but his fine words likely won’t be enough to convince the DWP and George Osborne to reverse the cuts. In my opinion, the only way forward is to file a human rights lawsuit against the DWP in conjunction with a UN CRPD “grave and systematic” violations finding.

        • Natalie READ (staff nurse)

          Full disclosure: Since January 2012, I have been reporting voluntarily to the UN’s human rights office, in Geneva, on the welfare crisis for Britain’s sick and disabled. [Fellow Canadian Leilani Farha (@leilanifarha) is the UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing; see You can tweet her on UK housing issues or e-mail her at the UN’s human rights office:; she does follow my Twitter account.]

          (Montreal, Canada)

          sorry i had to submit this in two parts but my posts are being intercepted and blocked


            Full disclosure: Since January 2012, I have been reporting voluntarily to the UN’s human rights office, in Geneva, on the welfare crisis for Britain’s sick and disabled. [Fellow Canadian Leilani Farha (@leilanifarha) is the UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing; see You can tweet her on UK housing issues or e-mail her at the UN’s human rights office:; she does follow my Twitter account.]


            • @geoff
              just read these;

              lianego Di ane
              7h ago
              13 14

              The DWP are not interested in getting disabled people into work.

              Correct. If they were, they would have increased funding for Access to Work instead of cutting it. They wouldn’t have closed the Independent Living Fund and handed less funding over to councils who are cutting people’s support as a result.

              They wouldn’t have aboloshed DLA, which supports many people in work (like me) and replaced it with PIP. Before PIP started they decided that 20% of claimants would no longer qualify. Given that fraud and error is only 0.5% that means that 19.5% of eligible people will lose their support.

              Everything they’ve done goes against their rhetoric of supporting disabled people.

              • Elephantmoth
                8h ago
                17 18

                So many people have already died and committed suicide because of these dishonest policies but still the persecution continues. There is no intention to help people to succeed, only to drive them further from necessary supports.
                Remploy may or may not have been the best way to deal with the reality that few employers will hire someone with disabilities, but it was shut down by this government anyway. Did anyone even ask the participants if it was helpful to them?
                How does making terminally ill or disabled people fill out endless forms on a regular basis help them to support themselves? It doesn’t, it only creates busy-work for bureaucrats to pretend they are addressing the situation when all they are doing is giving people constructive dismissal from life.
                This policy is shameful and deeply wrong.

                • Mistaron
                  8h ago
                  17 18

                  How many more poor bastards are you going to drive over the edge Dave?

                  A vast number of disabled people have the added burden of dealing with stress, anxiety and depression. Many do not have the support of family and friends, but nevertheless somehow succeed in getting by one day at a time, often marking a slow, grinding deterioration in their ability to function or perform everyday tasks independently.

                  Further cuts aimed at such a vulnerable, easy-to-target group of people is nothing short of cruelty.

                  You may think that you’ve gotten away with IDS’s slithering around the reports on DWP-related suicide numbers, but when deaths of the disabled start spiralling, and the ensuing clamour shows you for the cold, lying, soulless individual you are, you will be forced to reconsider these ghastly policies, or better still, stand down!

                  I’d have more respect for a slug.

                • Sarah who writes this crap you are printing, a picture painting people as slowly deteriorating wrecks – for her information some people don’t want to know their family they are nothing but forty faced fuckups themselves.
                  People have enough of governments and the media trying to down people without more clap trap from anonymous posters.

                • It’s all a load of BS guy – there are posters on here trousering 300 of the Queen’s gold sovereigns a week with a free house thrown in for good measure who openly admit that there is jack-shit wrong with them. They laugh in the face of IDS, the DWP and the Government.

                  Anyone who persistently denies that there is no abuse of disability benefits and ALL claimants of disability benefits are 100% legitimate is talking through a hole in their arse. There has to be some mechanism for rooting the fraudsters out of the system.

                  It is the Government’s duty to protect the public purse. It is after all hard-working taxpayers money that is being stolen through fraudulent claims.

                  OK, SSRPS and the other professional skivers on here may lose their fraudulently obtained benefits and may have to adjust to a life on lower rate benefits such as JSA, which incidentally they don’t even deserve either but humanity and common decency dictates that a human being even a thoroughly worthless one such as SSRPS shouldn’t be left to starve to death – then so be it!

                • sorry, fly not guy!

                • And what about Sue Marsh! Remember her? Prominent ‘disability campaigner’ who was ‘too ill to get out of bed in the morning’…. that is until Maximus offered her a £75,000 a year + expenses + car position. Now, this was someone claiming disability benefits for years and years. Is anyone on here going to argue that there wasn’t something ‘iffy’, indeed ‘suspect’ about her claim?

              • I hate to admit it flying fox,but in some instances I know you speak the truth, especially about Sue Marsh.

            • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

              Geoff – You must be doing something correct !!!!

  58. you are all mentally ill and stink of piss

    • Yes Roger, i am incontinent whereas you are incompetent……….

      • You take the piss because i cannot control mine after having worked twenty four years and succumbing to an industrial accident………


        Urinary incontinence is the unintentional passing of urine. It is a common problem and is thought to affect millions of people worldwide.

        It’s not clear exactly how many people are affected, but it’s estimated that between 3 and 6 million people in the UK may have some degree of urinary incontinence.

        Urinary incontinence affects both men and women, but it tends to be more common in women overall.

      • Roger is also verbally incontinent – he talks shit.

  59. Santa Hates You

    Roger shows his true colours with a hate crime comment!!!

  60. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Roger talking about himself again.

  61. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    If I get any Disability hate Crime on the streets you will be knee capped as a political prisoner – IRA Independent Rasta Army.

    The hate is really fear of disabled people. Do you want me to make you disabled !!!!

  62. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Disabled people are labelled Victims for having a disability. The DWP see disabled people as victims of law because they don`t have a disability.

    Until the DWP define the word disability, which has already been defined as Disability Confident there is no place in the uk for disabled people.

    It`s not what slander of the disabled you can`t do, It`s what slander of the disabled you can do.

    So it`s left for everyone to slander the disabled.

    Do you really want a slap !!!

  63. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    How many Tory Voters can you piss off !!! The Tory Voters are the victims with blood on their hands moaning about dodgy dave !!!

