Work Programme Still Worse Than Doing Nothing At All

WorkFare-not-workingToday’s Work Programme performance figures reveal that the bungled scheme is still performing far worse than if the Government hadn’t handed approaching a billion pounds to welfare-to-work companies.

For those claimants on Employment Support Allowance (ESA) – the benefit for people who are sick or disabled – just 5.3% of people found jobs which lasted over 3 months.  This is against the DWP’s own minimum performance figure of 16.5%.

As the name suggests, the minimum performance figure is not a target.  It is a contractual requirement set 10% higher than the rate of people who would have been expected to find jobs under their own steam with no intervention whatsoever.  This means that had the Work Programme not existed then the number of people who would have come off sickness benefits and found work would have been expected to be three times higher.

Failure to meet the minimum performance figures should mean contracts being pulled and the DWP has already warned this might be the case saying today that:  “Performance Improvement Notices have also been issued for 12 contracts where providers must show significant improvement over the next four months or face the contract being terminated.”

Yesterday George Osborne warned of a “a hard-headed assessment of under-performing (DWP) programmes”.  If contracts are pulled later this year, and not replaced, then this will be the surest indicator yet that the Work Programme is being quietly abandoned.

The figures for those claiming Job Seekers Allowance also failed to meet the minimum contractual standards.  The performance level for claimants under 25 was 31.9% against the minimum of 33%, whilst for those over 25 it stood at 27.3% against 27.5%.

Whilst this is marginally over the number who would have found work without the Work Programme, it is still below the very minimum expected of the welfare-to-work companies.  These money grabbing poverty pimps have been paid hundreds of millions of pounds for virtually nothing at all – a handful of extra jobs for those who are easiest to help into work.  It would have been cheaper to bury money in the ground and pay unemployed people to dig it up.

In total, after two years of the scheme, just 13.4% of all claimants have found jobs which lasted over six months, or three months in the cases of those on sickness or disability benefits.  Overall this is still less than the number who would have been expected to find work without the Work Programme, yet the DWP are today trying to tell us what a wonderful success the whole sorry farce has been.

In a gushing press release the skiving Employment Minister Mark Hoban even makes a rare appearance with the astonishing claim that the Work Programme is giving “taxpayers a far better deal than previous schemes.”  Almost a billion pounds has been squandered and nothing has been achieved – and Hoban thinks this is a good deal.  No wonder he was so happy to spend £35 quid of our money on a fucking bog brush he could have picked up on the market for less than a fiver.

In truth all the DWP can really say is that these figures are better than the last ones – something which would be entirely expected for two reasons.  The first is that they could hardly have been worse, but also, as people have been on the Work Programme longer, the number of people finding work has risen.  Someone is more likely to find a job in a two year period than they are in just a year.  That is why the minimum performance levels have also risen.

One indicator of the Work Programme’s failure which isn’t included in today’s statistics is soaring long term unemployment.  The number of people out of work for over one year has risen almost every single month since this Government weren’t elected.  The vast majority of claimants are referred to the Work Programme after a year on benefits.  With the number of people unemployed for over one year soaring, this suggests that the tiny number of people who have got jobs on the Work Programme have got those jobs at the expense of people not yet referred to the scheme.  It is unlikely one single job has been created by the Work Programme.

This is because you can’t fix unemployment with crude attempts to fix unemployed people.  There are no fucking jobs.  It doesn’t matter how many billions of pounds are handed to vile scum like A4e to bully and harass claimants, there will still be no fucking jobs.  It’s about time politicians of all parties grew up and accepted the real, brutal and unequal nature of the capitalist economy that they all think is so wonderful.

Join the Week of Action Against Workfare from the 6th-14th July.

Follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid

293 responses to “Work Programme Still Worse Than Doing Nothing At All

  1. UK going back to Victorian era

    A Work Programme that doesn’t work – could only happen in the UK due to a numpty DWP and useless Govt. Give all govt posts to the unemployed and you will soon see an efficient country as these folk have been there and done it unlike the useless govt we have

  2. “There are no fucking jobs.”

    Says it all. Politicians are scum. All of them.

  3. @Johnny Void and in the work amd pensions commitee report before all this G4S and there quick fix of using ‘market share’ statistics to ‘correct’ the under performance..that THEY created in the first place..i dont think they exist on the same planet as everyone else…A4E who had a hand in setting up the work program to benefit themselves and even more worrying they had a hand in setting up the disgusting and cruel ATOS WCA…

    i say to them give us our money back , say sorry then fuck off…utter creeps.spivs and crooks..

  4. i really hope that LOTS of people show up at manchester and all the poverty pimp gigs and let the fucking know just what its like and the damage they have done…i wonder what they are thinking after these disastrous results..maybe they will not bother to attend now as they can see theres no more free lunches for them any more..

  5. Of course the Government was going to try and hail the Work Programme as a success, despite the great majority of participants still finding themselves without a job. You can try to counteract Government propaganda by sending your comments on the Work Programme to the BBC here:

  6. “But the figures were welcomed by business lobby group the CBI, which said providers and the government had to continue to push for improvement.

    Jim Bligh, the CBI’s head of public-sector reform, said: “Performance in supporting the hardest to help jobseekers needs to improve, but these people have significant barriers to work which take time to address.”

    No you fucking grubby mates are shit and useless and shouldnt go near unemployed people…they are like nonces….

  7. fuck me Johhny MARK HOBAN is saying exactly what G4S were saying at the work and pensions G4S write this cnuts script now.???.maybe its because he is so fucking stupid….

    “Employment Minister Mark Hoban said: “The Work Programme is helping large numbers of people escape the misery of long-term unemployment and get back into real jobs.(when can we escape the misery of you arseholes?)

    “The improvement in performance over the past year has been profound and the scheme is getting better and better.” (LOL!!!)
    ‘Change needed’

    ******He added that the worst-performing providers would begin to lose market share from August.******* (same as G4S comment)

    ( lose market share as in ‘no longer win a bid or even take part as the whole shitty mess wont exist)

  8. Another great article and swiftly executed. How is it going with the list of companies exploiting these people. I want to become a sticker bandit in my town. I’m going to use my unemployed time constuctively & creatively. I’ m gonna design my own stickers & hit the non taxpayers & 21st Century slave masters.

  9. Would also like to thank Super Ted for his brilliant post about taking a 100 laxative pills before going for ATOS assessment. I laughed & laughed & it set me up for the day. Nice one Ted.


    Benefits of Attending :

    Hear from the Minister for Welfare
    Reform on the first stages of
    implementation and delivering
    welfare reform (and fall asleep)

    • Gain an insight into the emerging
    lessons from the first Universal
    Credit Pathfinder (laughter)

    • Discover how to optimise digital
    inclusion in your area through
    training and accessibility (wot? is that like nintendo?)

    • Take transferable advice away
    from a case study that successfully
    increases financial awareness and
    independence in customers ( look im financially aware folks)

    • Benefit from the advice of a housing
    association working in partnership
    to drive up employment in their
    local areas (housing associations are about housing fuckwit they are not the fucking DWP unless this is another fucking DWP scam for housing assocations to make money on the side)

    • Receive an update from one of the
    Direct Payment Pilots and learn
    how to prevent arrears (how about reducing rents so it dont happen?)

  11. OFF TOPIC but…….

    I had a pink slip from my jobcentre saying I had to use universal jobmatch, and tick the box allowing my advisor to view my jobsearch !!. Is that mandatory, Can I refuse to do it online?? I want to keep using my book ….. Can I refuse to do it online and allow them acces or do I have to tick that box and do it online????

    I really prefer using my book to show my jobsearch….

    Please help

  12. How do they think they are going to get people into jobs if the jobs don’t exist? They should be making it easier for small businesses to start up and expand. Then there would be jobs.

    If we had some ham, we could have ham and eggs, if we had any eggs!

