How The Welfare To Work Industry Is Ripping Off The Tax Payer #esday16


Snouts in the trough, just another busy day at the offices of a welfare to work provider.

The way the welfare to work industry scam works is simple.  The real profit in lucrative government contracts to ‘help’ people back into work is not made supporting the most marginalised benefit claimants or providing quality training.  The money comes from finding those who would have got jobs anyway and then claiming huge job outcome fees when they secure employment.

Sometimes the welfare to work company doesn’t have to do anything at all.  Leaked documents from the fraud ridden A4e even instructed their staff on how to claim job outcome payments when someone referred to the Work Programme found work themselves before they had even started on the scheme.  A4e in this case would have done nothing at all other than persuading someone to sign a piece of paper to say they had started on the Work Programme.  Bribes are often used to secure signatures like these.  With job outcome payments as high as £13,000 it is well worth slipping someone £50 in clothing vouchers or for travel expenses.  It is not unknown for welfare to work bosses to ask staff to quiz friends and family to see if anyone they know is on benefits and likely to find work soon.  Welfare to work companies are far more concerned with finding the lucrative ‘job ready’ participants than they are in helping those struggling to find work.

Of course even the so-called job ready pay a price.  The welfare-to-work sector seeks to destroy aspiration by mandating people into low paid, low quality work as quickly as possible.  Benefit sanctions are used to enforce compliance.  Many people, especially the young, have even been forced to give up college courses and instead attend welfare-to-work companies where they will be bullied into the first shitty job that comes along.  This is why the welfare-to-work sector does not provide any real training beyond the odd session on how to write a CV and happy clappy motivational workshops.  They are not acting with the interests of unemployed people in mind, but their own profits.  The pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo that now dominates the sector is intended to encourage people to give up their dreams and instead take the first job available.  That’s how welfare-to-work companies make money.

If the most employable are deskilled and demoralised, the situation is even worse for those deemed ‘furthest from the labour market’.  If they are lucky they will be ‘parked’, meaning largely abandoned and left to their own devices.  More commonly however this group will be relentlessly bullied with workfare and ever more condionality intended to pummel them into being profitable.  Bored welfare to work staff, often riddled with nasty little prejudices about unemployed people, take out their frustration on those who might be homeless, or have a mental health condition.  They are sanctioned, repeatedly and sometimes to death, as a message to everybody else what might happen if you don’t do what you’re told.

The welfare-to-work industry has been given billions of pounds of tax payer’s money over the years to operate what is little more than a giant benefit scam.  Prior to the launch of Tony Blair’s New Deal, the sector did not even exist yet unemployed people still managed to find jobs without any help at all from a Work Programme busy-body.  But the government’s intention in funding the sector is not about finding unemployed people jobs.  Welfare-to-work, and workfare, benefit sanctions and all the human misery that comes with them, are  firstly about establishing the workhouse principle of ‘less eligibility’.  This means ensuring that the life of an unemployed person is ‘less eligible’ or more shit, than the life of the lowest paid worker.  It is intended not just to punish the poor but impose workplace dicipline in everybody else.  And this is the second function of welfare-to-work.  It is the PR wing of capital, encouraging and enforcing people to work in shit jobs, to never complain, to not ask for more and accept the life of low paid drudgery that makes those we work for so rich.

Today the welfare-to-work industry has been trying to drum up publicity by holding an Employability Day.  There’s still time to join in.  They claim to want to show the impact of the sector on communities, inviting MPs and councillors into their premises in the hope of yet more tax payer’s money.  So tell the truth about the real activities of this vile bunch of poverty profiteers on twitter using hashtag #esday16 or using this handy tweetlist:

This blog has no sources of funding so here’s a quick reminder that you can help ensure it continues by making a donation.

Follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid


427 responses to “How The Welfare To Work Industry Is Ripping Off The Tax Payer #esday16

  1. Rosemarie Harris

    These Providers should have to have a proper idea of what is needed to get into a Paying job. They should have to show what they have done to help get a person into a paid job … Not use people on free charity’s roles which just treated us as shit …. To this day i do not give or buy in any of these scum shops and every one should do the same ..To not even give you a biscuit this tells us all we need to know about charity . This isn’t over we now have the work/health programme .. if this Government gave a small amount of money so we could get trained we would not have thousands of work programme people being unemployed but all these people see is the £ sign that keeps them in a job over and over again with the same lame results for us.

  2. Tweeted @melissacade68

  3. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Fears over government links as equality watchdog launches welfare probe

    DNS – 14th April 2016

    The equality watchdog is facing concerns over links between the government and two of its leading figures as it prepares to investigate whether Tory welfare reforms have breached the human rights of disabled people.

    Last week, Disability News Service (DNS) revealed that the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) was to examine the impact of changes to the welfare system on independent living and poverty.

    The announcement was included in the watchdog’s new business plan for 2016-17, which was published by EHRC last week without any publicity.

    Read More:

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      new business plan for 2016-17, which was published by EHRC last week without any publicity.

      40 page PDF

      Click to access Business%20Plan%202016-17.pdf

      AKA £35 million on risk assessment with tory HQ rhetoric .

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        We also have a book you can buy since we are hard selling.

        The Equality & Human Rights Commission are underplaying that there already is a Human Rights & Equality law & the best they can do is submit a request.

        “”””Measuring success
        Performance management and reporting is central to the successful delivery of our Business Plan and ensuring that our work represents value for money. The measures against which we will judge our progress and success are set out in the separate Success Measures Annex published alongside this Business Plan.”””

        rhetoric of risk assessment at Tory HQ.

  4. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


    The Commission’s three statutory decision-making committees inform the development of the Commission’s Strategic and Business Plans, and each have their own work programme. The Board is also supported by two advisory committees – the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, and the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee.

    The Executive Leadership Team, led by the Chief Executive, is responsible for developing and delivering the Business Plan in support of the Commission’s statutory duties and Strategic Aims. It provides leadership, sets work priorities, monitors performance and manages risk, thereby enabling the Board to discharge its responsibilities.

    Our risk management framework, policy and associated guidance provide a robust system of managing risk which is embedded across all our working practices. Our strategic risk register is underpinned by operational risk registers covering key areas of work, which are reviewed monthly by the Executive Leadership Team and reported to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.

  5. i was on the wp for a total of 20 mins and in that time all they wanted was for me to sign there contract i point blank refused and never went to the place again.

    time passed and 1 half years later got a sanction doubt for non attendance and 3 weeks later got a letter for the interview.

    i told the dwp i do not own a time machine and that the date on the sanction did not even match that what was on the letter so i won.

    i also had another 5 sanctions from them and 1 them all as dates did not match what was on the letters so could not even get that right.

    there fee was 400 quid for what?

    i went to my exit review and when i was called over and asked for my name and ni no there screen was blank pmsl.

    after that i had the hit squad and with out the exit report could not do anything as it was like i vanished for 2 years 😉

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      superted @ After a threat the DWP / Jobcentre have 40 days to act, if they do not act in that 40 days it makes the process null & void. Also they can not repeat the process after missing the 40 day limit. That explains why they put dates that are fraud & lies to cover their admin failures.

      Here`s another one – I get an appointment for a WCA without a ESA form. They on purpose did not put a ESA form in the letter. WHY !!!
      You can not repeat the process after the 40 day limit to act has passed. So another can of worms appear of fast tracking contracts with no form or signature.

  6. i will be going to court in the next few weeks over my wca as im fit for work according to them as i can lift a empty card board box???

    like wtf will i get a job doing that total madness if i win they owe me near 3k as it took a year for the wca so now owe me 16 month’s back pay.

    and the best bit was when i went to sign on jsa my adviser said im not fit for work and put me on extended sick leave 13 weeks.

    and they thought i was so stupid id not get the forms to take it to a tribunal lol 😉

  7. Work programme was a complete joke. After finding work myself these morons (working like prostitutes in teams of two) caught up with me almost a year later and wouldn’t let go, offering bribes like vouchers, and ‘ xmas goodies’. It was pretty offensive. As you have described they wanted to know where I worked and to sign a piece of paper saying work found through them. I started wondering whether they were recording my answers!. There is something seriously wrong with England I’m sorry to say.

    • I did induction on the wp and refused to sign the data waiver. I then found work on my own, saw job at my signing on at jobcentre. I was already working 6 hours a week. I’m a lone parent. I never even met my advisor or even their name.
      WP. Sent me a letter saying if I didn’t attend an interview with them, my benefits would be sanctioned! I’d signed off, had last JSA payment and had claimed working tax credits and the extra 40 a week you got for a year back then!
      I told them politely F… Off
      Fast forward one year, I had a phone call from a department asking if I was still in work (I was) because the WP were trying to claim payment!! I told them exactly what I thought but they told me the WP were entitled to claim?? Any ideas?

      • Often, the way it worked then, was that if you wee on the Work Program, and you got yourself a job, by yourself, didn’t matter. You were someone on their program who got a job, and that alone, allowed these companies to get money from the Government. They also got a huge amount of money. One would have thought a Regime that is forever going on about need to save on Social Security spending would have done something about that, but as I keep saying, when it is war, the Regime will always have the pesos. And it is very much a war. Apart from that, the MPs who go for this garbage, haven’t a clue, and it all sounds so wonderful. But the companies, do have a clue. As JV states clearly, they have money to make, and it has been in their interests to make it sound as wonderful as possible. But Ian”D”Smith must also have a had a clue, but he was personally a part of it, and doing away with his precious baby was never an option!

  8. I have been in and out of work for the past 3 years and have been on the WP. My recent job started in Feb and maybe will last another few months. I have made rapid reclaims as my jobs have not lasted more than 5 months. The WP providers harass me to try to find out who employs me but I do not tell them. I always have my phone on silent and never answer their calls. They have not helped me to find work. In fact they have been a barrier by trying to make me sign up to their useless jobsite as well as that other useless Universal Jobmatch website. They have tried to mandate me to join courses that would be totally useless and to come in to their horrible office to jobsearch. Wasting my time. Fortunately, I had managed to find work before the course start date but that did not stop their harassment. There is no privacy in their office as all the screens face cameras and they have a back room office with windows blacked out which I suspect they would survey people who had signed up to their job search site or the other crap Universal Jobmatch account. I did not participate although always under threat of a sanction. The intimidation from these people is unbelievable and the way they disrespect the unemployed is disgusting. The taxpayer, which includes all of us, is being stung by these parasites who prey on the vulnerable. (I witnessed them sanction a man with learning disabilities and told them what I thought. I could not believe that people were capable of such cruelty.) They do not deserve any payment for doing nothing in my case. I feel very angry that these people get extort money from the taxpayer.

