These Statistics Tell Us Fuck All But One Death Was Too Many

first-they-cameIf there’s one thing we can learn from the release of statistics examining the deaths of sickness benefit claimants it’s that most journalists writing about social security haven’t got a fucking clue what they are talking about.  Both The Guardian and The Daily Mail* reported this week that 2,380 people died within two weeks of being found Fit For Work by the DWP when in truth these people could have died anytime up to two years after their assessments.

The reason for this blunder – and that seems the wrong word given the subject matter, negligence might be better – is simply because they misunderstood the DWP’s garbled explanantion of how they collect data for statistical purposes.

Two statistical reports were reluctantly released by the government yesterday and both are equally confusing – and no doubt deliberately so.   The first is a report on the death rates of people on all out of work benefits and the second a response to the long-standing FOI by fellow blogger Mike Sivier asking about the deaths of claimants on Employment Support Allowance (ESA), the main out of work sickness and disability benefit.  Sadly neither of these documents tells us very much about the impact of the despised Work Capability Assessment, the crude benefit eligibility test which was introduced by the last Labour government, not Iain Duncan Smith.

The ESA statistics show the total number of people who have died whilst claiming the benefit, and of those how many had previously been found Fit For Work.  The key questions which are left unanswered are whether those judged ‘Fit For Work’ were more likely to die than the general population, and exactly what is meant by claimants who the report says were found Fit For Work but were also still on ESA at the time of their death.

According to the department, 2,380 people who had previously been found Fit For Work ended their claim for ESA because they had died.  Now this doesn’t seem to make any sense because they shouldn’t have had an ESA claim to end if they had been found Fit For Work.  However, as the DWP allude to in the report, those who appeal a Fit For Work decision may have their ESA claim re-instated whilst awaiting the outcome of that appeal – or at least they would have until Mandatory Reconsiderations were introduced in late 2013 but let’s ignore that because it only muddies the waters even more.

What this suggests is that those 2,380 deaths do not represent the total number of people who have died after being found Fit For Work , but only those who went on to appeal that decision and died before the appeal was heard.  Some people who didn’t appeal will have died as well, which means that the number of people who died after being found Fit For Work may be significantly higher than reported yesterday.  But without a clarification from the DWP on exactly who they are talking about we cannot be sure.

The statistics also report that there were 1,340 deaths amongst people who had completed an appeal against a Fit For Work decision.  The DWP do not tell us what the outcome of these appeals were, but given they were on ESA at the time of their death it seems reasonably certain they were successful.  This means that 1,340 people were found Fit For Work, subsequently appealed, won the appeal, got their benefits back, and then died.

These numbers sound shocking, but they still don’t tell us much.  As Ben Goldacre pointed out yesterday, without knowing the rate of deaths compared to the rest of the population – as in are people found Fit For Work at a benefit assessment more likely to die than a non-claimant – then we don’t really know much at all.  It is worth remembering that a large number of people claiming  ESA are nearing pensionable age.  There are many deaths amongst non-claimants in this age group as well.

Where Goldacre is wrong, despite his snide remarks about confused bloggers, is in assuming that we could establish the rate of deaths amongst those found Fit For Work by tracking them through other benefits they may be claiming.  DWP research shows that over half of those who lose ESA due to a Fit For Work decision disappear from the benefits system completely (pdf).  The DWP simply does not know what happens to them after that, including whether they are alive or not.

There are two interesting facts that can be gleaned from yesterday’s statistics however, one being that people in the Work Related Activity Group are over twice as likely to die as non-claimants.  These are those assessed as fit for some work, or being able to work at some point in the future, but who keep sickness benefits and cannot be forced to take a job.  The government has just announced that this group will soon be abolished with benefits slashed to the same rate as Jobseeker’s Allowance (the dole).  There is now clear statistical evidence that people in this group are significantly more likely to die than the general population.

The other surprising news is that people on Jobseekers Allowance are less likely to die than those not on benefits.  This is a consistent trend that is recorded as far back as 2003.  Care should be taken on how to interpret this, but it surely demands further research.  Sadly with the government, charities, think-tanks and the health establishment all currently obsessed with the flawed notion that work is good for your health, we are unlikely to see any.

Iain Duncan Smith is a fetid piece of shit but he didn’t invent death.  And we shouldn’t attempt to conjure up thousands of deaths to show why current social security policies are causing horrifying suffering.   The massive growth in the use of foodbanks, soaring malnutrition cases in hospitals, rocketing homelessness – these all tell their own story about what is going on in the lives of the poorest.  As do the ever-growing number of coronors reports and anguished stories from relatives about deaths that we know for sure are linked to failures of the benefits system.  There should be no assumption that just because tens of thousands of people have not been killed by Iain Duncan Smith’s welfare reforms then that makes everything okay.  Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have had their lives turned into a miserable and daily battle for survival and that is an atrocity.  The Work Capability Assessment needs to be brought to an immediate end, one death was far too many.

UPDATE 29/08/15  Both The Guardian and The Daily Mail have added an amendment to these stories, with the Mail seeming to clarify that the Fit For Work deaths were people going through the appeals process.

For the sad list of those we know have died due to failures of the benefits system visit:

Above pic from here

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154 responses to “These Statistics Tell Us Fuck All But One Death Was Too Many

  1. overburdenddonkey

    amen to this excellent post jv…the WCA and all it’s attachments must go…

  2. Pingback: These Statistics Tell Us Fuck All But One Death Was Too Many | the void | sdbast

  3. paultheswineherd

    overburdenddonkey – yes, you are right – it must GO and SOON.
    And so must Iain Duncan Smith, – this unapologetic and psychopathic murderer of the poor, the sick and the disabled of Britain.
    I have recently noticed a post on Benefits & Work website which states that:
    “In fact, as we know, there have been dozens of cases in which coroner’s inquests have cited the WCA as a contributory factor in claimants deaths.”
    This being the case and the Coroner’s Court is a ‘Court of Law’ in the true sense of the words, I would have thought that the relatives of these poor people could well have some form of legal redress against the DWP/the WCA provider (or both). After all, one organisation is ordering it to be carried out and the other organisation is being paid to carry it out on their behalf. As usual though, IDS is still (in law) also responsible as such, as it was he, who is at the head of the whole thing and has given out these policies and orders to follow in the first place. One thing is certain though, in my own personal opinion, what has so far been reported is just the very tip of a very large iceberg. The DWP has not had the guts to fully admit all of the deaths that have (so far) been recorded, but it has now gone so far, that before much more time has passed, then they are going to have to.

    • something survived...

      Cause of death: 1) IDS

      • But a death certificate would read:

        Cause of death:

        1) Myocardial infarction
        2) Stress
        3) IDS

        • i.e. IDS IDS brought on the stress which led to the myocardial infarction (heart attack) but the primary cause of death would be a heart attack.

          As they say there are more ways of skinning a cat than boiling it alive. For say someone feeds their partner ‘unhealthy’ food which leads to a fatal heart attack. I’ve have personally seen this happen. The husband being fed 6 pork pies with a massive serving of chips for his evening meal – of course his partner doesn’t eat his; she has a salad. Of course the guy’s blood pressure is sky-high and he eventually drops dead with a heart attack. Murder?

  4. paultheswineherd

    There has to be a valid, viable, unstoppable and executable plan drawn up to rid Britain of this tyrant. The clock for him though, is still ticking away.

    • Too bad Britain abolished public hanging in 1965. IDS would have been the first person to swing neck first from the yard arm since 1965.

