Not All Terrorists Carry Guns, But The Deaths From Osborne’s Cuts Will Be Just As Real

osborne-littleIt is hard to conceive how a Chancellor can look at people surviving on just a few pounds a day and decide it is them who must have their incomes cut to pay for a financial crisis caused by the rich.  What kind of fucking human being would do that?

These are people who may be struggling with a serious health condition, newly unemployed steel workers, the precariously self-employed or those on the lowest pay. These are to be the likely victims of the latest round of economic terrorism that George Osborne is set to inflict in Wednesday’s Autumn Statement.

Be in no doubt, this is terrorism.  Millions of people are now living in a state of stark and permanent panic as reckless Tory cuts strike randomly, demolishing lives, putting homes at risk, endangering health and tragically driving some to suicide. The callous assessments for disability benefits alone have led to 590 people taking their own lives researchers recently revealed in a report that should have brought this Government down.  Yet it was greeted with little more than a murmour.  The UK establishment, in all its guises, cares no more about the lives of the poor than the Isis death cultists cared about those they mercilessly gunned down in Paris last week.  A welfare state that destroys lives whilst masquerading as a safety net is the perfect weapon of class warfare.  The victims kill themselves, or disappear without trace under the burden of desperate poverty.

Such is the carefully constructed poverty trap that there is now almost no chance of escape.  There are just under 2 million people in the UK who are unemployed, and a further two million who don’t have a job and want one but do not meet the strict criteria of official unemployment.  Add to that a couple of million sick and disabled people or lone parents who are now being ordered to endlessly search for jobs. There are just 740,000 vacancies according to the Office for National Statistics.  If every one of those was filled tomorrow there would still be millions looking for work.

Not that finding a job will help the poorest as housing costs soar and in-work benefits are demolished.  Only if you can climb to the ranks of the so-called squeezed middle will you perhaps be able to grab some quality of existence, and even if you get there you’d better not get sick, become disabled or lose your job.  And you won’t ever get there.  Try walking into a Jobcentre and saying you’d like to re-train as a plumber or take an IT course that will actually get you a job rather than just teach you how to turn on a fucking computer.  When they’ve stopped laughing they will point you in the direction of a private training company, who want thousands of pounds, and for which there are no students loans available.  Even then, if you manage to raise the money, the Jobcentre may order you to leave to attend full time workfare instead.

Those who have had benefits sanctioned for missing a meeting, or failing to attend workfare, now survive on around £41 a week – and only then if they qualify for Hardship Payments. Those under 25 who are looking for work will fare little better with a weekly income barely over £50 whilst the older unemployed receive just £73.10.  Some of these claimants will be paying the Bedroom Tax, as well as Council Tax out of that sum.  Others will be frantically trying to make up rent payments to cover Housing Benefit shortfalls as private rents soar and benefits intended to pay them are capped and frozen.

Any further cuts to Housing Benefits will be devastating and could plunge some into a negative income as unavoidable costs like rent, water and Council Tax leave them with no money at all, just a steadily increasing debt.  This will include the working poor who have little more to live on than those on the dole, making a mockery of Iain Duncan Smith’s claims that his reforms are making work pay.  Whether Osborne cuts Tax Credits, Housing Benefits, or child benefits this week will make little difference to those affected.  Their lives are earmarked for economic destruction however the Chancellor chooses to cut.

In the face of such an onslaught we have no choice but to fight back.  There is no slack in the social security system left at all – in fact there never was any to begin with.  Street homelessnes is already at record levels and the full impact of the last round of cuts has not yet been truly felt.  Gideon Osborne is playing a dangerous game that could leave millions with nothing left to lose and no futures to plan for.  The rich may sleep comfortably in their mansions tonight.  But there will be consequences, there must be, because one death was too many and we cannot allow this to continue.

As ever Class War are taking te fight direct to the pampered elite calling for a picket of George Osborne’s family business to coincide with his speech on Wednesday.  Meet outside Osborne & Little, 204 King’s Road, Chelsea, SW3 from 12-2pm on Wednesday 25th November. Spread the word.

Apologies for the extended absence.  Back to normal now hopefully.

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352 responses to “Not All Terrorists Carry Guns, But The Deaths From Osborne’s Cuts Will Be Just As Real

  1. Anyone who Believes the Poor and Vulnerable are somehow Scroungers
    and Not the Greedy and Selfish Rich are Cravely Out of Touch and
    Thicker than Two Short Planks

    Oppression by Poverty is Still Oppression so No to Neo Liberalism
    just as No to Neo Nazism

    Better Social Justice than Slavery

  2. It is not fashionable to call George Osborne a fascist. He is a liberal chancellor, according to the economist. Welcome to Orwell’s world.

  3. I Notice that Petition For Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has over 114,890 Signatures

    Netherless if it were Not for All the Brainwashed Zombies and their
    Materialistic instead of Moralist Outlook there would be Millions of

    How People can Not get Angry about All the Human Suffering in the UK shows an Evil and Sickening Society

    • that evil and sickening society is called the free market

    • overburdenddonkey

      i notice that you haven’t yet responded to my last post to you….
      ‘Netherless if it were Not for All the Brainwashed Zombies and their
      Materialistic instead of Moralist Outlook there would be Millions of
      Signatures….’ if that were the case we wouldn’t have a tory red/blue govt…??

  4. overburdenddonkey

    spot on jv…
    basically they’re piling debt onto the income deprived and sucking our local economies dry, and shoving the profits from selling our jobs off etc into their bank a/c’s and other ‘investments’ leaving us with no-thing….in an economic desert, with not an oasis in sight…

  5. Increase Welfare Benefits End Oppressive Sanctions and have a
    Welfare State which Helps the Poor and Vulnerable without any
    Victimisation or Slavery Supporting

  6. Pingback: Not All Terrorists Carry Guns, But The Deaths From Osborne’s Cuts Will Be Just As Real | the void | sdbast

  7. Nice to see you back, JV!
    Great article.

  8. George Osborne should Not be Chancellor of the Exchequer

  9. Look Johnny, the biggest problem our underclass face, and I’m one of the underclass – is that we, by and large are apathetic. We don’t really care about our neighbours. All that the majority of us care about is ourselves, and ourselves alone. This is one of the biggest successes of Lady Thatcher, in essence she destroyed the concept of “society”. As individuals, we collectively became as insular as our little green and sceptered isle. As a nation we have a Little Islander mentality, unlike, for example, The French. The French band together and kick off about anything. We don’t. And therein lies the seeds of our downfall.
    What people need to remember is that there IS power in numbers. People need to shed the solitary woe is me, attitude, and start banding together for change.
    An example would be a mass shoplifting day. 20,000 people who have been sanctioned, meet up and go on a shoplifting protest, expropriating what goods they need in order to survive. How would that be stopped? There are no prison places left, it would happen in one area, and thus the court system would be brought to a grinding halt, and most importantly, it would garner massive publicity. I’m not saying that this should happen, it’s just a hypothesis, but what could they do if it did happen?
    Think about it People…

    • They could put the cost of goods up for everyone to pay for it, that’s what they could do Roger the dodger.

      You are right about the French though and how we should be more like them when it comes to industrial and political disputes.

      • PS the French would not shoplift they refuse to buy collectively until prices of goods come down to levels that match the lowest incomes, which again would still make the rich better off.
        We either have fair incomes for all whether in or out of work (by fair I mean everyone on the same income) or a world with no currency.

        • overburdenddonkey

          i must point out that we don’t have the social history of france….
          so dreaming about being somewhere else, the grass is greener, is futile fantasy….

          • I have been to France and do not particularly wish to go back there other than a holiday, but I do like their mentality. I don’t think you would fit in with their collectivism obd unless you were going to benefit from it personally.

            • overburdenddonkey

              we all do things for personal benefit, which i why i promote perma-culture et al…
              i love france and have been many times, they love camping as do i….so please don’t presume to tell me about the french way of life….

              • I don’t presume anything unless in retaliation to your presumption i.e. if you think the grass is greener, fantasy and dreaming, all adjectives and maxims that could describe you OBD.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  it’s hardly a presumption on my part as you’ve been banging on about being french for several posts now….we’re not in france and we don’t have their social history…but your being retaliatory does sum you up nicely…

                • As you yourself said it is nice to retaliate once in a while, but talking about how the French deal with their politics is hardly dreaming or fantasizing nor considering the grass to be greener anywhere.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  never said it was NICE to retaliate @ all…it’s inevitable if one is obsessively trolled by the likes of you….

                • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                  Flystalks – stop insulting the French with your babble.

                • Here come the terrible twosome obd and razor with their same old rhetoric, sorry boys i’m not getting into a game of thrones with you I am sick of winning.