    • EndWP – they are capable of it & have (with apologies) free rein if they feel inclined to take their anger/nastiness out on someone who can’t fight back & it earns them points/kudos at work. I suppose once they’ve done it once – no repercussions only a reward for a job well done – they’ll then have the bit between their teeth. When @interserve on the work programme i was put with one whatever their title is who seemed halfway human & who didn’t harrass me/just went thru the motions; then a 2nd who seemed to be high as a kite on something (as though on speed?) & was a scary & intimidating ‘man’.

      • 'working links' are shit

        ‘man’ spent two years on the ‘work programme’ with those ‘working links’ conundrums, still couldn’t work out whether one of their ‘consultants’ was male or female! ‘working links’ seem to employ every sort of oddball under the sun.

      • 'working links' are shit

        ‘man’… meant as in man, women, vegetable… it is ridiculous that these degenerate, oddball scumbags have power over vulnerable peoples lives!

        • This was ‘man’ in the sense of ‘not fit to be called a …’ He thought he was excellent/justified & was definitely hyped-up 100x past what you’d expect from even the most motivated/keen employee; a really aggressive/scary demeanour. Any vulnerable or unassertive person’s – and for thankfully just a couple of weeks, my – nightmare)… seen him since – he’s no different (appearance-wise) & looks as tho’ still enjoying his ‘job’.

          The other conundrum (before the nightmare) had moved from a very stressful job due to stress-related reasons & joined the work pogrom – & looked as tho’ history was repeating itself – ie. he was (very slightly) ‘too nice’ & not relishing being there.

          • “conundrum”?! you meant CUNT!! Spit is out shirleynott, stop beating about the bush!

            • ‘Beating about the Bush’ – (stopped!)
              ‘Conundrums is borrowed from Working Links/works for me, but pick your own adjectives (knock yourself out). i’m as irate (‘irate’ in preference to ‘pissed off’) as anyone else, just generally don’t explete except in extremis (sore head, heavy object dropped on toes/hearing IDS or other bad news) …

  9. Justin Greenwood

    in fairness after i told them my issues at the w4w company they took a step-back, however they advertised certain companies, one who had caused my issues and i refused point blank with a explanation as to why, they also had another company who practices featured on panaroma, again i woudl not work for this comany and after that documentary blacklisted them as people i do business with, however the cash for result system needs overhauling esp in light of the dispatches documentary on the 11/4 at which it was obvious that this was greed motivated and as far as i am concerned any organisation that has practices like that needs to have there contract re-assessed as to whether they and any other company like that are fit for purpose, remember may 5th is coming, time to show those that think there above everyone what the ground looks like

  10. Nothing sums up the attitude of the last few years than the so-called
    ‘welfare to work industry’. There is very little genuine work involved.
    Just straightforward bullying and coercion of the unemployed. Ridiculous motivational slogans that look like something off a toilet wall, and pretentious busybody staff acting as if they are running a religious cult. Repeating the same tripe over and over again, even though any idiot can see that it is not true. But what do they care ? Good or bad, they are laughing all the way to the bank.

  11. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    People signing up to Universal Credit are signing for cuts & sanctions in the Terms & conditions as well as a 35 hour a week job search & meeting with your Maximus Life Coach. I don`t see many people going on to UC time is money & not DWP time wasters.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The information you give may be shared with healthcare professionals and other medical service providers working with Universal Credit to deal with:
      •your Universal Credit claim
      •any request for you claim to be looked at again

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        You will need to have a Government Gateway User ID number to create a Universal Jobmatch account.

        Giving the Department for Work and Pensions access to your Universal Jobmatch account

        • Justin Greenwood

          the other way is to state that if you want evidence there is my gp name and address contact him yourself, any medical issues with you and your gp are confidential, you may not want to discuss this with someone who is not part of your care-team, you can this easy for your gp that they are not to release information without your permission, it also costs them money to request that info and if you say no the practice cant release the information

        • @Stepping
          “You will need to have a Government Gateway User ID number to create a Universal Jobmatch account……………as I had to do to claim my State pension. You don’t get it by default. What about those who aren’t computer literate? Yet another way for the Establishment to surveil us.

          • What’s the State Pension like? Does that get you out of the ‘work search requirement’?, signing on, ‘work programme’, workfare?

      • Justin Greenwood

        true, though some of us are tough enough to fight back and have real world experience, not a fail in maths and a 2:1 in social history which makes excellent qualifications to be a chancellor

    • Justin Greenwood

      you have to ask would you trust a maximus life coach considering the firms reputation in america and the recent events within the cqc expert by experience program where the first thing they did was half the money, if i had to meet them they would have to prove set criteria to me before i even entertained them

  12. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    You have to meet up with maximus Life coach once a week to see how you can better yourself in a better paid job like mine at £28,000 a year coaching Universal Credit victims. Forget getting paid Universal Credit will solve all problem through education, talking & learning while the bills pile up.

  13. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    From Maximus website about UC

    Appeals & Assessments

    Proven solutions for independent reviews and reconsiderations of benefit allocations

    The requested page “/our-expertise/appeals-assessments” could not be found.

    WHY !!! Because Maximus are making false claims.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Yes I found it hidden to prove maximus do the DWP`s Admin.

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Because Maximus do the DWP`s admin [right across the board] Maximus can not make any decisions without reporting back through a Tick Box System UNUM using the shut up & fit in Merlin Standard systems. Meaning Maximus are powerless if you don`t sign bogus forms for bogus WCA`s that use the UNUM Tick Box system. Nothing can be processed without going through the spanner in the works tick box system.

        The Grey Area of loop holes. The cutting corners processing claims without forms & signatures. The laws states that if you know any info that you believe to be false on your paper work [DWP] you must correct it straight away other wise it is in breech of the law – Data Protection Act All Versions. So yes healthcare professionals doctrine my signature is called fraud as well as other things.

        • Justin Greenwood

          if you have to sign anything and your not comfortable with signing, then ask for a copy before you sign and once they have signed, sign your self with the comment by the side of signing under duress, thenask for the copy of the document that you just signed

  14. If they are lucky they will be ‘parked’, meaning largely abandoned and left to their own devices.

    These are the ones that get stuck into when back at the jobcentre after the work programme,harrassed and bullied and intimidated at unbelievable levels this propped up and coluded with G4s.Experienced and witnessed.Didn’t care what damage they did or one shread of concern for anyone the only target was them out of the jobcentre and benefits system anyone claiming a disability benefit got a tut as another obstacle.

    Often think of what happened to those who did not make it.This government has commited some terrible crimes agaist the disabled because of someones age or having other barriers’.

  15. paultheswineherd

    Whilst the rich, taxpayer funded royal couple are high-tailing it around Bhutan – poor and sick British people are going to have to go to foodbanks.
    Fuck the queen and fuck all of the royals – they are the bastard scroungers.
    Of course, according to Cameron, Osborne & ‘Lord’ (££££) Sugar, – there is absolutely no poverty in Britain – and the Tories ‘long term economic plan’ is still working.
    It is for them and the rest of the tax dodgers and expense fiddlers.

  16. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Mo Stewart: ‘The influence of the private insurance industry on the UK welfare reforms.’

    Black Triangle – April 2016

    New Report From Mo Stewart


    The Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is the functional assessment used in the UK by the Department for Work and Pensions to assess eligibility for the Employment and Support Allowance. This is the most recent income replacement benefit for chronically sick and disabled claimants who are unfit to work. Despite five consecutive annual reviews of the assessment model, the UK government continues to disregard increasing evidence that the WCA is causing preventable harm, with all official reports overlooking the historic influence of an American insurance corporate giant on the UK welfare reforms.

    Keywords: work capability assessment (WCA); biopsychosocial model (BPS); DWP

    Much has been written about the Work Capability Assessment (WCA), including the fact that it was recently deemed as being fatally flawed by the Work and Pensions Select Committee1 (WPSC): ‘The flaws in the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) system are so grave that simply “rebranding” the assessment used to determine eligibility for ESA (the Work Capability Assessment WCA) by appointing a new contractor will not solve the problems, says the Work and Pensions Committee in a report published today.’1,2,3

    Read More:

    Mo Stewart: ‘The influence of the private insurance industry on the UK welfare reforms.’

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      “”””The influence of UnumProvidentTM Insurance is demonstrated in the memorandums provided for past WPSC reports9,10 that clearly list the transformation of Incapacity Benefit to ESA. The requirement to ‘resist diagnosis’, ‘revise the ‘sick note’, ‘encourage the Government to focus on ability and not disability’, ‘change the name of Incapacity Benefit’ and ‘benefits not to be given on the basis of a certain disability or illness but on capacity assessments’9 have all come to pass as UnumProvidentTM Insurance have influenced UK Government welfare policy since 1994.11″””

  17. paultheswineherd

    And then, if that is not enough, even the ‘working poor’ are now going to be targeted with the possibility of sanction(s) without good reason for ‘attending’ JCP when required, or if not looking for enough ‘hours’/’higher paid work’. This is appalling and it also needs to be fought vociferously.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Paul @ When people get the details of UC they will not be wanting to go through the process & claim UC – Time is money & all that.

      • paultheswineherd

        Stepping – yes, you’ve got a point there. Most will try to avoid claiming it altogether if possible, however, for those paying housing benefit or rent, which will become a part of UC, that may be easier said than done!
        Of course, it could all change by the time that it finally rolls out to ‘everyone’ (probably now after 2020!)

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          Paul – Once ESA & PIP have gone onto UC disability will be a thing of the past. The Universal credit form is the same for everyone – PIP or Working tax Credit.

          As you say Paul it will be the ones on Housing Benefit that will suffer the most which includes disabled people. The poorest are hit hardest.

          I Like it the thread is crammed with up to date useful info & personal stories. Communication at it`s best.

          • paultheswineherd

            Stepping – All good and valid points that you’ve made.
            The subject of ‘up to date and useful info’ is interesting – I must admit that I am learning all of the time from your’s and other’s comments on here. For instance, I had’nt heard of the ’40 day rule’ until you mentioned it – all of that has been noted in case it’s ever needed in the future!

          • EndWP – they are capable of it & have (with apologies) free rein if they feel inclined to take their anger/nastiness out on someone who can’t fight back & it earns them points/kudos at work. I suppose once they’ve done it once – no repercussions only a reward for a job well done – they’ll then have the bit between their teeth. When @interserve on the work programme i was put with one whatever their title is who seemed halfway human & who didn’t harrass me/just went thru the motions; then a 2nd who seemed to be high as a kite on something (as though on speed?) & was a scary & intimidating ‘man’.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      “””A spokesperson for the Department for Work and Pensions said: “It is right that for the first time ever we are supporting claimants who are in low paid work to increase their earnings and progress in their careers.