      • @Fen
        Hanging was abolished in 1965, public hanging abolished much earlier. In fact the last UK hangings took place in 1964 although you could be hung for treason until 1998. However in the case of Smith, we should make an exception: a public hanging in Parliament Square would bring great joy to the country.

        • Yes. Let’s bring back public hanging for a one-off special event and make it a public bank holiday. The star attraction being Drunko The Clown wearing a one piece strait jacket tightly bound together so he is unable to move or wriggle in it. And for good measure let’s gag the fucker with a cricket ball in his mouth and use industrial masking tape to stop him opening his fat mouth.

          We will be fair and kind on him by giving him a choice of being hung by the neck until it snaps or being hung by his feet until his ankles snap. Either way we will enjoy seeing the nazi sympathiser endure unbearable pain when his scrawny bones snap and twist loudly.

      • Interestingly, it was John Major’s government which finally wiped the death penalty from the statue books in the UK:

        “In October 1998, the government introduced an amendment to the Human Rights Bill that abolished the death penalty as a possible punishment for military offences under the Armed Forces Acts. There were five military wartime capital offences: serious misconduct in action, communicating with the enemy, aiding the enemy or furnishing supplies, obstructing operations or giving false air signals, mutiny to incitement to mutiny or failure to suppress a mutiny. The last execution under military law was in 1942.
        On the 10th of December 1999, International Human Rights Day, the government ratified Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights thus totally abolishing capital punishment in Britain.”

        Lots more info here

        • “Capital punishment had first been abolished in the 11th century by William the Conqueror but was reinstated by his son William Rufus.”

        • “On the 17th of January 1813, he introduced a Bill in the House of Commons “to repeal so much of the Act of King William as punishes with death the offence of stealing privately in a shop, warehouse or stable, goods of the value of 5s” (25p). This is what we call shoplifting now. This Bill was thrown out by the House of Lords.”

          That woman who stole the Mars Bars worth 15 shilling (75p) got off lightly 😀

        • “Lord Eldon – the Lord Chancellor secured an amendment to keep the death penalty for stealing to the value of more than £10.”!!

        • Surely it was Labour in power at that time in 1998?

        • Revisionist Historian

          If memory serves correctly John Major’s administration did play a ‘major’ part in ‘tidying up’ process which saw capital punishment finally banished from the Statue Books. And if memory still serves correctly if was the only achievement of his insipid administration. Maybe someone(s) (TB?) have deliberately shifted the time-frame to deny Major the credit and snatch the kudos for themselves…. 😉

        • John wasn’t called the ‘grey man’ for nothing though… 😉 … he had a huge cock mind you 🙂

  5. paultheswineherd

    A plan that is carried out ‘legally’ though!

  6. Pingback: These Statistics Tell Us Fuck All But One Death Was Too Many | Britain Isn't Eating

  7. Tweeted @melissacade68

  8. Pingback: These Statistics Tell Us Fuck All But One Death Was Too Many | eeyorntails

  9. IDS when asked in parliament about such figures by a labour MP told her the DWP didn’t collect such figures.
    Now you can draw two conclusions from this 1 he just blatantly lied or 2 he had no fucking idea and just made it up as he doesn’t really give a shit.

    • Drunko The Clown would have massively lied his chuff off in the same manner that he lied about having no knowledge whatsoever about sanctiongate – those fabricated sanction success stories featuring a cast of stolen identities and claimant conversations set to a backdrop of stolen images of real people.

      Ole’ Drunko himself has got a fabricated CV and back story covering his ‘work history’ and numerous qualifications; so coming from this he is entrenched in lying his false teeth off throughout his life and being the head honcho of the death works and pensions company an culture of deceit, lies and spin are commonplace and part of the furniture amongst his army of DWP slave work force.

      The slapheaded fool should resign at once over his disaster he has overseen at the very heart of this now corrupt organisation. Any right-minded boss of a company, where something goes massively wrong, in the normal cases, resigns and takes the full shit down with him so the company can clean its act up and try to win back support from the public and its staff.

      In the case of Drunko, the longer he fudges over taking the can and resigns in disgrace, thus putting a stop even to just his monumental cock up, the longer and more damaging the whole sordid, disgusting affair is being dragged out in full public view. The DWP is being publicly savaged and the brand is beyond any repair now.

      History will mark down the fool as being one of the worst people to totally being down people on any sort of benefits through no fault of their own. He won’t be happy and satisfied until every single person claiming all types of benefit are buried six feet below for being a ‘strain’ on the system. All the money that would have otherwise be paid out to help the needy will then go straight into his back pocket and his pension pot.

      As for that flashy car he has been seen driving lately; it was most probably bought with money stolen from us through the illegal use of un-warranted sanctions. By driving around in that car, he is simply making himself look like a big fucking tool who enjoys dragging down people below him into the gutter and is proving ”I am better than you all whom claim ESA or JSA. I have an expensive flashy car, an expensive country mansion, and take month long holidays in the Bahamas al paid for with money I have stolen from the sick and -un-employed people. If you all don’t like it, then fuck off to North Korea” – Those could very well be the very words he speaks to his lover David Camoron in private, behind closed doors at Number 10, Downing Street.

      The day that Drunko keels over and fucking dies in the street, there will be a massive series of street parties in every street in every corner of the country which will be even bigger than the day the wicked witch thatcher snuffed it. I am looking forward to having one such street party to celebrate when he fucking dies and the worms eat his carcass in his coffin.

      • paultheswineherd

        Fen – that is a brilliant post and really says it all. I totally agree with you.
        The sooner the cunt is pushing up daisies, the better for all concerned.

    • I think might be ‘2’. He doesn’t know and doesn’t care. He probably thinks anyone claiming any form of benefit is a geologist and should be put to work stacking shelves, as ‘work sets you free’ and that’s that. In that case he might believe that a) hasn’t lied and b) he’s doing his job as well as anyone could and he deserves a pay rise/promotion.

    • Either way, whether he knew or not, and we are sure he knew very well, he still misled Parliament, and as such, should be thrown out of Office.

  10. Pingback: DWP statistics and their garbled explanation | The Heckler

  11. whilst these figures are given by rtu ids are they correct or dumbed down ones has truth isnt forth coming from this lot whilst the figure surpasses that of action t4 of the summer of 41 is this the new nazi party and culling the stock by anymeans by them whilst now they now in parliament but more talk more vigerous debate about it while more poor souls die at their hands rip r thomas another of those who died the night before his first visit to jcp after his atos assesment jeff3

  12. correct Fen Tiger he did visit looking up how to but his action t4 still rolls on jeff3

  13. Not Fit fr work

    I was found ‘Fit for Work, but appealed. Over a year later I was again found to be ‘Fit for Work’ by a tribunal. I continued to claim ESA and supplied Doctors certificates to prove my point. But after six months my doctor refused to give me any more sick notes. She cited the fact that the DWP said I was fit to work and so I had no choice but to go onto JSA.

    • overburdenddonkey

      you know your not fit for work get new doc….or 2nd opinion….

    • So the DWP are now more qualified than your doctor? The mind boggles!

    • overburdenddonkey

      the other thing is to write to them…

    • How many are doing just that – continuing to claim ESA despite a FTW decision? This is important, as there has been some disagreement between people (all on the same side here) about the actual meaning of the figures provided. For example, the “Death on ESA with FTW decision” has been taken to mean those who have appealed, as others point out that a FTW decision automatically ends the claim. So you’re proof that this is not true (unless you’re mistaken about your claim, and I mean that in the best possible way). Were you in some sort of WRAG limbo by producing medical notes? That is very interesting.


