Fuck the Government, Fuck the Courts, We’ll Beat Workfare on the Streets

superdrug-workfareJoin the Week of Action Against Workfare beginning on March 18th and let’s bring a final end to forced work:  http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=1996

Charities around the UK are abandoning the Government’s forced labour obsession and pulling out of workfare.  Last year the volume of pressure from the public forced many private companies to distance themselves, with ongoing pickets and boycotts aimed at High Street names.

After an ongoing and sustained campaign by Solidarity Federation even Holland & Barrett, who were planing to take on thousands of unpaid workers, abandoned their exploitative plans.  Sol Fed have no turned their attention to Poundland, with a protest being held in Peckham this Saturday (16th March): https://www.facebook.com/events/398008846962583/?ref=2

The Unions have condemned workfare, with the PCS yesterday issuing their strongest statement yet objecting to unpaid work.

And yesterday the Courts ruled that Iain Duncan Smith’s bodged legislation led to many workfare schemes being illegal.

Workfare has been rejected by the public, ethical charities everywhere, the Unions and now even the courts.  But even this is not enough for DWP ministers who have caused utter confusion by attempting to rush new rules into law – exactly the kind of panicky blundering that led to yesterday’s court verdict.

Workfare can now only be beaten on the street, organise and spread the word about the week of action to help make it happen!

Visit Boycott Workfare for more info or join the facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/517491058274105/

And tell the workfare using charities on twitter what you think:  @Sue_Ryder @RSPCA_official @pdsa_hq @ymca_england @salvationarmyuk @tcvtweets @Papworth_Trust @RBLI

(and in the meantime, for once in their miserable lives, it might actually be worth contacting your MP.  John Mcdonnell has tabled a ‘prayer’ – don’t ask – in Parliament which may delay the new rules and needs support from MPs: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2012-13/1072)

Follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid

108 responses to “Fuck the Government, Fuck the Courts, We’ll Beat Workfare on the Streets

  1. Come on Enough if enough, IDS needs sectioning and having just watched PMQ’s, I don’t doubt Cameron needs to go the same way too. This is for their own safety, ‘cos believe me, there is some crazy (or not) out there, ready and willing to terminate their LIFE account!
    Bunch of Bastards, HOBAN is not fit for purpose either Fuck ’em all.

    • Cameron, the man who enjoys demonising, dehumansing and inciting hatred against the unemployed, has never done a proper day’s work in his entire pampered over-privileged life.

      Being Prime Minister is not a job for him (he delegates most of the actual ‘work’ and plays computer games all day) being Prime Minister is just a hobby for him. Vandalising and wrecking this country is recreation for him and his chums, just like it was during their Bullingdon club days, when they used to go out and trash restaurants and then arrogantly and derisively leave money to pay for all the damage. Only now they don’t pay for all the damage they do. Now, they force the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in society pay for it.

      Just looking at Cameron’s overfed, over-privileged, over-pampered, mean thin-lipped, red-faced, cruel, vain, arrogant, contemptuous, vicious, sadistic, insincere, sleazy, pillsbury dough like face, makes me feel sick to my stomach. I can’t even bear the sight of him now, or bear hearing his pretentious voice spouting his vacuous platitudes, incitement and invective. I have to change the channel whenever he comes on TV.

      David William Donald Cameron, is the personification of everything that is wrong with this wicked land.

      • Steven2011@lavabit.com

        Wellsaid. To be frank, I think the ‘man’ is mentally ill which is no doubt due to his having imbibed large amounts of illegal drugs such as Cannabis. He no doubt blames all the British people and in particular the sick, disabled and the unemployed for the loss of his kid and these are two of the most fundamental reasons why he acts in the way he does. He is one VERY SICK puppy to be sure!

      • something survived...

        There’s no statute of limitations. Round up all those toffs and ban them from every restaurant and pub everywhere. Put their ugly mugs on signs to let staff know not to serve them. Upper class yobs should be named and shamed.
        If this is too costly then a hammer and nails could be purchased from B&Q and the toffs could be nailed to the wall.

  2. 💀The ID⚡⚡ Gang are scaring me, mummy....

    Fuck ’em ‘tl they squeal like pigs!!
    Uuuhhh……I watched ‘Deliverance’ last night.
    It had a profound effect on me and I can now play the banjo, too!
    Let’s fuck ‘ em hard!

  3. Propper crazy…… Suits me pal!

  4. Look at this Early Day Motion 1072 presented by John McDonnell MP (Labour Party)

    Early day motion 1072

    SOCIAL SECURITY (S.I., 2013, NO. 276)
    Session: 2012-13
    Date tabled: 12.02.2013
    Primary sponsor: McDonnell, John

    That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013 (S.I., 2013, No. 276), dated 12 February 2013, a copy of which was laid before this House on 12 February, be annulled.

    Total number of signatures: 1

    Name: McDonnell, John

    Party: Labour Party

    Constituency: Hayes and Harlington

    Date Signed: 12.02.2013


  5. Ok johnny here’s a problem for you to solve. First identify work program providers. Because I keep coming across companies with variants of workfare. Of which I posted on your previous blog. Fortunatley something survived identified them as being a workfare variant. There’s another I posted too. Then ontop of that you have the hidden workfare namely EOS works pretend jobs in a shed thing. Where they carry out companies real work. Under the guise of playing at being at work.
    Not an easy battle johnny. Knock one down and more spring up.

  6. There is an old addage to describe what the three main parties are doing to the the people of the UK…

    “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

  7. Pingback: Fuck the Government, Fuck the Courts, We'll Beat Workfare on the Streets | Welfare, Disability, Politics and People's Right's | Scoop.it

  8. Iain Duncan Smith

    John McDonnell MP may think he is being clever playing at silly buggers in his pathetic attempt to derail my Legislative Programme but let me make it clear — I will personally see to it that this smart-arse of a cunt is hauled into the Jobcentre EVERY FUCKING DAY!!

    • “my Legislative Programme”?! Who do you think you are, Mr Duncan Smith? The Queen? Her Majesty’s Government? On the contrary Mr Duncan Smith may I humbly suggest that [Your] “Legislative Programme” is nothing more than a blatant attempt to yet again go behind Parliament’s back and side-step Parliamentary scrutiny as you press ahead with your ideologically-driven abominable campaign to inflict misery, suffering and destitution on the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society. JMcD

      • Speaker of the House

        Order, order! Could the Honourable Members please confine their petty disputes to the Floor of the House. Thank you. Order order!

  9. I spoke to a volunteer of British Heart Foundation collecting on the street yesterday. I told him I admired his giving up time for what he thought was a good cause but that I wouldn’t would give BHF a dime because of the Work Programme and the kind of experiments they do on live animals. He said that the people who come to them on the Work Programme are volunteers. He denied that BHF are responsible for sanctions but I pointed out that “volunteers” were actually forced labour workers who will have their benefits sanctioned by BHF reporting non-compliance with mandatory activity. Based on his comment I wouldn’t be at all sure that BHF are not still involved with the WP and all they are doing is mangling the meaning of words like “voluntary”

    • John, I was in a BHF shop today (I’d been boycotting them and this is the first time I’ve visited for months, thinking it now ‘safe’). While I was browsing a young man of about 18 emerged from the back, grubbing around carrying boxes and looking suspiciously like a workfare conscript. The woman in charge started barking orders at him in a contemptuous manner that would never have been used with a real volunteer who was free to walk out. (I’m back to boycotting!)