      “Universal Credit is a vital reform that will make work pay and is already transforming lives, with claimants moving into work quicker and earning more than under the old system.” “””

      Yet again no name just a DWP Spokesperson said it is not fit for purpose.

    • Universal Commenter

      The Government’s new Universal Credit welfare system is “punishing the working poor” with new sanctions on people who work full time for low pay, academics have warned.

      That’s the first time I’ve seen us described as academics. 🙂

      there was strong academic evidence to suggest that sanctions led to “poorer quality employment, temporary employment or unstable employment”.

      And death.

  18. Santa Hates You

    The attitude of people in the so-called welfare to work industry is frankly appalling. For example, I overheard a nasty conversation between two store mangers in an Imperial Heart Foundation charity furniture shop the other day.

    Manager 1 said to Manager 2 – ‘Get those lazy workfare sods clearing up and sweeping the back stockroom like now. I’m sick to death of telling them to get their fingers out! ‘

    Really nice (not) when you consider those on workfare are having to work hard there or their benefits will be stopped.

    After hearing this conversation I won’t be shopping there again.

  19. paultheswineherd

    In a week where it has been reported that there is a ‘child obesity crisis’ and today, when Dolmio advised not to have their product very often (due to high added sugar and salt content), then we see today of ‘underweight’ and ‘hungry’ children as well!

  20. This crap all started in the u.s.
    Somebody took a huge back hander to allow it here,there is no doubt of this.
    I suspect the rewards are on going or it would have been put a stop to by now.

  21. Get a fucking job you lazy Cunts!

    • Go get a job yourself, and we’ll have less of the vitriol. Bye.

    • Justin Greenwood

      i dont normally reply to comments like this, however i choose to on this occasion, i hope that one day you have a serious issue that affects your capacity or health and that you have to rely on other’s to help you, like a freind of mine did that had mnd and had loss of control issues due to the condition and needed constant help, your comment is the sort of comment thought out by a ill conceived idiot that has no right to be called a person, don’t expect me to donate anything to your help should you ever need it, your the sort of person who comment like this deserves to have no benefit or help as you think your invincible, i hope you get struck down by something nasty, go and die

  22. This reads like a dystopian, fictional future dysfunction-filled daymare.

    Incredibly & sadly, it’s not. If someone came to this ‘cold’ – they’d always managed to be in reasonably paid work/with a mortgage etc. -would they believe/understand the magnitude?

    It’s a bit like evolution (only backwards) – some kind of reverse enlightenment. This parallel puniverse is running alongside (so-called) ‘ordinary everyday life’ in ‘real time’. Ordinary everyday life that now once again encompasses people bedding down on cardboard, in city centres mid-evening. Now featuring easily offended millionare PM’s with ex-‘hardworking’ family members who’s dubious dealings are sacrosanct; the migrant crisis, NHS being fought for tooth & nail – bedroom taxes (illegally applied) & people being pushed from pillar to post, being scapegoated & blamed for their circumstances …

  23. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Disability discrimination: “pull yourself together” comment to employee with depression

    Personnel Today – 15th April 2016

    An employment tribunal has held that a director’s comment to an employee with depression that “everyone gets depressed sometimes, you just have to pull yourself together” was discrimination arising from disability. Stephen Simpson rounds up recent tribunal decisions.

    Director’s unsympathetic comments about mental illness were discriminatory
    The employment tribunal decision in Wickers v Colchester Visionplus Ltd t/a Specsavers Opticians concerned a director who made dismissive comments about an employee’s medical condition.

    Ms Wickers, an optical assistant at Specsavers, received some formal and informal warnings for failure to comply with the employer’s absence notification procedure, lateness and a dispensing error.

    She became tearful during her appraisal with a director and he advised that she should see her GP.

    Read More:

  24. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Wow someone stood up in their wheelchair – Liverpool wheelchair fans .

    Yes some people can stand up using a wheelchair, does not make them not disabled.

  25. Re: the principle of less eligibility – from 2013, The New New Poor Law:

  26. Austerity protest: Thousands rally in London against cuts.

    The demonstration, organised by the People’s Assembly, was also attended by shadow chancellor John McDonnell.

    He told the crowd that a Labour government would end austerity and “halt the privatisation of our NHS”. – but will they.

    He also pledged that his party would scrap the work capability assessments affecting people with disabilities and target homelessness by building hundreds of thousands of council homes. – but will they.

    Labour’s Diane Abbott, a fellow speaker, said that fighting austerity was the “political struggle of our time” and blamed cuts on “forcing people out of work and into zero hours contracts, – don”t forget what they call “work experience”

    • And another.

      National Health Service reform protest held in Leeds

      John Puntis, a consultant paediatrician at Leeds General Infirmary, said: “We all use the NHS, we don’t really want to be in the situation where we’re going to have to pay upfront for care as that will exclude treatment for people who can’t afford it, and that’s the way that we’re going.

  27. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Disability discrimination by jobcentre staff

    MKB made this Freedom of Information request to Department for Work and Pensions

    9 April 2016

    16 April 2016

    Dear Operations FOI Requests,

    I repeat my request –

    Following a number of issues with both staff at Castleford and Wakefield Jobcentres, I would like to know what the official policy is with regard to disabled jobseekers. Is it right, for example, that I as a disabled person have been told that “only fully functioning people ever get jobs” and that I should “get false legs and learn to walk like Oscar Pistorius did”.

    I have made official complaints regarding these attitudes, but unfortunately was sanctioned for doing so by the “unacceptable customer behaviour team”. I do not believe this is fair in a civilised society.

    Therefore please inform me as the DWP’s official policies with regard to the treatment of disabled jobseekers and the policies on jobseekers who make complaints about jobcentre staff. Please inform me as to any training whether mandatory or otherwise which jobcentre staff attend and what this covers.

    I am legally entitled to be treated with respect and failure to reply promptly with a proper answer will result in legal action as I feel I should be given this information.

    Yours sincerely,

    Ms MKB Standford

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      “””I have made official complaints regarding these attitudes, but unfortunately was sanctioned for doing so by the “unacceptable customer behaviour team”. I do not believe this is fair in a civilised society.””””

      To make an official complaint is not REPEAT NOT mean a sanction. Also it is not to make someone stuck in a appeals system for years. If the “unacceptable customer behaviour team” can put it in written it`s not worth the paper it`s written. BOGUS SANCTION !!!

    • Thanks for that one Razor.

  28. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The main DWP head departments are in Northern Ireland & Scotland & Caxton House In London as Head Office. All these other small DWP offices are called Jobcentres. These jobcentres are involved with fraud. Jobcentre Post Handling Office aka Maximus office. Local jobcentre aka Capita, Atos , Maximus & Serco & G4s have a stake in the jobcentre runnings & admin. So when you talk to the local jobcentre you are talking to the DWPs contractor. So much more admin is being handled by the Corporate companies hired by the DWP. NO that is not a dwp number jobcentre it is a Maximus number. Funny how Belfast sees it different at the REAL DWP Head Offfice. These local jobcentre mafia called G4S MAXIMUS SERCO ATOS & no DWP down the jobcentre. They forgot to tell the jobcentre staff they work for Maximus because we changed your working contract from DWP to Maximus employers. What strike you stupid jobcentre sheep.

  29. Universal Commenter

    It’s good of all these police to join in the demonstation. 🙂




    Footage he supplied from a hidden camera showed Capita’s chief medical officer, Dr Richard Peters, telling him during his training that the company needed its assessors “to be doing as many assessments a day as you can possibly manage”.

    Peters, who has previously worked for Maximus, another of the three outsourcing companies, also told Finn to “forget your mental health background and park it to one side” when carrying out assessments.

    • Justin Greenwood

      this dr peters if he is indeed a doctor needs to be reported breaking ethics in terms of stating that a professional should forget the training, retrospect any professional that follows his guidelines should also consider there position as to whether they are fit to practice.



    undercover footage showed Barham admitting that he sometimes completed his assessment reports before even meeting the claimants, telling Finn that he could usually “completely dismiss” what he was told by PIP claimants, and making offensive comments about an overweight claimant who was unable to carry out her own personal care.

    Barham, who also runs his own first aid training company, boasted that in the early days of Capita’s PIP contract in 2013, he and other assessors were earning up to £20,000 a month, at a time when DWP was trying to clear an embarrassing backlog of claims.

    Barham said that at the time, Capita – which provides assessments on behalf of DWP across central England and Wales – paid £80 an assessment for the first eight assessments completed every week, then £160 for each of the next six, and £300 for each further assessment.

    He told Finn: “We were flying through them because of that money.”



      DWP stays silent as use of food banks hits record level

      THE Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) refused to answer questions on rising food bank use yesterday, as the UK Government hit out against “misleading” links to benefits problems and low wages.

      In its annual report, The Trussell Trust said welfare payment delays and sanctions are the most common reason given by those turning to emergency food aid, with low income closely behind.

      The charity network provided three-day supply packs for almost 133,730 people across Scotland in 2015-16, marking a new record. The total includes more than 43,960 children and comes as overall UK referrals broke the 1.1 million barrier.

      According to research by the Trussell Trust and Hull University, reliance on food banks was highest in areas with large numbers of people in manual skilled work, or residents with health problems or disabilities that prevent them from working.

      The results have been criticised from across the political spectrum and civic society, with Scottish Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil branding the disproportionately high level of usage in Scotland a “damning indictment” of Westminster policy.

      Yesterday however, the DWP, which is responsible for both employment policy and welfare reform, dismissed such comments and refused to answer questions about what it can do to tackle the ongoing growth of food aid in wealthy Britain.

      The department is now headed by Stephen Crabb MP following the departure of Iain Duncan Smith last month.

    • There is nothing wrong with irritating twats – I should know!



    Women leaving prison in London are now being issued with TENTS ffs

    Make no mistake – Tory Minister Chris Grayling – formerly at Justice and the DWP before that – is the particularly odious, putrid, Hitlerite specimen of Tory Vermin responsible for this utter dereliction of duty and this flagrant, grave and systematic abuse of these women – and that of all sick and/or disabled victims of Tory “reform” to boot.

    He deserves to stand trial and hang for his crimes or at least serve a TOKEN custodial sentence!



    A terminally ill pensioner and lifelong supporter of the Conservatives has hit out at the Government for slashing her disability payment by £80 a week.

    Cancer sufferer Susan Whitby’s financial support from the state has plummetted by more than half – from £135 to £55 a week – after she was reassessed for the controversial new Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

    The ‘stressed, upset and extremely bitter’ Woolbrook Close resident, told by doctors she could have months or years left, feels she has ‘lived too long’ for the Department for Work and Pensions.

    Mrs Whitby, 64, said she has paid more into her pension than she will ever live to take out and, with the cash instead going ‘overseas or to the wealthy’, she will never vote for the Tories again.



