Ignore The Fucking Hipsters Crying Into Their Cornflakes, Long Live The Fucking #FuckParade

malcolm-xRarely has there been a more open display of arrogant entitlement than the alliance of pampered hipsters and Tory scum who have lined up across the media to attack yesterday’s anti-gentrification protest in Shoreditch.  From ‘High Society Darlings’ in The Independent to the usual spittle-flecked tirades in The Telegraph, the establishment are united in their revulsion that working class people could not only organise themselves, but took a step beyond the usual stale political marches and petitions that we are supposed to use to air our grievances.

By all sensible accounts last night’s Fuck Parade – organised by Class War and named after similar anti-gentrification protests in Berlin – was a huge success.  Hundreds of people took to the streets for a party and protest that has lit up the debate about gentrifcation in London.  At one point an estate agent’s window was shattered, whilst some paint and cornflakes were thrown at the daft Cereal Killer Cafe – an emblem of the hipster invasion of East London where bowls of cereal can cost the best part of a fiver.  And it is a fucking invasion as posh flats and trust-funded small businesses spread across London like a virus, with every last brick turned into an investment opportunity.

Some of those new local business owners have suggested that to complain about this is a bit like racism – raising the ghost of Oswald Mosley to smear the protesters.  The owners of the cereal cafe have even complained that the protest was a hate crime.  Have you ever heard anything so fucking vile?  To the cosseted middle classes racism, and even fascism,  are just things to be re-appropriated for their benefit when their privilege comes under attack.  How the poor hipsters have suffered due to a bit of paint on a window and some loud music and shouting.  It’s like Nazi Germany all over again, only this time the victims are posh white people who run businesses.  They are no different to the UKIP pub bores dribbling into their pints about the global conspiracy against the straight white middle-class male.

The harsh reality is that, according to the government’s homelessness statistics, at least 259 children were made homeless in Hackney in the last quarter.  This is what gentrification does to people.  That’s 259 young lives destroyed by soaring rents and housing shortages.  And that’s just those who were classed as officially homeless and so eligible for help from the local council.  Hundreds of thousands of kids are growing up in social housing who will have nowhere to live when they are older.  A crisis is taking place in the lives of London’s poorest residents who will never share in the middle class Disneyland that is being created in the wake of social cleansing.

None of this is our fault plead the hipsters, why not blame the council.  And the council blames the property developers, who in turn, say they are just providing the homes and business spaces that people want – like the people who run the Cereal Killer Cafe.  No-one is to blame, and yet everyone’s making a buck.  Except the poor, the collateral damage in this profit driven frenzy that is destroying the city.

So fuck small businesses.  Today’s hipster entrepreneur is the Richard Branson of tomorrow – and it would have done no harm if that cunt had been nipped in the bud early.  That doesn’t mean you should fall out with your local off licence, you’ll never get anything on tick that way.  There are many businesses that we have little choice but to use and that may be run by people that give something back to the community that provides their lifestyle.  These kinds of businesses are also falling victim to gentrification.  But to pretend that the interests of business and the people who work for them are the same is horseshit.  That is why the Tory Party styles itself as the party of small business people and acts as they do.  Every current attack on the poor is being carried out not just for the benefit of the super rich, but also the gentrifiers of Shoreditch and their pop up monstrosities.  If the new business class don’t like that they could try and do something about it.  But instead they seek to profit from it.

Of course these hipsters have decided that last night was all about them.  Everything always is.  But the Fuck Parade is clearly about more than a bit of paint on a cafe’s window.  As long time East End resident Martin Lux has said, Saturday night was a continuation of the near thousand year old tradition of the London mob.  Hundreds of people joined a protest that didn’t ask for permission and took to the streets with the mixture of carnival and defiance that has defined popular protests in London.  An anti-gentrification movement with real teeth – but that is also fun to be a part of – is what the city desperately needs.  So ignore the fucking hipsters crying into their cornflakes, and long live the fucking Fuck Parade!

UPDATE:  Class War have now released a statement about the events of Saturday night.

Join me on facebook or follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid

334 responses to “Ignore The Fucking Hipsters Crying Into Their Cornflakes, Long Live The Fucking #FuckParade

  1. Reblogged this on perfectlyfadeddelusions and commented:
    Fucking trendy middle class fuckers, east London is turning into the new Camden town and it is fucking disgusting.

    I live in Walthamstow and we are getting the same thing here, we have all new private flats and a handful of council.

    It’s fucked up how the are driving us out of our own towns and city. It’s like we are rats and they are the pied pipers.

    Fuck the hipsters! Fuck the Tories! Fuck the social cleansing purge!

    Get the Tories out of parliament now!

  2. £5.00 for a bowl of cereal !! This is what happens when a large pool of rich people don’t know how to cook or don’t know what cutlery to use!
    They could at least make a donation to a local charity. I don’t see how these areas can change back to the days when the area was for all.
    Unless someone put cash into people to compete in these now posh areas and competes with the business’s head on it not going to change. we need to fight with the same type of shops etc.

    • Yes Rosemarie, they can keep their cereal.

    • Read their fucking menu and judge for yourself: http://cerealkillercafe.co.uk/menus

      The price for British cereals is £2 at the lowest.

      Is that not comparable with anything you’d buy from any cafe in the country?

      Yes, cereals are gimmicky. Yes it seems extravagant. So fucking what? Are they the scions of the ruling elite? Are they responsible for the shit that’s happening in society?

      This is fucking ridiculous, but I’d expect no less from morons like Ian Bone who thinks selling calendars glorifying physical violence is going to win any allies.

      • @ghost whistler
        £2 for a bowl of cereal and free milk isn’t outrageous when the going rate for a cup of coffee or tea in almost cafes and restaurants around the country is around £2, including McDonalds. When you eat in a cafe you get heating (in winter) and somewhere to sit down and chill out. Someone has to pay for the overheads.

        • The cheapest price for a cup of coffee and a cookie in Costa Fortune is £10! You can spunk £25 for ONE cup of coffee if you want all the ‘trimmings’. Now that IS fucking outrageous.

          • Yeah, but for £25 you get an ‘extra large’ coffee with all the topping… extra cream, nuts, strawberry sauce, chocolate, and a nice creamy base… but still £25 for ONE cup of coffee IS a tad expensive 😀

            • Bear in mind that all “eat in” prices include the 20% Tory Tax (VAT)

              • £25 is £4 more than my ESA benefit
                and £3 more than the amount i now pay in imposed council + bedroom tax £22
                2012 income £104 incapacity benefit £60 works ill health pension
                ct + rent nil totaL INCOME after deductions £8,000 A YEAR
                2015 ESA £21 £60 works ill health pension MINUS
                £22 ct + bedroom tax
                total income after deductions £3,000
                cuts what cuts lol lol lol
                those that have died are passed helping and the survivors are ignored

                • overburdenddonkey

                  those that have died are passed helping and the survivors are ignored…
                  (aka victims as they’re still suffering)…
                  exactly, those directly responsible are not going to die of shame….
                  keeping banging on with foi requests et al, will change nothing, except imv put people off appealing and/or challenging the system…appeal, appeal appeal… http://edinburghagainstpoverty.org.uk/node/5
                  real help and advice is required to stop/minimize existing suffering, yet where is it…?

            • overburdenddonkey

              buy a flask…! and cheap coffee, powdered milk and loose leaf tea job done..

              • Yuck! Powdered milk and cheap coffee… buy Zapatista coffee beans, a bit pricey at seven quid for 500 grammes, but that will make a heck of a lot of coffee. I’ve given up instant coffee as it was just too easy. If you have to make the effort to grind the beans to make a coffee you think twice about it, but when you do, it’s well worth it, and hugely cheaper than these coffee places that have huge mark-ups and pay their staff crap wages. Starbucks even had the cheek to stop paid breaks for their staff after they decided to start paying some corporation tax.

                Loose tea is a good idea though, and like coffee grounds, the waste leaves compost well.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  used to powdered milk now…thanks, but i don’t drink much coffee, but i love the smell of it…

                • sibrydionmawr

                  Yeah, the smell of it is often better than the taste. I don’t drink anything like the amount of tea and coffee that I used to, and have managed to largely wean myself off the caffeine.

  3. stevecheneysindieopinions4u

    You’re wrong, but I suspect you know that.

    I know you are aware that the organiser of the “Fuck Parade” is himself an utterly pretentious fashion journalist, who probably has as much invested in Shoreditch’s community as anyone else who attended. I’ve seen lots of people cheering on the Class War Facebook page (before they banned me because I guess I was a hipster Tory or some stupid thing), but none of them were from Shoreditch either.

    What’s been done can’t really be described as counter-productive, because that implies something as intelligent as a coherent purpose behind it. Again, from the social media comments, it would appear that those cheering this action on are just happy to see some “hipsters” attacked – the fact that they’re being attacked by other hipsters, and not by people who actually live in Shoreditch, doesn’t seem to matter to them.

    This is why the comparisons to Britain First are going to roll in, because you guys are doing much the same thing – viscerally hating an out-group and then trying to justify intimidating them with some garbled mealy-mouthed pseudo-political guff that adds up to less than nothing.

    On the offchance that you publish this, I can assure you that I live nowhere near London, supported the Corbyn campaign, and my sole vested interest is in not giving the Tories gift-wrapped glow-in-the-dark ammunition when they’re perfectly capable of pooping out their own without our help.

    What is needed to oppose gentrification is very easy to explain and to express: a real opposition to the cult of the free market, and a policy of assigning police based on where crime is, not on where crime is most complained about. Lobby for that, if you care about making a change. Otherwise, just stay home and sit on your hands, because just like the Tories you hate so much, everything you do is destructive.

  4. Why the fuck are you blocking me on twitter,I nearly choked on my cornflakes mr void.

  5. stevecheneysindieopinions4u

    “£5.00 for a bowl of cereal !! This is what happens when a large pool of rich people don’t know how to cook or don’t know what cutlery to use!”

    …no, it’s what happens when you open a restaurant and need to mark stuff up to pay for premises, produce, staff and so forth. Go to any café or restaurant anywhere in the country and you’ll find similar mark-up on pretty much everything.

    No one in Shoreditch is unable to buy cereal for regular prices just because the Cereal Killer Café exists, so treating it like it’s price-gouging Ricicles doesn’t make any sense at all. A business like this is always going to be a novelty – a tourist attraction, not somewhere people eat every day. I’m sure you know that, but if so, surely you can see that it’s not actually a sign of gentrification, any more than your local pub re-papering its walls and changing the light bulbs would be.

    “They could at least make a donation to a local charity.”

    I can’t find any solid proof of this, but I’ve been told that they do offer free breakfasts to under-privileged kids. I wonder what Class War does.