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The real victims are the ones who have committed suicide & the ones who have had their benefit cut & stopped.


  64. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Sink Estates are the ones with Ghost Ants. They have eaten the Pharaoh Ants. The little critters.

  65. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The Great Estate – The Rise and Fall of the Council House

  66. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  67. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  68. Tory Voters have a Lot to Answer For

    Colluders and Accomplices to Oppression and Tyranny

    Moral Equivalent of Nazi Collaborators

    • David Cameron would never have gotten thru the past 5 years in power, nor George Ian Smith(ids) get away with his mass murder policies, but for the treacherous collaboration of the Clegg Orange tories. And yet they wonder why they were almost wiped out…alas, not wiped out enough!
      Also, the utter ineptitude of the Miliband Labour “Opposition” which in fact was nothing of the sort. Labour supported so much of the present social security policies, and in too many others instances, abstained, when they could have actually defeated the Regime.
      They could have overturned the Bedroom Tax, but of the Labour dudes that bothered to show up for the debate and vote that could have achieved this, most abstained. The one vote they did turn up for, was a mere adjustment of the terms of the Bedroom Tax, and on that particular occasion, was more a PR stunt to try get at the SNP….and the voters saw thru it.
      Tory voters do indeed have a lot to answer for, but so so many in the Labour party. We hope, that at least now, they can make an effort to be more of an Opposition, but with idiot like Hilary Benn, and co there, we may wait, and wait

  69. The Austerity Stooges and Vote For Wars in the Middle East whilst the
    Poor and Vulnerable are Suffering in the Shadow Cabinet are a Shower
    and Need to be Sacked

    Jeremy Corbyn Needs More Backbone

    He is an Improvement on the Lot of Them of Course

    The Quality of Life and Public Services are More Important than
    Arrogant and Ignorant Out of Touch Politicians

    Constituencies Need Better Representation

  70. £33 Million Pounds Lottery Winners

    We are due to start the Work Programme with Working Links next week! Does anyone know of a way out of this? It would be nice to be in a position to tell the jobcentre to fuck off but we don’t want to risk a sanction! Please help!

  71. you are all mentally ill and stink of both piss and shit.

    • We all know you are mentally ill, Roger. So why waste your time trying to wind peoples necks up with your abuse and foul language to every one else on here. No wonder I don’t post musch stuff nowadays on this blog with the likes of people like yourself and your foul little mouth dragging it down to the gutter.

    • Just for you Roger 😀

  72. That’s funny we were told that the work programme has come to an end.

    • JSA claimants will no longer be referred to the mis-work programme from April, not January.

    • I’ve already had my two score years and 6 with the mis-work programme so I won’t be back on it again. Instead I’m now more likely to be shoved on to some mickey mouse course for two weeks (as was the case last October 2015).

  73. The UK has had Better Prime Ministers than David Cameron

  74. Notice Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary of State For Work and Pensions has Now got 116,232 Signatures

    No Austerity Hands Off the Poor

  75. No to this Country being a Totalitarian State No to So Called ” Extremist
    Disruption Orders ” and Hands Off the Poor


      Cancer patient stripped of benefits while undergoing chemotherapy



      Cancer patient stripped of benefits while undergoing chemotherapy

      12:10, 12 Jan 2016
      Updated 12:11, 12 Jan 2016
      By Robert Cumber

      Marisa Da Silva, of Isleworth, says she was told to apply for work despite the debilitating effects of her treatment

      Marisa Da Silva says she was told to apply for work while undergoing chemotherapy

      A cancer patient was stripped of her benefits for more than a month while undergoing debilitating chemotherapy following an apparent mix up.

      Marisa Da Silva, of Isleworth, was diagnosed in August 2015 with breast cancer and has been unable to work since her treatment began the following month.

      The 39-year-old was initially awarded Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), thanks to help from Macmillan Cancer Support to obtain the benefit.

      But this payment was withdrawn in November and she says she was told she would need to apply for work to qualify for Job Seekers Allowance (JSA).

      She claims one Jobcentre officer even advised her to hide her condition from potential employers, despite the chemotherapy leaving her unfit to work on all but a few days a month.

      ………………more DWP lies, as usual of course;

      The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said it had not received her application form, outlining her medical condition, until now.

      But Miss Da Silva is sceptical, questioning why she received a rejection letter in November and been told by an ESA advisor and Jobcentre staff that she only qualified for JSA.

      • paultheswineherd

        Geoff – That is bloody disgraceful – anyone in this position has to make sure that they get records of everything (especially any communications from/to the DWP) – these seem to be utter fuckers nowadays – one it seems have to be at death’s door to be not be ‘fit for work’. And even then, the ATOS/CAPITA/MAXIMUS ‘health care professionals’ would consider one ‘fit for work’.
        Fucking IDS – when is someone going to get rid everyone of this murderous bastard?

  76. paultheswineherd

    I’ve just seen a BBC ‘Conservative Political Party Broadcast’ (BBC 1 at 6.57PM) in which Cameron was crowing about ‘supporting hard-working people’ and hard-working families’, the ‘right to buy’ a 7 day NHS and good ‘child care’ amongst other things.
    Immediately afterwards, the BBC political correspondent Laura Kuennsberg can be seen ‘advertising’ the BBC ‘News App’ on a mobile phone. On the screen shown, the first ‘headline’ was regarding the Cassini space probe. The second ‘headline’ was something along the lines of ‘MP’s say that a crackdown on benefit cheats are ineffective’.

    • Laura Kuntsberg was party to setting up the labour MP who resigned live on tv last week on the BBC – we all should know which side the BBC is on by now.

      I’ve just learnt that a local tory MP has got a one day a week new job earning £40,000 a year as a Director of an Asset Company – assisting hedge funds set up in the Cayman islands to avoid tax – all in it tofuckingether

      • paultheswineherd

        jeremy – thats interesting – that just goes to show what goes on in the background that we know nothing about!

        • yep! article was in Private Eye and published on all local regional newspapers – the article has now been removed from all papers with no explanation – the media supporting the MPs again – we know little/ nothing about what these bastards are up to all in the name of accountability and democracy, they certainly DO NOT act in the interests of the electorate

          • paultheswineherd

            jeremy – yes, very true – these people seem to be able to take out articles at will with something that they do not agree with!
            Democracy? – my foot!