                  The French would show you two who are boss that’s for sure, both have your own interests at heart, some of us are more altruistic than that.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  wot, says you abused people shouldn’t post here…

              • obd, camping in Carnac during tremendous thunderstorms, amidst the dolmens. Locals happy if you make even the most rudimentary attempts to speak their language, sharing food, sharing wisdom and spare parts for our bust little van, in exchange for a little work stacking bales. They didn’t ask, we offered. Bliss.

                Try camping near ancient sites in the UK and our soon to be privatised police will be bundling you into a cell, in cuffs within 30 minutes.

                Always found the people of France to be tolerant and welcoming. Sociable. Values that have been washed down the drain, in the UK.

                Pity, ‘cos a lot of us will be relying on a place to pitch a tent in the coming months.

                Like all peoples, you get the best out of them when you engage kindly.

                Nous pouvons apprendre beaucoup des Français

                • overburdenddonkey

                  you’ve been, wow wonderful!
                  buckets of food literally collected in big pots @ the camp sites, + la pain…
                  carnac, yep took many generations of ancients to work out where to even position the stones….what a lovely place, i’ve been all over britanny normandie, loire, paris basin, camping…
                  thunder storms are a feature of the area as are the miles of sandy beaches, wonderful place to take my kids, they loved it….

                • overburdenddonkey


                • May I remind the two reminiscing moggies(or should that be froggies) that we are not in France – a point OBD went out of his way to make to me, but hey double standards is his style, but he will not get away with it.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  breaking news viper, we’re still NOT in france…

                • More breaking news arse wiper, learn how to speak English then.

    • When people do kick off here it gets violent and people who certainly don’t deserve it get killed. Is there anything people can do that won’t get them arrested or worse?

      • They can’t arrest 3 million demonstrators, if everyone who is on the benefits hit list got out there.

        • The Hanging Judges

          We can still pick off a few and hand them down ‘exemplary’ sentences pour encourager les autres * … 😉

          * to encourage the others

    • You mean the French whose elites currently have their workers under de facto martial law? A total ban on assembling, protesting, bosses are encouraged to report “radicalised” workers, no mention of Islam. All civil liberties and “freedums” destroyed in one foul swoop. A trail run for the future dystopian society, when the elites will stop at nothing, not even genocide to protect their wealth. We are already there, digging our own graves daily, building this nightmare future one brick at a time. The weight and tyranny of the masses will ensure dissent remains isolated, fractured. It is too late. We are conquered.

      • Oh deer what can the matter be? With your defeatist attitude we will get nowhere fast, so stop your digging and building, show IDS who is boss and refuse to do workfare, bombard the job centres and make your demands of the people only idiots voted into power.

        • But if you are not “willing to participate*” in workfare you will be sanctioned for up to 156 weeks (3 years). We are not all millionaires, fly. Not all of us are independently wealth, and some of us do need money to survive. Peeps can talk all they want about refusing this, refusing that, but when push comes to shove it is you the individual who will suffer. You have to recognise when you are over a barrel. To fuck with martyrdom, fly!

          * which does not include filling out/signing ‘provider’ paperwork 😉

          • The thing about workfare is that it COSTS the jobseeker to undertake workfare. You don’t get one cent extra for meals extra, and since it is invariably hard manual labour you will have the appetite of a horse. You can easily spend another £5-6 a day on food which is ~ equal to the amount you would be sanctioned. JSA is intended is an allowance for jobseeking – it was never intended to provide the calories/protein/sustenance to undertake actual work never mind hard manual labour.

          • Stuffed

            I bet you are well stuffed and not on workfare either. It’s good to be over a barrel and barrel fixers, they want to see you jumping through their hoops, no chance of that with a lefty at the helm.

            What’s that world war 3 song, oh yes “Roll out the Barrel”!

  10. its not the peasants that lost the monies but the fraudulent banksters
    yet the poor get to pay back whot was lost through greed austerity wasnt for the torys but was for the poor so a plan inplace rtu ids been accross to those famous gates and using the aktion t4 plan carries this out through benefit denial while telling all hes getting em back to work yes those that do stacking shelves for those charity pimps jeff3

  11. ” The UK establishment, in all its guises, cares no more about the lives of the poor than the Isis death cultists cared about those they mercilessly gunned down in Paris last week.”

    they could be one and the same, don’t forget the West sponsors ISIS/ AlQueda/, trains them in the USA and at home, arms Saudi Arabia and is thoroughly in hock to Israel – there are emerging alternatives to Paris than the one imperialist view espoused by the media propagandists

    What Osborne is doing is terrorism, murder and criminal and even the UN don’t seem that bothered

    • How correct you are Jeremy, but you do know that you will be called a conspiracy theorist.

      As night follows day, wars follow economic downturns, usually agitated by the west on foreign soil.
      Good days for the armaments industry though, according to George Osborne who can find the money to order 36 fighter/drone planes so that they can join in the game of thrones with Europe over Syria.

      • those planes will only materialise in 10 years though – it’s called ‘Selfservative economics’ – maybe the ‘terrorists’ are closer to home than you think and have enough capital to play the long game – let’s hope the planet can last that long.

        • Yes Jeremy it gives a whole new meaning to the term “keeping your friends close but your enemies closer”, except it is hard to tell which is which sometimes.

  12. What Needs to be Addressed is the Menace of the Rightists of the
    Parliamentary Labour Party who are Grotesquely Out of Touch
    and seem Not to Care about the Plight of the Poor and Vulnerable
    as they are in the Westminster Ivory Tower ( Britain’s ” Democratic ”
    Parliament where the Public are barely ever Consulted ) .

    They are Denying Democratic Accountability which the Official Opposition
    Need’s to be so the British Government is Not a Dictatorship Regime
    and also the Prospect of the United Kingdom having in Office a Government
    that Cares about Public Services Social Justice Helping the Poor and
    Vulnerable with a Welfare State and Opposing Slave Labour Exploitation

    Demonstrations should be Held Not only to End Austerity and Defend the
    Welfare State but to Demand that Rightists in the Parliamentary
    Labour Party either Serve the Country by Opposing Destructive Austerity
    or Resign so By Elections can be Held and MPS Elected who Support
    Social Justice and a Caring Society

  13. Roger
    Indeed a Evil Legacy of Thatcherism is Selfish Individualism which
    is anything but Genuinely Patriotic.

    All For One and One For All instead of ” Every Man for Himself ”

    The Little Islander Mentality is Destructive .

    However instead of a mass shoplifting day which would very likely get
    already poor people into further Trouble what would be Better is Mass
    Demonstrations in Town Centres and perhaps Constituency Offices
    ( Peaceful of Course ) to Say No Austerity and No Oppression

    Roger | November 23, 2015 at 2:49 pm | Reply

    Look Johnny, the biggest problem our underclass face, and I’m one of the underclass – is that we, by and large are apathetic. We don’t really care about our neighbours. All that the majority of us care about is ourselves, and ourselves alone. This is one of the biggest successes of Lady Thatcher, in essence she destroyed the concept of “society”. As individuals, we collectively became as insular as our little green and sceptered isle. As a nation we have a Little Islander mentality, unlike, for example, The French. The French band together and kick off about anything. We don’t. And therein lies the seeds of our downfall.
    What people need to remember is that there IS power in numbers. People need to shed the solitary woe is me, attitude, and start banding together for change.
    An example would be a mass shoplifting day. 20,000 people who have been sanctioned, meet up and go on a shoplifting protest, expropriating what goods they need in order to survive. How would that be stopped? There are no prison places left, it would happen in one area, and thus the court system would be brought to a grinding halt, and most importantly, it would garner massive publicity. I’m not saying that this should happen, it’s just a hypothesis, but what could they do if it did happen?
    Think about it People…

    • Fagin will never be dead while roger the dodger is alive.

      • You silly bastard, Flyhawks, people like you just sit there twiddling your thumbs and whining. You got no heart, boy, and you sure as shit ain’t got no soul.

        • Encouraging people to be thieves is hardly soulful Roger.

          • PS Perhaps jv could start a charity for those who have lost their benefits or been sanctioned so there would be no need to steal food (which incidentally the rubbish food banks say they provide.

            • Oh Flyhawks, you dull and unimaginative little plodder, you just don’t get it do you? I’m not encouraging theft for the sake of theft, no, I’m creating an incident that would have to be addressed. People of your ilk would never understand that, Flyhawks; maybe in your case, Dodo or Cuckoo would be a more appropriate nomme de guerre…
              If you’re married, It doesn’t take much imagination to imagine how boring the bonking would be. You poor dumb sap.

              • So you have to be an imaginative dumb thief in order to be a good bonker, now that’s bonkers Roger, but I will give you 1 for imagination.

