First Demonstration Called Against New DWP Boss Demanding #CrabbMustGo

crabb-resign-stickerIf new Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb had any decency at all he would resign from his position as patron of the local branch of Mencap.

Ever since Crabb voted to slash benefits for many disabled people to little over £70 a week the Haverfordwest based charity, who run a once popular community garden, have faced outrage from the public over their relationship with Crabb – and with good reason.  It is beyond belief that a member of a government that has so ruthlessly attacked disabled people has he gall to hide his sins beneath a charitable facade.  And it is beneath contempt that he would rather see this charity destroyed then do the hornourable thing and step away.

This is sadly unsurprising however.  Crabb happily referred to his own mother as welfare dependent when he gave an interview about saving her from a violent attack by his father when he was just eight years old.  He has no shame in dragging his family’s traumatic past out under the public spotlight when he thinks it might win him some sympathy with voters.  Even a recent re-union with his father – which conveniently took place just days after his appointment to Scretary of State – appeared to be little more than stunt to further his political aspirations.  After what must have been a difficult and emotional meeting for both of them, Crabb’s first thought on leaving was to ring the Daily fucking Mail and tell them all about it.

A broad coalition has now emerged in Crabb’s home town demanding that he step down in his role as Mencap patron.  He should step down as Secretary of State as well.  His nasty affiliation with a ‘gay cure’ Christian cult seems to be the only sincere thing about him.  We got rid of the last bastard now let’s get rid of this one.  Join the fine folk of Pembrokeshire for a demonstration against Crabb this Saturday April 2nd from 11am-1pm outside his constituency office, Upper Market St, Haverfordwest, SA61 1QA.

Please share the facebook page for the event and help keep up the pressure on Pembrokeshire Mencap to get behind the people they claim to support and sack Crabb immediately.  And keep up the pressure on all the other charities hiding dirty little Tory secrets as part of Operation #ToryDump

Sign the petition calling for Crabb to step down as a Mencap patron at:

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85 responses to “First Demonstration Called Against New DWP Boss Demanding #CrabbMustGo

  1. It is Disgusting the Attacks upon the Poor and Vulnerable

    It is Despicable the Infliction of Council Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable

    Bridge the Gulf between Rich and Poor Increase Spending on the
    Welfare State and State Pensions

    No to Nutcase Neo Liberalism

  2. The 1st of April Mark’s The Anniversary of the Nazis under Julius
    Streicher Organizing a One Day Boycott of Jewish Businesses in Germany in 1933 AD

    Julius Streicher Founder of Der Sturmer an Anti Semitic Hate Paper
    was a Nasty Nazi Propaganda Merchant .

    I am Sure Margaret Thatcher would of made use of him as a Propaganda
    Editor and could Imagine him as a Tory Propagandist against
    the Poor and Vulnerable in the Present Day

    The Nazis made Use of Propaganda in their Attacks upon Jews in

    The Tories have ” Newspapers ” and Bigots Tabloids in their Nazi
    Style Attacks upon the Poor and Vulnerable

  3. Its no coincidence that Crabb is involved with “gay cure” and mental health charities at the same time.
    Conversion Cure, it does not matter if you are gay, have MH issues, or any other kind of issues, like unemployment!! they will try to “Convert you”.

    Electro therapy combined with intensive intrusive brainwashing.

    Its all bollocks, because we have a new minister for the DWP who wants to convert gays,(smoke screen for unemployed).
    And Cameron who openly campaigned for gay marriage.
    Cameron welcomed him with open arms.
    YEAH RIGHT!!!!!

  4. Staggering hypocrisy from Crabbe Apple, just as bad as IDS claiming to be a champion of the disabled/poor. They are lying scum, the lot of them. Talking of hypocrites, why don’t Labour say something about them? And off Topic completely, why do I have to waste my fucking time doing jobsearch and meticulously recording it in the Activity section of UJM, as required, when the JCP Adviser/Work Coach/Dole Clerk can’t even be bothered to fucking look at it? “oh I’m not going to read it”, she said. Well FUCK OFF then and don’t expect me to fucking do it you idle cunt.