    • ……………Paul, the Daily Mail and SUN has been publishing pics of junior doctors on holiday beach settings in a move to try and bring scorn on their strike against JEREMY CUNT.
      They used pictures taken from media such as facebook.

      …………………..why don’t they show photographs of a well used texan wench straddling a wrinkled old man old enough to be her dad?

      • paultheswineherd

        Geoff – Exactly so – they just want the junior doctors to lose their very well deserved arguments. As I have said for ages now – Rupert Murdoch needs to be tried and prosecuted for his and his ‘journalist’s lies.
        After all, it all stops at the ‘top’ of the organisation – not the bottom.
        Whilst on the subject of bottoms and (Jeremy) cunts – yes, I agree – what the hell is Jerry Hall thinking of? Whilst underneath and heavily ‘bonking’ a wrinkled up old prune of an Aussie 84 year old man – I can really only think that she can be thinking of just one thing – when he croaks – I will be getting his billions upon billions of dollars! A sad old bitch if ever there was one! Although having said that – that old bugger has probably had his wrinkled todger up many a Texan cow MILF by now!! 🙂


          Please would you provide these documents to me as they are not
          publicly available:
          UT DECISION CPIP/1534/2015
          UT DECISION: CSPIP/690/2014
          UT DECISION: CSPIP/666/2014

          I am writing to advise you that the Department has decided not to disclose the
          information you requested.

          The information you requested is being withheld as it falls under the exemption
          in section 32(1)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act. This exemption covers
          information created by a court. I suggest that you contact the Upper Tribunal
          direct to request the information from them.





              Reasonably required principle –
              UT decision
              This decision held that the ‘reasonably required’ principle
              is not applicable to the ‘can/
              cannot’ descriptors. However,
              it is applicable to ‘needs’ descr
              iptors e.g. needs to use an
              aid or needs assistance. T
              he Judge has stated that the
              ‘need’ envisaged is a reasonable need as opposed to a
              medical one.
              So for example if a claimant needs to use an aid to
              prepare or cook a simple meal – the ‘need’ to use that aid
              must be reasonable in the claimant’s circumstances

  77. Look, I used to be like some of you guys; full of wind and piss and all for the Proletarian struggle against the Upper class, but then I had an epithany; I literally woke up and smelled the motherfucking coffee. I realised that these guys in charge, the Aristos;the blue bloods, the ones who went to Eton and Harrow, and later on’ Oxford and Cambridge; they really are better than us.
    I live in the ghetto. The place literally stinks of sulphur. It’s a highrise jungle land of wannabe gangsters, alcoholics, smackheads and all round useless cunts. Now nobody can tell me that these people in charge; the elites, that they’re not better than both myself and the dross that surrounds me. These Aristo guys have got an education, and class. They’re simply better. We are shit. They are a plate of jersey royal spuds, a length of Cumberland sausage, some garden peas and a big nob of Normandy butter; and everything is organic. They are just better than us. They have a pedigree. We are shit. We have fuck all. Face it. Get over it. Move on. Do your fucking job search.

    • paultheswineherd

      Roger – Look you bach – go down to JobCentrePlus and sign up for Universal Job Match – you could be surprised at what you find!

    • Roger without the fools nobody would be doing the menial jobs, we would have a nation of doctors, lawyers and politicians – who the fuck wants that, especially as none are around when you need them.
      It is the working class that keeps this country running and don’t you forget it you snob.

      • Perhaps we need a national strike (not just a junior doctors strike) to show them who runs the country.

      • paultheswineherd

        fly hawkes – Well said – this country needs the ‘more menial’ jobs too – the postmen, bus drivers, train drivers, bin men, builders, street sweepers, supermarket & other retail workers, plumbers, electricians, gas & heating fitters, water workers – I could go on & on & on & on! 🙂

  78. Johnny, it’s not “whinging about a feminist conspiracy” to remark that destruction of the traditional family is an objective of the feminist movement. It is quite clearly written in Chapter 2 of Kate Millett’s “Sexual Politics”. The text is available online if you don’t believe me. Don’t repeat massive whopping great lies, okay?

    • I agree with you IHplebbit, the lgbt are pushing the boundaries in every direction to their way of thinking, which is not to everyones liking, but they are given the largest voice in the media, even positive discrimination in all areas for them to do this.

  79. paultheswineherd

    Roger – It is you yourself that have said it – you have come from the gutter and unless you have a change in your ‘browbeaten’ attitude – then, my friend, in the gutter you will definitely stay. You have to look ‘upwards’ always – otherwise, you will never get anywhere and it will be a lost cause.

  80. paultheswineherd

    And then – if that’s not enough – Channel 4 News earlier reported that a Reuters ‘flash’ has reported that ‘Brent Crude’ is now down to below $30 a barrel – the first time that this has happened since 2004. Whilst this may be good for ‘consumer’ – it is definitely not good for the multinational oil corporations who have had it all too good for ever so long.
    Whilst these ‘oil prices’ have been falling – I have one question for all of you – have you seen your ‘electricity prices’ falling? I very much doubt it as the Big 6 Energy Companies have it all stitched up into one major Cartel.
    Mains ‘gas’ users have seen a slight decrease – but us ‘electricity’ users – no way – we have seen no ‘decrease’ whatsoever. (We are on a fixed tariff – which means that if their ‘overheads’ decrease then we will see a ‘decrease’ also). Bollocks – absolutely nothing forthcoming. With British Gas it is still at 14p per Kw/hr (and so it will remain) even if their ‘prices’ do fall.

    • paultheswineherd

      A 2016 recession is on the way – a ‘global downturn’ which will definitely not help the Conservatives in their ‘Long Term Economic Plan’

  81. You are a fool, paultheswineherd; an absolute bloody fool. And that is all that you will ever be, a fool.

    • paultheswineherd

      Roger – If I am a fool – then you are an even bigger fool.