    “I don’t see how these areas can change back to the days when the area was for all. Unless someone put cash into people to compete in these now posh areas and competes with the business’s head on it not going to change. we need to fight with the same type of shops etc.”

    Why would you want to compete with a cereal café? What would you do? Undercut them? As I said, everyone already knows that they can get cereal cheaper – that’s really not the point.

    People are not being priced out of these areas because of a few poncy shops. At worst, they are a symptom of the fact that richer people have colonised the place. And that’s been the case for a long time. Most of those complaining about gentrification in Shoreditch aren’t actually victims of it – they’re people who moved there because it was trendy and are now in denial about the fact that they started the ball rolling.

    I wouldn’t mind that if they were proposing doing something constructive – like pooling resources to buy some housing that they could then rent out at liveable rates rather than exploiting the market for profit. If they even lobbied for rent controls, it would be something. But they don’t. They just have big douchey street parties, piss of the locals, and then act all self-righteous when people call them out on it.

  6. What’s hilarious is that the wealthy white people screeching racism are in fact racist.

    As for the likes of Audrey Gillan, while she was crying racism, she was conversing with and retweeting a couple of white supremacists from known hate groups. Some anti-racist ally she is. Or am I getting wrong? Are rich hipsters now considered an oppressed racial minority?

    Aside from that there’s a growing trend of wealthy people pointing to the unemployed, working poor etc and screaming racist. As if “poor” people are the only people who could possibly be racist, while middle/upper class people are, of course perfect.

  7. “Ignore The Fucking Hipsters Crying Into Their Cornflakes” – that’s just what I would do, don’t spend your cash in such places. simple.

    Here in the town I live there are shops, a supermarket, cafe’s and a bar which are owned by eastern eu, no I’m not racist, these places do not allow British people to enter their premises, myself I don’t care, they will not get any of my cash!

    As for London, I will never go there, for anything.

    • I went to London years ago I think more than fifteen years ago, I didn’t really like it then I was glad to come home, its not just polluted by bad air, but the filth of wealth hangs over it like a bad odour.

      • True, but there some amazing parts of London too, the centre is the epicentre of all things uber capitalist which I can do without, but visit or live in other parts of it with enough money (hard I know) to live reasonably and you’ll meet such a variety of people and experience so many different cultures. I love it, hated it when I was 18 though, about 15 years ago too.

      • On a recent trip to London we popped into the Tesco across from the Houses of Parliament; the shop is so narrow we could barely squeeze our fat backsides down the aisle. Anyway, we picked up a packet of biscuits with a marked price on it (to stop over-charging); when we got to the counter the assistant rang up more than the marked price. When we politely queried this, in a funny accent he said: “If you donna lika price, you can fucka off!” We just left the biscuits and walked out.

        Another thing we didn’t like was the wait to get into the Houses of Parliament having to go through all that bag-searching and security. Do an old couple who can barely walk look like terrorists? They also ask you to write your detail on a card before you can get access the public viewing area. Bert just wrote down a load of rubbish because we already get enough junk mail. Anyway, I think that they checked and found out that the details we had given were bogus. We could see that they were watching us like hawks. It is funny how they are called ‘Attendants’ or something but you could see that they were all ex-military or something. One in particular looked liked he was ex-SAS and was about to pin us to the ground. It made us feel very uncomfortable and threatened. All in all it made for a very unpleasant and nerve-wracking experience especially when you are just an elderly couple who wouldn’t harm a fly (Bert doesn’t even kill spiders!) on a day out doing some innocent site-seeing. I wonder what happens to those who try and pinch a painting off of the walls on the stairs on the way out. Probably get pinned to the ground by a gang of storm-troopers.

        • The Tourists

          An old couple were expelled from the “new labour” party conference under the orders of Tony Blair.

          A 70 year old lady who had been a party member since a teenager voiced her anger at new labour, when Frank Field came to our neck of the woods to voice his new deal shit, the security guard, a man dressed as a woman, was warning her about her behaviour or she would be expelled.

          I shook here hand at the end of the lecture by Mr Fake Field, in my eyes she was what the labour party stood for not him.

          • And a old 80-year-old guy was man-handled out of a Labour party conference by Tony Blair’s thugs for no apparent reason. Just because Blair felt like it.

            Reminds me of a Socialist Workers Party meeting. There was a question and answer session at the end.

            Too bad though if you asked The Great Leader Alex Callinicos the wrong question. Well, one guy unfortunately did. Alex Callinicos descended on the poor guy like a tonne of bricks and his feet barely touched the ground as he was brutally man-handled from the room. Just the sort of thing you expect from a ‘democratic’ organisation like the SWP. Oh, the irony. If would have been funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

            • * Alex Callinico’s THUGS descended on the poor guy like a tonne of bricks and his feet barely touched the ground as he was brutally man-handled from the room. Alex Callinicos is quite a small guy.

            • overburdenddonkey

              yep walter wolfgang

  8. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    DWP puts reporter on blacklist over the way he reports the impact of welfare reforms

    The National – 25th Sep 2015

    DISABLED journalist John Pring, who uncovered the first suicide case directly linked to the UK Government’s welfare cuts this week, has been blacklisted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) over his in-depth investigations.

    The editor of Disability News Service (DNS), launched in April 2009 to probe issues that affect the lives of disabled people, says the DWP has stopped answering any of his questions.

    The news service focuses on issues such as discrimination, equality, independent living, benefits, poverty and human rights, but also covers arts, culture and sport.

    Pring worked for months gathering evidence to back up his story that, for the first time, a coroner had blamed the death of mentally disabled Michael O’Sullivan on his recent work capability assessments.

    Read More:

  9. The Guardian today has had me in fucking apoplectic shock. The outrage at a bit of red paint and cornflakes thrown at a window. The terror of the poor little kiddies hiding from the ‘evil fascist scum mob’. The fucking hypocrisy of the commentators has had me barfing in my Cheapabix (I can’t afford real Weetabix, I get the generic type from the supermarket and eat it at home at one tenth of the cost of Cereal Killer).

    Today I was fully in the grip of my daily grind shuttling between the Job Centre to sign on and the Work Programme for ‘Job Coaching’ and ‘Job Searching’ for hours. During that otherwise waste of my time I asked my fellow unemployed and disabled mates what they thought of the Fuck Parade. Guess what? They loved it. They couldn’t believe the hipster cafe was charging so much for a bowl of ‘rare’ cornflakes. They found it hard to imagine anyone who was rich or pretentious enough to even visit there. Everyone pointed out how much a packet of generic cereal and 2 litres of milk costs in Aldi, Lidl or Asda – a fuck sight cheaper than in Shoreditch when it’s served up by bearded wankers. The punch line is, of course, the cafe pours the cereal but you pour your own milk. The comments I got when I explained this to my similarly-financially oppressed mates were mint.

    Despite all the boo-hooing in the comment section of the media, I’ve not spoken to one person in my corner of South East London who had the slightest bit of sympathy for the Hipster Jedward ‘cereal experience’ twats. The consensus opinion seems to be it’s a miracle they weren’t paintbombed as soon as they opened. Long live the Fuck Parade.

  10. I couldn’t give two shits about a cereal cafe but you’re a dick for defending something that left small kids scared out of their wits. What do you reckon might be going on in a child’s head on seeing people in pig masks, holding flame torches and trying to break windows?

    And do you really expect us to believe you give a fuck about homeless kids or sexual violence against women? You’re nothing but a fake.

  11. Gentrification? This bunch of first generation middle class shysters are gentry? Don’t dignify this bunch of wankers with such a name. “Wankerification” is much more accurate. As for £5 for a bowl of cereal and most of it being markup to cover costs, what bollocks. I can get a decent fry up at a local cafe for £2.99 and it’s not crap. either. Then again, the hipsters and their mates would eat dog turd on toast for £20 if it became the in thing to do. Such is the “culture” they want to bring.

  12. Johnny Bellend: and what do you think goes through a child’s head when his or her parents end up out on their arse because they can’t afford to live in that area any more because of shithouses who want to make money out of it and nothing more? What effect does such poverty and, best case scenario, moving from place to place has on children? Or possible homelessness, persecution from IDS and his merry men, foodbanks?

    They (the hipsters and co) plainly couldn’t give a toss about such kids. That much is obvious.

    • And that’s the fault of two guys selling novelty food in a cafe is it?

      • If it’s fault you’re looking for, whose fault is it that people are being marginalised, shoved out and empoverished and blamed for something they didn’t do? The so called banking crisis and austerity weren’t caused by the poor, no matter what the Daily Mail says. . And who votes ONLY for parties (Labour or Tory, it’s all the same) who cause this or perpetuate this? You think these people aren’t at all culpable? You think polite marches get anywhere? They still get labeled extremists or anarchists when they’re polite. Smear is the media’s stock in trade.

        If someone is getting persecuted and you support the persecutors, then you’re a part of the problem. And when people don’t listen, one has to shout. So the hipsters were “unfairly targeted”? And the likes of these protesters weren’t?

        It would have been better to trash a bank or something, I agree, but government policy is indiscriminate so long as one doesn’t have money.

        • So these mob idiots couldn’t engage their brains for five fucking minutes, just wanted something to lash out at and it’s ok to target this cafe?

          This is reverse snobbery of the worst kind. It’s the idea that because they sell cereals and its not a greasy spoon that they get targeted by wankers.

          The government is responsible for an awful lot of shit, but it’s not responsible for how these pricks respond.

  13. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Got to get the morning fix

    Do you can`t have any smacks – If you don`t shut up you will get smacks.
    Families Shopping.

  14. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    For all the people who can`t even boil an egg or put milk to cereal. Great to be in a world where you pay a lot through ones laziness.

  15. Supported your stance on a couple of real issues but this is beyond pathetic. Unlike the carnival against Farage, this was and is hate & violence. Thought you were better than that. Some people you like to call ‘hipsters’ are fair game, are they? Way to demonise. Fuckwittery.

    • It’s a fact that no one likes Hipsters and that they are the dead end of transatlantic culture, what with their beards, granny’s Cardigan, punk without the attitude and rap without the scary black people. An ideology without an idea. Completely 2 dimensional and empty.

      One could pity them were it not for the obvious fact that no matter how shallow, empty and pathetic their hipster lives are, they want it to continue. And like it or not, they do so at the expense of people with little enough to start with. They have no thought for them. I don’t care how anyone lives, so long as it’s not harmful. But shifting ordinary people out to make room for the more insistent and plainly disdainful (hipsters even disdain other hipsters: there’s loads where I live) is harmful.

      I’d sooner it have been canary wharf, but you’ll find that has the full force of state protection.

      The poor etc have been scapegoats for the rich and greedy, and letting the Tory and Tory lite supporting hipsters have some of the same is the same kind of justice. This government and similar parties won’t react to niceness, justness and morality: they have no idea what these are.