    • Jobseekers Advice

      Cock roaches do this on purpose – it is one of their favourite tricks. It is so that you will be caught with your job-seeking pants downs when you ‘randomly’ get pulled up by the ‘hit squad’ and you have nothing to show – instant NOT Actively Seeking Employment sanction. Your cock roach is trying to suss out whether or not you are keeping a record. Make sure they know you are keeping a record (evidence).


        the DWP/JCP are enough to drive people into suffering mental illness. Maybe that explains Crabb Apple’s connection with Mencap. They’re certainly driving me fucking mad.

        • The jobcentre play all sorts of subtle tricks and devious mind games. All designed to drive you round the ebnd. You get to the point when you feel you really are nuts. THE JOBCENTRE DROVE ME INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            THE JOBCENTRE DROVE US INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀

      • The jobcentre is good at the old good cop-bad cop routine.

  5. Pembrokeshire Citizens Advice Bureau – Annual Report 2015

    Click to access 05%20Pembrokeshire%20CAB%20Annual%20Report%202015.pdf

    see pages 15 and 16

    The CAB are hand in hand with Crabb (see photo) and the DWP (quote below taken from their annual report)

    …’Department for Work and Pensions (£12,498) to broaden our digital inclusion work into job centres and libraries,’ …




    • “George had been learning to drive in a specially-adapted car given to him by though the motability part of DLA. A week before he was due to take his test he received the bombshell from the Department for Work and Pensions…. I’m 19, I’ve got arthritis, I’ve got a metal rod in my back and it really restricts my day-to-day life.” How the hell can he twist about doing his manoeuvres? – it is bad enough if you don’t have a rod in your spine! Then he has to reach the pedals and look over the windscreen? Ridiculous!

      • Besides, no insurance wants to insure 19-years-old anyway. His premiums would be at least £2,500 a year for a Micra or similar!

        • His insurance is covered in exactly the same way as all the rest of us with a Motability car, it is in the package we pay for with the car. We get the car, insurance, AA or RAC cover at an enhanced level due to being disabled, the MOT costs and any repairs covered as well as a yearly service.

          We do however have to pay for any adaptations needed to the vehicle and pay for them to be removed at the end of our period of Motability rental. There is a fund that you apply to that can pay some of the costs of adaptions but the money is limited, hard to get and rarely covers the full costs of an adaption.

          I have my Motability car for three years and hopefully have it for the rest of my life since I’ve become significantly sicker since I was given Enhanced Rate of both Care and Mobility on my transfer from DLA to PIP. But the fact is that if my Motability car is taken from me I will go back to being bedbound.

          As it is I had to buy a basic wheelchair as I couldn’t get one via the NHS and simply can’t afford a mobility scooter. If I ever want one we will have to move as all we could get for a flat when we were made homeless a year ago is yet another 1st floor flat. We can’t bring the scooter in the house, nor carry the battery up and down stairs to charge it. People think all of these things are provided and that just isn’t so.

      • “You’ll find a good portion of disabled people living in poverty, way under the breadline, because the costs of being a disabled person are excruciatingly high. Suppose, if you want to learn to drive and such!

        • If you physically can learn to drive and can do so safely why on earth shouldn’t you? Those of us with significant,mobility issues simply can’t rely on public transport and obviously can’t walk around like everyone else!

      • And Good Luck with the Driving Test!

      • What’s ridiculous is your lack of ability to understand what adaptions are available for Motability cars. All pedal controls can be turned into hand controls so his height and leg length is of no concern, there are a variety of adaptions that can be built in to the car so he can quickly and safely perform all the same manoeuvres that everyone else who drives have to. Of course cars can be adapted to have the car seat high enough for this chap to safely see over the dashboard and be in the correct driving position.