    • @marius but ATOS would argue that ham COULD be eggs…

      • Bob, Is it mandatory to tick that box and allow advisors to view jobsearch online, OR is it still choice to use booklets still, the paper jobsearch is fine and I will continue to use it as long as possible!!! ( or till I get a job )

        • @BRYAN the general opnion on here is DONT TICK THE BOX AND it is NOT mandatory to use the UJM to look for jobs ..only create an account and public CV…and dont give them your email address or password..

          • Don’t even create an account unless you want to fuck yourself over, as this can then lead to having to produce screen print-outs from UJ: I’ve already heard from people who have had this demanded of them, and advisors checking the access box at appointments.

            Try and argue a case against registering first.

            • Eric Greenwood (4727)

              I state I will only sign up if i have a written direction, then i will upload a cv with no personal information on it, no phone number no email address. I will not allow an adviser to see my Account. I have doubts about online security, and i object to being forced to sign up for the site, but will if i am directed under protest I do not have my cv stored anywhere on the net i upload it every time i apply for a job. (they ask about the cv because they want you to say yes i have that means you should be ok for UJM to have the cv and cookies stored)

      • I’m sure they would! LOL !!!

  13. guess how much it costs to get in at the CRAPITA WELFARE CONFERENCE?


    * Public Sector Rate (Non-central Government public sector rate includes Police Forces, Local Authorities, Housing Associations, Universities, NHS, Hospitals, Schools, Academies, Early Years Providers, HM Courts Service, Probation Service, regional JobCentre Plus and Crown Prosecution Service. ) £350

    * Central Gov. Rate (Includes Central Government Departments and Agencies such as QUANGOS. e.g. DEFRA, Environment Agency, Home Office, Welsh Assembly, Department for Work and Pensions, NPIA, Ofsted. ) £350

    * Private Sector Rate (Includes private sector organisations ) £545

    * Concessionary Discount (Applies to charities registered with Charity Commission or the OSCR – must provide the relevant 6-8 alpha numeric characters. Tenant Groups, Patient Groups and Older People.s Forums are eligible for this discount. ) £225

    sodirt cheap then? nope…just think the attendance fee of this shitty gig is more than several weeks of JSA or even HB….

  14. “In truth all the DWP can really say is that these figures are better than the last ones – something which would be entirely expected for two reasons. The first is that they could hardly have been worse, but also, as people have been on the Work Programme longer, the number of people finding work has risen. Someone is more likely to find a job in a two year period than they are in just a year. That is why the minimum performance levels have also risen.”

    Yep. Last year the excuse from the DWP was that the WP had not had its full two years, so even to say there has been an improvement is generous, being as the pimps have now had their two years and haven’t even reached what was expected contractually. They FAILED.

    • Another Fine Mess

      I don’t know, but I think most of the %age improvement is simply due to the reducing referal attachement rate. – Half the intake rate and the ouput success rate, %age wise, doubles.

  15. The work providers if put under pressure will just get people sanctioned to make it look like they are achieving targets of getting people into work to save their necks.

    JV will you stop giving the DWP ideas, they will be planting plastic payment cards for the unemployed to dig up as benefit payments in fields they want cultivating.

    Having said that I would do some digging if I thought we could plant IDS and Freud in the holes.

  16. even the FT describes the work program as ‘cheap and ineffective.’.

    The Work Programme – cheap and ineffective

  17. oh ha fucking ha A4E own website puts a delightful spin on things no surprise there….read the small print folks..

  18. Seems to me the two groups the government should consult are those unemployed and the employers. Both would tell them WP is no use. One can only assume there’s something in it for them unseen, undeclared, further down the line?

  19. Funding college vocational courses with that money would be a far better use of taxpayers money. Also allowing/ encouraging people to go part time. If you ever have tried to study anything with the Jobcentre you’ll know how obstructive they are to bettering yourself. They almost seem to try to keep you unemployable in my experience.

  20. JD

    When Blair came to power and introduced JSA I was told I had to be available for work 24/7, so I had to leave my part-time degree course or apply for a loan to go full time and pay tuition fees, so I left uni as not prepared to get into debt especially when housing benefit is only paid for term time, the rest you have to find yourself, on top of travel fares and books which I was then working part-time to pay for.

  21. Obi Wan Kenobi

    From The Financial Times:

    Poor results put squeeze on coalition’s work placement contractors.

    Several companies running the government’s £5bn programme to get unemployed people back into work are performing so far below expectations that they are likely to lose their contracts, ministers have confirmed.

  22. “It is unlikely one single job has been created by the Work Programme.” Here is me thinking that the WP is itself one BIG fuck off job creation scheme. Are these the new jobs in the private sector that we hear so much about? Publically funded, I hasten to add.

  23. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Osborne’s signing on delay plan met by anger and bemusement at job centre.

    A seven-day wait before claiming jobseeker’s allowance seen as another attack by politicians on those struggling make ends meet.

  24. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Jackie Long on Channel 4 News will be talking to Skiver Mark Hoban within the next 55 minutes.

  25. Pingback: Work Programme Still Worse Than Doing Nothing A...

  26. I’d love to see them try to spin their only non-negative result which is + 0.2% for the over 25 JSA claimant, that’s 2 claimants out of 1000 found work because the WP existed.

    When will the nation wakeup to the fact that the Work Program providers are scamming the taxpayer £600 on every new claimant and invoicing unlimited extras for a 86.6% overall failure rate.

  27. JD of course there is something in it for them. All MPs of all colours probably have Crappy welfare provider shares in their investment portfolios.

  28. Pingback: Work Programme Official Figures. News Roundup 27th June 2013

  29. Another Fine Mess

    JV”It is unlikely one single job has been created by the Work Programme.”
    I agree. But how many have been destroyed?:-)

    Gov. see a queue of 2,100 uemployed for just 4 retail jobs.
    So to give all/most them in the queue a better chance, they spend £billions giving them ‘work experience’ and ‘customer service’ certificates. After a while, success! – some of them that we’ve helped get the job.

    But, – there’s always a but, when we look at the figures. Gov. spending has gone up by £20billion(so far) but unemployment hasn’t gone down even by 1.

    And if that’s no bad enough, those who where initially at the front of the queue, who would have got the job, have now become long-term unemployed themselves, because we simply replaced them with those we have ‘helped’.
    So long-term unemployment, the very thing we were trying to fix actually goes up! by 1000s per month!
    Waste Programme – you just know it makes sense.

    • @OBI WAN KENOBI this is from A4E website..

      “Notes to editors:

      * The figure of 50,000 customers into work includes A4e’s delivery as a Prime Contractor and Sub- Contractor.
      * Unless otherwise stated, this information refers to participants on the A4e Work Programme in the five areas where A4e operates as Prime Contractor i.e.: (i) CPA 2 East Midlands; (ii) CPA 4 East London; (iii) CPA 6 Merseyside, Halton, Cumbria & Lancashire; (iv) CPA 9 Thames Valley, Hampshire & Isle of Wight and (v) CPA 17 South Yorkshire. A4e also delivers the Work Programme as a sub-contractor in Kent, Surrey and Sussex, Scotland, Wales, North East England and West Yorkshire.
      * Sustained employment is the DWP measure of success for the Work Programme and constitutes six months of paid employment for most customers, or three months of paid employment for certain ESA customers.
      * When we refer to Work Programme participants finding a job, this means that they have achieved a job start (one per customer). In most cases, a customer needs to achieve a job start and then stay in work for six months before this would count as sustained employment”

      there you go…bollocks eh?

    • Spot on, when the the very best figure they could offer is only out of 1 group and it’s is only 0.2% the margin of statistical error comes into play.

      The likelihood that WP has never helped help a single claimant find a position that they wouldn’t have found anyway without it’s existence

  30. Obi Wan Kenobi

    I ‘m trying to find a graph or listing all of the Private Providers and their respective results – if anybody finds one please post the link on here.

  31. Obi Wan Kenobi

    I ‘m trying to find a graph or list listing all of the Private Providers and their respective results – if anybody finds one please post the link on here.

