Atos Macht Frei – Atos Origin Team Up With Gas Chamber Firm!

Atos Origin, the poverty pimps currently pocketing hundreds of millions harassing people who are claiming sickness or disability benefits have teamed up with manufacturers of the holocaust’s gas chambers Siemens.

Siemens will contribute its Siemens IT Solutions & Services for €850-million to Atos Origin and become a shareholder of Atos Origin with a 15% stake.

Siemens are most famous for their use of slave labour during the holocaust.  Prisoners were utilised by Siemens to build the gas chambers in which they would eventually be murdered.  Siemens ran factories at Ravensbrück and in the Auschwitz subcamp of Bobrek, whilst the company supplied electrical parts to other concentration camps.

Atos Origin should fit right in with these former eugenicists as they carry out their state funded program to strip both benefits and dignity from those in society deemed to be unproductive.

Some have criticised the use of nazi imagery by some disability and claimants activists recently.  However the parallels between the current Government’s attitude to disability and the early days of the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany are increasingly hard to ignore.  The above poster is directly based on Nazi propaganda at the time which attempted to use fears about the economy to stigmatise disabled people (the original poster can be viewed here along with many other examples).

The present day smear campaign against those with disabilities or illness is relentless.  The right wing press spew out daily lies about benefit fraud and scroungers whilst Disability Minister Maria Miller has claimed the cost of disability benefits (and therefore presumably disabled people) is ‘unsustainable’.

As early as 1933 the Nazis passed a law passed ordering enforced sterilisation of the disabled and long term sick, something that today might be seen as many Daily Mail columnist’s greatest fantasy. Later came the infamous Aktion T4 euthanasia programme when hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities were murdered.  The medical profession notoriously facilitated many of these deaths.

Atos Origin are currently recruiting healthcare workers and doctors across the UK.  Plans to retest everyone on sickness benefits and apply similar tests to those currently claiming Disability Living Allowance will require a lot of doctors.   GPs, consultants or other experts with an in depth knowledge of their patient’s condition will be ignored however.  These health professionals are not trusted to make a decision on their patients ability to work (yet strangely are going to be trusted to control the NHS budget).   Only Atos doctors,  nurses and other unspecified ‘healthcare’ workers are involved in the decision, which is based on a short test and interview.  With huge numbers of those denied benefits having them re-instated on appeal it appears that in a ‘target driven environment’ Atos doctors simply work to rule, regardless of the long cherished medical idiom of ‘first do no harm’.

Disability message boards and blogs have been inundated with people threatening suicide due to these plans.  It is impossible to know how many suicides have happened already as a result of Atos Origin’s medical tests.  Enforced euthanasia may not be the intention of this government’s policies, but in many cases it is likely to be the result.

In Nazi Germany the disabled and sick were seen as surplus to the task of building a mighty Reich.  In Cameron’s Britain the disabled and sick are seen as surplus to the task of ‘bringing down the deficit’.  What counted in Hitler’s day was whether you were a good soldier, industrialist, scientist or labourer.  Under Fascism people were judged purely on their ability to contribute to the goal of German imperialism and genocidal savagery.  Under capitalism we are judged purely on our ability to create wealth for those at the top.  If you ain’t making the rich money, then they couldn’t care whether you live or die.  Nazism it ain’t, we’re a long way from that.  But if it takes being a little bit nazi to continue to line the pockets of the filthy rich, well then it takes being a little bit of nazi.  Now fuck off and get back to work.

Above poster design from

The third National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts has been called for April 14th 2011.

20 responses to “Atos Macht Frei – Atos Origin Team Up With Gas Chamber Firm!

  1. Pingback: Atos and Siemens. Eine Verbindung gebildet in der Hölle? « Dawn Willis sharing the News & Views of the Mentally Wealthy

  2. Pingback: International Week of Virtual Protest Against Atos Origin « National Day of Protest Against Welfare & Housing Benefit Cuts

  3. A good article. I have personal experience from an Atos *physiotherapist* (no medical training) appointed to review my physical *and* mental conditions. Despite those conditions being chronic and not responding to treatment I was still deemed “fit for work”. It was her word against my GP, other GPs, and about a dozen mental health professionals who agreed otherwise.

    Since I was rejected I have attempted suicide and was close to death, which the tribunal reviewers of my case were “sorry” about… before they deemed me fit for work too. Expectedly my nation not caring for its disabled citizens was one of my motives to attempt to take my life.

    Well, thanks, government. Thanks for selling out to private corporations and deny the sick welfare. F*ck you.

  4. Pingback: Atos Macht Frei – That Censored Carer Watch Post Revealed! | the void

  5. Pingback: Atos Macht Frei – That Censored Carer Watch Post Revealed! | Black Triangle Campaign

  6. Pingback: Atos Scandal 3 – “Atos Macht Frei” | DaveD's Blog

  7. Pingback: ATOS kills – the words that sank a website. | Cautiously pessimistic

  8. Pingback: Atos Macht Frei – That Censored Carer Watch Post Revealed! « National Day of Protest Against Welfare & Housing Benefit Cuts

  9. Pingback: FUCK ATOS « WHIT?

  10. Pingback: FUCK ATOS « The Miserablist Speaks

  11. Pingback: AN OPEN LETTER TO ATOS HEALTHCARE « Brighton Benefits Campaign


  13. Well, good, very good! Feel good!

  14. Take a look at the story about ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) and their connections to Dutroux. The Ark Academy in Brent has been built on top of underground cells, the letters received from Schillings law firm make remarkable reading. Go to the Cazzac111 youtube account for this video (What are Ark Academies? Dutroux) and read the details in the text box. Also the vid ‘Ark Schools Academies and Eugenics’. So, we have eugenics back, and so too the work factory.

  15. Daft isn’t it? They can’t even offer jobs to the fully fit, but still they insist on deeming the unfit as if they were fit for work. No employer wants somebody who can’t do the job, so what’s the point of the harrassment?

  16. This ConDem regime is deliberately wrecking the country and blaming the most vulnerable. There is ONE scrounged, squatter and dictator WE do not need and his name is David the Dictator ConDem Cameron and his address is number 10 Downing street but HE does NOT see the need to be elected. Get this regime changed now ! They are wrecking the public railways, libraries and schools, THEY are responsible for ALL UK problems today.
    THEY the regime of Cameron are a RISK that WE need to STOP !

  17. Sadly you are not going to stop anything the cuts will continue under Milliband as he said yesterday at the TUC Oct20 march, so no help from so called labour.

  18. Lets arrange a wheelchair march demo in Glasgow even if you are not wheelchair bound borrow one let’s have anti atos banners with swasticas

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