  16. HonestGeorgeOsbourne

    Dear Peasants
    So you threw a little party and attacked a couple of people who had the the temerity to launch their own business, ranting & raving about the rich and so-called money grabbers. At least they made an effort to find something else to do besides sitting on their arses, hugging a can of lager, paid for with state benefits, bemoaning your worthless lives. At the same time you continue to patronise the Giant Corporates who have so Royally shafted you. I guess little Peasants are too scared to take on the Bigger Boys!

  17. Sorry Johnny, you come across as seriously misguided and prejudiced in this article. Nothing more than a white knight for whichever groups you consider to be the most fashionable. Of course, people with deranged mindsets like yours pretend it’s because you have empathy, yet you clearly lack any empathy for those who have worked hard and achieved more than you and your underclass chums. The government and DWP’s treatment of the unemployed and infirm is awful but you’re clearly no better and are just displaying transparent jealousy through fallacious, non-constructive sixth-form clichés about a mythical white male patriarchy that makes everyone else a victim, blindly defending some of the most disgustingly vile and bigoted belief systems out there because it’s convenient to your ideology, even when those belief systems literally contradict one another (e.g. Islam, feminism and LGBT rights cannot all coexist, under any circumstances, by their own deliberate design – yet you probably blame whitey for this as well). And the Jack the Ripper museum protest is just another brainfart brought about by the correctly maligned feminist victim complex, thinking they can erase or rewrite history and pathetically ignoring the fact that the majority of violence is still carried out against other men, and their attempts at fascist control will hopefully be unsuccessful.

    I’ve supported many of the things you’ve brought to light but you’re starting to show yourself up as simply being too impulsive and emotional to be taken seriously on some of this, and the worst part is that you are probably actively damaging the reputation and potential of the very groups you’re trying to help by focusing less on telling us the positive aspects of what you think you’re promoting, and more on hurling obscenities at the middle class. Judging by a lot of the comments on here, I’m far from alone in this assessment as it would seem a lot of previously loyal and praising commenters are starting to tire of your table-thumping drivel.

    • Tired of tedium.

      It is tedious to suggest that you are the only person that has ever worked hard.
      The unemployed are probably working harder than you on their training schemes and job seeking, not to mention trying to balance a budget that wouldn’t feed a mouse for some of them.

  18. Just me is my twitter name mr void,I retweet everything you post and blah blah…

  19. Tarquin & Penelope

    And if all the coffee shops get burned to the ground by a bunch of unwashed rabble-rousers where will one buy one’s late evening latte, darling? You are such a silly boy!

  20. The thing that’s annoying me about this story from the reactions it’s got is this hyper-focussing on the cereal cafe, like we all think over-priced cereal is the sole and only problem that the Fuck paraders are against. No, the cereal cafe is not the sole cause of gentrification in the East End. It’s a symptom of a problem. It’s almost become a symbol by this point of middle class hipster fuckery – paying a ridiculously high price for something that isn’t particularly a necessity and you can pick up for a quid for a full box anywhere else. It’s the kind of needless capitalism that doesn’t end really provide a service that pretty much defines hipsters and gentrification as whole. It raises the price for everything else in the area because that’s the new standard (and that standard’s already high) and prices working class people out. This isn’t to do with the Cereal Killer cafe as an individual thing. It’s part of a wider problem.

    • I don’t mind them overpricing needless things we can mange without, what I mind most is overpricing everything we do need, like food and fuel and homes and education. The rich can play with their pointless toys if they wish as long as that does not effect the lives of the rest of us, having decent rights and human needs as well as having some enjoyment out of life.

  21. Dude you’re passionate, that’s cool, but you’re only ever going to preach to the converted if every other word is fuck or cunt. Just like those socialist groups I was a part of when at uni 15 years ago – marching around with a placard saying ‘fuck fees, fuck imperialism’ – politics I totally agree with – they persuaded nobody outside of their circle to support them – even those who had they understood the meaning of the term imperialism let alone how to fuck it, would have been on their side – because they were either offended by the swearwords or put off by the blind rage that came across a lot more clearly than the actual political content of what they were saying. Try imagining your readers know nothing of this subject, and remember that the average person isn’t a passionate political animal unfortunately. Then evaluate your writing, because you can write well. But nobody that doesn’t already agree with you with be persuaded if you persist with that tone. Shame this shit matters but unfortunately humanity is a very flawed animal. In an ideal world everyone would see through the blatant bullshit and hypocrisy from our leaders and intuitively understand what needs to be done to put right all the problems in our society, but its a lot more complicated than that.

    Just like to also say my two cents is just that I agree exactly with what Maria says above in her reply to felixhenson

  22. Furthermore, rent and property prices have always been astronomical in London. no doubt they are getting worse and the size of the expensive areas are spreading, but that’s because of capitalism as a whole. No point targeting an independent small business. It’s a system change that is needed as you’ll never stop gentrification in a capitalist system, just as under capitalism we can’t stop prostitution or environmental degradation. It’s a juggernaut, and people within it try to make their lives the best they can. Can’t blame individuals for that, blame the system as I’ve no doubt you also do. And as for the cost of the cereal, well the cafe is a novelty of course, but if you are mainly selling cereal, it’s not the initial cost of the product that matters regarding how much it is sold for in the cafe. it’s the fact that every eating or drinking establishment needs to earn x amount per customer per hour they get through the door to cover their overheads. Sure the actual bowl of cereal cost their business about 50p and they’re selling it for 4.40, but they have to if they’re not selling anything else or they won’t be able to afford the rent. And again, the root cause of the high rents is not the hipsters, its the capitalist system which in my opinion for environmental reasons alone before we even get into human rights and gentrification etc needs to be brought down one way or another before a total ecological catastrophe takes place.

    • David I think you’re missing the point about Cereal Killer. The shop got backing from an investor, which is how they can afford to exist. I sincerely doubt they would have succeeded otherwise.

      Which raises the question – why are rich investors needed when people set up small businesses? Answer: because of the astronomical cost of business premises in London.

      That’s what’s killing small businesses or any social enterprise. Because rather than giving everyone a fair chance to rent cheap premises & truly built something up, people now how to suck up to the rich investors.

      It goes without saying that the rich then get to determine which businesses or social enterprises should exist. Plus they expect a hefty return on their investments which puts more financial pressure on new business than otherwise would have been needed.

      That’s why publicly owned land & housing stock are so desperately needed. To prevent our reliance on banks & investors,

      • pleb there used to be publically owned land, if you had nothing you build you own land on common land grew food and anyone grazed their animals there. But it was all sold off when industrialization came about, don’t get me wrong it has advantages but it destroyed a lot of things in the process. Plus a lot of people used to own strips of land for farming on, but that came to an end when land owned by some people was given away to richer people, so they ended up with more land and the poor ended up with nothing. What is happening in London is the product of what happened in the past. That is why there are so many poor people about, because of the fault of rich and callous people, not the fault of the poor. Sorry pleb I am not disagreeing with you or not agreeing, nor am I insinuating, that you think one way or another, I just felt I had to say it.:) that I do agree with your post of course.

        • overburdenddonkey

          no! common land was claimed, not sold off…most now though remains in the form of droves… http://tlio.org.uk/welfare-reform-is-ending-the-bribe-for-the-theft-of-our-land/ the drive for land rights is now a major issue in scotland…

          • There has never been anything but small amounts of useless land available as “commons” and even this became virtually nil from the 19th century onwards after the era of enclosure. Do you think landowners would allow good quality land to be used by the peasants for free? Get real!

            BTW the link doesn’t have anything on it.

            • overburdenddonkey

              there was masses of good common land in use until recently ie inglestone common….btw the link works…

              • Masses of good common land? That’s a joke. You’re talking like a Tory big landowner.
                BTW there’s nothing about common land on that link, just a cartoon about IDS.

              • overburdenddonkey: You don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about. There’s nowhere near enough common land for poor people to try to feed themselves and there never has been. These days you can’t even get an allotment to grow a few vegetables unless you pay hundreds of pounds, or go on a waiting list for at least 20 years. If you want to keep a pig or a goat then you’ve got no fucking chance at all.

                I get really pissed off by people like you who make excuses for the big landowners who have pretended throughout history that they provided common land to poor people, when in fact they’ve done nothing except keep all the good land for their own profit.

                • overburdenddonkey

                  i used the words, there WAS masses of it…in fact there still is masses of it..using perma-culture techniques, polytunnels, aqua culture hydroponics, comfrey, and seaweed based et al liquid fertilizers one can produce food in a very small space but of course as it’s common land this cannot be done on it, so your argument re growing food on common land is bogus and, as i never said that it could be used for growing food, so wtf are you on about…? one could forage and collect what naturally grew or was provided, of course there is default cultivation ie by coppicing, fruit picking, grazing etc…
                  ‘This article deals mainly with common land in England, Wales and Scotland, where the extent is much reduced due to enclosure of commons from the millions of acres that existed until the 17th century.[3] However, a considerable amount of common land still exists, particularly in upland areas, and there are over 7,000 registered commons in England alone….’ so there were millions of acres of common land and much still exists…allotments in large human urban settlements are very much different in context…ie they’re not on common land..

              • “so there were millions of acres of common land and much still exists…”
                The entire UK is only 60 million acres, so you’ve proved beyond a shadow of doubt that you’re talking out of your arse.

          • OBD your right it is a technicality I was wrong. Erm I don’t know much about Scottish history Except of bonnie prince Charlie, Wallace and Robert the Bruce and a tiny bit about he Highland Clearances. I was thinking of in England really, I read about the common land so long ago, I’ve forgotten about most of it. Of course I think it goes back to William the conquer, this sort of mentally, not letting the poor hunt meat on the so-called Kings forest and all that. IT’s high time things changed I think.

            • overburdenddonkey

              technically inglestone common is in england…there’s is a large area nr southampton called the common so nr it’s called southampton common…
              ‘The history of Southampton Common can be traced back to a dispute over land rights in the 13th century, which was resolved by the Borough purchasing the land and declaring it common land. It became a public park in 1844. The designation as Common Land allowed neighbours to use the land for fuel, clay, and taking berries and other wild, natural food. The most important use was for grazing, however, and there was a cowherd who was paid to be responsible for the cattle on the common. He was given accommodation in an inn on the site of today’s Cowherds pub.’

        • I don’t know much about history Maria, but I agree. We should all own land publicly, not privately.

          This is what frustrates me when so many people believe we should “own our homes” by “getting on the property ladder”. Which keeps us indebted to the banks & rich investors. It’s absolute madness.