      Millionaire Lord Bhatia faces suspension for a SECOND time and ordered to repay expenses

      The wealthy peer has been suspended for eight months after ‘double-claiming’ more than £700 in travel expenses

      Millionaire peer Lord Bhatia faces suspension from the House of Lords for eight months and ordered to repay more than £700 in travel expenses.

      A Lords committee ruled the non-affiliated peer – who does not belong to a political party – had claimed mileage on his Parliamentary expenses which he also claimed from the Ethnic Minority Foundation (EMF), a charity he co-founded.

      The committee recommended the peer be suspended, but the action will have to be approved by the House next week.

      It will be the second time Lord Bhatia has been excluded from the upper house over his expenses.

      He was ordered to pay back £27,466 and was suspended for eight months in 2010, for incorrectly claiming for overnight expenses at a house he shared with his brother, and was not his main residence.

      Amir Bhatia was made a life peer in 2001 by Tony Blair . He was chairman of the EMF until 2009, when he was dismissed from his role after being accused of misappropriating £600,000. The matter was later settled out of court.

  35. …………………

  36. The DWP have very little input with welfare, Maximus owns a vast proportion of the department.
    Steve Crabb is head of the DWP in name only, A stooge put there to deceive the public that the DWP actually exists.
    Maximus is a company, it can do what it likes, it does not answer to Parliament, or anyone else.

    • “DWP” is a marketing department. It is analogous to Freeview and Freesat. Freeview and Freesat do not provide any programmes in the same way the DWP do not provide any benefits. The only programming Freeview and Freesat provide is to broadcast an EPG which they charge broadcasters for inclusion in, the same way all the DWP provide is third-party ‘work programmes’ for which they pay ‘providers’ for.

  37. paultheswineherd

    The Anti-Austerity march has taken place in London today – fantastic effort put in by everyone concerned by the looks of it. Well done all of them.
    Hopefully, this is just the start and from now onwards, the momentum will roll forward progressively. (Also some of the placards are brilliant!)

    • Anti-austerity protesters: ‘why we want David Cameron to resign’

      We spoke to anti-austerity protesters about why they’re marching through central London this Saturday, and why some are asking the prime minister to resign

      • The Tories are facing their biggest crisis yet. David Cameron’s stake in his father’s off shore tax haven, prove that this is a government for the privileged few, not for the majority. This shows beyond all doubt that Cameron is divorced from the life of any working person,” the organisers wrote on their Facebook page.

        Labour are no better with them you have to be part of the lgbt, no wonder they want to stay in Europe they will have a larger following there no doubt, all those Maurice dancers.

        • There you go again Fly; going on about gay people. What is your problem? Are you gay but can’t accept it and so want to shout other gays down? Why are you getting in digs against gays at every opportunity?

          • Matrices dancers gay – really??? You learn something new on here every week…

          • Raining I am not gay but you probably are. I am fed up of gays pushing their way into every area of life in order to push their own agenda’s, and I have every right to say so without you criticizing me, you politically correct cretin that wants to silence anyone who opposes their point of view.

            LONG LIVE THE HETEROSEXUALS should be a slogan for this century if all you lot can talk about is your greed, jealousy and sexuality.

            • Maurice dancers?, are you referring to the blokes that dress up with bells on, doing a jig, with nothing sinister in mind, and that most of them are married with kids.

              Or do mean the Maurice dancers that dance on a satanic pagan day with young boys and girls dancing around a giant phallic with ribbons, doing a ritual to sex and fertility, and of course death.
              Which Maurice dancers do you mean….Oh the Gay ones.!!!

            • But it’s you that keeps bringing the subject up! I never mentioned anything about sexuality in any of my posts and neither did anyone else, except for you that is. As for gays pushing their way into every area of life; why not? If you have a problem with gays that’s your problem. Of course probably you’ve been brainwashed into thinking gays are perverts and all such archaic stuff. Time to come into the modern world. As for your slogan i have no problem with that as i’m not against heterosexuals. But you might want to see a psychologist as to why you fear gays so much. Obviously you have some issues you need to resolve.

            • Fuck Off Fly Hawkes

              Hey Johnny Void, any chance of removing the gay hatred based comments that fly hawkes, the bigoted old fuck keeps posting on your blog?

              • Yeah Johnny you should have a word with him about always banging on about LGBT all the time. He gets these comments in wherever he can even in posts where no one’s even mentioned anything to do with that. He’s obviously got a phobia about gays.

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          Flystalks – You have been talking to a Tory HQ chatbot called No Oppression for the past 6 months. Does that not tell you something !!!

          NOOP had a Tory HQ malfunction & will not be joining us any more.

    • I notice Harry Styles had been photo shopped into the centre of the crowd.

      Replies at the bottom by logical questions were worth reading.

  38. paultheswineherd

    And this is Sky’s coverage of the event (from their website)
    It will be interesting to see if this is covered on the 10PM Sky News (nothing
    about it so far!)

    • Universal Commenter

      It was the first item on RT, and part of their reporting was the fact that it wasn’t being reported by the British media!

  39. Good old RT!

  40. Or should that be young RT – fairly new media.

  41. The welfare trait.

    The recent controversy around the book The Welfare Trait is part of a long-standing debate on whether poverty is caused by structure or behaviour, writes Mireia Borrell-Porta. Here, she offers her own reading of the book and explains why claiming benefits is not simply a question of personality; instead, a number of other factors – including structural economic and environmental – need to be taken into account.

    • Worklessness a trait – don’t make me laugh, it’s caused by lack of jobs – mind you there isn’t a lack of jobs for immigrants flooding into the country !!!

  42. Pingback: How The Welfare To Work Industry Is Ripping Off The Tax Payer #esday16 | VeryVexed

  43. Dead right Marie and poverty is caused through a lack of money or income.

  44. the welfare to work gravy train is a real
    scam.first year of the work program saw
    2% find work..i was thankfully parked like
    most folk..popped in every 3weeks..then
    every 3 months..
    nearly done the 6 month cwp via seetec
    who have a reputation of handing sanctions out like smarties..loads have
    had the brown envelope saying they did
    not attend their placement..when they did..seetec high office just laugh saying
    they go overboard and in they
    have targets or are they just totally inept
    ..or both..glad they lost the contract recently..shed loads on their books..wp
    included..can barely get a pc for j search.
    the placement is almost like an infirmary
    with folk who should be on the sick..guy
    with cystic fibrosis..guy who had a heart
    operation hefting big setees..with the radio on playing “working on the chain
    gang” by sam cooke….you could not make it lad who was only 40
    died of a heart attack (not at the placement) and at day the funeral folk
    asked the religious crew doing the placement whether they could attend
    his funeral..not a chance…said the god
    squad..seems to sum up the contempt
    and hypocracy behind their fixed smiles
    ..profits before the prophets..thankfully
    workfare is seen for what it is by many
    charities who dont traffic in chain gangs
    the only hope i can see out of this horror
    is the ubi (universal basic income)
    it is spreading like wildfire with the
    greens and snp adopting it..switzerland
    about to..trials in holland,finland etc..
    cross party support as well..
    it may take another 2008 for the window
    of opportunity to shift but the idea of no welfare to work parasites like seetec or maximus .. the amount saved on bullshit
    bureaucracy will be very attractive to the
    cash strapped planners in that scenario
    and the health and peace of mind of those hounded,starved,smeared will
    improve with a drastic fall in the suicide
    rates and the dismantling of food banks..

    • Universal basic income is only the holy grail for those that have money or assets, it will not give those on benefits anything they were not entitled to in the first place – if that!

      • TiredAndEmotional

        Of course it will benefit people who have no money or assets, you stupid prick! At the moment all benefits are conditional, i.e. subject to being removed through sanctions, or being lost when someone gains employment. A universal unconditional basic income does away completely with any kind of conditionality and provides a basic level of income sufficient to live on, with wages from work adding to that basic income. It will effectively mean an end to the poverty trap, and would be paid for out of taxation on income, and of course also partly from the huge reduction in the need for bureaucratic oversight.

        Your constant criticism of any UUBI (Unconditional Universal Basic Income) seems to be based mainly on some kind of envy because those on higher incomes will also get it, you claim they will gain more from it that poorer people, when in fact the opposite would be true, as it would be unlikely that they’d pay less tax than they received in any UUBI, and in all probability under such a scheme they would be paying much, much more, thus such a scheme would be both progressive and truly re-distributive, with poorer people, for once actually gaining something. That’s the way it’s worked when schemes similar in some ways have been tried around the world in different places, and I doubt the case for a more radical form of it would turn that on it’s head were such a system adopted here.

        Futhermore, it would actually allow people to make real choices about the way they live their lives, and how they work, should they indeed choose to work. I would think that most people would actually choose to work, as I can’t conceive that a UUBI would provide a life of luxury, and we all like to have some of the nice things in life, for which we are prepared to strive/work for. It would also put employers on the spot, and force them to actually think about both paying people properly and providing decent working conditions, if they want employees.

        Okay, so none of the above gets rid of the beast called capitalism, but it does humanise it a little, and actually starts to provide the space needed by us all so that we can actually start to contemplate the kind of society we want. The world has changed, and the future just won’t provide enough jobs for us all, as much of the work being done now is about to be automated. Unless we start to demand something like a UUBI we could lose out completely, having no jobs, and no entitlements to benefits in the way that we used to have. No unemployment benefit has ever been an entitlement in the true sense, as such payments have always been conditional on being available for work – it’s been that way since 1931 when the conditionality clause was brought in for the dole by the then Labour government. It remained a core requirement under all the post WW2 unemployment legislation, with only National Assistance, (later called Supplementary Benefit, and even later still, Income Support) slightly different in that it was means tested, yet another form of conditionality.

        Universal Credit does nothing to change all this, and in fact ramps up conditionality to absurd, insisting on conditions being met that 35 hours a week are spent searching for increasingly elusive jobs that, if they exist at all pay starvation wages, and only offer a few hours, maybe, if the employer is so inclined, every now and then.

        It’s pretty simple really, and even though it’s not the holy grail, it certainly isn’t a poisoned chalice either, and could well propel people towards considering the notion of an economic system that isn’t based on money at all, but on the idea that we all have needs and desires and that the purpose of human society is to satisfy those needs and desires.

    • Some of us put the prophet before profit.

  45. To right marie, all the barriers put up for us dont seem a problem for them, but then again thats the intention so we can be their vast pool of slave labour while the immigrants help keep the wages shite.

  46. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Payments To Maximus, HML, CHDA

    Kevan Taylor made this Freedom of Information request to Department for Work and Pensions

    This request has an unknown status. We’re waiting for Kevan Taylor to read recent responses and update the status.

