Workfare Is Replacing Paid Jobs And The Tax Payer Is Funding It: Just Ask @BulkyBobsLtd

bulky-bobs-truckUPDATE: 14/11/14 Bulky Bobs say they are pulling out of workfare!  Top work to Liverpool IWW – a proper union.

A protest is planned in Liverpool outside the premises of waste collection firm Bulky Bobs after it was revealed that the so-called social enterprise are using workfare.

Bulky Bobs have a contract with Liverpool City Council to collect large items of household waste.  This is the kind of work which was once carried out by local authorities but is now outsourced to the private and voluntary sectors.  Bulky Bobs drive round in vans proudly emblazoned with the council’s logo.  But according to the Liverpool branch of the IWW Union, many of the people doing this work are not getting paid:

“[…] there is one paid manager in the store (who used to work for the company that is now LearnDirect which is one of the major ‘providers’) and the rest of the staff are on workfare or ‘volunteers’. Likewise, the connected company FRC (Furniture Resource Centre) has a warehouse on Brunswick Dock which runs on workfare, as do its vans which collect and deliver to Bulky Bobs.”

FRC Ltd, who own Bulky Bobs, say in this report (pdf), that they made 11 posts redundant in 2012/13, including operational staff. In a clear indication of workfare being used to replace paid jobs, in the same document they admit forcing people to work for no wages on the Mandatory Work Activity scheme.  Even more appallingly, they say they are receiving tax-payers money to go with their free forced workers.

FRC-workfareOf course they don’t admit this on their barely functioning shit website where they lie that placements are voluntary:


The IWW will be holding a protest outside Bulky Bob’s shop on London Road, Liverpool on Saturday 22nd November at 11am and have called on people to join them.  Please help by sharing the facebook page and in the meantime everone’s piling in on twitter

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250 responses to “Workfare Is Replacing Paid Jobs And The Tax Payer Is Funding It: Just Ask @BulkyBobsLtd

  1. Crest Cooperative in Llandudno works closely with Bulky Bob’s, and is also taking people on Community Work Placements:

    • I’ve sent several tweets out about them. A guy contacted me over twitter to tell me he’s been sentenced to 6 months CWP working for them in Llandudno.

      I asked them how much are you being paid to exploit unemployed people on CWP’s? and some other questions. They refuse to answer.

      The MO seems to be they answer no one who asks anything about it and everything is kept secret as they know the shit hits the fan when word leaks out about who’s involved in it.

      Another one i found out about is a bakery up in Inverness who are also involved in it.

  2. One of there website banners says “Bob’s Means Business” I think that should be “Bob’s Means Slave Labour” perhaps your readers can think of something better

    Bob’s Means ………………..

  3. Landless Peasant

    Unemployed people in Bradford are being mandated to work unpaid full-time for 6 months at a Catholic charity named SVP (The St Vincent de Paul Society), though the SVP themselves deny this and say they have no contract with the DWP and only have willing volunteers besides their paid staff, something I know to be untrue.

  4. Just another number

    It looks like this place is trying to offer people who have been out of work for a long time or do not have the skills required for every day work such as basic numeracy and literacy. hell they even offer courses on how to drive, that’s fantastic for some one who cannot afford to pay for driving tuition.

    but people hear seam to think this is slave labour, well you you nay sayers i say your the ones who just want to go through life sitting on your asses watching tv all day long and just want to make life hard for your selves

    I have been on the work program in the past and it enabled me to gain the necessary skills i needed to find more work, but sadly I am still signing on every 2 weeks.

    • Landless Peasant

      ” but sadly I am still signing on every 2 weeks.”

      So your point is?

      • So after gaining all the necessary skills you’re still signing on… that is probably as the the previously paid jobs are now being done by people on the dole so there is no need to employ people and pay them a wage.

        Your last paragraph proves the point you were trying to prove is the total opposite of your assertion… its been of no help to you, so it was just a pointless exercise to supply free labour to who ever your did your MWA at.

      • Sorry LP was meant to be to the OP not your self as the reply.

    • Yes 30 years out of work Where You Been !!!. Yes great at a job interview !!

    • overburdenddonkey

      j a n
      well done, i expect your local car dealers will take your workfare experience in payment for a car….

      • Mushy Peas on Toast

        Yeah, that’s the problem if you don’t get paid in ££CASH££ 🙂 Self-esteem, the dignity of the job, the craic, the camaraderie, getting into a routine, the getting out of your ‘comfort zone’ and all the other bullshit the jc/wp come out with won’t buy you jack-shit in the marketplace.

    • Fee fi fo fum i smell the stink of a working links employee or, some other bloodsuckin bastards.

    • Astroturf, astroturf, nothing feels quite like astroturf…

    • Another Fine Mess

      We that’s a load of cobblers isn’t it. :see_no_evil:

    • Say NO to Slave Labour

      Bullshit! The ‘driver training’ is just a carrot to suck jobseekers in, give a sense of legitimacy to workfare, make it look as if jobseekers might actually gain benefit from this slave labour exploitation. If it was really about ‘driver training’ the jobcentre could just offer intensive driving courses for a car, LGV, HGV, whatever – I bet bet they would be very popular. But in reality it won’t be! More like one driving lesson a month, if you are lucky, if you work your nuts of in the re-cycling plant. just enough to get you hooked. Then you will be expected to fund the rest out of your own pocket – maybe they offer loans or something. And once you are qualified the jc/providers will milk the benefit from all your free labour. THERE IS NO SUCH THINK AS A FREE LUNCH!! Working Links are infamous for pulling this shit too; Working Links even offer white-water rafting lessons lol 😆

      • Say NO to Slave Labour

        Also, it’s a bad idea even starting jobseekers on what is an expensive road to driver training if you are not offering proper training which is expected to see the jobseeker through to qualification. Offering one or two lesson here and there is dangerous because if could get the jobseeker ‘addicted’ and they might then try to fund their own training leading to all sorts of financial problems.

        • These type of things are all the same,anything that involves any expense is rarely seen if at all or mentioned.but the grafting isn’t so rare.or the abuse.

          • Ingeus are SCUM!!

            Exactly ken, when the fuck has a jobseeker ever got anything worthless while out of the scam, slave labour schemes.

          • Ingeus are SCUM!!

            Exactly ken, when the fuck has a jobseeker ever got anything worthwhile out of these scam, slave labour schemes.

    • Did they ever bother to send YOU on a basic literacy course? It certainly doesn’t look like it. Quite apart from the terrible lack of punctuation, you’re committing simplistic errata even children learn not to make, such as:

      – Your first sentence doesn’t actually make sense. I notice some of the people replying to your comment have decided to fill in the blanks in that sentence with whatever they think ought to be there, and cannot particularly blame them for it.