      • Actually that’s exactly my point, backing from an investor, astronomical costs of London – same in every major capital city in the world relative to the other towns and cities in each country, from Bangkok, to New York to Tokyo etc. Capitalism is the problem. A couple of guys trying to start a business by taking backing from an investor are working within the harsh confines of that system. Gentrification certainly is a problem, as is prostitution, as is big pharma, as is escalating costs of public transport, as is pollution, its all capitalism. Even if this sorry PR disaster of a campaign of shouting and swearing won one small battle, the capitalist monster will just snooze for a few years, distract the masses with some stupid headlines then roll into town and bulldoze poor people’s houses anyway. It’s a waste of time and only achieves negative press for the entire anti capitalist movement. I’ve seen the same thing happen in waves over the last twenty years, been involved in it, it goes absolutely nowhere. Only when an entirely new system is in place will this and other problems be solved (that’s if the new system is any good, doubtful based on all humanity’s other efforts). In the meantime blaming ordinary people who are trying to start a business with or without rich people’s backing is just a waste of time, as is childishly highlighting their beards or that people might be interested in fashion like that matters (not saying you said that, just what I’ve read on other comments/blogs)

        • David: yes, capitalism is the problem, but peaceful, polite and shepherded protest plainly doesn’t work. I’ve been seeing that since Thatcher. The poll tax riots, however, did. Even when a protest is almost entirely orderly, the BBC and other media dismiss it as being crammed with anarchists, losers and so on. They’ll find the thickest, least articulate bastard there and interview him, presenting him as typical.

          Recommending more quiet protests is as likely to work as Ghandi’s recommendation to German Jews to adopt passive resistance against their Nazi oppressors. Good luck with both approaches.

        • I partially agree with you David. Except that Cereal Killer did not take anything back from their investor. If anything they indebted themselves to him (I assume it’s a he. Most investors are male). And that is the problem with the middle-classes. They so cheerfully take out loans or mortgages instead of thinking through what that actually means.

          It takes courage to not succumb to a mortgage or a business loan. To stand up against letting oneself get financially dependent on the very people who exploit us. A bit like Johnny Void, who stepped outside (or perhaps never entered) mainstream journalism in order to provide a truly independent media outlet. Sure, Johnny relies on donations for his blog. But that’s after expressing his views without any censorship. And no, he’s hardly rich as one of the posters here seem to think.

          That’s more than Cereal Killer & other hipsters had guts to do. Instead they just walk away from social issues. Pretending it has nothing to do with them. But when hipster cafes open up in areas strictly catering to other middle & upper classes whilst the existing working class population gets socially cleansed, then yes – they do become part of that problem. Because they’ve taken over premises which should have been kept affordable.

          Because it’s not just the money we borrow from the rich (banks or investors). We are selling our compliance to them. Once mortgage slaves, we become more concerned about the interests of banks than interests of people. Likewise with businesses. Instead of a novelty cafe we could have had a social enterprise like cheap rehearsal space for music bands. Which would help working class musicians to develop. But since no private investor would care to donate money for something which does not make money, we get stuck with enterprises catered just for rich offspring.

          So no. Hipster industry are not just ordinary small businesses. Because if we truly had a free market, where everyone could afford to set up a small business by renting cheap premises – then we would have stuff which didn’t just make money or solely catered for the rich.

          We would have had businesses & developing cultural outlets for all. Not just for people with money, their offspring or investors backing them.

      • I thought Cereal Killer got a business loan? Which is a lot different to backing from an investor, as you probably know. Business loan applications are available to everyone, regardless of the type of business they want to set up. Investors however want a piece of the pie that they are coughing up the capital for, as you or I would. And if they see the value in a cereal cafe over say, a poi workshop space, that’s their prerogative.

        And even if there was cheap spaces for all to set up businesses in, how would you allocate them? Since London has no abundance of space, what criteria would you set for selecting which businesses are worthy of a space? The ones YOU think are? If so, you’re absolutely no different at all from investors who you claim choose which businesses live or die.

        You look at why investors are needed when setting up a business, claiming it’s because of astronomical cost of business premises in London. In what way, shape or form is that the cereal cafe’s fault (as an example)? If you had an idea that you got backing for, and paid the same rates to have a space, then would these astronomical prices be YOUR fault? No – of course not.

        I’m totally left-leaning and agree with the message of Class War, but it’s things like Fuck Parade that make me want to distance myself. The public perception of “hard” left-wing politics (see: claims about Jeremy Corbyn) is of EXACTLY the kind of shit that happened at Fuck Parade. So what it has probably contributed to, is stoking the fears of swing voters who may have been considering getting on board a bit of left politics, but were worried about the shit they think comes with it. Fuck Parade has just confirmed their fears and then some, and possibly turned them away. Great job.

        Class War and its online defenders can type furiously online about gentrification, rich scum, investors in small business etc, but until they step back, assess the actual situation from a realistic perspective (ie – changing it from the inside, rather than being an easily-ignored outsider), then most people just won’t take them seriously, despite their message being very relevant, true, sad and serious. It’s a shame.

        • “I thought Cereal Killer got a business loan?”

          Ouch, bollocks… sorry Well, my mistake. It’s Regimental Vintage, not Cereal Killer who has an investor. It’s all here if you scroll down to Henry’s (the owner’s) open letter:

          “I have a small shop – Regimental Vintage – which I built from scratch years ago and eventually got an investor’s help with.”

          But no, not everyone gets a business loan. Not even successful businesses at times. One small business I knew were expected to have a turnover of £1,000,000 before the bank would help them out. That’s right, the bank expected a small, existing business to take in a million pounds before they would even consider lending to it. And that’s despite the fact that their products were endorsed by celebrities.

          So if you’re starting from scratch, with no customer base or publicity whatsoever, then what chance have you got? That’s before we get into the sticky issue of owing money to the bank or what happens when your business does not meet the sale targets.

          • The only guaranteed winners are the BANKS! Once you get into it all you realise how rigged it all is in these cunts favour!

        • “And even if there was cheap spaces for all to set up businesses in, how would you allocate them? Since London has no abundance of space, what criteria would you set for selecting which businesses are worthy of a space? The ones YOU think are? If so, you’re absolutely no different at all from investors who you claim choose which businesses live or die.”

          The reason London has no abundance of space is because of lack of developments in other parts of the country. There’s much higher concentration of jobs, culture & businesses in London than in other areas. That’s the problem with capitalism. It rather sees the demand for properties sky rocket, instead of levelling that demand out by investing in other areas too, so that more parts of a country became just as attractive. Sure, there would still be more people concentrating in some areas than others. But not as drastic as now.

          By imposing rent control there would still be queues to live or trade in highly sought after areas but the rentals for these premises would still be affordable to all plebs 🙂

          Also, when properties are owned collectively, then there is more insight & transparency into how they get allocated. Like with co-ops, where members get to know & have a say in how their co-op spends its money & what it invests in. But there is no scrutiny involved in what private investors decide to back & on what terms. Cue in dodgy subcontractors hired by private sector to manufacture good under 3rd world slavery. A practice which would not exist hasn’t it been for lack of business transparency & shared people-before-profit driven ownership.

          I also disagree that everyone who invests in businesses or social enterprise would want “a piece of the pie”. I argue that decent people would not. Sure, we would expect to get our money back. But not to yield influence or demand hefty returns at the expense of freedom of speech, workers’ wages & conditions.

          First rule of business is that it needs to have its cash flow in order. Not that it needs to make a profit. Hence businesses can run for years on end without making any profits, whilst multimillion pounds profit making corporations can go bust, like Amazon did in the noughties.

  23. A pattern is emerging with our grass-root protests.

    1) We gather non-violently in big masses. The press reports back by minimising our actual numbers. They wrote “thousands took the streets” when 250,000 people attended End Austerity March in July.
    Result: austerity carries on. Although, more people see Corbyn & elect him as the leader of the Labour party.

    2) Disabled protesters push the line for appropriate behaviour by occupying roads in central London & by trying to storm the parliament when the Independent Living Fund (ILF) closed down.
    Result: ILF closed down. Although at least the public got informed about its existence & what it meant for disabled people.

    3) Class War protesters throw paint at Cereal Killer’s shop window & break an estate agent’s shop window. The main media focuses on these events which Class War takes no personal responsibility for in their public statement.
    Result: we look like twats.
    Oh, and gentrification continues. Now with a new excuse: look at how this mob is behaving! Serves them right to get evicted from London…

    Which echoes all US rhetoric about black people’s violence in order to justify more oppression of them whilst doing nothing to arrest the wealthpertrators that oppress us all.

    So what’s the next step? Shall we escalate our violence to be heard? What’s the end game?

    And how well has escalating violence worked in US?

    • Was meant to say: disabled people push the boundary for what’s deemed appropriate by blocking busy roads etc..

      It’s not that I think they were inappropriate in doing so.

    • What’s next? Maybe try approaching people who generally feel the same as, but might not say fuck or cunt all the time, with a bit of comaraderie, instead of calling them all Tories and capitalist scum. I know it’s not you yourself, but Class War is really fucking good at that and it just turns away people who could have been potential allies.

      Either that or continue as a fringe group that unfortunately won’t change fuck all.

      • I agree Well. I’m not too hot about what happened to Cereal Killer. We could approach the middle & upper classes in a different way. Otherwise we just look like twats to them.

  24. iain duncan smith


  25. iain duncan smith


  26. You can’t ruin peoples businesses, Johnny. Fucksakes Johnny, these Cereal Killer guys are just hard working business men trying to earn an honest crust. What these anarchos are doing Johnny is nothing but plain bullying. I’m telling you now Johnny, I’m going to keep my ear to the ground and, if I hear just a whisper regarding the identities of the scum who victimised the owners and the patrons of Cereal Killer, I’m going to be straight on my dog & bone to Plod. Do I make myself clear, Johnny? You damned anarchist bastards, picking on nice middle class families. Damn you. Damn you all!
    P.s. Only joking. Heh heh heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh…

  27. ……………Build a place that is only fit for wankers and the wankers will come.

    Anyone daft enough to pay mega bucks for a bowl of cereal deserves to be ridiculed. These are the same, “intellectual types”, that profess to be the new Londoners but are nothing of the sort, toffs that fall into the category below;

    “The Emperor’s New Clothes”

    is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, no one dares to say that he doesn’t see any suit of clothes until a child cries out, “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!”

    You cannot blame the owners of the shop because they are merely pandering to the whims of total idiots who throw money like confetti, nor can you blame those who resent been kicked into obscurity to house the pampered inbreds………………

    Anyone who flaunts wealth in front of those that have nothing is seriously looking for trouble. It is tantamount to a red rag to a bull.

    You can build as many walls as you like but the rift between rich and poor will never abate, nor diminish whilst those that have it, flaunt it………….