    Just read that the complaints procedure was handled by KPMG which is owned by ATOS hence unsurprising that the majority of complaints were turned down
    You should read the assessment questions and scoring criteria…the whole thing is such a massive scandal and it feels like this is just a few people throwing a few comments around before it disappears.

    • paultheswineherd

      Geoff – If I remember correctly, about a year ago now it was reported that KPMG were ‘financial advisers’ to the Government and to various Government Ministers. In return, the Government was paying this firm a lot of money – can’t remember how much, but it was a hell of a lot at the time.
      It looks as though they ‘ARE ALL IN IT TOGETHER’ – corrupt to the hilt, the whole bloody lot of them.
      I did’nt realise till now that KPMG is owned by ATOS – that would explain a lot of the above info also!

  15. OswaldMantooth
    19h ago
    9 10

    2 years ago, whilst helping my brother attend the WCA.
    I requested the interview to be audio recorded. (For evidence in the event of an appeal)

    ATOS (The company carrying out the assessments) obliged, as i am aware they need to make provision for this if it is requested before hand. (See guidelines)

    Click to access wca-audio-recording-policy-march_2015.pdf

    They told me, and i have read that they have minimal recording devices for the UK and the amount of assessments.

    I think it would be a fantastic idea to share this information in order to put a severe spanner in the works of this unfair and inhumane practice. Or at least to gain evidence for appeal.

    The DWP (‘Decision Maker’) ultimately decides your fate.
    My Brother was placed in the ‘work-related activity group’ which essentially and eventually means he is fit for work.

    We appealed – then I took it to First level tribunal.
    As soon as i walked in the room for the hearing, they told me not to bother sitting down as they had already made a decision.

    They finally placed my brother in the ‘Support group category’ (Which means not fit for work)

    There was no reasoning or explanation as to how they came to the decision.
    And, i didnt ask. I wish i had now. If only to provide more info to people who are suffering due to this unfair system.

    But i strongly believe they didnt have a clue why they found him not fit for work.

    Keep fighting.

  16. REDLAN1
    20h ago
    13 14

    I have been playing with the numbers, to see if there is a visible effect, using the Governments own data.

    It looks like this – 2,000,000 people have been assessed by WCA. In the year following a WCA decision 40,000 have died. We can work out the mortality rate, which is 20 per 1,000 per year, which is double the UK average of 9 per 1,000 per year. This isn’t too surprising because you would expect disabled people to be sicker and also older.

    we know that 27% of people going through WCA are declared fit for work which gives around 540,000 people, and 2,500 of them have died in the 2 weeks after a decision. If we calculate the mortality rate for them we get 2.3 per 1,000 per week. Scaled up to 1 year we get 110 per 1,000 per year, about 6 times higher.

    Now we can work out the expected deaths because some of them would have died anyway in that time, regardless of the WCA decision. So using the first figure we would of expected in a group of 540,000 that 10,800 would have died, and so over the same 2 week period there should have been 415 deaths, leaving 2075 unexpected deaths. And because the sample sizes are so large, we can be extremely confident that this result is very significant.

    Although while we can be confident that there is a causal connection, we can not be certain that it is the direct effects of the WCA decision that causes the effect. There are 2 possible hypotheses

    1) The WCA has a systematic bias for declaring people that are very sick and likely to die soon as fit for work. i.e. it is crap, and not doing what it’s supposed to.

    2) The process of receiving a WCA decision is a triggering event. Being told that you are fit for work places significant stress on the receiver which leads to increased mortality. Here there are two main things to look at 1) cardiovascular events – heart attacks and strokes, and 2) suicide. To investigate this you would need mortality data of your group prior and post the WCA decision to see if there is a change in these two events to see how well they explained the cause of increased deaths.

    And the reason the data is presented the way it is – the DWP does not collect cause of death, is because of the possibility that 2) suicide explains the sudden increase in mortality in the ‘fit for work’ group.

    It would look bad for the DWP and more importantly undermine their brief – because that is how these decisions are made. That is all that matters, you, your health, your feelings of distress, none of that matters. All that matters is ticking boxes and meeting targets.

    • overburdenddonkey

      no most know a fit for work decision is inevitable so no shock there…it’s the esa50 on and that one is expected to prove need and the panic of getting all the paperwork in on time and fully completed…still expecting to be found not fit for work, a decision that

  17. God what a sad place this country has become all thease murders at the hands of IDs and the Tories from starveing the most vulnerable to death to rapeing and murdering vulnerable young children …….this country is a sick place with a divided bitter and twisted population .All those brave British men and women and peoples from the commonwealth who fought and died for this country ……must be turning in there graves ….. They paid with there lives for this country enduring suffering and hardship so we could have have a welfare state only to see it being destroyed by a sniverling guttless cowardly weak inadaquate bunch of pityfull public schoolboys born to priverlige and wealth yet as males……there not men…….there the bottom of the barrell ,feeble and pathetic IDs is a sad little middle class stooge with a cruelty and meaness of heart a spite of soul……as most middle class people have ,a toxic miserlyness,..spannish friends of mine in Madrid look on aghast at this country ……why are you letting your goverment murder its own people ….are you Syria…….they cant understand why we haven’t staged thease MPs from there beds and hanged them ,why we haven’t sent that backwards inbreed family of scroungers and vampires in exhile…..why…..there is something so black and rotten at the heart of the British establishment …my God to endure a goverment that hates its most vulnerable and poor so much and is so open and public about it beggers belef …….while a bitter divided populace goes alonge with it……..truely ,truley a terrible terrible state of affires…….I’m ashamed to call my self English.

    • paultheswineherd

      Damo – I should imagine that other Countries populations are appalled by this (if they know about it yet!). Other European countries people would not put up with it – there would be mass demonstrations and unrest.
      Unfortunately our population have been totally brainwashed by Murdoch’s News empire into thinking that ALL benefit recipients are scroungers and that the present Tory Government is doing a WONDERFUL job.
      They are not and the whole system is becoming increasingly corrupt and stinking. IDS at the head of it should be jailed or worse, as should also that great liar Rupert Murdoch.
      The best thing that can now happen is that all of this TRUE information is spread as widely as possible – all over the world and translated into as many different languages as possible. It would then show this Government’s policies in their true light and not the false utopia and the totally caring policies that they say they are carrying out. One of the worst things is that they condemn other countries on ‘their’ human rights when they are actually shitting all over ours and torturing our poor, sick and disabled into the bargain.

  18. Just turned on the telly, and bumped into some telly-shopping ad for some nutri-rocket or something, one of these kitchen-appliances-you-use-once -and-put-it-to-the-back-of-the-cupboard (£99.95+p+p wtf). Anyway, it is telling you to ‘pack your diet with nutrient dense foods’). Apparently value sausages and 15 cans of potatoes are nutrient dense foods 😀

    • Don’t tell Drunko The Clown as he will be mentioning this in his next speech that nutrient super foods is the next best thing after food banks or taking out-of-date food home from the skip and rubbish bins behind Tesco.

      Given half a chance Drunko would want us all to live purely on oxygen only, given that he denies the existance of food banks and that sanctions are good for our health and well-being.