    From: Kevan Taylor

    17 March 2016

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

    DWP has 3 Contracts with MAXIMUS UK. These are:

    • Work Programme (CPA 03);
    • Work Programme (CPA 09); and
    • Work Programme (CPA 18).
    Fit for Work Service (Health and Work Services)
    Health and Disability Assessment Service

    The value of these contracts exceed 1 Billion pounds and are broken down below:

    CPA – 3 – £71,376,585
    CPA – 9 – £105,011,605
    CPA – 18 – £9,276,939
    Health and Work Service – £132,900,000
    Health and Disability Assesment Service – £595,000,000

    I would like to know the payment schedule to Maximus for these contracts, please include the amount paid, the date, and what the payment was for. The contracts started in the summer of 2011 with the exception of the HDAS which commenced in 2014.
    Please make this information availbe by email format.

    For clarification please also include payments for the above services to subsidiaries (CHDA + HML which are owned soley by Maximus

    Yours faithfully,
    Kevan Taylor
    Kevan Taylor

  47. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  48. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Disability discrimination: “pull yourself together” comment to employee with depression

    Personnel Today – 15th April 2016

    An employment tribunal has held that a director’s comment to an employee with depression that “everyone gets depressed sometimes, you just have to pull yourself together” was discrimination arising from disability. Stephen Simpson rounds up recent tribunal decisions.

    Director’s unsympathetic comments about mental illness were discriminatory
    The employment tribunal decision in Wickers v Colchester Visionplus Ltd t/a Specsavers Opticians concerned a director who made dismissive comments about an employee’s medical condition.

    Ms Wickers, an optical assistant at Specsavers, received some formal and informal warnings for failure to comply with the employer’s absence notification procedure, lateness and a dispensing error.

    She became tearful during her appraisal with a director and he advised that she should see her GP.

    Ms Wickers later told the director that she was struggling with depression and he responded by saying that he had no sympathy for “this kind of thing”.

    The director went on to say that “everyone gets depressed sometimes, you just have to pull yourself together”.

    Read More:

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The main media seems to have missed it perhaps they need glasses.

      Should Have Gone To Disability Discrimination employment tribunal

  49. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Universal Credit

    There is NOT a paper claim form for Universal Credit, but in exceptional circumstances a claim can be made by telephone or face-to-face.

    Claims for Universal Credit are expected to be made online.

  50. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    You will then be asked a set of questions that will determine whether you
    are eligible to claim Universal Credit.

    If you are not eligible to claim Universal Credit a message will appear on the screen that tells you this and directs you to further information about benefits and credits that you might be eligible for.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      All that to see a public form – or have we now got a contract before we get to see the form !!! DWP Vetting For A Public Form !!! What don`t you want the Tory Voters to know about Universal Credit !!!

  51. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    After submitting your claim DWP will contact you by telephone to tell you the date of your personalised work search interview and what evidence you need to bring to it. A text message will be sent to confirm the appointment details.

  52. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    If you are claiming as a couple you will both get appointments from Jobcentre Plus to come in and meet your work coach. Before the interview you will be asked to:
    • confirm your identity and provide documents that support your Universal
    Credit claim
    • sign a copy of your claim details

    Also be held for ransom with the next bit]

    At the interview you will:
    • discuss your job search and draw up a Claimant Commitment. You will need to accept your Claimant Commitment as a condition of entitlement to Universal Credit. You will be given a copy of this to take away
    • be advised of the support that is available like Universal Jobmatch
    • discuss any budgeting support you might need
    • be reminded of your responsibilities and what will happen if you fail to
    meet your responsibilities

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Take Away !!!!!

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Universal Credit Is A Big Secret & Can Only Be Viewed On Already Agreeing To The Terms & Conditions Before Signing. To late your breaking your responsibilities terms & Conditions.

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          Housing Benefit Money Laundering Scam.

          • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

            Since Housing Benefit is not through councils any more the DWP or should I say MAXIMUS who are running Universal. All equal one form that is bogus & a flag ship that sunk with the idea of Universal Credit.

  53. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    You will be informed that your decision letter can be used as proof of your claim when applying for other benefits that are available to Universal Credit claimants. This letter will be posted to you.


    No I want a copy of the original claim, not a decision of a claim. Is that because they have no claim form but a tick box system UNUM working Universal credit Atos & Maximus doing the work for the DWP.

  54. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Your Claimant Commitment

    When you claim Universal Credit you will need to accept your Claimant Commitment.

    In most cases your Claimant Commitment will be drawn up during a conversation with your work coach at your local jobcentre.

    Your Claimant Commitment will set out what you have agreed to do to prepare for and look for work, or to increase your earnings if you are already working. It will be based on your personal circumstances and will be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis. Each time it is updated, you will need to accept a new Claimant Commitment to keep receiving Universal Credit.

    The Claimant Commitment is your record of the responsibilities that you have accepted in return for receiving Universal Credit, and the consequences of not meeting them. Your Universal Credit payments may be cut if you don’t meet your responsibilities.

    If you have a Universal Credit online account you will be able to view your latest Claimant Commitment online. You will also be able to update your progress on your goals using that account.

    If you claim Universal Credit as a couple, both of you will need to accept a Claimant Commitment. You will each have your own Claimant Commitment, and yours may be affected if your partner starts work or their circumstances change

    Click to access uc-your-claimant-commitment.pdf

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Universal Credit aka Claimant Commitment

      Claimant Commitment aka Universal Credit.

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        If you have a disability or health condition which prevents you from working

        You will not be asked to work, and will be supported through Universal Credit.

        LIE = You will be asked to attend a WCA fake medical.

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          Jumping the gun on the ESA completion . ESA is now Universal Credit Where Disability Is A Thing Of The Past – With Positive Bullshit Thinking with our corporate companies killing disabled people & earning £Billions in a mass genocide.

  55. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    What till the Tory Voters start wising up – Walk The Plank Dodgy Dave.


    Press Release: British Gas to be told to ‘pay compensation for overcharging’ at AGM
    Campaigners will demand an end to ‘break-ins’ to install pre-payment meters

    Fuel Poverty Action campaigners will attend the Centrica AGM tomorrow to demand compensation for customers they say have suffered from British Gas extortion and bullying, beginning with people who have been forced onto pre-payment meters and then charged hundreds of pounds more than a fair price.
    Shareholders plan to ask the Board to state British Gas’s share of the £2.5 billion that the Competition and Marketing Authority found energy companies overcharged their customers last year, in particular those on pre-payment meters who are generally the poorest and most vulnerable (1).
    They will also call on the company to end the practice of ‘break-ins’ for the forced installation of pre-payment meters, often against the will of customers as well as Ofgem rules. The practice was recently exposed by the BBC’s Panorama programme (2).

    Their demands will be backed up by a letter to CEO Iain Conn, who was paid £3 million in 2015, laying out what they call the company’s “predatory practices”, and quoting the first hand experiences of British Gas customers (3).

    The AGM will take place at the Queen Elizabeth 2 Conference Centre, Westminster, from 11.00 a.m. on Monday 18 April.

    • Seeing as you are so up to speed about Zyklon B, what is your expert analysis of the Leuchter & Rudolf reports ….

      • …………………he had all the necessary qualifications to work for Atos, Capita or Maximus, a conman in holocaust denial………

        Before Leuchter could do this, he was examined by the court. It soon became apparent that Leuchter’s credentials were seriously lacking. He admitted that he was not a toxicologist and dismissed the need for having a degree in engineering, to which the judge responded abruptly:

        • Did you read that on Wikipedia the propaganda website designed to throw you off the track when you are doing some serious research!

          • How come the holocaust lie was bandied about before and during world war one but it wasn’t taken seriously, so when world war two was instigated it was wheeled out again and bingo it was fallen for hook,line and sinker……. If at first you dont suceed!


    This year we’ve seen stories about the homeless people charged to sleep rough, the terminally ill being sent to work and people who were ‘fit for work’ literally dropping dead. Austerity and budget cuts have carved a deep wound into some of the most vulnerable members of society.

    Among these cuts, George Osbourne’s budget outlined a cool £20,000,000 that is to be given from the taxpayer, to the Church of England to restore cathedrals around the country. Some individuals, Christians and clergy have criticised the move, pointing out that the public could better be served pushing the money where it is desperately needed. The institute that is the Church of England did not feel the same, responding quickly to the budget saying, “The Church of England has welcomed warmly the announcement in the Chancellor’s Budget today of a £20 million fund for works to cathedrals.”

    Many outsiders argue that the Church of England, as one of the wealthiest land owners in the country, should not receive such handouts and the allocated cash is almost as outlandish as the royals requesting a poverty grant to heat Buckingham Palace.


    This year we’ve seen stories about the homeless people charged to sleep rough, the terminally ill being sent to work and people who were ‘fit for work’ literally dropping dead. Austerity and budget cuts have carved a deep wound into some of the most vulnerable members of society.

    Among these cuts, George Osbourne’s budget outlined a cool £20,000,000 that is to be given from the taxpayer, to the Church of England to restore cathedrals around the country. Some individuals, Christians and clergy have criticised the move, pointing out that the public could better be served pushing the money where it is desperately needed. The institute that is the Church of England did not feel the same, responding quickly to the budget saying, “The Church of England has welcomed warmly the announcement in the Chancellor’s Budget today of a £20 million fund for works to cathedrals.”

    Many outsiders argue that the Church of England, as one of the wealthiest land owners in the country, should not receive such handouts and the allocated cash is almost as outlandish as the royals requesting a poverty grant to heat Buckingham Palace.

    • That is why we should re-instate the church of Rome – the original church of British Christians until Henry V111 , the pope being the direct descendant of St. Peter, Christ’s apostle.

      • Had the Church of England given the cathedrals back to their original owners, perhaps, they might not need the 20 million! Too, had the Church not changed the Mass to English, it would be in a better shape to take them back!

      • TiredAndEmotional

        Actually the Church of Rome was not the original church of the British Christians, as they had the insular churches (also known as the Celtic Churches) until gradually brought under the heel of Rome once more, ( it has to be remembered that Christianity was introduced into these islands in the late Roman period) which remained the church of the British people (who weren’t the English, or Anglo-Saxons, but more predecessors of the Welsh) until after Saxon England became Christian.

        • Anything before Christianity arrived here was based on the old testament not the new testament after Christ’s death.




    17/4/2016 10:16:19 am

    It would appear every report on the BBC news, whether its a murder or a cat up a tree, must have a reporter standing in the street for no obvious reason. When asked why a reporter should be sent to stand outside an empty Houses of Parliament, we are told “the audience like it”. So the fact that they didn’t send a team to report on the demo or show any of the speeches or do street interviews with the demonstrators, is deliberate. They manage to do that if its the Ukraine or any other far off country but not when its on their own doorstep.
    BTW where’s the coverage of the massive protests happening in France at the moment?
    Are they worried we might get ideas?