      – “every day work” – in context this should be “everyday work”
      – “for some one who😤” – should be “for someone who”
      – “people hear seam” – Good grief…painful homonym errata here; *here and *seem are what these should be
      – “well you you nay sayers” – first, you’ve duplicated “you”, and second, “nay sayers” is always supposed to be either hyphenated, as “nay-sayers”, or written as one word, “naysayers” (the difference between the two is dependent on whether you use AmEng or BrEng, as previously mentioned)
      – “i” should be capitalised
      – “your” should be “you’re”
      – “tv” should be capitalised, since it’s an abbreviation
      – “your selves” should be one word, “yourselves” and, as previously discussed, you’re missing a full stop at the end of the sentence and paragraph, here (I can leave them out here as this is in list form, FWIW; they need only be included at the end of the last list item. For the purpose of education…)
      – “program” should be “programme” in this context, particularly in British English
      – and finally, you have another uncapitalised “i” here.

      Really, you can’t possibly be anything but trolling here.

      • I bet you’ve been one bad-ass English teacher in your time, but I wouldn’t get too hung up on grammer and punctuation on these comment threads, or you’ll be making more comments than Geoff Reynolds and Stepping Razor!

    • The skills required for every day work such as basic numeracy and literacy, where you that week?

    • Bulky Bob’s used to employ people who had previously been long term unemployed and pay for them to pass their driving licence (staff paid it back via salary monthly), only they were paid a proper wage and had a secure full time job, this worked for years so why change it by making people redundant then get same unemployed people to do same work for benefits unless it’s EXPLOITATION enabled by this nasty government?

  5. Just another number

    fuck off you lazy oth

  6. Landless Peasant

    Reply from FRC:

    “We informed Learn Direct early last week that we no longer wanted to take part in the programme and the final group of people placed here finish on Friday. We will then have no further participation in the scheme. We’d be happy to sign the pledge (KVV) on Monday once the last placements have left.”

  7. Reblogged this on Beastrabban’s Weblog.

  8. On the grapevine in Bradford:

    There are rumors that A4E based in Arndale House Charles St, Bradford, have lost their government contract and are due to close on Friday 5th December 2014.

    Anyone else heard this?

    • I’ve not heard anything but I think it would be great if this happened to all “Slave Providers”.

    • A4e is CLOSING??? Where and how did you hear this??? I thought their head office was based in Sheffield…… In any case, excellent news if they are closing down. It’s a shame that they haven’t closed down sooner. I have almost come to the end of my 2 year sentence with them and, in that time, they have done nothing to help me get back into work. When I have asked to do vocational courses, I have been told that ‘there isn’t the funding for that.’ Staff have ‘forgotten’ to inform myself and others about cancelled jobsearches and I have had a few encounters of unacceptable rudeness from staff. As for having people in to search for jobs on outdated computers, what a bloody waste of time that has been, particularly for people who often have their own more up-to-date computers on which to search for jobs at home.

      If A4e is closing down, let’s see how the members of staff like it when they have to join all those ‘unemployed scroungers on benefits’ they look down their noses at.

      • Don’t know if all the A4E’s are closing, I think it’s just 1 out of the 2 A4E’s in Bradford.

        • It’s a start. one hell hole down, many more to go.

          • I don’t know why they would pull the contract from an individual office. When they pull contracts, it is usually applied to at least a whole region, which is what happened to Newcastle College.

            As for A4e as a whole, I don’t see how it can keep going when it is supposed to be in a poor financial situation, as its annual release of accounts earlier this year showed.

        • Landless Peasant

          More DWP propaganda:

          “Latest jobs figures welcomed in Bradford

          THE number of people claiming unemployment benefit in Bradford fell by almost 700 last month.”

          It doesn’t say how many of those 700 were prevented from claiming unemployment benefit due to Sanctions. Or how many are actually in proper paid jobs as opposed to B..S work placements/MWA, etc.

      • Sorry! But I won’t be shedding any tears if these bastards lose their jobs. The can all sink to the bottom of the Thames for all I care. Damn them to Hell!

    • Landless Peasant

      Haven’t heard anything, but hope it’s true. Interserve needs shutting down too.

  9. Reblogged this on Jay's Journal and commented:
    Is FRC really pulling out?

  10. Since all these companies are hiring DWP paid workers so they don`t have to pay them, means less & less full paid jobs, which then put the wages structure on par with the DWP wages of dole money, not just dole money but reduced dole money. Getting the skills to make cups of tea & training all day down a job centre watching TV all day training to be a TV Critic.

    That`s the only way the DWP can keep down & reducing the unemployment figures. So who`s your boss not Bulky Bob`s but the DWP. I may sit on my arse all day because I can not walk & are in a wheelchair don`t make me a lazy person like some have suggested !!!

    So break it down – How much an hour? £2 an hour with income tax that`s a third so £1.28 an hour take home. 40 hour week = about £53 a weeks work. Minus food & drink at lunchtime say £5 X 5 = £25 which leaves me £28 a week to live on without any benefits because I have already had all the benefit to make it to that figure.


  11. Sitting on your arse all day watching TV is the DWPs Work programme. Your training to be TV critic whilst the unemployment figures go down. So the DWP don`t give a shit.


  12. Another way of Bulky Bobs to get out of paying Income Tax because they are hired by the DWP which means the DWP don`t pay income tax.

    Seems like fraud to me.

  13. All Bulky Bob`s is is a DWP Training centre. Bulky Bob has fired it`s staff & rehired them on the DWP Work programme !!!

    • That will happen everywhere in the world, we all know.

      • But someday there will be a legal reckoning over all of this. That’s at least part of why the Tories are promising to pull us out of the ECHR. Coercing people into labour is as unacceptable now as it was when the Nazis did it, whatever British judges – who have to bow to the whim of parliament if it’s clearly expressed enough – say in obiter comments; indeed, the case history I’ve looked at makes it pretty clear that the ECHR takes a dim view of any coerced labour scheme – and recognises economic coercion as coercion, something that the Randroids all across British politics right now have severe trouble with.

        Why hasn’t someone attempted to arrest David Cameron or IDS for crimes against humanity yet?

  14. Green Agenda Waste Management UKPLC is hiring contact your local DWP for an offer you can’t refuse.

  15. Landless Peasant

    Can’t sit here chatting, I have my voluntary work to do, and it’s a mile walk to the Foodbank, but at least it’s not raining…..must dash

    • Landless Peasant

      It was very busy there tonight. Incredible that this situation exists in 21st Century Britain. The State has failed. Cameron should be made to resign.