    • This is because the companies involved have signed a gagging order in which they are not allowed to have any negative comments about the DWP and their various workschemes. I only found this out today after my placement was taken away because the “charity” shop I was placed in has today pulled out of all DWP schemes. However, i fear that they only pulled out due to bad publicity and not because the fatcats at the top actually have a moral fibre in their bodys

  10. A Question.
    I know this information’s online somewhere, but blowed if I can find it.
    When someone signs off JSA to take up self-employment, what fee does A4e receive? Thanks in anticipation.

  11. Not sure where to put this and I’m sure it’s not been missed but with the current cap on benefits and a confirmed today rocketing inflation…
    Seriously everyone must know that £56 or £71 doesn’t even cover the basics.

    • Landless Peasant

      No, does it hell. How the chuff do they expect anyone to live on such a paltry amount in this day and age? The rich toffs who have stolen all the wealth will probably spend more than that per day on a bottle of wine to go with their friggin lunch, or on their spouses haircuts. It’s false economy, the NHS bill will increase dramatically as thousands/millions need hospital treatment for malnutrition and hypothermia. Single-person’s Dole needs to be at least £100 per week. National Minimum Wage needs to be £10 per hour. Tax the rich, and if they flee the country seize their assets. After all, we’re all in this together, aren’t we?

      • But there wont be an NHS in privatised Britain of the future, so thats irrelevant

      • Couldn’t agree with you more! £10 an hour is only £19.500 a year, or £375 a week, based on a working week of 37.5 hours. OK, so it might seem like a small fortune to anyone on NMW, (which isn’t a living wage), but it isn’t really that much, and is still not really enough if you have a family and you are the sole provider.

        I read somewhere recently that if the dole was restored to it’s 1970s value, (and even then it was hardly generous) it would stand at around £125 a week – which kind of puts things in perspective.

    • something survived...

      To buy a weekly bus ticket here is now £25. Luckily I have a disability pass
      so travel for free, or I could not afford to go anywhere.

      Currently my JSA is £71p/w and HB £10 (technically known as a Tenner) p/w. My rent is £60p/w and my monthly bills, excluding the quarterly TV licence, work out at a minimum of £6 p/w.
      Deducting rent and bills from my £81 p/w, that leaves under £15 per week for food and all other expenses. If you factor in TV licence, at £2.82 p/w,
      then I have under £12 per week left for food and everything else.

      Someone else I know lives in a homeless shelter and is getting no benefits at all, and has to beg for ‘luxuries’ like food.

      • I know when i last was on the dole in the 70s I was paid enough to run a motorbike eat and pay rent on a studio flat, I don’t think you’ld be able to do that on £125. I’m now on pension credits and my weekly food bill is that.

  12. rainbowwarriorlizzie
  13. I'll shop at PoundLand again!

    Even those tight bastards at Poundland have now ditched Worfare. http://www.poundland.co.uk/press-centre/press-centre-2013/poundland-statement/
    They’re still dangling the possibility of a job in peoples faces and making them work for free though, but at least it will be voluntary now.

    • Sounds interesting, but leaves you with more questions than answers. Such as how you are able to volunteer without it affecting your availability for work.

      • There is a scheme in which the propsective employee can go and work for free in a company, for say a week, without losing benefit in order that the employer can be satisfied that person has the skills for the job. This means the prospective employee doesn’t have to sign off and on again without any hassle if it doesn’t work out. The spirit behind this is not to exploit anybody.

        The Poundland scheme seems dubious since it seems there is an incredibly low employment rate of 20% for what is an uncomplicated job that requires no great training or previous experience. At face value Poundland might simply be “stock rotating” cheap labour supplied by the DWP and the 20% employed figure is simply window dressing for the 80% who worked as little or no cost to Poundland. This would be a great way of boosting profits whilst pretending to be a philanthropist.

        There is specific rule in the Work Programme regulations that prevents Poundland from displacing existing paid employees by forced labour supplied by the WP. The 20/80% ratio gives no confidence that Poundland are operating an ethical scheme.

        Perhaps people can report back on details of the scheme when next visiting the Job Centre and asking about the special Poundland deal. I wouldn’t use Poundland meantime.

  14. Has IDS been sectioned yet?……bet he is frothing at the mouth like a horse on Bute….

  15. rainbowwarriorlizzie

    Come on Enough if enough, IDS needs sectioning and having just watched PMQ’s, I don’t doubt Cameron needs to go the same way too. This is for their own safety, ‘cos believe me, there is some crazy (or not) out there, ready and willing to terminate their LIFE account!
    Bunch of Bastards, HOBAN is not fit for purpose either Firk them all.

    R33 | February 13, 2013 at 7:04 pm | Reply

    Cameron, the man who enjoys demonising, dehumansing and inciting hatred against the unemployed, has never done a proper day’s work in his entire pampered over-privileged life.

    Being Prime Minister is not a job for him (he delegates most of the actual ‘work’ and plays computer games all day) being Prime Minister is just a hobby for him. Vandalising and wrecking this country is recreation for him and his chums, just like it was during their Bullingdon club days, when they used to go out and trash restaurants and then arrogantly and derisively leave money to pay for all the damage. Only now they don’t pay for all the damage they do. Now, they force the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in society pay for it.

    Just looking at Cameron’s overfed, over-privileged, over-pampered, mean thin-lipped, red-faced, cruel, vain, arrogant, contemptuous, vicious, sadistic, insincere, sleazy, pillsbury dough like face, makes me feel sick to my stomach. I can’t even bear the sight of him now, or bear hearing his pretentious voice spouting his vacuous platitudes, incitement and invective. I have to change the channel whenever he comes on TV.

    David William Donald Cameron, is the personification of everything that is wrong with this wicked land.!!!!! The day will come when they will have to stand before God and repent the wrongs they have crucified, murder, pillaged, raped & plundered this once Great Britain. Camoron and your cronies (You can run, but you cannot hide) !!!!!!

  16. It aint over till the fat c**t swings (Cameron)

  17. Pingback: Official: Workfare is…. unfair! | Harpymarx

  18. Johnny, I believe Poundland has pulled out of workfare: http://www.poundland.co.uk/press-centre/press-centre-2013/poundland-statement/

    Do you, or the protesters, know something we don’t?

    • Read that statement more closely :

      Note the following phrase in it :
      ‘no one has their benefits taken away from them at any point during the process’.

      Thus it is still a Workfare ‘work experience’ scheme run via the DWP only difference is it is not been done via DWP Prime ‘Providers’ such as the Odious A4E or EOS.

      As far as the claim it is :
      ‘completely voluntary – no one has their benefits taken away from them at any point during the process.’

      Yesss Righttttt. Anyone that has ever had to deal with the dispicable DWP and JCP knows what really happens. The ‘customer’ sees their ‘adviser’ at Jobcentre and are coerced and often Officially Misdirected that it is Mandatory with threats of benefit sanctions or been put on MWA where applicable if they wont agree to ‘volunteer’ for such ‘work experience’ . So the loss of Benefits often occurs before ‘the process’ as someone wont ‘volunteer’ .

      As far as the phrase in their statement :
      ‘Since launching our scheme a positive 20% have been offered a job with us.’ .

      For how long have these supposed positive 20% offered a job via their ‘new work experience scheme’ kept their Jobs more than a month or two? How many hours a week are the Jobs etc?. Still leaves 80% that werent recruited which if it is ‘completely voluntary’ seems odd to me if their ‘new work experience’ scheme was how they are trying to potray it ( It isnt of course). Also wonder how many of that 80% not offered a job were used to cover Holidays and Christmas or as a way of avoiding having to pay permament staff for more hours ?

      So to conclude why dont they run a ‘work experience scheme’ that is genuinely their own and not run via the DWP ? The answer is obvious. If it wasnt DWP run ‘Work Experience’ scheme they would legally have to pay National Minimum Wage themselves.