      • ………….ROGER IS ALOOF………….

        adjective: aloof

        not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
        “they were courteous but faintly aloof”
        synonyms: distant, detached, unresponsive, remote, unapproachable, forbidding, stand-offish, formal, impersonal, stiff, austere, stuffy, withdrawn, reserved, unforthcoming, uncommunicative, indifferent; unfriendly, unsympathetic, unsociable, antisocial, cool, cold, chilly, frigid, frosty;
        haughty, supercilious, disdainful

    • Away and gie yer mooth an enema, yer talking that much crap ye must be full o’ it. 😀

      • paultheswineherd

        Raining – Well said. This Roger (as he calls himself) is nothing other than an ‘has been’. He has been slowly wallowing in his own self pity of non-achievement in a total Ocean of pure nothingness.
        As he said (he should) ‘get over it’ and do his own ‘jobsearch’ and if he thinks that the Conservatives will help him – then he is very sorely mistaken.

    • paultheswineherd

      Roger – I have got a job! Do you? I think that it is YOU that have to do your jobsearch.

        • paultheswineherd

          Marie – thank you for this. Well, it certainly seems that Cameron is turning into another ‘John Major’ – he (thank God) is not another Margaret Thatcher (whom he adores!) He is a ‘Prime Minister’ who is on the way out – and the bastard actually knows it – otherwise he would not have given the go ahead for the ‘Party Political Broadcast’ earlier – he is trying to build up support from ‘his’ electorate – who really now wishes they never ever voted for him. After all – there are ‘job losses’ everywhere and increasingly so. So much for his and Gidiot’s ‘Long Term Economic Plan’. They could not organise a piss up in a brewery – let alone run a Country.

        • I do not understand why they don’t go for Camerdung. If somebody took a pin and stuck it in him he would explode all over the Commons – he really is a plastic, pigsnogging piece of shit

    • paultheswineherd

      That arch-liar Rupert Murdoch – who (allegedly) knew ‘nothing’ about ‘anything’ that occurred in his corrupt Empire. Bollocks – he was at the very top of everything – he must have known about what was going on.
      The Sun – The Daily Mail – The Times – The Telegraph.
      All liars – and all Tory oriented. A ‘cow’ NOT eating ‘grass’ – I don’t think so!

  82. Poor old Rodger …..he,s never been kissed you see ……he,s still a virgin………………………at his age……….Rodger here,s a couple of kisses for you. Xx. That’s better isn’t it …….its allright love…we don’t judge here………it all right.

    • The advent of 600 more armed police in London has nothing to do with terrorist activities, the Tories are fearing a rebellion against their lunatic policies…………..



        As set out in previous BBC Annual Reports and Accounts there are two cars and drivers.
        The table below shows the mileage associated with these cars for each of the past four
        financial years.
        Chauffeur Car: Shared car

        Members of the Executive have access to a car and driver on a shared basis, and since Rona
        Fairhead joined the BBC Trust as Chairman in October 2014, she has shared this car. This
        car is also used by other senior directors on occasion.

        2011 – 2012 – 12,500 miles
        2012 – 2013 – 12,300 miles
        2013 – 2014 – 12,200 miles
        2014 – 2015 – 11,500 miles

        Chauffeur Car: Director General:

        When the car is not required by the Director-General it is available to other members of
        the BBC’s Executive Board.

        2011 – 2012 – 24,300 miles
        2012 – 2013 – 22,600 miles
        2013 – 2014 – 21,700 miles
        2014 – 2015 – 24,200 miles

        We are withholding information about individual contracts and duties under section 40(2)
        (personal information) of the Act. Under section 40(2) of the Act,


  83. ………..and the BBC doesn;t know how much it costs to wash their windows?

    1. How much does the BBC licence fee payer spend annually just to clean the
    windows at the BBC headquarters in London?

    Please find below the information you requested.

    The window cleaning is covered by a comprehensive facilities management contract
    between the BBC and Interserve. Under this contract, costs are not separated out
    for individual services such as window cleaning. We do not, therefore, hold the
    information requested.



      “BBC Monitoring held gatherings of staff in Dubai and Riga in 2015.
      In respect of each, I would like to know:

      – how many people on UK contracts and how many on local conditions
      contracts attended;
      – the names of the venues and hotels used;
      – the star rating of rooms booked, and whether all staff were
      booked into the same class of room or there were variations
      according to seniority, UK or local conditions employment or other
      – the class of flights, and whether attendees flew to Dubai and
      Riga in the same class or there were variations according to
      seniority, UK or local conditions employment or other criteria.

      Also, what was the total cost to the BBC of a) hotels and
      accommodation and use of facilities, and b) air travel?”

      We estimate that to deal with your request would take more than two and a half days; under
      section 12 of the Act, we are allowed to refuse to handle the request if it would exceed the
      appropriate limit. The appropriate limit has been set by the Regulations (SI 2004/3244) as being
      £450 (equivalent to two and a half days work, at an hourly rate of £25).


  84. Instead of a Nutcase Nanny State A Caring State is Needed

    paultheswineherd | January 11, 2016 at 10:05 pm | Reply

    Another ‘nanny state’ idea from a P.M. who hasn’t got a clue about how people really live in Britain! Another large cork going into the side of a taking water and slowly sinking Tory ship! He really does’nt know what crap to come out with next.

  85. Notice that Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has 116,238 Signatures

    No Austerity No Slavery Increase the State Pension

  86. The 15th of January 2016 AD Mark’s the 65th Anniversary of Ilse Koch
    the Bitch of Buchenwald being Sentenced to Life Imprisonment in 1951 AD.

    Evil like Margaret Thatcher the Witch of Westminster

  87. Political Correctness is Thought Control and Totalitarian

    It is a Betrayal of British Freedom

    I am For Stable Loving Families

  88. Increase Welfare Benefits No Nutcase Budgets Hands Off the Poor


    I found this critique of ‘the reader’ very poignant from the point of view of the internee’s not from the prison camp warders point of view, nor from the author’s final sentence “who was the real Hanna Schmitz? In that sense she was the fallible human being and each and every one of us”.

    Fallible we all may be, but some of us would not be that fallible even with a gun against our heads.

  90. “in each and every one of us”,
    not and each and every one of us.

