Chaos In Supported Housing: Almost Half A Million Homes Under Threat As Ministers Dither

George-Osborne Social housing providers are warning that up to 440,000 homes are potentially at risk due to George Osborne’s plans to slash benefits intended to pay the rent of those living in supported housing.

In the Autumn Statement the Chancellor  announced that Housing Benefit for tenants living in socially managed housing would be capped at the same level as payments for those renting privately.  This cap is to include those living in some form of supported accommodation where high rents are charged to cover the additional costs of providing care or supervision.  With weekly Housing Benefit awards capped at less then £50 a week for single people under 35 in some parts of the UK, this will mean the potential closure of every women’s refuge and homelessness hostel along with supported housing schemes for pensioners and those with acute physical or mental health conditions.  The combined financial loss to social housing providers could be as high as £400 million according to housing industry spokespeople quoted in trade magazine Inside Housing recently – and this is assuming that those over pensionable age are excluded from the cap.  To date no-one from the Treasury, DWP or Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) appears to have said they will be.

The DWP have said that any shortfall in payments to cover rents will be made up by Discretionary Housing Payments.  This is money given to local councils which can be used to top up housing benefits of those affected by cuts already introduced such as the Bedroom Tax and Benefit Cap.  Osborne himself has claimed there will be an additional money for these payments, believed to be around £70 million a year, but this will not come close to meeting the funding gap.  Just as importantly these payments are not ring-fenced and are discretionary – there will be no requirement by law for local authorities to meet people’s rents.  The implications are chilling  Without central control then any old swivel-eyed Tory Council could close a homelessness hostel or drug rehab project in their constituency simply by cutting off their income stream.

Perhaps most astonishingly – given that it is only now that the social housing sector has taken notice – is that this is a problem which is four years old.  Way back in 2012 the charity for domestic abuse survivors Women’s Aid warned that a combination of benefit caps and the reforms being introduced under Universal Credit would ‘decimate’ the women’s refuge system.  This led to Lord Fraud, the comedy toff brought in on the cheap to oversee welfare reforms, quickly pledging that payments for supported housing would continue under the current system.   Then followed a bitter row about what exactly the government means by supported housing, as well as concerns raised over funding for emergency temporary accommodation such as B&Bs.  Neither of these matters were ever fully resolved as DWP ministers dithered and dodged questions whilst homelessness charities and housing associations were too busy looking to profit from lucrative government contracts to pay attention to their impending destruction.

And so here we are again, except now homelessness has soared and over 100,000 children are living in expensive and insecure temporary accommodation.  These bed spaces are also under threat with DWP documents suggesting that housing benefit payments for temporary accommodation will now also be capped.  Previously the solution to temporary housing – which doesn’t have the same costs as supported housing but is more expensive than mainstream accommodation – was to allow an additional weekly payment of £40 to be added to housing benefit.  In the latest guidance aimed at social landlords explaining benefit changes however it states that homeless Universal Credit claimants in temporary housing will have their rents capped at the same level as those in the mainstream private sector.  There is no mention of additional funding.   So it is not just homelessness hostels, refuge’s and other supported housing that is under threat, but possibly B&Bs and private sector emergency accommodation.

Whilst these changes are terrifying and if implemented could lead to a street homelessness crisis that has not been seen before in a so-called developed economy, the DWP has a long way to go if this is truly what they want.  The cuts to housing benefits will not be implemented until 2018 and will only apply to tenancies signed after April this year.  This will prevent, at least for a couple of years, mass evictions.  But the biggest problem is that almost all of the people eligible for both supported and temporary accommodation would be classed as ‘statutory homeless’ if they were unable to find a roof over their heads.  This means that local authorities are bound, by law, to house them – there and then if they have nowhere to go that night.  There just won’t be any money to pay their rent.

In short, it’s a giant fucking mess and one the DWP have been trying to sweep under the carpet ever since Iain Duncan Smith’s half-baked reforms to the benefits system were first announced.  Expect another bodge as the realities of a modern social security system clash once again with the delusions of a Secretary of State who thought he could fix poverty by making people poorer.  The truth is this has probably only dragged on so long because no-one really believes that Universal Credit will ever be fully implemented anyway.  It sill might not be.  The tragedy, as Inside Housing reveals, is that this shambles is already having very real consequnces.  Social housing providers say that schemes to provide desperately needed new supported housing are currently on hold until the government makes it’s mind up about whether they should condemn everybody officially classed as ‘vulnerable’ to street homelessness or not.  Decisions, decisions.  What a bunch of cunts.

A march against the housing bill, which will decimate social housing, is taking place in London on Saturday January 30th.  More details on facebook, please spread the word.

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108 responses to “Chaos In Supported Housing: Almost Half A Million Homes Under Threat As Ministers Dither


    This has to be the most evil, inept, incompetent, wreckless, irresponsible government in the entire history of this country. That’s what comes of putting a bunch of Eton Toffs in charge. Fucking useless wankers.

  2. Evil fucking cunts, fuck every last one of the bastards who voted for this scum.

  3. So £9 billion a year to private landlords and another £13 billion a year in tax relief on mortgage interest to subsidise buy to let.

    And where, you might ask, did I get these figures from?

    From the fucking Torygraph no less…Can’t that cunt IDS fucking read?

    ***Trigger warning***

    Nasty right-wing bog-paper tells truth for once:

  4. Pingback: Chaos In Supported Housing: Almost Half A Million Homes Under Threat As Ministers Dither | Benefit tales

  5. Santa Hates You

    The Tory fuckers have gone too far this time. It’s time for some payback!!!

  6. Tweeted @melissacade68

  7. The Regime of New Nazis, as I’ve been calling them since May 2010, and that includes the Clegg “Liberals” has clearly gone right off the rails now with it’s ever increasingly insane policies of destroying the social security system as completely as possible.
    Some actually delude themselves they can fix the poverty problem by making it impossible for the plebs to live!
    But I would think that most of them know full well what they are doing, and the evil consequences along with it.
    However…..there is always a “but”, and it will be when the masses stare homelessness in the face….and the low paid workers too. The plebs will eventually snap.
    As for the New Nazis getting back into power, much of that has to be laid at the door of both the nazi supporting media, and the utter ineptitude of the Labour Party trying to out tory the tories in everything especially to do with social security. And then there was the millions who simply didn’t vote. Not that Miliband gave them much to offer.
    Cameron is acting like he has this massive landslide victory, when in fact he got about 20 percent of the vote. Labour’s inability to take the LibDem areas outside London, where all but one went to Labour, but only in 2 other places in England, every other Lib Dem seat in England and Wales went to the tories was a major factor in the outcome.
    In acting so out of control, with such a small percentage vote of the overall population, therein will be the downfall of these evil New Nazis.

    • paultheswineherd

      Gordon – all very true and Cameron is now becoming a growing loose cannon of a liability – not only to his own party, but also to Britain.
      I agree, eventually it will all come to a head an the elastic band will snap!

  8. paultheswineherd

    Sorry – it’s not picking up the page now – it can be found on the ‘homepage’ of the paper though!

    • can you give us a summary of the new contract for junior doctors, especially as hospitals should be run by fully trained doctors not left to tired out juniors.

      • “Junior” does not mean unqualified or even partly qualified. It’s an indicator of their grade and experience. Some doctors are still classed as “juniors” right up to retirement age.

  9. No way will any of this shit ever be fixed in the future, this is the new normal chaps. The rich have fucked it for us all.

  10. Rosemarie Harris

    everything we hold dear to our hearts will be torn apart unless we all start turning up to these demo’s. So far this Government has caused an arugument with about everything the working class need to live.
    Lets start fighting back if anyone isn’t going because you are not affected …yet think of others the more people who turn up the less they can ingore the people. Don’t let them win without a fight.

  11. paultheswineherd

    A snail could move faster than Governments ‘flagship’ Welfare Reforms!

  12. The Three Amigos strike again! Cameron, Osbourne and IDS.

  13. Santa Hates You

    Oppressors will just keep on oppressing whilst you let them get away with it. They want to make you into cattle and ripe for slaughter. Just like the Nazis before them, the Tories will divide you all up and turn you against each other and then destroy what’s left – layer by layer, starting with the weakest, until they win everything. They are not going to stop now because they love it. The Tories are acting like they have a huge majority in the house of commons when actually it’s one of the lowest in the last few decades. But they still think it’s a one party fucking state.

    So are you going to do nothing about evil Tory policies? Are you going to hide behind your PC screens and let them carry on oppressing and stealing your rights? What if they now go for your family and take everything away from them? Are you going to stand there like a stupid arsehole and do fucking nothing about it when your family home is ripped away from you? Do you and your family actually want to be ultimately fucking homeless, cold, ill and starving and lying in a gutter with no hope whilst the Tory shitheads drive past you laughing their smug faces off in their flash cars? Do you want to see your family and friends totally fucked up by the Tories? People are dying right now due to these fucking cunts so don’t say it’s not happening.

    There’s a choice to be made here. Make a stand against oppression now – it’s never too late to stand up and say no more to Tory fucking slavery. So make your opposition to austerity bollocks count. Don’t fucking wait for another person to speak up and make a stand as nobody will stand up if everyone waits. Government’s are fundamentally self-serving interest groups and will strip you of everything if you let them. Lower down the food chain and harder it gets. So say no more and not in my name – it’s the only way to stop them. Remember – it’s not impossible. For instance, the USSR was a nuclear superpower, but people power destroyed it.

    We are many – they are the few and that’s what they fear the most!!!

    • The Happy Hippies


      Chill maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……..

      • Try this one for size…

        Falling victim from neglect
        Designed thoughts and intellect
        Forgotten and displaced
        The crux of my dismay
        I feel nothing
        I am nothing
        I feel nothing
        Hoow deep I descend?
        Until I reach my end?
        How deep I descend?
        Deeper into this abyss
        Weighted down and sinking fast
        Life did not offer me
        More than false destiny
        I feel nothing
        I am nothing
        I feel nothing
        How deep I descend?
        Until I Reach my end?
        How deep I descend?
        I am nothing
        I feel nothing
        I am nothing
        I feel nothing
        How deep I descend?
        Until I reach my end?
        How deep I descend?