    • Bernie & Millie

      lol the one we seen they were putting in almonds, raspberries, kiwi fruit, sunflower seeds, pumpkins seeds, blueberries, goja berries…. 😀

      • Bernie & Millie

        … not a value sausage or can of 15p spuds in sight 😀

      • Bernie & Millie

        and goja berries are supposed to ‘pack more anti-oxidants than anything else on the planet’. must cost fortune making one of these drinks… 😀

      • Bernie & Millie

        … and they had strawberries too, even had a sprig of broccoli in the ‘man’s’ drink, avocado in the ‘woman’s’ drink: “gives it a lovely creamy flavour’… lol not like you can afford to fill your trolley with this kind of produce on a pension, God help those on JSA trying to ‘pack in the nutrients’…

      • You forgot the flaxseed (linseed) love… 🙂

      • Don’t forget the beetroot, mate!

  19. These statistics are meaningless gobbledygook bollocks – anyone who goes out to work in the morning and doesn’t come back having suffered a heart attack in the meantime had died after being declared ‘fit to work’ by definition.

  20. What we need is for the unemployed to become unionised. The big problem in this country is that we have an island mentality. We are too insular, too selfish. By and large we don’t care about our neighbours. We have an “Im alright Jack” mentality. What we need is for a union of several hundred thousand unemployed people to get together maybe once evey three weeks, in a designated place, and cause a bit of havoc; an organised bit of civil disobedience. There could be a mass protest at a big Tescos for example. Every few weeks, many thousands of the unemployed could converge on an anointed Tescos, and over a period of a couple of months, this bloated capitalist behemoth could be brought to its knees. And this would all be done without violence, it would be a simple sit-in.
    What you have to remember is that there is power in numbers. Get a Union of the Unemployed, get these people to shake off their apathy and to stop being so fucking indolent,and change is just a step away…

    • paultheswineherd

      Roger – that’s a good idea. The farmers, (whom I absolutely and fully support!) forced some change when they demonstrated outside and took some of their cows onto the shop floor.
      The supermarkets and the ‘middle men’ are benefitting immensely whilst milk prices have been falling relentlessly. You cannot run a business and either mark time, or lose money all the time or for ever.
      There is undoubtedly always strength in numbers.

      • something survived...

        I’ve said this for years and got in trouble ages ago in JCP for saying there should be a NUU (National Union of the Unemployed).
        After all, they make signing on and applying for jobs and doing workfare, our ‘job’. Meant to occupy our every waking moment. Apply repeatedly on spec to the same employers? We’d be banned from everywhere very soon.

    • There are already unions that welcome unemployed workers as members, one is the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) which I am a member of, or there is SolFed which is an avowedly anarcho-syndicalist union. Both offer full membership rights to unemployed workers, and have the interests of all workers at heart, whether in work or not.

      The IWW in Cymru (Wales) has a subsiduary organisation specifically set up to focus on the needs of those who claim any kind of benefit, called Sgint, and we take action regularly, and support people who have been forced onto CWP or other forms of Workfare.

    • There is also the Community Section of Unite for all not in paid employment, and is quite cheap, which is actually far more active around issues here than the “workers” Unite.

  21. overburdenddonkey

    spot on jv on the dire impacts of in work poverty…

  22. People in Greece would be Out Demonstrating En Masse and that is
    what Decent People Need to be Doing instead of being British Zombies
    have British Lion Spirit which Says Britons Never Shall be Slaves and No
    to Tyranny and Oppression

  23. Britain does Need a Revolution in the Sphere of Politics One that
    Breaks the Arrogance and Tyranny of the Selfish Rich and Gives
    Real Social Justice in it’s Place

  24. paultheswineherd

    I saw a report on Sky this morning about an App that can be used on a mob. phone for reporting and sending in incidents of ‘stop and search’ by police – apparently it can sort out whether particular forces are doing it more than others and even pick out whether individual officers are doing it more than others. Individual ‘incidents’ and the way they were handled can also be reported back. (I think it was called ‘susstop’ or something similar)
    Shame another one could’nt be produced to monitor the actions of JCP staff, work advisers, job roaches etc. It could perhaps help with the bullying and victimisation that is allegedly going on in these places. Another string could be added to the slowly growing bow!

    • Technically it would be possible to do just that – probably using similar code to the app you just mentioned. All that would be needed is to find someone who knows how to create apps. Maybe the people behind Universal Automation could help?

      In a similar vein, what do we do once Universal Credit comes in bigtime and we all face doing 35 hours of job search per week? Someone I know who is on CWP also has to use a website that monitors how much you do and had ‘traffic lights’ to let you know, (and more specifically JCP/Workfare provider, so they can more easily sanction you) if you are doing the required amount. This seems an ideal scenario for the development of an app that does the 35 hours job search for you – I’m guessing here that an app like Universal Automation could be adapted to work in this way.

      I know the people behind Universal Automation did the work out of their personal conviction that what Universal Jobmatch made people do was unfair, but even if there was a development cost involved, the sum could be raised through crowdfunding – and I think that most of us would be happy to contribute a small amount to see apps like these come into being. It is ultimately the power of numbers, and we are many. Individually we are weak, both in terms of power and financially.

      Together we are potentially powerful, both politically (in the broadest sense) and financially. £73.10 isn’t a huge sum of money, but multiply that by a couple of million, then it becomes a tidy sum! If all of us on JSA/UC were to donate just 50p or a pound a week to our own cause we would soon be in a very strong position to fight our enemies.

  25. Over 81,000 Signatures On Line for Ian Duncan Smith to Resign

    …………………..They are absolutely shit scared of somebody coming forward with a recording that proves beyond doubt that the ex bed pan washers, ambulance men, paramedics and foreign quacks are not fit for purpose.
    Imagine the family of someone who has died, turning up at court with a full recording of the, so called, health care professionals attempt at playing doctor.

    Thats the only reason the DWP fabricate non existent reasons to try and stop you making a recording.

    What have they to fear, everything it seems !!!

    Meanwhile the GMC sits on it’s hands while more and more of it’s work is given away to short course bogus locums that have a cerificate only recognised by DUNKO THE CLOWN, the governments assassin select.

    The RCN and Unison are about as strong as a fag in a gale, sitting back watching their numbers dwindle as the toffs use them as target practice.


  27. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    27th Aug 2015

    • MORE people will die because of work capability assessments unless they are scrapped, disability campaigners have warned.

      The claim follows the release of figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) that show more than 80 people are dying each month following work capacity assessments.

      Stephen Cruickshank, director of the Scottish Disability Equality Forum, said that though the figures were open to “some interpretation” it was clear that at least some deaths were as a direct result of “deeply unfair” treatment by the DWP.

      “When you think of the suffering and the stress that people are going through as a result of this, is it not surprising that there have been suicides,” he said. “The deaths are only going to increase if nothing is done about it.

      “I just wish someone with sense would finally stand up and say enough is enough. The people that are affected worst here are the sick and the disabled. They are targeted because they can’t fight back.”

      Cruikshank, who has spinal neuropathy, called for work capability assessments to be scrapped as they were unfit for purpose.

      “If you are on Disability Living Allowance (DLA) you have to have medical evidence,” he added. “By carrying [assessments] out they are basically saying they don’t believe your own doctors.

    • paultheswineherd

      A truly heartfelt video that really tells it like it is.
      This should be publicly available on the ‘News’ – but they would never broadcast it (as it tells the TRUTH). This needs to be put on as many media platforms as possible to try to get the truth out there to the ‘deluded public’ of Britain.

      • something survived...

        The government is not only not fit for purpose, it is not fit to wipe your arse with.
        But on a brighter note it has been declared fit for work. All its benefits will be stopped. Work should ideally be in a sewer, gulag, workhouse, prison hulk, etc.
        If it dies during the wonderful experience, we the people will record its passing as ‘a statistical blip’.