    • Surely here is your own stubborn belief that the mainstream media can be reformed or in some way pressured to represent to workers? That the corporate media, BBC or otherwise is in bed with the government is well known. The question you should be asking yourself is, why are you trying to hold up the BBC? Use a reputable socialist workers news source like, and drop the BBC as the anti-worker, establishment, propagandising platform it is. Don’t try to hold it to account. And don’t feed it. -That’s the British slave in you, loyal to our own National poison.

    • @Geoff
      The BBC’s Nick Robinson ais a Tory activist, as is his successor Laura Kuenssberg. The News department of the BBC is shot through with Tories.

      • What about that guy with the dodgy teeth – Norman Smith? Andrew Neil is definitely a Tory and that Micheal Portiloo guy looks suspicious.

      • A snippet from Cuntsberg’s wiki:

        “The daughter of Scottish businessman Nick Kuenssberg, OBE, and his wife Sally Kuenssberg, CBE,her paternal grandfather was the German-born Dr. Ekkehard von Kuenssberg, a founder and president of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Her maternal grandfather was Lord Robertson who was a High Court of Justiciary judge.

        Kuenssberg was born in Italy, while her father was assigned there by Coats Viyella.[6] She grew up in Glasgow, with her brother and sister,[7] and attended Laurel Bank School, an independent girls’ school.[8]

        Kuenssberg studied history at the University of Edinburgh, followed by a journalism course at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., where she worked on an NBC News political programme.

        Her brother is a senior civil servant in the Department for Communities and Local Government and her sister is a diplomat, High Commissioner to Mozambique since 2014.”

      • Also involved in the far right-wing ‘Policy Exchange’:



  64. Lol look at flyshit ,lol,lol,lol …..look at her trying to get in there …well said marie …….ares licking …..sąd…..old …..flyshit……flyshit do you walk with a Lisp and talk with a wiggle ,lol,lol,lol poor old flyshit ,sąd old cow …..flyshit you know were you live are you viewed as a……the local bag lady……b….the village idiot…or c…..the local oddity……….poor,poor,poor,sąd old miss flyshit ……never had the guts to come out,come out the closet flyshit …..oh no hang on your just about the last kind of turd ….we need anywere near us …….we dont want you,lol,lol,lol poor old flyshit silly old queen


    ………………….He thinks he has escaped, unpunished for the murders of countless thousands of the uk’s most vulnerable citizens but behind the false tears lays a cold heartless killer.

    The most damning evidence of a governments poisoned chalice of social engineering experiments on human life is yet to be unveiled……….

    DWP stooges will be working against the clock to dilute the crimes of the century, the demise of Smith a ruse to try and distance a government department from the slayings of a sad, deluded psycopath who treated his own staff with equal hatred as those he saw as useless eaters, the disabled.

    It takes two to tango and if the gallows that awaits the clown of darkness is to be readily constructed it should serve another of Camerons cold killers, Lord David Freud……….

    Freud is an architect of death. A man with the mindset of a successful extermination camp builder, the brains behind the crematoria.

    The media are being briefed at this very moment on hiding the bad news yet our cemeteries are bursting with evidence to the contrary.

    The litigation has not started yet but the hangmans halter is tightening for those that developed the most heinous killing in post war history.

    After three years of hell with these tyrants i can see light at the end of the tunnel and political figures falling like dominos as the truth seeps out……………………

  66. “one year ago”


    MAY 2015

    The information watchdog has ordered the government to publish hugely controversial figures that will update the number of people who have died while claiming out-of-work disability benefits.

    Activists have been calling on the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to publish the figures since November 2012.

    The ruling came after an appeal by Mike Sivier, a freelance journalist and carer who runs the Vox Political blog and has himself been pushing for the figures to be published since the summer of 2013.

    DWP originally published statistics in July 2012 which showed that 10,600 people had died between January and November 2011 while claiming employment and support allowance (ESA), and where the date of death was within six weeks of the claim ending.

    Their publication caused huge controversy, although many disabled campaigners disagreed over what the figures actually showed. Ministers subsequently blocked publication of any updated figures.

    When challenged under the Freedom of Information Act, DWP claimed that new figures would be published at some point in the future.

    But the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has now told DWP that that was not a valid reason not to publish the figures, and has ordered it to disclose how many claimants died between November 2011 and May 2014.



  67. He certainly is the minister for the disabled, there are none more disabled than this lot in power.

  68. Now the Saturday Stroll through London has Finished will there be any
    Actual Momentum for there to be No Austerity ?

    There is No Point Saturday Strolls through London if Austerity is to
    Carry On in the Nutcase Austerity Thousand Year Reich

    No Austerity means Yes to a Decent Country to Live In

  69. Disconnected with Common Sense

    New Labour

    As for the ” New Politics ” under Jeremy Corbyn it is More like
    the ” New Pantomime ” but One which does Not Protect the Poor
    and Vulnerable

    The Country Needs Common Sense and that Means No Austerity

  70. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    NoOppression is a Tory HQ chatbot. Do you have a brain? No you automate your answers to love IDS?

  71. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  72. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Easy to stick a bomb on a drone. Chemical Weapons on a drone. Putting the suicide bombers out of work. Rich peoples toys & a weapon !!

  73. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  74. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The culture today is going into contracts without signing up for the contract – Too late How Did That Happen !!

  75. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  76. It is Not Just George Osborne that I would Not endorse for Prime Minister but Jeremy Corbyn as Well.

    Reason Supporting the EU which has Inflicted a Neo Liberal Agenda

    EU Directive 91/440 Privatised British Railways

  77. More of a Brain that You Have

    No Intelligent Comments as Ever Hey Stepping ?

    Stepping Razor Sound Plate System | April 18, 2016 at 2:43 pm | Reply

    NoOppression is a Tory HQ chatbot. Do you have a brain? No you automate your answers to love IDS?

  78. I Agree Fly Hawkes

    fly hawkes | April 18, 2016 at 3:09 pm | Reply

    disabled you idiot means unable to do certain things, in the case of parliamentarians that means they are incapable – comprehendo you dumbo!

  79. Everything the government does rips off the taxpayer, are just there to feather their own nests and screw us over!

  80. The Country Needs a Voice for the Underdog and that Voice is Better
    to be at the Heart of Government than a Shambles of an Opposition
    that is No Opposition at All

    We Need Common Sense and Human Compassion at the Heart of
    Government Policy Not occasional Saturday strolls in London and a
    Pretend ” Opposition ” Slave Labour and Jeremy Corbyn’s ” New Politics ”
    the New Pantomime but Not For the Poor and Vulnerable

    fly hawkes | April 17, 2016 at 6:26 pm | Reply

    It’s just a shame the opposition has changed it’s values and not fought back.

  81. So Called ” Anti Austerity ” Politicians are at Best Out of Touch and in
    Cloud Cuckooland by supporting the Corrupt Neo Liberal EU

    Norway has the Common Sense to be Out of the EU

    enigma | April 16, 2016 at 5:25 pm | Reply

    Austerity protest: Thousands rally in London against cuts.

    The demonstration, organised by the People’s Assembly, was also attended by shadow chancellor John McDonnell.

    He told the crowd that a Labour government would end austerity and “halt the privatisation of our NHS”. – but will they.

    He also pledged that his party would scrap the work capability assessments affecting people with disabilities and target homelessness by building hundreds of thousands of council homes. – but will they.

    Labour’s Diane Abbott, a fellow speaker, said that fighting austerity was the “political struggle of our time” and blamed cuts on “forcing people out of work and into zero hours contracts, – don”t forget what they call “work experience”

    • We’ve already read that noop.

    • No Bigger turncoat than Diane Abbott, she loves to cavort with Michael Portillo on ‘This Week’ programme, sent her kids to public schools and did not resign from the labour party when new labour took over, instead embraced it wholeheartedly.
      George Galloway was the one who stood up for marginalized and vulnerable people of all colours and was thrown out of the labour party for his efforts.

      • Shouldn’t really tell you but as long as you promise to keep schtum 😉 Dianne has a copy of Bradshaw’s Guide (wink, wink) stuffed down her size 40 knickers 🙂

  82. Human Rights includes Political and Religious Freedom of Speech

    Political Correctness is Slavery

    fly hawkes | April 17, 2016 at 4:26 pm | Reply

    Raining I am not gay but you probably are. I am fed up of gays pushing their way into every area of life in order to push their own agenda’s, and I have every right to say so without you criticizing me, you politically correct cretin that wants to silence anyone who opposes their point of view.

    LONG LIVE THE HETEROSEXUALS should be a slogan for this century if all you lot can talk about is your greed, jealousy and sexuality.

  83. A Vote to Leave the EU would be a Political Defeat for David Cameron
    and George Osborne and Slave Labour the Stooges of Austerity as Well

    A Defeat for the Political Establishment there is Opposition to the EU on
    the Continent of Europe as well such as in Denmark for Instance

  84. paultheswineherd

    Pay to stay Government defeat in the HOL. This could mean the end of the crazy idea of raising rents on higher earner council tenants.

  85. paultheswineherd

    You wont be seeing this on BBC News in a hurry – not if they can help it anyway! Jeremy Cunt is facing a whole basket of (legal) trouble ahead.

  86. paultheswineherd

    Embarrassment for pig-fuck as key Treasury report exposes failure of Tory migration target.

  87. paultheswineherd

    Well, I am a Dutchman – fancy that – illegal arms sales to Saudi and the like!
    I only hope that it is not eventually investigated by Tory M.P.’s – there would be a massive cover up as per usual. After all, their ‘friends’ just have to be protected – naturally!

    • GOV.UK

      Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payment: main differences.







  88. paultheswineherd

    (Off Topic) This is worth a look at and its quite humorous in places:
    “Do you know the Queen – your fanny!”–WyVtNqNBZb

  89. paultheswineherd

    RT reporting that Philip Hammond (Foreign Sec.) has said that Britain is going to give £10 Million to Libya. There is growing speculation (British Special Forces already on the ground there since January!) that Britain is preparing to send in ground troops to Libya, firstly to ‘train & support Libyan troops) and also to help prevent ISIS forces spreading.
    I would not be at all surprised if Cameron agreed to put more boots on the ground there.