  16. Man who applied for 60 jobs while protesting at DWP policy sanctioned

    Blogpost by copywriter Peter Styles, who was forced to sign on daily, attracts widespread support after detailing the dispute

    Guardian – Wednesday 12 November 2014 15.27 GMT

    A man who applied for more than 60 jobs in a fortnight while protesting against “draconian and demeaning” government policies has been sanctioned by his local jobcentre – for not searching for “broader” employment.

    Peter Styles, a copywriter and public relations executive who has been unemployed for a year, says he writes up to 15 job applications a day – even applying at the request of jobcentre staff to be a “personal shopper” and “grocery colleague” at local supermarkets.

    However, he said his mistake was to have “voiced my opposition to government policies which I thought were unhelpful and meant to keep you down … I have a good work record and was really trying hard. But the process is patronising and staff can be unhelpful”.

    Last week Styles was sanctioned and forced to sign on every day instead of every fortnight, a “humiliating process where you often have to wait alone until staff can see you”.

    Full Article:-

  17. Looks like a front for exploitation to me.the council used to send a refuse collection wagon and dustmen to remove a sofa.that’s not happening here their sending the unemployed to do their calling it a social enterprise these bastard’s have moved in for opportunity.

    • Landless Peasant

      My Council now makes a charge for collecting old sofas, hence more fly-tipping and illegal bonfires. I had one to dispose of recently and chopped it up with an axe and carried it to the tip a piece at a time over a few days.

  18. Reblogged this on L8in.

  19. Reblogged this on Rachel Davies.

  20. Iain Duncan Smith to meet Universal Credit target in 700 years time

    By Adam Bienkov – Wednesday, 12 November 2014 3:42 PM

    Ian Duncan Smith promised that more than a million people would be signed up to his universal credit scheme by April 2014, with twelve million signed up by 2017.

    However, new figures released today reveal the DWP currently have just 17,850 people on their caseload.

    This means that at the current rate of progress, it will take them almost 700 more years to meet their original target of twelve million.

    I think by that point even Duncan Smith may have to admit that there are problems with the scheme.

    Full Article: –

    • The DWP said “When fully in place the economy will benefit by £7bn each year.”

      Don`t you mean £7 billion wasted each year.

      • I think he means the £7bn a year the DWP will be funnelling into their mates in the private sector. That, or the increase in the amount made impossible for people to claim from the current £16bn.

      • The DWP mean’t – ” In 2714 (700 years time) at our best estimate the economy will no longer be using money as a source of revenue, so who cares when Universal Credit will be fully rolled out!

  21. According to information received, Bulky Bobs is pulling out and will no longer support Workfare or the CWP and wants to publicly sign the Keep Volunteering Voluntary pledge.

    Can’t give more info, but I’m guessing the usual places will be updated very soon. Keep an eye out for it, it will make interesting reading

    Well done Liverpool IWW!

  22. i dunt now wy thay fink we nead to hav riting lesons i am not illitret kunts

  23. dispise Iain duncan Smith for what he as done to thousands and thousands!
    • IDS (Incapable of Doing Simplethings)

      all i can say that he’s in a better position than he was before remember in prison there’s NO WP, CWP, NO Food Banks, no bills to pay for just a nice worm room and 3 to 4 meals a day.

      • Incapable of Doing Simplethings (tortuous acronym!)

        …just chronic overcrowding, lack of prison staff, restricted activities and exercise (resulting in spending 23 hrs per day in your cell) and a skyrocketing suicide rate due to bullying. Not such a cushy option after all, possibly…

        • IDS (Incapable of Doing Simplethings)

          so that’s like the job center then 🙂

          • Well, now you mention it…yes!
            One can’t help noticing how claiming benefits and criminality are being conflated by this govt., like a Venn diagram of desperation. Only the other day my advisor started dangling the threat of Daily Signing at me, all their other “efforts” having failed. Uncomfortably reminiscent of bail conditions requiring daily reporting to the cop shop. Makes me think I might as well commit a crime then…but not at the Jobcentre (too many cameras/security)!

            • “dangling the threat of daily signing”?! Surely, you meant dangling the carrot of daily signing? Daily signing is an opportunity to receive more intensive, specialist help to support you in your efforts to find work. Why wouldn’t you want extended, more intensive help to support you back into work? 😉

              • A lot of people are crying out for proper support to get back into work.

                Please, when the DWP offers anything that bears the remotest resemblance to proper support to get back into work, do let us know. That’s if you’re not too busy with your Hadean snowball fights.

              • What a great big steaming pile of shite!

      • “nice worm {sic] room]” – you sound like you are talking about the Hilton! In reality it’s a freezing cold cell with a mortuary slab for a bed… and don’t you dare fall out the top bunk (6 feet up) or you will split your head open on the concrete floor below, and shitting in public… I could go on but you get the picture. Prison life, you should try it sometime knob-head. I pity this guy, driven over the edge by these jobcentre cunts who will now almost inevitably be sent down. I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for this jobcentre goon. It was Newton who pointed out that for every action there is a reaction. It has to go somewhere – the jobseeker may meekly go home and commit suicide a la David Clapson (what the jobcentre expect to happen) but sorry buddy, you made a big fucking mistake this time – you messed with the wrong guy. Hell fucking mend you!

      • & it’s just been reported that the number of deaths (by suicide) in prisons has risen and that prisoners very often are not getting the “services” [reporters phrase] they ought due, to not enough prison officers/prisons are stretched to their limits – meaning they are pressure-cookers – & they didn’t say it – but privately run prisons (?)

        There are regular reports of prisons being at breaking point – the other day it was “Britain’s biggest prison” – I think – on the Isle of Wight. Full/overcrowded/under-provisioned etc.

        It this was about schools/hospitals it would be a great concern (oh, wait …) but if you thought someone you cared about was about to enter into a system that’s been allowed to be run-down/rented out etc …

    • Landless Peasant

      It was only a matter of time, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.

    • A Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) spokeswoman said: “Violent behaviour towards our staff is completely unacceptable and thankfully is incredibly rare. We will be working closely with the police on this incident.”

      Do not know the details of this incident, NOT mitigating violence – but brutality, contempt, sanctions, starvation, homelessness and the remote loss of life are acceptable behaviours on the other side of the counter. DWP and JCP have generated an atmosphere of brutality and intimidation in the JCP offices.


      A female member of staff sustained a serious head injury on Wednesday afternoon following an alleged assault at Kirkcaldy Job Centre.