        • The Happy Hippies – As you can see above I don’t do fucking ‘chill.’ Just so you know – years spent locked up in government mental institutions stole any joy, hope and happiness from me.

  14. Just a heads up… there is some easy ££s to be made over on intensiveactivity , a big prize of 100 weeks JSA and 100 crates of Abbot Ale for the JSA-er who makes the magic million ‘hit’ on the blog… 😉

  15. paultheswineherd

    Big Money – I’m well on the way, but I’m not on JSA!! 🙂


      “DWP statisticians have made clear that no causal link can be made between the likelihood
      of dying and the fact that someone is claiming benefits”


  16. Killers first dehumanize their victims!!

    This is part of a much bigger global plan. Do not expect the UN or any other human rights organization to help you/us.

    They are “ALL IN IT TOGETHER”.
    Up to their necks in blood, misery, greed and death.
    Satanic demons…the whole dam lot of them.

  17. Causing chaos seems to be what this government does best. It’s their raison d’etre. Everything they touch turns to shit. All their half-baked policies are a fucking shambles. Fucking Tory cunts.

  18. ………AND THE PROTESTORS THEN MARCHED TO THE BBC…………………………………………………



      Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu on Jan. 17 started a one-week European tour including London, Davos and Berlin, during which he will meet foreign investors and discuss counter-terrorism measures with European counterparts.

      Davutoğlu will address the opening of a Turkish investment conference in London, organized by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and also speak at events arranged by Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs and the Foreign Economic Relations Board. He will be accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek, several other ministers, and a number of senior economy officials.

      • And another thing about Turkey: most TVs (with the exception of 3 manufacturers), are made by huge Turkish conglomerate Vestel. Vestel are paid huge subsidises and grants by the EU for doing so. And Vestel just happen to make shitty TVs!

      • And it is not only TVs that Vestel make. You will just never see anything with a “Vestel” badge on it… 😉

        • ………..surely not the VESTEL/KARAYEL defence industry unmanned drone reconnaisance and precision guided weapons and bomb manufacturers.
          Are you implying that our government are investing heavily in these kinds of products in exchange for WHAT?

          Could this youtube video be the reason there has been a blanket ban on Cameron’s involvement with a renegade faction?

      • Come of it GEOFF, me old China. Your holier-than-thou attitude wont cut any mustard down the old Winchester Club. If some dodgy ISIS geezer was offering you some cheap knock-off fuel to fill up your motor I would wager her indoors on you turning a blinder… 😉

        • HonestGeorgeOsbourne

          That’s the spirit to have old chap. Britain is shit these days because decent, hardworking, scallywags like you & your Henchman, Terry are a rare breed these days. We need more like you to make Britain great again. Now all the young want to do is get rich quick from drug dealing, debt or winning X Shite Factor, or Britain’s got Shite!

      • PS I’ve got a nice little run-around out in the lot. One careful owner. Would suit your missus… comes with some cheap fuel… 😉

        • One careful owner… Arthur Daley Fleet Hire..… 😉

          • Not really guv, i am just implying that cuts to our armed forces have been precipitated by our involvement with Turkey to provide unmanned drones.

            • …………….and with technology as advanced as this, VESTEL/KARAYEL would be a dominant player in the provision of Trident Submarine weapons technology installations, especially nuclear warheads.

              British Aerospace would not be able to compete with the kebab infrastructure……….

              • Therefore 440, 000 homes are now under threat, the welfare budget squandered upon the purchase of these military drones on the cheap from turkey.

                440,000 thousand poorer UK citizens Eugenically displaced to protect the Bullingdon Boys and the Bankers and Hedge fund pirates.

                “BLACKSTONE will be well involved”

                So what makes the Karayel special?

                The largest UAV from avionics manufacturer Vestel is a dedicated propeller-driven ISR drone for military and government use. Its origins date to 2007 and flight testing began in 2009. Its development was interrupted soon after, since Vestel only announced the Karayel’s latest flight testing when it took off with a payload on February 27, 2015.

                Vestel also claimed that flight testing took place in 2014 without elaborating on its results.

                The Karayel is a type of surveillance drone that follows a monoplane design supported by tricycle landing gear. When it was displayed during the IDEF 13 and IDEF 15 arms shows, the Karayel was configured with a conventional tail section. Meanwhile, promotional images of the Karayel depict twin vertical stabilizers instead, or a V-tail.

                Its got “BLACKSTONE” written all over it.

              • “British Aerospace” weaponry will just become a re-badged “Vestel” just like a “Bush” TV from Argos 😀

  19. Rothschild owned Blackstone Group benefits from missing flight 370, becoming primary patent holder of new technology, reports say

    Partner of MH370 passenger acuses governments of cover up on BBC

    While the disappearance of MH370 which had 239 people aboard is tragic, new bombshell information reveals that a Texas-based technology giant, Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., may have benefited in some way from the missing airliner which was reported to have been carrying 20 of Freescale’s employees.
    rothschilds control the world

    “Freescale previously confirmed that the 20 employees — 12 from Malaysia and eight from China — were among 239 people on flight MH370.

    In February 2013, Freescale unveiled the Kinesis KL02, the world’s smallest microcontroller, measuring 1.9 mm by 2mm and containing RAM, ROM and a clock. The company brags that the device is so small that it can be swallowed for medical uses, such as releasing drugs according to prescription schedule or directing micro-surgery.

    Tiny though it may be, the micro-controller is the key to next-generation warfare based on self-guidance, tactical versatility and hierarchy of commands, in short, an adaptive thinking weapon that can outsmart foes. Potential applications include:

    Drones smaller than a mosquito, either as remotes or autonomously, on surveillance missions or to deliver biowarfare packets, for example, lab-cloned viruses or toxic drugs. Their light weight means longer flying periods or even indefinite hovering time if solar-powered.

  20. @sarah7

    ………………Yes the whole debacle surrounding the missing flight MH370 is rather astounding………

    The official entry listed under Freescale Semiconductor’s “financials” section on Wikipedia states:

    On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira. The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.

    As a journalist, I have to point out the vast amount of monies invested into this technology firm. It’s not like $17.9B is a drop in the bucket by any means, likely signifying the true importance of this corporation. I also have to question why so many Freescale employees were on the same flight at the same time, as four of them were reported by several sources to have been U.S. patent holders of a new technology with wider military applications. This would likely have been a breach of protocol, but at the least a costly oversight.

    • On researching the CARLYLE GROUP, the results are shocking. The board and advisors are the most influential politicians from each continent.
      The term, all in this together, brings on a new meaning when examining links to the Gulf Wars and those that made vast profits from the losses of our sevice personnel, innocent civilians and so forth.

      “The war in Iraq does not seem to be over al all, but in the meantime the rebuilding has already started. This has unleashed fiercecompetition for contracts, which are mainly awarded to American (ed: U.S.) companies.

      What is remarkable about these companies, is that they have people on their payroll from American politics and the military. Is this a conflict of interest, or is this the new global way of doing business?

      One of the companies that operates in this manner is the Carlyle Group.”

      On their payroll are people like : George Bush (Sr.), James Baker III and old premier John Major.

      ……………..not a war against terror, just a platform to bolster individual and corporate greed.

      • Natalie READ (staff nurse)


        Bin Laden Family Liquidates Holdings With Carlyle Group

        WASHINGTON, Oct. 25— The Saudi family of Osama bin Laden is severing its financial ties with the Carlyle Group, a private investment firm known for its connections to influential Washington political figures, executives who have been briefed on the decision said today.

        The decision, reached late last week, was by mutual agreement, a senior executive with the investment firm said. It came largely as a result of public controversy about the family’s stake in a Carlyle fund that invests in buyouts of military and aerospace companies, the executive said.

        After the Sept. 11 attacks, the investment was criticized amid speculation that the family might profit from increased military spending from America’s war on terrorism.

    • It’s amazing how the minority Turks have more demonstrators in Britain than the minority British!

  21. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Disabled Travel Passes for 2 years are you still able to get them. The London ones were for all transport worth some £20,000 & people lose [sell] them for £8,000. The local council issued them before 2010.

  22. HonestGeorgeOsbourne

    It’s very simple Peasants. There are far too many of you and not enough to go round. Even if the richest 62 people gave the rest of you all their wealth how long would it last you? Not very long! Plus, as always, you still would not be satisfied and would only demand more because you are a greedy lot. Eventually, the growth mirage of the last 7 years will disappear it’s even fading now as I type. You have kept borrowing and as a result of your insatiable demands for more and more Credit, our Banks are even more insolvent than they were in 2008! Get ready for N.I.R.P! For the uneducated that means Negative Interest Rates. Banks will take a percentage of any money in your Bank Account(s). Despite this, the Sheeple Masses still shamble on using less & less cash, happy to let a corrupt Bankstas Mafia to hold all their money electronically. It would be amazing if you all stopped using Banks, but you all love the “convenience” they purportedly offer because most Sheeple are feeling lazy. Enjoy your 21st Plantations!

  23. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Channel 4 to launch ‘year of disability’

    Broadcaster to begin push to increase representation of disabled people, including 300,000 fund to foster new talent, at Rio Paralympics later this year

    Guardian – 18th Jan 2016

    Channel 4 is launching a “year of disability” to increase representation of disabled people in broadcasting including a commitment to double the number of people with disabilities appearing in its 20 most high-profile shows such as Googlebox and Hollyoaks.

    The initiative includes a £300,000 fund to foster new talent, some of which will be used to help support the careers of 20 disabled people working behind the camera in Channel 4’s biggest suppliers, and the channel will also ringfence half of its apprenticeships and 30% of work experience places for disabled applicants.

    The year of disability will coincide with Channel 4’s broadcast of the Rio Paralympics later this year. In November, the channel revealed that Breaking Bad actor RJ Mitte, who has cerebral palsy, will join the presenting team for the games.

    Read More:

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      Didn`t they do well.

      Yes Brucey !!!

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The Tories have paid CH loads of money to promote a propaganda Tory policy. If you are not into sport as a disabled person you are not disabled.