                • Why don’t you just fuck off and die. All you do is have a go at people here, offer nothing positive, and all you do is act as an ally to our enemies, with your constant attempts to divide and rule.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  she’s a typical tory red/blue politician always pointing away/elsewhere to the solution and/or problems…procrastination….
                  abused people shouldn’t post, only adults should post, all defy definition…
                  others should be seen and not heard…
                  she implies; ‘i’m boss, i know best, do as you are told’ …. or ‘stfu!, this is my blog and i’ll do and say what i like….’
                  her idea of protest, as i remember, is to sit down in dwp office and throw a tantrum, and blaming everyone else for not supporting her noble cause….

                • I am the only person on here who has been inventive in my fight against the powers that be and acted them out, but thieving was not part of my strategy because that would make me worse than those that are thieving from the poorest.
                  If you Sib and OBD want to go on a thieving spree around the shops be my guest.

                • OBD if this was my blogg you wouldn’t be on it, as for throwing a tantrum, I refused to speak to the scum that were working there at the time, the only people that throw tantrums on here are you and your cronies.
                  I did plenty beside that too which jv touched upon, but of course you are only interested in what you post.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  oh how heroic… is that why jv tried to stop you posting then…!?
                  and why tom pride did ban you….

                • Flyhawks, you poor stupid man you. Don’t you have the ability to realise that if 20,000 sanctioned dolos went on a shoplifting spree, while being serenaded by the fine baritone voice of an unemployed singer, preferably singing something like “Give Peace A Chance” by The Beatles, that it would be a major fucking “incident” and would be catapulted into the realm of “Big Fucking News”. And that questions would have to be asked, serious, soul searching societal questions… Think of The Suffragettes jumping under horses at The Grand National et cetera, et cetera… Do you get the “Bigger Picture” You dull and boring Old Fuck??!!!!

                • Roger

                  Who the fuck is stopping you – get on with it – good luck.

                • OBD

                  I was not banned from either I was moderated, there is a difference, pity you and your cronies are not banned for what bloody use you are.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  liar! tom pride stated that you were the only one he’d ever needed to ban…

                • If that was the case it was a pity he didn’t (ban) me for non-selfish reasons then, other than calling him a puppeteer.
                  Bloggs are where people debate if it is too hot to handle for bloggers or contributors I suggest they get out of the kitchen not ban people.
                  I stick to my own opinions until someone comes up with something better and to date nobody has.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  he banned you coz you thought that yours was the only voice that counted…hmmmm! seems to be a pattern here….

                • overburdenddonkey

                  ps 1st you said you weren’t banned, now you admit that you were banned..which means you admit that you’re a liar…

                • obd
                  You will notice the word ban was in brackets and was there for a reason because it was not the case, so you can call it what you want it’s a free country, but I know the truth as does tom pride.
                  You seem overly concerned about other people’s business on other sites, why don’t you just stick to your own business on the website your on and see if you can get that right once in a while.
                  Coronation streets Norris has nothing on you.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  ‘If that was the case it was a pity he didn’t me for non-selfish reasons then’
                  take out the word ban and the sentence makes no sense, oh wait! i see another pattern…

                • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                  Won`t don`t you start your own blog flystalks – Afraid no one will read or follow or comment !!!!

                • OBD did you call Mr Pride a puppeteer? Why don’t you try it and see if he bans you then?

                  Razor why don’t you and your followers start your own blogg, I would if I could afford to and would not care if I had followers or not.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  yet more procrastination’s…he banned you coz you thought that yours was the only voice that counted, and insisted you could do and say what ever you liked, you did it for wks in an argument with another…hmmmm! seems to be a pattern here….

                • Both you and I know the person he should have banned, I think he was Tom Prides right hand man.

                  Just like you appear to be JV’s because you and your cronies are getting away with the same type of thing that his puppet did.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  no guy you let yourself down and played right into the others hands and as a result got banned….you seek to blame others for for what YOU did and resent/troll/attack anyone else telling you different…

                • OBD

                  All of the times which you fought with this other unmentionable person (who is now Judge Rinder by the way) and you side with him now – your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

              • Roger I’ve thought of similar activities for people who are on stupid workfare. After all you would already be doing effectively a community service order (in fact much longer than one). You wouldn’t really have much to loose.
                The main problem I would forsee is the organisers (or ringleaders to the establishment) would face the full fury of the state as some sort of anarchist/terrorist and would basically be fucked and slung in jail for a long long time on fuck knows what charges.

          • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

            War Monger & Racist – Flystalks.

    • Agree with the sentiments Roger about some mass class action-we need more of this.
      But please dont see yourself as a member of an ‘underclass’ . Or dont mention ‘underclass’. The term was coined by a right wing sociologist in the Thatcher years to justify and explain a new level of poverty foistered on the Working Class.Quite obviously a ploy to divide the Working class.

    • You obviously didn’t appeal to Roger’s kinder side judging by the comments he made to me, he is depraved.

    • The above reply was to no oppression.

  14. If the Liberal Democrats Pretend to be Against Austerity Then the
    Liberal Democrats should be Reminded that they Propped Up the
    Con Dem Regime as Lobbyfodder in the House of Commons and
    what Harm those Nutcase Public Spending Cuts have Done to
    People and Public Services in this Country

    Look at the Student Tuition Fees Betrayal for Instance

    • new deal brought in by labour.
      tuition fees brought in by labour.
      housing associations took over councils under labour.
      bedroom tax drawn up by labour.
      New labour that is, who seem to have stolen tory policies and implemented them. They even brainwashed some of old labour too.
      The liberals were disgusting in the coalition, voting with the tories for austerity and reneging on tuition fees amongst other things.
      I voted for none of them.

  15. Pingback: Not All Terrorists Carry Guns, But The Deaths From Osborne’s Cuts Will Be Just As Real | THE SIEGE OF BRITAIN

  16. He and all the tories are evil incarnate, unhumane creatures everyone of them, time they were brought to heel, don’t shut down Osborne’s shop, smash it to hell, for that is what he’s done to the people and the country!

  17. Don’t shut it down wreck the fecking place and keep wrecking it until they go out of business due to either been refused insurance or they try to cover the costs themselves and go bankrupt.

  18. I tweeted the following 19 hours ago: The British media will refer to it as a Spending Review, but it’s really an announcement of government sanctioned manslaughter because poor and vulnerable people will commit suicide as a result of George Osborne’s vicious budget cuts.

  19. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    2016 = Recession & General Strike.

  20. I keep myself alive for the day that these bastards get there come uppance and it’s coming. Next year will be an explosion of anger in England and the English don’t sit about like the peaceful Scots :).

    At least we have the buffer of the snp to help us against the bedroom tax. The shit storm is coming I can smell it.

  21. “Meet outside Osborne & Little, 204 King’s Road, Chelsea, SW3 from 12-2pm on Wednesday 25th September. ” surely November?

  22. Telling it like it is. Speaking of war – Cameron, Osborne & Co. (and especially IDS) have declared war on the ‘ordinary’ people of Britain. (It really isn’t very ‘United’, is it! And ‘Kingdom’ is so passé – positively mediaeval, like Saudi Arabia – and ‘Daesh’) Cameron & Co. are fanatics. Can we negotiate with fanatics? Can we hell! There’s only one way to deal with fanatics – isn’t there, Mr Cameron! What is it they say? ‘Be careful what you wish for…’!

  23. Wirral In It Together

    Reblogged this on Wirral In It Together.

  24. Only 5 vacancies have been put up on jobshite since Friday. A Fucking joke.

  25. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Full steam ahead forgetting NATO & the UN. Also ban drones in the uk a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. No need for suicide unlike the DWP.

  26. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Pensioners have the most of the Welfare Budget, so let`s sanction the State Pension & sanction everyone on Tax credits. A Saving of £12 Billion which goes with the £12 billion already saved from the welfare reform. That`s £24 billion. All forgot about the savings & spending them instead. Raptd Response Force. Yes that rapid it won`t be in use till 2025. Very rapid.

  27. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Housing Bubble Bursts.

  28. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    There are 100,000 less British army troops than in 2010. Time to get in G4S.

  29. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    £178 Billion to defeat drones with bombs on in Bradford.

  30. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Burn all the books from the library`s to keep the power stations going.

  31. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Cuts still going in 2040 more & more cuts.

  32. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Let`s borrow some money. Dodgy Dave is now begging Russia for some money. Russia owns the UK.

    • paultheswineherd

      Stepping – soon, so will China as well! (Including nuclear power stations!)
      And as for the 10 years for all of the military hardware etc – well I’ll be damned! And, then on top of it all £12Bn – exactly the same amount that Gidiot wishes to take via the ‘welfare reform’ – fight other countries wars (with our U.S. Allies and arms manufacturing firms) whilst our people are being sanctioned/going to food banks/topping themselves.
      What a wonderful ‘democracy’ and pig fuck Camoron is still in love with Saudi Arabia – whose human rights abuses are completely overlooked by this filthy Nazi Tory corrupt scum.