  90. paultheswineherd

    Even less democracy – its becoming more like Hitler’s Gov’t every day!
    The Government can put troops into a combat zone without seeking approval from Parliament! (War Powers Law)

  91. paultheswineherd

    And now -something for the over 50’s in ‘lower paid work’ fm Frank Field

    • paultheswineherd

      Next – it’ll be lower wage top-ups for the over 60’s & over 70’s as well! 😦

      • Not awfully impressed with MP Fields idea here. Note how he says these tops ups would be for those who have paid such and such amount into the system. What of those who haven’t paid into the system enough, mainly as they had no jobs for years and years? Take it they won’t qualify/ MP Fields, it seems just can’t help himself. Every idea he ever comes up with usually is a worthless idea!

  92. VOTE O.U.T.

  93. Lol,lol,lol,……flyshit……flyshit…..flyshi….ttttt ,were are you……flyshit….fffflyshityy are you there ,lol ……flyshit …..hey flyshit your an old the małe vertion lol as your an old maid …do you want to come and be my maid you can cook and clean and live under the staires …and you can pay me for the privalige of being my maid i wont acept anything less than say 80 per hour from you ……..flyshitttttt.ooooh flyshit………..flyyyyyyyshitttttt were are you ……flyshitttttttt,lol

    • All those years of tax payer funded education, and you can’t put a literate sentence together. What a waste. All of that money squandered on a Fuck Up like you. Thank God there will never be a Labour Government in England again. The Tories will rightly make you bleed for your welfare over the oncoming years. Quite right too. You worthless piece of illiterate Scum.

  94. Hey flyshit. Hey flyshit. It is flyshit isnt it thats your name flyshit why dont you just own it ,own your biggotry and hatered come on shitbag just own it come out with it…..say i hate gaypeople ,i hate trans people,i hate women ……..come on say it…….say it …..come on flyshit…..come on say it,say it you hate black people,do you hate other races and minoritys …….come on,come on flyshit …..out with it …..flyshit…….why are you here on this Site ….?????? All you do is spread hatered …….isnt that right flyshit ……your a hater …….go and see a shrink…….if youve got the guts fly……shit

    • Damo You definitely need to shrink back into that closet you creep, sneak, tell tale, man loving shirt lifter, (or perhaps you are a gay woman but I doubt it), you are jealous of women.
      You hate me because I am a straight woman with a sense of humour and you are in competition with straight women for their straight men, that is why you hang around straight women like a bad smell, so that you can get your hands on their man.

  95. ps I have never felt animosity for gay anybody, infact the opposite, but my sympathy has worn very thin when you realise they are out for all they can get for themselves.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      —Noop & Flystalks want people to kill themselves – They even promote & wish them good luck in committing suicide on here. What sort of people openly promote these sorts of hate !!! They get their jollies off from someones despirate plight & see it as entertainment. They have no place here & are making people health worse because they promote what the Tory policy is.

  96. Pingback: De Britse reïntegratie-industrie is een grote oplichtersbende |

  97. All Slavery and All Oppression is Wrong

    paultheswineherd | April 18, 2016 at 10:13 pm | Reply

    Next – it’ll be lower wage top-ups for the over 60’s & over 70’s as well!😦

  98. Adultery only causes Harm like Political Correctness

    People have a Private Life but so do People have a Right to
    Political and Religious Freedom of Speech

    fly hawkes | April 19, 2016 at 9:53 am | Reply

    Damo You definitely need to shrink back into that closet you creep, sneak, tell tale, man loving shirt lifter, (or perhaps you are a gay woman but I doubt it), you are jealous of women.
    You hate me because I am a straight woman with a sense of humour and you are in competition with straight women for their straight men, that is why you hang around straight women like a bad smell, so that you can get your hands on their man.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      I am a Tory Chatbot – I give genocide to the disabled. I also believe disability is a thing of the past. Repeating my post is dangerous for NOOP the Tory Chatbox. The Welfare Reform is meant to kill off poor people in a corporate genocide. NOOP is a Tory Chatbot

  99. There are many Stooges of Oppression and Tyranny out There

    The Country Needs to Say No to Oppression and Tyranny

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


      am a Tory Chatbot – I give genocide to the disabled. I also believe disability is a thing of the past. Repeating my post is dangerous for NOOP the Tory Chatbox. The Welfare Reform is meant to kill off poor people in a corporate genocide. NOOP is a Tory Chatbot

  100. Indeed

    Those who have tried to Stand Up for the Poor and Vulnerable have been
    given a Hard Time by the Slave Labour Party

    fly hawkes | April 18, 2016 at 10:11 pm | Reply

    No Bigger turncoat than Diane Abbott, she loves to cavort with Michael Portillo on ‘This Week’ programme, sent her kids to public schools and did not resign from the labour party when new labour took over, instead embraced it wholeheartedly.
    George Galloway was the one who stood up for marginalized and vulnerable people of all colours and was thrown out of the labour party for his efforts.

  101. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  102. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  103. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


    Start fucking quoting me you Tory Chatbot – Malfunctioned.

  104. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    A Dictatorship gives freedom with our Maximus Work Coaches.

  105. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Suicide suicide suicide that`s what the Tories want the Suicide Policy.

  106. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Suicidal Tor Chatbot.

  107. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Tory Chatbots kill Atos, Maximus, Serco, Seetec, G4S.

    Suicidal Risk Assessment duties.

  108. I Wonder how many will Celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday and
    How will sing God Save The Queen

  109. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  110. Indeed the Corrupt EU with it’s Neo Liberal Austerity Agenda certainly is

    Stepping Razor Sound Plate System | April 19, 2016 at 2:06 pm | Reply


  111. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  112. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    I am going to be in all the national newspapers in 3 weeks for £1 million of disability benefit fraud. So get ready for action !!!!

  113. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Suicidal Murders – Terrorists at the DWP.

  114. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The DWP Hate Crime The Disabled. Disability Hate Crime by the DWP.

  115. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Disability Is A Thing Of The Past.


  116. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Noop & Flystalks want people to kill themselves – They even promote & wish them good luck in committing suicide on here. What sort of people openly promote these sorts of hate !!! They get their jollies off from someones despirate plight & see it as entertainment. They have no place here & are making people health worse because they promote what the Tory policy is.

  117. What happened to the March on Downing Street? Voydo was instigatio chaosio, but predictably, nothing happened. It wasn’t even reported on the news. Well I’ll tell you muppets sumptin, Old Cigareet, He sho as Goad made little green apples, told you nothing would happen, and He was right. Yessir, Ode Cigareet is always right.
    Now get back to your job search You Scum. Haw haw haw!!!

  118. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The Tory Trolls are out in force. Or is it the same person Flystalks !!!

    Don`t forget NOOP is a Tory HQ Chatbot but flystalks works with the chatbot being a Tory HQ plan !!!!

  119. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Next Bullshitter Plaese !!!

  120. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  121. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Claim Universal Credit & become Homeless !!!

  122. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Please Don`t Give Don`t Give More & More Disability Hate Crime I Might Commit Suicide.

      There`s A Donkey – There`s A Carrot !!!

  123. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  124. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    NOW PISS OFF !!!

  125. OT: Another insane Idea by Idiot Fool, Politicians

    h/t to unemploymentmovement:

    “DISADVANTAGED school children who do not want to go to university should be able to access some form of student loan, a Conservative MP has said.

    “Philip Davies insisted pupils can benefit from loans that allow them to access work experience in big cities and other opportunities that may otherwise be outside their reach.”

    UM Comments:

    What next – loans for nursery care that kids repay before they start work experience!


    Where do you start with this insane &^*t?

    a] unable to go to college/university – perhaps its due to the cost?
    b] would be unemployed student goes to bank for loan to go to college/university – yes, I can really see a student at that age getting a loan for thousands and thousand…
    c] Poor – “Loan, being poor”, isn’t there a clue in that about why this is a non starter for Banks etc?

    etc etc

    basically, its lets get our hooks into them young, and make them even poorer [what’s the guarantee that the course will even get them a job – especially considering the piss-poor advice that sent thousands for unwanted courses] & and as a plus, get them in debt, and as poor gets them used to being in debt… What’s not to like?

  126. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Flystalks aka Bernie now I will involve your fucked up kids Art & Rex !!

  127. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Tory Party your voters will turn against you with Universal Credit !!!

    The threat !!!

  128. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Let`s talk Bernie !!!

  129. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    I think Politics is meaningless for the plight of the disabled.

  130. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Politics is a barrier of disabled Human Rights.

  131. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Fraud Is The Name Of The DWP Game.

  132. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Flystalks aka Bernie can`t talk now coz the kids are back from school at £22,000 each a term it`s hard to find £42,000 each year on the kids posh education. Being a rebel sitting on £8 million not having to work & see it as entertainment taking the piss out of the poor & disabled.

    Very 2 dimensional.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Now arrest me for threatening to kill you all at ATOS & Maximus & Berie`s Wife !!

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        To Kill With A Pen On The Written Word.

        I know what`s going on & your brainwashing tactics are there to show you people want you dead. Public Hanging & Public Weakness that is a weapon against the poor & disabled to kill off the poor & disabled with TORY CRAP N& TORY CHATBOT TO INFOOLTRAITE DISABLED SO CALLED Weakness. Always have to have the last word – In Human Rights & not BULLSHIT. Hate Crime is rife & don`t take medicine if you can`t take your own medicine. The only thing that works is the spanner in the works.

  133. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

  134. paultheswineherd

    With all due respect, we know this already – but this now just confirms it!

    • If I was a minister involved with the DWP regarding this can of worms, I would check what’s going in my cocoa at night.
      Ministers have a funny habit of suddenly leaving this mortal coil, when a scandal is uncovered.


      ……….three of my friends in Penang, Malaysia, contacted me to say they had seen the 150,000 strong demo against our corrupt government on their media channels.
      It’s nice to know that the other side of the world are aware of what’s happening in this shit hole of a nation.


      If i was a corporate serial killer like the DWP, i think i would try and hide the mortality deaths a little longer………….

      Asked by the Guardian if they would appeal the decision, both the DWP and the ICO said they were still considering the decision.

      A DWP spokesman said: “We have received the tribunal’s decision and are considering the judgment.”

      An ICO spokeswoman said: “The commissioner is reviewing the tribunal’s decision and can make no further comment at this stage.”


  135. paultheswineherd

    Jeremy Cunt is determined to go through with it – unless he is stopped!
    This is another fucker that has got to be stopped – at all costs.
    Jeremy Cunt is hell bent on privatising OUR National Health Service.



    Says it all.

    Former Milton Keynes councillor escapes jail after pleading guilty to child and animal porn charges

    Man sent to prison for begging




    ……….But concerns have now been raised about the impartiality of two key figures in the commission, who are both likely to play a key role in the inquiry.

    Disability Rights UK (DR UK) has come forward to raise concerns over the voting record of Lord [Chris] Holmes (pictured), the watchdog’s disability commissioner and a Conservative peer, who voted in the House of Lords in favour of those welfare reforms.