    • What the fuck is it with Channel 4 anyway. Channel 4 is a ‘public service broadcaster’ and is also publicly funded receiving a share of the ‘telly tax’. So why the fuck are some of its HD (High Definition) channels, notably Film 4, available only on Ruprick Murdick’s rip-off Sky platform? Just what the fuck is going on here and what the fuck is a public service, publicly funded broadcaster doing in bed with this low-life- Ozzie scum-bag?

  24. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Disabled Rio Games

    How many disability hate crimes can you get in 2 hours – Sport
    How many people walk right in front of you like your invisible in 2 hours – Sport
    How many people say to you in 2 hours are you alright – sport

    You only need one disability category not 15

  25. Everything these posh, rich bastards touch, turns to shit and they make a profit out of it, they’ll be loving this chaos!

  26. Pingback: I Million Hits for Ipswich Unemployed Action. | Ipswich Unemployed Action.

  27. Those who Voted Tory have a Lot to Answer For the Liberal Democrats
    have a Lot to Answer For and the Austerity Stooges within the Parliamentary
    Labour Party have a Lot to Answer For

    Hands Off the Poor House the Homeless

  28. The Oblivious out There are Utter Bastards without Decency or Honour

  29. In Many Parts of the United Kingdom there will be very likely 3 or 4 Year
    Poxy Waits For the Next Local Government Election .

    Councils Need to Stand Up for the Poor and Vulnerable Not be Gormless
    and Grotesque Collaborators with Nutcase Austerity

  30. Notice that Petition For the Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has 116,249 Signatures

    No Austerity No to Universal Credit Hands Off the Poor

  31. Indeed Bastards Voted Tory and Bastards have been the Liberal Democrats
    as Well

    Cephalus | January 18, 2016 at 5:01 pm | Reply

    Evil fucking cunts, fuck every last one of the bastards who voted for this scum.

  32. People out There Need to Stop being Shallow Materialistic Amoral
    Celebrity Obsessed Zombies and Instead Support a Place of Residence
    as a Basic Human Right

    Defend Full Housing Benefit No Austerity House the Homeless

  33. Spot On Article

    The Nazi Britain Media has a Lot to Answer For like the Spineless and
    Despicable Collusion through No Resistance of the Blue Slave Labour
    Party from May 2010 AD to March 2015 AD and including up to Now
    considering the Austerity Stooges within the Parliamentary Labour

    No to Neo Liberalism No to Slavery No to Nazi Britain

    GORDON KEANE | January 18, 2016 at 6:08 pm | Reply

    The Regime of New Nazis, as I’ve been calling them since May 2010, and that includes the Clegg “Liberals” has clearly gone right off the rails now with it’s ever increasingly insane policies of destroying the social security system as completely as possible.
    Some actually delude themselves they can fix the poverty problem by making it impossible for the plebs to live!
    But I would think that most of them know full well what they are doing, and the evil consequences along with it.
    However…..there is always a “but”, and it will be when the masses stare homelessness in the face….and the low paid workers too. The plebs will eventually snap.
    As for the New Nazis getting back into power, much of that has to be laid at the door of both the nazi supporting media, and the utter ineptitude of the Labour Party trying to out tory the tories in everything especially to do with social security. And then there was the millions who simply didn’t vote. Not that Miliband gave them much to offer.
    Cameron is acting like he has this massive landslide victory, when in fact he got about 20 percent of the vote. Labour’s inability to take the LibDem areas outside London, where all but one went to Labour, but only in 2 other places in England, every other Lib Dem seat in England and Wales went to the tories was a major factor in the outcome.
    In acting so out of control, with such a small percentage vote of the overall population, therein will be the downfall of these evil New Nazis.


    The People’s Court

    What is your judgment on Iain Duncan Smith?