  91. Defend the Welfare State Defend Security For Children against Destitution and Hunger

    No to Dickensian Squalor and Misery

  92. After the 1914 1918 AD during the 1920’s and 1930’s Many had Hope and
    Optimism for Peace Sadly WW2 came along as the Nazis under Adolf
    Hitler were Bent upon Military Conquest and Aggression

    So Many Died in the United Kingdom and so Many Historic Buildings in the
    United Kingdom were Destroyed under the Aerial Bombardment of the

    After the 1939 1945 AD War Many Hoped for Peace and an End to the
    Poverty Squalor and Human Existed Sadly beforehand with the Setting Up
    of the National Health Service . Sadly the Hybrid Mutant of the Condem
    Regime was Set Up in May 2010 AD and with Liberal Democrat Support
    the Bedroom Tax was Inflicted the Con Dems gave Tax Breaks for Millionaires whilst Men like David Clapson and Women like Karen Sherlock
    Died in Disgusting Circumstances

    What is Needed For the Present and Future is Peace No to WW3 Fullstop
    and Particularly British Involvement and Proper Funding for Public Services
    the Protection of the Poor and Vulnerable and No Nutcase Austerity or
    Nutcase Budgets

    A Triumph For Common Sense and Real Compassion

  93. There is No such Thing as ” Positive Discrimination ” it is a Orwellian
    Twisting of Words just like Braindead Political Correctness is a Tool of
    Slavery and Oppression

    Without any Freedom of Speech Britons are Slaves as Well as Slavery
    Collaborating Knaves

    Real Equality Bridging the Gulf between Rich and Poor

    fly hawkes | January 14, 2016 at 1:02 pm | Reply

    I agree with you IHplebbit, the lgbt are pushing the boundaries in every direction to their way of thinking, which is not to everyones liking, but they are given the largest voice in the media, even positive discrimination in all areas for them to do this.

  94. No Oppression

    There is hardly a tv programme on tv that is not fronted by a member of the gay community, airing their views.

    Today’s daily politics was about taking away the gender criteria on passports to please transsexuals, most of whom are bi anyway.

    Perhaps they should just add another tick box saying transsexual, then out will come the political correct brigade saying it is discriminatory.

    How would the gay community like it if straight people asked for public toilets for straight people only. It seems you can’t see further than your own genders.

  95. Your own AGENDAS.

    • you know nothing about oppressed minorities do you?

      • Jeremy yes I do, but the demands of the lgbt are getting out of hand.
        If you are so called ‘bi’ then you are straight not gay. If you can sleep with the opposite sex then you are not gay and should not be sleeping with the same sex.
        I have every sympathy for true Gay people in the past who were hounded, imprisoned etc, but they are trying to change everyone’s lifestyle to suit their own.

        They do not only want a civil partnership(marriage) in a register office, they are hounding religious institutions to go against their creed or principles and marry gay people in a church, even though most of the gay community are atheist, but because the church of England clergy have enough gays in the fold this got past the synod.

        I don’t care what anyone does within a relationship and I don’t want to know, it should be private,but a lot of gay activity is done in the public sphere, if they are not being talked about and pushing their views and bodies via parades, they are cottaging in public toilets.

        I could go on about them fathering children, which you could understand when they had to be in the closet and hide their sexuality, but not these days.
        They want us all to be bloody androgenous and to hell with what straight people think.

        How can anyone determine what sex bi’s and transsexuals are if they don’t know who or what they are themselves, because half of them change sex and become gay men or lesbian women so why bother.

  96. All this Silly Political Correctness about Passports Does Nothing to Help
    the Poor and Vulnerable including the Homeless just like it Done Nothing
    to Save the Lives of David Clapson and Karen Sherlock

    It is a Distraction from the Damage that Neo Liberalism has done to this

    fly hawkes | January 14, 2016 at 6:05 pm | Reply

    No Oppression

    There is hardly a tv programme on tv that is not fronted by a member of the gay community, airing their views.

    Today’s daily politics was about taking away the gender criteria on passports to please transsexuals, most of whom are bi anyway.

    Perhaps they should just add another tick box saying transsexual, then out will come the political correct brigade saying it is discriminatory.

    How would the gay community like it if straight people asked for public toilets for straight people only. It seems you can’t see further than your own genders.

  97. It is Disgusting to Think that Liberal Democrats having Propped Up
    Nutcase Austerity between May 2010 AD and March 2015 AD and
    having Lost Seats at the Last General Election could of been made
    Members of the House of Lords

    This is Utterly Un Acceptable and they should have their Seats in the
    House of Lords Taken Away

    The Liberal Democrats could of Stopped a Lot of the Nutcase Austerity
    but the Liberal Democrats were like Lobby Fodder too Often


  98. Councils are There to Represent and Serve Decent Local Residents

    Therefore they Need the Backbone of Liverpool Council in the 1980’s
    in Defying the Margaret Thatcher’s Dictatorship and Say to National
    Government We Need Proper Funding for Local Government Services

  99. Santa Hates You

    A bit more solidarity amongst us all against our true enemy (the Tories) and sticking to the point of JV’s posts would be more useful everybody.

    • JV’s posts don’t cover everything that is happening in politics, so if we discuss current topics being aired on political programmes I can’t see the harm especially as politics covers lots of area’s other than soup making which was given a good airing.
      Politics is more about discussion before you achieve solidarity.

      • fly hawkes – I felt it was worth a try as many of the posts on here seem to repeatedly lead to the fact that we’re being treated like used toilet paper by Cameron and his evil government. More to the point, I would be more interested in what we’re going to do about the Tory bastards? We now live in a one party state ruled by people who couldn’t give a flying fuck whether we lived or died. So I ask you again – what are we going to do about this?

        • You are right the agenda should be about the fight for fairness and decency, caring and compassion without being over sentimental which gives the likes of whiner Roger the upper hand.

          Does anyone remember the march from the Tory fox hunting brigade and the number of people that marched on London, not to mention Brian Ferry’s son storming parliament, but because labour were in power despite their number it had little effect.

          The problem is when labour get into power they are more interested in saving foxes than saving humans from the imminent threat of unemployment, instead they want unilateral nuclear disbarment in a world that is being goaded into war at every turn.

          We should be arguing for peace not war, an end to poverty everywhere so that the capitalist cannot use one country against another and the only way to do this in my opinion is to end currency throughout the world and start producing and distributing what people need, instead of building luxury yachts for the rich neo liberalists.