  32. All this shows how the Work Programme is building momentum, getting more and more people into jobs.

    We have all recognised that it is taking longer to help those receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) into work and it is clear that more needs to be done. The complex health and skills requirements of these jobseekers mean they need support over many months and sometimes years before they are ready to sustain work. This is why their A4e advisers are focused on meeting their current needs – such as helping them access specialist healthcare or skills training.

    The challenge facing all providers can be found in our own research which shows that about 30% of all people who start on the programme with A4e report a health condition they feel will impact on their search for work. And, on top of this, nearly half of our jobseekers start with none or very few of the basic qualifications that are often required by employers.

    However, we do know that the longer ESA customers spend on the programme, the more likely they are to find a job. It is also significant that 66% of customers from the largest ESA group, ESA Flow, who were referred to A4e’s Work Programme in its first year and entered work went on to achieve sustained employment. With the right support ESA customers are more likely to stay in work than any other claimant group.
    This is why A4e is working with Turning Point, a social enterprise with 50 years experience of supporting people affected by mental health, substance misuse and those with a learning disability to address the key issues emerging from the current provision for ESA customers.
    As part of a number of initiatives aimed at helping jobseekers with complex health needs, we will be using our combined expertise to help inform the government in reviewing improvements to the programme.
    Andrew Dutton, CEO of A4e, said: “As we enter our third year of operating the Government’s Work Programme, we are confident that the performance we’re seeing, along with the significant changes we’ve made to our business over the past year, including restructuring our board and transforming all our internal processes, has made us stronger and fully prepared for the work that lies ahead.”

    oh do fuck off…..

  33. Obi Wan Kenobi

    It’s CH4 News V’s Emma Harrison debarcal all over again

  34. a message from ‘TURNING POINT’ mentioned above …

    Turning Point responds to Work Programme statistics

    In response to the statistics released today by the Department for Work and Pensions, John Mallalieu, Turning Point’s Director of Employment services said;

    “The increase in the number of people finding sustained employment through the Work Programme as evidenced in today’s statistics is good to see. However, the fact that the number of people receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) who have been helped into work is well below the minimum contractual performance level is a huge concern.

    We need to ask if the Work Programme is helping those who are most disadvantaged, the individuals who are hardest to help into work. A real worry is that the hardest to help jobseekers could be being ‘parked ‘by some providers who chose to focus, for a variety of reasons, on those closer to the job market. It is clear that positive results for those who are hardest to help will take longer to materialise but we need to ensure that individuals are accessing the right services for their needs, without this, we are unlikely to see the programme succeed.”

    so what with all the bloody cuts etc the ‘right services’ wont happen
    so there you go mr A4E ..its doomed i tell ya……

  35. Obi Wan Kenobi

    that should read ‘Debacle’

  36. “A4e advisers are focused on meeting their current needs – such as helping them access specialist healthcare or skills training. ”

    WHAT SPECIALIST HEALTHCARE? the fucking NHS is being sold off,,,and i will bet you anything if they find ”specialist healthcare” for claimants they will fucking charge tax payer for it..

    • something survived...

      Fixing spinal cords and helping regrow eyes?

      When I was at A4E the FUCKERS prevented me from accessing specialist medical care. They said I had to be on their work scheme so made me cancel medical appointments, treatment, consultations, and other procedures. They help the disabled in the same way Mengele did.

  37. wait !! is this what A4E mean about specialist healthcare??

    Graduates of innovative back-to-work scheme now ready for work in healthcare

    A4E have their snouts in every trough…

  38. According to BBC news, the Work Programme has been a success this year!!!

  39. the government is thick as sh*t

  40. This highlights one of the most serious issues with ESA assessment, and how Atos and the WCA is failing BY DESIGN to pick up many seriously and permanantly sick and disabled individuals who will NEVER be well enough to work.

    Presumably, too, one of the reasons why the DWP is not releasing current figures for death rates of those denied the Support Group is because since December 2012, MANY SUCH DEATHS (AND SUICIDES) INVOLVE PEOPLE FORCED ONTO WORKFARE SCHEMES.

    The reason vulnerable people are being forced into totally inappropriate WRAG and workfare schemes AND COUNTED IN THE UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURES instead of being correctly classified as disabled.

    THIS IS A SCAM – and ironically it is just reverse scam of Thatcher’s wheeze of massaging unemployment stats by encouraging older claimants with health problems to retire on disability pensions. (In the 80s, unemployment benefit was paid out of the former DoE’s budget, while disability pensions were footed by the former DHSS, and there was considerable rivalry.)

    ESA/WRAG Work Related Activity (and now Workfare) was supposedly only intended for individuals with short-term conditions, and a prognosis from their doctors that they would realistically have recovered enough to resume work after a maximum of two years. Most of the DWP propaganda still implies this, but due to the draconian scamming of the WCA, this has never been the case.

    On the face of it, only 15 points in the WCA test are needed to qualify for the Support Group (and escape Workfare). However the DWP stipulates that the first 15 points must be scored in *one* individual section of the WCA, and can’t be spread over multiple areas. In other words, you must have an extreme, maximum impairment in something such as walking or manual dexterity, to be disabled ENOUGH for the SG. This is one of the reasons why so many with serious and chronic illnesses are being denied the support they are entitled to.

    As a result of all this, the WCA test directly discriminates against any condition that involves widespread moderately severe impairments, and as well as illnesses like cancer, that may not immediately ‘impair’ you on a functional level.

    And a new rule banning claims for combined physical and mental health issues introduces discrimination against conditions such as Parkinson’s which involve both physical and cognitive issues.

    Thus it is quite evident that the WCA is an entirely bogus test which has the intention of removing very sick people from the support they deserve, as well as massaging disability and unemployment stats.

    There can be no doubt that IDS and the DWP fully intended the WCA to function in this abusive manner, and so they know perfectly well that a substantial proportion of the disabled being sent on the WP are too sick ever to work. Other than sheer sadism and CULLING, the money spent on this makes no sense at all.

    So again it has to be asked – and the DWP needs to be prodded until it coughs up an answer: HOW MANY SICK AND VULNERABLE PEOPLE HAVE DIED ON THE WORK PROGRAMME?

  41. There seems to be anecdotal evidence that Jobcentres are ‘cherry picking’ ESA/WRAG claimants who look as if they are at death’s door, or suspected of being suicide risks, and packing them off to workfare providers,so that when these claimants croak, the Provider can take the blame instead of the DWP.

  42. 15 points if you cant control ur asshole mind 🙂

    1 arm 1 leg 1 finger ur fit for work

    if ur full of shit take a 1000 laxatives b4 atos interview say u got ibs and if they ask you can you touch ur toes let rip fire it all up the wall.

  43. Obi Wan Kenobi

    This government need to get rid of all the ‘Spin Doctors’, then maybe we would get some open and honest figures regarding the Work Programme.

  44. Teesside Solidarity Movement

    Reblogged this on Teesside Solidarity Movement.

  45. Eric Greenwood (4727)

    I got them.. I beat them but i know i will be punished for it.

    I told my adviser that i had changed my email address and phone number, and i wanted the old ones removing from the system. she wasnt too happy but she let slip but how can we check your UJM account then. I said i will do print outs, but you dont need to know my email address according to your own rules.. she went oh you are right.. and was even more unhappy.

    I said i would only sign upto UJM under a written direction and then under protest, i will not allow my adviser to see my account, i will upload a cv and remove all identifying data. as per the direct gov guidance. and she put that onto the system.

    He face dropped each time, and i said this rather loudly as there were many people around

    She was VERY unhappy about this. But according to the dwp own rules what she was trying was wrong. I would suggest anyone asked to do this say that.. and if you can find and print out the applicable parts of the site

    • Obi Wan Kenobi

      Here you go:

      DWP Central Freedom of Information Team.


      Our Ref: VTR 2437

      12th June 2013.