      Police attended the building following reports a woman had been attacked with a weapon.

      The alleged incident happened in full view of other staff members and member of the public.

      The woman was taken to the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy by ambulance.

  24. Pingback: Police, daily #JSA sign on and workfare. “It’s like being tagged.” | Kate Belgrave

  25. Revolution not Russell Brand`s coke head going to rehab.

    • “good old labour, booting the disabled into touch”……………….
      ……………and in Scotland as well………

      Labour votes to continue welfare cuts for disabled
      Wed, 12/11/2014 – 17:05

      Labour have been accused of an appalling error of judgement today after voting to continue the rollout of Personal Independence Payments (PIPs) that are set to see Scotland’s disabled people lose out on support worth at least £1,120 per year.

      In the Scottish Parliament today, Labour attempted to delete a call for Westminster to halt the rollout of PIPs from the motion being debated, a move that was ultimately defeated thanks to SNP MSPs.

      The replacement of Disability Living Allowance with Personal Independence Payments will see around 105,000 disabled people in Scotland lose out on at least £1,120 per year and as a result of changes to eligibility for the mobility component, 47,000 disabled people will lose up to £2,964 per year.

  26. The new CON song – Things Can Only Get Worse.

  27. dispise Iain duncan Smith for what he as done to thousands and thousands!
  28. Thought I’d mention in public that PPDG, Pertemps of Northfield, Birmingham, look to support the stigma against being unemployed.

    I had a meeting there with Rachel Dewar where I tried to just find out if I risk being sanctioned for exercising my statutory rights, I made reference to the law as PPDG looks to not be honouring data protection regulations. I was told something like if I made the same kind of effort with the law as getting a job then I wouldn’t be where I was – as if I should be ashamed of where I was.

    When I called her out for patronising me she just did it again. Later in the meeting the same happened. Rachel Dewar (formally of their Erdington office), a customer-facing member of staff, also started to get irate with me when she could see I was stressed, so awful customer service – about the worst possible in fact.

    Trying to convince people that the working world isn’t awful and she cannot handle the stress of the working world, and shows it? Sorry Rachel but you have only made me feel shittier about the working world.

    I was offered to change which person I see at Pertemps, and I took the offer. Management perhaps assumed I was sexist too because I was asked if I wanted a male or female member of staff? This isn’t a doctors where I might have a legal right to have sexual prejudice, why would I even be asked? But could this have been corporate projection? Assuming I show endemic bigotry because the organisation does? I felt at least one member of staff showed a snobby attitude to those out of work.

    Or was the manager trying to line me up for some kind of action by fishing for sexism? Maybe she was just trying to be accommodating, but in which case she (Jennifer Nixon – probably ) could have been a proxy to sexual discrimination in the work place. She doesn’t look like she knows how to make a decent workplace, either.

    I mean engaging with these people is dangerous enough, they do like to make veiled threats of taking away your food/clothing/shelter, but then if you do listen they show the working world to be horrific?

    • Anon, Maybe, just maybe, your advisor had heard about the recent episode in Scotland, I.e VOILENCE against ‘one of her own’. Northfield Pertemps and Northfield job centre are running scared. Remember the guy at Selly Oak Job centre who set fire to himself? Just to prove a point? Birmingham is a hotbed of future civil disobedience. Long live Birmingham !!!!!!

    • King Edward VI College, Stourbridge – Hmmm – a school for toffs. Tamara attends there… doncha know 🙂

      • Pertemps are fucking scum!!

        When push comes to shove the toff cunts who can afford the fees for these toof schools have the backbone of a jellyfish; as soft as shite!

    • ………………….RACHEL DEWAR is an anagram of REWARD LEACH, exactly what she probably is……………………

  29. Dispise IDS, I do no not pity they ‘next young generation’. Those currently unemployed, between the ages of 16-18 years old, will not be victims of IDS ideology. Why would they. They see their Moms, Dad’s and even grandparents facing unprecedented persecution, poverty and destitution. The youth are on our side, long life the YOUTH.

    • For the youth at lot will be forced into crime because the job centre don`t want them to get a job because they are worth more to the DWP on sanctions.

      “The paradox of food poverty versus food waste“

      “Unilever is turning their feelings into action – together with Oxfam we are working to defeat hunger in the UK”.

      Next the poor will be forced to eat the vomit of the striving classes.

        “The paradox of food poverty versus food waste“

        So nauseating could puke and feed a scheamie family of five for a week.

  30. Thought I’d mention in public that PPDG, Pertemps of Northfield, Birmingham, look to support the stigma against being unemployed.

    I had a meeting there with Rachel Dewar where I tried to just find out if I risk being sanctioned for exercising my statutory rights, I made reference to the law as PPDG looks to not be honouring data protection regulations. I was told something like if I made the same kind of effort with the law as getting a job then I wouldn’t be where I was – as if I should be ashamed of where I was, because presumably those on the dole, suckling from the government teat, are scum.

    Though where does PPDG get the cash for your salary, Rachel?

    When I called her out for patronising me she just did it again. Later in the meeting the same happened. Rachel Dewar (formally of their Erdington office), a customer-facing member of staff, also started to get irate with me when she could see I was stressed. So awful customer service – about the worst possible in fact.

    They are trying to convince people that the working world isn’t awful and she cannot handle the stress of the working world, and then shows it? Sorry Rachel but you have only made me feel shittier about the working world.

    I was offered to change which person I see at Pertemps by the manager, and I took the offer. Management perhaps assumed I was sexist too because I was asked if I wanted a male or female member of staff? This isn’t a doctors where I might have a legal right to have sexual prejudice, why would I even be asked? But could this have been corporate projection? Assuming I show endemic bigotry because the organisation does? I felt at least one member of staff showed a snobby attitude to those out of work so yeah, PPDG look to have a problem with endemic bigotry in their organisation.

    Or was the manager trying to line me up for some kind of action by fishing for intolerance? Maybe she was just trying to be accommodating based on ignorance of the nature of prejudice, and the law, but in which case she (Jennifer Nixon – probably ) could have been a proxy or enabler of sexual discrimination in the work place! This failing also means that other sexual discrimination, or other discriminations, could be an unsolved problem within PPDG for their staff and the people they are meant to serve.

    I mean engaging with these people, the likes of PPDG, is dangerous enough, they do like to make veiled threats of taking away your food/clothing/shelter if you don’t hoop-jump for them, but then if you do listen they show the working world to be horrific? Bunch of clowns.