  100. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Maximus-owned Remploy slashes pay of disabled experts by half

    DNS – 14th Jan 2016

    The care watchdog has allowed a US outsourcing giant to slash the pay of disabled people by more than half when it takes over two contracts to manage service-users who work as expert advisers on care home and hospital inspections.

    Two of the three new contracts to run the Experts by Experience (EbE) programme – in which people with experience of using care services take part in Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections – have been awarded to Remploy, which is now mostly owned by the discredited US company Maximus.

    But even though the three new contracts are supposed to begin on 1 February, they have still not been signed, and CQC has admitted it “may take several more weeks for the negotiations to be complete and the contracts to be signed”.

    Existing EbEs who have spoken to Disability News Service (DNS) are furious at how the watchdog has treated them.

    CQC has described the EbE contract as its largest ever procurement process, but there are now question-marks over how it has run the exercise.

    Remploy confirmed this week to existing EbEs that it will pay them just £8.25 per hour (or £9.40 in London), compared with current rates of more than £17 per hour.

    Read More:

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Remploy Putting Ability First & Fuck Everyone Else

      Maximus Putting Ability Shareholders First & Fuck The DWP

  101. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Providing information and advice on disability confidence

    The Business Disability Forum raises awareness and provides information and definitive guidance on best practice through its website, networking events and publications. While information on some specific topics, such as legislative briefings, are available to members only, the group shares a lot of disability and business-related information with the wider audience as well. It has a media centre with facts and figures and case studies to be used by journalists, which is seen as important to promoting disability as a business issue.

    The former EFD’s first major publication, ‘Disability etiquette’ was launched in 1991 and has sold well over 2 million copies. Since then, it has published a multitude of guides, often in collaboration with their members, among them ‘Guides on disability communication’ geared at different audiences and ‘Line manager guides’ on managing disability at work.

    It also issued a set of 18 ‘EFD Briefing papers’ that provide employers with practical guidance and case studies on various issues related to the employment of people with disabilities.

    The Business Disability Forum recognises that many large corporations want to provide their employees and customers with information which is specifically relevant to them. Therefore, all of the groups publications can be tailored to feature particular corporate brands, and many guides are available either in hard copy, or as licensed versions for use on the corporation’s intranets.

    Although the Business Disability Forum has always offered a helpline service to its employer members in some form, a specific service, ‘Disability Directions’, was established in 2007.

    It is provided by a team that answers a range of disability-related queries of members by phone, email, textphone, post or online. The service is confidential and tailored to the needs of the particular client. Calls can be about any aspect of business and disability. Examples of queries include, for example, how to recruit someone with a mental health condition; how to design an accessible conference; or feedback on specific policies affecting disabled people.


    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      You will be please to hear I now have a job as a disability sit down comedian !!!!

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Promoting disability as a business issue selling 2 million disability bullshit books. Since the tax is not being paid on these profits of books of slander of the disabled is makes it even more slanderous.

  102. Look, what this country needs is to go down the road of the progressive United States of America, there, dolos only get unemployment benefit for a maximum of 26 weeks in every state in the union.
    Now that may seem harsh, but it provides its citizens with the much needed motivation to go out and find a job; here, we lazy and indolent dole scrounging bastards seem to think that society owes us, that we have a right to free fucking money and a free home et cetera, et cetera. Well society doesn’t fucking owe us anything. Not a fucking thing. And the sooner that we malingering bunch of cunts realise that and stop expecting to have our arses wiped by the nanny state and to be given free food, et ceterah; then we’ll all be better fucking off.
    People ( Roger wails plaintively ), where’s your fucking pride?
    Goddamn you, look after yourselves, you hear me; stop expecting others to look after you. Your Goddamn sense of entitlement is breathtaking.
    People, you disgust me….

    • why don’t you just fuck off then?

    • Roger still believes in the American dream, where the banks repossessed
      towns full of homes due to sub prime lending.
      Where tinderbox homes are built on hurricane paths, where millions are living in trailers, where drug use is rife and the only people from the working class areas are making money via drug pushing or money lending.

      Read the book ‘death of a salesman’ to highlight the plight of the self employed working themselves to death to try and keep their heads above water, where age plays a huge factor in staying in employment, employment that is not contractual, is reliant on sales not salary and there is no unionisation to fight your corner when the company whose products you are selling walks all over you or decides to give you the push.

      The only thing that is ‘bum’ is the American bum ‘New Deal’ we adopted into this country by New Labour.

      People in this country are willing to work but unfortunately in a global economy and technological advances in many areas of the globe, we are just one of many team players vying for employment for our citizens.

      Unless you had money to buy stocks and shares, invest in bonds or jump on the housing bandwagon that artificially inflated the housing market, there was not much the working class could do to survive the past 30 years of economic depression.

      Perhaps you Roger can suggest how the unemployed can become entrepreneurs overnight and fulfill the ‘American Dream’?

      • PS most of those claiming benefits have paid into a system over their working lives with the promise of jam tomorrow.
        We still need a system like the welfare state and NHS whether or not there is employment or not for everyone, infact more so for those that cannot find work, not because they are lazy or crazy but because in a recession banks don’t lend and governments won’t spend on anyone except those they say are the ‘wealth creators’, who create nothing without their workforce.

    • Santa does hate you – so fuck you, you fucking fuck!!!

  103. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    A lot of people earning £20,000 – £30,000 a year also do not like the way the Welfare Reform is being done. That is not much wages anyway. Does that make them scroungers getting UC because everyone will be on UC. So why pick on people who you feel are so not fit for purpose & treat them like dirt. We are all human beings. The biggest chunk of the DWP money goes to pensioners. Perhaps we should cut their money since they are the key to votes !!!

  104. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Just like the USA 2015 there was 30,000 gun related deaths !!!!

  105. paultheswineherd

    People in their 20’s, 30’s & 40’s could be hit with this one! (State Pensions)‘s-will-be-worse-off-as-a-result-of-state-pension-changes-says-dwp

  106. paultheswineherd

    People in their 20’s, 30’s & 40’s could be hit with this one! (State Pensions)

  107. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    DWP PRESS RELEASE 14th Jan 2016

    Jobcentre Plus support rolled out to schools

    Ground-breaking government scheme to provide expert employment support to young people.