        What on earth is so difficult to understand about any of that? You’re either trolling to try get a rise out of people or you’re so stupid you shouldn’t be allowed a driving licence to be out on the roads yourself! Oh and he passed his driving test with flying colours thanks. What is your problem?!



    …………….Why not ask the families of those minus a member?

    Benefit sanctions
    Scheduled Autumn 2016
    Sector Welfare and benefits
    NAO Team

    Director: Max Tse

    Audit Manager: Colin Ross
    Media contact Rupi Gohlar
    Direct line: 020 7798 7066 Mobile: 07917 555388 Email:

    To receive benefits such as Jobseeker’s Allowance or Universal Credit, some claimants must agree to undertake work-related activities which aim to help them move into work. Not completing these activities can lead to a sanction, where a claimant’s benefit payments are suspended for a period of time.

    This study will examine whether the Department for Work and Pensions is achieving value for money from its administration of benefit sanctions. This includes how benefit sanctions fit with the intended aims and outcomes of DWP’s wider working age employment policy, whether sanctions are being implemented in line with policy and whether use of sanctions is leading to the intended outcomes for claimants.

    Email above personnel using our contact form selecting welfare and benefits as the topic, marking it for their attention in the subject field.

  8. Disability employment gap inquiry.

    Scope of the inquiry

    The Committee invites written submissions addressing the following points:

    To what extent are the current range of proposed measures likely to achieve the Government’s ambition of closing the disability employment gap?
    How effective is the Disability Confident campaign in reducing barriers to employment and educating employers?
    What should support for people with health conditions and disabilities in the proposed Work and Health programme look like?
    What are the likely impacts on disability employment of the abolition of the Employment and Support Allowance Work Related Activity component?


      ……………in answer to question one/
      The ambition of closing the disability employment gap will be futile given that mental and physical conditions that limit the scope of a disabled persons ability are the key factor. Massaging statistics to prove otherwise will never be cost effective without the loss of more innocent lives.

      ………………….in answer to question two/
      The Disability Confident campaign will never reduce barriers to employment because an able bodied citizen will always be chosen ahead of one with a disability. Common sense.

      …………………in answer to question three/
      Support is not a mental or physical torture. Denying someone with a disability the sustenance to exist will never be seen as supportive. The governments attitude is that it has to be cruel to be kind to motivate is morally and ethically disgusting.

      …………………in answer to question four/
      Proposed abolition of the ESA Wrag component will exacerbate the level of suicides which we are witnessing as an everyday event.
      The action is but a futile attempt to try and erase disability benefits from the overloaded exchequer by using the divide and rule concept.
      Where will it end?
      Will the Support group be tailored into different groups to further erase the word disability.

      Disability is not a choice, but rather a burden on those who carry it. It now seems we are a burden on society in general and must be eradicated at all cost………….

      Cost being the defining word…….

  9. This simple act of kindness was too much for a DWP benefits tribunal

    It was a mark of sympathy from an MP to a frail woman. But a judge claimed Jess Phillips’ simple X called her professionalism into question

  10. Disability benefits assessment service not ‘acceptable’ says committee

  11. Outside firms carrying out back-to-work tests are costing taxpayer money

  12. Penniless woman who had benefits stopped while she was in a COMA turned to petty crime to survive

    “I’m absolutely shocked someone who was in a coma in hospital, and was not expected to survive, lost their benefits for nine weeks through no fault of their own.”

  13. Given how Impoverished many in this Country have become since
    Day Zero when the Con Dem Regime came to power a lot of people
    could Not Afford to get Married .