  28. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Freedom Of Information Request

    Does the DWPs DM have vested interest in Maximus & Atos?

    A. Sorry we can not give that data because we don`t understand the question.

  29. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Freedom Of Information Request

    Does the DWP`s DM have vested interest in Maximus & Atos?

    A. Sorry we can not give out that information because we don`t understand the question.

  30. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  31. People in Greece Get Out and Demonstrate so Need People in Britain
    to instead of being in their Selfish Little Worlds

  32. Amazingly I managed to get a WCA and put into the support group (2 years ago) without filling in that awful form.

    The first time I was sent the forms (18months prior to that) I slaved to fill them in, had the WCA and was found ‘fit to work’. I was amazed as I was so ill, but was so naive at that time, as were we all. I appealed, and was put into WRAG group. Within 6 months – another form.

    I was too ill to fill out the form. A friend offered to do it for me, but it was still too hard for me as it required me thinking and providing info. The deadline passed and I assumed I would be thrown off ESA, but was too ill to care. I expected to die. I was then sent an appointment for the WCA. No mention was made of the lack of a form. Luckily it was one of my better days (as against my bad days when I don’t function, or think, or get out of bed). Plenty of trick questions from ‘nurse’ which I refused to answer. An example: ‘What were your hobbies before you became ill?’ My answer: ‘As I have been ill for more than 12 years, my hobbies prior to that are irrelevant.’ I knew that if I answered, my active hobbies of more than 12 years ago would have been put down as me being capable of still doing them.

  33. I hate to say this Johnny, by claiming the statistics tell us ‘Fuck all’, you are allowing yourself to channel the ‘nothing to see’ brigade. Those statistics DO have quite a lot to tell us, not least the need for a full assessment of the details of those figures, and urgently. There’s also the need to call, strongly, for clarification on a number of key points, because of the obfuscatory commentary by the DWP. There is also the simple (parsimonious if we’re getting scientific) point that one is usually not expected to die after being found ‘fit for work’. We can also look at the proportion of people (whether appealing, completed appeal or not) who have died against other figures around general population. Just for starters.

    • If you really want to get academic people are dropping dead like flies all the time whether ‘fit to work’ or not. Where is the correlation? What about death by natural causes? What was the actual cause of death? Did you relate to a previously diagnosed illness that was brushed aside by ATOS/Maximus? What if a claimant declared ‘fit to work’ was killed in a Road Traffic Accident?

    • These ‘statistics’ really have to be gauged against the expected death rate in the general population as a whole acting as a sort of control group.

      • Yes, and when one looks t other ‘risk factors; for premature death – ‘obesity’, domestic violence etc. they are all a lot less than being deemed fit for work after being on ESA/IB. Statistically, there is a large amount of people dying after going through the process of being found ‘fit for work’ after being on ESA/IB! It’s at the very least on oddity. That’s before we know about the various qualitative evidence available about how people have died after being deemed ‘fit for work’. But the statistics should also be gauged against the amount of people going through the process and NOT dying in the year afterwards. It will provide a useful indication of the riskiness of the process.

  34. A key figure that is absent, however, is how many people came off ESA due to being deemed ‘fit for work’ during that time period per se. If we then establish the deaths as a proportion of that figure, and compare against, for example, other deaths in the general population, then we are some way towards establishing possible significance. For example, 52 women are killed by male partners per year according to home office statistics. Between 3 and 6 people killed by ‘dog attack’. Between 900-1000 killed in road traffic accidents. It is reasonable to assume that people found ‘fit for work’ would not be dying at what appears to be a high rate (even if compared to other deaths in general population). So yes, more research, assessment, and clarification is needed, but yes these remain extremely worrying figures, and Goldacre’s pooh-poohing of them is not correct either. We know enough to demand further assessment of impact at the very least, and that’s a big one.

  35. Pingback: These Statistics Tell Us Fuck All But One Death...

  36. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

  37. one of the things absent in all of these figures are how many have killed themselves after being sanctioned. There must be thouands. Not all such tragedies get in the news. But there must be figures somewhere. That is one the DWP and Govt would hate to come out.
    Once upon a time, well in more recent times, if some dude killed themselves due to a Govt policy or actually died because of it, the minister in charge of that policy would have had to resign, and said Government policy would have to be changed as there would have been absolute uproar.
    Alas, we now have the NEW NAZIS ruling the UK, they don’t give 2 damns about what the ppl in Scotland or Wales or Northern Ireland think, or anybody else, either.
    Also, we have had the most useless, inept Labour party politicians….EVER, aiding and abetting this evil satanist Regime. They could have brought Smith down years ago, but have done damn all, ‘cept for a handful of Labour “rebels” like Meacher, etc. And they wonder why they don’t get votes? Huh!
    SNP has demanded an immediate end to the sanctions system. So many have died thru this evil system, and the Govt thins that is all just wonderful. Not for much longer it won’t !

  38. something survived...

    Nothing on how many people on *JSA* (disabled people and non-disabled) died after being sanctioned.
    Anyway jobcentres tell disabled people stupid things like ‘go and work on a building site’. Or ‘do a job/workfare in the middle of nowhere miles away you have to walk to and from, where there’s no toilet’.

    Strange phenomenon (like bizarre weather):
    The jobcentre declares you fit for work. It makes you apply for jobs. You get a very few job interviews. At the interviews, employers tell you you’re not fit for work! The jobcentre then blame or sanction you for not getting the job.
    (If the job vacancy was so wonderful, why did it exist? And someone would be doing the job already.

    • If a job is advertised it means that is a good job that is already filled and has to be advertised by law, or it is a shit job that nobody wants.

  39. something survived...

    Posted from Universal Jobmatch:

    Job summary
    Job ID: ********
    Posting Date: 2*/08/2015
    Location: UK-WA-*******************************************
    Industries: Staffing/employment agencies
    Job type: Full time
    Salary: 32,000.00 – 32,000.00 per year
    Job reference code: ********
    Application methods: Capita Social Care Resourcing;
    Clinical Disability Assessor PIP
    Job description

    Clinical Assessor – £32,000k Basic – Permanent (Full or Part Time)

    Are you a registered healthcare professional? Are you seeking new opportunities with great prospects and benefits? Yes? Keep on reading…

    This is a great opportunity to work for an employer who looks to reward and develop its staff. This is a newly created role and as such is a high profile position, whilst remaining rewarding and interesting. You may be looking for a new and stimulating role, perhaps to expand your career, or maybe you want to add another string to your bow?

    We currently have opportunities to train Health professionals to become ‘Personal Independent Payments Disability Assessors’. These roles will support the new PIP legislation, meaning you will be joining the project at a really exciting time due to the growth of our workforce and the opportunities that may bring.

    The role and your duties:

    You will write reports that will support the claimant through their benefit journey. The report is similar to a functional assessment; looking at how disabilities or impairments have an impact on activities of daily living.
    As a number of Claimants prefer to be assessed at home, the role will be community based with the flexibility of assessing throughout the day up to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 6pm Saturday. Most shifts will be Monday-Friday before 6pm.