      • paultheswineherd

        What a ‘Government – a dead pig fucking arrogant & mad Camoron, a deluded crackhead in the form of Gidiot & a mad sociopath/psychopath that is none other than IDS. A Defence minister who doesnt know a bolt action rifle from a french loaf and a Home Secretary who is also a mad neo-Nazi. One could not even make it up!

  33. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  34. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    A General Strike will put a stop to all that.

  35. How could any gov do this to the poor and helpless and not understand the horror of this . Should not be a politician ,Disgracefull to the United Kingdom

    • don’t expect this government to care about you – all they want is your money

      • Exactly, and that scenario is shown over and over again in the way they treat people when they become UE and are no longer a ‘productive unit’. ‘Send them back to the factory for re-programming’ is their mantra.

  36. Despite all this, a large section of the right-wing working class will vote Conservative in 2020. They don’t care if the NHS is destroyed, and the welfare state. Just as long as a few ‘skivers’ get what’s coming to them.

    • paultheswineherd

      Jeff – You are right there – this is a continuing and ultimate danger.
      Unless something really dramatic occurs, I really fear that we could be in for many more years of these extreme bastards. 20 more years of them and the poor, the working poor and the claimants will all be dead, the middle classes will either be very rich or dead and the rich will become ever richer still. Government MP’s will become some of the richest in the U.K.
      The billionairres will be looking down their noses at the millionairres and they will in turn be looking down on the upper middle classes and they, in turn will look down upon everyone else. Another 20 years of Tory ‘rule’ is a terrible outlook which must be stopped at all costs.

  37. ‘Conscious cruelty’: Ken Loach’s shock at benefit sanctions and food banks.

    ‘Hunger is being used as a weapon,’ says veteran director, calling for public rage over situation he says is worse than when he made Cathy Come Home in 1966.

    The veteran film-maker rarely speaks while developing a project but is so deeply concerned about government policy on benefits and the sanctions regime that he gave an interview to the Guardian on the set of his latest film.

    Loach, 79, is shooting what may be his last film, I, Daniel Blake, based on the writer Paul Laverty’s research of jobcentres, benefit sanctions and food banks. It tells the story of Blake, who has worked for years as a joiner but is then forced to give up work and claim benefits. “The present system is one of conscious cruelty,” Loach said. “It bears down on those least able to bear it. The bureaucratic inefficiency is vindictive and hunger is being used as a weapon. People are being forced to look for work that doesn’t exist.”

    • paultheswineherd

      enigma – if only the Sun or the Mail would publish this story as well – but I bet that they do not, let alone Sky News or the BBC!

    • I will look forward to that. Cheers for info. We need to rise up against these fucking cunts.

      • Cephalus – True indeed – if only the British people would gather up their guts to do it. Oh, well at least on Wednesday 25th, the Osborne & Little shop in Chelsea looks as though they are going to be picketed – and possibly even worse – especially if Gidiot’s spending review is even more fucking terrible and cruel than expected.

  38. Malnutrition causing thousands of hospital admissions.

    A food bank charity said it feared families were struggling to afford to feed themselves.

    There are warnings that parents are going without food so their children do not go hungry.

  39. Just been reported on Sky – the estimated cost of replacing Britain’s nuclear deterrent has increased from £25Bn to at least £31Bn, possibly £41Bn – C.N.D. has reported this as new estimate as ‘outrageous’.
    If I remember correctly, it was reported a number of weeks ago that they were going to build 4 new Trident submarines at a total cost of £100Bn & possibly up to £200Bn – why the much lower ‘discrepancy’ now I wonder!
    Of course, as always, they say that ‘it will create even more jobs’.
    What bullshit – they’ll probably pay their American friends to build them and ship them across the Atlantic in 10 years time!
    It was also announced earlier that the 2 ‘new’ aircraft carriers are now not likely to be in ‘service’ until at least 2020.

  40. Pingback: Not All Terrorists Carry Guns, But The Deaths F...

  41. I don’t fear being blown up by a jihadi, I fear not being able to pay my mortgage and losing my family’s home of 25 years when my housing benefit and PIP are cut even further by these Tory cunts!

  42. And maybe this is why people in other countries think we are cowards and stupid cowards, BECAUSE WE ALLOW THE TORIES TO GET AWAY WITH CORPERATE MURDER AND PERSECUTION.

  43. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Turkey has just downed a Russian Jet flying over Turkish air space. Also there is a Russian submarine in Scotland which they can`t find. It looks like Britain is going to war with the Russians. Global Recession.

  44. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Trident will cost £31 billion to get working.

  45. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    British soldiers that get injured will have to have a WCA by a HCP. You are fit for work.

  46. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Cuts, cuts, cuts. – Now War – SPEND SPEND SPEND.

  47. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    A war will cost the British £2 Trillion.

  48. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Time to read your history books on the Middle East.

  49. JV – I totally agree with every word in your superb article. It tells it as it really is. Shame on Osbourne and all those idiots who voted for this scum government.

    • “GENOCIDE”

      The study of genocide has mainly been focused towards the legal aspect of the term. By formally recognizing the act of genocide as a crime, involves the undergoing prosecution that begins with not only seeing genocide as outrageous past any moral standpoint but also may be a legal liability within international relations. When genocide is looked at in a general aspect it is viewed as the deliberate killing of a certain group. Yet is commonly seen to escape the process of trial and prosecution due to the fact that genocide is more often than not committed by the officials in power of a state or area.


      the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)


      A misguided beleif by those who purport to have wealth or status, that they are, indeed, superior in every way to those that they force into destitution.
      Conservatism is a phrase that can be traced back to Nazi Germany and it’s adventure to establish a true Aryan bloodline, (Despite overwhelming evidence that the bloodline was fundamentally, part Jewish and other foreign extraction).
      Modern Conservatism has no boundaries, seeking to dispel the myth that we are all created “equal”.
      Privilege, pomp and wealth are the basis of integrating Genocide and Eugenics in such a way to bring about change to the “STOCK” (A word frequently used by LORD DAVID ANTHONY FREUD to describe the poor and disabled).
      Conservatism has no boundaries and manifests itself in education, employment, healthcare and social mobility, the tenet being that superiority of species should define who should live and who should die.
      Of course, this belief defies the logic that to maintain their status it is necessary to encourage a slave element to furnish the trappings of elitism or WORKFARE as it is better known.
      Poverty and Disablement are an embarrassment to Conservatives worldwide, they should be eliminated from the picture at all costs, but not by elevating them, simply by killing them, the latter being much more cheaper than the former………………………

      • Genocide is two words. Geno refers a race of people (Greek) and Cide, Latin for killing. It does not refer to a particular group of people, but to a ‘race’.

        • genocide
          noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides

          the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
          “a campaign of genocide”
          synonyms: racial killing, massacre, wholesale slaughter, mass slaughter, wholesale killing, indiscriminate killing;

          • If jews were the ones that were supposedly wealthy and hoarding money and the reason for the holocaust, surely they would have been part of a conservative party which you think is Nazi – and would not be part of what a Nazi really stood for at the time – this is not a criticism of your description just an observation.

  50. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Civil War home & abroad. – Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt.

  51. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    That`s good ATOS can do the IT in war. ATOS Weapon Defence Systems.

  52. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Syrian activists have been quoted as saying that one of the pilots of the Russian Su-24 has been captured. He is said to be being held in the mountainous Utayrah area in Turkmen Mount, Qatar-based Al-Jazeera Arabic TV reports.

    Russian Hostage.

  53. OT: UJM use and abuse, the natives are restless

    (H-T to unemploymentmovement)

    Claimant brings out the big guns:

  54. I have a bet with a mate that Gididiot won’t become ConCon Leader due to this fuckup.

    However, on the otherhand as we are talking about GidIdiot in someways I want him to become Leader as this example of his stupidity [and there are many more] would ensure the destruction of the ConCons.

    • ……………..Shouldn’t be too long before we see our dead service personnel repatriated with their families in Union Jack draped coffins laid side by side.

      The limbless and war torn discretely handed over to MAXIMUS and ATOS to deny that they are injured enough not to work.

      Another never ending Chilcott Inquiry bleached of any government involvement in war crimes………..

      Meanwhile the fallout of welfare reform, an experiment in social cleansing, is carefully hidden behind tales of terror attacks in far off lands.

      One day you will all wake up (that is, those that are still left), to realise that you have been part of a giant hoax that has one intention only, to fill the coffers of the banks and multinationals and hedge fund controllers that pull our government purse strings.

      • and, no doubt, the Queen, who incidentally lives in the biggest council house in Britain, will be pushed into releasing a new SYRIAN CONFLICT MEDAL.
        A shining piece of brass that means absolutely fuck all to the holder other than, a part of your family is dead…………

        A simple talisman that means zilch, absolute zero, nil…………

        A receipt for giving your life for the sake of a pampered few that deemed your death necessary to protect their own arses.