  31. Since it`s about abuse Theresa May the DWP need to be investigated for abuse against the disabled. The abuse is wide spread & seems to be the DWP policy. Many forms of abuse. DWP abuses breaking Human Right & Equality Laws.

  32. The abuse of fraud of the DWP is done by the DWP !!! Which makes the Welfare State not fit for purpose. So stop pussyfooting around & close all job centres & the DWP & be done with the Welfare State once & for all. But no there is so much ££ Billions to be made from the Welfare Reform.

    Money before politics which makes it a non political system just a Corporate system that poses as MPs.


  34. Row over wheelchair to be taken to Prime Minister David Cameron

    getsurrey – Nov 09, 2014 15:17 By Amani Hughes

    Guildford Borough Council officials have told Heather Evans she can’t keep her wheelchair at the bottom of the stairs at her block of flats

    A disabled lady from Tongham will take her fight to the Prime Minister David Cameron to keep her wheelchair in the communal area of the block of flats she lives in after she was prohibited by Guildford Borough Council.

    Heather Evans, 56, of Maitland Close, said she has kept her wheelchair at the bottom of the stairs at her block of flats for three years.

    The borough council asked her to move it as they believed it was a fire hazard, but when she did not act on this request immediately, it was confiscated. Mrs Evans is physically and mentally disabled and suffers from bipolar and schizophrenia.

    After several calls to the council, she was eventually told her chair would be returned and the fee waived as long as it was removed from the staircase.

    Full Article

  35. A few months ago a whistleblower did say that staff would deliberately repeat a comment if they found the claimant was getting upset by it. It was supposed to be a way of making the claimant feel uneasy and dread going to the jobcentre in the hope that they would do anything or take any job to avoid having to attend. Probably the work programme advisors are using the same tactic. It’s nasty, cruel behaviour but I guess it gets them results.

    • Landless Peasant

      My Work Coach was always at it, “they’ll stop your Benefits y’know”, but when I pushed for further clarification – who will stop my benefits, why will they stop my Benefits, what have I done to warrant having my Benefits stopped? – he shut up. They can’t stop my Benefits for merely stating that I have no interest in a particular job or type of work, so long as I make it clear that I am willing to apply for it nonetheless, there is fuck all “they” can do. So shut it Work Coach.

  36. I want a job at the DWP or Jobcentre so as to root out the DWP fraud by the DWP workers. You got that job then jobcentre?

  37. you got no wc now then i got fkn 2 of um and still cant sanction me, not from lack of trying tho.

  38. DWP Limited capability for workquestionnaire

    Face-to-face assessment
    You may be asked to attend a face-to-face assessment with a qualified healthcare professional.
    Medical Services would like to telephone you between 9.00am and 8.30pm on Monday to Friday,
    or between 9.00am and 5.00pm on Saturday to arrange a suitable date and time. To do this we
    need you to give us at least one up-to-date telephone number so that we can contact you.


    That is illegal outside working hours 9AM – 6PM also weekends. Next.>>>

    If you do not understand English No or Welsh, or cannot talk easily in these languages, do you need an interpreter?

    No I have a speech impediment that question is an insult. Next >>>>

    How far can you move safely and repeatedly on level ground without needing to stop?

    Stupid question – What are you talking about moving my arms moving my head moving my mouth, Meaning not worth the paper its written on. Next >>>>>>>>>
    Going up or down two steps – Can you go up or down two steps without help from another person,if there is a rail to hold on to?
    Another stupid question – Yes if I trip & fall down the stairs. Next >>>>>>>>>
    How long can you stay in one Less than 30 minutes place, either standing, sitting, or a combination of the two, without help from another person, without
    pain or exhaustion?
    This does not mean standing completely still. It includes being able to change position.
    Sitting for ever in a wheelchair – No piss taking DWP. Next >>>>>>>>>
    Can you lift at least one of your arms high enough to put something in the top pocket of a coat or jacket while you are wearing it?
    I Don`t wear A jacket or coat with pockets. Next >>>>>>>>>>>>
    Can you lift one of your arms above your head?
    No I have Thalidomide DWP piss takers. Next >>>>>>>>>>>>>
    And the bullshit questions continues to be Broken Down.

    • Can you pick up and move a large,light object like an empty cardboard box?

      Depends how large is a large empty cardboard box. Be more specific.

      Can you communicate a simple message to other people such as the presence of something dangerous?
      This can be by speaking, writing, typing or any other means, but without the
      help of another person.

      Yes with a Cease & desist letter DWP.

  39. Here is a follow up article in the Motherwell Times about local protester John McArthur whose daily lone 2 hour demo outside LAMH charity made UK headlines.
    Nowhere does the article address John’s objection to being sanctioned and put outside the British welfare state because he refused to work for nothing. John and his plight has been completely air-brushed out.

    Motherwell charity cuts ties with controversial work scheme
    13 Nov 2014

    • FAO Joe Kane

      Yes, the report was heavily biased in favour of Workfare. But, at least the so-called charity running the scheme in Motherwell, has withdrawn – and that outcome must be classed as a victory!


    TUPE is an acronym for the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations. The Regulations were first passed in 1981 but overhauled in 2006. TUPE is a significant and often tricky piece of legislation adopted by the UK in order to implement the European Acquired Rights Directive.

    From: David Alfred

    13 November 2014

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

    a) When Maximus take over from Atos, will T.U.P.E apply to the Atos
    HCPs? If so, what retraining programme has DWP insisted upon and
    what changes have DWP demanded in relation to the training regime
    used by Atos to ensure improved HCP performance?
    b) what new performance standards will DWP apply that were NOT
    applied to Atos?
    c) are there any termination costs to be paid to Atos, including
    potentially staff redundancy and if so, how much?
    d) are there any set-up costs for Maximus that DWP will fund and if
    so, how much?
    e) will the costs with Maximus be more or less than with Atos
    measured on a like-for-like basis e.g. as a cost per “unit”?
    f) Right-first-time has been a much talked about KPI. Has DWP
    defined the right-first-time percentage it expects from Maximus? If
    so, what is it?
    g) has DWP advised HMCTS of the appeal tribunal volume it can
    expect and if so what is it over the coming few years?

    Yours faithfully,

    David Alfred

    Link to this


    From: P Baker

    13 November 2014

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

    I have been mandated to Community Work Placements & have been
    assigned a provider.
    Will I be sanctioned if I do not sign the contract the provider
    expects me to sign?
    Wouldn’t such contract be void if signed under threat of such
    sanction (duress)?
    Do I still have my right to privacy ect without risking a benefit
    Has the provider been given powers by the Secretary of State?