    A ground-breaking government scheme to provide expert employment support to young people will be launched today (14 January 2015) by Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith and Employment Minister Priti Patel.

    As part of the ‘Jobcentre Plus Support for Schools’ initiative, local Jobcentre Plus advisers will offer 12 to 18 year old pupils insight into the world of work and advice on options like traineeships and apprenticeships. This scheme is designed to help young people think about their future career ambitions and make plans to realise them.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      POINT 1 –
      will be launched today (14 January 2015) by Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith and Employment Minister Priti Patel.



      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Iain Duncan Smith said:

        “Extending Jobcentre support into schools will have a dramatic and enormously positive impact on young people’s prospects – helping to ensure that the transition from school to their next pursuit is a smooth and positive one.”

        “This scheme is fundamentally about social mobility and social justice – ensuring we give all young people the best chance to get on in life.”

        “I have boundless ambition for this country’s young people, and through this scheme we will support them to achieve their full potential.”

        Employment Minister Priti Patel said:

        “We want every young person, regardless of their background, to be able to get on and reach their full potential – and my mission is to make sure they get every opportunity to do so.”

        “That is why we are focusing on quality early years childcare, education and making sure every young person is either earning or learning – so that they get the best start in life.”

        “I am proud that our local Jobcentre Plus advisors are on hand to give pupils extra support to help them make the best choices for their future.”

  108. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  109. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  110. Jesusisananacrhist

    Traditional family values ? 100000 children living in one room in hostels & b&b’s , oh but you don’t see that in the mainstream media do you ? pregnant women being sanctioned , single mothers being sanctioned, children going to school hungry.. sick sick sick / 666 society.

  111. You might think 300 quid a week and a free house is a lot but it is nothing when you have suffered from depression and anxiety for over 20 years and can’t make it out of bed in the morning. How would you like to be sat watching rubbish TV in the middle of the night? Or do you want to take away our pittance of money and homes, the only things that stops us from ending it all? Do you want us disabled to all go and top ourselves? Where would be country be then?

    • Stop whingeing you little fuck. People, better people than you, will decide your precarious “benefit” state of existence. You don’t know how lucky you have been, You Fuck, to spend your wretched little life milking the cow without ever having to feed it. Well it’s all coming to an end You Fuck. Do you hear me You selfpitying, whining Fuck. The time is coming when the likes of you and your ilk will have to contribute something towards your “free” handout, be it standing around like a muppet in a charity shop for eight hours per day, or doing something equally “character” building and “worthy”. Do you hear me You FUCK!!??? You fucking little bloody fuck, you….

      • Santa Hates You

        Anyone with more than one brain cell knows that the benefits system is primarily based on national insurance contributions. Fact 2: Those people who claim income related benefits are in most cases in work, but earning very low wages – think family tax credits – hence why they need this support to survive. Fact 3: Over half of the benefits bill is focused around pensions – which again comes out of NI contributions. Perhaps in future you might try to get your facts right before churning out your stupid dogshit statements. So my advice to you is – fuck you, you fucking attention seeking Tory loving fuckwit!!!

      • Razor Step Sound Plating System

        Disability Hate Criminal Nazi Tory Troll

      • Chief Superintendent Graham Dill.

        We have been monitoring your statements made on these pages following 22 complaints made by the disabled community.
        It is evident from the last one that your comments have breached Disabilty Discrimination Laws and will not be tolerated.
        Afile containing your comments has been submitted to the reevant body and charges may follow.

        C.S. Graham Dill.

  112. I bet Roger the dodger has been a benefit fiddler all of his life 🙂

  113. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Iain & Duncan Smith these are two people. 2 brothers separated at birth. Roger has to decide he`s Iain or Duncan out of the Smith brothers. Iain & Duncan Smith give each other confidence & they talk to each other because their brothers.


    US firm doing Tories’ dirty work on benefits is hit by whistleblower’s shocking allegations

    Maximus Inc, which assesses disabled people’s fitness for work, is “a brutal, Wall Street corporation devoid of any humanity” says a former PR manager

    Directors of the controversial American company whose UK subsidiary implements Government ‘fit-for-work’ tests “offloaded millions of pounds worth of shares” ahead of revelations that the company is performing badly, a whistleblower alleges.

    He claims executives, including the President and CEO of Maximus Inc, sold over £7.9million in shares ahead of revelations the company is performing even worse than the previous firm to take the role, ATOS.

    This week, the former senior PR manager, who worked for Maximus’s UK subsidiary the Centre for Health and Disability Assessments (CHDA), filed a complaint to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    He claims that “directors knew of serious problems just months into the contract and still sold millions of pounds worth of shares”.

    Maximus says the directors of the Virginia-based company – which operates government contracts all over the globe – traded in line with regulations and they have not received a complaint from the SEC.

    The former local government official claims he was fired by CHDA after raising concerns about spending on PR.

    He added: “Maximus is a brutal, Wall Street corporation devoid of any humanity and only interested in the US share price.”

    WENN Hundreds of disabled activists protest outside the headquarters of Maximus
    Angry: A disabled activist joins the protest

    Shares sold by Maximus executives since it took over the £579m Work Capability Assessment (WCA) contract on March 2, 2015 – and CHDA started carrying out tests – add up to £7.9m.

    But the company won the contract to assess disabled people months earlier, and the whistleblower says the company started realising the extent of problems with the UK contract from November 2014.

    Since then, Maximus directors have sold over £11.4m of shares.



      But the company won the contract to assess disabled people months earlier, and the whistleblower says the company started realising the extent of problems with the UK contract from November 2014.

      Since then, Maximus directors have sold over £11.4m of shares.

      This, the former senior manager claims, is despite executives having been told the contract was “impossible to deliver”.

      Since March 2015, over £5m worth have been sold by one employee alone – Bruce Caswell, President of Maximus.

      Meanwhile, CEO Richard Montoni has sold £1m of his shares.

      Caswell sold £70,000-worth of shares just five weeks before the company announced its results for the financial year ending September 2015. Those results revealed Maximus had so far made a £2.7m loss on the WCA contract – and the share price dropped 26 per cent.