      Dear XXXX XXXXXX

      Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.

      It is not mandatory for a person claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance to supply Jobcentre Plus with an email address and home telephone number. There are currently no plans for any third parties to be given direct access to accounts on Universal Jobmatch.

      If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number above.

      Yours sincerely

      DWP Universal Jobmatch Team

      • Ironically when you apply for JSA on-line, the on-line form won’t let you precede any further unless you enter your phone number at a certain point.

        More yet lies from the DWP.

    • Does them having your email matter? As long as you leave the box unticked they cannot use your email to enter your UJM a/c can they? Let me know if I’m missing something here.

      • Another Fine Mess

        You’re correct.
        Unticked they can only see that the account exists – mostly blank screen.
        Ticked they can see and do exactly the same screen as you.
        I like the suggestion in here somewhere to just remember to tick and untick the box on signing days. Don’t forget to spead your jobsearch evenly though each week, else sanctioned. see Guardian article.

        Don’t worry about all this 35 hrs a week jobsearching and applying for random jobs nonsense, apps are already being developed to do it all for you!

  46. Eric Greenwood (4727)

    Cheers will print that out ;).. I love beating them with their own rules ;)..She wasnt happy i knew more than she did , the look on her face it was priceless. Of course i said this rather loudly.. it has given me a buzz

    • can somebody help me ?? basically when I signed on. The JCP gave me a letter at the top it says “appontment details” but, also on the letter it says “flexible intervention” ?? (I have also refused the JCP access to my account) can somebody explain what “flexible intervention” is and how many jobs should I print off ??

      • Flexible intervention sounds like they just madera that rule up on the spot.

      • Obi Wan Kenobi

        Welcome to ‘Flexible Intervetion’ – Interpretation of said:

        With this system Jobcentre Plus will be able to find even more way’s to Sanction you —— have a nice day!

  47. Obi Wan Kenobi

    By the way any one coming to the end of their Work Programme MUST get a copy (inc. Annex A and Annex B) of their ‘Exit Report’ – if your in any doubt, this is what it consists looks like, this is the original.

    Click to access work-programme-memo-106.pdf

    • Obi Wan Kenobi

      Don’t be fobbed of with one of the later versions that don’t show Annex A and Annex B as ‘B’ or pages 5 &6 is where the Provider put their personal comments about you.

      • Obi Wan Kenobi

        All the WP advisers you have seen at you Private Provider will contribute to your ‘Exit Repot’.

        • Another Fine Mess

          As you’ll have been on it 2 years, most of the advisors you’ve seen will have already left.

          • Obi Wan Kenobi

            Correct, but as soon as you switched to another adviser, the previous one has to put his comments on file at the time you switch advisers, this means they pull all the comments together to make up your Exit Report at the end of your 2 years.

    • wow, not sure what happened with my work programme ?? (I started on it either 9th or 11th september 2011) but I have’nt had A4e since 15th April. What should I do ?? really don’t want to go into A4e. But yeah very strange …. anyone else have this issue ??

    • something survived...

      It’s wank, and likely to be lies. What if they lie? Say that you are not disabled? Our WPP’s staff spend next to no time with the jobseekers, so can tell nothing about disabilities, health conditions, abilities, attitude, barriers to work. ‘Compliance’? Presumably being outspoken against being sent there, but while doing all mandated tasks, counts as noncompliance?
      The staff will make it all up!

  48. I haven’t heard from mine either. Unless you want to see them I suggest you say nothing. I suppose they’ve picked up their fee and that’s where their interest stops.

    • something survived...

      What do you want to see from the work programme?

      IDS having his testicles chewed off by a rottweiler.

  49. Personally there’s little point in me attending wasting my time being told what I already know. Others may get something out of it I suppose but doubt much.

    I think the way they waste money on such schemes is a scandal when considering how penny pinching they are with the unemployed. I don’t know the induction fee but believe it’s about £400. That consists of half an hour (max) answering a few questions that really don’t need asking. Nice work if you can get it!

    • I could’nt agree more. Do you reckon A4e will get it’s contracts plugged ?? also does anybody know any epitions ??

      • Eric Greenwood (4727)

        I doubt it will be pulled as someone from quiller associates who are connected to the PM works for a4e

  50. Obi Wan Kenobi

    This includes all updates to present (2013)

    The Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations 1996.

    Click to access a11-4001.pdf

    • together we are fighting back against the Government (wether that be atos and the disgusting wca or unemployed benefit in general) stick together, support each other,let’s show the Government whose Boss

  51. something survived...

    UJM has a mandatory question on religion and sexual orientation.

    Put stuff that isn’t true (eg religion). Fuck up their stats.
    Satanist piano-fucker.
    Jedi Knight: sexuality: shagging your mum.

    Sexual orientation: UJM
    (bear with me)

    Explain that you have seen the light and your new sexual orientation is now UJM. Declare undying love for UJM. Send it love letters. Write it bad poetry.
    Stalk it. Send job applications to it, demanding to make babies with it. If in a divorce case, cite UJM as the co-respondent. If a recent single parent, claim that UJM is the other parent of your child. Demand maintenance payments/child support. Say this stands until UJM furnishes DNA evidence to prove it is not the parent. Get creepier and stalkier, right up until they ban you from UJM. If there is a restraining order, you can’t use UJM without breaching it.

    • @something survived LOL!! I want. a I love UJM t shirt

      • something survived...

        Of course, the other side of the coin, you could get arrested or sectioned.
        UJM could then be cited as the reason for your mental state – or that you are allergic to UJM.

        Once I met a dodgy guy who fucked chickens, so presumably bestiality was his sexual orientation. I can’t imagine him (also was a heroin user) ever getting a job, so it’s what he’d have to put on UJM if he didn’t lie.

        Just watched the BBC 3 documentary on sectioned kids. The secure unit looked grim and more likely to make them attempt suicide or selfharm.

  52. Obi Wan Kenobi

    UJM – Worse than getting the Clap!

    Clap = 2 to 4 weeks treatment.

    UJM = Bad treatment forever.

  53. Slightly off topic, I know, but I’ve just clocked how many of my UJM job applications have actually been viewed. 4 from a total of 182! (I’ve applied for about the same not using UJM). Out of the 4, I’ve had one response (interview, about a month ago, but no job….I was ‘too experienced’). I suppose the DWP bastards will conjure up some way of sanctioning me for that!

    • another thing, on UJM is you could simply “print” jobs off without logging in. How would your advisor know if you genuinely did apply ?? (am I missing something) ??

      • If you apply directly via UJM by using the red ‘apply’ button, which you can only do with about 10% of listed jobs btw (so it’s a pretty useless facility anyway) it shows in your Application History, which is where you can also see that no one bothered to even look at your application(s).

  54. Here is the DWP Post Work Programme guidance and bits (diagnostic interview, welcome back script, helpline for advisers who feel intimidated or threatened etc.) The Mandatory Intervention Regime (MIR) may include “access to case conferences with Work Psychologists”!

    “The claimant can expect a different approach from Jobcentre Plus and the adviser. You will work collaboratively with the claimant…” (Is the word “customer” out?)

    “You should consider increasing conditionality for the claimant.”

    • do you think “flexible intervention” is a type of mandatory work placement ?? I just can’t stop thinking about it. What makes it worse, is the fact the interview in Jobcentre will last about 20mins … ohh boy *gulps*

      • nameless ~ hi, the last time I had a letter that sent me into a panic due to the wording, it turned out to be “nothing to worry about; just standard wording that we use”. I spent the fortnight getting progressively more anxious and scared about what might be going to happen – and nothing of any great significance did.

        I’m not sure, but think I’ve read recently that the FI following work programme (?) is ‘only’ a randomly picked-out-of-a-hat ‘intervention’ & a is a ?longer than usual but otherwise-similar version of what you’d usually go through with a personal adviser at an ordinary bog-standard (wtf)ocussed interview.