    Cameron trying to be PC Trendy does Nothing to Bridge the Gulf between Rich and Poor indeed it has Widened under his Dictatorship

    I do Not Endorse David Cameron as Prime Minister and he has Messed Up
    this Country

    The sage | March 30, 2016 at 5:12 pm | Reply

    Its no coincidence that Crabb is involved with “gay cure” and mental health charities at the same time.
    Conversion Cure, it does not matter if you are gay, have MH issues, or any other kind of issues, like unemployment!! they will try to “Convert you”.

    Electro therapy combined with intensive intrusive brainwashing.

    Its all bollocks, because we have a new minister for the DWP who wants to convert gays,(smoke screen for unemployed).
    And Cameron who openly campaigned for gay marriage.
    Cameron welcomed him with open arms.
    YEAH RIGHT!!!!!

  14. People Protested over the Poll Tax

    There Needs to be Large Demonstrations over A ) Infliction of Council Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable since the 1st of April 2013 AD and B )
    Council Tax Hikes this Year and other Year together with the Disgusting
    Cut in Funding from National Government to Local Government and
    Calling upon the Official Opposition to Actually be an Opposition

    Perhaps a Large Demonstration in Trafalgar Square London and other
    Demonstrations outside Council Offices

    Councillors that have Voted For Council Tax Hikes which Impoverish People
    instead of having the Integrity to Stand Up to the Westminster Regime over
    Proper Funding of Local Government Need to be Voted Out

    Councils are too often like Mini Nazi Dictatorships because apart from the
    Amalgamations making them Not as local as they were before Terrible
    Edward Heath there is No Effective Public Scrutiny of Local Government

    No to Dictatorship from Westminster and No to Dictatorship from local

  15. Studying Pembrokeshire County Council Elections it looks like
    Independents have Controlled Pembrokeshire County Council since
    1995 AD and subsequent Elections afterwards .

    This is an Improvement upon other Councils which are Dominated by
    the Trio ( Tory Labour and Liberal Democrat ) combined or which are
    Mini Tory Thousand Year Reichs or Slave Labour Regimes

    Better to have Councils which are Controlled by Independents who
    can Stand Up for Proper Funding of Local Government without like
    some Labour Councillors who have tried to Oppose Westminster Regime
    Austerity Slavery been Victimised by the Slave Labour Establishment in the
    Local Council by Not being Party Line Slaves and Thus Stand Up For the
    Poor and Vulnerable

  16. US Firm Could Take Over Young Offender Centres

    An American company accused of managing prisons riddled with violence, corruption and drugs could soon be running two UK centres.

    • Sian, take a look at this organisation and it’s directors to understand the link with the young offenders contract……….

      Breaking the Cycle of Crime
      Penrose Criminal Justice Rehabilitation Services

      Penrose Criminal Justice Rehabilitation service (CJRS) is a department within Penrose Options. Penrose CJRS provides a range of person centred rehabilitation services in prison, through the gate and in the community. We are a Tier two Community Rehabilitation partner within MTC Novo’s solution for the London Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC). We also provide residential support services for offenders in London and Luton as well as being key providers of IOM solutions. These compliment our forensic mental health and specialist personality disorder services that are within Penrose Options other provision (please see other sections of the web site for information on these services). We are expert in managing risk, sex offenders, sex workers, substance misusers, MAPPA offenders and offenders receiving multiple short sentences


    …………..and the LONDON CRC

    We are the largest of the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies across England and Wales, employing nearly 1,200 staff across London.

    Our role is to manage the majority of offenders under probation supervision. We work alongside the National Probation Service, which manages offenders who have been assessed as presenting high risk of harm to others.
    We were formerly known as the London Probation Trust and on 1 February 2015 our ownership transferred to MTCnovo.




      Nabeel Khan

      Nabeel works for the Mayor of London, managing a team of project managers that are responsible for delivering the Mayor’s commitments in his economic development strategy for London.

      Prior to his current post he mainly worked on major regeneration projects to help unlock key sites for new housing estates and schools to working on the land assembly of a £1bn retail-led shopping centre redevelopment.