    Please pass down your judgment in the comment section below for forwarding to the supreme people’s council.
    Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights’s photo.
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    4 hrs
    Geoff Shepherdson
    Geoff Shepherdson A vicious evil Sociopath and Psychopath..he meets all the criteria..he has set out to deliberately starve people of all ages.. Deprive them of rooves over their heads.. Lied to Parliament and the Country..He finds the comments of opposition MPs funny a…See More
    1 · 4 hrs · Edited
    1 Reply
    Elaine Nicholson
    Elaine Nicholson IDS has turned the sick, disabledand poor into victims of his ideology. To get benefits you are interogated, humiliated, and treated with contempt. If you have any assessment the system does not look at the illnesses or the disability. Instead you are …See More
    1 · 8 hrs
    1 Reply
    Alexandra Quinn
    Alexandra Quinn No words could properly describe how I feel about this vile , inhumane cretin.
    4 hrs
    Viv Jackson
    Viv Jackson Perhaps one of the most frightening prospects is that there is a ‘trickle effect’ of IDS policies and terminology haemorrhaging into our society which has become the ‘norm’ this includes the very people you turn to at the last resort! Family structure …See More
    3 hrs · Edited
    Lindsay Macleod
    Lindsay Macleod Not fit for purpose! It appears his sole aim is to terrorise and degrade people who are ill, disabled or not fortunate enough to have a job or even have a well paid job! It appears to be acquisition – how can he direct more money from people who need it to himself. He has no regard for people other than those who have something that will benefit him!
    1 · 4 hrs
    Linden Ash
    Linden Ash Thinking about him makes me so angry I can’t breathe.
    1 · 4 hrs
    Bill Kent
    Bill Kent Smug, bald-headed bastard
    5 hrs
    Heather Mackintosh
    Heather Mackintosh How he can honestly consider he’s helping people I have no idea. He is an odious wee man with no conception of every day life & the struggles people go through juggling which bill to pay or whether to eat. Shocking “human being”.
    5 hrs
    Dan Carlo
    Dan Carlo His a Nazi general in disguise and a terrable person
    5 hrs
    Ryan Westwood
    Ryan Westwood GUILTY this man has no regard for the sick or the disabled he is not fit for his position and needs getting rid off the disabled and the sick need treating with compasion and not like vermin to be executed
    1 · 5 hrs
    Jo Hoyle
    Jo Hoyle He should be locked in a confrence hall full of the family members who’ve lost loved ones thanks to him.
    1 · 5 hrs
    Kate Clark
    Kate Clark I hope he looses his job, money, family, friends, dignity and health.
    5 hrs
    Alex Fallon
    Alex Fallon Guilty.: of mass murder and/or practicing a form of eugenics, of/on the weak and vulnerable of society. (a psychopath who with malice and forethought planned the actions that have resulted in a loss of life for many, affecting the lives of many more)
    1 · 5 hrs
    Paul Hornsby
    Paul Hornsby Sadistic evil fascist !!
    5 hrs
    Mark Parry
    Mark Parry Make IDS suffer very slowly.
    6 hrs
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr’s photo.
    1 · 6 hrs
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr’s photo.
    1 · 6 hrs
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr’s photo.
    1 · 6 hrs
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr
    Wayne Kerr’s photo.
    1 · 6 hrs
    Laura Dunn
    Laura Dunn Sanctioned for failure to humamity.
    6 hrs
    Claire Newton
    Claire Newton This idiot is the bane of the poor, sick and disabled, relishing in his depravity, he is disgusting!
    6 hrs
    Graham Sharratt
    Graham Sharratt Padded cell…. Just put the c@@t put of harms way along with rest of Tory shite
    6 hrs
    Jaco Duckworthius
    Jaco Duckworthius We should revive hanging, drawing & quartering especially for him
    6 hrs
    Clau Schwa
    Clau Schwa A psychopath. It’s hard to believe he is so alienated that he really doesn’t understand the damage his actions and words have brought. I rather think the misery and death are of no concern to him because of how little regard he seems to have for the lives of others.
    6 hrs
    Stefan White
    Stefan White I think somebody should kill him said it for years
    6 hrs
    June Alyson Crossley
    June Alyson Crossley Hang him by the neck until he is dead for the man is a traitor of the highest degree
    6 hrs
    Sean Mckenna
    Sean Mckenna Jailed…. manslaughter for every claimant who’s died
    6 hrs
    Susy Starfield
    Susy Starfield Dresses his unique form of terrorism as ‘social justice’. Vile beyond description.
    6 hrs
    Paula Graham
    Paula Graham Sack him & arrest him & the rest of the tory government for crimes against humanity.
    7 hrs
    Chris Waller
    Chris Waller Incompetent, dishonest.
    7 hrs
    Luke Adam Springthorpe
    Luke Adam Springthorpe We, the people are to blame for allowing people like this, access to power.
    Talking about little fantasies to placate ourselves and others who are disenfranchised does nothing to help the situation… It is mere procrastination….See More
    7 hrs
    Steve Sherriff
    Steve Sherriff in my honest opinion he should be tried for crimes against humanity for all the suffering he has caused and that is putting it politely
    7 hrs
    Jenny Whittle
    Jenny Whittle guilty of murder ,causing severe poverty ,homelessness,discrimination against the disabled
    7 hrs
    Neill Coulson
    Neill Coulson death by hanging [by his bolox]
    7 hrs
    Paul Lewis
    Paul Lewis Not fit for purpose, Not fit for Humanity, Liar, Cheat, Fraud, Cold Blooded, that`s his good points!
    7 hrs
    Ange Hofmann
    Ange Hofmann I should sit in my big chair, put the black cloth on my head and decree that he should be “Hanged by the Neck until Dead”. . .
    8 hrs
    Scott Ryan
    Scott Ryan I wonder what his face would be like if that was him in the dock and he had just been sentenced to death for the mass murder of unemployed sick disabled homeless people. The yellow Tory bastard would be crying like a baby pig with Cameron’s knob up its arse.
    8 hrs
    Gabbi Murphy
    Gabbi Murphy Psychopath with tiny intellect and bloated sense of entitlement. Murderer.
    8 hrs
    Jemma McLaughlan
    Jemma McLaughlan The flimsy reasons why they sanction people, which makes it obvious they’re going to keep sanctioning, for that’s their true aim
    8 hrs
    Ali McCormick
    Ali McCormick I hope him and his family all die horribly and as slowly as possible!
    8 hrs
    Sebastian Vulva
    Sebastian Vulva His “reforms” are making the sick/disabled worse. Those that are still alive that is.
    8 hrs
    June Ogden
    June Ogden he needs to be gone end of!!!
    8 hrs
    Gareth Thomas
    Gareth Thomas Sadly I can not see an end to this (ahem) man’s heartless treatment of sick/disabled people. The Fu×× you I’m doing fine attitude of most tory voters is not going to change. Until the UK nation (non tory) revolt against the govt there is little hope, if any for the rest of us. Duncan is hardly going to give a.shi× for people he sees as below him. We can only hope that his demise comes soon.
    1 · 8 hrs
    Christine Markham
    Christine Markham I like to think of him losing his faculties bit by bit and when he applies for disability or help with his care, he is declined by the panel that assesses the disabled, then bit by bit he loses the ability to survive and even Dignetas decline him a l…See More
    8 hrs
    Franky Barton
    Franky Barton evil, theiving, murdering nazi who abuses his position to commit his hate crimes against people he is paid to serve. He’s yet to do the job he’s had for five years. He’s the head of the dwp, always moans about unemployment and yest hasn’t created any jobs even though the cause of unemployment is lack of jobs.
    8 hrs
    Janice Yelland-Sutcliffe
    Janice Yelland-Sutcliffe This guy has caused an average of 2 deaths per week …. the job centres make a mistake and guess what?….. the person has to wait or remake an application – not back dated, can’t take action etc and it can be 8 weeks before money arrives. They and th…See More
    30 · 20 hrs · Edited
    1 Reply
    Rt Hon Nobby Clarke
    Rt Hon Nobby Clarke He really is ‘Just a turd in the swimming pool of life’
    9 hrs
    Peter Vaughan
    Peter Vaughan The Highest form of posh SCUM and the Lowest form of Life… Hate this Man with a Passion.Murder charges should be brought on this Filth.
    9 hrs
    Bill Guthrie
    Bill Guthrie Apppears to be clinically insane ! Wasting millions of pounds on pet schemes which don’t work and bringing misery to innocent people !
    9 hrs
    Ryan Porter
    Ryan Porter Come the revolution he’ll be first again the wall!
    9 hrs
    Nigel Davies
    Nigel Davies Hang the f*****
    9 hrs
    Julie Cawthorne
    Julie Cawthorne He should be placed in front of a fireing squad and shot.
    9 hrs
    Carolyn Hodgkin
    Carolyn Hodgkin Zero compassion, zero knowledge of every day UK life
    1 · 9 hrs
    Ali Howells
    Ali Howells He is a psychopath
    9 hrs
    Charles Gray
    Charles Gray Pure Animal
    9 hrs
    Barry Johns
    Barry Johns Insane needs committing to an asylum
    9 hrs
    David Bain
    David Bain this man cases death to vurnable people because of his actions ,he is scum and should be prosicuted for the deaths of these poor people
    9 hrs
    Glenys Riley
    Glenys Riley What more can one say! For all of the above reasons this evil excuse for a human being I.m.o. should be publicly flogged for his crimes of multiple manslaughter if nothing else. Personally I would like nothing less than the death penalty for him.
    9 hrs
    Spencer Game
    Spencer Game The best evidence we have for the existence of baby-eating lizard-people.
    9 hrs
    Oscar Marshall
    Oscar Marshall He has overseen a modern day version of the Nazi Aktion T4 plan, which has seen over 100,000 lives lost. And why ? Because his banker mates told him that they wouldn’t be able to afford a new yacht if he didn’t find savings. People have lost their live…See More
    10 hrs
    Nigel Walker
    Nigel Walker I think he is probably a sociopath based on his complete disregard for those affected by his policies.
    10 hrs
    Kirstie McLeod
    Kirstie McLeod God will deal with him.
    10 hrs
    Chris Otter
    Chris Otter Iain Duncan Smith is an evil man. That is not an unfounded accusation either. The man is without a conscience. This is a man who thinks that if a disabled person is found fit for work, but in reality is unable to perform work, they should be punished b…See More
    1 · 10 hrs · Edited
    Jean Stones
    Jean Stones Its hard to think of a judgment that would fit his crimes (and there have been a lot ) if we treat him like he as treated every one else we would be as bad as him, I for one am nothing like him unlike him I have empathy and feelings for my fellow human…See More
    10 hrs
    Niki Jones
    Niki Jones Guilty to the highest degree. Traitor.
    10 hrs
    Dave Cogan
    Dave Cogan Soulless creature picking on those that cannot fight back and putting them into desparate financial situations from which it is impossible to extricate themselves. No better than a Victorian Workhouse governor
    2 · 10 hrs
    Andrew Peacock
    Andrew Peacock and hes wasted MILLIONS of tax payers money with HIS ill thought out stupid ideas
    10 hrs
    Andrew Peacock
    Andrew Peacock CAUGHT trying to defraud the very department he now runs, DWP .HES AN ARSEHOLE
    10 hrs
    Theresa Jackson
    Theresa Jackson Sentenced to life in prison for murder
    10 hrs
    Linda Irvine
    Linda Irvine He should be jailed end of he’s caused so many deaths and people starving so many homeless too!
    10 hrs
    Karen Cassidy
    Karen Cassidy Oh my the chance to say what I think about this putrid being , calling him human is an insult. I’m a bit polite to actually vent my spleen , he’s an abomination .
    10 hrs
    Flora McKenzie
    Flora McKenzie A disgrace to mankind. Due to benefit cuts etc he has blood on his hands and isnt fit for the job ..a case of “I am alright Jack” comes to mind .Should be sacked asap.
    10 hrs
    Gary Kay
    Gary Kay This man is a vile disgrace to the human race his attack on the sick and disabled is despicable .
    10 hrs
    Zoe Atkinson
    Zoe Atkinson His relentless pursuit of the disabled is sickening. He seems to enjoy the thought of people who are in desperate need of help killing themselves, or being forced into working themselves to death literally. He appears to have taken the play book from H…See More
    2 · 10 hrs
    Dave Procter
    Dave Procter Feed him to the pigs, throw him to the swine, see if he uses the shirker line……
    10 hrs
    Judy Berry
    Judy Berry If he is so sure he has done nothing wrong WHY is he not happy and willing for the figures of people who have died after health assesments to be made common knowledge? Surely you only cover up something you know is wrong.
    10 hrs
    Derek Edward Price
    Derek Edward Price One word HITLER frown emoticon
    10 hrs
    Eleanor Reilly
    Eleanor Reilly Wilfully cruel, incompetent and responsible for the deaths of thousands, he has also cost the country millions on his ill conceived universal credits debacle. He is a liar, a coward and benefit fraud.
    1 · 10 hrs
    Ray Harris Hcr
    Ray Harris Hcr Dickhead
    10 hrs
    Ian Warner
    Ian Warner My judgement of the entire DWP from IDS down to the fucking Tea Ladies is guilty of multiple henious and perverse crimes against the species. Sentence is to be decided by the Security Services on an individual basis following a short “fitness for execution” assessment for which there is no appeal under law. May the Lord have mercy for I shall not.
    1 · 10 hrs
    Cheryl Dewhurst
    Cheryl Dewhurst He’s the devil incarnate !!!
    10 hrs
    Emilady Too
    Emilady Too Should be strung up!
    10 hrs
    Paul Maguire
    Paul Maguire GUILTY!! of culpable genocide.
    10 hrs
    Thomas Conroy
    Thomas Conroy An unhinged sociopath and a disgrace to the human race.
    11 hrs
    Bill Kilt Watters
    Bill Kilt Watters Vile excuse for a human being who would not have been out of place on trial at Nuremberg, arrest that scumbag.
    11 hrs
    Liz Murphy
    Liz Murphy into the sea …thundercunt !
    11 hrs
    Steph Barneveld
    Steph Barneveld Guilty of crimes against those who need protection
    11 hrs
    Michael Digney
    Michael Digney This man is not a human being he needs to removed from the human race
    11 hrs
    Fran Yeldham
    Fran Yeldham Guilty of crimes against humanity .
    11 hrs
    Tish Mathias
    Tish Mathias Evil personified.
    11 hrs
    Columcille Meadows
    Columcille Meadows Guilty. I’d imprison him inside a kind of unbreakable pane of glass like General Zod in Superman and doom him to hurtle through space for all eternity, screaming.
    8 · 21 hrs
    1 Reply
    Lorna McAllister
    Lorna McAllister Sociopathic, psychopathic miscreant who ought to be punished for his involvement in the persecution and deaths of vulnerable people.
    11 hrs
    Andrew Robinson
    Andrew Robinson Cant even call him a man, hes not even human, its a case of im alright jack so the rest of us dont matter, narcasistic, power mad, & the biggest scrounger of them all. how did the country get to this state? yes creatures like ids should be put against a wall & shot
    11 hrs
    Richard Short
    Richard Short Someone who seems to enjoy enormously what he does with osbo to those less fortunate then others. There seems to be no compassion from him to argue or condem party policy in his feelings and no empty meat sack devoid of logical thought…..a beast.
    11 hrs
    Alexander Cruisey
    Alexander Cruisey Murderer
    11 hrs
    Angela Aston
    Angela Aston Would like to see him on trial at the Hague for crimes against humanity and genocide of the poor, sick and disabled.
    1 · 11 hrs · Edited
    Andrea Bayer
    Andrea Bayer He belongs to the majority of coward politicians which exploit the weak which don’t have the means to file lawsuits. They don’t want to deal with the lawyers of corporations they would have to face if f.e. they collect higher taxes or close the gaps in…See More
    1 · 11 hrs
    Tony Whitfield
    Tony Whitfield After sending so many people to an early stress ridden death, Will his God forgive him? #hellbound
    11 hrs
    Scott Barclay
    Scott Barclay Guilty as sin, hang him very slowly.
    11 hrs
    Deb Pearson
    Deb Pearson Parasitic underclass the epitomy of an anti christ: Thou shalt not persecute the poor. Judge not unless you wish to be judged by the judgements you use on others. Hypcocrisies finest advocate.
    11 hrs
    Matty Cairns
    Matty Cairns The man is a NAZI, He needs his head read.
    11 hrs
    James Fleming
    James Fleming Wot do you exspect from a tory
    11 hrs
    Mark Anthony
    Mark Anthony Sack him. Massive investigation. Trial. Prison.
    11 hrs
    Our Marits Imaginarium
    Our Marits Imaginarium Guilty
    11 hrs
    Jane Kelsall
    Jane Kelsall Most severe punishment he can get. We know that it won’t be severe enough but at least the average voter will know that we( JC followers and human rights activists) are not all RAVING, disillusionist idots
    12 hrs
    Bernie Daly
    Bernie Daly A vile excuse for a human. A nazi who is practising a form of eugenics in the UK.
    12 hrs
    Leon Inclusion Carter
    Leon Inclusion Carter Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and DWP are Guilty of Corporate Manslaughter time and time he has been told time and time again evidence of his brutality has been submitted and still turns a blind eye send this piece of shit down with a long length in solitary confinement so he can reflect on his actions that has caused so much death, harm and suffering of the British people
    3 · 12 hrs · Edited
    Kenneth Roy Abbott
    Kenneth Roy Abbott Guilty hang the bastard or sanction him and block his bank account and credit cards .
    12 hrs
    Richard Kelly
    Richard Kelly Iain wanted to be a hero like his WW II flying ace father. Iain didn’t last long in the army though. So Iain feels like a failure, and everyone is going to pay for that. Iain couldn’t become his father, so he became the thing his father fought against. The world is run by huge fucked-up kids. Have a good one smile emoticon
    1 · 12 hrs
    Dave Martin
    Dave Martin If he burns in hell it’ll be a waste of natural gas.
    12 hrs
    Dave Roby
    Dave Roby He should be in a criminal court to face multiple charges of crimes against humanity
    12 hrs
    Johnny Reggae
    Johnny Reggae He is a psychopath with narcissistic personality disorder.also he has an authoritarian personality.all of the worst traits known to man.the Tory party and elitism itself is a form a collective narcissism where they feel superior.
    12 hrs
    Michelle Hunter
    Michelle Hunter He’s an evil none caring murderer who has stood by while people with disabilities are stripped of their dignity and have to put themselves to death because of the pit of despair he’s thrown them into
    3 · 12 hrs
    Doris Reginald Plunger
    Doris Reginald Plunger string him up.
    12 hrs
    Eárnán Ó Néill
    Eárnán Ó Néill Sealed in a box crate , fed intravenously , release a few thousand army ants and bot fly infected mosquitoes into the box to keep him company! and bury the bastard. Live web cam feed for anyone who wants to enjoy his screams of agony!. ( kinda joking )…See More
    1 · 12 hrs
    Dave Jones
    Dave Jones Guilty on All counts of Murder… may god have mercy on his soul..the Bastard
    12 hrs
    Roy Ish
    Roy Ish Original Thatcher hatchet man and made him self very famous in his dealings with the working classes nothing new here but we the country voted them in so all you people who put an there mark in the Tory box you are also too blame
    12 hrs
    Marie Mcwaters
    Marie Mcwaters Ian Dire & Sick. Enough said. M x
    12 hrs
    Thomas Cochrane
    Thomas Cochrane Guilty of crimes against the British public including manslaughter.
    12 hrs
    David Mcvittie
    David Mcvittie Immediate execution required.
    12 hrs
    Felicity Viggers Davies
    Felicity Viggers Davies This man needs sectioning under the Mental Health Act as he is a danger to society. He is quite obviously deranged. Believing in a fantasy that he is actually helping people , when in fact he is causing death and long-term hardship and despair to those he professes to be helping. Unfortunately ,He is a Narcissistic Sociopath, surrounded by a bunch of gullible,enabling Empaths !! SOS……
    13 · 20 hrs
    1 Reply
    Kenneth Spilbury
    Kenneth Spilbury MURDERER
    12 hrs
    Jock Ohara
    Jock Ohara Robbing Evil Murdering Scum
    12 hrs
    Christine Greenhill
    Christine Greenhill Nazi Scum, who has a back door policy of eugenics.
    1 · 12 hrs
    Qashie James
    Qashie James this excuse of a inhuman should be made stand trial for crimes against the disabled & the poor and the starving & homeless he is a utter disgrace full stop
    3 · 12 hrs
    Ian Strange
    Ian Strange Smith is a callous, cold-hearted brute; a closed-minded bigot without a conscience; a soulless sociopath.
    12 hrs
    Andrew Quinton
    Andrew Quinton Psychopathic megalomaniac political sadist who seemingly revels in the proven deaths and severe suffering caused by his policies.
    Oh and he’s a scrounging hypocritical ponce who lives off his wife’s good fortune!
    4 · 13 hrs
    Tracey Roderick
    Tracey Roderick He is a very dangerous man who is out of touch with reality. This is because he has no empathy to the effects of living on next to nothing and being ill or disabled. He tales lies and uses public money to fund statistics which are bias and uses these s…See More
    5 · 13 hrs
    Caroline Ridland
    Caroline Ridland Signed a petition asking that only
    GPS decide who is fit for work and got a reply from government about how qualified and amazing the wca assessments were and fair and just etc.
    so government think he is doing an amazing job. Says everything I guess. …See More
    2 · 13 hrs
    Alistair MacKinnon
    Alistair MacKinnon Guilty. 5 days public humiliation on the forecourt of Edinburgh Castle.. Then the remainder of his natural in Barlinnie..
    13 hrs · Edited
    Netty Birchley
    Netty Birchley Ids has blood on his hands, he is a bullyseeking out the veryvunerable and disabled people, even the poor elderly, he swipes the ground from.under there feet. ,he causes suicides at 2 a week, he needs to face what he has done and be brought to justice , he is nothing but a bully in a powerful position.he is laughing and sneering at what he does and continues to, and get away with it. Lock the bast### up.
    3 · 13 hrs
    Alan Bruce
    Alan Bruce Guilty. Hang him!
    13 hrs
    Brenda Storey
    Brenda Storey Hes a disgrace to humanity he should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity
    1 · 13 hrs
    Dawn Willson
    Dawn Willson Guilty of murders under the welfare debacle. Life in prison no parole. And no special privileges to be treated like the scum he is
    1 · 13 hrs
    Jim Ross
    Jim Ross He should be jailed for crimes Against Humanity, along with the majority of the Tory Party who sanctioned these cuts.
    Too many deaths have occurred at the hands of these people and their minions and it is high time it was stopped. If we sit on our back…See More
    3 · 13 hrs · Edited
    Gerard O’Riordan
    Gerard O’Riordan He’s Britain’s worst serial killer, a total psychopath who revels in the death of the sick, disabled, and elderly. Oh he’s also a total spunknugget cockwomble.
    24 · 21 hrs
    1 Reply
    Darren Cook
    Darren Cook Hang by the head till dead
    13 hrs
    Gina Mayers
    Gina Mayers Stocks.
    13 hrs
    David Simpson
    David Simpson This man is a poor excuse for a human being and typifies this governments attitude to the poor and vulnerable in our society. He is desperate to keep the figures secret because they are so outrageous . The fact that any one person has died as the result of benefit cuts is bad enough but there are thousands. He is without principle or conscience.
    1 · 13 hrs
    Paul Riddler
    Paul Riddler Ian Ducan Smith and his rightwing government are serial human rights abusers who have cost thousand’s of lives through their systematic toxic human rights abusing social policies, their collective crimes have caused untold damage to multiple communitie…See More
    4 · 13 hrs
    Rhiannon Hopkins
    Rhiannon Hopkins Utterly lacking in humanity and compassion, a throwback to the kind of officialdom Dickens inveigled against, living rich while the poor starved.
    3 · 13 hrs
    Mark Jackman
    Mark Jackman Guilt. Convicted sentence to 4 years hmp and pay back 4 million sterling within 12 of prison release or return to hmp for 8 years, that’s what I would do minimum!
    14 hrs
    William Cochrane
    William Cochrane They hanged sadam Hussain for crimes against humanity these tory lying murdering bastards are doing the xcatt same thing only worse it’s about time we all rise up against them when they got in to power they were thousands trying to get to them in downing street that night as there was a video of it on the Internet there was nothing on the tv about it
    3 · 14 hrs
    Jeff Suter
    Jeff Suter For Crimes against Deceny, Trith, the Rule of Law and Humanity and for committing serial counts of murder he should be taken from this place and tortured to death, slowly and painfully over several weeks with no chance of a parole. All his worldly good…See More
    14 hrs
    Andy Waters
    Andy Waters Vile creature.
    14 hrs
    Susan Skinner
    Susan Skinner Mr Duncan Smith has no idea how to run the welfare of people in this country, he is delusional and what he is doing is making people commit suicide, forcing people to go to food banks, yes the welfare system has to be reduced, but there are ways of doi…See More
    3 · 14 hrs
    Willie Richardson
    Willie Richardson Despicable. Liar, coward and thief.
    14 hrs
    Missy D’Law
    Missy D’Law My mum is a pensioner and her attendance allowance has helped her in so many ways. To think it will be withdrawn is appalling. Let mr DS try to live on next to nothing when he’s elderly see how he fairs…
    14 hrs
    Greg Osborne
    Greg Osborne To be hung drawn and quartered and to have his head piked on traitors gate
    14 hrs
    Tania Ellis
    Tania Ellis Narcissistic liar
    14 hrs
    Malcolm Jamieson
    Malcolm Jamieson Karma will get him.may it be a long painful lonely death when it comes to this scumbag.
    14 hrs
    Craig Bonney
    Craig Bonney Narcissistic, murdering scumbag.
    14 hrs
    Brian Duffy
    Brian Duffy Who employs the man Cameron he can sack him any time so there’s your problem Cameron the shit bag !
    3 · 14 hrs
    Andrew Watson
    Andrew Watson Guilty of corperate manslaughter
    14 hrs
    Helen Midworth
    Helen Midworth This man is a criminal he is knowingly killing vulnerable people …..the crime is murder
    1 · 14 hrs
    Farrell Keith
    Farrell Keith Guilty of mass murder!
    14 hrs
    Breda Sheehan
    Breda Sheehan The man is a liar and heartless
    Can he be assessed please as many think he’s either a sociopath or a psychopath as he laughs out loud at people’s misery
    2 · 15 hrs
    Zaran Slater Naylor
    Zaran Slater Naylor Vile excuse of a human and i would like to see him killed by some body ASAP!
    1 · 15 hrs
    Kathleen Hunt
    Kathleen Hunt Beyond redemption.
    15 hrs
    Bill Kruse
    Bill Kruse Sending him and what are left of his few wits to an early, slow death would be the best thing for all. Or jail for the rest of his natural life. It has to be one or the other if people are to have any faith in politics. I have none, myself.
    15 hrs
    Edward Robinson
    Edward Robinson Disgusting waste of space
    15 hrs
    Martin Smith
    Martin Smith Lying…thieving…scum
    15 hrs
    Martin Willis
    Martin Willis Wanted for the murder of British citizens.
    Sentence is death be hanging
    15 hrs
    Dipak Parekh
    Dipak Parekh Lynch him..!
    15 hrs
    Phill Wray
    Phill Wray Evil
    15 hrs
    Phill Wray
    Phill Wray Mass murderer evil bast@rd he should be tried for crimes against humanity he is a hitler type dangerous man life with out parole he is a criminal
    1 · 15 hrs
    Eric Addison
    Eric Addison Guilty
    16 hrs
    Larissa White
    Larissa White Pure Evil
    16 hrs
    Stephen McCue
    Stephen McCue He enjoys his job too much
    16 hrs
    Andy Smith
    Andy Smith There’s something not right with him,MENTALLY,and that makes him dangerous
    1 · 16 hrs · Edited
    Fraser Hunt
    Fraser Hunt Uncaring, feeds off of the suffering of others. Saving money on benefits, costing lives but costing the taxpayer more. Waste of space.
    17 hrs
    Brian Gillies
    Brian Gillies Why is’nt JC Attacking IDS At Every oppurtunity Plzzzzzzz JC Get A Move on POEPLE ARE DYING FFS
    17 hrs
    Malcolm Anderson
    Malcolm Anderson if there was a war, he would be accountable for war crimes, for how many have died, he should be striped of every penny he has and put on the streets like he has done to so many, or jailed, our country is now as bad as any corrupted country today and even the law side,s with them what a greedy government
    2 · 17 hrs
    David Snr Dandy
    David Snr Dandy Insensitive
    Spineless. Tory bastard!
    1 · 18 hrs
    Liz Earley
    Liz Earley One of the most inhuman people to walk this planet since the Natzi’s. How can you in a wealthy country like ours allow people to starve and sit idly by while the disabled are persecuted into taking their own lives after being classed as fit for work. God will be his Judge when the time comes, he says he’s proud of his Catholic Faith, hypocrite he is
    3 · 18 hrs
    Arnold Jamieson
    19 hrs
    James Newman
    James Newman guilty of murder
    19 hrs
    Rowan Farmer
    Rowan Farmer He is a psychopathic bully without a hint of humanity in him, who delights in punishing the sick and disabled simply because he can.
    Thousands have died shortly after being found ‘fit for work’ which in itself shows that the system is deeply flawed, …See More
    4 · 19 hrs
    Viv Jackson
    Viv Jackson What can I say. We barely Exist….. (to live would be a Luxury and a Lie) and that’s in FEAR! You cannot live on nothing full stop. You cannot live in a system designed to fail you. Affecting and Inflicting people of all genders all ages. Children! A …See More
    4 · 19 hrs
    Paul John Tappenden
    Paul John Tappenden Take them all out of power and charge them for crimes against humanity and take there money away , they wouldn’t have a clue how it is to be poor and struggling and still keep on having the rug pulled from underneath them , how can you be helping the sick and disabled into work ids when there to sick to work in the first place , it’s obvious a hate campaign your sick in the head yourself mate
    4 · 19 hrs
    Mark Woolley
    Mark Woolley Put him on trial for manslaughter at the very least. He is a very dangerous psychopath
    3 · 19 hrs
    Martin Barratt
    Martin Barratt Inveterate Liar, Murderer and oddly fond of Nazi ideology.