    About you:

    It is essential that you have a car, and are an owner-driver (fuel expenses covered)
    We are keen to attract qualified Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Paramedics to become part of an empathetic, caring team that will be focused on the PIP’s claimant’s journey, ensuring we offer a personal yet objective assessment.
    Hold a current and valid NMC / HCPC / GMC registration


    Location- Home visits within 10 miles of home (on average)
    Salary- £32,000
    Benefits- 31 days holiday inclusive, mileage expenses, mobile, laptop, various schemes and discounts with Capita partnerships
    Hours- Full Time and Part Time available, (3 Days Minimum to suit YOUR lifestyle!)
    Training – A full and thorough 4 week training program which will take you through both clinical and practical modules
    Immediate Start

    Interested? Apply within or contact Chris Armstrong direct: / kirk. higgins @ capita .co .uk
    Capita Social Care and Housing is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.

  40. I hate to say it but the British public are stupid,they have been dumbed down to such an extent that they will belive anything the government says…….the tories see you as useless eaters you are of no value to them uless you have something they want be it sexual,social ,finnancial or material otherwise you are Invisable and worthless a pest and a parasite …..this…….is… they think .they the tories are not interested in your life or well being unless you or your children can be…….harvested…….in some way…..its amazeing and horrifieing that the British public can’t grasp this …….for fucks sake ……..wake up

  41. paultheswineherd

    damo – this is the way that I see it at present. Hopefully something will happen soon to make things better us!
    Fucking bastard Tories: ‘Elected’ but not ‘elected’, with a small majority. Rich, priveleged, idealistic, cruel and uncaring. They are slowly trying to produce a Neo-Nazi style, one-party totalitarian state. It will look after all of the rich, the bankers, the multinational companies, big national companies and even ‘very rich British people per se’. It will want its ‘citizens’ to be totally controlled and ‘followed’ throughout their lives, whatever they do, or not do.
    If they are NOT stopped – (in my own personal opinion) they, in a few years time will be wanting the whole of the population to have an ‘implant’ (similar to what is done to a dog!) All of your details will be on there, your Nat. Ins No, DOB, Full name/address/ tel no/ e-mail address/ DVLA / DWP/HMRC/ Council Tax/ H.B./ personal information that ‘any official organisation’ would be able to read and verify at their request. If you refused, they could fine you or even jail you if it were really serious. (I hope that I am wrong with this, but I do not think so – the signs are unfortunately already there)

    Labour: At present, totally ineffectual – basically, 3 ‘Blairites’ who are intent on only one thing – to tow the Tory line. (Shame on these bastards) with only one ‘real Labour’ person, in the form of Jeremy Corbyn.
    He is our one and only real hope of stopping the Tories, – alas I am afraid that the tabloids will try to kill him stone dead – however much he tries – also with infiltration in the voting from those bastard Tories – he may die a death!

    Lib Dems: These treacherous and now meaningless twats are now effectively dead as regards to their ‘Parliamentary’ representation.
    I think that these are now dead in the water for at least the next 10 years.

    UKIP: Trying to resurrect something by attacking ‘immigration’ (really effectively the Tories, second in command – led by Nigel Farage – a self confessed Member of the European Parliament (who often does not turn up to sessions, but still gets his masses of European Expenses) who HATES Europe and wants to exit it! WHAT – his own wife is German, for fuck’s sake). They are I am sure a ‘one hit wonder’ and will die out.

    Greens & the ‘others’: Due to the well broken ‘First Past The Post electoral voting system – they do not stand a chance in hell of getting anywhere.
    (Which is an absolute shame, as they may have started to change it all)

    The General Public: Mainly lower/middle to middle/upper class – generally rather wealthy (especially in regard to the last 40 years or so!) – these are mostly likely to vote ‘Conservative’ to ‘protect’ themselves and of course, their ‘wealth’ in the future.
    Lord help them if they ever have to ‘sign-on’ and claim benefits.
    Their ‘cosy’ little family world would most probably fall apart.
    They will rue the day that they ever voted for a Conservative administration.

    Working Classes: Even some of these are inclined to vote Conservative. Due to the tabloids/News lies, they are so stupid that they do not research everything and they believe implicitly, ‘everything’ that the media tells them, on a daily basis (propaganda/mis-information). They may even take note of such programmes as ‘Benefits Street’ & ‘Jeremy Kyle’ which reinforces the separation.
    ‘We’ are going out to work every day – paying our taxes – to pay your benefits. “You fucking lazy layabouts – get a job”
    They, also, do not realise that they could also be thrown uncerimoniously out of their job.
    (Of course, this is reinforced by George Osborne, who said something about “hardworking families” going out to work every day at 8AM – only to see their ‘neighbours on benefits’ still in their beds with their curtains closed).

    The poor, the vulnerable, the unemployed, the sick and the disabled – they are at the very bottom of the social pile – every bastard possible is against them – from the very top of ‘Government’ to the lower working classes.

    • paultheswineherd

      Sorry – I accidentally omitted the SNP – one of the now ‘main’ parties – their heart is in the right place and they are doing their best to condemn austerity & Tory policies, (especially the young 20yr old lady) They need to get even more power to try to succeed even more – they are hope for the future, especially as the circumstances change in British politics.

    • They would start with chipping murderers who are out on parole and paedophiles-who could really argue with that without seeming pro murderer/pro paedophile? Then other violent criminals, then criminals in general, then gypsies and people on benefits, then anyone who wants a passport, and then anyone who wants/needs a job. And it might well have on the chip if someone has ever gone on strike, which would be leaked to employers.

      • paultheswineherd

        Thomas – you are right there. The technology is already available to achieve these aims. After all, if one has a dog, for example, the ‘owner’s’ name and address/tel no can already be put on. (In law though, a ‘cat’ can not be ‘owned’ as such – this is the reason why, for example, if you accidentally run over a cat in a car, you do not have to ‘report’ it to the Police as such. A dog, however, is another subject altogether -it can be ‘officially owned’ so, if it is hit or run over – by law you have to report it!).
        I am sure that, within 2 years of now, it will be ‘suggested’ (if this present Tory administration is still in power then!) that all of the population should be microchipped – again with all of the relevant information that ‘officially’ applies to them. The ‘Human Rights’ lobbyists will, no doubt fight this tooth and nail – I can just now see Sharmi Chakrabarti going absolutely spare at this suggestion. BUT, she and her ‘Amnesty International’, or whatever it is called nowadays, might not be able to stop it.
        It will become ‘Conservative’ law, – just like you paying your ‘Council Tax’ or your ‘Housing Benefit’. If this ever comes about, the population at large will have to fight it – with every sinew in their bodies! These bastards must not win – after all, they just want us all as their ‘economic slaves’.
        This Government, are in effect, NAZIS, – but without the SWASTIKA and THIRD REICH EAGLE to accompany it! (for now at least!)