      They wont do that as this is clearly all about getting Government funded Zero Cost labour they can exploit and abuse to boost their profits.

      I urge everyone not to fall for this cynical attempt by Poundland to pretend they are not now involved in Workfare when they clearly are as before just with some ‘window dressing’ in an attempt to con people they are not.

      David Smith Davesmith40uk on twitter.

      • David,

        Thanks for that reply. I need to process all that you’ve said but it’s late and my minds a bit fuzzy now. Johnny should do a separate piece on this (i.e. Poundland), if he hasn’t already.

      • The Indefatigable

        David Smith:

        “My full service exposing what an utter shambles #universaljobmatch is resumes in full on Monday”

        Welcome back to Twitter, David.

        • something survived...

          Actually the statement by them is wrong. On all workfare they immediately stop your benefits if you are kicked off it, sent home for some reason, get sick/injured and can’t continue, etc. This starts from the first full working day after they kick you off. So any benefits that were due to come then, although ‘in arrears’, often will not be paid either.

          This is what happened to the guy that was kicked off ours (in his case he was drinking alcohol and taking drugs, coming to workfare drunk and high – to operate power tools! – and dealing drugs on the premises; and also making threats to kill/wound; but the final straw was the use of abusive language to a supervisor).

          Others (2013 I’m talking about now) on other Workfare were calling up the DWP on the phones to say they had just been sent home from their workfare and then instantly SANCTIONED because they had become too ill to carry on working. (including this week)

  19. If the work programmes were found to be be illegal based on improperly drafted legislatiom and no parliamentary oversight, what does that say about the new amendments to ESA?

    The Employment and Support Allowance (Amendment) Regulations 2012, were tabled at the end of last year but have not been discussed by Parliament. They will reduce entitlement to ESA, meaning that Work Capability Assessments will find even more genuinely sick and disabled people fit for work.

    The aim is to overrule “exceptonal circumstances” rle of sections 29 and 35 of the ESA regulations that can find someone unfit to work on the grounds that it would cause them serious harm or be likely to harm someone else.

    The amendement now states the HCP can reduce this possibility by “imagining” an aid or adaptation that would help eg a guide dog, or insist that a particular treatment or drug is taken, to mitigate the risk.

    So IDS has now made it possible for people to be forced to have medical treatments or drugs just on the say so of Atos or a decision maker. If Parliament has not voted on this, surely this is even more illegal? How can atos decide on medical treatments over the judgment of a GP or Consultant.

    To make things worse, clause 99 of the Welfare Reform Bill will now stop access to justice for anyone wanting to appeal a fit for work decision. This now has to go to a reonsideration process first – which has no time limit and during which time ESA will be stopped, forcing people to sign on for JSA which means the reconsideration process will stop as you can’t be claiming 2 benefits at the same time.

    IDS thinks he is above any laws and can do exactly what he likes. It is time the courts got involved on this one too. Is there an insanity clause anywhere in British Law? IDS needs a check up from the neck up before more people die.

      • Huh, these fat, overpaid bone-idle bastards haven’t a clue when it comes to depression,, Make them live on JSA for six months or more.then they’ll know what depression is!

      • I hope Iain Duncan Smith gets help for his Narcissitic personality disorder. Honestly in the best case scenerio for him (the worst being tortured and murdered by an angry crowd), I do see the man, one day in the future, sectioned. I don’t think he’ll be able to cope with a loss of power and will lose all sense of reality.

        • Once someone has been sectioned they cannot become/remain an MP unless these conniving ConDem toads have quietly re-written the rules.

    • “Dictatorship is government unconstrained by law”.

    • FAO Jan

      Clause 99 – the new Catch 22 for ESA Claimants

      Here is a poster to illustrate what the Government is doing to ATOS victims with Clause 99:


    • something survived...

      Harm to somebody else:
      If you are a compulsive sex criminal then it is dangerous to staff and other workfare people, and third parties, to send you on workfare. The same if you are very violent.

      Imaginary wheelchairs:
      The government says we should imagine stuff that doesn’t exist. A wheelchair could be inappropriate, and most that need one are still waiting. Useless at home or work if our house or workplace, or the route between them, only has steps and is inaccessible. Also if you can’t propel the wheelchair yourself. Guide dogs: there is a waiting list. Need to be fit enough to care for and exercise dog. If you have religious reasons against it, or hate dogs, or allergic, they are not for you. And if you live in a tiny room and/or where dogs are not allowed. If you can’t get out much, is the dog meant to do a big pile of shit and piss in one corner of your bedsit, to eventually leak/break through onto the floor below? (Landing on your downstairs neighbour’s/housemate’s food, kitchen, bed, chair, clothes???)

      Prostheses: Not able to be worn all the time, not posible for everyone, waiting list for those who would be physically eligible.

      Epilepsy drugs: The government are thick if they are talking about this. Even the guidelines on disability railcards are out of date when mentioning epilepsy.
      -There are hundreds of types of epilepsy, some of which respond to drugs; but some patients/conditions do not respond to drugs. Drugs aren’t given to everybody due to cost, side effects, etc. Some of the drugs are contraindicated completely, by a patient’s other conditions/drugs.
      -The railcard rules talk about epilepsy with drugs, as if the two go together. But you can be a) Not allowed the drugs, due to budget cuts or for health reasons; b) Not having a type that responds to drugs or c) Having a type that is not treated/treatable with drugs. (Surgery and shocks are alternatives, so are devices implanted in the brain – but who wants to be forced to have that?)
      You can be (a category or answer not listed) ‘Epilepsy but not on drugs as this is not possible, does not/would not respond to any treatment’. As in ‘Attacks not controllable by any means’.
      The existing categories are epilepsy with drug treatment and some control of symptoms, or epilepsy with drugs and problems where the drugs SOMETIMES work/fail. It is poor on reference to epilepsy without drugs/nonresponsive to treatment/progressive and untreatable forms.

      The law can’t insist on sane adults having medical treatments. (including surgery or drugs) If it wants to change the law the government should make a one party (debatable this is already happening) fascist state.

      The system sets people up to fail. If kicked off ESA or DLA/PIP onto JSA, or kicked off ESA support group onto ESA WRAG, then on JSA you are forced to sign on as fit and available for work. That is a lie so they can do you for lying at least once or twice. They can do you for fraud for claiming JSA in the past when you were ‘unfit’ and for claiming ESA etc. in the past when you were ‘fit’ (though you were disabled in the first place and the only change was you got worse). And they can do you for appealing your ESA decision, since by being on JSA you are ‘fit’ so not entitled to ESA anyway! Triple or quadruple whammy.

  20. Well it’s fine to moan about the Tories I’ve been doing it for years and years, in the end we will need to vote in a party which would look at us as humans and not scroungers work shy criminals, the question is these days which party is that. Labour have backed the Tories on a lot of the welfare reforms today Cruddas has stated those lucky to have worked for thirty years who then become disabled or ill will get more then a child who is born with brain damage or spina bifida who are not lucky enough to work, that is a disgrace benefits should be paid due to the severity of the illness or disability why should a child unlucky enough to be born into world in which people are seen by health and fitness not ability.

    Labour have stated food banks are a good thing and maybe charities can do the work cheaper then public sector, how long before a Charity then becomes a business with share holders to make money from the state.

    Socialism it seems is closer these days to conservatism then ever before New labour not dead it’s just hiding.

    • It is just not about voting a party, it needs to be a movement fresh and detached from the past and be able to be free from negative right-wing slurs. One that is able to spread, penetrate everyday life and one that is willing to enter politics. (As so many seem to refuse to do hmm…)

      • something survived...