    Yours faithfully,

    P Baker

    Link to this


      For any contract to be legal, it must have the fully informed and freely given consent of all parties, otherwise it is known as an adhesion contract, which is invalid in the eyes of the law.

      No one can be coerced to sign any contract, and I’ve heard of people winning their cases if they have not signed any contract.

  42. People don`t know how to use Cease & desist letters. Once the DWP or jobcentre receive a Cease & Desist letter the DWP are on a last warning. If they brake that I can go to the police & report them for breaking the Cease & desist letter. The whole point of it is right there DWP stopped in their tracks. Its not about going to court it is a tools to be used to put the DWP into litigation. Once in litigation the DWP can not act upon anything because they are in litigation. Which also makes a sanction null & void. So DWP don`t give medicine if you can`t take your own medicine. The DWP will drag their feet for 2 years which suits me fine. The DWP can`t sanction me. Well hurry up & sort it out your lazy DWP. Checkmate !!


  43. I have been difficult from the start so I ain`t signed nothing. Meaning it will take so long sorting him out we could process 5,000 people before we got close to him. Yes I don`t make very good business as a cash cow.


  45. Have you the troublon system realize that contradictions is admittance & proof of guilt !!! No of course not by your own admittance DWP.

  46. The Green Agenda Scam reducing landfill to make way for the corpses of the unsustainable disposable class.

    The unsustainable starving poor are now being utilised as food waste disposal units the Green Agenda is becoming a very dirty war. Recycling and zero carbon foot print are starting to take on some sinister socio-political outcomes for the unsustainable disposable class.

    • ” the unsustainable disposable class.”

      Whom Kissinger once described as “useless eaters”.

      • Yeah, but what do we eat though… mushy peas and out-of-date cuppa- soup!

        • We’ve been surviving on 16p cans of value potatoes – nothing wrong with ’em 🙂 – for goodness knows how long after being sanctioned. If we are feeling flush we squeeze a blob of brown sauce of ’em. Either that or the 16p cans of spaghetti, nothing wrong with them either 🙂 or value beans. If if wasn’t for this cheap nosh we would have starved to death!

          • Oh yeah, and porridge with some oat-bran for brekkie! Lentils too when we can afford the leccy to cook ’em!

          • I survive on tinned spuds too (15p where I live), and haven’t even been sanctioned…yet. I’m lucky if I have a tenner a week for food. Most of my JSA goes on Bills. It’s a fucking sick joke. JSA is supposed to be about £130 p/w, not £72, and Sanctions are actually illegal (State Terrorism). Eat the rich I say.

  47. lol at lord carlyle telling evan davies on the Today programme that he expects camoron new laws to be found “illegal”, “illegal, surely you meant legal”, “yes, I meant legal, I am ever so sorry” 😀


    …………………..The BBC’S spectacular use of spin to aid the government in it’s ethnic cleansing of the weakest and poorest becomes more evident every day………………..

    First of all they print a story that heralds the fact, that HUNT the MURDERING CUNT, is to invest more funding into the NHS over the winter period to help stabilise the system.
    700 imaginary million pounds, in fact?

    Hidden deeper into the BBC news is an article that states that the funding of over 40 types of cancer drugs is about to be withdrawn because of concerns about costs.

    The BBC are the most important propaganda machine that the toffs have at their disposal, yet you are paying licence fees to hear this biased crap, day in day out.

    Without your funding they cannot operate.

    The propaganda used by the Nazi Party in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler’s leadership of Germany (1933–1945) was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power, and for the implementation of Nazi policies, including the pursuit of total war and the extermination of millions of people in the Holocaust. The pervasive use of propaganda by the Nazis is largely responsible for the word “propaganda” itself acquiring its present negative connotations.

    • ……………………in simple terms, the 700 million that they say will be invested to improve winter NHS services is being achieved by stealing it from another major arm of the fight against cancer. Cameron has actually broke his manifesto promise to provide more cancer fighting drugs……………

      Someone somewhere is about to lose a loved one, yet the BBC see fit to rearrange bad news to make it appear good……………..

      Tell them where to shove their licence fees, once and for all…………….

      • overburdenddonkey

        good point, my other concern is how much of that money will end up in the pockets of investors…and how much will be swallowed up in admin of privatized companies, and also paying off PFI etc… ie how much will actually be spent on patient care?

        • I fear most of the money will be swallowed up by the private finance initiatives that IDIOT BLAIR welcomed in as a new step forward. The payback on PFI’s are fucking staggering, people would not believe the sums involved, hence the secrecy behind the contracts……….

          Just been reading how an American healthcare company take £7000 per patient from the NHS for providing a gamma knife cancer machine at Bart’s hospital, £1.7 million per year…………….

          They are advising people to go to Boots to seek medicines, they are just directing more to the cemetery gates OBD.

          • overburdenddonkey

            see prof allyson pollock youtube vid, “the nhs, used to be the global health care model”….farage wants free @ the point of delivery…in reality this means fobbed off with poor and limited treatments…he also said like the dutch or french health care models, which are actually inferior to the original nhs…and the dutch model IS heavily market driven for profit…see dr lucy reynolds on health and social care bill…she specifically singles out the current dutch model as how NOT to do health care… i know you’ve seen it, but as you know some things can never be said enough…. 🙂
            the old nhs used to run @ 6% admin costs the new ones are soaring to 30-40% admin costs….health care et al should never be run for profit or one ends up with no care/services, much higher costs, swollen bank a/c’s and more billionaires/millionaires… common weal…no one rich no one poor….

    • £700 million yet they can`t get 80 Million for the cancer drugs. More Fraud at the NHS with Mr Cunt.

    • a mind that was set free

      which is why i have cancelled my Bullshit TV licence and Shredded it.

      i no longer watch live broadcasts and avoid all the bs programming that the bbc put out to.

  49. any news on whats going on in chingford jobs fair @Johnnyvoid as that bastard ids bothered to even turn up.

  50. Published on 17 Oct 2014

    On October 9, members of Haringey Solidarity Group and Boycott Workfare paid workfare provider Urban Futures in Wood Green a visit. Fifteen people occupied the office with banners and a soundsystem – challenging Urban Futures on their treatment of claimants and speaking to people on enforced jobsearch about their experiences and sharing info on their rights.
    A number of claimants have complained about bullying and misreatment from Urban Futures management.If you want to speak to someone about how you’ve been treated, or join the campaign in Haringey, email or ring 07804 599 327.

  51. From Bulky Bob`s Home Page –

    Following recent social media activity, Bulky Bob’s and FRC Group would like to confirm that we are no longer involved in any mandatory work programmes. We continue to deliver a wide range of successful training and voluntary opportunities.