    A pathetic excuse for a human being, and a horrifying mixture of incompetence, genuine evil and arrogance
    4 · 19 hrs
    Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights
    Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights Keep your judgments coming
    3 · 20 hrs
    1 Reply
    Ian Holland
    Ian Holland impale the cretin….very slowly
    2 · 20 hrs
    Michael Stokes
    Michael Stokes He’s guilty of committing manslaughter. With his benefit changes, which caused people to die, and the Tories are trying to hide what he / they have done, by not releasing the suicide figures.Then there is the mental stress and hardship caused to the …See More
    4 · 20 hrs
    Julie Aldcroft
    Julie Aldcroft i hope mr i,d,smith goes to prison,for crimes against humanity,he has all the deaths blood on his hands,yet still he picks on the most volnurable,and putting sick disabled people,whom have to go through the degrading maximus tests,sent 40 miles,away from there town,now people,will have to do 10 hrs work,even if they are disabled,forced labour,forced to have no pride,left no money,
    12 · 20 hrs
    Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Dangerous Psychopath.
    4 · 20 hrs
    Martin Steers
    Martin Steers Spiteful and dangerously out of touch with reality to the point it has lead to the death of thousands . Making him directly guilty of multiple cases of corporate manslaughter .
    15 · 6 hrs · Edited
    Dave Roby
    Dave Roby Hang him by the bollocks …………..
    4 · 20 hrs
    John Rollo
    John Rollo Sent to a retreat or a hospital to re engage with his core humanity. If he is unable to atone….a knotted balloon salesman cold calling door to door . Next!
    3 · 20 hrs
    Teresa Beatson
    Teresa Beatson Evil heartless poor excuse of a human being
    9 · 20 hrs
    Andi Langford-Woods
    Andi Langford-Woods guilty!
    5 · 20 hrs
    Paul Clarke
    Paul Clarke How can a man who lives off someone else’s money call a benefit claimant a scrounger, how can a man who made up a career history call someone else a liar, he is merely flesh and blood, we will see the back of him.
    13 · 21 hrs
    Marion Biddle
    Marion Biddle Degenerate Monster.
    4 · 21 hrs
    Colin Rogers
    Colin Rogers well really he should be up for manslaughter
    3 · 21 hrs
    Gillian Higgins
    Gillian Higgins This man is a disgrace ,how can he leave people without money ,picking on the disabled ,sick ,poor lying to the public saying they are better off working how can you work if your ill ,people are dieng because they can not cope ur deal with getting sanc…See More
    26 · 21 hrs
    James O’connell
    James O’connell death
    2 · 21 hrs
    Maggie Brown
    Maggie Brown try him for crimes against humanity
    6 · 21 hrs
    Joe Marley
    Joe Marley his hypocracy knows no limits
    4 · 21 hrs
    Dave Grey
    Dave Grey Sociapathic megalomaniac guilty of mass murder. Should be sentenced to death.
    9 · 21 hrs
    Gra Howard
    Gra Howard He should be in jail.
    5 · 21 hrs
    Celia Buchan
    Celia Buchan Psychopath.
    4 · 21 hrs
    Kevin Mcarthur
    Kevin Mcarthur Money over health and the well being of the vulnerable
    6 · 21 hrs
    Joe Lennen
    Joe Lennen Jail him, better still , put the fucker down as is standard procedure with sick dangerous animals!
    5 · 21 hrs