    But there are also concerns over David Isaac, the lawyer the government has chosen to take over as the commission’s new chair.

    Isaac, a former chair of the gay rights charity Stonewall, is a partner in law firm Pinsent Masons, and specialises in providing advice on “major public and private sector UK and global commercial and outsourcing projects”.

    His own profile on the firm’s website states that he “leads teams of lawyers on major projects” for, among others, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

    But Pinsent Masons this week refused to say which outsourcing projects Isaac has worked on for DWP, leading to the possibility that he could have been involved in some of the reforms his own watchdog will now be investigating.



    • paultheswineherd

      Geoff – Exactly so – this is absolutely disgraceful. It is just like turning two ewes into a field and not expecting them to eat any of the grass that is on offer to them.

      • Not your kind of grass!

        • Loving your war of words with these worthless wasters, fly hawks. I never realised that you were a “femme”, perhaps there’s the possibility of some future (Russky Slova, “Buddit” ) erotic love play between us? A bit of slap and tickle to fill the void in our lives. Psssssst. I have a penchant for being spanked.
          And remember, fly hawks, my kindred spirit and, possible future “Fuck Buddy”, us Fifth Columnist Right Wing Tory Trolls should stick together.



      Sue Bott, DR UK’s deputy chief executive, said Lord Holmes had voted in favour of the government’s welfare reforms, including cutting payments by £30 a week for new employment and support allowance (ESA) claimants placed in the work-related activity group.


  139. paultheswineherd

    These are nothing more than just a bunch of fucking corrupt Tory bastards

  140. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Centre for Health and Disability Assessments

    19th April 2016

    What To Expect at Your Health Assessment (AUDIO DESCRIPTION)


    DWP BULLSHIT…………….

    Robert Ellard left an annotation (19 April 2016)

    So the “Large Body of Evidence” to support the mantra that “Work is good for you ” is a single report from 2006 which is full of caveats – it actually says that some work is good for some people, and is harmful to others

    There are no follow up studies to see the effect of sending large numbers of people who have been on Incapaticy benefit back to finding work – did they get jobs – did they remain long term unemployed, if they got work, was it good for them? or harmful ? did they sustain the job or go back on to ESA – none of this has been studied

    Link to this




    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      They need to define the word Work. Work using a capital W means Work the importance of the cap W is that work has been redefined to mean something else.

      • But you don’t know the meaning of the word ‘Work’ or ‘work’, Stepping. You have by your own admission being claiming benefits for your whole adult life which amounts to decades; you have never done a days work in your entire adult life and have absolutely no intention of doing so. Also, again by your own admission, you are currently being prosecuted for the sum of ONE MILLION GREAT BRITISH POUNDS for BENEFIT FRAUD.

  142. IS WORK

    Gordon Waddell, CBE DSc MD FRCS
    Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research, Cardiff University, UK







    The Guardian, Wednesday 12 September 2012 21.00 BST

    This week the sixth International Forum on Disability Management, IFDM 2012, takes place at Imperial College London. It is sponsored by some of the world’s largest medical insurance companies, Unum among them, and speakers include DWP chief medical adviser Dr Bill Gunyeon and Professor Sir Mansel Aylward, formerly DWP chief medical adviser and director of the Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research at Cardiff University, which was sponsored by Unum from its inception in 2003 until 2009.

    Unum’s website states that during this sponsorship period “a series of papers was published, identifying the range of factors that determine why some people become long-term absentees”. The Cardiff papers advocated a “biopsychosocial model” of disability which Unum says “informed its approach to medical underwriting”. It is the same approach upon which the current Atos work capability assessment (WCA) is based. Concomitantly, the company were advising the UK government on welfare reform.

  144. paultheswineherd

    This is an important move – a letter in The Guardian today. Please share it.
    (Just don’t expect it to be mentioned at all on BBC or Sky news!)

  145. No to Universal Credit Politics does Matter that is Common Sense

  146. 2016 AD Mark’s The 165th Anniversary of the Year of The Great Stink
    in 1851 AD when the Houses of Parliament had to place Disinfectant-Soaked
    Sheets over Windows to dispel the vile stench of hydrogen sulphide rising
    from the Waters of the River Thames which were Anoxic

    These Days it is more like the Rest of the Country has had a fumingation
    mask to cover the stench of Nutcase Austerity and Arrogance from
    ” Democratic ” Politicians

  147. I am Not a Tory Chatbot nor a Slave Labour Zombot Stepping

    There are People out There Brainwashed and Oblivious to the Plight
    of the Poor and Vulnerable

    Stepping Razor Sound Plate System | April 19, 2016 at 2:03 pm | Reply


    am a Tory Chatbot – I give genocide to the disabled. I also believe disability is a thing of the past. Repeating my post is dangerous for NOOP the Tory Chatbox. The Welfare Reform is meant to kill off poor people in a corporate genocide. NOOP is a Tory Chatbot

  148. The NHS Needs Proper Funding and the Staff Need to be Caring to
    Patients and Not to be pushed beyond Exhaustion

  149. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The reason given by Maximus why some people don`t et an ESA50 form is that is special cases people with Mental Health Issues do not fill out a ESA form & go straight to a WCA because people with Mental Health are not able to fill out forms. Maximus policy. Ask the DWP if that`s the DWP policy & they will say No it`s not the DWP policy. So how come it`s the DWP`s contractors policy then.

    People with Mental Health will not get a public form because mental health people are not able to fill out forms. Women will not be getting a form because women are not able to fill out forms. Black people are not able to fill out forms. Jewish people will not be getting a form because Jewish people are not able to fill out forms.

    DWP you are powerless unless you change your contractors policy on the matter or the DWP are liable for Discrimination for actions based on the policy.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      I have now been banned from every public form & banned from all jobcentres. Being banned off every DWP public form speaks for itself. Dictatorship controls who gets public forms. I have been banned form the Welfare State. So I would like to report myself for 35 years of benefit fraud which you have to investigate. So you will need to dig out 35 years of my DWP papers & by law you have to take action. So do your work & take me to court.

      • Stepping, you shouldn’t have posted those pics of you scuba-diving, swimming with dolphins and jet ski-ing whilst on holiday in Barbados on your Facebook page 😉 BIG fucking mistake!

  150. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    33m ago

    Rachel Reeves says Cameron’s comments about Khan ‘beyond contempt’

    Rachel Reeves, the Labour MP and former shadow work and pensions secretary, told the World at One a few minutes ago that David Cameron’s comments about Sadiq Khan at PMQs (see 1.13pm.) She was responding to the leader of the Commons, Chris Grayling, who said Khan’s decision to share platforms with extremists raised questions about his judgment. Reeves said:

    I would expect better from you, Chris, and I would expect better from the prime minister. This is gutter politics. The insinuation that Sadiq Khan is somehow a friend of Isis [Islamic State] is beyond contempt. I served in the shadow cabinet with Sadiq Khan for many years. He is a man of the utmost integrity. He has taken on extremism in the Islamic community and on many occasions he has fallen out with leaders in the Islamic community, for example on equal marriage. So the idea that he is somehow a friend of extremism, a friend of terrorists, is beyond contempt.

  151. It Condemn the Oppression of the Poor in the Old Testament

    fly hawkes | April 18, 2016 at 10:03 pm | Reply

    Anything before Christianity arrived here was based on the old testament not the new testament after Christ’s death.

    • It also said an eye for an eye in the old testament, where everyone ends up blind.

    • The old testament also says an eye for an eye, leaving everyone blind who follows this.

      • Biblical Scholar And Jurisprudence Professor

        “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” often quoted by the hanging and flogging brigade. As explained and clarified by Christ in the New Testament what it actually means that if you are found to have falsely accused a person(s) of a crime you should receive exactly the same sentence if the falsely a accused person(s) had been found guilty. A sound concept in theory but the obvious drawback in practice it that it would make it more difficult to get a false accuser to admit to their crime.

      • Biblical Scholar And Jurisprudence Professor

        Incidentally, the Old Testament is the laws of the Jews. The New Testament is the teachings of Christ.

  152. I was Glad when Rachel Reeves Resigned as Shadow Secretary of
    State For Work and Pensions

  153. Shocking that in the Region of £1.3 Billion Pounds has Been Wasted
    on So Called Overseas ” Emergency Aid ”

    This Money Needs to be Spent on Public Services and the Poor in
    the United Kingdom

  154. The 22nd of April Mark’s the Anniversary of the Outbreak of the
    Revolt at Jasenovac Concentration Camp in 1945 AD.

    84 People Escaped but Sadly over 500 People Died in this
    Fascist Regime Camp

    The Ustate were Brutal Racist Thugs

  155. This ” Modern Age ” is Far from ” Enlightened ” when so Many are
    Oblivious to the Plight of the Poor and Suffering

    Poverty Denialism

    fly hawkes | April 20, 2016 at 5:15 pm | Reply

    The old testament also says an eye for an eye, leaving everyone blind who follows this.

  156. Interesting to See how the London Mayoral Elections Go

  157. Empty Sloganeering will Get Us Nowhere. We Need Boots Marching on the Street.

    Stepping Razor Sound Plate System | April 19, 2016 at 2:16 pm | Reply


  158. Pingback: How The Welfare To Work Industry Is Ripping Off...

  159. That was an interesting piece, I usually don’t like to give blogs of this nature such praise, but I’ll make an exception.

    Every time I travel on a bus returning home from my local town centre, I often overhear the complaints of many highly demoralised young people that still have potential that could be sadly going to waste; showing signs of being bullied into submission by DWP staff. In the past, I used to believe that such people were lazy or work-shy. My views have now changed considerably. The staff that I have encountered at the DWP are most likely to be far less literate and far less able than even some of the unluckiest/most unskilled of the benefits claimants that they are paid to serve, yet seem to prefer to torture.

    I indeed had a recent but very brief experience with the DWP myself. Not only did I witness the presence of the usual people who could be classed as the typical ‘scroungers,’ I also saw some relatively normal looking people who looked absolutely broken hearted. They appeared to be fearfully awaiting yet another session of verbal and psychological punishment from the bullies at the DWP. So much for celebrating dole day, as the less sympathetic out there would like you to believe.

    Those poor souls had probably spent 40 hours of their week being constantly harassed into making use of the government’s expensive flop known as the ‘Universal Jobs Match’ website/service, attending pointless courses for the sake of attending courses (and lining the pockets of some awful pseudo-providers) and possibly even working or doing ‘volunteer work’ (of the not so voluntary or humanitarian/charitable variety) without getting paid for it. No wonder that it is often hinted that Job Centres are no longer actually there to help people get into work.

    I feel rather fortunate that even during my tough times that I needn’t rely upon that terrible system. I sincerely hope that I can one day do something to help those affected by these disgraceful recent developments.

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