        Westminster is a chamber of cowards that hides behind statute to inflict pain and suffering that is redescribed as collateral damage.

        Simon Weston, with all his facial scarring and trauma, was never a hero as the media made him out to be…………..

        He was the casualty of Margaret Thatchers ego trip that uses minions to try and boost political standings.

        Simon played his part in a fiasco to save an island that was pirated by ourselves many moons ago, the bedrock of colonialism, rich pickings for a greedy monarch.

  55. Does George Osborne Dye His Hair?

    Do bears shit in the woods?
    Is the Pope a Catholic? 😀

  56. You don’t get paid for the first two weeks of a sanction so for over a 13 week sanction you are (with “hardship allowance”) surviving on £37.11 a week (£30.40 if you are under 25). A (thirteen week( sanction effectively halves the standard JSA rate.

    • I am disabled for life and have been made to live on just £33.60p per week for the last two years and four months. But i am not alone, there are many thousands in the same predicament itching to kill those that prescribed it.
      The war is far from over, Osborne’s lunacy will be the trigger for what is next to come.

    • overburdenddonkey

      can also be the same with eandsa….

  57. HonestGeorgeOsbourne

    The latest Welfare Cuts are primarily aimed at the faux middle class, stupid Tory voters. You know, the ones who looked down at all you scroungers, screaming for your benefits to be cut, in the guise of demanding we reform the Welfare System. Being so stupid though, they did not realise this would mean an end to their faux middle class benefits. So now we see how disgustingly selfish they are, and how bloated our Welfare Payments became thanks to their greed & Labour’s folly for choosing them over all others. More money is spent on Welfare for the faux middle class than those who are unemployed. I for one wholly disagree with this and would take them all away, but I never realised my beloved Tory Party had been invaded by soppy, wishy washy, Red Lefties. Oh how our poor Dear Maggie must be spinning in her grave.

  58. HonestGeorgeOsbourne

    By the way, if you’re on Twitter you can follow me @richmans haven
    If you’re lucky, intelligent, good looking and obscenely rich I might follow you back. Pip pip.

    • Honest George Osbourne?

      I am not sure whether to give you a clap, clap or a clip, clip, both sound too good for you, but you are right about the middle classes like Sib and OBD getting most out of the benefits system, or trying to.

      • And wanting even more, hence their constant pushing of Universal….. scrap that…. Unconditional Basic Income, the greedy fuckers. It’s as if they can’t stuff enough ££ss into their already bulging greedy middle-class pockets.

      • overburdenddonkey


        • but it will be UNCONDITIONAL regardless of wealth, which may or may not be the case for those dependent on UBI as their only form of income.

          • overburdenddonkey

            irrelevant to your original statement, (even if your 10.05 post makes any sense, which it don’t)…with which you went on to agreed with gordon’s…’Well said mr Wall street, I bet they could teach you a trick or two…’ YOU WON’T GET STATE PENSION AND UBI, ITS ONE OR THE OTHER, NOT BOTH….

            • Again OBD you are looking at things from your own personal circumstances regarding whether you get pension or UBI which the rich would be entitled to either way.

              I don’t think Gordon Gekko was of pensionable age and he is still questioning why people with wealth should get UBI.

              Some people are even questioning whether rich pensioners should receive welfare, because welfare is a benefit for those without means of their own to live on even after a lifetime of hard work, due to the inequality of incomes in this country.

              • overburdenddonkey

                NO YOU ACCUSED…ME… OF WANTING TO LINING MY OWN POCKETS… ‘I am not sure whether to give you a clap, clap or a clip, clip, both sound too good for you, but you are right about the middle classes like Sib and OBD getting most out of the benefits system, or trying to.’

                • many have accused you of wanting to line your own pockets OBD!

                • lol flyfawkes, it is nothing to do with present-day self-interestOBD and his ilk are only interested in our children and their children’s future, it’s all about ‘future generations’ you see. It is the same trick Cameron and Osborne pull when they talk about ‘our children and their children’s children’, ‘future generations’ … 😉 : “It might hurt present generations but we have to think of our children and their children. We have to consider future generations”.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  you have clearly proven that you will say ANYTHING TO TRY TO DOMINATE ANOTHER, SHAME ON YOU TROLL….

              • Well said egg head Humpty, I hope you have a body to go with that head otherwise you will be a dumpty. 🙂

  59. Indeed the Spineless Isle

    Britons Need to Say No to Slavery instead of being a Nation of Slavery
    Collaborating Zombies

    philipburdekin | November 24, 2015 at 12:33 am | Reply

    And maybe this is why people in other countries think we are cowards and stupid cowards, BECAUSE WE ALLOW THE TORIES TO GET AWAY WITH CORPERATE MURDER AND PERSECUTION.

  60. Indeed many of the faux middle class did Victimise the Poor as Scroungers
    and have a Selfish I Am All Right Jack Attitude which is Disgraceful

    Poverty Degrades People and Victimisation when in Poverty Hurts More as

    HonestGeorgeOsbourne | November 24, 2015 at 11:27 am | Reply

    The latest Welfare Cuts are primarily aimed at the faux middle class, stupid Tory voters. You know, the ones who looked down at all you scroungers, screaming for your benefits to be cut, in the guise of demanding we reform the Welfare System. Being so stupid though, they did not realise this would mean an end to their faux middle class benefits. So now we see how disgustingly selfish they are, and how bloated our Welfare Payments became thanks to their greed & Labour’s folly for choosing them over all others. More money is spent on Welfare for the faux middle class than those who are unemployed. I for one wholly disagree with this and would take them all away, but I never realised my beloved Tory Party had been invaded by soppy, wishy washy, Red Lefties. Oh how our poor Dear Maggie must be spinning in her grave.

  61. overburdenddonkey

    no money for welfare but plenty for warfare…

  62. Reduce VAT and Better Still Scrap VAT Altogether

    Scrap the 5p Bag Charge as Well

  63. Change the names and this could just as easily be written about the US.

  64. I Must Admit I do Despair the Tories at Times look Monolithic as Well as
    Moronlithic Not least in the Slave East of England

    Will those Affected by Working Tax Credits Attacks be Goirmless Enough
    to Vote Tory again ?

    Gazza | November 24, 2015 at 10:52 am | Reply

    I have a bet with a mate that Gididiot won’t become ConCon Leader due to this fuckup.

    However, on the otherhand as we are talking about GidIdiot in someways I want him to become Leader as this example of his stupidity [and there are many more] would ensure the destruction of the ConCons.

    • NoOppression

      There is any amount of fools who do not think of the long term, and just accept the drivel fed to them via the Daily Heil, The Sun etc.

      Only when they are screaming with the pain inflicted on them do they think of ‘society’, and then only why are they one of the wannabe “special ones” being treated like that.

      By then, unfortunately everyone is hurting.

  65. The More Demonstrations for Social Justice the Better

    Increase Welfare Benefits and End Tax Breaks for the Already Rich

    ReNationalize the Railways as Well

    • overburdenddonkey
      ‘(We should note that Sen. Graham is a hawk who wants ISIS bombed back to the Stone Age. But even he can see the insane, irrational nature of the action currently being proposed, which would leave Syria a shattered mess but firmly in the hands of a murderous Russian-backed dictator conducting a ruinous, destabilising civil war.)’

  66. Wildlife is Suffering by Toffs chasing after Foxes and there is plenty of
    Environmental Destruction without plastic bags

    I am For People after paying for Shopping Not having to pay an extra

    Howlong before 5p bags before 10p and so forth

    overburdenddonkey | November 24, 2015 at 12:59 pm | Reply

    what noop you’d rather choke/starve wildlife…

  67. I bet Cameron is blessing the day the terrorists hit Paris. He’s going to use this just like Thatcher used the Falklands. Keep the masses minds off the hatchet job happening at home by starting a war. Don’t fall for it folks.

  68. Not at All I put rubbish in a Litter Bin

    Bags are there for carrying Shopping

    What about Fracking and Building on Ebvironmentally Sensitive Areas ?

    overburdenddonkey | November 24, 2015 at 2:24 pm | Reply

    ‘there is plenty of Environmental Destruction without plastic bags’,,,hmmm!
    sounds like you welcome it…

    • overburdenddonkey

      you clearly used the generic environmental destruction…ie encompassing all environmental destruction…you know what you’re doing troll….