        ………..FEEL FREE TO UPDATE

        Terry McGarvey, 48. Dangerously ill from polycytheamia, Terry asked for an ambulance to be called during his Work Capability Assessment. He knew that he wasn’t well enough to attend his WCA but feared that his benefits would be stopped if he did not. He died the following day.

        Elaine Lowe, 53. Suffering from COPD and fearful of losing her benefits. In desperation, Elaine chose to commit suicide.

        Mark Wood, 44. Found fit for work by Atos, against his Doctors advice and assertions that he had complex mental health problems. Starved to death after benefits stopped, weighing only 5st 8lb when he died.

        Paul Reekie, 48, the Leith based Poet and Author. Suffered from severe depression. Committed suicide after DWP stopped his benefits due to an Atos ‘fit for work’ decision.

        Leanne Chambers, 30. Suffered depression for many years which took a turn for the worst when she was called in for a WCA. Leanne committed suicide soon after.

        Karen Sherlock, 44. Multiple health issues. Found fit for work by Atos and denied benefits. Fought a long battle to get placed into the support group of ESA. Karen died the following month of a heart attack.

        Carl Payne, 42. Fears of losing his lifeline benefits due to welfare reform led this Father of two to take his own life.

        Tim Salter, 53. Blind and suffering from Agoraphobia. Tim hanged himself after Atos found him fit for work and stopped his benefits.

        Edward Jacques, 47 years old and suffering from HIV and Hepatitis C. Edward had a history of severe depression and self-harm. He took a fatal overdose after Atos found him fit for work and stopped his benefits.

        Linda Wootton, 49 years old. A double heart and lung transplant patient. Died just nine days after the government found her fit for work, their refusal letter arriving as she lay desperately ill in her hospital bed.

        Steven Cawthra, 55. His benefits stopped by the DWP and with rising debts, he saw suicide as the only way out of a desperate situation.

        Elenore Tatton, 39 years old. Died just weeks after the government found her fit for work.

        John Walker, 57, saddled with debt because of the bedroom tax, John took his own life.

        Brian McArdle, 57 years old. Suffered a fatal heart attack the day after his disability benefits were stopped.

        Stephen Hill, 53. Died of a heart attack one month after being found fit for work, even though he was waiting for major heart surgery.

        Jacqueline Harris, 53. A former Nurse who could hardly walk was found fit for work by Atos and her benefits withdrawn. in desperation, she took her own life.

        David Barr, 28. Suffering from severe mental difficulties. Threw himself from a bridge after being found fit for work by Atos and failing his appeal.

        David Groves, 56. Died of a heart attack the night before taking his work capability assessment. His widow claimed that it was the stress that killed him.

        Nicholas Peter Barker, 51. Shot himself after being told his benefits were being stopped. He was unable to work after a brain haemorrhage left him paralysed down one side.