  18. Apparently Council Tax Increases over a certain percentage Required a
    Referendum through in the ” Democratic ” Dictatorship that is this Country
    One Questions if they would bother to Actually Hold Them

    It is Not just the Tories Arrogance that is Appalling the Liberal Democrats
    is as Well and Slave Labour’s Collaboration by Non Resistance .

    There should be No Increases in Council Tax upon the Poor and Vulnerable
    Fullstop and if People are Gormless Enough to Vote for an Increase in
    Council Tax only they should Pay It .

    It is the Selfish Rich who should Pay as they have the Money and Have
    Oppressed the Poor and Vulnerable

    Down with the Class System and Hands Off The Poor

  19. Austerity is a Crime against Human Dignity

    sian | March 31, 2016 at 9:38 am | Reply

    Penniless woman who had benefits stopped while she was in a COMA turned to petty crime to survive

    “I’m absolutely shocked someone who was in a coma in hospital, and was not expected to survive, lost their benefits for nine weeks through no fault of their own.”

  20. There is an Alternative to Stealing From the Poor and Vulnerable

    NO Stealing from the Poor and Vulnerable

    • Actually you do realise the article by Southwark CAB is misleading. I worked for them though I don’t any more thankfully and UC only affects a small portion of people who are not in receipt of disability benefits, are not homeowners, or leaseholders or with kids. It only affects those who are single only with no other circumstances. It’s not good. There is a 6 to 8 week payment delay and HB is only backdated in exceptional circumstances to 1 month instead of 6 months. It will be a long time before UC gets rolled out but I agree with you I don’t like the new Secretary of state either but well let’s see how long he lasts.

  21. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Charity workers fear benefit claimants will struggle as Universal Credit is rolled out in SE1

    Southwark News – 31st March 2016

    It is revealed that new applicants will have to wait six weeks for first payment, and will need a bank account, which Citizens’ Advice believes could cause trouble for hundreds

    Hundreds of Southwark benefits claimants are expected to struggle with the new Universal Credit (UC) system that was rolled out for SE1 residents last week.

    Since March 23, all benefits claimants in SE1 on any of the following benefits will have to enrol on the government’s new system and set up a digital account:

    •Job Seeker’s Allowance
    •Housing Benefit
    •Working Tax Credit
    •Child Tax Credit
    •Income Support
    •Employment and Support Allowance

    Claimants will instead be given one monthly payment calculated by grouping the benefit payments they received under the old system.

    The national charity Citizens’ Advice (CA) says it expect 697 Southwark residents will need help or face falling into financial trouble with the new system. They also predict Southwark will have almost three times the number of people in Lambeth and five times the number in Lewisham who need advice.

    “New claimants and anyone switching to the new system will have to wait six weeks for their first monthly payment,” said Chris Green, CEO for Southwark Citizens’ Advice.

    “It could leave some people in debt when they are struggling to pay bills as it is. It’s going to be very difficult, unless any of these people have savings. The consequences of getting it wrong can be very serious and we’re very concerned people will lost out.”

    He added that there are fears some people “won’t understand” the new system and might not be able to handle the added responsibilities that go with the changes.

    “Historically things like housing benefit have been paid fortnightly, and paid on claimants’ behalf directly to the council,” Chris said.

    “So there is a fear that people won’t understand that they need to pay their rent each month before less important expenses. We worry people will have trouble prioritising and learning to deal with the new system.”

    Read More:

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The only way to get UC is by using a computer with no paper work & no paper forms. Which makes UC null & void in discrimination.

    • I’m on it (since being laid off) & yes the wait is too long, myself? I volunteer in a food bank!

  22. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Poke the crabs in the barrel – Crab do what your told & shut up !!!

  23. Signed petition, this gay, poor, sick and disabled hating arsehole should be thrown out asap, using his own parents to further his cause, what a scumbag, I hope the gay community, the sick and disabled people as well as everybody else protest against this vile, monstrous, oily, tory crapwit!