  28. Maybe just maybe…….if the white middle classes didn’t cop such a I’m better than you shit attitude and weren’t quite so…….greedy…..and mercenary…….then maybe the cerial killer cafe may have been left alone those twins who run that cafe have ….a shit I’m better than you attitude ….they do …….I’ve encountered them,as do most of the hipsters round there,let’s be honest here most of them are wealthy white middle class brats from the provincials with a bad entitled attitude who are just playing at life……well hurray for them …..good for them but don’t inflict your attitude and bullshit on others,that’s why the cereal killer cafe was trashed …..the middle classes need to take a long hard look at themselves …..becouse the majority I’ve dealt with seem to be full of bullshit and double standards,hypocrits to a man …..oooh,oooh, not in our name,oooh open the door toa poor refugee family…….but they must be doctors or creatives,…….bullshit and double standards.

  29. I just feel a bit disappointed really.

    Smashing the windows of a bank or hitting back at abusive police practices during a protest is one thing, but scaring children – whatever you think of their parents – is quite another.

    It’s these sorts of things that just make the government crack down harder on people, and justify the fact that they’re about to clamp down big style over the next year, taking away our right to speak out on issues on blogs like these, and in protest groups, so that in the end no one is allowed to speak out at all: It plays into their hands.

    I’ve been a long time reader of this blog – don’t think I am not totally for the sentiments often expressed here – but I’m not going to support violence, whoever that against, because it just does not work. History shows that violent revolutions beget violent new regimes; there has to be another way.

    • good point, sasson1.

      Violence is tempting. But does it solve anything? And do people understand us when we get violent, or do they just see us as thugs?

      • Sadly violence does have a place, but never first use, and always as a measured response to the first use of violence from our enemies in a defensive way. Overwhelmingly non-violent direct action seems to be the way to go.

        I agree with the general flow of most comments here, this ‘protest’ was a pretty stupid idea, and whilst it’s to be expected that the mainstream media would present any opposition by ordinary people in a negative light, this kind of even just hands ammunition to the media. However, what is more interesting here is that, regardless of what appears in the media, in general the comments here tend to suggest that ordinary people themselves see this event as counter-productive. It’s the kind of event that attracts the kind of ‘anarchist’ that is probably from a similar social background to those who run the Cereal Killer Cafe who are working through some ant-parental angst.

        • “It’s the kind of event that attracts the kind of ‘anarchist’ that is probably from a similar social background to those who run the Cereal Killer Cafe who are working through some ant-parental angst.”

          Not sure if that’s actually true, sibrydionmawr. It was certainly rallied in hipster blogs that Class War protesters were just same-age, guilt ridden middle-classers equipped with IPhones.

          But Class War protesters look more like squatters to me. Some look quite rough. Not that I’m a blooming daisy either. As no one would mistake me for looking rich.

          Besides, does it really matter which class people come from? I’m far more concerned with people’s views, attitudes & actions.

          • I actually agree with you – it’s far more about where people are at than what their background is. I don’t give too much of a stuff about what class someone is from. But I am referring to a group that we all know exists, as there are young people from well-heeled backgrounds who are doing the ‘shock the parents’ bit and will always be able to rely on family background help them when the shit hits the fan. I’m not saying that ALL people in from wealthier backgrounds are like that, as I know different, and even those young people for whom being a squatter or ‘anarchist’ is a phase in their life often make positive contributions. Of course my claim was a sweeping generalisation, which I know I should be wary of, but I guess I’m just a bit hacked off with some people, (some of them young and from ‘middle class’backgrounds) I know locally who have taken on positions locally but then not done a damned thing.

    • …………….but the government use violence hidden as legislation that has caused far more deaths.
      What is worse, scaring children or leaving them on the streets homeless to face a life of poverty ?

      Why do you think the government wish to redefine the way it seeks to assess child poverty?

      ……………..If you want to sit down and let somebody piss on you from a great height, fine!

      Nothing was ever achieved by doing absolutely nothing, let the fireworks begin.

      We did no light the fuse,

      For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

      The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs – equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.

      ………………some call it backlash

      • Thanks for your reply.

        Yes, I understand perfectly what you’ve said; I’ve been writing and speaking about it for many years, first under Thatcher, then Labour and now this lot.

        I feel as livid as anyone about it and I’m subject to the same pogrom; it is physically killing people as well as me, and has had disastrous consequences; I may not live through it now. So I don’t blame anyone for reacting the way they do. The more the government perpetrate such horrific things upon the poor, the more likely it is that people will reach boiling point, and when that happens – and I think that it’s more likely than ever now that the working poor are being targeted via tax credit cuts (I said from the start that they would do this) – then they will only have themselves to blame for the consequences.

        I still stand by non-violence towards other people; buildings perhaps are fair game, but are we saying that if just someone has a property, then they’re now a target? I’ve cleaned for well off people; one family could have earned very much more than they had, but they dedicated their lives to good causes: the wife chose to work with old people, taxiing them around, earning a pittance, despite the fact that she could have worked as a psychologist, and the man worked for a charity, despite having a brain and talents that most people would envy; he was a lesser person in a family of the establishment. The only holiday they ever took for all the time I worked there (because they couldn’t afford) was one paid for by the wife’s sister.
        People would have envied their house, a rambling farm house inherited by the man, but they were trying to sell up because they couldn’t afford to stay there. The point I’m trying to make is that you can’t judge everyone by what they have, which is what happens in revolutions, everyone with money tarred with the same brush, when we don’t know the first thing about their background.

        That said, I do understand why people react like they do; I flip my lid regularly (to my carers’ horror), and I make sure that everyone that I know, is informed about what is going on. But history proves that people following through with those feelings end up becoming the oppressors themselves, so I feel that we should learn from that history, though as I said, I fully understand why people decide to cross that line.

        Thanks again.

        • Sasson1

          “The point I am trying to make is that you can’t judge everyone by what they have, which is what happens in revolutions, everyone with money tarred with the same brush, when we don’t know the first thing about their background”.

          Would we not be better off in a world without money, status or class then?

          • Thanks again for replying; you always make very sensible comments.

            I don’t suppose the world is going to change any time soon with regard to money, status and class. I say if people want that, keep it, but don’t make people at the bottom starve; there’s absolutely no reason for it, other than they’re power crazy.

            It’s good to have something to aim for though. I obtained a good degree as a mature student, then worked in the community helping children from poor families express themselves through music and film. Then my health deteriorated again, and I had to give it up. Now on the scrap heap again! I never wanted to be rich though, just enough to cover my bills and to engage in a hobby or 2.

            What I feel, like most people at the ‘bottom’, not in any class, that there’s enough cash in this country to ensure that everyone has a decent standard of living, whether there is work available or not.

            I understand people’s anger; I’m angry myself, and I can see that it’s only going to get worse as time goes on.

      • @ GEOFF
        If you turn yourself into a doormat you are going to get trampled on!

    • That sounds nice and it would be great if it were true. My heart agrees but my head doesn’t. The polite marches, shoved by antagonistic police into side streets, out of sight, get nowhere. They don’t make the news.

      In the USSR or Nazi Germany, if one protested, a KGB man or Gestapo would haul you off. In Britain, they simply ignore you. Not much of an improvement in a so called democracy.

      There’s other types of violence than breaking windows. Ideological violence like benefit sanctions and other methods are specifically designed to cause distress and misery. I’d sooner have a good kicking, at least I could go down fighting.

      Yes, inhumane behaviour provokes an inhumane response. And New Labour and the Tories started it.

      • Thank you for your reply.

        Yes, that’s a good way of explaining it! Heart and the head. I do think that it will come to that; you can only kick and kill people to a certain extent before they fight back.


  31. overburdenddonkey

    a breakfast club used to create a sense of community and belonging, now that’s what i call irony…

  32. And as for all the gaurdian bullshitters and the people who have commented on this story about the cereal killer cafe rageing about the fuck parade when did you last go to Shoreditch …….hmmmm……..there a homeless person practicaly every 15 feet alonge Shoreditch high street sat there cold ,hungrey,vulnerable,…I saw a young homeless boy sat there crying ….right next to a hipster bar with peole his own age .and you know wot not fucking one of them gave him one pence ..nothing,nothing,…….so shove it up your fucking areses,bullshitting hypocrits

    • off topic, but pertinent;

      THE grieving daughter of a disabled man who took his own life after being wrongly declared fit for work is getting help from Scottish disability rights campaigners to take his case to the United Nations over human rights violations and also make an official complaint to the General Medical Council (GMC).

      Medical adviser Dr Stephen Carty, an Edinburgh GP and medical adviser for the Black Triangle campaign group, is helping Michael O’Sullivan’s daughter Anne-Marie compile a complaint against the GMC’s handling of her father’s assessment and their failure to act.

      As part of the UN’s investigation into Iain Duncan Smith’s welfare reforms, they are putting together a dossier of information about the 60-year-old’s tragic case.

      Details of a coroner’s report, which ruled that father-of-two O’Sullivan died as a direct result of being found fit for work by the UK Government’s disability assessors, was exposed by the Disability News Service investigative journalist John Pring last week and it’s the first time the UK Government’s ruthless welfare cuts have been blamed for the death of a claimant.

      In the report to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the coroner for inner north London demanded it take action to prevent further deaths after concluding the “trigger” for O’Sullivan’s suicide was his fit-for-work assessment.


      ………..we will get you yet, DUNKO THE CLOWN

    • Damo, You hideous Wanker, have some heart – get rid of the hate. it isn’t the fault of a child with parents who have names like Sebby and Virinia, if he or she happens to have a gilded middle class upbringing. Use your head You stupid Noncer, throughout history it is the much maligned middle class who have changed things for us proles. Be it via The Demi God Lenin, or The Lord Guevara, or even those tarts, The Pankhursts. Get real Damo and get with the fucking project you Camden Council House Type of Prole. George Clooney shall save us. Russel Big Bollocks Brand too. Both scions of decent middle class shtock. Heh heh heh… Heh heh heh heh heh heh!!!

  33. Go Class War! You’ve scored a major fucking success by slightly annoying two hipster twats with a pathetic business which isn’t going to last long anyway. What’s next in your brilliant onslaught against class inequality? I can’t wait…

  34. Ooooh,ooooooooh,…..we were absolutly terrified,….you people allways are……there were women and children there ……but…..I bet none of them were as …..absolutly terrified ……as the sobbing young homeless boy……….

  35. Hipsters like these don’t give a damn about community and are symptomatic of all that is wretched with the gentrifi-cleansing we are witnessing. In Hackney last June hipster grotesque-cery, The Bonneville, wasted no time tweeting the blood of a stab victim with the line: ‘Some kid got stabbed over the road and decided to run into ours. ‘Great look for our first week.’ . Compare CKC with the many Indian and Bengali restaurants along Brick Lane who regularly donate food, some have even hosted trade union organising events, fed hungry strikers during the TH College dispute a few years back. I know this because I’ve been involved. Could you see these stone-hearted pair of “entrepreneurs” doing this? Well…. Can you? Btw to be an entrepreneur you’ve got to have invented something boys. Think Mr Kellogg would have a problem with your reinvention of their wheel.