        Mark and Helen Mullins, 48 and 59 years old. Forced to live on £57.50 a week and make 12 mile trips each week to get free vegetables to make soup. Mark and Helen both committed suicide.

        Richard Sanderson, 44. Unable to find a job and with his housing benefit cut forcing him to move, but with nowhere to go. Richard committed suicide.

        Martin Rust, 36 years old. A schizophrenic man who killed himself two months after the government found him fit to work.

        Craig Monk, 43. A vulnerable gentleman and a partial amputee who slipped so far into poverty that he hanged himself.

        Colin Traynor, 29, and suffering from epilepsy was stripped of his benefits. He appealed. Five weeks after his death his family found he had won his appeal.

        Elaine Christian, 57 years old. Worried about her work capability assessment, she was subsequently found at Holderness drain, drowned and with ten self inflicted wrist wounds.

        Christelle and Kayjah Pardoe, 32 years and 5 month old. Pregnant, her benefits stopped, Christelle, clutching her baby son jumped from a third floor balcony.

        Mark Scott, 46. His DLA and housing benefit stopped and sinking into deep depression, Mark died six weeks later.

        Cecilia Burns, 51. Found fit for work while undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She died just a few weeks after she won her appeal against the Atos decision.

        Chris Cann, 57 years old. Found dead in his home just months after being told he had to undergo a medical assessment to prove he could not work.

        Peter Hodgson, 49. Called to JCP to see if he was suitable for volunteer work. Peter had suffered a stroke, a brain haemorrhage and had a fused leg. His appointment letter arrived a few days after he took his own life.

        Paul Willcoxsin, 33 years old. Suffered with mental health problems and worried about government cuts. Paul committed suicide by hanging himself.

        Stephanie Bottrill, 53. After paying £80 a month for bedroom tax, Stephanie could not afford heating in the winter, and lived on tinned custard. In desperation, she chose to walk in front of a lorry.

        Larry Newman suffered from a degenerative lung condition, his weight dropping from 10 to 7 stone. Atos awarded him zero points, he died just three months after submitting his appeal.

        Paul Turner, 52 years old. After suffering a heart attack, he was ordered to find a job in February. In April Paul died from ischaemic heart disease.

        Christopher Charles Harkness, 39. After finding out that the funding for his care home was being withdrawn, this man who suffered with mental health issues, took his own life.

        Sandra Louise Moon, 57. Suffering from a degenerative back condition, depression and increasingly worried about losing her incapacity benefit. Sandra committed suicide by taking an overdose.

        Lee Robinson, 39 years old. Took his own life after his housing benefit and council tax were taken away from him.

        David Coupe, 57. A Cancer sufferer found fit for work by Atos in 2012. David lost his sight, then his hearing, then his mobility, and then his life.

        Michael McNicholas, 34. Severely depressed and a recovering alcoholic. Michael committed suicide after being called in for a Work Capability Assessment by Atos.

        Victor Cuff, 59 and suffering from severe depression. Victor hanged himself after the DWP stopped his benefits.

        Charles Barden, 74. Charles committed suicide by hanging due to fears that the Bedroom Tax would leave him destitute and unable to cope.

        Ian Caress, 43. Suffered multiple health issues and deteriorating eyesight. Ian was found fit for work by Atos, he died ten months later having lost so much weight that his family said that he resembled a concentration camp victim.

        Iain Hodge, 30. Suffered from the life threatening illness, Hughes Syndrome. Found fit for work by Atos and benefits stopped, Iain took his own life.

        Wayne Grew, 37. Severely depressed due to government cuts and the fear of losing his job, Wayne committed suicide by hanging.

        Kevin Bennett, 40. Kevin a sufferer of schizophrenia and mental illness became so depressed after his JSA was stopped that he became a virtual recluse. Kevin was found dead in his flat several months later.

        David Elwyn Hughs Harries, 48. A disabled man who could no longer cope after his parents died, could find no help from the government via benefits. David took an overdose as a way out of his solitude.

        Denis Jones, 58. A disabled man crushed by the pressures of government cuts, in particular the Bedroom Tax, and unable to survive by himself. Denis was found dead in his flat.

        Shaun Pilkington, 58. Unable to cope any more, Shaun shot himself dead after receiving a letter from the DWP informing him that his ESA was being stopped.

        Paul ?, 51. Died in a freezing cold flat after his ESA was stopped. Paul appealed the decision and won on the day that he lost his battle to live.

        Chris MaGuire, 61. Deeply depressed and incapable of work, Chris was summonsed by Atos for a Work Capability Assessment and deemed fit for work. On appeal, a judge overturned the Atos decision and ordered them to leave him alone for at least a year, which they did not do. In desperation, Chris took his own life, unable to cope anymore.

        Peter Duut, a Dutch national with terminal cancer living in the UK for many years found that he was not entitled to benefits unless he was active in the labour market. Peter died leaving his wife destitute, and unable to pay for his funeral.

        George Scollen, age unknown. Took his own life after the government closed the Remploy factory he had worked in for 40 years.

        Julian Little, 47. Wheelchair bound and suffering from kidney failure, Julian faced the harsh restrictions of the Bedroom Tax and the loss of his essential dialysis room. He died shortly after being ordered to downgrade.

        Miss DE, Early 50’s. Suffering from mental illness, this lady committed suicide less than a month after an Atos assessor gave her zero points and declared her fit for work.

        Robert Barlow, 47. Suffering from a brain tumour, a heart defect and awaiting a transplant, Robert was deemed fit for work by Atos and his benefits were withdrawn. He died penniless less than two years later.

        Carl Joseph Foster-Brown, 58. As a direct consequence of the wholly unjustifiable actions of the Job centre and DWP, this man took his own life.

        Martin Hadfield, 20 years old. Disillusioned with the lack of jobs available in this country but too proud to claim benefits. Utterly demoralised, Martin took his own life by hanging himself.

        Annette Francis, 30. A mum-of-one suffering from severe mental illness, found dead after her disability benefits were ceased.

        Ian Jordan, 60. His benefits slashed after Atos and the DWP declared Ian, a sufferer of Barratt’s Oesophagus, fit for work, caused him to run up massive debts in order to survive. Ian was found dead in his flat after taking an overdose.

        Janet McCall, 53. Terminally ill with pulmonary fibrosis and declared ‘Fit for Work’ by Atos and the DWP, this lady died 5 months after her benefits were stopped.

        Stuart Holley, 23. A man driven to suicide by the DWP’s incessant pressure and threat of sanctions for not being able to find a job.

        Graham Shawcross, 63. A sufferer of the debilitating disease, Addison’s. Died of a heart attack due to the stress of an Atos ‘Fit for Work’ decision.

        David Clapson, 59 years old. A diabetic ex-soldier deprived of the means to survive by the DWP and the governments harsh welfare reforms, David died all but penniless, starving and alone, his electricity run out.

        Chris Smith, 59. Declared ‘Fit for Work’ by Atos as he lay dying of Cancer in his hospital bed.

        Nathan Hartwell, 36, died of heart failure after an 18-month battle with the ­Department for Works and Pensions.

        Michael Connolly, 60. A Father of One, increasingly worried about finances after his benefits were cut. Committed suicide by taking 13 times the fatal dose of prescription medicine on the 30th October – His Birthday.

        Jan Mandeville, 52, A lady suffering from Fibromyalgia, driven to the point of mental and physical breakdown by this governments welfare reforms. Jan was found dead in her home after battling the DWP for ESA and DLA.

        Trevor Drakard, 50 years old. A shy and reserved, severe epileptic who suffered regular and terrifying fits almost his entire life, hounded to suicide by the DWP who threatened to stop his life-line benefits.

        Death of a severely disabled Dorset resident, unnamed, who took her own life while battling the bedroom tax.


        • Revenge is Sweet

          Iain Duncan Smith, 61, a government minister responsible for the deaths of many hundreds through his vicious social security policies. Filled with remorse and unable to cope any more. Committed suicide by hanging.

        • Revenge is Sweet

          Iain Duncan Smith, 61, a government minister responsible for the deaths of many hundreds of thousands through his vicious social security policies. Filled with remorse and unable to cope any more. Committed suicide by hanging.

  36. paultheswineherd

    Geoff – Wow – that is some post – but it tells it all exactly the way that is.
    Iain Duncan Smith is probably the most hated man in Britain’s ‘establishment’ today. Everyone is right – he should be brought to Court and prosecuted or even worse. He is an absolute bastard of a man who desperately needs to be brought to justice.

    • There is an inquiry if someone dies in mysterious circumstances in a hospital. The reasons for these deaths are generated by a political elite who wish them to be swept under the carpet.
      It is the duty of us all to bring the crazed psychopaths responsible to court.
      That includes the Judiciary, the decision makers and the work capability assessors who should all be on the end of a rope, twisting in agony, evacuating their bowels as their necks snap from the drop.

      We are not dealing with human beings Paul.

      • Queen fucks the poor and disabled by endorsing welfare changes, then invites you to her birthday party at £150 per head.

        At £150-a-head, the Queen’s 90th birthday party is turning into a right royal PR disaster
        Why would a charity want to shell out £1,500 for a table for just 10 people?

        Please come to my birthday party. It’s a really big one. My 90th! What a great thing to celebrate. To acknowledge how jolly busy my life has been, I’m inviting along all you special people who work for the hundreds of wonderful charities to which I lend my name. There’s just one thing. It will cost you £150 for the privilege. Each.

        You would have thought that, by now, Elizabeth II would have learned a thing or two about PR. After the debacle following Diana’s death. After the insurance fiasco following the Windsor Castle fire. After It’s a Royal Knockout, for Pete’s sake. But no, here we go again, with Team Windsor once more weighing in for the gold medal in crassness. Doesn’t anyone who works in one of the Queen’s eight residences know that it is really bad form to charge people to attend one’s birthday party?