  69. I Hope the UK does Not get Dragged into a War and No to WW3

    Better World Peace

  70. I Wonder how Large will be the Demonstrations against the Autumn

    End Austerity

  71. No to Eugenics and a So Called ” Master Race ”

    Yes to Bridging the Gulf between Rich and Poor

    GEOFF REYNOLDS | November 24, 2015 at 10:52 am | Reply


    The study of genocide has mainly been focused towards the legal aspect of the term. By formally recognizing the act of genocide as a crime, involves the undergoing prosecution that begins with not only seeing genocide as outrageous past any moral standpoint but also may be a legal liability within international relations. When genocide is looked at in a general aspect it is viewed as the deliberate killing of a certain group. Yet is commonly seen to escape the process of trial and prosecution due to the fact that genocide is more often than not committed by the officials in power of a state or area.


    the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)


    A misguided beleif by those who purport to have wealth or status, that they are, indeed, superior in every way to those that they force into destitution.
    Conservatism is a phrase that can be traced back to Nazi Germany and it’s adventure to establish a true Aryan bloodline, (Despite overwhelming evidence that the bloodline was fundamentally, part Jewish and other foreign extraction).
    Modern Conservatism has no boundaries, seeking to dispel the myth that we are all created “equal”.
    Privilege, pomp and wealth are the basis of integrating Genocide and Eugenics in such a way to bring about change to the “STOCK” (A word frequently used by LORD DAVID ANTHONY FREUD to describe the poor and disabled).
    Conservatism has no boundaries and manifests itself in education, employment, healthcare and social mobility, the tenet being that superiority of species should define who should live and who should die.
    Of course, this belief defies the logic that to maintain their status it is necessary to encourage a slave element to furnish the trappings of elitism or WORKFARE as it is better known.
    Poverty and Disablement are an embarrassment to Conservatives worldwide, they should be eliminated from the picture at all costs, but not by elevating them, simply by killing them, the latter being much more cheaper than the former………………………

  72. Increase the State Pension Lower Retirement Age

  73. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    War in the media, war in the streets, war on the tv, war on the blogs. yet no one wants real war where people die.

  74. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Hopefully when Britain goes to Civil War either in Britain or/& Syria they will all forget about the problems with Tax Credits. Any sanction will fund the British Army.

  75. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Notice the Idiots get blanked. Talking shit once again.

  76. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    It`s funny when Jobcentre staff post on here. It really shows up what a shit job your in with that bad mouthing at work & on blogs.

  77. I notice that IDS is keeping his head down the last few weeks. Wonder what evil crap Dunko The Clown is dreaming up to make more people suffer?

  78. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Fit-for-work tests linked to relapses in those with mental health problems

    Guardian – 24th Nov 2015

    Dr Jed Boardman says work capability assessment causes distress for people with severe problems and has led to relapses

    Tougher “fit for work” tests introduced to assess eligibility for disability benefit have caused relapses in patients with serious mental health conditions, according to a consultant with the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

    Dr Jed Boardman, a consultant psychiatrist at the South London and Maudsley NHS trust, said the work capability assessment (WCA) discriminates against those with mental health issues and called for an overhaul of the process.

    Boardman, who treats patients with serious and long-term mental health problems, told the Guardian: “People with severe long-term problems get very distressed about being assessed, probably because mistakes are made, because the process isn’t perfect, because they don’t feel they are being listened to in their interviews.

    “You do see people relapsing as a consequence of getting distressed.”

    Read More:



      Click here for Work and Mental Health website from Royal College of Psychiatrists – Information for workers, employers, clinicians and carers

      New online resource to help people return to work after mental illness

      The Royal College of Psychiatrists has launched a new online resource offering information and guidance about returning to work after a period of mental ill-health.

      The Work and Mental Health website is divided into four main parts, and is aimed at workers, carers, employers and clinicians. Each section signposts relevant information and provides useful links to resources from other organisations.

      The website explains how work can be good for people’s mental health and well-being – and can play a positive part in people’s recovery. It shows how employers may provide effective support at work for people with a history of mental ill-health, and how clinicians can support people returning to work.

      The website has been developed by a multiprofessional working group, including psychiatrists, occupational health clinicians, GPs, nurses, psychologists, HR professionals, and mental health service users.

      Dr Jed Boardman, the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ lead for social inclusion, said: “The development of this website has given us a wonderful opportunity to stress the importance of work for people with mental health problems. Work provides more than a wage; it is a significant part of a person’s identity and provides a means of participation in broader society. This new website not only provides a new information resource for people with mental health problems, clinicians and employers, but also stresses the importance of collaboration between these key groups of people and the potential benefits for all.”


      • overburdenddonkey

        there are members of the rcp, who disagree with that pov…
        ‘400 counsellors, psychotherapists and others sign letter saying ‘society thrown completely off balance’ by ‘emotional toxicity of neoliberal thinking’

        • Many of the psych brigade secretly rubbing their hands with glee, thinking of the epic numbers of clients (money) they’ll be getting because of these destructive policies. How long did it take them to finally make that stance?

          Build a bonfire,
          Build a bonfire
          Put Simon Wessely on the top! 🙂

          • overburdenddonkey

            even more damage done to humanity, many of them for sure cash in…. dismal wednesday, (woden) spectators looking on @ our own destruction…


        AUGUST 2003

        Unemployment is high among those with mental disorders, particularly severe mental disorders, and there are a range of social and economic barriers impeding their employment. In general, there is a lack of vocational rehabilitation services in the UK for people with both physical and mental illnesses, despite good evidence for the effectiveness of some work schemes. Here, the need is discussed for a national strategy for vocational rehabilitation that involves employment and health services, and covers both physical and mental disorders.

        Work is important both in maintaining mental health and in promoting the recovery of those who have experienced mental health problems. Enabling people to retain or gain employment has a profound effect on many areas of life and the costs of unemployment are high. Employment for individuals with mental illness gives opportunities for them to participate in society as active citizens, and barriers to them doing so are linked to stigma, prejudices and discrimination. Participating in work and employment can be seen as therapeutic endeavours, but also as important indicators of a successful outcome.

        Employment opportunities for mentally ill people are an important concern for those working in mental health services, not least because they form part of the rehabilitation and reintegration efforts associated with these services. Secondary mental health services focus on people with severe and enduring mental illnesses, for whom there are limited employment opportunities. However, those with common mental disorders, mainly anxiety and depression, also have employment difficulties and it is recognised that vocational services for these people are lacking.

        • The so called mentally ill only have employment difficulties when the nosey DWP workers have access to medical records (which should be not only private but correct) and make assumptions and exemptions based on someone who may have had depression due to a birth, which is in no way related to common garden depression, but the phoney ignorant dwp workers would not know this, instead handing out jobs to their phoney younger friends, which they would be welcome to if it was working with them at the DWP.

          Until we can rid ourselves of the corrupt callous cronyism that is infecting our public services, we will be fed crap like this from the likes of Dr Bored

  79. Iain Duncan Smith’s welfare cuts chief flies out on £3,000 taxpayer-funded jaunt

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Maximus Shareholders Meeting.







        • ……………and now, revelations that Britains favourite Conservative sportsman, LORD SEBASTIAN COE has his snout in the trough of lobbying for his official sponsor NIKE…………

          Now we will see how far the bent bastard can outrun his accusers…….

          IAAF president Lord Coe is facing conflict of interest allegations after emails emerged suggesting he lobbied his predecessor over the hosting of the 2021 World Championships.

          Eugene, USA, was given the event without a bidding process, despite interest from the Swedish city of Gothenburg.

          A BBC investigation has uncovered emails which claim Coe – an ambassador for sports giant Nike and then vice-president of world athletics – “reached out” to Lamine Diack with his support for Eugene’s bid.

          The Oregon city, which lost out to Doha with a 2019 bid, is closely associated with Nike.

          Leader of the Gothenburg bid at the time and former head of Interpol, Bjorn Eriksson, told the BBC that the conflict of interest allegations needed “an explanation”.

          When asked about the allegations, Coe told the BBC he “did not lobby anyone” over Eugene’s bid, but “encouraged them to re-enter another bidding cycle as they had a strong bid

          • roughly translated, Coe thought that when he joined the Conservatives he could fuck everyone over for private greed, the founding policy of the party……..

          • @geoff, the nightmare continues, keep up the good work. Saw this on facebook earlier,

            7 weeks ago i posted that my son was sanctioned because he was so ill and could not attend interview sadly he passed away 4 days later last week we buried his father who could not accept our sons death thank you dwp you got 2 people off your list

            • overburdenddonkey

              there are simply not enough grassroots support groups for SS claimants…
              this one here is a very good example…
              The Work Capability Assessment….designed to cut your benefits through trickery, but read on to learn how, with advice and support, you can get what you are entitled to.’ imv much more emphasis should be placed on support and claimant advocacy…

  80. overburdenddonkey
    Commenting on the statistics, Claudia Wells, at the ONS, said: “A major cause behind the rise was the flu virus, with estimates showing that the flu vaccine was not as effective this winter compared to previous years.’
    yet norway for example has far lower winter death rates…how strange…!?