      Under fire: An office run by Maximus, which has been criticised by the National Audit Office

      There is no suggestion the executives have acted illegally. Maximus says that: “All executive share sales take place in strict accordance with Security and Exchange Commission rules and our company insider trading policy. Mr Montoni and Mr Caswell traded under formal plans in compliance with SEC Rule 10b5-1.”

      On Tuesday, the company announced its board of directors had approved a “quarterly cash dividend of $0.045 per share, payable on February 29, 2016 to shareholders of record on February 16, 2016”.

      The whistleblower said: “The US directors treat the UK contract like a cash machine. In the US this would be considered ‘carpet-bagging’. Working for Maximus was like working for Gordon Gecko.

      “Their attitude is totally incompatible with a contract dealing with vulnerable people.”

      Read more: Tory ministers splash thousands of pounds on limos to carry their PAPERWORK

      The allegations come as a damning report from the National Audit Office revealed the number of Work Capability Assessments completed by Maximus is still below target despite a “staggering” increase of the cost to the taxpayer to £579m a year. The amount could have supported 32,000 disabled people for a year.

      When Maximus – motto Helping Government Serve the People – took over from ATOS to implement medical assessments of claimants for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Iain Duncan Smith heralded the new contract as a “fresh approach”.

      But the average cost of assessments is up 65 per cent under Maximus, from £115 to £190 a test, while people are waiting 23 weeks instead of the target wait of seven.

      Getty Iain Duncan Smith
      Pressure: The allegations will add to the woes of Iain Duncan Smith

      The NAO also revealed one in 10 of Maximus’s reports have been rejected – an even lower success rate than ATOS’s one in 25.

      The whistleblower, who worked for CHDA for six months, claims he was sacked for questioning “extortionate amounts of money” paid by Maximus to an external PR company for “low-level” PR services.

      “I felt Maximus was wasting vast sums of UK taxpayers’ money and that the payments could discredit the company,” he said.

      One of the reasons the costs are so out of control is that there is no scrutiny over spending. They believe throwing taxpayers’ money at every problem is the answer.”

      Read more: Spending soars on fatcat government consultants with experts paid more than £1,000 a day

      He is now pursuing a claim for unfair dismissal against CHDA. Maximus says it “routinely engages outside firms to provide a variety of services and counsel. Contracts with these firms are always done in full accordance of any of our contractual obligations.”

      The PR company was yesterday unavailable for comment.

      The former employee claims the company admitted in meetings their target of employing 1,000 new healthcare professionals to carry out assessments was “unrealistic and unworkable”.

      “It wasn’t just that they couldn’t recruit staff, they couldn’t retain them,” he claims.

      “Medical professionals questioned the ethics of what they were doing, and whether the tests were making people mentally and physically worse off.”

      Oldham East and Saddleworth MP Debbie Abrahams
      Attack: Debbie Minister, Shadow Minister for Disabled People

      He alleges targets were missed despite nurses being offered £700 a day overtime to do fit-for-work assessments at weekends, “where the end result is often taking £35 a week off people”.

      The DWP says the allegations are a commercial matter for the company.

      A spokesperson from the Centre for Health and Disability Assessments said: “Since we took over the Health Assess-ment Advisory Service contract in March 2015, our ambition has been to transform the service. We have already significantly reduced the backlog of assessments that we inherited.

      Read more: Tories scrapped flood defence plans because they were ‘unaffordable’ admits Downing Street

      “We have also increased the number of healthcare professionals we employ and have already implemented new recruitment and retention plans in order to deliver high-quality assessments that are timely and fair.

      “The investment and increase in staff is to support the higher proportion of face-to-face assessments we now carry out, as well as to meet the requirements of the contract going forward.

      “We are confident about the future and remain fully committed to delivering a high-quality service and an improved customer journey.”

      Concerns: Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the PCS union

      The whistleblower also questioned the awarding of subsequent contracts by the DWP to Maximus – while knowing it was failing to deliver the WCA contract. These include Remploy, the disabled people’s employment service.

      The whistleblower added: “Maximus is a ruthless American corporation only interested in money and targets. A company with their global reputation should never have been awarded such sensitive contracts.”

      Debbie Abrahams, Shadow Minister for Disabled People, said: “It seems Iain Duncan Smith and the Tories are quite happy to target disabled and vulnerable people, and line the pockets of big businesses, seemingly at any cost to the taxpayer. It is time the Secretary of State took responsibility for his monumental failures and resigned.”

      Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) said: “At the very least these serious allegations highlight the dangers inherent in contracting work out to multinational companies when it would be better to invest in expertise and resources in-house.”

      • @geoff

        Surely no the contract killers of RICHARD MONTONI?

        • Woman told she no longer qualifies for sickness benefit on day she died.

          READ THE SICKENING, SHOCKING Dwp letter.

          • Dwp says lad is just a normal lazy teenager……………

            Then he dies.


            I applied for disability living allowance for my son who was 13 back in 2013, on the advice of his consultants, as he had a life threatening, life limiting condition, the application was rejected, I appealed and we ended up going to a tribunal in December 2013. The man from DWP sat in the tribunal and said there was nothing wrong with my son and he was just a normal lazy teenager that didn’t want to do anything. The tribunal found in our favour and the judge advised me to apply for our case to be looked at again because his health had deteriorated since we had first applied and he should have been entitled to the higher rate disability living allowance. However, my son died 7 months later, whilst fighting/appealing with DWP as per the judge’s advice. I would love to meet the man from the DWP and see what he has to say about my son’s health now. They are totally clueless!


              As many as 1.5m benefits claimants ‘could face destitution after disappearing from welfare system’

              Concerns over what happened to those who dropped off the roll

              As many as 1.5 million benefits claimants could face destitution after disappearing from the welfare system, a report by a respected former Labour minister has warned.

              The authorities are failing to keep tabs on why claimants have disappeared from the roll meaning it has no idea how many people are being left penniless, according to Frank Field.

              The Work and Pensions Committee chairman said benefit sanctions are being applied on a “scale unknown since the Second World War” and the fate of at a least one third of those who have been penalised is “anybody’s guess.”

              Around 1.5 million claimants fall off the welfare roll a year but their whereabouts is a “mystery” and it is unclear how many are left without work or benefit payments, according to Mr Field.


            • DWP + JCP = SCUM.

  115. Pingback: Housing, Welfare and the Return to Family – strikingheart

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