        Here’s the summary of the events for the Patron’s Lunch, otherwise known (slightly patronisingly) as Britain’s Biggest Street Party, on the street otherwise known as the Mall. Ten thousand people from the 628 national and Commonwealth charities of which the Queen is patron will be invited. Each charity will have to pay £1,500 for a table of 10 people. There will be 1,000 tables. So the “bash”, which consists of a “hamper” lunch provided by M&S, some bands from the Commonwealth wandering around the Mall and plastic rain ponchos (just in case), will raise £1.5m in ticket sales.
        Read more
        I’ve done my risk assessment – nope, I won’t be giving up the booze

        Even that is not going to be enough, says Peter Phillips, who is organising the event. Yes, that one. The Queen’s grandson is in charge. Phillips, as director of Sports & Entertainment Ltd, admits he is being paid an “undisclosed” fee for organising the do.

        • paultheswineherd

          Sarah7 – Isn’t the whole thing disgraceful – it begs the question: What does the queen and her family, alan sugar and donald trump all have in common? Answer: ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
          ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ and an unending need and desire for a totally undeserved hero worship from the ‘general public’! The ‘charities’ should tell her and her scrounging family to fuck off!

      • paultheswineherd

        Geoff – all very true.

    • Paul said: Iain Duncan Smith is probably the most hated man in Britain’s ‘establishment’ today.

      He definitely is Paul. Latest one is he now wants to hound and harass anyone who suffers from anxiety and stress and is claiming ESA. Yes he’s going to make sure the DWP looks at ‘what they can do’ rather than ‘what they can’t.’

      Keeps going this way there’ll be no one left officially classed as UE or sick. There are tens of thousands who have disappeared off of benefits altogether because of the incessant hounding. They haven’t got work though; no one knows what they’re doing.

  37. No to Victimisation of the Poor and Vulnerable in the United Kingdom

  38. It is Sickening and Shocking that Liberal Avant Garde Trendy Anti British Elements within the University of Oxford are Wanting Plaques and Statues to Cecil Rhodes Removed which Apart from Eradicating British History and Heritage does Nothing to Help Poor People being Able to Study at the University of Oxford or Help the Poor Vulnerable and Homeless in Oxford itself.

    The British Empire may Not of been Perfect through it did put an End to
    Suttee ( Burning Alive of Widows in India ) but then the Peoples Republic
    of China with it’s Murderous Cruelty and Totalitarianism British Regimes
    have Maintained Diplomatic Relations with.

    During the Cultural Ruination ( Cultural Revolution ) of the Evil Peoples
    Republic of China Chinese Heritage and History was Destroyed by
    Brainwashed Zombies whilst there was Brutality and Cannibalism as
    Morality was Attacked by those Evil Bastards

    Point is Trendy Liberal Agendas in General do Fuck All to Help the Poor
    and Vulnerable in Society to Address the Gulf between Rich and Poor
    and the Outrage of So Called ” Charities ” being Stooges of Slavery
    in the UK 2016 AD

  39. Notice that Petition For The Resignation of Ian Duncan Smith as Secretary
    of State For Work and Pensions Now has 116, 252 Signatures

    No to Slavery House the Homeless Proper Funding for Local Government

  40. Arrogant Politicians and Slave Driving Arseholes must Love it when
    too Many Out There are Oblivious to Politics the State of the Country
    and the Plight of the Poor and Vulnerable.

    The Oblivious are Essentially Arseholes for their Burying the Head in the
    Sand about Oppression and Poverty

    To be Rescued from Slavery and Poverty the Country in General Needs
    to Lift it’s Head Out of the Sand

  41. Certainly the ” European Convention on Human Rights ” and ” Human Rights
    Act ” Did Not Save David Clapson or Karen Sherlock

    Post May 2010 AD UK is Sickening

    The sage | January 18, 2016 at 10:22 pm | Reply

    Killers first dehumanize their victims!!

    This is part of a much bigger global plan. Do not expect the UN or any other human rights organization to help you/us.

    They are “ALL IN IT TOGETHER”.
    Up to their necks in blood, misery, greed and death.
    Satanic demons…the whole dam lot of them.

  42. The 20th of January Mark’s the Anniversary of the First Parliament of
    England to include Not only Lords but also Representatives of the Towns
    known as the House of Commons in 1265 AD.

    It was Not until the 19th Century AD that Ordinary Men got the Vote and
    in the 20th Century AD that Women got the Vote in National Elections .

    The House of Commons has been so Out of Touch on too Many Occasion’s
    it Defies Belief and takes the Piss

    The House of Commons should be Representative of the Country For
    the Better Not an Ivory Tower of Out of Touch Career Politicians


    6; How many of the 67 suicides salvation army has reported locally
    here in Swindon were claiments who had been sanctioned? (figures
    are; 26 suicides reported in Swindon in 2012 compared to 11
    reported in 2005. This rose to
    67 between 2012 – 2014 (coincidentally when the sanctions regime
    was most active)!

    Yours faithfully,

    Emma O’leary

    Link to this

    • @geoff
      MAXIMUS struggle to fill the death carts.

      From: Karen Lorenz

      18 January 2016

      Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

      I have today attended a ESA assessment provided by Maximus, during
      my one hour 15 minute wait it was apparent that most if not all
      people ( myself included ) attending the centre during this period
      were attending an appointment previously cancelled by Maximus. In
      some cases this was the third or fourth appointment for that
      person. People were also being encouraged to rebook their
      appointment due to the excessive waiting time.

      I would like to ask:

      How many ESA assessment appointments are cancelled by Maximus?

      Do Maximus have any targets contained in their contract for waiting

      Do Maximus have any targets contained in their contract for the
      amount of times they can cancel an appointment?

      Yours faithfully,

      Karen Lorenz

      Link to this


        “how many people have been found fit for work under the work capability assessment
        who had submitted an appeal against that decision and subsequently died prior to the
        appeal being heard..”

        We can confirm that the Department may hold some information falling within the description
        specified in your request. However, we estimate that the cost of complying with your request
        would exceed the appropriate limit of £600.

  44. The Salvation Army has been Criticized by some over the Issue of Forced Labour Slave Labour

  45. The 20th of January also Mark’s the Anniversary of Nazi’s Discussing
    the Infamous ” Final Solution ” to the Jewish Question in 1942 AD at
    the Wannsee Conference in 1942 AD.

    Murderous Genocide and Racial Hatred under the Third Reich


      Kenneth Spilbury MURDERER
      Yesterday at 01:03
      Doris Reginald Plunger
      Doris Reginald Plunger string him up.
      Yesterday at 01:21
      Dorothy Badrick
      Dorothy Badrick Unprintable
      19 hrs
      Louise Selfridge
      Louise Selfridge Criminal.
      16 hrs
      Darren Cook
      Darren Cook Hang by the head till dead
      Yesterday at 00:17
      Mark Anthony
      Mark Anthony Sack him. Massive investigation. Trial. Prison.
      Yesterday at 01:49
      Joan Wheatland
      Joan Wheatland hang him 4 crimes against humanity
      19 hrs
      Tish Mathias
      Tish Mathias Evil personified.
      Yesterday at 02:20
      Farrell Keith
      Farrell Keith Guilty of mass murder!
      18 January at 22:44
      Ali Howells
      Ali Howells He is a psychopath
      Yesterday at 04:10
      James Newman
      James Newman guilty of murder
      18 January at 18:31
      Dipak Parekh
      Dipak Parekh Lynch him..!
      18 January at 22:01
      Ali Barton-Jones
      Ali Barton-Jones Guilty!
      16 hrs
      Alan Bruce
      Alan Bruce Guilty. Hang him!
      Yesterday at 00:33
      Bill Kent
      Bill Kent Smug, bald-headed bastard
      21 hrs
      Marie Mcwaters
      Marie Mcwaters Ian Dire & Sick. Enough said. M x
      Yesterday at 01:19
      Eric Addison
      Eric Addison Guilty
      18 January at 21:40
      Larissa White
      Larissa White Pure Evil
      18 January at 21:35
      Emilady Too
      Emilady Too Should be strung up!
      Yesterday at 02:50
      Ian Snell
      Ian Snell Guilty of manslaughter
      19 hrs
      Elaine Murray
      Elaine Murray shxt house rat!!!
      4 hrs
      Dave Burn
      Dave Burn He is EVIL
      1 hr
      Shay Aleeyah
      Shay Aleeyah Evil murderer!
      17 hrs
      Derek Edward Price
      Derek Edward Price One word HITLER frown emoticon
      Yesterday at 03:05
      Tania Ellis
      Tania Ellis Narcissistic liar
      18 January at 23:10
      Nigel Davies
      Nigel Davies Hang the f*****
      Yesterday at 04:20
      Jim Sanderson
      Jim Sanderson C#NT!!!!!
      18 hrs
      Phill Wray
      Phill Wray Evil
      18 January at 21:54
      Richard Stephenson
      Richard Stephenson He should’ve been put down at birth
      15 hrs
      Andrew Watson
      Andrew Watson Guilty of corperate manslaughter
      18 January at 22:56
      Charles Gray
      Charles Gray Pure Animal
      Yesterday at 04:05
      Our Marits Imaginarium
      Our Marits Imaginarium Guilty
      Yesterday at 01:45
      Wayne Kerr
      Wayne Kerr
      Wayne Kerr’s photo.
      1 · 22 hrs

  46. Collaboration with Evil is Not only Assisting Evil it is Evil and Morally


      Lynja, Bristol, United Kingdom, 1 day ago

      What part of CANCER does he and his jack boot regime not understand? My ex husband and I were diagnosed at the same time. He died within 1 month of small cell cancer leaving our 3 boys more than traumatised. I had chemotherapy & radiotherapy for stage 4 cervical and a lung tumour removed. Unfortunately the radiotherapy burned my colon (radiated colitis) which is untreatable unless I have an op and a colostomy bag. Bad enough these Tory tyrants have completely cocked up any pension I was entitled to after working for over 42 years they have now sent me another 20 page mandatory questionnaire which will lead to yet another ‘assessment’ at their Maximus boot camp. Remission is a dirty word in the Tory dictionary, no peace for the afflicted, no time to enjoy the little time I have left with my grand children. Well done you Tories, step up to the podium and accept your well deserved trophy for being the lowest of the low

      Read more:
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  47. Austerity and Neo Liberalism are a Cancer upon this Country

    Reverse Nutcase Public Spending Cuts

    No to Brainwashed Zombies Mind Controlled by Bigots Tabloids

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