  36. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    So cereal is a metaphor for cocaine !!! No protesting just slander.

  37. Pingback: The Rights and the Wrongs | Sasson Hann

  38. The Zombiefied Out There Really do make My Blood Boil as with the
    Whole Townie Trance and Tory Totalitarians

  39. The Alternative to Slavery is Real Human Rights

  40. I Can See that Millions out There are in a Trance of Obliviousness
    and as For the Liberal Democrats Shame on Them for having Propped
    Up the Tories

  41. Peoples Republic of China another Totalitarian Regime

    As for Tawdry Britain is a Dictatorship and Not a Proper Democracy

    black dog | September 29, 2015 at 12:10 pm | Reply

    That sounds nice and it would be great if it were true. My heart agrees but my head doesn’t. The polite marches, shoved by antagonistic police into side streets, out of sight, get nowhere. They don’t make the news.

    In the USSR or Nazi Germany, if one protested, a KGB man or Gestapo would haul you off. In Britain, they simply ignore you. Not much of an improvement in a so called democracy.

    There’s other types of violence than breaking windows. Ideological violence like benefit sanctions and other methods are specifically designed to cause distress and misery. I’d sooner have a good kicking, at least I could go down fighting.

    Yes, inhumane behaviour provokes an inhumane response. And New Labour and the Tories started it.

    • I Wish There Was Somebody Who Could Stop Me Posting This Same Crap Over And Over Again.

    • The DWP Are Agents of Violence

      Too fucking right! Never mind a broken window – it will soon be mended and at least it keeps a glazer in a job. And just think of the billions of broken windows our tax pounds pay for in (illegal) overseas ‘wars’.

      But a human being thrown out onto the street to starve to death under the cover of the ‘law’ and shrouded in mealy-mouthed words and verbal gymnastics from the DWP will never mend, will never be restored, will never be brought back to life.

      Never mind an animate broken window which a glazer will be round to fix in a jiffy! To deprive a human being of the very basic means to survive is extreme violence and an act of abject brutality.

      • middle-class nobhead, you-can’t-touch-us, need-a-hole-punched-through-their-effing-faces, smart ass violence, innit?

      • “To deprive a human being of the very basic means to survive is extreme violence and an act of abject brutality.”

        Absolutely love it how you put it, The DWP Are Agents of Violence. It’s what I call Economic Violence.

    • “Yes, inhumane behaviour provokes an inhumane response. And New Labour and the Tories started it.”

      At which point do the oppressed become the oppressors? Think about it.

      • overburdenddonkey

        the whole job is about income…
        they’ve got and control our incomes therefore they oppress us until we our fair share back…thought about it yet…?

        • I’m not arguing against opposing oppression, overburdenddonkey. What I’m asking is; will violence achieve our desired goals? Or will we just turn into oppressors ourselves.

          • overburdenddonkey

            my point is that many are defenseless against their attacks…imo we have to defend and regain our human rights, non-violently, we can shout back react to attack, be forceful, and defend ourselves…
            imv we can only oppose oppression as individuals 1st, for that we need intact self esteem and then as a social collective…
            we have to learn to say no! and mean it…you know that we’re a long way from being oppressors…the cause is clear, the solutions are not…

        • obd
          That bit needs to be put in bold – INCOME

          It is not about fucking ‘work’; it is not about fucking ‘jobs’; it is about INCOME

  42. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    So it`s a cereal food bank then !!!! But it was advertised as a cereal food bank !!!

  43. A food bank full of social entrepreneurs would have been more relevant. But maybe food before bank and social before entrepreneurs is subtle enough to put them on the side of poverty street.

  44. I Agree it is Vile Sounding the Jack the Ripper Museum

    Rape and Murder are Serious Matters

  45. Not All Change is Progress

    Look at the Rip Off Cost of Railway Fares for an Example

    • No, But Then Again, Most Change Is Just Loose.

      NoOppression | September 29, 2015 at 1:36 pm | Reply

      Not All Change is Progress

  46. Something that has Caused Suffering to the Poor and Vulnerable is the
    Infliction of Council Tax since the 1st of April 2013 AD whilst there has
    been Nutcase Public Spending Cuts to Funding to Local Government
    and Millionaires Already Rich have had Tax Breaks

    Restore Council Tax Benefit and End Tax Breaks for Millionaires

    Bridge the Gulf between Rich and Poor

  47. Rape and Murder are Serious Matters

    Rapists And Murderers Must Face The Death Penalty

  48. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    Comedy Of Errors – Admin – What Has That Sloppyness Got To Do With Rules At The DWP.

  49. Bessie you are spot on the two little twats in the stupid cafe they and the rest of the so called hipsters don’t give a fuck about any of the local communitys they don’t I’ve lived and been involved with jackney and shorditch for the last 25 years before any of thease aresholes turned up they and there parents are the very same people who 25 years ago turned there noses up at hackney and east London …..oooooh Yooo black Yooo many drug addicts….oooooh no,no like fucking pubic lice there all over the place,bullshitters ,liers,hypocrits the lot of them

    • damo & Bessie – yes, I could just imagine it – you were there so you know exactly what goes on in these communities.
      I don’t know about ‘hipsters’ but what I do know is that, where I used to live, (in Cornwall) a lot of people came down from ‘up-country’ and bought up this and that, left, right and centre (including retirees) – and they would hold onto the property for a few years (or more) and then sell up (preferably at a massive profit). Mind you – this is after selling their own ‘home-counties’ property at a massive financial advantage. (properties in Cornwall were considerably cheaper then). All sorts of ‘financial’ shit used to go on. In rural areas, buying up somewhere at a small value – putting in planning and getting it – building an ‘agricultural’ building – ‘living in it’ and then, on getting found out – they would put in for retrospective planning permission – have it granted and continue to live there – live there for a time – put it up for sale – sell it at a profit and move. These bastards were well quids in!
      Even some of the ‘locals’ were getting these ideas from them and trying the same sorts of strategy.

      • Incidentally – if any of you (have the money!) to move to Cornwall now – the less desirable (shit) areas, such as Camborne & Redruth have properties that are still ‘reasonable’. Some of the areas are ‘very posh and very expensive’ – these include the Feock area, St. Just-in-Roseland, St. Mawes & Mawnan Smith and generally areas that are within the ‘sea views’ parts. Many of these ‘coastal’ parts are full of ‘second’ & ‘holiday’ homes. Other ‘desirable’ areas are Truro and Falmouth (though the latter is full of University students nowadays) (a new University now exists at Tremough Campus, Penryn). Helston & Penzance are halfway between the two)
        Up and coming areas are St. Austell (originally known by the locals as St. Awful) recently upgraded – the shopping centre I have been told, from a distance looks like a jail!
        I still have family in Cornwall so I can still catch up with what is going on down there now!

  50. OT: Austerity & what its really about.


    The title says it all.

    [He made this point also back in 2010]

    Hat-tip to unemploymentmovement.com

  51. I did Not Write that but I Agree Rapists and Murderers get Away with what
    they do in the UK without a Death Penalty

    NoOppression | September 29, 2015 at 1:44 pm | Reply

    Rape and Murder are Serious Matters

    Rapists And Murderers Must Face The Death Penalty

  52. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


  53. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System


    Is that 11p an hour cash in hand or is it put through the books !!!

  54. Cereal Killer Cafe owner was totally ignorant to the fact that Tower Hamlets is one of the poorest areas of the UK

    And later admits that local people can’t afford their product

    So there you have it – scumbags!

  55. The Old Goggleboxers

    We see that Jeremy Corbyn has ‘sold-out’ already 😦 He is wearing a tie 😀

    • The tie was ‘reportedly’ handed to him by a ‘party activist’!
      I did’nt see the speech itself, but I was told this information late in the day!

  56. Out of the 8 Liberal Democrat MPS in the House of Commons only
    One ( Westmorland and Lonsdale ) has a Majority of Votes cast through
    Not of the Entire Electorate as Apparently 25.7% did Not Vote and 2 are
    Very Possible for Labour to Capture Leeds North West and Sheffield
    Hallam .

    Hopefully the Liberal Democrats will lose More Seats via Elections
    as another Con Dem Coalition is too Sickening to Think of

  57. Hipsters and the other privileged elite are all useless, greedy, lazy, worthless scumbags who are in need of a serious wake up call, much like the people of the UK do too, wake up and see the truth people, all the tories have done is lie and divide the nation again, like they did under that bitch Thatcher, we British are so gullible to once again fall for the old tory 3 card trick, the tories must be laughing their balls off at us, it’s no wonder we and the nation are in the sorry state we’re in, it’s high time we the people of this country grew a brain with some common sense, a backbone, a voice and say as one no more of their horseshit and stood up for ourselves and fight for our rights and everything else that is rightfully ours because if we don’t, these posh, pompous, rich, arrogant, sick, twisted, evil minded paedos are going to destroy everything that we hold dear until there’s nothing left of anything, and of us!

    • mrmarcpc – yes – you are right exactly in what you say.
      The Tories as usual and as always, have destroyed everything.
      Cameron looks after ‘all of the people of other countries’ – but he will not look after any ‘deserving people’ in his own country.
      This bastard Cameron looks after the rich and the priveleged.
      Tax breaks for the rich & the very rich and trampling down everyone who are unemployed, the poor, the vulnerable, the sick and the disabled.
      Just like the Nazis – the Tories want rid of all of whom are not ‘productive’ to ‘their’ economy.
      David Cameron in my own personal opinion is a total cunt – he will also not, in any way condemn or sack Iain Duncan Smith, the sociopathic bastard who is at the very heart of his own Department for Works & Pensions.
      If there is one person in Britain who should face a Criminal Prosecution it is this criminal psychopath – Iain Duncan Smith.
      It is he and he alone who has ordered ‘his’ DWP Department to carry out his wishes. They have, by all accounts so far – fully agreed with this and are therefore, in all accounts, fully complicit with this. They are, to all intents and purposes – in law, aiding and abetting a criminal to carry out his avowed wishes (and what is more, they are, allegedly covering it all up).
      (i.e. – the refusal to pass onto the Information Commissioner the required statistics – (that have legitimately been asked for at least twice now)).

  58. What the Country Needs is to Uphold the Right to Peaceful Protest

    • Perhaps We Could Organise a Peaceful Protest About It.

      NoOppression | September 29, 2015 at 4:11 pm | Reply

      What the Country Needs is to Uphold the Right to Peaceful Protest

  59. Tristram & Jemima enjoying an ‘affordable’ breakfast 😀

  60. Just who the fuck are these bearded wankers?

  61. David Cameron has been accused of making disabled people want to walk “into the gas chamber” with plans to scrap the Human Rights Act.