    The family of Jean Charles de Menezes has lost a human rights challenge over the decision not to charge any UK police officer for his fatal shooting.

    The Brazilian was killed at London’s Stockwell Tube in 2005 by police who mistook him for a terror suspect.

    The decision that there was not enough evidence to prosecute anyone did not breach human rights laws, judges said.

    His family, who had argued that the bar for prosecution should be lower, said they were “deeply disappointed”.

    Mr de Menezes, an electrician who was 27, was followed and shot in the head by police marksmen who mistook him for a suicide bomber.

  25. Another Fine Recession

    If the Selfservatives think producing steel at at a loss of £1 million a day is not viable, then how do they explain the Waste Programme?

  26. Council tax bills in almost every part of England are rising on Friday with an average annual increase of £46.

    People in a Band D home in Pendle in Lancashire can expect to pay an extra £74 in 2016-17, the biggest rise in the country.

    Bills will rise in 314 out of 327 areas, even if the council is freezing its share, analysis by BBC News shows.

    The Department for Communities and Local Government said £3.5bn will be raised to care for older people.

    The overall bills include any precepts levied by parish councils, county councils, police and crime commissioners and fire authorities.

  27. Pingback: First Demonstration Called Against New DWP Boss Demanding #CrabbMustGo — the void | WIDESCREEN TVS

  28. MWA And CWP Are DEAD!!


  29. paultheswineherd

    What an absolute shambles of a Government that we now have in Britain – after calling an ’emergency meeting’ in Downing St this morning, Cameron has said that they cannot at the moment come up with any firm proposals to help the TATA steel workers in Port Talbot. These poor people must pretty much feel abandoned. If this plant was to close, it would probably destroy much of South Wales and have knock on effects elsewhere. The ‘business secretary, Savid Javid is also in trouble as it has been reported that whilst he could have called into Mumbai (where TATA is based!) on the way to Australia, he did not – further to which he took his daughter as well, in the hope of turning his visit into a ‘mini-holiday’.
    I wonder if this was done via ‘the tax-payer’ paying for it!
    He is due to visit the Port Talbot plant tomorrow.
    Meanwhile Cameron has now today travelled to Washington.
    What an incompetent and inept shower indeed!


    verb: incentivise

    motivate or encourage (someone) to do something; provide with an incentive.


    noun: torture

    the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or in order to force them to do or say something.



    United Kingdom

    During the Mau Mau uprising of the 1950s, British colonial forces rounded up more than a million of Kikuyu people — most of them innocent victims of collective punishment — and imprisoned them in concentration camps in order to flush out the Mau Mau insurgency. In order to extract information about the insurgency and terrorize the enemy, the British used brutal methods to force Kenyans to confess and repudiate the Mau Mau oath. Under slogans like “labor and freedom” and other variations on “Arbeit macht frei,” inmates were worked to death as slave labor filling in mass graves under cruel conditions. Some men were anally raped with knives. Some women had their breasts mutilated and cut off. Eyes were gouged out and ears cut off and skin lacerated with coiled barbed wire. Interrogation involved stuffing a detainee’s mouth with mud and stamping on his throat until he passed out or died. Survivors were sometimes burned alive, while British guards and interrogators took joy and laughed.

  32. Jobseekers on a North Ayrshire Council run course face fines of up to £7.50 for a number of things

  33. UK’s busiest food bank in crisis after £75,000 of vital funding lost one year earlier than expected

  34. I Agree an Absolute Shambles of a Government that we now have in Britain

    Because of the Neo Liberal EU there is little the David Cameron Regime
    can do to Save British Steel short of getting out of the Corrupt EU
    Madhouse and Renationalising British Steel instead of chucking away
    Billions of Pounds to a Corrupt EU Abyss