        If they found that politician who wanted disabled people sterilised and disabled babies aborted or left to die (2012), they could make him minister for children’s rights, minister for the family, minister for human rights, a DWP minister, etc.
        After all in their view if we stop disabled people existing:
        -We don’t have to look at them any more
        -No more disabled people will be born
        -If someone is born or becomes disabled we should kill them (unless they want to die in which case we will prevent them from dying!)
        -We don’t have to pay for disabled people any more

        Disabled people “choose to be disabled” so it is a Lifestyle Choice, so if we don’t kill them we should put them on game shows and have normal people throw things at them. “All disabled people are scrounging spastic scum”-Irritable Dole Syndrome, Reichsminister for Torture

        Problem: Feral kids roaming round with nothing to do
        Problem: Disabled people exist
        Problem: Too many guns on streets
        Problem: Scheduling gap after something half-decent was cut due to the cuts. (BBC)

        Final Solution: Get the guns off the streets, give the guns to the feral kids, round up disabled people, make a new show called ‘Kill The Crip’.

        What other shows would work?
        -The Price Is Right: Workfare using companies haggle to get workfare slaves.
        -Blind Slate: In which people on the dole who are unable to see are forced to become unpaid roofers, with hilarious results. Splatometer records all the fatal falls.
        -Benefits Claimants say the Daftest Things: Publishes reasons people gave for being given benefits, appealing, being late, etc. Including their medical history.
        -Spitting Image: In which celebrities and lucky members spit on pictures of welfare recipients, or if possible in their actual face.
        -Shitting Image: Cancelled for health and safety reasons
        -Pin the Nail On the Pauper
        -Spin The Bottle: Forces tramps to fuck, fight, snog, etc.
        -House of Tory Tearaways: Set in Parliament, where out of control upper class knobs pass ever more draconian legislation in order to win additional luxury prizes.
        -Come Dive With Me: Tories in scuba gear accompany welfare benefits claimants on a fitness to work test by diving from a harbour wall. The benefits claimants will be tied to a lump of concrete and will not be given any breathing gear.
        -Saints and Scroungers: Tracking down tories who have not yet been knighted, decorated, canonised, beatified, deified etc. Meanwhile picking people on benefits, all of whom are scroungers, and putting them on TV to be vilified.
        -The Bullingdon Club versus some angry Pitbulls [Ed.: Which trotskyite scum sneaked this one in?]
        (I guess we would all watch and be rooting for the pitbulls)
        -What Does Boris Johnson Know? : A very short programme, 99% padded out with shots of Boris being dumb on a tour around the world.
        -Britain’s Got Talons: The lives of the people who take away poor people’s kids for no good reason, who evict families, separate loving couples, force people to live in terrible accommodation, define the poor per se as ‘problem families’.
        -Monster Trucks: In which the giant trucks drive over hundreds of live asylum seekers and jobseekers.
        -GraveDigger2013: The poor are forced to dig mass graves and bury themselves.
        -What’s My Poison?
        Based on Deal or No Deal, the poor are forced to poison themselves on live television by drinking unnamed bottles of various poisons. The ‘lucky’ get things like cyanide, the rest could get boot polish, weedkiller, paracetamol, etc. Weekly updates on the slow deaths of all those ‘carried over’ from previous shows. When they die their family wins the bonus prize of being evicted onto the street. Receipt of benefits places you in a lottery for selection.
        -Cutting It Fine:
        Trendy new show where single mothers are made to compete for different weapons while cutting themselves, and in the final round must commit suicide using only the weapons they were able to win. If they fail they will have their children set on fire….
        -Kid Swap Shop: Stealing the kids of the poor and giving them to the rich (not CRB checked).
        -The Running Man: Show where people on treadmills must run until they give up and are sent to gas chambers.
        -Beggar My Neighbour: Bets are placed on starving homeless people forced to fight. The people compete to see if their fighter wins, and the prize they win is big dinners for the Conservative Party.
        -Dis-Ability: Panel game where a celebrity panel judges the Atos assessments of disabled people, and slags off them and their disability to the nation.
        -Pimp Your Kids (starring Gary Glitter)
        -Top Gaff: Families are evicted from their house and no matter how large the family, are forced to all sleep in one car. Once a day they must move it somewhere else to avoid arrest, and the people trying to repossess the car. All the adults are simultaneously required to attend jobcentre, work programme and workfare.
        -Changing Rooms: Moving into a tent, then having the police burn it down, and moving to an open plan airy and light room otherwise known as a Field.
        -Changing Tombs: because you are too poor we will dig up your granny!
        -Diet for Death: See how long it takes the poor to be starved to death.
        -Food From Home: With no dole you must be more enterprising in your cooking, so we make poor people kill and eat their pets and children, elderly relatives etc. then we move on to things like a nice bit of tasty sofa…
        -Food from Rome: Feeding the poor with prayer, and plenty of Hot Air all the way from the Vatican. The low-calorie option!
        -Food from Dome: Disabled people must race eachother to the top of the Millennium Dome, where they must then fight eachother for a single can of expired economy baked beans.
        -Food From Gnome: The poor must place ads in Private Eye to beg for food.
        -Poundland Food Challenge: Working all day in Poundland for no money but not being allowed to buy/eat any food either.
        -Slimmer of the Month: The people who lost the most weight on the dole or being kicked off it, or on workfare.
        -Daily Pauper Autopsy: We chop up the bodies of dead poor people on TV.

    • It was always quite hard to perceive any real socialism in the Labour Party, but since the late 1980s it’s been a totally extinct species of political belief in that party.

      If we are to have true socialism at all, then it has to be without the state, as inevitably any government voted into power will immediately find itself at odds with those it governs.

      But, Labour’s endorsement of things like food banks needs to be used against them, and now. What about demonstrating your displeasure regarding your local Labour MPs poor performance by demonstrating outside their local constituency offices, by a delegation visiting them and respectfully informing them of the error of their ways, (e.g. telling them that you’ll organise a ‘don’t vote for them’ campaign, or start a propaganda campaign about the stuff they are not doing when you think they ought to be, by scrutinising their expenses etc.).

      It’s all doable stuff, and it doesn’t take a lot of organising, and can be a huge amount of fun. It might make a difference, but it won’t do any harm, and if you can have a laugh at their expense, you’ll at least feel a bit better.

    • You could put that down to Blair attempting to solve the “contradictions” of Marxism and redefining the relationship between the Workers and the Market, but actually Western Democracy is a sham and is nothing less than the Hegelian Dialectic being enacted by the Ruling Elite.

  21. Could @naomiandjack be added to the list above, as I know for a fact that Naomi House are using MWA participants in their charity shops.

  22. Pingback: Fuck the Government, Fuck the Courts, We'll Beat Workfare on the Streets | Mental Health, Politics and LGBT issues | Scoop.it

  23. Don’t think there’s one British person working at my local pound land! Why not pay jobseakers on workfare, that would be fare.? They pay the company to take the jobless on for a Couple of weeks! I volunteer at my local primary school because I want too while I’m out of work but I won’t do slave labour for this gov, they are a bunch of retarded fucks and just keep shooting them selfs in the foot soon in the head i hope.

  24. @antix: “but I won’t do slave labour for this gov”

    but… this is Cameron’s vision for the big society, put everyone out of work, put them all on the dole, pawn them off to private companies like WP, A4e etc, sanction them if they refuse to do unpaid work in corporate companies where Tory MP’s have shares in them.

    It’s nothing but Politicians lining their pockets off the backs of the poor.

  25. The big society was ment to be community based volunteering, helping your local community where the cuts affected it, like caring for the elders, most vulnerable, schools, youth clubs ect. Not corperate scum….