  62. Hey buddy.

    There’s one line in particular I like in this post.

    “It’s like Nazi Germany all over again, only this time the victims are posh white people who run businesses.”

    Do you know how the Nazi party started off its antisemitism? It blamed Jewish business owners, who they saw as posh people who ran businesses, for having stores and businesses in areas they deemed they shouldn’t. They got their supporters to attack and harass the businesses.

    You managed to literally compare the Fuck Parade to the Nazi Party.

    Not making a strong case for yourself with this article, mate.

  63. A completely lame and childish protest like something Wolfie Smith would dream up. The French Revolution this is not!

    I still maintain that Johnny Void is twelve and three quarters years old. Either that or a trust fund student at the LSE complete with Rastafarian hair.

    Ha! Grow up, son!

    • None of which is true. So you can lay off your smears on Johnny Void, Burt.

      • plebrise – yes and exactly so.

        Burt – you should grow up and get into the ‘real world’ of which ‘we’ are a part. Johnny Void is a part of the ‘revolution’ that is going on in Britain.
        A Britain that will not be put upon by the ‘Conservatives’ and their ‘Eton Boy’ philosophy of tramping down on the poor and the disabled. After all, none of the poor and the disabled of Britain were at any time known to put any of their penises into a dead pig’s head.
        David Cameron allegedly has.

    • LSE lol 🙂 On the contrary, Johnny Void is an Oxbridge graduate… 😉 But keep is schtum… don’t want the plebs knowing… 😉

      • So what if he did? Just because a person went to uni, or managed to get into one of the most prestigious unis in the world, does not by itself make them rich.

        Also, a person growing up in a upper class, can at will reject the values & system of oppression that privileged them. Just look at Tony Benn.

        Or perhaps Johnny Void didn’t go to uni at all. I really don’t care either way. What I do know is that he’s definitely not rich. So let’s drop these insuniations, Owen Jones.

  64. Off topic –
    but a little bit relevant nevertheless! (I did’nt see his speech – but I have been told what it was like!)
    It seems that Jeremy Corbyn made a brilliant speech – but as usual, although Sky & BBC News ‘tried’ to produce ‘impartial’ reports – there were subtle digs here and there. One comment (apparently from BBC News’s Laura Kuennsberg) made was that ‘as an activist’ this was an ‘activist’s’ speech – one that he has done so many times before!
    It also seems that Len McCluskey was more than impressed and various ‘people’ of the interviewed ‘general public’ had various views – some for and some against. One chap had voted UKIP at the last election as he was so ‘fed up with labour’ – even he said that he (maybe) would go back to voting labour if Corbyn was successful.
    With regard to ‘welfare’ – few things said – however, he did say that it was basically shameful that some of the population of this ‘rich’ country should have to use foodbanks to survive. He also mentioned the cut in Working Tax Credits promised by the Tories which are now only just around the corner. We shall just have to wait and see, but there is now hopefully just a little hope in an ocean of cruelty and unfairness from the psychopathic IDS and his DWP’s disgraceful policies.
    Shame on David Cameron also. I am becoming increasingly certain that IDS has something to reveal about him and/or Government, that if released into the ‘public domain’ could bring Cameron and/or his Government down.
    It could only now just be a matter of time. The clock is most probably ticking on both of them.

  65. Please – If you do not do anything else this evening – have a look at the report on Channel 4 News from Islington, London (Corbyn’s constituency) – it really tells it all and what is happening -for example, a lady having to pay £15 per week bedroom tax after her mother died (and therefore the room becoming available).
    Totally and utterly disgraceful.
    It’s all right for the fucking Tories – their mummies and daddies have paid everything for them and they still expect everything – fucking bastards.

    • This happens up and down the country with the majority never hitting the news, it is the norm.
      My story
      Lived in a 3 bed house for 26 years, hit with bedtax as older son moved out.
      Payed bedtax for 2 years while desperately trying downsize.
      Managed to downsize and move, a huge emotional trigger, its not fun moving. Had no help from local council regarding cost.
      Having moved to a 2 bed for me and my daughter I was bedtax free….for 2 months, my daughter graduated from uni and moved in with her fella.
      I now have to pay bedtax again…….I have only lived in this property 6 months, the paint is not even dry on the walls, and I am already getting letters about downsizing.
      They can take me out in a bodybag……..I am not moving again.
      I am the wrong side of 50, and this insecurity about a roof over your head is deadly.

  66. You complain of being compared with racists and Nazis, but be prepared to defend your tactics. Many of the Nazis attacked Jews because they (wrongly) saw them as wealthy robbers of the poor. There is real inequality in London, but Class War are behaving like a bunch of Jew hating Nazis. Furthermore, the Fuck Parade is about as democratic as a Nazi rally. Centralised leadership, censorship, just turn up with your pig’s head and break windows. .

  67. I see my comment isn’t being accepted.

    Very open minded.

    • If you’re looking for open minded then you’re on the wrong web site. To be accepted here try saying “fuck” a bit more and claim that IDS has killed more people than Hitler and Stalin put together.

  68. Is this blog about disability issues or what?
    Seems it has been hijacked to fulfill another agenda
    Can’t read this shit anymore

  69. did those hipsters pay class war to do that i mean they couldent get better adertivising could they im sure there loving all the atention.

  70. if your going to start throwing piant about why dont you start with th leeting agents i really cant see the point of this.

  71. (Off Topic)
    The Department for Work & Pensions should, forthrightly and now, formally admit that they are complicit (in law) of the aiding-and-abetting of a criminal – namely Iain Duncan Smith – the current Secretary of State for Works & Pensions. They are carrying out his orders and wishes and they, (in law), are therefore liable for any of the consequences incurred.
    They have been ordered (on at least on two separate occasions) to submit their official figures of ‘deaths of claimants’ directly to the Information Commissioner and so far, they have not complied with these orders.
    They are (in law) as a Department liable and they should therefore comply with the Information Commissioner’s orders.


    Check this link out, and if you are affected, please report your circumstances to the United Nations Human Rights Commission as soon as possible. The UN Rapporteur on Human Rights is due to visit the UK in November to commence an investigation into what the UK Government is doing.


    (their address and e-mail address can be found further down the page – send everything to them – but please keep ‘copies’ of anything and everything sent to them, just in case anything gets lost!)

    • Thank you for all this, paultheswineherd. It’s really useful. However, I don’t know what an Information Commissioner is & what they do. Would you care to explain?

      Also, according to which laws are Iain Dirtbag Smith’s actions unlawful? Not that anyone here argues that he’s innocent…

      But the law has a funny way of twisting itself to protect the rich. Hence it would be really useful to know which of the DWP’s antics are in direct violation with the law.

      • plebrise – yes, many thanks and in answer to your question I have found the website and it is much easier to write what they have said instead of a lengthy article trying to explain it all! The website link below will take you directly to it and they explain everything fully on there. Hoping that this helps!
        They say that they are: “The U.K.’s Independent Authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals”.
        Here is the website for you below:

        • Re IDS – well, he is at the head of the DWP and as such, he must ultimately take responsibility for his policies, orders and actions.
          With all of the reported ‘deaths’ of claimants, there could be a case at least of ‘culpable homicide’ for him personally to answer.
          Especially now that a Coroner has officially ruled that the WCA has directly resulted in the suicide of a claimant. (Mr. Sullivan)
          (IDS knows of and is totally aware of what his policies, actions and orders are doing to those at the end of it all – namely claimants – but especially suicidal individuals).
          The same situation applies to the DWP itself, as they also know of these circumstances and are still actively carrying out IDS’s orders, policies (sometimes allegedly resulting in the deaths of claimants). This is much the same as ‘aiding and abetting an offender.
          The main reason that the wider public does know what is going on is because our broadcast and print MEDIA will NOT cover anything about it all if they can possibly avoid it. I would have thought that the broadcast regulator, if there is one, should be taking action also re ‘Media bias’ and also with regard to ‘deliberate non-reporting’.
          (I must add that I am not a lawyer – these are only my own personal opinions and using limited knowledge of the current laws with regards to this situation).

  73. Seems odd that they should walk straight past Starbucks who sell coffee at £3 per cup and dodge their taxes. Gimmicky little shops don’t last long.

  74. comments going haywire again, bit like the site!

  75. First is was cheater’s site Ashley Madison that this MP’s e-mail was found on, now this:

    SNP MP in Probe Into Dodgy Property Deals

    “The SNP promised a new politics at Westminster. It has taken a matter of weeks for their shine to wear off.”

  76. Daily politics say Corbyn’s speech is calling for nationalization of the railways but not of housing, we still have rip off housing associations – says it all really.

    What London will save on nationalizing the railways it can spend on the police force in the capital.

    I don’t call this a left wing agenda.

    • The Daily Bolitics

      “I am proud to be a Socialist. I am proud to be a Nationalist. I am proud to be a National Socialist.” 😀

      — Jeremy Corbyn

  77. Do you even know any women?

    Exactly how fucking many women organised this “Shut the Jack The Ripper Museum” bullshit?
    Zero, possibly?
    Because why bother listening to what actual real women fucking well want, when you can barge in there like a bunch of teenage male idiots, throw stuff, break windows and “save” the poor women. You’re a patriarchal dickhead, and this particular woman is not going to read your bullshit blog any more.


    From: G Ward

    28 August 2015

    Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

    I have seen the recent release by Department re ESA deaths who
    where found fit for work released on 27/8/2015.

    DWP recently generated ASMRs (age standardised mortality rates) for
    many categories of claimant, but not for the category of most
    interest: those who have been taken off IB/SDA after being found
    fit for work. Many of these move to JSA or other benefits so can I
    please have those statistics of those who died within 14 days after
    transferring to JSA or other benefits from IB /ESA .

    Yours faithfully,

    G Ward

    I am writing to request an internal review of Department for Work
    and Pensions’s handling of my FOI request ‘Benefit Deaths’.

    Hello,there is considerable delay on this request therefore I am
    requesting internal review in the hope a explanation can be found
    as to why the dept has not replied to this request given that the
    information is readily available to the dept.

    G Ward



  79. Please keep a look out for the ‘Independent’ newspaper tomorrow – it seems that there is an article about Sky News and Eamonn Holme’s ‘right-wing’ questioning (this morning) of Jeremy Corbyn!

  80. overburdenddonkey

    The Levellers, an introduction by Tony Gosling

    ‘Allegiance of the English aristocracy was divided between the old feudal noblemen, who supported the King, and the new merchant class, represented by parliament, who had begun to acquire wealth and property through trade. Many commentators see the parliament’s eventual victory as the beginning of what we now call Capitalism.
    The rest of the population were pawns in this struggle. Education was almost non-existent for them and communications were slow and unreliable, even between neighbouring towns. The presses were strictly controlled by print guilds who followed the lead of their feudal ‘betters’. what’s changed…?