    paultheswineherd | March 31, 2016 at 10:29 pm | Reply

    What an absolute shambles of a Government that we now have in Britain – after calling an ’emergency meeting’ in Downing St this morning, Cameron has said that they cannot at the moment come up with any firm proposals to help the TATA steel workers in Port Talbot. These poor people must pretty much feel abandoned. If this plant was to close, it would probably destroy much of South Wales and have knock on effects elsewhere. The ‘business secretary, Savid Javid is also in trouble as it has been reported that whilst he could have called into Mumbai (where TATA is based!) on the way to Australia, he did not – further to which he took his daughter as well, in the hope of turning his visit into a ‘mini-holiday’.
    I wonder if this was done via ‘the tax-payer’ paying for it!
    He is due to visit the Port Talbot plant tomorrow.
    Meanwhile Cameron has now today travelled to Washington.
    What an incompetent and inept shower indeed!

  35. Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Establishment by Supporting UK Entrapment in the Corrupt EU are Betraying British Freedom and are Not being a Real Opposition just Tory Supporters .

    The Common Fisheries Policy Wrecked the British Fishing Industry and the Fate of British Steel under the Neo Liberal EUis Appalling

    VAT Add’s to Costs .

    It has been Estimated that if the UK is Conned by Cameron and co into Voting to Stay in the EU over £90 Billion Pounds will be Wasted on Tribute to the Corrupt EU whose own Court of Auditors for Years Refused to Sign Off their Accounts over Next 5 Years

    George Osborne has taken from the Poor and Vulnerable whilst The David Cameron Regime has continued to Pay British Money in Tribute to EU Slavery.

    Evil Margaret Thatcher campaigned for the UK to stay Trapped in the ” Common Market ” during the 1975 AD Referendum and kept the Country Trapped in the ” EEC ” ” EC ” whilst Attacking the Underdog .

  36. Nazi Tory Neo Liberal Lack of Thinking

    ” It is the Fault of the Poor for being Poor ”


    It is Actually the Fault of Oppressors For Oppressing

  37. Convicted Murderers go Free whilst the Homeless can Freeze to Death

    Stuff the EU and the Tory Regime the Country Needs Real Human Rights

    jeremy | March 31, 2016 at 7:26 pm | Reply

    the ppolice and indeed governments can now kill anybody they like. The ECHR has proved itself to be inept and probably in compliance with a UK remain vote for the EU. This decision is a bloody disgrace

  38. The wealthiest 20% of Britain’s earners will receive almost as much support from the state through the “shadow welfare” of generous tax-breaks by 2020, as the poorest fifth take home in benefits, according to a new analysis by the Fabian Society.

    Iain Duncan Smith used his resignation letter from the cabinet to criticise the March budget as “unfair,” for juxtaposing reductions in benefits for the disabled with tax cuts for some of the wealthiest in society.

    But Andrew Harrop, the Fabians’ general secretary, said his research shows the budget was just the latest step in a radical reshaping of the welfare state, which has shifted resources from the poorest in society to the better-off.

  39. Universal Credit Needs to be Opposed Stopped and Reversed

    There is No Point Ian Duncan Smith alone having finally Resigned as
    Secretary of State For Work and Pensions just so the Tory Attacks
    with Liberal Democrat and Labour Collaboration upon the Poor and
    Vulnerable can continue

    Hands Off The Poor

  40. Johnny refers dismissively to that organisation CARE as “people who worship an invisible man who lives in the sky.”

    While Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group is a secular organisation bringing together people of various religious faiths and none, I prefer to consider the ‘Liberation Theology’ of Revd Paul Nicolson of Taxpayers Against Poverty.

    ‘By their fruits shall they be known’.

  43. Tory minister insists Jobcentre’s ‘dehumanising’ Space Invaders poster didn’t target disability claimants

  44. Theft from the Poor to Boost the Bloated Wealth of the Selfish Filthy Rich
    is a Crime against Common Decency

    Margaret Thatcher Tory Thief and Tory Tyrant

    enigma | April 1, 2016 at 12:51 pm | Reply

    The wealthiest 20% of Britain’s earners will receive almost as much support from the state through the “shadow welfare” of generous tax-breaks by 2020, as the poorest fifth take home in benefits, according to a new analysis by the Fabian Society.