    • I remember back in the bad old days of the Cold War that Britain was the hypothermia death capital of Europe. Cold countries like Norway know about effective and efficient heating. When I lived there as a child in the mid 60s the house we lived in was well insulated, triple-glazed and heated entirely by an oil burning stove that ran 24/7 during the winter months, simply heating the house using the rising heat. Even though the outside temperature could get as low as -30 Celsius, I don’t ever remember being cold in that house.

      It’s also significant, as you will know ODB that Norway actually gives a damn about it’s own people, and is a far more egalitarian society, with a great deal of consideration given to the standard of life citizens have.

      It may well be that the flu vaccine wasn’t as effective as it could have been, but it also begs the question as to whether people’s immune systems weren’t compromised by unecessarily poor levels of nutrition due to state imposed poverty on many people of pensionable age, and poorly heated homes.

  81. It Concerns Me the Sleepwalk Trance Drift towards a Nazi Totalitarian
    State that this Country is in

    Great Britain Need’s to Wake Up

    I Wish Humans were Not the Most Brainwashed in a Trance Species
    on this Planet because I am Sick of this Country being a Land of
    Zombies in a Trance

  82. Without Political and Religious Freedom of Speech Britons are Slaves

    Without Basic Human Rights such as to a Place of Residence and some
    Human Dignity Britons are Slaves

    Yes to Social Justice No to Slavery and Totalitarianism

  83. A nasty little idea is being discussed in the shires, if it comes to pass, we will all be double plus fucked.

    Councils (and businesses) want access to our medical records to decide who should get access to benefits and services.

    ..and we thought our privacy was destroyed already?
    Read it and weep.

    • overburdenddonkey

      they want to squeeze us dry lucy, get @ every last drop of sap…shudder!…

      • obd, I would like to be a Bristle Cone Pine. Life, 5000 ft up a dry, cold mountain would be easier than this. I could live for thousands of years, instead of just feeling like I have.

        The people are succumbing to root rot.

        • overburdenddonkey

          that’s all we are to them now, 01’s /data…that the income/asset abundant seek to control and squeeze prophet from…
          did you see that dreadful prog misnomer…’the truth of CSA’….? yet more behaviourist BS….

          • I knew what was coming when I saw the listing obd. Hence, I didn’t watch it, my telly won’t stand any more bricks being hurled at it. I heard some offensive promotional cack on R4 Today for it, with John Humphries aggressively questioning a woman who had not only survived abuse, but the oppressive behaviourist shyte she had been given in lieu of proper healing therapy. He asked “WHY did you not even think of telling a teacher?”

            There is so little understanding, every important assault is smeared in bland, tabloid, pc innuendo regarding fault and blame. You’d get more sense and compassion out of a rock than you would from the idiots (and SO many experts) who run the media.

            The only programme I have ever seen that actually nailed it, was shown in the 90s “Kids In Danger” (cacky title) but made and presented by Roger Cook. Takes a brave programme maker to actually identify the damage caused.

            My telly lives to spew forth garbage, another day.

            Some survivors ain’t so lucky.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      So there is no need for WCA`s or Atos, Maximus & admitting what a failure WCA`s are.

    • Moggy

      Horse shit, councils already have access to medical files and try to frame you by adding more to your medical files that is not true.

      Business and councils work hand in hand so you can bet your bottom dollar they have had to logo on everything and usually before the councils.

      All phoney’s working in phoney jobs and professions like you moglucy.

      • Read the link you pathetic, vitriolic, deluded old fart. Then carry on with your perverted fantasies, they show you up as the angry ignoramus that you are.

        • Lucy I don’t need to read phoney links or pronouncements by local or national governments to know that they lie, you obviously believe them because it is in your remit, being proficient in every field going so you think, pity you cannot read between the lines of how local and national governments can change their minds on the turn of a sixpence and expect us to follow.
          I am not a follower and never will be.

      • overburdenddonkey

        your family supports you, you don’t claim jsa or esa…

  84. George Osborne Needs to go as Chancellor of the Exchequer

    This Arrogant Out of Touch Politician in a Ivory Tower is a Disaster
    for this Country

  85. People Need to Get Out and Protest

    Too Many Local Councils are Out of Touch Enough as it is

    Lucy | November 25, 2015 at 11:07 am | Reply

    A nasty little idea is being discussed in the shires, if it comes to pass, we will all be double plus fucked.

    Councils (and businesses) want access to our medical records to decide who should get access to benefits and services.

    ..and we thought our privacy was destroyed already?
    Read it and weep.

  86. Notice that Petition for the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has about 114,894 Signatures

    No to Universal Credit Yes to Increasing Welfare Benefits and his
    Resignation is in Order

  87. Nazi Scum Off Our Streets and Nazi Scum Out of Office

    No to Neo Nazism and No to Neo Liberalism

    End Austerity Yes to Social Justice

    Oppose the Tories Liberal Democrats and Rightists in the Parliamentary
    Labour Party who are Austerity Stooges and Betray the Underdog thus
    contributing to Oppression

  88. The parasites continue to deplete every aspect of our lives by destroying quality and sentient companionship

    Housing Association gives tenants 2 weeks to dispose of their pets.

    I’d not be surprised if the fucking RSPCA were involved in this proposal, they hate the idea of animal companionship.


    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Does that include cockroaches – pharaoh Ants & Ghost Ants !!!!

      • I suspect they’ll be exempted Stepping, maybe even provided by the parasitic housing association and the residents will be charged for them.

        Would be interesting to see just how quickly the housing association responds to infestations – bet it’s more like 2 years, rather than the 2 weeks given to “dispose” of companion animals.

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          They blitz all the residents with DDT chemicals. We had Ghost Ants in the council sink estate. The natural way to get rid of them is the old washing powder Borax.

      • Does that mean we will have to get rid of our carpet beetle? And what about the spider in jar in the kids bedroom – will Mr Eight Legs have to go?

      • No it means Gnats, or is the G silent?

  89. OT: Tax Credits Newflash. WTF!!!!

    Tax credit cuts scrapped, Osborne announces
    Posted at 12:48
    George Osborne says the £4.4bn tax credit cuts will be scrapped altogether. He says he’s listened to the concerns and decided not to press ahead with them. He can do this, he says, because of the “improved” public finances.

    • BBC political journalist getting poked fun of:

      Laura Kuenssberg
      So, better overall financial picture gets him out of a v uncomfortable financial hole

      – history of missed targets, ought to know better
      – do you really blieve that statistical jiggery pokery and those growth forecasts. Naive beyond belief – or perhaps you are a Tory.
      – On the back of a fetid October? So was he just being a bastard for the fun of it?

      more from BBC:
      “Laura Kuenssberg ‏@bbclaurak 3m3 minutes ago
      Huge u turn on Tax Cred, but If Universal Credit, which replaces them goes ahead as planned families off hook this yr, but lose same by 2020”

      So basically still shafted…

      and in other news….

    • KARMA

      A VIP city Alderman has been forced to sleep in his car for the past two weeks after becoming homeless.

      Former Tory councillor Paul Bartlett, who was given the prestigious title for his services to MK, set up camp in McDonald’s car park at thestadium:mk.

      “It was cold and uncomfortable, but I realised there were people far worse off than me. At least I had the car for shelter and money in my pocket to buy hot food,” he told the Citizen this week.

      Supermarket worker Paul was forced to quit his rented home in Stony Stratford earlier this month – ironically because of a ruling from Milton Keynes Council.

      “It was a shared house and the council found the fire regulation work was not up to scratch. I had to leave so my landlord could carry out the improvements,” said the 54-year-old.

      Read more:

      • So for all those others who feel they are ConCons untouchable….


        From: Mr J Martin

        6 August 2014

        Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

        How many Benefit Claimants (including but not limited to Incapacity
        Benefit/ESA and Disability Living Allowance/PIP had their Annual
        Christmas Bonus adjusted by The Department For Work and Pensions
        from £10 to £0.00 in the following finanical years
        2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15. How many of these
        from the Birkenhead Benefits office?

        How many instances in each of the years mentioned did DWP
        proactively make good The Christmas Bonus as a result of this
        alteration? How many of these were from the Birkenhead Benefits

        How many Benefit Claimants have had their Bonus Payments repaid?
        How many of these from the Birkenhead Benefits office?

        How many Benefit Claimants received compensation/ex gratia payments
        for having their Christmas Bonus altered? How many of these from
        the Birkenhead Benefits office?

        How many complaints were received over the alteration of these
        Christmas Bonus Payments in each of the years mentioned? How many
        of these from the Birkenhead Benefits office?

        Which person(s) authorised the alteration of the Christmas Bonus to
        read £0.00?

        How many employees of Department for Work and Pensions have been
        subjected to Disciplinary action over the alteration of the
        Christmas Bonus to read £0.00 and How many of these from the
        Birkenhead Benefits office?

        How many Benefit Offices were involved in altering the Christmas
        Bonus to read £0.00, which is effectively an illegal benefit
        sanction which does not corerspond with any legistration, and which
        Benefit Offices were involved in altering the Christmas Bonus?