        They nearly always say that any of their ‘interventions’ can mean a wide range of things – depending on (what they think) each individual requires doing to them – after they’ve ‘had a chat’ with each of us … so it is hard to find out what anything means until you’ve experienced it first-hand. (They don’t even know themselves?). It’s good that people can share information on here & other places in as far as it’s possible to disentangle what it is that we’re supposed to be trying to understand/take part in (&/or avoid happening) though.

        (there is no ‘one-size fits all’ – except when there is). good luck.

      • Obi Wan Kenobi


        First Interview at JCP lasts around 40 minutes.

    • Obi Wan Kenobi

      Nice one Jeff:

      Just posted this up on I.U.A.

      • @OBi WAN that pompous prick landlord posted to me suggesting i am a drug that slander?

        • Obi Wan Kenobi

          I would say so, but go to a Police Station or any solictors office and ask.

          • @obi WAN he said i would be upset because his members did a drug bust..why would i be upset ? Only to imply i was involved with illegal drugs trade..this is his words..can you Check if he has implied. it. on his forums and blogs please obi?

            Bob why don’t you have a go a neighbourhood watch they have over 4 million “Curtain twitchers” that you can have a go atthat work to keep communities better. I wonder what really upsets you maybe it is our members closing down all the dope growing factories that tenants keep opening up in our property

  55. Obi Wan Kenobi

    I would suggest you steer your adviser to the JCP Offer, as this seems to have the least hassle attached to it.

    Jobcentre Plus Offer – if you have recent relevant work experience you may
    only receive Jobcentre Plus Offer.

    How will it be decided which routeway I will take?

    Your adviser will work with you collaboratively to determine what the most
    appropriate type of support is for you. They will discuss your personal
    circumstances/barriers with you and help you to decide what the next steps are to help you find employment.

  56. Obi Wan Kenobi

    How Osborne’s shares for rights scheme has flopped.

    Only six companies have enquired about the Chancellor’s plan to allow workers to give up employment rights in return for shares.

  57. The Work Program aimed at giving unqualified unemployed people employment training to help assist them in getting a job is in itself a good thing in my opinion. The two things that are wrong is (1); ”There’s too many unemployed people who are not willing to take part in the scheme, they’d rather sit at home depending on state benefits to keep them and not give anything (e.g; work) back in return”. (2); ”The Government are dishing out millions of pounds to existing multi-million pound companies instead of dishing it out to ”BRAND NEW COMPANIES” thus helping to create new business and new jobs for the unemployed to be trained at and allowed to keep at the end of their training period.

    • the jcp wants me to provide job print outs by my next sign on. But all of the jobs have either got a email address or a employers contact number. My question is if I print the jobs off will my advisor contact that employer ??

    • Thus proving that brian is a fucking idiot. Who does not know or care that its a scheme that ppl are forced onto. And that govt is so in hock to these companies they are unwilling to drop them. Fuck they run the Bloody thing the dwp let them…

      • Bob, if I print off jobs from jobmatch. Would the advisor contact the employer ??

        • Nameless in all honesty i dont know but i am sure others on here will advise you..i am ill every day. I wake-up up feeling ill i fall asleep feeling ill..i feel wrecked all the time. I cant concentrate properly. Im not eating properly i pasa out for reasons i dont know why…sorry ..

        • Another Fine Mess

          On very rare occasions they check up. Apply anyway, you’ll be one of 100s.

        • Obi Wan Kenobi


          It would be unusual for the JCP to contact the employer unless you have a history with them of not applying for jobs – but always take your proofs with you (no matter how you’ve applyed for a job) because it will be that one occassion when you don’t take your proofs that they will check up. – Sodds Law!

    • Another Fine Mess

      ”There’s too many unemployed people who are not willing to take part in the scheme,”

      They have no choice, they have to take part in the scame.

      • can’t see them checking. jcps are at full stretch anyway … and also in mine they just wanna sign me on and I’m outta there. (always ask advisor if my benefit has gone through) put the jcp under pressure. (which is’nt too tricky)

        • Another fine mess, have the jcp contacted employers of jobs you have printed off ??

          • Another Fine Mess

            Never as far as I know, nor any of my list.
            Waste as much of their time as possible by asking arkward questions, they’re supposed to be there to help. Signup with cv-library then you can apply for a few jobs with a single click! Even print off the application received page if you want.

            • what awkward questions are best to make things difficult for jcp ?? Another fine mess, is ur cv private ??

            • Another Fine Mess

              As well as the jobs you’ve applied for, take another you were thinking of applying for and a copy of your cv. Ask them if they think you have a chance. Ask them to have a quick look at the first page of your cv, and check the spelling/grammar. Tell them how useless ujm is, search not working properly for example. Say you’ve seen some jobs needing a current crb check, ask about any funding if you might need that. If they say the wp should help with things that, just laugh. they’ll know what you mean.
              Ask them when they’re next on strike, ask them if they’ve met their sanction targets this week. Once you see them shuffling about or looking at the time or the building queue, you know you’ve done enough for now!
              As OWK says, anything they tell or mandate you to do, politlely ask for it in writing or a printed page. Say you need it for your records or to show to others that are helping you, your wp for example. The possibilities are endless. If I had a ujm cv it would be private.

          • Obi Wan Kenobi

            Ask them to provide any and all documented proof that anything they say to you is legal.

    • overburdenddonkey

      brian hanson..
      share your innovations for creating mass sustainable long term employment in the uk….we no longer live in a mass employment manufacturing industrial society..those activities are sub-contracted to other “emergent” economies, ie we get some one else to make it for “us” = “them” and not us, the $2/day worker is not that far off in the uk!…we are geared towards admin and non-labour intensive..white collar economy of investments, banking etc…we no longer make things as merkel, points out…what should we manufacture? being made employment demoralizing unless there is something to be ready for, ie employment…5m unemployed….no jobs= mass unemployment…20m unemployed in eu…

      • overburdenddonkey

        ps brain hanson…i have reveal the gap between the haves and have not’s..the skills gap between them and us…they are trained to earn with their heads only…without using their limbs, to income depends on my body being fit and their being demand for this body fitness…i was brought up to be bossed about..they were brought up to boss others about…

  58. soon done wp.choice of “daily all day jcp
    attendance with ‘hitsquad’ for 6months or
    ‘g4s family support group’..similar thing for
    12months..what a choice! the jcp got room
    (101) set many returners that they
    going to have to stagger the the
    exit review for the wp,advisor was in full
    fearmonger mode..”life going to get tougher”
    spiel and the next minute”life would really
    improve if you were in work”..stick and
    carrot stuff.
    the work program has been a totalshit..
    zero help..”parked like most near all folk

    • A4e only chucked me on 2 placements. I did’nt realise, but at the time I was doing “workfare” (just like everyone else) A4e boast about helping with ur CV, interview techniques. Just general shit like that, thanks to A4e my CV is a complete joke.

      • has anybody noticed on ujm. When you “apply” for a job (which is a challenge in itself) that about a week after you applied. It then says “this job is no longer available” to make things even more strange. You can’t even delete the jobs that are’nt available.

        • Another Fine Mess

          You might find the same job reappears a few days later, but now as an ‘apprentice’ so they only have to pay £2.60 ph, seen it few times!

          • Intensive Activity

            Seetec advertise admin apprenticeships
            8.45 to 5 five days a week for £106 a week all in

  59. Intensive Activity

    UJM is a complete mess, best to do your own applications and just copy paste the ref #s into the activity tabs. Then refuse the JCP permission to look at your UJM account and just print out the confirmations or take screenshots and set up a new email to send the screenshots to them.
    Trust me. Its far less hassle to printout a few sheets a week and take them to JCP than to get a 2 months sanction when they snoop and see that you have not applied for a job they sent you ( which mysteriously will dissapear without notice as no expiry date is listed on it)

    • intensive activity, how do I copy + paste job aplications from another website onto ujm ??(seems complicated) I just use crappy ujm and refuse them access

      • Another Fine Mess

        I think it’s best to copy just a few lines of the job into wordpad like this;
        DATE JOB TITLE £££
        Company add / agency name
        CV sent / email
        When it looks right carefully copy and paste the few lines into the box and save. As a one off activity you could use;
        Sat/Sun Spent 4 or 5 hours visiting unemployment forums for help and
        advise on using this ujm site.