  52. Cameron’s been gobbing off on his Australian jolly up…………

    Seems he intends to bring in new laws to stop jihadist’s returning to the UK, sadly he has not yet discussed it in the commons, nor have any debates taken place.
    Even Bercow, the speaker, has said he is out of order.
    The tory’s seem to ignore the input of others by trying to railroad change.
    Human Rights Legislation makes it clear that all member states must encompass the rights and feelings of all religions, yet in the UK we don’t give a flying fuck……………

    I consider my own government to be terrorists, they invaded Afghanistan on a bullshit agenda cooked up between Blair and Bush, spouting lies to justify the incursion to safeguard cheap oil revenues.

    Our nation was never really a terrorist target until we ventured abroad with the US cavalry, we now are paying the price of fulfilling BUSH’S tainted dreams.
    The UK do not honour any human rights, a renegade power driven by Israeli mindshift and influence.

  53. In terms of aggressive political influence albeit with varying agendas the “charitable” Third Sector and social enterprise lobby in Scotland have become a powerful estate, one that acts against the interests of the people and undermines the democratic process.

  54. Mr Duncan Smith arrived early to Chingford Assembly Hall in Station Road, spoke to the 40-plus businesses and public sector employees and then left before the doors opened to the public, running like a scurrying rat from a sewer pipe. Shots rang out as well wishers showed their appreciation at his presence.

    Jobcentre plus staff wearing kevlar body armour and crash helmets opened the doors to a mixed crowd, anxious to leave……….

    The fair featured representatives from retail companies including John Lewis and McDonald’s, Santas Grotto, Toy Town and Universal Credit Veterans Association.
    Public sector employers such as the NHS and Waltham Forest council also attended as did senior staff from MAXIMUS, eager to meet their new victims personally.

    Jobeekers have taken part in a series of seminars on advice on CV writing, interview skills and workshops tailored towards apprenticeships and internships.

    One jobseeker amazed staff by balancing a cup of horlicks on his left ear whilst juggling with two chainsaws.
    However, some JSA claimants told the Guardian they faced losing their benefits if they did not attend today.
    “The Jobs Fair leaflets state that it was promoted by the Chingford and Woodford Green Conservative Association, which means this is a political event.”

    “Why is the Jobs Centre forcing the unemployed to attend a Tory party event at their own expense, with the threat of benefits sanctions?”


    From: Mr A Holland

    27 October 2014

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
    My illness’s include Severe Depression, Social Anxiety, Rheumatoid
    Arthritis (this is painful swelling of the joints from regular
    movments or sat in same position for more than 5 minutes)
    I failed my ATOS assement from the corrupt company that was put in
    charge, the report was full of lies, i showed i was in pain, he
    said “social anxiety? well your here so you cant be suffering from
    that” catch 22? we have to turn up else we fail and lose our money.
    I sent much infomation surrounded my illness’s i was still turned
    down, i appealed, my appeal was rejected even by the court.
    We always recieve letters stating “we understand you have illness’s
    but you have to be working to claim this benefit or be able to work
    even though you have an illness, claim jobseekers instead”
    Those statments are always a joke, how can we recieve jobseekers
    when we arents fit for work? Key question to signing on “Are you
    fit for work?” now, we have to be honest else you have us up for
    fraud, we say “no” then we cannot claim job seekers. If we lie,
    claim, get given jobs and show we cannot do the job properly or at
    all you get us up for fraud.
    Next is Income Support, the title is a dead giveaway its “support
    for income”
    Now if we read the websites (on jobcentreplus) it says to claim
    income support you have to be over 16, have none or low income. We
    phone them up and get rejected there and then, “you have to be
    working to claim income support” really? we have no money, we need
    money and we cant have any.
    Everything is in favour of everyone who has a job because they pay
    tax, those of us who really are unfit for work what are we meant to
    do? die out? I know the rich dont like the poor but this is beyond
    Even if we was accepted ESA we still have to go to work related
    assesments to get us into a job. Those who really need it and cant
    work are turned away.
    Rules need to be changed and I want to know what i am suppose to
    I havnt recieved any money since Early August.

    Yours faithfully,
    Mr A Holland

    • …………will this guy be immortalised as yet another SUICIDE VICTIM in the concealed DWP MORTALITY STATISTICS?

  56. McHaggis of the Haggis Clan

    Whit’s this wae Max Keiser and his burd Stacy Herbert talking aboot “numpties” n “muppets” on RT. If you are gonnae nick oor language at least gie us credit.

  57. R.I.P. Mark Cotton

    Double amputee killed himself after benefits slashed, say anguished family

    • Another terrible episode LP, and yet another sorry excuse from the perpetrators of the utterly disgusting decision, BRADFORD COUNCIL.

      Tragedy usually brings about change but this government treat human beings like disposable unnecessary waste.

      My thoughts go out to his family in this time of greatest need knowing that this episode should never have happened…………………..
      “He had always worked and put into the country, but this was what he got back.

      “The paramedics said he must have been in a lot of pain, because of the medication he had been given,” she said.

      A spokesman for Bradford Council said: “We are aware of the tragic death of Mr Cotton, who was known to Bradford Adult Services, and our thoughts are with his family.

      “Investigations will be carried out into the circumstances of this case and it would be inappropriate to comment until those investigations have been completed,” he said.

  58. Thalidomide: how men who blighted lives of thousands evaded justice

    Harold Evans – Guardian Friday 14 November 2014 19.11 GMT

    Newly exposed files show how victims were betrayed by political interference in trial – and how the pill has remained on sale

    The dark shadow of thalidomide is still with us. The original catastrophe maimed 20,000 babies and killed 80,000: it remains the greatest manmade global disaster. Now evidence has been uncovered that the pharmaceutical outrage – it is nothing less – was compounded by a judicial scandal that has suppurated all these years.

    It is exposed in a large number of documents discovered in the state archives of North Rhine-Westphalia by a researcher for the UK Thalidomide Trust. The papers, which have been examined and authenticated by the international law firm of Ince & Co, speak to political interference that violated the constitutional division of power between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. And more than half a century since the pill’s threat to an embryo was proven, the company that produced the first disaster has continued to sell the drug in parts of Latin America, on prescription only, where babies continued to be born with malformations similar to the survivors from the 1960s.