        Yours faithfully,

        Mr J Martin

  90. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    One thing saying all these good thing on not cutting tax credit but is another thing doing it. As we know they go against their word time & time again without a big PR stunt.

    • Stepping

      more from BBC:
      “Laura Kuenssberg ‏@bbclaurak 3m3 minutes ago
      Huge u turn on Tax Cred, but If Universal Credit, which replaces them goes ahead as planned families off hook this yr, but lose same by 2020”

      So no change, just now being done by stealth

  91. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Osboure has spent £500 Million in 2 days – Money laundering is good for business.

  92. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Robert Peston
    ✔ ‎@Peston
    I don’t see how these numbers add up. Must be big revenue raising measure coming. Fuel duty? Something else? #spendingreview

    1:29 PM – 25 Nov 2015

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      It`s going to be worse for the DWP losing Millions in the budget. To pay for the Tax Credit U turn.

  93. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Owen Smith
    ✔ ‎@OwenSmith_MP
    Let’s be clear: the tax credit reverse is a victory – but the 140k families already on UC will still suffer the full cut 1/2

    1:15 PM – 25 Nov 2015

    84 84 Retweets

    16 16 likes

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Owen Smith
      ✔ ‎@OwenSmith_MP
      And all families that would newly qualify for Tax Creds in 2018 will suffer the full cut under UC – so this is not the full & fair reversal

      1:16 PM – 25 Nov 2015

  94. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Policy paper

    Spending Review and Autumn Statement 2015: documents

  95. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    ‘Barely a target he hasn’t missed’ – Benefits & Disabled & Syria.

  96. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Europe will have 5 million more refugees if Britain goes into Syria. Europe on it`s knees.

  97. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    U U Turns.

  98. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    So the cuts are over – Good PR to end Austerity today.

  99. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The deficit is even bigger now with £Million plasters. The deficit is at it`s biggest since 2008.

  100. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    £4 Trillion to pay back.

  101. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Higher Council Tax

  102. Defend Full Housing Benefit Get George Osborne Out as Chancellor of
    the Exchequer Increase Welfare Spending

    No to UK Involvement in Warmongering in Syria it is Against British
    Interests and against Syrian Interests as Well

    Arrogant Ivory Tower Politicians in the House of Commons should
    Understand that War is Devastation even with their Gormless Grins
    on their too Smug Faces

  103. Tax the Rich Hands Off the Poor

    Demonstrations For Redistribution of Wealth from Rich to Poor to
    Bridge the Gulf between Rich and Poor

    Proper Funding to Local Government and an End to the Poor and
    Vulnerable having Council Tax Inflicted on them in a Country where
    the Rich have had Tax Breaks

  104. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


    Today’s tax credit reversal will change nothing in the long run as the cuts will still feature in the new universal credit system, Paul Johnson of the IFS points out. “In the long run he’s saving just as much and politically he’s got through that,” he adds.

  105. OT: and in other News…Pension
    55% won’t get full new State Pension Credit

    Plus if only made a few years contributions [hello Stay at Home Wives, or other carers…] they won’t get anything

  106. OT: JSA Conditionality from Rightsnet

    Expansion of JSA-type conditionality to a million more people ….. not clear who …. ESA/WRAG?!

    ‘Universal Credit will extend the same Jobcentre Plus support that people on Jobseeker’s Allowance get to 1.3 million additional claimants who currently get little or no support, by 2020’

    This is referring to the new regulations from 6Ap16

  107. Certainly cannot Stand the Smug Grins in that Chamber of Ivory Towerism

    Gazza | November 25, 2015 at 1:27 pm | Reply

    Is that Dunko the Clown on the Naughty Step? :

    Never seen him put there before… going down in the world?

    • paultheswineherd

      NoOppression – They have got to admit defeat at some time – IDS is on the naughty step and he has been for a while now (in PMQ’s) as he is failing abysmally to achieve targets that he knows that are impossible to achieve, as he himself knows that Universal Credit & PIP are years behind schedule and we reckon that he is only allowed to be kept in his position because he knows secrets about this Government that could bring them down.
      The Bullingdon Boys at Oxford University – e.g. Boris Johnson, David Cameron & George Osborne, amongst many others that we do not hear about have got a lot to answer for regarding this fucking Government.

  108. Universal Credit Needs to be Opposed After All the UK has been
    Sleepwalking in a Trance for over 5 and a Half Years

    Defend the Welfare State Get Tory Austerity Out of Office

    Stepping Razor Sound Plate System | November 25, 2015 at 2:47 pm | Reply


    Today’s tax credit reversal will change nothing in the long run as the cuts will still feature in the new universal credit system, Paul Johnson of the IFS points out. “In the long run he’s saving just as much and politically he’s got through that,” he adds.

  109. The Best Way for Nutcase Budgets to be Ended is through George Osborne
    to cease to be Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Tories to Cease being
    in Office

    Corbyn Needs to Offer that Clear Alternative to Austerity without Rightist
    Austerity Stooges in the Parliamentary Labour Party Denying Real

  110. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Over the next few weeks everything will be U turned back to how it was 2 weeks ago with no fan fare of PR stunts – hush hush.

  111. paultheswineherd

    It seems that we have been reprieved from the Tax Credits bombshell at the moment – but, by the end of this parliament we may not have been!
    Dead Pig fucker David Camoron has got away with it for now (via his Chancellor – George Osborne) – but in the next 2 weeks or so, – he may have his own come uppance and his cover may well have been blown completely!

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Tax Credits will be Universal credit. Universal credit will be fast tracked through in spring 2016 where the cuts will apply to UC. The thing that has not changed is the sanctions on Tax Credits & Universal Credits which will pay for the U turn in tax credits.

    • Read a few articles relating to CAPITA HEALTH CARE.

      Apparently they are shafting clients undergoing PIP examinations. They are awarding zero points on thousands of medical reports claiming that people with really severe disabilities are totally fit.
      Nothing has changed as far as these jokers are concerned. The only way DUNKO THE CLOWN and his arsewipe stormtroopers can claim the economy is on course is to steal the funds from those ill prepared to fight back.

      Their latest con is to tell the claimant that the equipment has failed to record at the end of the examination. This is evidence that they are frightened of the backlash if they are sued in court.

      How low can a country really get?

      Stealing the meagre crumbs afforded to one to help balance the disproportionate burden of having a disability.

      Can you remember a while back that prominent judicial figures were on a list called “Home Visit”, the latest updated document contains home addresses and family members of Health Care Professionals.

      The government think they are so clever, as do the minions they attract to inflict the pain.

      Imagine a knock at the door to be faced with somebody you have fucked over in the past.

      A human memory is a fantastic piece of kit that rewards itself when the grievance is finally settled

  112. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The Army are now called the police – The police budget goes down & the Army budget replaces the police budget. 10,000 British Troops need paying because the police are trouble makers. Thank you George.

  113. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    The cost on U turning on tax credit will cost £4.5 Billion

  114. Any Attacks on Full Housing Benefit and Welfare Benefits in General
    Need to be Resisted and Austerity Reversed

    George Osborne Out as Chancellor of the Exchequer

    Scrap Universal Credit Ian Duncan Smith Out as Secretary of State
    For Work and Pensions

    paultheswineherd | November 25, 2015 at 4:00 pm | Reply

    It seems that we have been reprieved from the Tax Credits bombshell at the moment – but, by the end of this parliament we may not have been!
    Dead Pig fucker David Camoron has got away with it for now (via his Chancellor – George Osborne) – but in the next 2 weeks or so, – he may have his own come uppance and his cover may well have been blown completely!

  115. Interesting Points

    Ian Duncan Smith is a Disaster as Secretary of State For Work and Pensions
    and his Resignation as Secretary of State For Work and Pensions is in
    Order .

    Universal Credit is a Disaster which Needs to be Stopped and Ended
    and with That Tory Austerity and Attacks on the Welfare State

    A Political Fightback for the Welfare State and to give the Underdog a
    Real Voice in Politics is Essential

    paultheswineherd | November 25, 2015 at 3:52 pm | Reply

    NoOppression – They have got to admit defeat at some time – IDS is on the naughty step and he has been for a while now (in PMQ’s) as he is failing abysmally to achieve targets that he knows that are impossible to achieve, as he himself knows that Universal Credit & PIP are years behind schedule and we reckon that he is only allowed to be kept in his position because he knows secrets about this Government that could bring them down.
    The Bullingdon Boys at Oxford University – e.g. Boris Johnson, David Cameron & George Osborne, amongst many others that we do not hear about have got a lot to answer for regarding this fucking Government.

  116. Tweeted @melissacade68

  117. Pingback: Not All Terrorists Carry Guns, But The Deaths From Osborne’s Cuts Will Be Just As Real | the void – stewilko's Blog

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