        • Another Fine Mess

          wordpad = NOTEPAD

        • thanks, for clearing that up. Have they put you on mwa ??
          have they given you a target of jobs to apply for ?? (they won’t be able to rumble you like you said DON’T tick the box)
          if you are on mwa how long is the placement ??

          • are you on mwa right now ?? have they set you a target of jobs to apply for ?? (like you said DON’T tick the box)
            if you are on mwa how long is placement ??

  60. Intensive Activity

    Just go to the activity tab in UJM and open it and then back to your job application on the other site. and either write down the ref# and job title( which should be fine as pretty much every jobsite( apart from UJM) Will send you an email confirmation to a job application, or if you dont want to type it manuall then just left click on the external website page and go over the selected text of the confirmation of your external application , then right click, select copy and go back to the activity notes box in UJM( The 250 charac max one) Right click again, select paste and then save the box

    • what are the best websites to use ??
      (thanks I might give it a go)
      when I print off my job applications. Would the jcp be able to work out I’ve been using another website ??

      • What the fuck has it got to do with JCP Which jobsite you use

        • Intensive Activity

          this is the thing, they are trying to sneakily put into every post wp jsa that you have to use their site, you can always complain and get it amended, I am guessing they think people will just lay down.
          This is why its so crucial to NOT give them permission to tick those boxes for them to look at your account, that way you can just apply for jobs on your own choice of external sites( your human right) and if they want proof just print out the confirmations from your email inbox and wave it in their face, or claim your printer is broken and save the screenshots to a usb and demand to use their equipment instead.

          • That is what I do. I don’t record my jobs applied on UJM because I don’t log in to it (it’s easier to look without logging in). I keep awritten record and have emails confirmation from the jobs applied (through other sites. As far as I know you don’t have to log your activities on the UJM activity log and why should you.

          • Another Fine Mess

            “you have to use their site”
            Problem is it’s backfiring on them, not unsurprisingly, just like everything else. There’s many less jobs on ujm and the old site together now, than there used to be on the old site alone. Employers with a real vacancy who have used ujm are saying never again!.

  61. Intensive Activity

    It doesnt matter to them if your using other website( although they will try and sneak into your new jsa when you come off wp that you have to apply x number of jobs via UKM, This can be amended by taking it up with floor manager and quoting the freedom of info request that states you do NOT need to applay to jobs on UJM, Just to record the ones you have done on the activity tab( even then you can just print individual conforimations or screenshots instead ), they just want to see if your recording yourjobsearch on the UJM site, I just its just an electronic version of the old joblogs we used to get
    Just hunt around and find the websites that have an option to send you an email confirmation. pretty much everyone does apart from UJM !!

    • I guess Its to justify the millions spent on the UJM crapsite…if no one used it for anything then it will be said Its a waste of money ..Which it is…its their obsession with digital by default. The unmitigated disaster it is..did you read that the queen will be exempted from FOI requests..hows that for democracy eh?

  62. Intensive Activity

    one thing about the UJM site, if you dont log on for 5 days , when you log back in it flags you as ” inactive” for 5 days upon your return.
    Now with the rollout of universal credit, if you gave permission to the dwp to look at your account this would be enough for a 2 month sanction of your benefit. regardless of if you had applied for 40 jobs via jobsite during those 5 days. This is why you must NEVER give dwp permission to look at your records, they will threaten to sanction you( they did to me) but you have to just keep refusing, quoute note 82 of the universal jobmatch toolkit to them or ask to see the floor manager
    UJM exists for one reason only, to sanction people, its so useless that you cant even put a cover letter on an application on it. 99.9% of recruiters would bin any cv that didnt have a cover letter, the whole thing is a scam to sanction people .NEVER give dwp permission to look at your jobsearch activity. even if they “mandate” you

    • I have generally stopped logging in but haven’t noticed any flag (on the odd occasion that I do). I don’t believe there is any rule that states you must log in to use it? Tell me if I’m wrong.

      • Intensive Activity

        I didnt think there was either, I have NEVER given DWP permission to look at my account( even though I am now on post WP support and I have to go to the jobcentre daily !)
        To my surprise a few months ago I was so busy with external applications and 2 interviews that I went to that I never logged into UJM for a few days, when I returned it said” INACTIVITY 5 DAYS” or something to that extent , do not trust this site, if you had given dwp permission I am very sure it would be a sanction

        • Ticking the access box would be analogous to turkeys voting for christmas. I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would.

          • Is this true ? Since UJM is open to anyone .someone Who Isnt on benefits Tried to use it and was told to log in and email etc After acfew days it came up inactive and he was told he was sanctioned. Is this example of useless automated systems.

            • Intensive Activity

              This is why you NEVER give permission for DWP to loo at your account.
              By law they cant force you to use the site, only to register
              Register by all means but dont give them permission and then apply to external sites ( which will all give you e mail confirmations which you can print out) even if they try and sanction you , you can always show what jobs you appplied to via your email inbox and the confirumations

        • does anyone know what “build” cv means on ujm ??
          will my current cv be deleted ?? is it easy to “upload” a new one ?? reason why I’m asking this. Is because on ujm it won’t allow you to “edit” your cv.

      • It says anyone can use UJM not just jobseekers
        Thus proving logging in is pointless

        • Obi Wan Kenobi

          Don’t you see what the Dwp are doing here? – If for example someone who is already working decides to set up an account with UJM to look for a better paid job, then they become unemployed and have to make a claim for JSA, then the DWP/Jobcentre can SANCTION THEIR CLAIM STRAIGHT AWAY, because it will flag up that they didn’t use it for over 5 days, – is the penny dropping now?

  63. Intensive Activity

    bobchewie , in no way can they force you to register, but once you put a claim in for jsa its mandatory to register, has been since 1 march, but its NOT mandatory to use the site for applications, just quote note 52 and 82 of the universal jobmatch toolkit to them and say you have a copy of the freedom of information that you requested and ask to see the floor manager if they resist or refuse

    • what does “build” cv mean intensive activity ?? would I lose my current one ??

    • I looked at it on a handset a few times. It had bizarre jobs like delivering leaflets for 30 quid and the site looked complicated to me. Pretty amateur in places.

      • wonder what will happen after work programme ?? hmmm (something else for this Govt to screw up)

        • Intensive Activity

          Nameless, afer wp here are more details ,you will be asked to come in either weekly or if your within walking distance DAILY as i have been asked, you will be put on MWA as well, main thing is DO NOT give Permission for dwp to look at your UJM account, ok , they wll ask you to come in each day to prove your jobsearch. but your jsa agreemet will say ” look once a week on ujm” so you have to be ready to show a primtout to them once per week of your js activity . dont let them railroad you . as per your jsa you can show them your jobsearch from your email inbox once per week even if they ask you to come in daily , you can print this out ok

  64. Since I’ve had my 1st interview of Post WP intensive job search you now have to tick the box, if you don’t you get a direction & if you don’t tick it before the next interview you get a sanction.

    • @woz so if you use UJM on your own pc in your own home a bod from JCP/DWP can monitor everything you do on your own pc is that right.?

    • You also CANNOT issue a Jobseeker’s Direction to mandate a claimant to give us access to their account – this is their decision not ours.

      Every Work Programme returner will also be required to register with Universal Jobmatch to aid work search and job matching. This will allow their adviser to check their work search activity online SHOULD the claimant give permission.

      WTF Woz, don’t let then bullshit you, demand written proof.

      • I’m so angry I’ve typed then instead of them……. GGRRRRR!