  26. Of course the question is if you have people out of work lets be nice and say 2 million, you have 2 million disabled people and you have about eight million not in work who claim no benefits the economically inactive.

    lets just say six million people, that a lot of free labour how long before Tesco or Asda or Poundland decide that a lot of people working for free.

    Then you have charities who see free labour as a great w ay forward, not all people who work in charities do it for free.

    I’m disabled with paraplegia I do a lot of free work, at the moment I can walk away if it gets to much, sadly under the work program you walk away your going to lose benefits.

    But where are the six million places in the local communities it’s already hard to find work in charities because of placements from schools.

    Blair did not bring in New labour it was being looked at right back with John Smith and then taken on by Kinnock who put it forward for that idiot Blair

  27. Off the record labour are proposing a mansion tax if win the next election which will cost the rich £2 per week – bedroom tax if two extra rooms £22 per week even if sick and unemployed.

  28. And my shopping there will be voluntary as well.
    And I’ll still choose not to

  29. 💀The ID⚡⚡ Gang are scaring me, mummy....

    Labour (tory lite) should just propose marriage to the tories and then we’d actually have the government we see every day….a gang of self-serving right wingers.
    Ukip and and that oxymoronic lot, the libdems couuld be their bridesmaids.

  30. What happened to IDS’s new “regualtions” being presented to the House at 14:30 today. “work programme” still voluntary then… 🙂

  31. ffs that was quick, Cait had barely finished her statement on the steps of the High Court and these fuckers were busy enacting new legislation to undo her hard work; seems like the “work programme” was voluntary for only Tuesday afternoon then 🙂

  32. If only they were as quick at closing tax loopholes!

  33. The govt did a consultation exercise on workfare which took place in USA Canada and Australia. The conclusion was that workfare had little or no effect on getting a job. It did point out that the use or threat of workfare resulted in claimants signing off the dole thus saving them money.
    I shall post the extracts from the report later on here.
    Thus it seems clear to all that workfare was known to this govt to not have anything to do with getting a job but just to save money by reducing the benefit bill. Now add to the quotas of sanctions and you can see what’s going on. The result is forced desitution .

    • Steven2011@lavabit.com

      Indeed, that is its purpose and the only one. The time for reasoned debate with these self-serving and evil arseholes is over (let’s face it there was never a chance of that working with these evil cunts). It it time for a violent demonstration in London to make it clear to the powers-that-be that their oppression of the unemployed has consquencies to it. That is what broke the Poll Tax (the riot in Trafalgar Square) and that is what will break workfare too.

    • Abso-fuckinlutely, Chewie

  34. Released 14.02.13 – The New One.

    The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013.


  35. Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.

    Statutory Instruments:
    2013 No. 276
    Social Security

    The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013

    Made: 4.19 p.m. on 12th February 2013

    Laid before Parliament: 6.15 p.m. on 12th February 2013

    Coming into force: 6.45 p.m. on 12th February 2013

    The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions makes the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 123(1)(d) and (e), 136(3) and (5)(a) and (b), 137(1) and 175(1), (3) and (4) of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992(1), section 113(1) and (2) of, and paragraph 4 of Schedule 1A to, the Local Government Finance Act 1992(2), sections 12(1), (4)(a) and (b), 17A(1), (2) and (5)(a) and (b), 20E(3)(a), 35(1) and 36(2) and (4) of the Jobseekers Act 1995(3) and sections 30 and 146(1) and (2) of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996(4) and sections 17(1) and (3)(a) and (b), 24(1) and 25(2) and (3) of the Welfare Reform Act 2007(5).

    These Regulations are made with the consent of the Treasury in respect of provisions relating to section 30 (means testing in case of application by owner-occupier or tenant) of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996(6).

    In respect of provisions in these Regulations relating to housing benefit and council tax benefit, in accordance with section 176(2) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992(7), it appears to the Secretary of State that by reason of the urgency of the matter it is inexpedient to undertake consultations with organisations appearing to the Secretary of State to be representative of the authorities concerned.

    In accordance with section 173(1)(a) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992, it appears to the Secretary of State that by reason of the urgency of the matter it is inexpedient to refer the proposals in respect of these Regulations to the Social Security Advisory Committee.

    PART 1
    Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment
    Citation and commencement
    1. These Regulations may be cited as the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013 and come into force on 12th February 2013 at 6.45pm.

    2.—(1) In these Regulations—

    “the Act” means the Jobseekers Act 1995;
    “claimant” means a person who claims a jobseeker’s allowance, except that in relation to a joint-claim couple(8) claiming a joint-claim jobseeker’s allowance, it means either or both of the members of the couple;
    “the Council Tax Benefit Regulations” means the Council Tax Benefit Regulations 2006(9);
    “the Housing Benefit Regulations” means the Housing Benefit Regulations 2006(10);
    “the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations” means the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations 1996(11);
    “the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations” means the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations 1996(12);
    “working day” means any day except for a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday or bank holiday under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971(13) in England and Wales or in Scotland.
    (2) For the purpose of these Regulations where a written notice is given by sending it by post it is taken to have been received on the second working day after posting.

    Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment
    3.—(1) The schemes described in the following paragraphs are prescribed for the purposes of section 17A(1) (schemes for assisting persons to obtain employment: “work for your benefit” schemes etc) of the Act.

    (2) Day One Support for Young People is a scheme comprising up to 30 hours per week in a work placement for the benefit of the community and up to 10 hours per week of supported work search over a period of 13 weeks, for any claimant aged between 18 and 24 years who has less than 6 months work history since leaving full-time education.

    (3) The Derbyshire Mandatory Youth Activity Programme is a scheme delivered in the Derbyshire Jobcentre Plus District comprising up to 30 hours per week of work-related activity(14) for the benefit of the community and up to 6 hours per week of supported work search over a period of 8 weeks, for any claimant aged between 18 and 34 years.

    (4) Full-time Training Flexibility is a scheme comprising training of 16 to 30 hours per week, for any claimant who has been receiving jobseeker’s allowance for a continuous period of not less than 26 weeks ending on the first required entry date to the scheme.

    (5) New Enterprise Allowance is a scheme designed to assist a claimant into self-employed earner’s employment comprising guidance and support provided by a business mentor, access to a loan to help with start-up costs (subject to status) and a weekly allowance for a period of 26 weeks once the claimant starts trading.

    (6) The sector-based work academy is a scheme which provides, for a period of up to 6 weeks, training to enable a claimant to gain the skills needed in the work place and a work experience placement for a period to be agreed with the claimant, and either a job interview with an employer or support to help participants through an employer’s application process.

    (7) Skills Conditionality is a scheme comprising training or other activity designed to assist a claimant to obtain skills needed to obtain employment.

    (8) The Work Programme is a scheme designed to assist a claimant at risk of becoming long-term unemployed in which, for a period of up to 2 years, the claimant is given such support as the provider of the Work Programme considers appropriate and reasonable in the claimant’s circumstances, subject to minimum levels of support published by the provider, to assist the claimant to obtain and sustain employment which may include work search support, provision of skills training and work placements for the benefit of the community.

    (9) In this regulation—

    “self-employed earner” has the same meaning as in section 2(1)(b) of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992; and
    “work history” includes employment, voluntary work, internships and work experience.
    Selection for participation in a Scheme
    4.—(1) The Secretary of State may select a claimant for participation in a scheme described in regulation 3.

    (2) The scheme in which the claimant is selected to participate is referred to in these Regulations as “the Scheme”.

    Requirement to participate and notification
    5.—(1) Subject to regulation 6, a claimant selected under regulation 4 is required to participate in the Scheme where the Secretary of State gives the claimant a notice in writing complying with paragraph (2).

