Tag Archives: school privatisation

Eviction Resisted at Lewisham Bridge School

Up to 100 people gathered at the occupied Lewisham Bridge School this morning to stop today’s eviction scheduled for 10:30am.

A youthful and lively contingent joined local parents on the roof whilst local supporters gathered outside the front of the school. The mood remained positive, despite a strong police presence including a helicopter earlier in the day.

Bailiffs entered the school but made no attempt to gain access to the roof where the tents stayed up and the occupation continued.

Police left at around 12:30 with most of the bailiffs leaving shortly after. Although a couple of bailiffs did remain, it seems that for now the occupation continues.

Join their facebook group here.

and here’s some pics

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Wembley Tent City

Teachers, locals and activists in the fine borough of Brent have established a Tent City in defience of the council’s plans to build a new City Academy on Wembley Park Sports Ground.

This follows a six month occupation of the land last year when teachers took to the trees in protest at the creeping privatisation of the UK’s education system.

With the council refusing to back down the land has been occupied once more. Brent Council representatives will attend Willesden County Court at 10.30am to seek a court order for the immediate eviction of the Wembley Sports Ground Tent City.

A call out has been made for people to attend a “Back on Site or pre-eviction party – you decide!”, starting at 3.30pm tomorrow (Friday 10th July). Meet the locals then on Tuesday protest outside Willesdon County Court on Tuesday 15 July at 10.30am.