      • really wish, the jcp would have all their personal accounts hacked. Surely you have’nt got to give them access have you ?? (data protection ring any bells) ??

  65. Cheers for everybody replying, I’m back there today @ 1, I don’t know if any you lot in the same boat as I am just left Work Programme god knows whats happening, I feel I’ve been set up.

  66. Intensive Activity

    Good luck nameless, remember they will try every trick in the book, even if you have a masters degree or phd , they will claim they can change your jsa at any time to invaliddate any restrictions, in other words they will try and sneak it into your jsa that even of you were say muslim you can go work in a pork processing factory or a pub or an abbatoir etc. just stand firm and tell them you will not sign anything they put in front of you, the only thing a hit squad can make you sign is your fortnighly signing or a new jsa that YOU agree to. they will also spin rubbish like ” we want to see your cv” a ruse of course to sanction you by stating the cv doesnt match the work your looking for, they have no legal right to see your cv so dont give them one. they dont care one iota about getting you into work. their only hope is to sanction you or break you into signing off. they will talk a lot about referals and possible sanctions, they will use the words” maybe” and “possibly” a lot as they have no legal leg to stand on.

    • Intensive activity can you help me ??
      basically I’m trying to copy links of websites I’ve been using. I highlight the url or web address at the top select copy + paste, but there’s no web link on this blog. (Also I’m trying to do it on a mobile device)
      please help

  67. Intensive Activity

    try clicking on the address bar then right click then “copy” (this should make it all blue)then on the page you want to send it to left click on that page and then right click and then click ” paste” that should work hopefully

  68. I’m interest to see how Woz got on, I hope he challenged the illegality of the threat of a “Direction” if he didn’t allow DWP account access.

    • I tried sending Woz a link what happens after work programme. (I could’nt get it on blog)
      hopefully he refused the sods access. Help each other let’s turn the tables on jcp.

      • Hi everybody (I sound like Dr Nick from The Simpsons) at the mo I’m waiting for a FOI request

        hopefully that link works.

        Nameless i did get your link from about the “Should the claimant give permission”, thank you.

        Well today I went there & played their game looking 4 jobs and decided not kick a fuss until that FOI request,
        but she made a mistake by telling me that’s she’s not gonna be in all week, because I throught I was gonna do
        5 days, so I made my excuse & said “I’ll leave it till next monday to go in JC”, I can do this at home quicker
        than their 3 computers (Firefox) & I got a way with it, so tonight I’m gonna untick the box & see if they are
        gonna say anything this week, because today she didn’t thank me for access or the CV’s I’ve put on.

    • Bob, its a lovely day … glorious * *chuckles**

  69. Intensive Activity

    Further info on the jcp asking for cv;s copy pasted from above blog

    “Jobcentres have no need for anyones CV, and they cannot force you to give them a CV, it is consensual only, and if you give them one, legally you have consented to this.

    If you need help and advice you ask for it, but Jobcentres will put immense pressure on individuals with inferred threats and aggressive approaches. They tried it with me right up to the point where I consulted a Human Rights solicitor, they then backed off and became very apologetic.”

  70. Intensive Activity

    i have no idea, i should imagine it means you have a new one done, best to save your old on in case .

    • Intensive, have you had any phone calls from jobs you have applied for on ujm ??
      is ur cv private or public ??

  71. Intensive Activity


  72. Intensive Activity

    would rather not say

  73. Intensive Activity

    I wil be your mate nameless lol , didnt know about deleting ujm, anyone have any details on that ?
    also is it mandatory for mwa providers to ask for your cv? or can you refuse. help would be appreciated

  74. HI, Intensive, if you wish to delete your account then simply click on “profile” and then “government gateway” should be an option on right hand side saying something like delete account, I think if you wish to delete your account then you can ask the Jobcentre to revoke your consent. (just make sure you got evidence of job print outs) or Jobcentre might sanction you. And with your other comment, about mwa about handing them your cv. I’ve tried including a link it’s a pretty good website. Any other questions, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll reply asap.

  75. Intensive, if you didn’t get my link. Simply click on my name “nameless” 🙂
    (any thing else you need help or wish to discuss feel free.)

  76. Intensive Activity

    They always change the goalposts, I dont particulary care if dwp has my cv, what will they do with it? send it out to some random employers in the hope i get a job? if you gave your cv to wp. the dwp can always get it from them as you already consented to wp having permission to send it out, the big thing is not to tick the 2 boxes.
    MWA might even provide some relief from daily signings and would be the ideal 4 week break to delete the ujm accounts cos DWP will not be able to grill you on it as you wont be scheduled to see them for a bit

  77. Intensive Activity

    have a couple of interviews hopefully lined up next week and the week after , so possibly a glimmer of light at the end of the hit squad imposed darkness

  78. Intensive Activity

    Profile of a company that is now advertising on UJM, nice to see the GOVT have no scruples. allowing a company that seems to be a total scam and whom the govt themselves are looking at for possible HMRC tax evasion to advertise on their own frigging site !!

    • You know when you copy + paste a link why does your links appear blue in the blog?? I did what you said. Intensive, do my links appear blue in the blog ?? (when you copy + paste a link can you use your own link) ??

  79. Intensive Activity

    No your links are coming up normal to me

  80. Intensive Activity

    yes it wont show up till you “paste” it on the other page

  81. Dont be stupid how can i hate someone i dont know but to suggest i am encouraging ppl to be unemployed with no proof is absurd

  82. Intensive Activity

    Nameless for someone who cannot copy paste text you have no problem always asking people whenever their appointments are or how many callbacks they got via ujm, I smell a narc.

  83. I have an appointment today where I will refuse to tick those two boxes giving them my permision to view my jobsearch activity on universal job match. I will come back later to say what happened!!! I will request I continue with my paper book jobseach and use ujm . Keep posted!

    • Bryan, just make sure you got job print outs (might sanction you otherwise) it’s NOT mandatory to give jcp access to your account either

    • Hi This is Bryan. I posted earlier today that I would refuse to use universal
      P.s They did not ask for screenshots or printouts
      jobmatch, and to refuse to allow permision i.e I said I would not tick those two boxes to my advisor today!

      Well…. I was very pleasantly surprised to get the reply ‘ Thats fine! Its your choice we cant make you tick those boxes and you may contunie using your paper book to record your jobseach you dont have toi do it online, Its your choice’

      So There we have it, Its voluntary, although I was led to belive otherwise by my advisor at the jobcentre last time, Its because I did not question it, and he presumed I ‘ Wanted’ to do it online.

      Happy days, I wont use universal jobmatch, and I have been told thats fine. No sanction and I feel a lot stronger. All I had to do was stand up for myself and refuse to tick those boxes, there was NO ‘ funiness’ from my adviser, and I was not even asked why I did not want to to give them my permission !! I hope this helps others in the same situation. Be strong like I was, and dont beat around the bush, Tell them you want to continue using your booklet, and will not grant permission to view your universal jobmatch login. P.s I have an account, Jobcentre know that and I have not been mandated to have one, Its through my choice that I have one for personal use only.


  84. Intensive Activity

    you dont even always need printouts, ask to use of their pc’s to printout your jobsearch, or take a screenshot on usb or ask for your advisors email so you can email them all your application confirmations,be careful with deleting a ujm account, if for some reason you signed back on later ( for jsa not the actual site) you might find the consent boxes have vanished, they will certainly try to make it happen. best to keep your ujm and log in enough so it stays active

    • Intensive, has ur ujm account been “flagged” inactive ?? if you ask to print your jobsearch would they be looking over your shoulder ??

    • Intensive
      That is what I do. If they want printed copies they will have to allow me to print them off there at the JC. JSA does not stretch to the cost of printing! For now they have been happy with a written log although one advisor did try to con me into ticking the box and then stated that as I hadn’t I’d HAVE TO bring in prints. Fortunately I had already read their rules beforehand and so was aware that she was lying through her teeth.