  81. If that bog cleaning ex-chemist/house repairer/house cleaner keeps bouncing back like rolf Harris’ boomerang it’ll probably be the last I will appear on here having a moan about the twats in government.

  82. cant jv ban his ip address ? they all piss off sooner or later anyway 😉

  83. A nationwide charity has called on the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to halt the roll-out of Personal Independence Payment’s (PIP).

    Sense, a national charity which supports deafblind children and adults, says evidence exists to suggest the new disability benefit is inaccessible to deafblind and multisensory impaired claimants.

    PIP is replacing DLA for all disabled adults aged 16 to 64 and is being rolled out to all areas of the Country from today (1 October). Disabled people currently receiving DLA will be reassessed for PIP, which has much tougher eligibility requirements.


    Also on welfareweekly.

    The Scottish Government has pledged £192,000 to help disabled people and carers through the benefits application process, it has been announced today.

    Pilots will be launched in Dundee, Falkirk, Glasgow and Midlothian to support people who need to be assessed for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

    The projects will be overseen by The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) and delivered by four local advocacy providers, who will provide one-to-one tailored support to vulnerable people who are struggling to navigate the complex and complicated benefits system.


    Part one, Culling the disabled.
    Part two, Imprisoning the Homeless
    Part three, Public Disorder
    Part four, Mandatory Showers

    Speaking after the hearing, Wesley Dove, who was named as a defendant in the case, said: “Today justice has been served. We have said all along that we are not protesting, all we are trying to do is live. The council were trying to send us to prison for being homeless. It is not right.”

    He said: “The degree of incompetence in making this application by Manchester council’s legal team is breathtaking, it beggars belief. My clients were petrified that they could be going to jail simply for living in a tent. I would have expected Manchester council to have done have done their job properly. The application was so fundamentally flawed it didn’t even get off the ground.

    “The application to commit was dismissed on procedural grounds and my clients are content with the outcome of today’s hearing. However the injunction remains in force, which means that the council are still able to apply to commit them to prison again.”

    Speaking after the decision, Coun Nigel Murphy, Manchester City Council’s executive member for neighbourhoods, said: “Our application was rejected today due to technical issues, but the injunction remains in place. We’re now working with our partners to develop our strategy around homelessness in the city, as we remain committed to addressing the needs of homeless people in the city.”

  85. Friedrich Nietzsche

    “To live is to suffer; to survive is to make sense of the suffering.”
    – Nietzsche

    And that is why survival is never guaranteed.

  86. Stay well

    so too are Gym’s, the couch potatoes end up at more funerals of the keep fitters than their own.

  87. Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

    2. Who can get ESA?

    There are common rules that apply to both types of ESA. You must:
    be aged 16 or over;
    be under state pension age (ESA stops when you reach that age);
    not be entitled to income support, jobseeker’s allowance or statutory sick pay;
    meet the residence and presence conditions (see section 11 below);
    not be in work; however some types of work are permitted (see our Factsheet F35 – permitted work); and
    have a limited capability for work. This is tested under the ‘work capability assessment’, see section 3 below.

    See section 9 below for the additional rules that apply to students.


    No mention about disability for the bogus ESA aka UC.

    • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

      The weakness of the DWP is the ESA / WCA.

      • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

        Just incapacity,benefit which has fallen under ESA for many years.

        • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

          Uncharted waters. Keep it touch with your DWP lawyer DWP !!!

          • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

            ESA then changes into UC in 2017 but it was meant to be by 2015 & now it`s running 4 years late & no staff at the DWP leaving in droves from slave trading.

            • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

              Since it`s caught between a rock & a hard place who`s responsibility is it. !!! Also costing ten times the amount the slaves are robbing off the work programme.

              • Stepping Razor Sound Plate System

                Pass the buck – I have been to Barnsley – Wolverhampton – Nottingham – Belfast – Chelmsford -& Bradford. Now where do I send the letter, in fact where do I send the ESA50. Is the DWP`s admin fucked up or are the DWP passing the buck. Until you give me one address to send written letters it is not fit for purpose.

  88. Guy Fawkes – Probably all drugs have side effects, but none of them are designed as placebos. Sometime doctors will prescribe something as a placebo to make the patient happier, such as an antibiotic for a viral infection, but this happens far less often than it used to.

  89. Pingback: A Tale of Two Cities. How London Is More Divided Than Ever Before. | the void


    28th September 2015
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    CommonSpace Admin @thecommonspace
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    Poverty, Welfare, Unemployment, sanctions, Benefits

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    News Labour Conference: True lies on Scotland?
    Opinion Cameron Hill: Corbyn could have saved the UK but has instead only hastened its demise
    News Jeremy Corbyn says Scotland cannot afford SNP “arguments of the past” on trip to Edinburgh and Glasgow
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    Jimmy Stirling’s Diary: My daily battle with the benefits system and sanctions
    Jimmy Stirling’s Diary: My daily battle with the benefits system and sanctions

    Amid rising concern about the impact of welfare cuts – particularly since a senior coroner recently linked suicide and welfare reform for the first time – 61-year-old Jimmy Stirling begins a diary on CommonSpace charting his dealings with the UK benefits system

    I AM Jimmy Stirling, a 61-year-old unemployed graphic designer, photographer and musician, single grandfather and social housing tenant living in Glasgow.

    I receive Jobseeker’s Allowance of £50 per week and have a very small pension payment of just under £25 per week. I do voluntary work for my neighbouring community and look after one of my granddaughters for two days per week.

    I was recently conscripted to take part in the UK Government’s Community Work Programme, where I would be forced to work for my Jobseeker’s Allowance, which I see as slave labour.

    This not volunteering, this is not being paid a wage, this is conscription.

    I am against this terrible programme and this is my experience in trying to avoid a six-month, 30-hours-per-week sentence just to juggle the government’s statistics to make them look good.

    I’ll start at the beginning of my battle with the Community Work Programme, and I’ll post my diary update every Friday on CommonSpace.


    2 September 2015

    I was issued with a notice on 2 September by a substitute adviser at Parkhead Jobcentre Plus to take part in the Community Work Programme. I did not see my adviser, so I got a substitute who had only being doing the adviser post for two days.

    This notice was not signed by a member of staff at the Jobcentre and no name of a work coach was printed nor displayed.

    For reference, Learndirect runs the Community Work Programme, and Learndirect was bought over in 2011 by Lloyds Development Capital, part of the Lloyds Banking Group, at a price of £40m-£60m.

    9 September 2015

    As instructed by my adviser/substitute adviser, I attended the Community Work Programme induction meeting on Wednesday 9 September 2015, at Learndirect, Adelphi Centre, Glasgow at 9.30am.

    I was one attendee along with another nine attendees. The person conducting had me fill out forms, mostly ticking boxes and filling in a few lines as well as adding dates and my name.

    I refused to sign any of these forms. The same person, on taking back the forms for checking told me that I did not sign any of the forms.

    My reply was: “I decline to consent to information sharing, but I will participate in all mandatory activities.”

    I repeated this quotation when asked again. The person conducting then told me that if I did not sign, then I could not take part in the programme. I repeated the quotation again. I was told that I could not take part in the programme and that my DWP office would be contacted immediately by phone.

    A second person, maybe of higher office, asked me why I had not signed and I repeated my quotation. Her reply to me was that she thought I was not willing to take part in the programme because I did not sign. I said that that was not true. I was then told to leave, which I did.

    I conducted myself in a calm and non-threatening manner throughout and left the premises in a dignified manner.

    16 September 2015

    I attended Parkhead DWP for my usual signing.

    Today was my normal signing day. I went to Parkhead Jobcentre and again, I did not see my work coach (this is the new name for an adviser).

    The situation with Learndirect was brought up. The lady said that a woman had called them from Learndirct on 9 September telling the Jobcentre that I did not sign forms.

    I said that this was correct and that I had rights, and that although I didn’t sign any forms I was willing to take part in the programme. I then signed on as usual and asked her if my allowance would be paid in to my bank account. She said yes. I received my JSA allowance five days later.

    I was then given another letter to meet my job coach on Monday. I said that I had rights. The woman said that I could be sanctioned if I did not sign forms, I told her that I do voluntary work which keeps my skills up to date as well as helping the community and that I would get a very good reference from Cranhill Community Trust, if and when required.

    I also told her that if she checked my job application record she would see that I did more than my agreed 10 job applications per week and this showed that I was motivated into finding work. This didn’t seem to sink in at all.

    21 September 2015

    Today, I had a meeting with my adviser who said that I did not sign forms at Learndirect. I repeated that I have rights.

    He told me what Learndirect had said over the phone, which was basically, again, that I did not sign forms and was therefore not eligible to take part in the Community Work Programme.

    I told him that I had told Learndirect that I wouldn’t sign forms but was willing to take part in the programme – I told him that I had said it twice in front of nine other people. He made a note of this.

    I told him the probable problem for me getting work was my age, and he agreed. I also told him it was unfair for me to do the full programme as I don’t get the full Jobseeker’s Allowance.

    He looked it up and saw that I only get £50 a week because of my small pension. This made no impression and neither did my voluntary work, nor the fact that I look after my granddaughter twice a week.

    He said that my voluntary work could possibly be fitted in to the programme – this was the first time that had been mentioned.

    I was then told that what was said today would be forwarded to a decision maker and that I could face a three-month sanction.

    I will now have to wait for that decision to be made. Now it is a waiting game, I do not sign on again until 30 September and it will be a fortnight today that I will notice if my money has been stopped.

    They appear to stop your money before telling you that you have been sanctioned, I have heard.

    22 September 2015

    I visited Westgap, a voluntary rights and advice group based in Cessnock, Glasgow.

    They looked at my case and will take it on as they are confident I will win an appeal against any sanction.

    My MP has been kept informed of what has been happening and she is going to write to the DWP with a couple of questions regarding my case.

    Now, it is a waiting game to see if I have been sanctioned. The ball is in the DWP’s court.

    The next instalment of Jimmy’s diary will be published this Friday, 2 October.




    NOW !!!!!! . . .

    Leave me an email address/on your website where I can contact you.

    I am going through EXACTLY the same experience.

    DWP have sanctioned me for 13 weeks and I have been through absolute HELL on earth for refusing to sign in/any provider documents.

    I am now taking my case to the Upper Tribunal.

    My case is horrendous. You need to read what WP/JCP/DWP have done to me as a result!

  91. DWP Despisar ! ! !


    Jimmy get in touch

    NOW ! . . .

    Leave me an email on your website where I can contact you.

    My case is identical – sanctioned for 13 weeks etc.

    My case is HORRENDOUS – need to share with you!

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