    (2) The notice must specify—

    (a)that the claimant is required to participate in the Scheme;
    (b)the day on which the claimant’s participation will start;
    (c)details of what the claimant is required to do by way of participation in the Scheme;
    (d)that the requirement to participate in the Scheme will continue until the claimant is given notice by the Secretary of State that the claimant’s participation is no longer required, or the claimant’s award of jobseeker’s allowance terminates, whichever is earlier; and
    (e)information about the consequences of failing to participate in the Scheme.
    (3) Any changes made to the requirements mentioned in paragraph (2)(c) after the date on which the claimant’s participation starts must be notified to the claimant in writing.

    Circumstances in which requirement to participate in the Scheme is suspended or ceases to apply
    6.—(1) Paragraph (2) applies where a claimant is—

    (a)subject to a requirement to participate in the Scheme; and
    (b)while the claimant is subject to such a requirement, the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations apply so that the claimant is not required to meet the jobseeking conditions(15).
    (2) Where this paragraph applies the claimant’s requirement to participate in the Scheme is suspended for the period during which the claimant is not required to meet the jobseeking conditions.

    (3) A requirement to participate in the Scheme ceases to apply to a claimant if—

    (a)the Secretary of State gives the claimant notice in writing that the claimant is no longer required to participate in the Scheme; or
    (b)the claimant’s award of jobseeker’s allowance terminates,
    whichever is earlier.

    (4) If the Secretary of State gives the claimant a notice in writing under paragraph (3)(a), the requirement to participate in the Scheme ceases to apply on the day specified in the notice.

    Exemptions from requirement to meet the jobseeking conditions
    7.—(1) A claimant who is participating in the New Enterprise Allowance scheme described in regulation 3(5) is not required to meet the condition set out in section 1(2)(c) of the Act (conditions for entitlement to a jobseeker’s allowance: actively seeking employment).

    (2) A claimant who is participating in the Scheme is not required to meet the conditions set out in section 1(2)(a) and (c) of the Act (conditions for entitlement to a jobseeker’s allowance: available for and actively seeking employment) if the claimant is a full-time student.

    (3) A claimant who is participating in the Scheme is not required to meet the conditions set out in section 1(2)(a) and (c) of the Act if the claimant has been discharged from detention in a prison, remand centre or youth custody institution, for one week commencing with the date of that discharge.

    (4) In this regulation, “full-time student” has the same meaning as in regulation 1(3) of the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations.

    PART 2
    Consequential Amendments
    8.—(1) Paragraph (2) applies to the following provisions (which relate to interpretation)—

    (a)regulation 2(1) of the Council Tax Benefit Regulations;
    (b)regulation 2(1) of the Housing Benefit Regulations; and
    (c)regulation 1(3) of the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations.
    (2) At the end of paragraph (b) of the definition of “self-employment route” in each of the provisions to which this paragraph applies insert—

    “; or

    (c)a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013;”.
    (3) At the end of paragraph (b)(iv) of the definition of “self-employment route” in regulation 2(1) of the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations (interpretation) insert—

    “; or

    (v)a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013;”.
    Notional income
    9.—(1) This regulation applies to the following provisions (which relate to notional income)—

    (a)regulation 32(7) of the Council Tax Benefit Regulations;
    (b)regulation 42(7) of the Housing Benefit Regulations;
    (c)regulation 31(9A) of the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations; and
    (d)regulation 105(10A) of the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations.
    (2) In each of the provisions to which this regulation applies, after sub-paragraph (cb) insert—

    “(cc)in respect of a claimant’s participation in a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013;”.
    Notional capital
    10.—(1) This regulation applies to the following provisions (which relate to notional capital)—

    (a)regulation 39(4) of the Council Tax Benefit Regulations;
    (b)regulation 49(4) of the Housing Benefit Regulations;
    (c)regulation 38(3A) of the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations; and
    (d)regulation 113(3A) of the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations.
    (2) In each of the provisions to which this regulation applies, after sub-paragraph (bb) insert—

    “(bc)in respect of a claimant’s participation in a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013;”.
    Income to be disregarded
    11.—(1) This regulation applies to the following provisions (which relate to sums to be disregarded in the calculation of income other than earnings)—

    (a)Schedule 4 to the Council Tax Benefit Regulations;
    (b)Schedule 5 to the Housing Benefit Regulations;
    (c)Schedule 3 to the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations; and
    (d)Schedule 7 to the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations.
    (2) In each of the provisions to which this regulation applies, after paragraph A2 insert—

    “A3. Any payment made to the claimant in respect of any travel or other expenses incurred, or to be incurred, by him in respect of his participation in a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013.”.

    Capital to be disregarded
    12.—(1) This regulation applies to the following provisions (which relate to capital to be disregarded)—

    (a)Schedule 5 to the Council Tax Benefit Regulations;
    (b)Schedule 6 to the Housing Benefit Regulations;
    (c)Schedule 4 to the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations; and
    (d)Schedule 8 to the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations.
    (2) In each of the provisions to which this regulation applies, after paragraph A2 insert—

    “A3. Any payment made to the claimant in respect of any travel or other expenses incurred, or to be incurred, by him in respect of his participation in a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013 but only for 52 weeks beginning with the date of receipt of the payment.”.

    Amendments to the Income Support (General) Regulations 1987
    13. The Income Support (General) Regulations 1987(16) are amended as follows—

    (a)in regulation 2 (interpretation) omit the definition of “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme”; and
    (b)in regulation 42(4ZA)(ca) (notional income), regulation 51(3A)(ba) (notional capital), paragraph 1A of Schedule 9 (sums to be disregarded in the calculation of income other than earnings) and paragraph 1A of Schedule 10 (capital to be disregarded) for “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme” substitute “a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013”.
    Further amendments to the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations

    14. The Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations are amended as follows—

    (a)in regulation 14(1)(h) (circumstances in which a person is to be treated as available) for “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme under regulation 4(1) of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme) Regulations 2011” substitute “a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013”;
    (b)in the definition of “relevant notification” in regulation 25(1A) (entitlement ceasing on a failure to comply), after “training scheme” insert “, under a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013”; and
    (c)at the end of regulation 53 (persons treated as not engaged in remunerative work) insert—
    “(m)he is participating in a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013.”.
    Amendments to the Employment and Support Allowance Regulations 2008

    15. The Employment and Support Allowance Regulations 2008(17) are amended as follows—

    (a)in regulation 2 (interpretation) omit the definition of “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme”; and
    (b)in regulation 107(5)(ca) (notional income – income due to be paid or income paid to or in respect of a third party), regulation 115(5)(ba) (notional capital), paragraph 1A of Schedule 8 (sums to be disregarded in the calculation of income other than earnings) and paragraph 1A of Schedule 9 (capital to be disregarded) for “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme” substitute “a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013”.
    Amendments to the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Default Scheme) (England) Regulations 2012

    16. The Schedule to the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Default Scheme) (England) Regulations 2012(18) is amended as follows—

    (a)in paragraph 2 (interpretation)—
    (i)omit the definition of “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme”;
    (ii)in the definition of “self-employment route” for paragraph (c) substitute—
    “(c)a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013;”;
    (b)in paragraphs 56(4)(f) (notional income: persons who are not pensioners) and 67(6)(e) (notional capital) for “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme” substitute “a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013”; and
    (c)in paragraph 3 of Schedule 8 (sums disregarded in the calculation of income other than earnings: persons who are not pensioners) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 10 (capital disregards: persons who are not pensioners) for “the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme” substitute “a scheme prescribed in regulation 3 of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013”.