        • paultheswineherd

          Also – Just imagine – (and this could, conceivably happen) in 2017:-
          The ‘queen’ would still be the ‘queen’ – the ‘duke of edinburgh’ would still be the ‘queen’s consort’ at 97yrs old. (or so, – Im not sure of his age!)
          All ‘paid for’ by the ‘hard-working taxpayer of Britain’. (Fucking Hell)
          A ‘Union Jack’ flag with a prominent ‘Swastika’ emblem, surrounded by a black circle in the middle of it. George Osborne would be Prime Minister. Iain Duncan Smith would be the new ‘Chancellor of the Exchequer’. Priti Patel would be the new Minister for Works and Pensions. (Fucking Hell!)
          The new Home Office Minister – Jeremy Hunt would be in charge of the migrants crisis – which is still going on. He would also head the new ‘Police and Anti-Terrorism Agency’, tasked with wiping out all ‘anti-Tory rhetoric’.
          David Cameron, by then would be an unsettled and ‘not happy’ Tory backbencher – allegedly ‘outed’ by his ex-gay ‘lover’ Iain Duncan Smith (a married, – but now revealed ‘gay’) some 2 years before.
          Some of the sleazy ‘rent-boy’ politicians (of all parties) in the House of Commons could have been ‘outed’ also. The ‘News and tabloid media’ would cover it all up at all costs. They would, after all protect their ‘masters’ who, after all, ultimately control them.
          The SNP has declared ‘UDI’ – or Unilateral Declaration of Independence, (much as Ian Smith in Rhodesia had done, some 40 years or so before). They, and rightfully so, could claim all of the oil revenues as their own. Northern Ireland, Wales & Cornwall are also trying to get total independence, but their (our!) efforts may be thwarted by the Tories ‘promising loads of EU funds to get them to stay in the ‘Union”. (Fucking Hell). England as such, are demanding ‘their own Parliament’ – based in Surbiton, Surrey (by now, crammed to the rafters with overly rich bastards – they own 2 homes on average and send all of their offspring to Eton & Cambridge). All ‘Councillors’ from now on will be given jobs to them – because of their connections.
          Because the WCA has been now replaced by Priti Patel’s new “Work Till You Die Bill of 2016” – there are now no ‘benefits’ for anyone – unless you work.
          If you work you will get paid the minimum wage possible. (21 years or younger = you will get paid nothing for 40 hours work in the newly built and half privately/taxpayer funded workhouses). If you are ‘single’ – you will be forced to work in these workhouses. If you are an ‘addict’ – you will be forced to work also – if only to pay for your ‘drugs’ and ‘alcohol’ habit.
          If you are sick or disabled in any way, (unless you live with a family), – you will have to go into the private workhouse also.


      • This is always the way of things; they use an extreme example (which is harder to argue against) to set up the infrastructure e.g. internet censorship, capital punishment and before long you have ‘function creep’. Proponents of extreme legislation (death penalty) have even admitted this.

    • They have announced that everyone is to be given a unique bar code for all NHS purposes. It will be used to book GP appts, access medical records, and order prescriotions, and of course, there will be an app to use it on your mobile phone. Your mobile phone will be running something like Windows 10 (or 8 or 7) or Android which will be sending all your data, including usage, and sites visited, and photos, over which you have no copyright, BTW, data goes off to who-knows-where, who-knows-who, and will also have a GPS tracker function.

      Sorted. Who needs an Identity card or RFID chip, now?

  42. paultheswineherd

    Nevertheless – IDS is in, not my, but ‘their’ (legal!) sights!

  43. paultheswineherd

    Don’t count upon it!

  44. Now I might sound realy fuckin nuts here but its like somethings comeing not just here but everywere like some kind of chaos is comeing …a new dark ages and all this shit is just the start…..I hope I’m wronge

  45. damo – you may just be right…

  46. Brings back those memories curried eggs anyone ops

  47. One Death of One Poor and Vulnerable in Nazi Britain is Too Bloody

    I See On Line Petition Signatures is Now over 88,000

  48. If Anyone Boasted to Me about Voting Liberal Democrat I would Think
    what a Pratt just as with Trendy Liberal Do Gooders in General .

    I am For a Britain of Decent People and Human Decency Not a
    Slavery State

  49. Some of those anti-work themes are dealt with in this satirical novella eg if work is such a good thing people should be compensated for not having any:

  50. Slavery Collaborators as are Bad as Slavery Itself

    Those Scum keep Slavery Going

    They are More Braindead than the Undead

  51. Protests are Needed Not Out of Touch Politicians with Gormless Grins

  52. He will not be stopped unless someone or some people stop him, his own party won’t, they’re right behind him, the only way they’d stop him was if public unrest got so heated, they would have no other choice but to, in fear of there being a full scale, nationwide riot, like with that bitch Thatcher and the poll tax, only reason that got curtailed was because of all of us standing up and shouting No More as one, that will be the only way to shut IDS and these Nazi bastards down, no one in the tory party will, no one in tory Labour will have the balls to and certainly not tory Lib Dems either, it will be down to us, the people, to continue the fight, to keep the pressure up and on them like we have all being doing, that is the only way IDS and his cohorts and his agenda will be stopped!
    Knowing the true number of deaths is just jaw dropping and chills me to the bone on how the hell this piece of vermin is still getting away with it, why haven’t we the British people stood up and said No More to him and his cronies, they are literally getting away with murder and nobody’s lifting a finger to stop them, if there ever was a time to revolt, this was it, it’s high time and long overdue, time for a purge, nature does it, it doesn’t do it any harm, it needs to do it and it does it good and we should do the same, from top to bottom, complete overhaul, it will do the country and the people of Britain a world of good!
    BBC are tory poodles, despite all of their shouting and bawling about the Beeb being too left wing, utter nonsense, have always been right wing, most British broadcasters are bias and right wing minded, none of them will have the balls to publish the true figures, the likes of RT would, they covered and did reports on the Wall Street protests, none of the Western ones did, so much for democracy! Bravo to you always Mike and to the Herald Scotland for having the backbone to publish the real figures, doesn’t say much for the English press and England herself does it!

  53. Mass Protests are Needed Indeed Peaceful Mass Protests to
    Say Yes to Social Justice and a Caring Britain

  54. Petitition On Line for Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has over 95,000 Signatures

    Yes to the Decent Shame on the Out of Touch

  55. left to pick up the peices

    I promise you IDS will not resign he will hold on like a blood sucking leach on the body of a disabled person
    but he is a Chri*tian is he not going to be in the kingdom of Heaven when it comes to earth ? he believes in the pope who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church (the harlet) that rides on the scarlet coloured beast (Government) that’s from the book of revelations.
    The crimes this Government and its henchmen at DWP have committed are truly shocking in a so called law abiding civil society clearly we are living in the wild west these people in power have committed massive crimes of the theft of millions of pounds against the poorest and most vulnerable of society, they should be prosecuted and imprisoned but sadly they wont be as we do not live in a just and truly democratic country.
    No one is holding IDS to account not parliament not the law courts not any one and when all this is over and he slinkers of to his big house in the country when he finally leaves parliament what will be the final death toll of this monstrous man.

  56. Being Patronizing to the Poor and Vulnerable is Oppressing the Poor and Vulnerable by Demeaning them

  57. I Agree the Oppression of the Poor and Vulnerable is Sickening and

    Many Christians in the Past genuinely Cared about the Poor and
    Vulnerable as it Says in Proverbs Chapter 14 Verse 31 of the
    Holy Bible ” Anyone who Oppresses the Poor is Insulting God
    who Made Them . To Help the Poor is to Honour God ” .

    Catholic Social Teaching has laid great emphasis on Caring for the
    Poor and Vulnerable

    It Seems like Catholics believe Jesus taught that on the Day of Judgement God will ask what each person did to help the poor and needy: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me ” .