    Iain Duncan Smith used his resignation letter from the cabinet to criticise the March budget as “unfair,” for juxtaposing reductions in benefits for the disabled with tax cuts for some of the wealthiest in society.

    But Andrew Harrop, the Fabians’ general secretary, said his research shows the budget was just the latest step in a radical reshaping of the welfare state, which has shifted resources from the poorest in society to the better-off.

  45. Men being Ruled by Tyrants if Not by God

    Dude Swheatie of the Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group | April 1, 2016 at 1:04 pm | Reply

    Johnny refers dismissively to that organisation CARE as “people who worship an invisible man who lives in the sky.”

    While Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group is a secular organisation bringing together people of various religious faiths and none, I prefer to consider the ‘Liberation Theology’ of Revd Paul Nicolson of Taxpayers Against Poverty.

    ‘By their fruits shall they be known’.

  46. Thatcherism and Tyranny

  47. Charities either Care about the Poor and Vulnerable in the United Kingdom or they are Not Worth Supporting

    Charities are Supposed to be Caring

  48. Wanna buy some shit?

    • Another Fine Recession

      No thanks, we’re all knee deep in it as it is.

      Besides when they said ‘Do you wanna buy a steel plant – makes £1m a week – lots”.
      You misheard the last word.

  49. Just received this reply from Mencap

    “Thanks for contacting us with your concerns.

    Like you we were hugely disappointed that the Government chose to push through the cut to Employment and Support Allowance, despite opposition from MPs across the different parties, Peers, the general public (we conducted polling on the subject) and also numerous supportive articles in the press.
    We campaigned hard on the issue both as Royal Mencap Society and as proactive members of the Disability Benefits Consortium.

    We’re proud that we were able to support thousands of people with a learning disability and their families to engage in the campaign, both online and through supporting people to meet their constituency MPs often through their local Mencap. We also held a lobby of Parliament, attended by hundreds of disabled people and over 100 MPs from across all the parties.

    While ultimately the ESA cut is set to go ahead as part of the Welfare Reform and Work Act we believe that, by supporting thousands of disabled people to make their voices heard, we have helped give the issue a high profile and added weight to the opposition over the cut to Personal Independence Payments – which, as you point out, the Government has now u-turned on.

    We are now at a very crucial point in times, as the government has said it will review the whole Welfare system. We will continue to campaign to make sure MPs and Ministers, including the new Secretary of State Stephen Crabb, are fully aware of the impact any changes would have on people with a learning disability and their families.
    As a first step we launched an e-action where supporters could get in touch with the new Secretary of State, calling on him to listen to and engage with people with a learning disability and their families. We believe this direct dialogue is crucial to bring about change. We will continue to engage with him and other Ministers to try to ensure the issues are forefront in their minds.

    You highlight that Mr Crabb is Patron of Pemrbokeshire Mencap. This is an independent local Mencap group with its own management committee who make decisions about who they wish to have as a patron. We have of course been in contact with them about the concerns you and other people have expressed in relation to Mr Crabb being a patron of the group.

    We understand that Trustees and Mr Crabb have recently met to discuss the situation. Both the Director of Mencap Cymru and ourselves are talking to the protest group that have established the petition and have held demonstrations. We want to ensure that, whilst they make their views known, they do not cause distress to the people with a learning disability working within Stackpole Walled Gardens.

    I hope the above is helpful and would like to thank you again for writing to us.

    Many thanks
    Ciara Lawrence

    Ciara Lawrence

    Campaigns Support Officer


    123 Golden Lane


    EC1Y 0RT

    Phone: 0207 696 5605


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