    PART 3
    Contracting Out
    Contracting out certain functions
    17.—(1) Any function of the Secretary of State specified in paragraph (2) may be exercised by, or by employees of, such person (if any) as may be authorised by the Secretary of State.

    (2) The functions are any function under—

    (a)regulation 5 (requirement to participate and notification); and
    (b)regulation 6(3)(a) (notice that requirement to participate ceases).

    Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

    Mark Hoban
    Minister of State
    Department for Work and Pensions
    4.10 p.m. on 12th February 2013

    We consent: David Evennett, Stephen Crabb
    Two of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury
    4.19 p.m. on 12th February 2013

    (This note is not part of the Regulations)

    These Regulations make provision for schemes under section 17A of the Jobseekers Act 1995 (“the Jobseekers Act”) which are designed to assist claimants to obtain employment, including self-employment, and which may include, for any individual, work-related activity, such as work experience or work search.

    Regulation 3 prescribes various schemes for the purposes of section 17A of the Jobseekers Act 1995.

    Regulation 4 enables the Secretary of State to select a claimant to participate in a scheme described in regulation 3 and the scheme the claimant is selected to participate in is referred to in the Regulations as “the Scheme”.

    Regulation 5 requires a person so selected to participate in the Scheme upon being notified by the Secretary of State from the date specified in the notice. It also sets out the content of the notice.

    Regulation 6 sets out the circumstances in which a requirement to participate in the Scheme is suspended and circumstances in which a claimant is not required (or no longer required) to participate in the Scheme. These are where a participant’s award of jobseeker’s allowance terminates or where the Secretary of State gives the participant notice in writing that his or her participation is no longer required.

    Regulation 7 sets out circumstances in which a claimant participating in the Scheme is not required to meet the jobseeking conditions.

    Part 2 makes various consequential amendments to other Regulations in relation to a person’s participation in a scheme prescribed in regulation 3.

    Regulation 8 amends the definition of “self-employment route” in the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations 1996, the Housing Renewal Grants Regulations 1996, the Council Tax Benefit Regulations 2006 and the Housing Benefit Regulations 2006 so that the definition includes a scheme prescribed in regulation 3.

    Regulations 9 and 10 ensure that persons will not be treated as having notional income or notional capital by virtue of their participation in a Scheme prescribed in regulation 3, and regulations 11 and 12 provide that travel and other expenses paid to participants are disregarded as income and capital for the purposes of certain income-related benefits.

    Regulation 13 makes consequential amendments to the Income Support (General) Regulations 1987, regulation 14 makes further consequential amendments to the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations 1996, regulation 15 makes consequential amendments to the Employment and Support Allowance Regulations 2008 and regulation 16 makes consequential amendments to the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Default Scheme) (England) Regulations 2012.

    Regulation 17 makes provision for contracting out functions of the Secretary of State under the Regulations.

    An impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as it has no impact on businesses and civil society organisations. The instrument has no impact on the public sector.

    (1)1992 c. 4. Section 123(1)(e) was amended by Schedule 9 to the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (c. 14); section 137(1) is an interpretation provision and is cited because of the meaning given to the word “prescribed”; section 175(1) and (4) was amended by paragraph 29(1), (2) and (4) of Schedule 3 to the Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Act 1999 (c. 2).
    (2)1992 c. 14. Section 113(1) and (2) was amended by paragraphs 2 and 9(a) of Schedule 1 to the Local Government Act 1999 (c. 27), paragraphs 40 and 52 of Schedule 7 to the Local Government Act 2003 (c. 26) and section 80 of the Localism Act 2011 (c. 20); Schedule 1A was inserted by Schedule 4 to the Local Government Finance Act 2012 (c. 17).
    (3)1995 c. 18. Section 17A was inserted by section 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2009 (c. 24); section 20E(3)(a) was amended by Schedule 14 to the Welfare Reform Act 2012 (c. 5); sections 35(1) and 36(4) were amended by paragraphs 62 and 63 of Schedule 3 to the Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Act 1999 (c. 2). Section 35(1) is an interpretation provision and is cited because of the meaning given to the words “prescribed” and “regulations”.
    (4)1996 c. 53. Section 30 was amended by S.I. 2002/1860 and by paragraph 62 of Schedule 8 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (c. 33); the functions of the Secretary of State and the Treasury, so far as exercisable in relation to Wales were transferred to the National Assembly for Wales, by Schedule 1 to the National Assembly for Wales (Transfer of Functions) Order 1999, S.I. 1999/672; section 146 was amended by section 138(1) and (4)(a) of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 (c. 20) and the functions of the Secretary of State, so far as exercisable in relation to Wales, transferred to the National Assembly for Wales, by Schedule 1 to the National Assembly for Wales (Transfer of Functions) Order 1999, S.I. 1999/672.
    (5)2007 c. 5. Section 24(1) is an interpretation provision and is cited because of the meaning given to the words “prescribed” and “regulations”.
    (6)See section 30(9) of the 1996 Act.
    (7)1992 c. 5.
    (8)“Joint-claim couple” is defined in section 1 of the Jobseekers Act 1995 as inserted by paragraphs 1 and 2(1) and (4)(b) of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 (c 30).
    (9)S.I. 2006/215; relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2006/588, 2008/698 and 2767, 2009/480, 2010/641 and 2011/688 and 2425.
    (10)S.I. 2006/213; relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2006/588, 2008/698 and 2767, 2009/480, 2010/641 and 2011/688 and 2425.
    (11)S.I. 1996/2890; relevant amending instruments are S.I. 1998/808 and 1523, 2000/531 and 973, 2001/2073, 2002/530 and 2798 and 2011/688.
    (12)S.I. 1996/207; relevant amending instruments are 1998/2117 and 2640, 1999/2640, 2000/2910, 2001/1029, 2003/455, 2004/2308, 2005/2929, 2006/588, 2008/698 and 2767, 2009/480, 2010/509 and 641, 2011/688 and 2425 and 2012/397.
    (13)1971 c. 80.
    (14)“Work-related activity” is defined in section 17A(3) of the Jobseekers Act 1995.
    (15)See section 17A(10) of the Act for the meaning of the “jobseeking conditions”.
    (16)S.I. 1987/1967; relevant amending instruments are S.I. 1998/2117, S.I. 1999/2640 and 3156, 2001/1029, 2003/455 and 2308, 2005/2294 and 3391, 2006/588, 2008/698 and 2767, 2010/641 and 2011/1707 and 2425.
    (17)S.I. 2008/794; relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2008/2428, 2010/641 and 2011/1707 and 2425.
    (18)S.I. 2012/2886, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.


  36. Can anyone analyse and rip that one apart?

  37. Poundland Leaves work Programme


    In light of the news about the Department of Work and Pensions work experience case, we would like to announce that we have been working in partnership with the Job Centre Plus over the last few months to launch our own work experience programme for those considering a career in retail.

    Withdrawal from the DWP Scheme


    Our work experience programme is completely voluntary – no one has their benefits taken away from them at any point during the process. This programme replaces any involvement with the Department of Work and Pensions prime providers and their work experience schemes.

    We recognise the importance of offering work experience to people looking to get back into work and currently have people taking part in our own work experience programme across 71 of our stores. Since launching our scheme a positive 20% have been offered a job with us.

    If you are interested in a career in retail and would like to find out more about the new work experience scheme with the Job Centre Plus please contact your local Job Centre.

  38. They can still kiss my fat arse, them superdrug and any others can whistle before i’ll spend there.

    • I am taking it as a victory, a win is still a win, onto the next while keeping an eye on them of course. AND its been a day for news.. http://socialwelfareunion.org/archives/3041 Latest news on the Welfare Cash Card Bill 2012-13

      This Bill has been withdrawn and will not progress any further.