  85. Intensive Activity

    status of my account is immaterial, and yes they probably would lol

  86. Hi This is Bryan. I posted earlier today that I would refuse to use universal jobmatch, and to refuse to allow permision i.e I said I would not tick those two boxes to my advisor today!

    Well…. I was very pleasantly surprised to get the reply ‘ Thats fine! Its your choice we cant make you tick those boxes and you may contunie using your paper book to record your jobseach you dont have toi do it online, Its your choice’

    So There we have it, Its voluntary, although I was led to belive otherwise by my advisor at the jobcentre last time, Its because I did not question it, and he presumed I ‘ Wanted’ to do it online.

    Happy days, I wont use universal jobmatch, and I have been told thats fine. No sanction and I feel a lot stronger. All I had to do was stand up for myself and refuse to tick those boxes, there was NO ‘ funiness’ from my adviser, and I was not even asked why I did not want to to give them my permission !! I hope this helps others in the same situation. Be strong like I was, and dont beat around the bush, Tell them you want to continue using your booklet, and will not grant permission to view your universal jobmatch login. P.s I have an account, Jobcentre know that and I have not been mandated to have one, Its through my choice that I have one for personal use only.


  87. I meant I dont use universal jobmatch to sign on with, But I use it for personal use. I.e look for jobs. My advisor was nice about it.

  88. Sounds like a back officed term, I.e Not somthing they where supposed to tell you, Its Jbcentre advisor slang! It does not mean anything to us. Its not a sanction, Its not a doubt, its merely Jobcentre advisor back office term, speech or jargon. If it is not listed anywhere as an program of some kind, then you can be sure you probably wernt meant to here it. I can remember them using similar wording when I had an appointment with the jobcentre manager, when she interviened and went against my usual advisiors orders to add me to trhe work program, The managaer decided I wasnt ready for work program and delayed it by several months, I eventually joined the work programme. Dont let it worry you. Think about what the words mean ( flexible – may change ) ( intervention – stepping in and making that change ) Change to what?? Who knows, why dont you phone up jobseekers allowance main telephone numbwer in the morning, Thats what I do when I have a questiuon, Those telephone advisors seem to know everything so they will tell you, If they dont know what it means it ‘MUST’ be jargon.

    • Umm, forgot to mention this earlier. But i got a appointment with jcp wen I sign on next called “flexible intervention” says it will last for 20 mins are you sure this is’nt a sanction or work placement ??

  89. If it was a sanction, you would have reciev\ed a letter. Definatly not sanction. They would have told you if it was for a work placement. 100% not sanction. Phone up dwp and find out! Its probably just a stupid name for one of them in-between appointments where they offload a load of jobs for you to apply for . If youve done nothing wrong, nothing to worry about 🙂
    is anyone elses typing slow here???.

  90. your shy? or your an Introvert?? Find out which one, and then give yourself permission to be yourself! Dont be scared to ask questions, Remember they are just doing a ‘job’ and part of there job is to arnswer your questions!! They are average people like ourselves, at work and they dont want to be there and talk to us either, But since they get paid for it, you shouldnt feel bad about speaking to them…. Im sure they would rather speak to you then speak to an angry jobseeker who has just been sanctioned ect…. Dont forget, In life you can do whatever you want to do, and rules are just there for thick people who lack common sense. rules can be broken all the time as long as tyou cover the angles and have excuses ready if it goes wrong. Life is yours, unleash the beast within!

    Have fun, see if your an introvert or extrovert. you mnight not be ‘shy’ as most may have lableed you.

    • Thanks for your support Bryan. Help each other. Don’t give the jcp an easy ride. Also did you know that you can delete ujm ??

  91. Yes I know it can be deleted. I call on any experienced ‘hacker’ to bring down the universal jobmatch website !! Universal credit will relly on universal jobmatch, so if that system does not work, or its brought to its knees by hackers OR… If people decide to Not use it as much as DWP hopes, It will be a flop, It UJM flops, so too does Universal credit!! A lot at stake , so it really is best not to use it, or support it. Its a mess anyway, looks like it doesnt need any help bringing it down its doing it already by its self!!!.

    I am looking forward to seeing how the pilot UC has gone, they where testing it in several areas, Heard nothing back from it? was it a success??? Somehow I think not. For everyone sakes, we need universal credit and jobmatch stopped, weakened and we need it to fail. Otherwise sanctions will be given out 10 fold. Dont tick those boxes, avoid creating an account unless you are forced to, and if you have to create an account, Dont tick those boxes and DONT EVEN USE IT. Dont log in to do job searches, do them without logging on. Employers are already looking elsewhere to advertise jobs, as the bad experiences are raking in!! DWP cannot compete with the british public and we are not all idiots that take everything lying down, we will refuse whats wrong, and stand up for ourselves. In my opinion, sanctions are all unlawfull, only suspensions should exist where fraud is present. If sombody has a genuine claim, no matter what happens, I think they are entitled to the money they need to live on, Its not a joke taking peoples livelyhood away, we need money to survive, taking away our survival because we miss an appointment is not right! Blame the government, and all those sick people drawing up these sadistic sanctions ect.

    Life is for living, Not for being governed, financially toyed with, and all the stress that comes with having no financial security thats forced upon us through legislation, doubts, mandatory shit, and slavery . This country is getting ever more involved with slavery day by day, slavery coming from the dwp!! who knows what the futue holds, and as much as it is a pain that we have to stand up for our human rights when we feel we shouldnt have to, especially in great britian ( whats ‘great’ about it nowdays huh? ) Much as we are drained battling with our daily lives, we still must fight for what is right. So spare some time in the week, to think about what you can do about it, Even if its posting comments on the web, Eventually sombody will come here seeking info, we have left a trial on the internet now with some usefull info, Lots of it infact above! If we all contribute, we effectively have an invisable movement!! of people fighting their rights, exploring them, and they should then feel stronger about excersising them too. I will not be a slave for anyone, Marks and spencer and all the other places can kiss my ass, If I have to do it, On my first day of work I will accidentally destroy Thousands of pounds worth of stock!!! Well, They wanted me for free?? They can now pay for me via alternivie method, stocking up that destroyed food/ produce ect. Fight back people, we need to bring this system to its knees. afterall, They are trying to bring us jobseekers to our knees!! arnt they!! Dont just take it, Our children will be next!!!! Be clever be smart, Ruin this system because its ruining us! We need a new system, that does not include slavery, sanctions ect….. Things should never have got this bad but here we are in deep shit, lets rise above it.

    • One of the very annoying things with Universal Credit, is it will only be paid once per Month. (Universal Credit will be a “Epic fail” just like Jobmatch) feel sorry for everyone who has given jcp acces to their account, thinking that they will really help them. (But in reality, it will make it 100 times easier to strip claiments of their benefits.)

    • The Helping Hand

      You are looking forward to seeing how the UC pilot has gone. It will be a resounding success – why? Because you can bet they’ll have four times as many people working behind the scenes than they normally would. That’s what will happen. Trust me.

  92. The Helping Hand

    When I signed on a month ago, the adviser asked me if I had a UJ account; I do. She asked me if I had given the DWP access; I haven’t (and I don’t intend to either).

    I signed on yesterday and, once again, she asked me if I had given them access. She also told me that if I gave them access then her and her colleague could help me find jobs to apply for (I don’t think so). She said it was my choice. Call me a cynical bastard if you will but I’ve a funny feeling that if I allow them access to my account, it will be used as a sanctioning vehicle.

    I’ll be finishing the WP at Xmas and thus far, I’ve always found the staff at the JCP/WP to be unfailingly polite and helpful. But I just wonder what they’ll be asking me the next time I sign.

    I’ll keep you posted.

  93. HI im shaun iv just read all the comments on this page and well done im on wp and iv just got a new advisor she is a bully and insisted to look at my personal e mail i typed in my e mail adress and my password now i realised she had no right to snoop it was like someone reading my personal diary she was out of order and i should of refused to let her in my e mail account

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