    Full Article –

  59. Northampton unemployed outraged over sandwich factory’s ‘insult’

    News that Greencore was in Hungary to hire staff sparked howls of protest in a town where nearly 8,000 people are out of work

    Robert Booth, Sean Farrell and Jennifer Rankin
    The Guardian, Friday 14 November 2014 21.26 GMT

    It used to be the future of jobs in coalmines and steelworks that roused the passion of British workers and politicians. But this week, in an early skirmish of the 2015 general election campaign, the battle lines were drawn across a different terrain: who should make our crayfish and rocket sandwiches?

    From Budapest came news that representatives of a big employer in Caroline Dale’s corner of Northampton – the Greencore sandwich factory – were in Hungary hiring workers for the minimum wage of £6.50 an hour. The 32-year-old mother of five said she had looked for a job for months, had sandwich factory experience and was furious she had not heard about the vacancies.

    Guardian –

  60. rest in peace David clapson

  61. Judge brands DWP jobseeker’s agreement ‘unlawful’, after action by disabled claimant

    its about time to shut these advisers up,acting like people are making it all up.”dont we all”,hear it all the time.these know it alls’ who know nothing are scum.

    • “””””””This means that every jobseeker’s agreement – and its subsequent enforcement by DWP – is “potentially an utter violation of the principles of the rule of law”, because the basis of the contract is to enforce behaviour through mechanisms such as sanctions, without informing the claimant that that is what they are agreeing to sign.””””””


      This means that every jobseeker’s agreement – and its subsequent enforcement by DWP – is “potentially an utter violation of the principles of the rule of law”, because the basis of the contract is to enforce behaviour through mechanisms such as sanctions, without informing the claimant that that is what they are agreeing to sign.

      ………………………the human rights people are hot on their tail, the cracks are appearing thick and fast. The judge who made this decision has probably been instructed to do this to take the heat off the DWP………


      From: P Baker

      13 November 2014

      Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

      I have been mandated to Community Work Placements & have been
      assigned a provider.
      Will I be sanctioned if I do not sign the contract the provider
      expects me to sign?
      Wouldn’t such contract be void if signed under threat of such
      sanction (duress)?
      Do I still have my right to privacy ect without risking a benefit
      Has the provider been given powers by the Secretary of State?

      Yours faithfully,

      P Baker

      Link to this


      23 May 2014

      Dear Mr Ward,

      Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received on 13th May 2014. You

      Could the Dept please confirm or deny that decision makers at DWP were trained by Atos?

      DWP Decision Makers receive in-house training to make a decision by considering all the
      evidence and applying the law, including any relevant case law, to the facts of each case.
      Atos is contracted to support the delivery of learning of Decision Makers who make decisions
      in respect of how a health condition affects a claimant’s daily life and capability for work.

      If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number
      Yours sincerely,

      DWP Central FoI Team

      • Could the Dept please confirm or deny that decision makers at DWP were trained by Atos?
        DWP Decision Makers receive in-house training to make a decision by considering all the evidence and applying the law, including any relevant case law, to the facts of each case. Atos is contracted to support the delivery of learning of Decision Makers who make decisions in respect of how a health condition affects a claimant’s daily life and capability for work.


  62. “”The dark shadow of thalidomide is still with us. The original catastrophe maimed 20,000 babies and killed 80,000: it remains the greatest manmade global disaster.””

    DWP deaths are not far behind. 60,000.

  63. Landless Peasant

    Class War ina Babylon

  64. “Welcome to Greencore – We care ”
    Current Employee – Anonymous Employee

    I have been working at Greencore full-time (more than 8 years)

    It’s better than being unemployed

    This year I have seen this company bring grown men and women to the brink of tears at the festive period by telling them that they have to work Christmas Eve, Boxing day, New years eve – Nightshift so they can wish each other a happy 2014 across a lasagne, and New years Day – all with hours of notice after they had made plans with their families. Mostly immigrants though so what does it matter?

    I’ve seen people bullied into working 12 hours a day – 7 days a week – mostly immigrants though so hey.

    I’ve seen people refused holidays that are due to them so that at the end of the year they lose them and are left unpaid for holidays they are due. Hey Ho.

    I’ve seen people work 8 hours without a break and yet be chastised for NOT being into work 10 minutes EARLY!!!!

    I’ve heard of people soiling themselves, in any way you can imagine because they would not be let away from the production line to go to the toilet. IN A FOOD FACTORY!!!

    People are threatened with the sack when they refuse to work 1 day’s overtime after working 25 days straight – this place is insane!

    I could go on, really I could – Honestly the things that go on are atrocious, but I have a mortgage to pay so I take it – but in 2014 that’s going to change and make no mistake about it.

    • Greencore – is this this outfit who were complaining that they couldn’t get any staff? No fucking wonder if this is the way they treat their present employees.

    • Who is Greencore trying to kid? It’s £35million factory doesn’t open until 2016 so why are they recruiting in Eastern Europe now? It’s cheap labour, of course.

    • With attitudes like those, I don’t understand why they’re not setting up in China, where they’ll face far less resistance from uppity campaigners!

  65. Hurry up & leave Europe dodgy dave it`s all catching up to Dodgy dave Human Rights Laws which are unlawful.

  66. No name from the DWP it`s always – A DWP Spokesperson said – If they don`t put their name IDS it`s not fit for purpose – null & Void – Not Worth The Paper its written on.

  67. Sizzla – Bad Mind Ways – JLL Music Group – March 2014


  69. hi my gf is on esa and i her partner have been called in to a work focused interview could someone shed some light on what this is and whether i can be nandated to work its best i dont for my partners sake

  70. Friend of a friend works for Bulky Bob and says they pulled out of workfare 2 weeks before the wobblies announced their demo. I have been involved with my own personal campaign against Bulky Bobs for a few months now and so have friends of mine. It’s not just IWW who are doing stuff against workfare in Liverpool. I have met them in the street in Liverpool and was unimpressed with the IWW bloke I got talking to..

    • You just have to read the statement..

      ‘we made the decision to withdraw from the programme in October and informed Learn Direct on November 6th, before any protest was planned.’

      I guess they would sat that, but IWW couldn’t be glory grabbers could they?

  71. Pingback: No More Workfare at Bulky Bob’s – How It Happened! | Liverpool IWW

  72. If anybody reading this is mandated onto one of these forced labour schemes, show up on the first day, then wag it after that. That way, the fuckers at the DWP can’t sanction you for not showing up on the first day, and they can’t sanction you for quitting after the first week, either!

  73. In other news: But I’d be done see’n ’bout everything
    When I see a saddleback fly

  74. Great idea. Learns the idle folk discipline, they are meeting people, they are improving their CV and they must be getting some self respect back for claiming all of those benefits from the folk who wish to work and pay their taxes.

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