      The Bill had its first reading on 18 December 2012 under the Ten Minute Rule. The second reading was expected on 1 March but was withdrawn.

  39. LibDem Susan Kramer on Question Time who’s in favour of workfare, has just loftily stated “they’re not working for nothing,, they’re receiving JSA & I would encourage my own children to take part” As if. Can’t imagine ANY politicians offsping stacking shelves in Poundland,

    • @kittycat – Her children must have been ecstatic when they heard … (she would probably feed them horse burgers too – as long as they were made in this country).

      • Well, the enviroment secretary ( forget his name at the moment) insists that there’s no risk to human health, I’ll believe that when he’s seen stuffing a horse lasagne into his own fat face!

    • Steven2011@lavabit.com

      I wonder how many times CaMORON and his henchmen would pat her on the head for being such an obedient Lib Dim lap-dog?

  40. Thick tory soccermom (although it’s called football here) is thick.

    What do tory degenerates not understand about the word SANCTION (IT BLOODY MEANS YOUR BENEFITS ARE SUSPENDED and that you’re relying on the EMA-rate of £30 pw Hardship payment – if you’re lucky otherwise you’re either dead or homeless with no money if the adviser doesn’t make you aware of such a thing like they usually don’t 90% of the time)

    • There’s always stupid whackos who say all sorts of ridiculous insane things all the time. Most tend to be right-wing. Fuck ’em. Why bother with them. Nobody gives a stuff what they say, think, or do. Ignore them.

    • Cos these thick fuckers believe the propaganda that the sick/disabled/unemployed are just a bunch of workshy wasters who sit on their backsides all day drinking, smoking weed & watching their 52 inch plasma tellies.Never occurs to the likes of the above that they’re just one step away from being claimants themselves, only takes an accident, illness or redundancy to turn their smug, cozy world upside down.
      That would be too good for those clowns though, perhaps a bit of Workfare would be better, might make them think straight.

  41. Why not sack all the foreigners and give the unemployed brits a fucking a chance or a job!? Oh sorry they work harder and we are lazy, more like they work for less and take the shit and we stand up for our rights and won’t get walked over. Sorry for this comment i applied for a job last week and had a letter today to say sorry my application was not sucessful, my friend works for the company and told me they took on 4 polish guys. It’s a rural fucking factory in the middle of nowhere 2 miles from where i live wtf. Just wait for the new build of the local power station to get the go ahead and put my qualifications to use……

    • Steven2011@lavabit.com

      I agree with you totally. Although unemployment is primarily the fault of a dire economy, mass immigration makes matters considerably worse. I would suggest you vote for nationalists like the BNP as they are the ONLY party that will put Britons first and institute a British Jobs for British Workers policy and if the EU doesn’t like it then that’s tough as it is BNP policy to take Britain out of that national independence-destroying organisation anyway.

    • something survived...

      Poland is in the EU and EU people have the same rights to employment as UK people. People ‘take the shit’ because of the risk of being sacked and evicted and not getting another job.
      This is not a UKIP or BNP page so comments like ‘sack all the foreigners’ don’t belong here.

  42. In a couple of years time the shower of shit Coalition government will be history, but does anybody really think that Labour or a Labour-LibDem coalition will do anything other than press on with the current agenda of benefit cuts, sanctions, forced work and whatnot?

    • In fairness Labour have been mooting a “Job Guarantee” of six months work on the minimum wage. I’m not sure what this “work” will consist of or how many hours a week people will end up being paid for, but surely this is a much better option than the six months of unpaid worfare that’s on its way for most people having survived two years on the Work Programme and come out the other end without securing paid employment?

      • Steven2011@lavabit.com

        Yes, if you are going to waste your time learning no new skills and being treated as if YOU caused the economic crisis and were at fault for all of Britain’s ills as is the political Establishment’s and media’s narrative then you may as well be payed for it.

  43. Slightly off topic but still relevant. I’m on a job course run by A4E. I started this morning and expected the tutor to be real jackboots “you’re unemployed because you’re lazy workshy” pushing the Job Centre’s mantra.

    But he’s been slagging the JCP to high heavan and agreeing with people who’ve been saying they treat people badly. He’s even been saying that the demands they put on unemployed people re how many jobs they need to look for work a week is unrealistic. He says it’s unfair to sanction people .

    • He is “relating” to you, getting you “onside”, letting you “loosen up”, “reveal yourself” before the jackboot goes in. Seriously, don’t fall for this shit, once you think these cunts are your best buddy, it’s Game Over!!

      • Don’t think he has time to become jackboots coz the course is only for two days and it ends on Monday.

      • Don’t think he’s got the time to do that coz the course is for two days.

      • What is the “job course” though? An A4e workshop? NEVER, EVER trust these cunts, because when you do you are FUCKED!! They will lie, deceive, twist and distort in order to deprive you off your sole means of survival. These provider fuckers are CUNTS!! They should all be dragged out and SHOT!!

        • It’s called finding and getting jobs. It’s a crock of shit and im not learning anything I don’t know.

          I don’t think any of us on this course are in the position to be screwed yet coz this course isn’t part of the work programme so the only chance of being screwed is if we don’t turn up.

          It’s when you are put on the WP after nine months of signing on that these bastards can really turn the screw on you and make you apply for and take shitty paid jobs under threat of benefit being stopped.

          The tutor of this course says he doesn’t do the WP and was attacking it saying it’s failing and is designed to sanction people not help them. I’m not entirely sure he’s saying that just to get people on side just so he can screw us afterwards.

          Never the less I agree with most of your sentiments about these providers. Except for the dragging them out and shooting them part of course.

  44. 💀The ID⚡⚡ Gang are scaring me, mummy....

    If we’re going to fight them on the streets, when do I take delivery of my weaponry? I live opposite a JokeCentrePlus, A Poleece Station and a British Legion outpost that fights The Battle of Kandahar every weekend.
    I could do some proper damage.
    Please advise on earlest receipt of armaments.

  45. 💀The ID⚡⚡ Gang are scaring me, mummy....

    Follow Julia  @JulesSunbeam
    Here to enjoy!! RAF/Army mum. Interested in politics. Occasionally inappropriate. Tory.
    there you go……looks like a cunt, talks like a cunt,is a cunt.
    ……..looking for some ‘inappropriate’ action.
    ‘Home counties’ slag, probably flogs the horsemeat we eat, and likes to bridle up.
    Dirty old bottle-blonde boot.

  46. Sanctions Must Die!!

    We really need to kick these cunts along with their fucking workfare and fucking sanctions to fuck off the face of the earth. IDS, may you die screaming you fucking CUNT!!!!

  47. something survived...

    The BNP and UKIP don’t belong here. According to news reports a new fascist group are believed to be the people who firebombed Freedom Press. There are abandoned offshore platforms the fascists and racists could be deported to.

  48. Anyone reading this doing workfare ought to do a bad job, why does it matter there not paying you.

  49. On the odd occasion when I do have an appointment with my Private Provider:

    My shields go up the moment I walk into the place and don’t come down until I’ve had my appointment and walk back out. You have to be on the ball every second that your in front of the ‘gimp adviser’ because if you make a slip or a negative comment, they won’t hesitate to sanction you – behind your back – of course.

  50. Mostly agree.

    I’ve just been on Universal Job Match and no matter what job or location I type in it’s coming back that they can’t find any jobs that match. Even if I type in nothing and leave “any” in the search fields it comes up with the same thing.

    This piece of shit site is something JSA claimants are being made to sign up to under threat of sanctions yet it don’t even work. Crap!

  51. This is appalling victimising the sick & disabled!! Inc our War vets!! Target immigration Cameron!! This is why this Countrys skint!!

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