    Popes such as John Paul II in Papal Encyclicals Cared for the Poor
    and Spoke Up for the Poor so a True Christian would Seek to
    Uphold a Caring State for the Poor and Vulnerable

    I Agree the Death Toll is Monstrous and an Outrage

  58. There is Good and There is Evil and the Mentality of the Evil Nazi
    Lovers who think that the Poor and Vulnerable are ” Scroungers ”
    is Boneheaded and Evil

    No to Nazi Britain

  59. See Petition On Line for Resignation Now has over 98,000 Signatures

  60. It Kind of Is a New Dark Ages these Tawdry Times

    damo | August 30, 2015 at 11:53 pm | Reply

    Now I might sound realy fuckin nuts here but its like somethings comeing not just here but everywere like some kind of chaos is comeing …a new dark ages and all this shit is just the start…..I hope I’m wronge

  61. very Spot On Article

    The Term Bastards is Appropriate Those who are Out of Touch with the Suffering of the Poor and Vulnerable Shame on Them

    There is More Common Sense and Compassion in the Underdog
    than the Oppressors and Oppression Collaborators

    paultheswineherd | August 30, 2015 at 9:30 pm | Reply

    damo – this is the way that I see it at present. Hopefully something will happen soon to make things better us!
    Fucking bastard Tories: ‘Elected’ but not ‘elected’, with a small majority. Rich, priveleged, idealistic, cruel and uncaring. They are slowly trying to produce a Neo-Nazi style, one-party totalitarian state. It will look after all of the rich, the bankers, the multinational companies, big national companies and even ‘very rich British people per se’. It will want its ‘citizens’ to be totally controlled and ‘followed’ throughout their lives, whatever they do, or not do.
    If they are NOT stopped – (in my own personal opinion) they, in a few years time will be wanting the whole of the population to have an ‘implant’ (similar to what is done to a dog!) All of your details will be on there, your Nat. Ins No, DOB, Full name/address/ tel no/ e-mail address/ DVLA / DWP/HMRC/ Council Tax/ H.B./ personal information that ‘any official organisation’ would be able to read and verify at their request. If you refused, they could fine you or even jail you if it were really serious. (I hope that I am wrong with this, but I do not think so – the signs are unfortunately already there)

    Labour: At present, totally ineffectual – basically, 3 ‘Blairites’ who are intent on only one thing – to tow the Tory line. (Shame on these bastards) with only one ‘real Labour’ person, in the form of Jeremy Corbyn.
    He is our one and only real hope of stopping the Tories, – alas I am afraid that the tabloids will try to kill him stone dead – however much he tries – also with infiltration in the voting from those bastard Tories – he may die a death!

    Lib Dems: These treacherous and now meaningless twats are now effectively dead as regards to their ‘Parliamentary’ representation.
    I think that these are now dead in the water for at least the next 10 years.

    UKIP: Trying to resurrect something by attacking ‘immigration’ (really effectively the Tories, second in command – led by Nigel Farage – a self confessed Member of the European Parliament (who often does not turn up to sessions, but still gets his masses of European Expenses) who HATES Europe and wants to exit it! WHAT – his own wife is German, for fuck’s sake). They are I am sure a ‘one hit wonder’ and will die out.

    Greens & the ‘others’: Due to the well broken ‘First Past The Post electoral voting system – they do not stand a chance in hell of getting anywhere.
    (Which is an absolute shame, as they may have started to change it all)

    The General Public: Mainly lower/middle to middle/upper class – generally rather wealthy (especially in regard to the last 40 years or so!) – these are mostly likely to vote ‘Conservative’ to ‘protect’ themselves and of course, their ‘wealth’ in the future.
    Lord help them if they ever have to ‘sign-on’ and claim benefits.
    Their ‘cosy’ little family world would most probably fall apart.
    They will rue the day that they ever voted for a Conservative administration.

    Working Classes: Even some of these are inclined to vote Conservative. Due to the tabloids/News lies, they are so stupid that they do not research everything and they believe implicitly, ‘everything’ that the media tells them, on a daily basis (propaganda/mis-information). They may even take note of such programmes as ‘Benefits Street’ & ‘Jeremy Kyle’ which reinforces the separation.
    ‘We’ are going out to work every day – paying our taxes – to pay your benefits. “You fucking lazy layabouts – get a job”
    They, also, do not realise that they could also be thrown uncerimoniously out of their job.
    (Of course, this is reinforced by George Osborne, who said something about “hardworking families” going out to work every day at 8AM – only to see their ‘neighbours on benefits’ still in their beds with their curtains closed).

    The poor, the vulnerable, the unemployed, the sick and the disabled – they are at the very bottom of the social pile – every bastard possible is against them – from the very top of ‘Government’ to the lower working classes.

  62. The Spinelessness and Silliness of the Not so Great British Public is
    Worse than Disgraceful and on a Par with the Spinelessness and
    Silliness of Too Many in Nazi Germany

  63. More Protests are Needed to Stop this Country being in a Total
    Political Sleepwalk Trance

  64. That is why the Rightwing media should be Boycotted

    We Need a Care For the Poor and Vulnerable Media Instead

    A Voice For the Underdog

    People Near to the Scene of a Peaceful Protest can see it

  65. The Human Right to Live Free of Degrading Squalor and Destitution

    A Country Free of Slavery

  66. One Hears that Jeremy Corbyn is Now Leader of the Opposition

    There Certainly Needs to be Opposition to the Slavery of Austerity

    Welfare State Not Destitution and Slavery

  67. A Good Start is to Demand that Welfare Benefits are Increased
    Degrading Assessments are Ended and that Never Again will be their
    be any Disgusting Outrages like what Happened to David Clapson

  68. learndirect Employabiliy

    Dear SLAVE

    As agreed recently with your Jobcentre Plus Work Coach, you have been referred to a Mandatory Work Activity (MWA) Placement opportunity with learndirect Employability.

    The Mandatory Work Activity Programme requires you to complete a four week placement of a minimum of 30-hours per week (unless restrictions have been agreed with your Jobcentre Plus Work Coach). The MWA placement will be with a local organisation which provides a benefit to your community and, will help you to move closer to the labour market by establishing the discipline and habits of working life.

    Please be aware, it is likely that this will take place within the next seven to ten days so, you must ensure that you have made suitable arrangments to enable you to start and complete the four week placement.

    Please note that if you do not attend the agreed placement, and do not have a good reason to do so, you could lose your Jobseekers Allowance, Universal Credit or National Insurance Credits.

    The next step will be for us to arrange an initial meeting with you. We will contact you by phone to advise the details of your initial meeting with learndirect Employability and, will discuss potential placements with you during this call. If we are unable to contact you we will simply send you details of your placement in a letter.

    Whilst on placement we can reimburse pre agreed costs that you incur in order to fulfil the placement requirements. This may be travel or payment toward a recognised childcare provision (subject to criteria). Please keep any evidence of your costs such as travel receipts as this will be needed to reimburse you.

    Please bring this letter with you, along withidentification to your first day of placement once this has been advised. Acceptable identification includes Passport, Driving Licence, Birth Certificate or JSA book.

    If you require any more information, please contact your Placement Liaison Officer at learndirect Employabiliy on 12340000123

    Yours Sincerely,

    Scumbag Name

    Manager (on behalf of the Secretary of State)

    Scumbag Name

    Placement Liaison Officer

  69. Today Mark’s the 75th Anniversary of Battle of Britain Day in 1940 AD
    When the Royal Air Force Shot Down Lots of Nazi Luftwaffe Planes.

    Great Britain made a Stand against Nazism Then Great Britain Needs
    to make a Stand against Nazi Slave Labour Euthanasia and Eugenics
    Today in 2015 AD .

    Bulldog Spirit against Nazism 1940 AD Better than Spineless Jellyfish
    Attitude of 2015 AD

  70. Nazis and Racists must be Resisted .

    People Need to Unite For Social Justice a Caring Welfare State and
    Reject the Divide and Rule of Racial Strife a Ruling Class Tactic

  71. Pingback: These Statistics Tell Us Fuck All But One Death Was Too Many| | Britain Isn't Eating

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